Islamiyat Past Papers P1

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O level Islamiyat

Paper 1 topical
questions & answers

Made by :
Hassan Zahoor
In assistance with :
Mam Sadia Akhtar

The History and Importance of Quran The Life and Importance of Prophet
• 2.1 : Characteristics of Quran…………………….. [1-2] • 3.1 : Prophet’s life before Prophethood…………….……[25-27]

• 2.2 : Background of Surahs………………………….[3-5] • 3.2 : Main Events in Makkah…………………………………..[27-37]

• 2.3 : Revelation of Quran…………………………….[6-7]  3.2(1) : Opposition and persecutions faced by Muslims [27-28]

• 2.4 : Experience of 1st Revelation……………….[8-10]  3.2(2) : Opposition and persecutions faced by Prophet [28-29]

• 2.5 : Compilation of Quran………………………...[10-11]  3.2(3) : Migration to Abyssini…………………………….[30-31]

• 2.6 : Major themes of Quran………………….….[12]  3.2(4) : Visit to Taif………………….………………………..[31-32]

 2.6(1) : God in Himself………………………………[12-13]  3.2(5) : Isra and Miraj……………..…………………………[32-33]

 2.6(2) : God’s relation with men……………….[13-15]  3.2(6) : Pledges of Al-Aqabah…………………………….[33-35]

 2.6(3) : God’s relation with messenger…….[15-18]  3.2(7) : Migration to Madinah…………………………..[35-36]

• 2.7 : Legal thinking……………………………. …...[19-20] 3.2(8) : Experiences in Caves……………………………[36-37]

 2.7(1) : Quran and Hadith…………………………[20-22] • 3.3 : Main Events in Madinah…………………………..[38-53]

 2.7(2) : Quran and Ijma……………………………[22-23}  3.3(1) : First year of Hijrah…………………..………….[38-39]

 2.7(3) : Quran and Qiyas………………………….[23-24]  3.3(2) : Battle of Badr………………………………………[40-41]

 3.3(3) : Battle of Uhad………………………………….….[41-43]

 3.3(4) : Battle of Trench…………………………….…….[43-44]

CHAPTER 4  3.3(5) : Treaty of Hudaibiyah…………………………..[44-45]
The First Islamic Community  3.3(6) : Khaybar Expedition……………………………..[46-47]
• 4.1 : Wives of Prophet……………………………………………[63-66]  3.3(7) : Battle of Mautah………………………………….[47-48]
• 4.2 : Descendants of Prophet…………………………………[66-69] 3.3(8) : Conquest of Makkah……………………….....[48-49]
• 4.3 : Important Personalities during Prophet’s life…[70-78]  3.3(9) : Battle of Hunain…………………………………..[49-50]
 4.3(1) : Caliphs………………………………………………………[70-73]  3.3(10) : Tabuk Expedition……………………………...[50-51]
 4.3(2) : Uncles………………………………………………………[74-76]  3.3(11) : Final Year of Prophet’s life………………..[51-53]
 4.3(3) : Scribes of Quran………………………………………[76-77] • 3.4 : Prophet’s Character………………………………..[53-54]
 4.3(4) : Muhajireen and Ansars……………………………[77-78] • 3.5 : Position of Women………………………………...[55-56]

• 3.6 : Relation with other states……………………...[56-60]

• 3.7 : Seal of Prophets……………………………………..[61-62]

2.1 : Characteristics of Holy Quran

Q : Write a note about the salient features of Holy Quran. /10

Q : Write about the features of the guidance given in Holy Quran. /10

Suggested Answer :
The Quran is the sacred Book of Muslims and the foundation of Islam. It is the last
Divine scripture revealed to Holy Prophet over a period of almost 23 years through
Angel Gabriel. It is the vehicle of Divine Guidance and message revealed to His Mes-
senger to preach and guide the people. Being the book of true guidance that is
most authentic, comprehensive; containing laws of all spheres of human life :
" This is the book in it is guidance without doubt to those who fear "
It shows the purpose of Quran that is to guide humanity to the straight path, awak-
en human conscience and to enlighten the human mind, thus its instructions are
aimed at the general welfare of humans :
" ...but we have made the (Quran) a light, wherewith we guide such of our serv-
ants as We will... "
Quran is basically the spiritual guidance for man, his system of law, his code of eth-
ics and above all, his way of life. It embraces all walks of life and covers the entire
field of human affairs whether spiritual, intellectual, political, social or econom-
ic .Thus, it is the complete and most comprehensive book containing and explaining
everything :

