Mapping Talent Development: Definition, Scope and Architecture
Mapping Talent Development: Definition, Scope and Architecture
Mapping Talent Development: Definition, Scope and Architecture
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of talent development, define its scope
and identify the issues involved in formulating talent development strategies in organisations.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the relatively scant and fragmented
literature on talent development processes.
Findings – The literature review revealed that talent development is usually discussed as part of a
wider talent management process. The literature highlights issues concerning who is the talent to be
developed, what competencies should be developed, who drives development, what is the appropriate
pace of development and what is the architecture to support the development.
Research limitations/implications – The paper is solely theoretical in nature; however, it does
identify gaps for further research.
Practice implications – The paper raises a number of important questions that should be
considered by organisations when they engage in talent development.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to a perceived gap in the literature and highlights the
issues that come within the terrain of talent development.
Keywords Human resource management, Employee development, Talent development,
Talent management, Talent development architecture
Paper type Literature review
Talent management is increasingly discussed in the HRM and HRD literature (Stahl
et al., 2007; Collings et al., 2011). It is a set of practices that are implemented in
organisations (CIPD, 2011; McDonnell et al., 2010), and refers to how organisations
attract, select, develop and manage employees in an integrated and strategic way
(Scullion and Collings, 2011). Talent development represents an important component
of the overall talent management process (Novations, 2009, Cappelli, 2009). While it is
possible for organisations to pursue a strategy that focuses on talent acquisition from
the external labour market, such a strategy is unlikely to be successful in the long term.
It is well established that there are significant advantages to be gained from an internal
development approach and that organisations need to acquire and develop industry –
and firm-specific knowledge and skills (Lepak and Snell, 1999) in order to be European Journal of Training and
competitive. As a consequence, organisations are likely to make significant Development
Vol. 36 No. 1, 2012
investments in talent development activities, so that talented employees possess the pp. 5-24
competencies to successfully implement business strategy. Talent development q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
activities are typically undertaken by organisations to ensure that there are zero talent DOI 10.1108/03090591211192601
EJTD outages, to ensure planned succession rather than replacement, and to enhance the
36,1 organisations’ reputation as a talent magnet (Gandz, 2006).
There are relatively few academic papers that focus primarily on talent
development. It is with this intention that this special issue was proposed. We
sought to ensure that the parameters of the special issue were sufficiently broad to
encourage a diversity of submissions. The majority of papers submitted discussed
6 talent development from a European perspective and focused on a particular talent
development initiative or dimension of the talent management architecture. It is our
hope that through the empirical insights gained from the various papers, we will shed
some light on the issues involved in talent development and the challenges encountered
in implementing talent development in organisations.
In this paper we set the scene for the special issue by considering the scope of talent
development within a wider talent management strategy, the issues to be addressed
and the implications of those issues for talent development policy and practice. We also
provide a summary overview of the individual contributions in this special issue.
Some commentators have suggested a 70:20:10 strategy whereby 70 per cent of talent
development takes place through work activities; 20 per cent through relationships and
10 per cent through formal development activities (Wilson et al., 2011). It is an
extremely popular framework; however, it is rarely implemented in a systematic way.
The model is largely too high-level and does not offer much in terms of detailed
guidance nor does it specify the lessons learned from each experience. Wilde (2010)
argues that this model overstates the role of experience in talent development and it
underestimates the value of learning from others. Day (2010) has also highlighted the
difficulties involved in learning from experience and other researchers have
highlighted the tendency to fall back on the 10 per cent component, which then
becomes the 70 per cent (Wilson and Van Velsor, 2011; Wilson and Yip, 2010).
Therefore, in reality the reverse is the case with the majority of talent development
activities concentrated in the 10 per cent category.
