Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of the
Degree of
Batch :- B – 5
Roll no. :- 20/246
Semester :- 5th
Batch :- B – 5
Semester :- 5th
Factors responsible for development of train lighting
Generation system
Advantages and disadvantages
Indian Railways, a state monopoly on India's rail transport, constitutes one of the
largest and busiest rail networks in the world, transporting six billion passengers
a year. The railways traverse the length and breadth of the country. IR is the
world's second largest commercial or utility employer, with more than
1.36 million employees.
The British first introduced railways to India in 1853. By 1947, the year of India's
independence, forty-two rail systems crossed the country. In 1951 the
government nationalized the system as one unit, becoming one of the largest
networks in the world. Indian Railways operates both long distance and suburban
rail systems. Although Britain established the Indian railways in the 1850s as a
way of exploiting Indian natural resources to fuel the Industrial Revolution in
Great Britain, the railways have played a key role in the modernization and
democratization of India since independence in 1947.
The British first put a plan for a rail system in India forward first in 1832, but a
decade passed without action. In 1844, the Governor-General of India Lord
Hardinge allowed private entrepreneurs to set up a rail system in India, creating
two new railway companies; they asked the East India Company to assist them.
Interest from investors in the UK led to the rapid creation of a rail system over
the next few years. The first train in India became operational on 1851-12-22,
used for hauling construction material in Roorkee. A year and a half later, on
1853-04-16, the first passenger train service began between Bori
Bunder, Bombay and Thana. Three locomotives, Sahib, Sindh and Sultan
covering the distance of 34 km (21 miles), giving birth of railways in India.
Soon various independent kingdoms built their own rail systems and the network
spread to the regions that became the modern-day states of Assam, Rajasthan
and Andhra Pradesh. A Railway Board constituted in 1901, but the Viceroy, Lord
Curzon retained decision-making power. The Railway Board operated under
aegis of the Department of Commerce and Industry and had three members: a
government railway official serving as chairman, a railway manager from
England and an agent of one of the company railways. For the first time in its
history, the railways began to make a tidy profit. In 1907, the government took
over almost all the rail companies.
The following year, the first electric locomotive appeared. With the arrival of
the First World War, the railways served the needs of the British outside India.
By the end of the First World War, the railways had suffered immensely and
falling into a poor state. The government took over the management of the
Railways and removed the link between the financing of the Railways and other
governmental revenues in 1920, a practice that continues to date with a separate
railway budget.
The Second World War severely crippled the railways as the British diverted
trains to the Middle East, and converted the railway workshops into munitions
workshops. At the time of independence in 1947, a large portion of the railways
passed to the then newly-formed Pakistan. A total of 42 separate railway systems,
including 32 lines owned by the former Indian princely states, amalgamated as a
single unit, christened as the Indian Railways.
The newly-seated India government abandoned the existing rail networks in favor
of zones in 1951 and a total of six zones came into being in 1952. As the economy
of India improved, almost all railway production units indigenized. By 1985,
steam locomotives phased out in favor of diesel and electric locomotives. The
entire railway reservation system was streamlined with computerization in 1995.
In the twenty-first century Indian Railways constitutes one of the largest and
busiest rail networks in the world, transporting transporting six billion passengers
a year. IR has 114,500 kilometers (71,147 mi) of total track over a route of
65,000 kilometers (40,389 mi) and 7,500 stations. The railways traverse the
length and breadth of the country and carry over 30 million passengers and 2.8
million tons of freight daily. It is the world's second largest commercial or utility
employer, with more than 1.36 million employees. As for rolling stock, IR owns
over 240,000 (freight) wagons, 60,000 coaches and 9,000 locomotives.
Railway zones
For administrative purposes, Indian Railways divides into sixteen zones.
Indian Railways owns and operates the Calcutta Metro, but not a part of any of
the zones. Administratively, the railway has the status of a zonal railway. A
certain number of divisions make up each zonal railway, each having a divisional
headquarters and a total of sixty-seven divisions.
Zonal Railway Divisions
EOG Coaches
The electrical power supply for end on generation type AC coaches is derived
from separate generator cars marshalled at the ends of the train formation, with
generation and transmission voltage of 415 V, 3 ph, AC. The power for individual
coaches is tapped by means of rotary switch from any one of the double feeders
running along the coach leading from the power cars, and coupled between
coaches by means of inter-vehicular couplers. The airconditioning equipment
works at 415V, 3 phase AC supply and train lighting equipment work at 110V,
AC, obtained between phase and neutral derived from a 3 KVA,415/190V, 4 wire
step down transformer.
