GR 5 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Reading and
Whole Numbers
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Series F – Reading and
Understanding Whole Numbers
Topic 1 – Looking at whole numbers (pp. 1–8) Date completed

• read and write numbers to 100 000 _______________________ / /

• order numbers to 100 000_______________________________ / /

• represent and compare numbers _________________________ / /

• it’s holiday Ɵme! – apply ________________________________ / /

• the new place is right! – apply ___________________________ / /

Topic 2 – Place value of whole numbers (pp. 9–16)

• expanded notaƟon ____________________________________ / /

• place value to 4 digits __________________________________ / /

• place value to 6 digits __________________________________ / /

• place value mastermind – apply __________________________ / /

• who am I? – solve _____________________________________ / /

Topic 3 – Round and esƟmate (pp. 17–24)

• round _______________________________________________ / /

• esƟmate _____________________________________________ / /

• calculaƟons __________________________________________ / /

• round and esƟmate challenges – solve _____________________ / /

• shop Ɵll you drop – apply _______________________________ / /

Series Authors:

Rachel Flenley
Nicola Herringer

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Looking at whole numbers – read and write numbers to 100 000

We read and write numbers in the order that we say them.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
6 7 1 5

six thousand seven hundred fiŌeen

1 Express the following in numerals:

a four thousand three hundred sixty two _______________

b three hundred twenty four _______________

c eight thousand nine hundred three _______________

d four thousand eight hundred forty one _______________

e seven hundred three _______________

f five thousand four hundred two _______________

2 Write the following in words:

a 5816 _____________________________________________________________________________

b 915 _____________________________________________________________________________

c 8466 _____________________________________________________________________________

d 254 _____________________________________________________________________________

e 7615 _____________________________________________________________________________

f 2598 _____________________________________________________________________________

3 Match the numerals with the words:

4639 six thousand seven hundred ninety

2709 one thousand three

8341 four thousand six hundred thirty nine

1003 two thousand seven hundred nine

6790 eight thousand three hundred forty one

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 1 1

Looking at whole numbers – read and write numbers to 100 000

We read and write large numbers in groups of three.

321 4321 54 321
We work from right to leŌ and we put a gap between each group of numbers.

4 These numbers have been grouped incorrectly. Re-group the numbers and read the new numbers out
loud to a partner. Ask them to check your grouping. Are you correct?

a 56 78 b 65 89

c 856 21 d 33333

e 10 0000 f 4514 2

Did you 5 Convert the following abbreviaƟons into numerals:


a $60 K $

The abbreviaƟon K comes from the Greek

b 4000 metres km
word khilioi, and it means thousand. It is
used in many job adverƟsements and in
measurement. A salary of 70 K is c $66 K $
$70 000, and 1000 grams is 1 kilogram.
When else do we use the term kilo or K?
d 3000 grams kg

6 Are the following statements true or false?

a $36 K = $3600 True / False

b Seventy four thousand three hundred two = 74 320 True / False

c Seventy four thousand thirty nine = 74 039 True / False

d $51 K = $51 000 True / False

e Ninety nine thousand eight hundred five = 99 805 True / False

f FiŌy one thousand sixty = 5560 True / False

2 F 1 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Looking at whole numbers – order numbers to 100 000

When ordering numbers, we need to pay close aƩenƟon to the posiƟon and value of each digit.
Which is the largest? 6093 3069 3960 6039

1 Circle the larger number:

a 8434 / 8340 b 5492 / 5692 c 17 015 / 17 150

d 9840 / 8999 e 4815 / 4518 f 25 194 / 25 941

g 768 / 7068 h 87 158 / 87 155

2 Insert > (greater than) or < (less than) to make each statement true.

a 6482 6681 b 9452 9360

c 84 945 85 105 d 1999 2009

e 1469 1649 f 75 136 73 156

g 94 054 91 504 h 7819 7815

3 Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:

46 827, 68 457, 15 468, 25 015, 98 652, 12 698

____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________

4 Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

36 817, 48 453, 15 468, 25 013, 89 632, 12 898

____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________ , ____________

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 1 3

Looking at whole numbers – order numbers to 100 000
5 Look at each set of numbers and list some that come in between. Write them in order.

a 23 560 b 23 692 c 10 420

37 682 25 692 80 682

6 Write a number that is:

a More than 5678 b Close to 56 018

c A liƩle less than 78 931 d Almost double 4000

e Between 34 612 and 38 901 f Less than half of 88 000

g Now write 2 more problems for a partner to answer:

7 Here are the heights of 5 students. Place them on the number line. Find your height and that of two
partners and add these to the parƟal number line.

