Murdaugh Cost Spreadsheet 5-3-2023 (03282870xD2C78)
Murdaugh Cost Spreadsheet 5-3-2023 (03282870xD2C78)
Murdaugh Cost Spreadsheet 5-3-2023 (03282870xD2C78)
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Carson Burney, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 3/16/2023 $ 1,460.38
Johnny James, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/223 3/17/2023 $ 1,391.92
John Meadors, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 3/16/2023 $ 1,409.77
Ozzie Toldeo, 1/22/23 thru 3/4/23 3/17/2023 $ 1,072.11
Savanna Goude, 1/11/23 thru 3/3/23 3/17/2023 $ 1,641.20
Shane Acito, 1/22/23 thru 3/4/23 3/21/2023 $ 1,496.44
Victoria Giles, 3/1/23 thru 3/3/23 3/21/2023 $ 47.00
Dennis Youngue, 3/1/23 thru 3/3/23 3/21/2023 $ 47.00
David Fernandez, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 3/21/2023 $ 1,764.24
Carly Jewell, 1/21/23 thru 3/3/23 3/23/2023 $ 1,432.44
Danielle Colon, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 4/4/2023 $ 1,543.72
Claire Brady, 1/26/23 thru 3/3/23 3/30/2023 $ 1,068.87
Trisha Allen, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 3/30/2023 $ 732.00
Donald Zelenka, 1/22/23 thru 3/3/23 4/4/2023 $ 1,442.44
Creighton Waters, 1/21/23 thru 3/4/23 3/31/2023 $ 1,377.62
Victoria Giles, 2/1/23 2/27/2023 $ 128.38
Victoria Giles, 2/15/23 2/27/2023 $ 120.54
Dennis Youngue, 1/22/23 thru 1/27/23 2/8/2023 $ 175.00
Victoria Giles, 1/22/23 thru 1/27/23 2/8/2023 $ 175.00
David Fernandez, 1/6/23 thru 1/19/23 1/27/2023 $ 248.62
Ellen Riemer, 2/13/23 thru 2/28/23 3/21/2023 $ 187.57
Carly Jewell, 8/29/22 9/7/2022 $ 101.79
Ozzie Toldeo, 10/12/22 thru 10/20/22 11/3/2022 $ 197.73
William Young, 2/6/23 thru 2/17/23 2/22/2023 $ 178.96
Total $264,316.68
*These items were purchased during the prosecution of Richard Alexander Murdaugh for the murders of Paul and Maggie Murdaugh; however, they are not consumable items and they will be reused by the Office in future cases.
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