Evaporator Unit
Condenser Unit
Gauge panel
Air duct
Evaporator Unit
The condenser serves the function of extracting the heat absorbed by the
refrigerant vapour in the evaporator and the heat absorbed during the compression
process. The condenser consists of a heat exchanger, which is forced-air-cooled
by means of two or three axial flow impeller fans. The refrigerant vapour is
liquified when ambient cool air is passed through the heat exchanger. The
refrigerant liquid leaving the condenser is led into the liquid receiver from where
it proceeds to the expansion valve on the evaporator. The liquid receiver is a
cylindrical container which contains a reserve of the refrigerant liquid. A
dehydrator and filter are also provided to ensure that the refrigerant is free from
moisture and dust particles.
Gauge panel
Gauge panel consists of pressure gauges (HP, LP, and OP) and pressure cutouts
to protect the compressor against, (i) High pressure, (ii) Low pressure and (in)
low oil pressure.
a. The working of blower fan of the evaporator and the blower fan of the
condenser have to be ensured before the compressor starts functioning.
b. Suitable protection to ensure adequate lubrication of compressor to avoid
piston seizure.
c. The excessive pressure on the discharge side of the compressor (High Head
Pressure) should be avoided.
d. The suction pressure should not be lower than 0.7 Kg/Cm2 to prevent
frosting of the evaporator.
e. The compressor motor has to be soft started to limit the sudden in rush of
starting current.
f. A suitable interlock has to be provided to ensure that heater is not on, when
the compressor is working.
g. A low voltage protection for compressor motor to ensure that voltage does
not go below 100 volts in order to avoid undue drain on battery.
h. The blower fan has to come ‘ON’ before the heater comes ‘ON’. Over load
protection and short circuit protection for all electrical circuits. The A/C control
panel incorporates all the above safety requirements.
Air duct
This is provided at the rate of two per AC plant. It is mounted on the side wall
just below the roof evaporator unit. There is an opening in the side wall with
louver hinge door arrangement and with the provision to house a fresh air filter.
The fresh (inlet) air duct has been designed with damper valve to control the
quantity of fresh air to be drawn into the compartment. This arrangement has
been standardised for all types of air conditioned coaches.
The refrigerant piping consists of the suction line (from the evaporator out let to
compressor inlet) discharge line (from compressor outlet to condenser inlet) and
liquid line (from the liquid receiver to the inlet side of expansion valve),
connections to the gauge panel from the compressor delivery side (high pressure
side), low pressure side and from the compressor crank case. The lubricating oil
connections are also part of the piping system Only copper pipes to specification
BS:2017-63, C-106 Sec – 3 are used. Main pipelines are jointed with couplers or
elbows by means of silver brazing where as joints to various components like
gauges pressure cutouts, hand shut off valves, expansion valve, strainer etc. are
connected by means of flare joints to facilitate easy removal of the above
elements for replacement and inspection.
All wiring has been done by means of multistranded PVC insulated copper cables
to specification. ICF/Elect./857. All cables have been laid on steel
trough/conduits for easy maintenance and prevent fire hazards. Crimped type of
connections have been adopted throughout. All the terminal boards are of fire
retardant FRP material, Reliability of wiring has been made very high.
Temperature setting
General checks
Service trouble
Train lighting is one of the important passenger amenities which influence the
image of Railways. Although the first train ran on 16th April 1853, train lighting
system came to Indian Railway in 1930 through axle driven Dynamo pioneered
by Ms. J. Stones & co. Power supply system for trains is designed and developed
to suit the requirement of AC and non-AC working in the trains. Few factors
considered for development of such systems are as under.
Coach load
Speed of the train
Weight of the equipment
Available technology for reliable equipment etc
EOG (End-on-generation):
The EOG system is used in Rajdhani and Shatabdi type trains which have only
AC coaches and have large power requirement. Each EOG train has 2 power cars
with 2*250kw alternator each. The power is fed by any two DA sets through IVC.
The power is supplied at 3 phase, 750V, which is stepped down in an individual
coach to 3 phase,415v for supplying various loads like RMPU, WRA etc. The
110v AC supply for lights and fans is obtained by further stepping down the 415v
supply. A 24v battery is used for supplying a few emergency lights provided in
the coach.