Formal talent development programmes. Formal talent development programmes
cover a broad spectrum of strategies including conceptual and skill-based development
programmes, personal growth development programmes, feedback-based development
interventions and action focused development interventions (Conger, 2010). The majority
of formal programmes are designed to enhance generic skills and behaviours. These
types of programmes are typically targeted towards middle and senior managers and Mapping talent
technical/professional talent categories. Action learning interventions are typically development
directed at management talent groups and are designed to enhance generic competencies
such as teamwork, problem solving and strategic awareness. The research on this group
of development strategies is mixed and it fails to establish whether it enhances talent
effectiveness and potential (Baruch, 2006; Ready and Conger, 2007).
Relationship-based talent development interventions. Relationships are increasingly 13
considered central to the talent development process (McCauley and Douglas, 2004; Rock
and Garavan, 2006). The relationships considered most significant include peers, senior
leaders, customers and suppliers. They are considered important to the talent
development context because they have helped talented employees see new perspectives
and understand bigger picture issues (Balkundi and Kilduff, 2006). Developmental
relationships are conceptualised by Higgins and Kram (2001) as relationships where an
individual takes an active interest and action to advance the career of another individual.
They provide a variety of developmental functions such as sponsorship, coaching,
mentoring, psycho-social support and career advice (Friday et al., 2004). Developmental
relationships are increasingly used to develop high potential talent (CIPD, 2011;
Novations, 2009). Developmental relationship strategies present a number of significant
challenges for organisations: finding the appropriate number of individuals who can
perform roles as coaches and mentors, specific gender issues when matching mentors
and mentees. Higgins et al. (2010) has highlighted the role of optimism may be important
in explaining both the structure and quality of an individuals’ developmental network.
Lombardozzi and Casey (2008) found that the processes in developmental relationships
involved an iterative interplay between specific designer-led learning activities,
learner-led activities interaction with others and learner action and cognition processing.
They represent an important and effective talent development strategy because
development takes place in context and learning is embedded in the learners’ work.
Using the job as the basis for development. The job represents a primary source of
development and various aspects of the job are highlighted. Wilson et al. (2011) suggest
that the job provides five significant developmental opportunities: bosses and
superiors, turnaround situations, increases in job scope, horizontal job moves and new
initiatives such as doing a stretch task, implementing change and developing new
practice. These job-based experiences need to meet a number of design requirements to
be effective (Ohlott, 2004: Lombardo and Eichinger, 1989). Job tasks need to have high
instability and the potential to be successful; they should involve some form of
cross-functional influence; take learners outside of their comfort zones, have a major
strategic component and involve dealing with different bosses.
Job experiences are frequently taken for granted as talent development strategies
(Van Velsor and Guthrie, 1998; Garavan et al., 2009). They are often viewed as
opportunities to get work done and the mindset of key managers may be
anti-development. They require significant levels of self-confidence on the part of the
learner and the climate and culture of the organisation may not be conducive to the
recognition of job activities as development opportunities.
Informal and non-formal talent development opportunities. The majority of the talent
development literature emphasises formal development strategies; however, Raelin
(1998) suggests that it is important to challenge conventional thinking. The contingent
nature of work in organisations suggests that talent development strategies should also
EJTD focus on the informal and non-formal (Marsick and Watkins, 2001). Marsick and
36,1 Watkins (2001) make a number of important distinctions between informal, incidental
and implied development. Informal development is unplanned, ad-hoc with no specified
outcomes. It is predominantly experiential. Incidental development is unintentional, a
bi-product of another activity. They see it as a sub-category of informal learning. Implicit
development consists of learning that occurs independent of conscious attempts to learn.
14 Eraut (2004) suggests that it is development that occurs without awareness or explicit
knowledge. Sadler-Smith (2006) suggests that implicit development is broadly equivalent
to incidental learning. Non-formal learning is structured in terms of learning outcomes
and it is considered intentional development (Colley et al., 2002). Billett (2001) suggests
that there is no such thing as informal learning because whatever people do will result in
learning. With the increasing emphasis on a social capital perspective and collective
learning processes, informal talent development processes will become more used and
researched (Wang-Cowham, 2011; Wenger et al., 2002).