Sarah 174 cm
Huy 152 cm
Jack 148 cm
Emma 167 cm
Nikita 121 cm

100 cm 150 cm 200 cm

4 F 1 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Looking at whole numbers – represent and compare numbers
1 Use the following digits to make:

1 7 3 6 4
a The highest number b The lowest odd number

c The lowest number d The amount of money

you would like to win

e The highest even number

2 Use the digits 5 2 6 3 8 to make different 3 digit numbers.

3 Use the numbers you have made in Ques on 2 to make the statements true:

a is greater than

b is less than

c is close to

d is about double

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 1 5

Looking at whole numbers – represent and compare numbers
4 This table shows the populaƟon of 10 regional centres.
Use the informaƟon to answer the following quesƟons:

Name PopulaƟon 1996 PopulaƟon 2001

Rainsalot 92 273 98 981
Funkytown 59 936 68 715
Point Lonely 24 945 45 299
Dullsville 15 906 24 640
Nirvana 67 701 68 443
Dodgy Meadows 70 324 79 975
Braggersville 90 382 95 194
Letsgo 15 906 11 368
Notsoniceton 42 848 44 451
Mt Hero 21 751 20 525

a The populaƟon of the mystery place in 2001 is less than it was in 1996. It has decreased by

approximately 1 000 people. The place is _______________________.

b You have gone back in Ɵme to 1997. You live in a city that has a populaƟon of more than 55 000

but less than 60 000. You live in _______________________.

c It is now 2001. You have decided to move to a larger centre. This centre has a 4 in the ones place

and a zero in the thousands place. You move to _______________________.

d In 2001 you decided to go on a holiday. You only visited centres that had a populaƟon of between
40 000 and 99 000. Which towns did you visit?



e Many regional centres showed growth between 1996 and 2001. List the ones that grew by more than
5 000 residents.


f Your family moved here in 1996 and since then, the populaƟon has nearly doubled. Where did you
move to?


6 F 1 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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It’s holiday time! apply

ready Your family has just won the dream trip of a lifeƟme!
You have won an all expenses paid trip to 5 towns or ciƟes
of your choice. That’s right, anywhere in the world with
everything paid for.

What Your job is to plan the trip, following these guidelines:

to do
1 Your dad hates big ciƟes so one place must have a populaƟon of 10 000 or less.
2 Your mum wants to shop. Big Ɵme.
3 Your grandma has always wanted to see New York.
4 You get to choose the other two places.

Record your selecƟons in the leŌ column of the table below:

Place PopulaƟon

What to
do next Use an atlas or the internet to help you research the populaƟon of your 5 towns or
ciƟes, then use the informaƟon to answer the following:
a Order your towns from smallest populaƟon to largest:



b Choose two of your desƟnaƟons and write their populaƟons in words:



c Find a way to divide your places into two numerical categories such as odd/even,
smaller than 100 000/greater than 100 000. Get a partner to see if they can work
out the rule that you have applied.

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 1 7

The new place is right! apply

ready The aim of this game is to order as many numbers on
a game board as possible. You’ll play the game in a
group of 3 or 4. You’ll need a pencil and the game show
boards below.

What 1 Decide who will be the game show host and who will be the contestants.
to do
2 The host calls a number between the values specified at the top of the board.
Start with Game 1.
Oh no! She called 49
and I have nowhere 3 Without showing the host, the contestants choose where they will put the
to put it, I’ve got 48 number on their own board. The numbers must be placed in order going up
in the top spot. from the lowest number. Once a number is placed, it cannot be moved.
4 The host calls another number. If the contestants can place it on their board,
they do so.
5 AŌer the host has called 8 numbers, the person with the most numbers on the
board wins. They score a point.
6 Play 3 games. The person with the highest score aŌer 3 games wins.
7 You can play again and choose your own number ranges. You will need to draw
your own boards.