" This is the book we have revealed upon you and nothing we have omitted from
It "
It clearly defines the permitted and forbidden, the punishments and the rewards,
the lawful and the unlawful as Quran itself says :
".. A guidance for making and clear evidence of guidance and discrimination
(between wrong) "
Allah has perfected His religion for all mankind with the revelation of this Book :
" This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you
and have chosen Islam as your religion "
Islam is the universality of Quranic guidance which is for every nation, for all ages,
color, class or creed. It is universal that has no boundaries and barriers of time,
place or nation :
" The Quran is the guidance and glad tiding for those who believe "
Moreover, it is also the law giver that deals with every aspect of personal or com-
munal life. It contains laws and regulations regarding inheritance, marriage also
economic, social and political laws. E.g. for blood money, retaliation and false accu-
sation it says :
" We ordained therein for them, Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose... "
Also it talks about the seen and the unseen such as Allah, Day of judgement, life
after death, heavens etc. It includes the stories of the previous Prophets and the
People to make us learn from their mistakes and punishments e.g people of cave. It
guide the whole community by addressing 4 Groups : O Man, O believers, O people
and Son of Israel. In conclusion it can be said that Quran pays attention to all the
needs of man and deals with them in such a way as to help him realize the noble
objectives of his being. Lastly, Quran is the direct words of Allah hence its purity is
purity is doubtless. It is eternal and Muheminon (pure) as Allah himself has taken
the responsibility to guard to and keep it intact. Surah Hijr refers to it :
" We have without doubt sent down the Message and We will assuredly guard it "

2.2 : Background of Surahs
Q : Describe what the following Surahs tell Muslims about the circum-
stances in which they were revealed :
(iii) Surah Wad-Duha
(iv) Surah Al-Naas

Suggested Answer :
(iii) After receiving the first revelation, the Prophet was assured that Prophethood
has been assigned to him. But after the first revelation there was a period of no rev-
elation known as Waquf-e-Wahi or Fatrat. As the Prophet had informed and shared
his close people that Prophethood has been assigned to him, during the gap, the
people started making fun of him and asking him, Have not you received something
new? Where is your God?
During this time, the Prophet wondered if he had somehow dissatisfied Allah,
who he seemed is no longer sending the revelations. Thus, the pagans began to sar-
castically ridicule him and torture him mentally. He already had a huge burden on
his shoulders as if he fails in his mission then not only the Quraish but also whole
humanity will be destroyed soon.
The people of his own clan started giving him insulting titles like Liar, magician,
madman etc. It further intensely grieved and saddened the Prophet. Thus, he began
to isolate himself in fear of questions of the Prophet about his God and revelation.
So as a result of all this, Allah, in order to console Prophet, confirm His relation with
him, motivate and encourage him.

Allah send down the set verses from the Surah Wad-Duha meaning ‘hope’ to the
Prophet. It reminded him the numerous blessings of Allah on him with new injunc-
tion of taking care of rights of the orphans and the needy.
“ By the glorious morning light, and the night when it is still, your Lord has not for-
saken you nor is he displeased…. Did he not find you can orphan and give you
shelter?... Therefore do not treat the orphans with harshness nor drive the beggar

(iv) According to different traditions, there is a difference in opinion about its origin.
Some says that it is a Makki Surah while others says that it is Madni Surah revealed
along with twin Surah Al-Falaq. The prophet at that time fell seriously ill and was
not been able to even stand up from his bed. He didn’t had any diseases but still he
was ill. Truth was that a strong black magic was casted at him by a Jewish women.
The Jews who were hostile to Islam conspired to Kill the prophet in this way. There
position and status was threatened by the growth of Islam and his followers.
Also there dream to rule the Madina was shattered by the Prophet when he mi-
grated to Yathrib. They used to lend money on high interest and used the rivalry be-
tween Aus and Khazraj tribes of Yathrib to there benefit. But Islam condemned Usu-
ry / interest and the rivalry between tribes was brough to an end by way of brother-
hood and equality, therefore Jews became extremely angry on Prophet, a throng in
there way to rule Yathrib so they decided to remove it.
The impact of the magic was removed by Gabriel and Mikael who came to him and
recited this Surah. Thus the last Chapter of Quran Surah Al-Naas was revealed upon
him to guide the mankind to seek Allah’s protection and shelter from all evils.