MOG (Mid-on-generation):
The MOG system was adopted by IR for slow-moving passenger trains which
have the very low generation to non-generation ratio. These trains had one power
car in the middle of the train, which fed power supply to the coaches at either side
of power car. The power car coach had two DA set of 30 KVA each out of which
one was used as standby. The power car coach also had one 3 phase, 30 KVA
step down transformer of 415/110 v. The 110 v AC supplied to the coaches
through couplers. The system was discontinued after the introduction of EMU
and DMU service.
The system was most suitable for slow-moving branch line passenger trains.
Light and fan of all the coaches had centralized control in power car coach. Fan
and lights were working on AC supply. There was no need for standby batteries
in the coaches.
HOG (Head-on-generation):
The HOG scheme is widely used power supply by Railways world over. The
power supply system for the coaches is either received from the locomotive or it
is directly tapped from traction overhead lines into the power cars.The system is
considered to provide cost-effective, reliable and energy efficient supply system
for coaches.
The HOG scheme can be considered with following two options. Hotel load
power is taken from Electric/Diesel Locomotive. Hotel load power supply taken
directly from OHE through a separate pantograph mounted on the power car. The
second system is not considered technically feasible for Indian Railways due to
some limitations. HOG scheme where power is taken from Electric/Diesel
The power supply is received directly from locomotive through couplers. The
supply from locomotive can be a 750v, 3 phase supply or a single phase supply
received from loco is regulated and stepped down in individual AC coaches, with
the help of converters to provide a regulated 415 v, 3 phase supply. Similarly, in
AC coaches, power supply from locomotive can be stepped down and regulated
to provide single phase, 110 v AC supplies. One power car with standby DA sets
is also used in the train, which can supply power to the coaches in case of failure
of a locomotive.
In today’s world, life without electricity is unimaginable. From a small light bulb
to large motors and for many other major purposes, electrical energy is the main
source. As the importance of electricity in everyone’s life is increasing, it is in
other way increasing the demand. As of 2016 May, 303GW is the installed
capacity of utility sector in India. There is a shortage of 2.1% of total electricity
in India. All this demand cannot be met alone by installing more generation. By
reducing consumption, by reducing losses or by increasing private participation
in energy generation, load on the utility can be decreased. By using regeneration,
usage of renewable energy sources in the form of private power generation,
cogeneration etc., power demand can be reduced. There is a scope for reduction
of losses in many sectors, which use bulk electric supply. One such application
of electric power is for batteries.
In railways, batteries play a vital role. The battery used in railways is lead acid
battery, which is the most popular rechargeable battery worldwide. Both the
battery product and manufacture process are proven economical and reliable.
These are specially designed for railway application to withstand deep cycling.
Railway batteries are typically used for rolling stock or stationary applications.
Rolling stock batteries are used for locomotive starting, lighting, on board
auxiliary system in engines and coaches. Stationary batteries are used as
emergency backup power for railroad crossings, signal towers and signaling
systems. Batteries are also used to provide illumination, fan, air conditioning, and
other miscellaneous needs of electricity for travelling passengers. Hence, battery
capacity, robustness, reliability and performance are important for their effective
utilization. The batteries are received at railway workshop once in eighteen
months to ensure the above said features. These features are ensured by
conducting various tests. Discharge process which is one of the performance tests
conducted on batteries to check its capacity and reliability.
In discharge test the batteries are charged and discharged for 3 cycles. Lead Acid
battery uses constant current, constant voltage charge method. A regulated
current raises the terminal voltage until the upper voltage limit is reached at which
point current drops due to saturation. It is charged in three stages:
Battery gets fully charged when current drops to a set low level. Batteries that
are used in deep cycling mode can be charged up to 14.7V for a 12V battery to
get the highest charge rate.
Fig : Control panel at railway workshop used for charging and discharging batteries
Block diagram of existing methodology :
In the existing system, during the testing of batteries for maintenance, the
batteries are unloaded from the coaches and initially fully charged. The power
required to charge the batteries is obtained from the grid. After charging them for
10 hours with constant value of current, batteries are discharged to a minimum
level of 1.75 volts at constant current. Discharging is done through the resistive
loads, i.e., dissipated through the resistors. This power is wasted and is not being
utilized for any other purposes.
Hence for 14300 trains approximately 1.2231*e9 kWhr power can be saved.
Average commercial tariff per unit is Rs. 5.79/- and expecting a good rate as high
as of 10 Rs / Unit depending upon the size of requirement by private participation.