Game 1 Game 2 Game 3

1 – 50 50 – 100 500 – 1 000

8 F 1 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Place value of whole numbers – expanded notation

When we write numbers using expanded notaƟon, we idenƟfy and name the value of each digit.
4231 = 4000 + 200 + 30 + 1

1 Express the numbers in expanded notaƟon:

a 8246 b 468

c 761 d 1645

e 971 f 7385

g 1978

2 Express the expanded notaƟon in numerals:

a 600 + 80 + 7 = b 3000 + 700 + 40 + 5 =

c 800 + 30 + 4 = d 200 + 60 + 9 =

e 2000 + 800 + 40 + 6 = f 7000 + 900 + 20 + 5 =

g 200 + 40 + 5 = h 9000 + 800 + 30 + 2 =

3 Answer the following quesƟons.

a Tim says 4329 in expanded notaƟon is wriƩen as 4000 + 3000 + 29. Is he correct? ____________

b Now he says that 5847 is wriƩen as 5000 + 800 + 40 + 7. Is he correct this Ɵme? ____________

c Look carefully at the number 8953. Why don’t we expand it as 8 + 9 + 5 + 3 ?


d What is the point of a zero in the middle of 7049? It has no value so why not just leave it out?


Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 2 9

Place value of whole numbers – expanded notation
4 Play expanded notaƟon memory with a partner. Make a copy of this page, cut out the cards,
mix them up and place them face down. Take turns turning over two cards at a Ɵme. Each Ɵme
you make a match, you keep the set. The person with the most cards wins.

32 831 12 300 3588

9219 5912 88 307

12 890 15 502 2389

30 000 +
10 000 + 3000 +
2000 +
2000 + 500 +
800 +
300 80 +
30 +

9000 + 5 thousands, 80 000 +

200 + 9 hundreds, 8000 +
10 + 1 ten 300 +
9 and 2 ones 7

10 000 + 10 000 + 2 thousands,

2000 + 5000 + 3 hundreds,
800 + 500 + 8 tens
90 2 and 9 ones

10 F 2 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Place value of whole numbers – place value to 4 digits

The place or posiƟon of a digit in a number helps us understand its value.

2 is worth 2000 or two thousands
6 is worth 600 or six hundreds
5 is worth 50 or five tens
0 is worth zero or no ones
Th H T O

1 Fill in the place value chart for each number. The first one has been done for you.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

a 465 4 6 5

b 8972

c 45

d 798

e 4507

f 3041

2 Write the number shown on each abacus.

a b c d

Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O

e f g h

Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 2 11

Place value of whole numbers – place value to 4 digits
3 What is the value of the 5 in these numbers?

a 6157 b 9544 c 5749

d 4546 e 785 f 2359

4 Write the next 3 numbers in each sequence. The first sequence has been done for you.

a + 100 4600

b +1 768

c + 1000 3590

d – 100 9128

Zero plays an important role in numbers. It tells

us that the value of the column is nothing and I have $6 055. Without
holds the place of the other numbers. the zero I only have $655!

5 Complete the cross number puzzle. Make sure you include the zeros in the right places.

1 2 3 Across
1. four thousand two hundred seven
4. seven thousand ninety four
6. two thousand five hundred sixty
4 5 8. one thousand forty seven
10. nine thousand forty three

6 7 1. four thousand eighty six
2. seven hundred
8 3. two hundred four
4. seven thousand fiŌy
9 5. nine thousand two hundred seven
6. two thousand one hundred thirty
10 7. six thousand four hundred three
9. sixty

12 F 2 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Place value of whole numbers – place value to 6 digits

Look at the number 123 456

1 is worth 100 000 or one hundred thousand
2 is worth 20 000 or two ten thousands
3 is worth 3 000 or three thousands
4 is worth 400 or four hundreds
5 is worth 50 or five tens
6 is worth 6 or six ones
When we write large numbers we put a space aŌer every three numbers. This is because our brains
prefer small chunks of informaƟon. We chunk from right to leŌ.