“ Say : I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of
mankind. From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws. Who whispers into
the hearts of Mankind, among jinns and among mankind ”

2.3 : Revelation of Quran

Q : Write an account of the ways in which the Quran was revealed to

the Prophet between the ears 610 and 632. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet was revealed in stages from the heavens to its recipient, the
Prophet. The first revelation came to the Prophet in Ramadan 610AD while he was
meditating in the Cave of Hira on the mount of Light or Jabal-al-Nur, in the outskirts
of Makkah. Angel Jibrael appeared before him in form of man and commanded him
to read. Prophet repeated the following verses of Surah Alaq with Jabreal :
" Read! In the name of your Lord, who created, Created man out of clot or con-
gealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful. He Who taught by the
pen. Taught man what he did not know "
After the first revelation, there was a gap before the next revelation came. After
that the revelations were about asking Prophet to invite Makkans to Islam :
" On you wrapped in your cloak, rise and warm! " (Surah Muddathir)
" And admonish your nearest kinsmen " (Surah Shura) and
" Expound openly by what you have been commanded " (Surah Hijr)
Then, he would receive revelations, sometimes a whole Surah, at others, just a few
verses. Usually, he received revelations without warning though at times the prevail-
ing circumstances determined the nature and contents of the revelations. For exam-
ple, to console the Prophet, Surah Kawthar, Al Duha etc. were revealed. Between
610-622AD, Makkah Surahs were revealed that are generally shorter, carried harsh
toon with fundamental teaching of Tawhid. The last complete Makki Surah was : Su-
rah Muzammil. As Prophet migrated to Madinah, the nature and contents of revela-
tions changed. It was now about how to follow God. This sequence of revelations
continued to reveal according to situation and need until when in the Plains of Ara-
fat, Prophet received the final revelation on 10th of Zilhajj :

" This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you
and have chosen Islam as your religion. " (Surah Maidah)
This revelation marked the completion of Islam and Quran. All the revelations were
brought to him by Jabriel. Various hadiths outlines the modes of revelations like,
" Sometimes it is like the ringing of a bell, this form of inspiration is hardest of all
and then this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired ... "
Moreover, Prophet felt different sensations whenever he received a revelation.
Hazrat Aisha narrated :
" Verily, I saw the Prophet bring inspired divinely on a very cold day and noticed
the sweat dropping from his forehead "
Many of those around him could notice an unusual increase in body weight, for ex-
ample, collapsing of the she camel he used to ride. At times, he was directly in-
scribed in his heart and occasionally, through dreams. Thus, this is how the Quran
was revealed upon the Prophet.

2.4 : 1st revelation of Holy Quran

Q : The first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad in 610AD. De-

scribe his experience of this event. /10
Q : Write an account of the events of the first revelation and the
Prophet's reaction afterwards. /10

Q : Write about Prophet Muhammad's first experience of revela-

tion. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet, by the age of 40, began to have certain spiritual experiences and
would visit frequently a small Cave on the Peak of Jabl-al-Nur (mountain of light) to
spend hours in meditation and worship. He would think about the Lord and the cor-
rupt Makkah society. One night, popularly believed to be the 27th of Ramadan,
610AD, as he was meditating in the Cave of Hira, he heard a voice : "Read". He
quickly looked back and saw a huge figure covering the whole horizon. The archan-
gel Jibrael came to him in the form of man. Then the following dialogue took place
between them :
Jibrael said, "Read". Muhammad replied : "I cannot read".
He then squeezed the Prophet's chest hard and said again, "Read". The reply was
the same. Again Jibrael squeezed his chest and asked him to read, and Prophet's re-
ply was the same. The Prophet later said that Jibrael squeezed him so hard that he
felt as if his ribcage would collapse.