By adopting the above method, the approximate money that can be saved will be
700 crores for 18 months as the demand for installing new generating plants are
also eliminated.
Fig : Graph which represents the cost saving in the present and proposed method
Fig : Graph which represents the power wasted in the present and proposed method
Future scope
This method can be adopted in all fields where batteries are used in bulk. For
example, it can be implemented in KPTCL as 56 batteries are used in each
substation. According to KPTCL annual report 2010-2011, there are 945
substations in Karnataka. Approximately 5 crore 82 lakhs can be saved by
adopting this method in KPTCL. This proposed method is semi automatic. In
future, this can be made fully automatic reducing the man power and reducing
the maintenance cost. This proposed work promotes the private participation as
the excess solar energy can be pumped back to the grid.
Indian Railways have 46,038 various types of coaches (excluding EMUs and
MEMU coaches) and around 3000 of new coaches are being added annually to
the system. There are two classes of the coaches called conventional and LHB
being manufactured at ICF/Perambur and RCF/Kapurthala respectively.
There are three power supply systems as existing over Indian Railways to provide
illumination, fan, air-conditioning and other miscellaneous needs of electricity
for travelling passengers. These are as follows:
2×25 kW alternators for AC coach and 1×4.5 kW for non-AC coach is mounted
underslung, driven by a pulley-belt arrangement when driving pulley is mounted
on coach axle. Output is rectified and charges 110V DC battery for continuous
power supply to AC and non-AC coaches. AC load of roof mounted packaged
units is supplied by converting DC into 2×25 kVA inverters. This system is
followed over trains having a combination of AC and non-AC coaches.
End-on-Generation (EOG)
Two power cars each equipped with 2×750 kVA DG sets, one at each end of the
train, supplies 3 phase power at 750 V AC power to each electrically
interconnected air conditioned coach. The voltage is stepped down to 3 phase 400
V and supplied to standard voltage equipment on each coach. EOG system is
followed for fully air conditioned train like Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Duranto, Garib
Rath, Premium special trains. Import of LHB class of coaches from Germany is
provided with the EOG system with a promise to provide SG system design for
indigenous manufacturing. SG technology given was a complete failure and IR is
still struggling to develop designs for the last 15 years.
Head-on-Generation (HOG)
Power is supplied from the train locomotive at the head of the train. The single
phase 25 kV transformer of the electric locomotive is provided with hotel load
winding which is converted to three phase AC at 750 V using 2×500 kVA inverter
and supplied to the same system as that of EOG. In case of Diesel Locomotive,
three phase alternator is mounted on the traction alternator and feeds the hotel
load. This is the most efficient system as the cost of power is about 25% less as
compared to EOG, but the system is still under development for the last 30 years.
The other class of trains namely Electrical Multiple Unit and Main Line Electrical
Multiple Units employs the same system for coach lighting. The system is similar
to what is followed in train-set composition of train having a power unit at head
as well as on tail and power the entire load of the coach for comfort.
There is a need for running a mix of AC and non-AC coaches with LHB coach
design to improve passenger satisfactory, higher capacity and improved riding
with less maintenance. RCF has already started manufacturing Non-AC LHB and
276 such coaches have gone into service till 31st March 2014 and working on
Northern Railway, North Western Railway, Western Railway, East Central
Railway and Eastern Railway. The only way to power these coaches is by EOG
system as the SG design not yet successful. The electrical load of the train is about
250 kW and with a diversity factory of 80%, system loading will be around 200
kW for which the existing power cars is of over capacity.
For manufacturing of Non-AC LHB version, M/s LHB provided Indian Railways
a design for driving the alternator with cardon shaft arrangement as per the terms
and condition of the contract.
These type of alternators were developed by M/s Landert HMTD, Mumbai and 4
nos. of alternators with ERRUs were commissioned successfully on LHB SG
ACCN coach nos. 05143 & 05146 and put on 06 to 08 months commercial trial
in Shalimar Rake (4545/4646) ex. NDLS to JAT and with a lot of problems when
put into service. Finally, the coaches were detached from the Shalimar Rake and
sent back to RCF by Northern Railway. The defects observed were damage of
bearings, grease leakage, damage/burning of stator windings & insulating
material, breakage of terminal box, accumulation of copper dust and repeated
control card failures in ERRU etc. Apart from above, M/s. Landert, Switzerland,
who was the technical partner of M/s. HMTD, Mumbai did not technically
supported M/s. HMTD. The most important issue of the design was that if the
bearing fails, it results in immobilization of the coach, most severe condition of
service failure and project failed.