1 Write the number shown in each row of this place value chart. The first one has been done for you.

Hundred Ten
thousands thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
45 168 4 5 1 6 8

5 4 9 4

1 0 0 9 5 4

4 6 5 1 2

2 5 7 7 4

8 1 9 1

3 0 4 1

2 IdenƟfy the value of the digit in bold. The first one has been done for you.

a 49 157 9000 b 9544 c 85 749

d 47 849 e 12 468 f 4688

g 134 h 94 115 i 94 913

3 True or False?

a In the number 67 923, the 7 has the value of 7000. _____________

b In the number 89 471, the 8 has the value of 80 000. _____________

c In the number 70 532, the zero holds the value of the thousands place. _____________

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 2 13

Place value of whole numbers – place value to 6 digits
4 Use the clues to find the mystery numbers:

I have 5 digits.
Every digit is an odd number and every digit in the number is different.
The greatest digit is in the ones place and the smallest digit is in the ten thousands place.
Both the thousands digit and the tens digit are greater than the hundreds digit.
So far, I could be 2 numbers. I am the greater of these.

I am _______________

I have 5 digits. A useful strategy is to make lines

where each digit should go and
If you add a one to me I have 6 digits. fill them in as you work them out.
What number am I?

I am _______________

I am one half of ten thousand plus one.

What number am I?

I am _______________

I have 5 digits.
I have a 6 in the ten thousands place and my digit in the ones place is the smallest even number.
My middle digit is one more than the ones digit.
My thousands digit is double my ones digit and my tens digit is double my thousands digit.
What number am I ?

I am _______________

Write a problem for a partner to solve:

14 F 2 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Place value mastermind apply

ready In this game, the objecƟve is to guess a secret 4 digit
number. You play with a partner.

You’ll need to rule up a page with headings like this:

Number Guess Number of Correct Digits Digits in the Correct Place

5738 2 1

to do 1 Player 1 writes a secret 4 digit number on a scrap of paper.
2 Player 2 writes their guess in the Number Guess column.
3 Player 1 writes down how many correct digits there are,
and how many are in the right column.
4 Player 2 uses that informaƟon for guess number 2.
5 The game conƟnues unƟl the secret number is revealed.
6 Swap roles.

What to What strategies can you use to reduce the number of guesses you need to make?
do next
If you reduced the number of digits in the number to 2 or 3, does it make easier
to guess?
Can you work out how many 2 digit number possibiliƟes there are?
What about 3 digit number possibiliƟes?

Talk to other pairs. What strategies did they use?

Try them out if you think they will help you!

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 2 15

Who am I? solve

ready In this guessing game there are many clues. Your job is to not only
guess the secret number, but to idenƟfy which clues are needed
and which are true but don’t help solve the problem.

to do Use the clues and the hundreds chart to help you idenƟfy the secret number:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

The number is greater than 8.

The number is less than 500.
The number is not a mulƟple of 5.
The number is a mulƟple of 6.
The number is even.
Its tens digit is even and is double its ones digit.
The number is in the top half of the hundreds chart.

What is the number?

What to
do next Which clues were not needed? Explain:

16 F 2 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Round and estimate – round

Rounding makes big numbers easier to work with. We round up if the number is exactly halfway
between the 10s or over the halfway mark. We round down if the number is under the halfway mark.
Rounding to the nearest 10
27 is over halfway between the 10s, so it rounds up to 30.

0 10 20 30 40 50

22 is under halfway between the 10s, so it rounds down to 20.


0 10 20 30 40 50

35 is exactly halfway between the 10s, so it rounds up to 40.