When Jabrael asked him to read for the 3rd time, Prophet asked him: " What shall I
read " Now Jibrael recited 1st five verses of Surah al-Alaq, which the Prophet re-
peated after him :
" Read in the name of Your Lord Who, created, Created man out of a clot of con-
gealed blood. Proclaim! and your Lord is most Bountiful. He Who taught by the
Pen. Taught man that which he knew not. "
The Prophet was greatly shaken, confused and afraid by the strange experience.
Such was the spiritual weight of this revelation that he felt his very soul burdened
by these words. It was a dramatize situation as it was the same archangel who came
in his dream. Then He left the cave and rushed towards his house. On the way down
from the mountain, he heard a voice :
" Muhammad you are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jabriel "
He looked up and saw the Angel on the whole horizon, and wherever he looked he
could see the Angel, as this time Jibrael was in his true form. He rushed home and
asked Khadija R.A :
"Cover me! Cover me! " When he felt better, he related this account to Khadija. She
consoled him with the historic words :
" be of good cheer, dear cousin, for by Him Who has dominion over Khadija's soul,
I do hope that you are the Holy Prophet of this nation. Allah would never humili-
ate you. You are good to your relatives, true to your word, you said the needy,
you support the weak, and you respond to the call if the distressed "
He was an ordinary mortal. He was reassured by theses words and fell asleep. Then
Khadija took him to her cousin Warqa-bin-Naufil who was a Christian scholar of old
scriptures of Torah and Gospel. After the Prophet narrated his experience, Warqa
confirmed that it was the same Archangel who came to Moses and gave him
confidence. He confirmed that the Prophethood is assigned to him because Ahmed
(Prophet's mother gave him this name) is mentioned in the old scriptures as a last
messenger. He also warned him for the upcoming hardships by saying :

" The angel who descended on Moses, I am sure has descended on You. Your peo-
ple will oppose you and will turn you out. I wish that i was alive at time and could
help you "
These words visibly shocked the Prophet and with this the experience ended.

2.5 : Compilation of Holy Quran

Q : Give an account of how the Quran was compiled in the years follow-
ing the Prophet's death. /10
Suggested Answer :
Quran is the last divine book of Allah revealed upon the last Prophet; Muhammad
between the years 610 to 632 AD. At the time of the Prophet's death no official
copy of the Quran existed and perhaps no one possessed the complete written text.
About 300 to 350 hafiz who memorized Quran were killed in the battle of Yamama
so the companions felt the necessity to collect and compile the text of Quran. On
Hazrat Umar's assistance, Abu Bakr decided to collect all Surahs of the Quran and
compile it. Hazrat Abu Bakr said :
" Umar what in persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was convinced that he
was right "
So he appointed a team of 75 selected companions to assist the head; Zaid bin
Sabit to collect the Quranic verses from every part of the Islamic empire and com-
pile them in book form. Zaid bin Sabit is reported to have said that when Abu Bakr
asked him to start the work, he felt :
" It would be far easier to carry a mountain on head than to shoulder such a great
responsibility "
Zaid bin Sabit traced out and collected the chapters
of the Quran from every person. He collected it from palm leaves, stones, pieces of
wood and people who had committed it to memory. Zaid used extremely cautious

and meticulous techniques in compiling Quran. He did not include any verse in his
master copy of Quran unless he had received written and verbal testimonies prov-
ing its uninterrupted succession. He verified the authenticity of the verses by fol-
lowing method :
Firstly, he tested it's reliability against his own memory as he himself was Hafiz of
Quran; secondly, Umar was also Hafiz and both of them used to receive any Quranic
verse jointly, thirdly, no written verse was accepted until two trustworthy witnesses
had testified that it was written in presence of prophet and lastly, it was matched
with the collections that different companions has made. The copy prepare by Zaid
is called Mushaf as it comprised of many Suhuf. In this the verses were arranged in
accordance with the order identified by Prophet but Surahs were arranged sepa-
rately. The Mushaf remained with 1st Caliph and then with Hazrat Umar. After his
death, the script was transferred to Hazrat Hafsa( mother of the faithful and daugh-
ter of Umar) the copy came to be known as Mashaf al Hafsa. During the Caliphate of
Usman (644- 656AD), the Muslim empire had expanded enormously. It was noticed
by some Muslim commanders that the new converts disputed among themselves
over different ways of recitation in their local dialects, each claiming himself to be
So the commanders from Armania, Syria and Central Asian states reported to the
Imam; Hazrat Usman. Hudhaifa bin Abdullah, Saad and An as bin Malik expressed
their concern about the situation to Hazrat Usman and requested him to take im-
mediate action for the removal of the differences that can create rift among Mus-
lims. So Usman acted in urgency and appointed Zaid bin Sabit along with Abdullah,
Said and Abd Rahman who assisted to make copies of Quran from Mashaf al Hafsa.
They were told to follow the dialect of Quraish as Quran had been revealed in that
dialect. In these copies were arranged in order of recitation (usually, longest to
shortest). The new copies were dispatched to various provinces of Empire along
with reciters in order to ensure a standard version of recitation. He ordered to de-
stroy the copy with different text by fire. Hazrat Usman is known as Jami al Quran.
This means that he brought the Muslim around to a uniform reading of Quran that
we read today.

2.6 : Major themes of Quran
God in Himself

Q : Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings
about God in Quran. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Quran frequently mentions God, both in terms of His unique person and his su-
preme attributes, powers and qualities. Surah Ikhlas best sums up God's sublime na-
ture by rejecting all false notions about God's family. It is so named Ikhlas (pure) be-
cause it fully purifies the doctrine of Tawhid :
" Say He is Allah the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute, He does not beget, nor is He
begotten; and there is none like Him "
The short surah answers all questions about God's matchless nature or person in a
conscious and convincing way by declaring God as free from all human and living
traits. We, therefore, simply admit that it is impossible for human mind to compare
God with anyone. This inability if human mind is also reflected in several verses like :
" No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision; He is above all compre-
hension.. "
As for God's powers and attributes Verse of Thorne gives wonderful description of
His freedom from all living and human traits. Also it declares God's uniqueness
in His powers as ever living and independent :
" Allah! There is no God but He, the living, the self subsisting, eternal. NO slumber
can seize Him nor sleep.. "
He is also described as the Originator of the universe and everything within it that
shows His uniqueness in His authority :
" To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth "

It shows God's uniqueness in Lordship as He enjoys unshared authority over entire
universe. Another aspect of God's magnanimous authority is seen by the fact that
the seven heavens are standing without pillars :
" The heavens are almost rent asunder from above them, and the angels celebrate
the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for being on Earth: Behold! Al-
lah is He, the oft forgiving, the most merciful "
This verse also reminds Muslims about God's mercy and forgiveness that excels all
His other attributes. He, therefore, Taught angles to invoke His mercy for humans,
thus it also tells us to ask Him (most merciful) for forgiveness from sins.
Lastly, the Quran invites Muslims to observe presence if God through the medium
of His creations that bears evidence of God and His supreme powers :
" And among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon; adore
but the sun and moon, but adore Allah, who created them.. "
It shows Muslims of God's powers whose created universe is marked by His superi-
ority over all. So we should acknowledge His oneness by worshipping Him only and
negating shirk, keeping in mind His supremacy and the uniqueness that makes Him
only worthy of worship being our sole creator.

God’s relation with Men

Q : From the passages you have studied from the Quran, write about
God's relationship with humankind. /10
Q : Using Quran passages from the syllabus, describe what the Quran
teaches about God's responsibility to His creatures and their duties to-
wards Him. /10

Humans are Allah's vicegerent on Earth and are superior over all creations. The five
passages that focus on God's relationship with humankind are : Surah Baqarah, Su-
rah Al Alaq, Surah Zilzal and Surah Al Nas. These passages describe various aspects
of His relationship--God's power to create man and make man most supreme crea-
ture; His power to provide means of Sustenance; His ability to guide and protect hu-
mans; His provision of mercy and justice and above all, His command to humans to
adore and worship Him alone. Allah created man from clot of congealed blood
(minimal origin) and taught him the knowledge of the worlds and raised its status.
Surah Alaq refers to it :
" Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, Created man out of clot of con-
gealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, He who taught by the
pen, Taught man what he did not know. "
This passage shows God's relation with man as Creator and teacher of man. Also this
implies physical, intellectual and spiritual evolution of humankind. The command,
'Read in the name of your Lord' invites human to important fact of remembering
and worshipping the Creator Lord without whose blessing humans can't acquire any-
thing on their own. Similarly Surah Baqarah outlines God's relation with man as sus-
tainer :
" Who has made the earth your couch, and heavens your canopy... by it brought
forth fruits for your sustenance "
Moreover, here "earth" refers to the arrangements for man's physical growth, and
"heavens" implies spiritual development. Since God has blessed us with unlimited
blessings being the benefactor Quran command us to be grateful to him and re-
member this. Surah Baqarah says :
" ..Do not set up rivals to Allah, when u know "
Thus, in return of his blessings Allah expects from us to acknowledge his powers and
condemn shirk. God is aware of vulnerability of humans before Satan. So Allah pro-
tects man from all evils being the protector. Surah Nas says :

" ..The Lord of mankind, God of mankind.."
These attributes strengthen humans relation with God against all evils. It also warns
humans of the methodology of Satan to misguide man.
All these relations create intimate relation of God with man that would make them
successful on the last day when Allah will resurrect man and would provide absolute
justice :
" Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good see it! And anyone
who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it "
The 5 passages teaches humans to identify and adore the Lord of Worlds, be grate-
ful to His blessings by obeying His command and thus develop fear of God's wrath
as well as hope of His bliss in the Hereafter.

God’s relation with Messengers

Q : From the Quran passages set for special study in the syllabus, de-
scribe the ways in which God gave knowledge of Himself to His Mes-
sengers. /10
Suggested Answer :
The relevant passages from the syllabus are from Surah Baqarah, Anaam, Maidah,
Duha and Kausar. These passages mentions some details of God's relationship with
prophet Adam, Ibrahim, Isa and Holy prophet.
Allah created man as His vicegerent and made the world for them for a temporary
time and send His specially chosen people to guide man to the right path. All the
messengers had a special instinct and desire to learn about creator behind contem-
porary views of the people. The prophets were divinely taught people guided by Al-
lah through inspiration, revelation through Angels and at last talking to them behind
veil. As like others, Adam was also divinely taught :
" And He (Allah) taught Adam the names of all things... " (Surah Baqarah)

In this verse it shows that God granted Adam the ability of creative thinking so that
he could name the things (nomenclature) that had not been given to any creation.
This exalted status was acknowledged by all the angels except Iblis who disobeyed
God and was banished. Allah warned Adam about the Satan. In fact
God tested him by the way of Ink is who enticed Adam and Eve to disobey the God.
Adam, however repented on his mistake before God who had taught him the ways
to seek forgiveness :
" Then learned Adam from his Lord words of inspiration and his Lord turned to-
wards him " (Surah Baqarah)
So Adam learned about God's wisdom, powers, mercy and forgiveness.
Hazrat Ibrahim was formally awarded prophethood by giving him the power to
think, the sense to seek, to observe and analyze. After that God inspired him to re-
alize that He alone is the Creator and Master of all these apparently majestic and
glorious things which the people of Ibrahim used to worship. Allah taught Him is to
find his true God as it is mentioned in Surah Anaam :
" So also did We show Abraham the power and Laws of the heavens and the
earth, so that he might have certainty " (Surah Anaam)
Ibrahim concluded after observing the celestial bodies that only God is great in His
grandeur, splendor and majesty. He is immortal. Thus, God granted the real wisdom
to Ibrahim so that he believed in His absolute oneness and powers. Hazrat Isa, by
God's will could give life to the dead and
heal the leper and the blind, thus God shared some of His matchless powers :
" Behold! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel" (Surah
This verse clearly shows that Isa was taught by God himself and was given some of
God's wisdom and the divine book from Allah. The people used to worship the con-
temporary Gods of their time and all the prophet looked to find the true God as
Prophet used to go to Cave of Hira to find God :

" And He found you wondering and He gave you guidance "(Surah Duha)
Prophet like others was a Ummi prophet whom Allah taught himself. God gave him
reassurance when his enemies nicked him over a longer break in revelation :
" Your Guardian Lord has not forsaken you... "(Surah Duha)
His future victories reaffirmed his knowledge about God's special favors on him and
so his faith in God's blessing on him was strengthened.

Q : From the Quranic passages you have studied, outline the relation-
ship between God and two of His messengers who were sent before the
Prophet Muhammad. /10
Suggested Answer :
Messengers are specially chosen man by God to whom is entrusted the divine mes-
sage to preach. The Holy Quran narrates stories of various prophetic massagers
from Adam till Holy prophet. Among these, some of the Messengers have men-
tioned more frequently. Hazrat Ibrahim is one of them.
The Quran talks about the story of Divine scheme arranged for successful identity of
One God, through the perspective of God's mighty creation. Surah Anaam refers to
it :
" So also did We show Abraham the power and the laws of heavens and the earth
so that he might have certainty... But when sun set he said : " O people! I am in-
deed free from giving partners to God..."
The passage outlines the ways through which Ibrahim found his true God by observ-
ing the celestial bodies that shows God's presence and supremacy. For this reason
he earned the title of Khalil ul Allah meaning friend of Allah, that shows God's spe-
cial relation with Ibrahim . It also proves that he, like other messengers, a man cho-
sen by God because his intuitive progress of observing the illuminious bodies and
not accepting them as deities.

Allah made arrangements to send him in polytheistic community that boasted of its
knowledge about the heavenly bodies and Abraham quest in search of Truth that
lead him to identify God. He like other messengers was rejected by his people and
tried to kill him when he enjoyed special protection from Allah that shows special
relation. Also he prayed to Allah to send a prophet of his progeny which was accept-
ed. The Quran also describes the story of Jesus (Isa). He was born miraculously to his
mother, Mariyam without the father. Surah Maidah says :
" Behold! I strengthened you with a holy spirit..."
This tells us that he was a holy spirit (Ruh ul Allah) and it clearly rejects Christians
believe of trinity. Various Quranic verses give details of Jesus special association
with God and granted him variety of Prophetic signs however Surah Maidah sums all
these :
" Behold! I strengthened you with a Holy spirit, so that you spoke to people in
childhood and maturity... and you heal those born blind, and the lepers, by My
leave... "
This shows how God had decreed miraculous events on Jesus to prove that he was
not an ordinary human with a purpose to tell people about God's existence.
The Quran is thus, replete with stories of God's messengers with reference to God's
relationship with them.

2.7 : Legal Thinking (Sharia)

R emember :
In legal thinking question you have to refer to as many references of Quran or Hadith as possible
because you are proving that Quran is the book of laws regarding every phase of human life.
Always start your answer with suitable intro defining the main terms addressed in question like
Quran, Hadith, Sharia etc. supporting it with a reference.
E.g : Quran is the last divine scripture containing guidance of every human aspect of life that
took its name from the root word Iqra-read.
“ And we have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything ” (Al-Nahl)
E.g : The hadith is basically the indirect words of Allah, reflection of Quran and the explicit form
of Quran.
“ Nor does He speaks of his own desire and he follows whatever been inspired to him and re-
vealed to him ”
E.g : Sharia is the set of Islamic laws forming part of Islamic tradition derived from religious pre-
cepts of Islam, Quran and Hadith. According to Islamic jurisprudence, there are 4 sources of Sha-
ria : Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas.
Form your own sentences and refer to the any of the references you find easy from below ac-
cording to the question statement. Note that you can shorten a reference and just adding the
part of the reference that is supporting your statement t by adding dots in start if you want to
skip first few words or line or in between if you want to skip something in between the refer-
ence. It saves time!!
“ Give full measure when you measure and weigh with a balance that is straight… ”(Bani Israil)
“ Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies.. ”(An-
“ We ordained therein for them; life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for
tooth and wounds equal for equal… ” (Al-Maidah)
“ Allah (thus) directs you as regards your children’s inheritance : to the male a portion equal to
that of two females : if only daughters two or more their share is 2/3 of the inheritance; if only
one her share is a half ” (An Nisa)

“ The woman and man guilty of adultery flog each of them with hundred stripes ” (An-Nur)
“ As to the thief male for female cut off his or her hands ” (Al-Maidah)
“ O you who believe! When you deal with each other in transactions involving future obliga-
tions in a fixed period of time reduce them to writing ” (Baqarah)
“ Marry not woman whom your father married, except what had already passed. Surely this
was an indecency and hateful act and an evil way ” (An-Nisa)
“ A divorce is only permissible twice, after that the parties should either hold together on equi-
table terms or separate with kindness ” (Baqarah)
“ Kill not your children in the dread of poverty…. Killing them is a graet blunder, indeed ” (Bani
“ And Allah has allowed trading and forbideen Usury ”
“ Marry Women of your choice : two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able
to deal justly, then only one ” (Al-Nisa)
{Regarding murder} “ Nor take life which Allah has made sacred except for Just cause ” (Al-Isra)
“ O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, altars and divining arrows are only devil’s filthy
work. Turn aside from it so that you may prosper ” (Al-Maidah)

2.7(1) : Quran and Hadith

I mportant :
In the Quran & Hadith relation question, start with an intro defining Quran and Hadith and then
adding the following references to support your stance that Quran and hadith are interlinked and
he can’t understand Quran completely without Hadith. Form your own statement :
“ You have indeed in the apostle of God a beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone whose hope
is in God… ” (Al-Ahzab)
“ So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you ” (Al-Hashr)
“ He who obeys the Apostle, obeys Allah ” (An-Nisa)

“ And you (Muhammad) stands on an exalted standard of character ” (Al-Qalam)
Form your own statement like Hadith are not the words of Prophet formed by himself but are
the indirect words of Allah and are authentic as he was an Ummi Prophet :
“ Nor does He speaks of his own desire and he follows whatever been inspired to him and re-
vealed to him ” (Al-Najam)
“ So believe in God and His messenger, the unlettered prophet…. ” (Al-Araf)
Thus, anything that is commanded by Quran, we have to follow it :
“ And once it has been decided by Allah and His messenger it is not befitting for Men or women
to find ways ” (Al-Ahzab)