It was found that CEBs had lower turnover and invest more in training and
development. They also identified a number of positive qualitative features of CEBs
EJTD that could improve labour relations and organisational culture such as involvement,
36,1 communication, training and development, rewards, and recruitment and selection
practices. The findings also indicate that CEBs gained not only stronger talent
attraction, but also certain economic advantages as there were lower salary
expectations in the CEBs compared to the CWEBs. These findings provide evidence in
support of the benefits of investing in employer brand through HRD and talent
18 management practices, in addition to suggesting how positive employer branding can
be established.
The final paper in this issue is “Developing ethnic talent in the Dutch national tax
administration: a case study” by Folke Glastra and Martha Meerman. The main
objective of their research is to report the findings of a case study investigating the
development of ethnic minorities within the Dutch National Tax Administration, and
how the achievement of organisational diversity goals can be realised in a talent
management context. The authors findings suggest that key success factors usually
identified in the literature, e.g. top level commitment and strategic integration, are
insufficient and overrated aspects. Of significantly more importance are “non-issues”
in the formulation of diversity strategies, organizational alignment of relevant
organisational players, strategic coherence and organizational culture. The
implications of the research suggest that talent management activities targeted at
fostering ethnic diversity in talent development require specific awareness at the outset
of cultural and organisational conditions and processes underpinning standard
practices of talent and career development. They suggest that it is insufficient to solely
seek strategic integration and top management commitment, but to also leverage
broader organisational alignment.
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Wilson, M.S., Van Velsor, E., Chandra, A. and Criswell, C. (2011), Grooming Top Leaders:
Cultural Perepectves from China, India, Singapore and the United States, Centre for
Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
Yost, P.R. and Mannion-Plunkett, M. (2010), “Developing leadership talent through experiences”,
in Silzer, R. and Dowell, B.E. (Eds), Strategy-Driven Talent Management, Jossey-Bass,
San Francisco, CA, pp. 313-49.
Younger, J. and Cleemann, C. (2010), “Growing your HR brand”, Strategic HR Review, Vol. 9 No. 4.
Further reading
Collings, D. and Mellahi, K. (2009), “Strategic talent management: a review and research agenda”,
Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 304-13.
Silzer, R. and Church, A.H. (2009), “The pearls and perils of identifying potential”, Industrial and
Organisational Psychology, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 377-412.
EJTD About the Guest Editors
Professor Thomas N. Garavan is a Professor at the Kemmy Business School, University of
36,1 Limerick where he specialises in both the research and teaching of Human Resource
Development, Leadership Development and Vocational Training and Education. A graduate of
the University of Limerick (BBS, 1982; MBS, 1985) and the University of Bristol (Doctor of
Education, 1996), he has authored or co-authored 14 books and over 100 refereed journal papers
and book chapters. Currently he is Editor-in-Chief of European Journal of Training and
24 Development and Associate Editor of Human Resource Development International. He is a
member of the editorial board of Human Resource Development Review, Advances in Developing
Human Resources, and Human Resource Development Quarterly. Thomas N. Garavan is the
corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Dr Ronan Carbery lectures in Human Resource Development and Human Resource
Management at the University of Limerick. He is a Chartered Member of CIPD Ireland (MCIPD)
and is also a member of University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD) and the
Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD). He is Associate Editor of the European
Journal of Training and Development. His research interests include careers, career development,
workplace learning, and participation in training and development.
Andrew Rock teaches Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, and
Organizational Behaviour and Psychology at the University of Limerick. He graduated the
University of Limerick with a BBS (2003) and MBS in HRM (2004) and is completing his doctoral
thesis in the area of mentoring in organizations. He is a member of the Academy of Human
Resource Development (AHRD), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), and
University Forum for Human Resource Development (UFHRD).