0 10 20 30 40 50

1 Round the following numbers to the closest hundred. Find the halfway mark first.


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 3 17

Round and estimate – round
2 Round the following numbers to the closest hundred: Use the number in the tens
place to help you decide!

a 235 b 680

c 513 d 450

e 5164 f 3748

3 Round the following numbers to the closest thousand: Use the number in the hundreds
place to help you decide!

a 942 b 4964

c 2435 d 9350

e 5678 f 2845

4 To find the hidden fact, round the numbers in the clues below and insert the matching leƩers above the
answers. The first clue has been done for you.

30 10 400 40 000 20 40 1000 10 100 400

70 80 100 7000 100 80

500 200 40 50 900 80 100 1100 1000 10

30 000 900 20 50 1000 400

S 368 rounded to the nearest hundred Q 43 230 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
T 1234 rounded to the nearest thousand P 69 rounded to the nearest ten
M 27 rounded to the nearest ten N 1146 rounded to the nearest hundred
C 483 rounded to the nearest hundred R 83 rounded to the nearest ten
I 43 rounded to the nearest ten F 6726 rounded to the nearest thousand
D 932 rounded to the nearest hundred H 199 rounded to the nearest hundred
O 7 rounded to the nearest ten L 46 rounded to the nearest ten
E 59 rounded to the nearest hundred A 27 468 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
U 17 rounded to the nearest ten

18 F 3 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Round and estimate – estimate

We use esƟmaƟng when we want an approximate answer to a calculaƟon.

Rounding helps us do this. We round numbers so we can work with them more easily in our heads.
Look at 333 + 521.
Rounded to the nearest 10, they are 330 and 520.
330 + 520 = 850
Therefore 333 + 521 is approximately 850.

1 Complete these steps to see why esƟmaƟng is handy.

a Use the problem 57 – 38 = . Time how long it takes you or a partner to solve it mentally.


b Now round the numbers to the nearest ten and Ɵme how long it takes to solve this problem.


c Which problem is faster to solve? ________________________________________________________

d Can you think of an occasion you would use esƟmaƟon? ______________________________________

2 PracƟse esƟmaƟng with these problems. You can use the middle column to jot down your rounded
number sentences or just do them in your head. If you want to add some tension to the acƟvity, race
against a partner.

Sentence Rounded Sentence Answer

384 + 53
Compare your answers with
22 + 69 those of others. Did you all
get the same answers? Why
or why not?
406 – 89

379 + 203

93 – 61

609 – 498

826 + 599

221 + 11

704 + 341

47 + 996

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 3 19

Round and estimate – estimate
3 Round then esƟmate to find the best answer to these calculaƟons. Circle the best answer:

a 72 – 48 = 30 20 27
Which one is best?
b 57 + 31 = 90 15 30

c 126 – 37 = 90 100 30

d 567 – 23 = 500 550 600

e 899 + 47 = 850 950 900

f 1215 + 134 = 1400 1300 1000

g 6454 + 207 = 6000 8000 6700

4 Use esƟmaƟon to assess whether these statements might be true. Tick the ones you think are true and
cross the ones you think are false.

a 568 + 311 > 1000 b 27 + 58 > 70

c 899 – 378 < 600 d 571 – 22 > 500

e 245 + 245 > 500 f 1005 + 790 > 2000

5 Use esƟmaƟon to answer these word problems:

a Sarah is saving money to go to the fair. In week 1 she saves $13, in week 2 she saves $19
and in week 3 she saves $29. EsƟmate how much money she has at the end of week 3.

b The T-shirts that Sarah wants cost roughly $15 each. If she wants to spend half her
money on T-shirts, how many can she buy?

c Sarah wants an ear of corn, 3 peaches, and a cup of apple

cider. She has budgeted $10 for refreshments. Look at the Items Price
price list below and esƟmate whether she can buy what she Ear of corn $3.80
wants and stay within her budget.
Peaches 3 for $2.00

Apple cider $3.00


20 F 3 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Round and estimate – calculations

When es ma ng, we always need to check that our answers are reasonable.
$23 + $59 = $1 000. Is this es ma on reasonable?

1 Are these es ma ons reasonable? Explain your thinking.

a Nicola wants a digital camera that costs $486 and a memory s ck that costs $46. She
es mates she will spend approximately $1 000 on both. Is this es ma on reasonable?

b Shakeb says 91 + 33 is close to 120. Is this es ma on sensible?

c Kylie is crazy about dolphins. She has 4 889 pictures of them, 389 stuffed toys,
and 481 figurines. She thinks she has about 6 000 items altogether. Is this
es ma on reasonable?

d Sean made a list of the money he had spent on lunch over the week. He then
es mated that he had spent $30 over the week. Is this a reasonable es mate?

Mon $4.50 Tues $5.65 Wed $3.85 Thurs $6.25 Fri $7.70

2 In these problems, work backwards from an es mated answer to find the possible star ng points.

a Daniel bought 3 pens. He es mated the pens to cost $2, $3 and $1.50. This would make the total
es mated cost $6.50. The actual cost was $6.75. What could each of the pens have cost?


b Hung bought 3 books. He es mated their costs to be $5, $9 and $15. This would make the total
es mated cost $29. The actual cost was $33. What could each of the books have cost?
Find two possibili es.


What is the
difference between
the es ma on and
the actual cost? How
could you share
that cost difference
between the items?

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 3 21

Round and estimate – calculations

When we use a calculator, it is tempƟng to rely on it and to stop thinking.

EsƟmaƟng helps us develop an idea of what the possible answer should be.
If we make an error with the calculator, we then know to try again.

3 EsƟmate the answer to these problems. Get a partner to check the reasonableness of your esƟmaƟons,
then use a calculator to solve the problems. You can check the thinking of two students at once.

EsƟmate CalculaƟon

a 23 × 5

b 47 × 6

c 33 × 8

d 11 × 19

e 97 × 3

f 201 × 4

g 498 × 3

Breathe in ... breathe out ... breathe in ... breathe out...

4 How many breaths do you take in a day? Not exactly, an esƟmaƟon will do. You’ll need a clock with
a second hand. You may also want to use a calculator. Ask a partner to help you keep track of how
many breaths you take in a minute, then mulƟply as necessary.

a Use this table to help you organise b Can you take it further? How many
How many
your calculaƟons. breaths could you take in a week? minutes in an
hour? How many
Time Frame Number of hours in a day?

per minute

per hour
c What about in a year?
per day

22 F 3 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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Round and estimate challenges solve

ready Solve these problems using your head, a calculator, a
pen and paper. You may work with a partner.

What a You have won $5487 in a compe on. The organisers

to do
have no coins and have to round off the amount so they can give you your
winnings in notes. Would you rather they rounded to the nearest $10, $100
or $1000? Why? How much money would you get in each case?

b I am now 156 000. I have been rounded to the nearest thousand. List at least
5 numbers I could have been.

c I am now 145 200 a er being rounded to the nearest hundred. List at least
5 numbers I could have been.

d I am 16 000. What two whole numbers can be mul plied together to make me?
How many pairs of numbers can you come up with?

Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

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F 3 23

Shop till you drop apply

ready You and a partner will take turns going on 60 second shopping
sprees. You’ll need a copy of this page, a Ɵmer or a clock with a
second hand, the items below and your best esƟmaƟon skills. You
may also want to use a calculator for checking.

What 1 Cut out the items below.

to do
2 Decide who will be the first shopper and who will be the Ɵmer.
3 The Ɵmer states a spending limit between the values of $10 and $50.
4 The shopper then has 60 seconds to esƟmate what they can buy while staying
under the limit. The shopper takes the items they want. It is okay to put things
back. (If 60 seconds is too hard, make the Ɵme limit 2 minutes.)
5 AŌer the Ɵme is up, all transacƟons stop. Add up the purchases, using a calculator
if desired.
6 If the shopper has stayed under the limit, they get a point. If they go over the
limit, they get nothing.
7 Swap roles. At the end of that round, the person who was closest to their
shopping limit gets a bonus point.

What to Make up some more items for the shopping spree. Or challenge another team
do next
to a race.

$14.98 $18.98 $9.99 $2.95 $1.95

$12 $3.22 $4.99 $29.95 $7.95

24 F 3 Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers

Copyright © 3P Learning

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