1. Only one source so far and unless there is a competition, the firm will
jack up the price. Two more sources, namely HMTD and Signotron
has been given dimensional fitment clearance by RDSO.
2. Jacking up the price of permanent magnet in the international market
by China finding the demand going up for its useful application in
motors and alternators. Developers already finding difficulty in
supplying the permanent magnet alternator at a reasonable cost.
3. Permanent magnet alternator is going to be a major source of providing
magnetic field in traction motor with the intention of reducing size
and application in low floor height driving coach in metro rakes.
1. HOG system is considered to be the most economical for the reason the
cost of generation is minimum, but the issue is that the head on
locomotive is not wedded to the train. If for some reason, it is detached,
there is no source of power, therefore, one power car has to remain in
the system. There is one more angle to this, that if the power car become
mechanically sick enroute and detached then continuation of both the
power cars justified even with HOG. This is the reason that there is not
much enthusiasm for HOG.
2. There is always debate about the economics of SG versus EOG and each
group justifying in his own way. EOG favours all factors over SG,
except two i.e. the earning capacity of the power car and loosing
flexibility of interchangeability . For this, the initiative was taken to
develop under slung mounted DG set, thus releasing the space for
luggage. If this is done, all economics will shift towards to EOG system.
As regards, flexibility of interchangeability, successful running of LHB
coach train mix with AC and Non-AC on EOG has proved this wrong
and is only a fear.
3. The most important financial, practical and workable solution is to
develop under slung mounted DG sets in two versions of 2×750 kW and
2×250 kW for fully AC and mix train of AC and non-AC coach . This
will release 50% of the space presently used in the power car for DG set
and power panels. The design of the power panel shall be so chosen to
have the flexibility to draw power from HOG as well. The cost of
electric energy through HOG will be much less as compared to EOG.
RDSO initiated the development process about 10 years ago, but not yet
successful. This one development alone can change the complete scenario of
power supply system benefitting Indian Railways in the following respect.
Indian Railway shall take up the project of development of under slung mounted
DG sets power cars for EOG power supply system to help energy conservation,
cost reduction, durability and maintainability.
Engineering Control:
The entire organization works round the clock, all days of the year without any
interruption to monitor the actual movement of trains on the entire rail network.
The detailed organization of the control selected and duties assigned to employees
depends on the demands of the transport task appropriate to each grade of the
employee or to diversity in the transport task. The Chief Controller is the head of
Divisional Control Organization.
Basic Functions of Control:
Train Control:
Supervising & regulating the movement of trains from station to station on the
section to avoid delay to trains and to maximize utilization of the capacity of the
section by Monitoring movement of trains from station to station and recording
paths and detention on charts. Arranging crossing and precedence of trains
Arranging to work of departmental and material trains. Giving time signal to all
stations on the section daily at appointed time Fulfilling interchange commitment.
Arranging proper movement of assisting/banking /light engines.
Traffic Control:
It is the general and over-riding control for supervision of the movement of goods
and coaching traffic on the section. It is exercised by :
Collecting information from the various stations on the section in respect of
Registration for wagons outstanding at stations and arrangements for the supply
of wagons. A number of wagons loaded and empty wagons/rakes awaiting
despatch. Arranging running, regulation, putting back and cancellation of
trains.(both freight & coaching)
Securing maximum loads for trains. Collecting stock position from the different
stations, marshaling and terminal yards. The arrangement of Crew & Guard for
freight trains. To keep liaison with adjoining Railways and Divisions for
interchange commitments Monitoring and co-ordinating working of yards, goods
sheds sidings, loco-shed, TXR depots etc.
Power Control:
It is responsible for the provision of motive power to all trains by maintaining the
position of locomotives Requisitioning engines in loco sheds for all operating
requirements, i.e. Train working, Shunting and Banking.Ensuring most
economical use of engines by close supervision both in Traffic Yards and sheds.
Ensuring the return of engines to “Home Sheds” at regular intervals for servicing
and maintenance. Ensuring an even balance of engines and crews between
running sheds for meeting demands of traffic,
Engineering Control:
1. It assists Traffic and Train Control and is responsible –To keep a watch
over the S&T failures and take remedial action.
2. To ensure efficient working of communication channels
Security Control:
Functions of Control: