NEWS December 3, 2018
NEWS December 3, 2018
NEWS December 3, 2018
The hottest temperature point in a refrigeration or air conditioning system is on the back of the
compressor’s discharge valve, as shown in Figure 1. However, since this point cannot be measured by a
field service technician, the discharge line temperature has to be measured instead. The discharge line is
shown at Point 1 in Figure 2.
The compressor’s discharge temperature can tell the service technician what is going on inside a
refrigeration or air conditioning system. Since this is a superheated vapor temperature measurement, a
P/T relationship does not exist, and a pressure gauge cannot be used for its measurement. Pressure 1/6
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gauges can only be used for a P/T relationship when a saturation temperature (evaporating and/or
condensing) is wanted.
The compressor discharge temperatures reflect all of the latent heat absorbed in the evaporator, the
evaporator superheat, the suction line superheat, the heat of compression, and mechanical and fluid
friction heat along with heat that the compressor motor generates. All these heat sources can be divided
into heat absorbed and heat generated as follows.
Heat absorbed:
• Heat of compression;
It is at the discharge temperature where all of this absorbed and generated heat is accumulated and now
must start to be rejected in the discharge line and part of the condenser. Also, the compressor’s discharge
temperature is a reflection of the hottest part of a refrigeration system, and there are limits as to how hot
a discharge temperature should be.
The limit to any compressor discharge line temperature is 225°. If the discharge temperature is higher
than that, the system may start to fail from worn rings, acid formations, and oil breakdown. Remember, if
the discharge temperature is 225°, the actual discharge valve will be about 75° hotter, which brings the
actual compressor’s discharge valve to 300°. Most oil will start to break down and vaporize at 350°, and if
this occurs, serious overheating problems will happen. Since the overheating of compressors is one of the
most serious field problems, service technicians must always monitor compressor discharge
temperatures and keep them under 225°.
Some of the main reasons for high compressor discharge temperatures are listed below. 2/6
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1. High condensing pressures, which are caused by high condensing temperature. When this happens,
the compressor must work harder, so it generates more heat when compressing the suction pressure to
the higher condensing pressures. Reasons for this can include:
• Overcharge of refrigerant
1. Low suction pressures, which result in more heat being generated when compressing a lower suction
pressure to the condensing pressure. Reasons for this can include:
• Undercharged systems; 3/6
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1. High compression ratios may occur because more heat of compression will be generated when
compressing the gases through a greater pressure range. Reasons for this can include:
1. High compressor superheats, which can be caused from the evaporator being starved of refrigerant.
Reasons for this can include:
• Undercharge;
Superheat is measured as the difference between the actual temperature of refrigerant vapor at a certain
point and the saturation temperature of the refrigerant. Total superheat is all the superheat in the low
side of the refrigeration system. It starts at the 100 percent saturated vapor point in the evaporator (Point
8) and ends at the compressor inlet (Point 10). It is sometimes referred to as compressor superheat. Total
superheat consists of evaporator superheat plus suction line superheat. A technician can measure total
superheat by placing a thermistor or thermocouple at the compressors inlet and taking the temperature.
A pressure reading will also be needed at this same location. 4/6
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R-134a system Low side pressure at compressor of 20 psig or 22° Compressor inlet temperature = 50°
Total superheat calculation: 50° (compressor in temperature) - 22° (saturation temperature) 28° total
superheat (compressor superheat)
In this example, the total superheat is calculated to be 28°. It is possible to have a TXV that is adjusted to
control superheat at the coil (evaporator superheat) and still return liquid refrigerant to the compressor at
certain low-load conditions. If so, the conditions causing the floodback should be found and corrected. It
is recommended that all TXVcontrolled refrigeration systems have some compressor superheat to ensure
that the compressor will not see liquid refrigerant (flood or slug) at low evaporator loads. The TXV,
however, should be set to maintain proper superheat for the evaporator, not for compressor.
Compressor superheat is assurance that there is no liquid refrigerant present at the compressor. A buffer
of compressor superheat will also make sure that the refrigerant vapor entering the compressor is not
too dense. Overly high density vapors entering the compressor will cause the compressor to have a
higher than normal amp draw. This will overload the compressor in many instances and open thermal
On the other hand, excess suction gas superheat and/ or long periods of low mass flow rate (e.g., an
unloaded compressor or variable capacity compressor at lower capacities) can result in insufficient
cooling of the rotor, motor, and stator and open the internal protectors. Always consult the compressor
manufacturer for the maximum return gas temperature the compressor can handle to prevent
compressor overheating.
Many appliance and refrigerated case manufactures are working with compressor manufacturers to
determine the optimum amount of compressor superheat so as not to overheat compressors. The proper
amount of compressor superheat will ensure a cool running compressor and proper density suction
gases for good capacities.
It is important for service technicians to understand the difference between suction-gas cooled and air-
cooled compressors. In an air-cooled compressor, the suction return gas does not pass over the windings
of the compressor; the return gas simply enters the compressor through the suction service valve on the
side of the compressor. This gas enters the suction valve and cylinders right away without seeing any 5/6
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other heat source. If there is any liquid (refrigerant or oil) entrained in this suction gas, the valves and/or
pistons/rods themselves can be seriously damaged. Most suction gas-cooled compressors are often
referred to as semi-hermetic compressors.
This is not the case for refrigerant gas-cooled compressors. Liquid refrigerant coming back to the
compressor must first pass around or through the motor windings. There is a good chance that the
windings will be producing enough heat to vaporize any liquid refrigerant before it is sucked up through
the suction cavities to the valve structures. Refrigerant gas-cooled compressors are often referred to as
fully-hermetic compressors.
JOHN TOMCZYK HVACR professor emeritus, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Mich.
He coauthored “Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology,” which is published by Cengage Learning.
Contact him at 6/6