Now start giving examples of Quran and Hadith working together. Anyone you wish from the fol-
lowing :
Quran : “ Devour not each other’s properties unlawfully unless it is through trade by other con-
sent” (An-Nisa)
Hadith : It is unlawful to take the property of a Muslim without his express consent ”
Quran : “ O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charges in authority
among you ” (Nisa)
Hadith : “ It is obligatory for one to listen to and obey( the ruler’s orders) unless these orders in-
volve one disobedience (to Allah) but if any act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed, he should
not listen to or obey it ” (Sahih Bukhari)
Quran : “ And establish (regular) prayers and pay charity ” (Al-Baqarah)
Hadith : “ Pray as you see me praying ” (Agreed)
“ No Zakat is payable on property until a year passes away on it ” (Sunnan Abu Dawood)
This example proves that Hadith is necessary as we get to know how to pray and how much to
pay as Zakat from hadith
Quran : “ Pilgrimage thereto is a duty man owes to Allah, for those who can afford the jour-
ney” (Al-Imran)
Hadith : “ Take your religious rites from me ” (Sahih Muslim) {we get to know how to perform
Hajj from hadith}

Quran : “ God has permitted trade and forbidden Riba ” (Al-Baqarah)
Hadith : “ The battering of gold for gold is usury/riba, if it is from hand to hand and equal in
amount and quality and wheat grain for wheat grain is usury except if it is hand to hand and
equal in amount and quality ” {Elaborating the riba}
Quran : “ O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling… are an abomination of Satan’s handi-
work, so shun them ” (Al-Maidah)
Hadith : Every intoxicant is khamr so every intoxicant is haram ”

V.I.P : Never mention Prayer, Hajj, Zakat example in a Quran and Hadith relation in legal think-
ing or sharia!! You can add them in general question of Quran and Hadith relation in Islam.

2.7(2) : Quran and Ijma

Start the answer from defining main terms. Either it is Quran or Ijma.
E.g : Ijma comes from the word Jammat meaning collecting or gathering. In legal terminology,
Ijma means a rule governing the Sharia which is the outcome of the consensus of Muslim jurists
on a question of laws within the limits laid down by Quran and Sunnah.
Then support your statement made by referring to following hadiths and Quranic quotes proving
that they allow/encourage use of Ijma :
Quran :
“ Hold fast to Allah’s rope (guidance) all together and never be divided ” (Al-Imran)
“ Take council with them in the conduct of affairs ” (Al-Imran)
“ O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truthful!” (Tawbah)
Hadith :
“ Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the matter by their coun-
cil and do not decide it by any man’s opinion ”
“ Whoever among you wants to be in the middle of paradise, let him stick to the group”
“ You have to follow congregation, for surely Allah will not make the largest group of Muham-
mad’s community agree on error ”

Then discuss about the three types of Ijma
1. Ittifaq-e-qawli
2. Ittifaq-e-feali
3. Ittifaq-e-sakuti
And then give examples of when Ijma was conducted and made law. E.g : During compilation of
Quran, two Azans for Friday prayer, Tarawih in congregation etc.

2.7(3) : Quran and Qiyas

Again same for all answers, start with intro defining main terms.
E.g : The meaning of the word Qiyas is measuring or analogical deduction from the first three
sources of law. It is basically resorted in respect of problems about which there is no specific pro-
vision in the Quran or Sunnah. In case when something needs legal ruling but has not been clear-
ly addressed in other sources, judges may use analogy and reasoning to decide new case when a
general principal can be applied to new situation.
………………………………… Can make your own statements………………………………………….
Then again make it clear that both primary sources of law allow its use by giving references :
Quran :
“ Take warning then, O you with eyes (to see) ” (Al-Hashr)
“ Certainly we have created for Hell many a Jinn and Man. They have hearts wherewith they
understand not. They have eyes wherewith they see not. They have ears wherewith they hear
not. They are like cattle…. ” (Al-Araf)
Hadith :
“ I judge amongst you by opinion in what has not been dealt with by inspiration (wahi) ”
“ Judge upon the Book of Allah, if you do bot find in it what you need, upon the Sunnah of Prophet
and if you do not find in that, then use your personal opinion ” (Sunnan Abu Dawood)

Then add the rules of Qiyas….. Its pillars and examples of where it is used.

Rules of Qiyas :
• Qiyas cannot be used to establish a ruling that disregards a principle established by the Quran
and Sunnah.
• Qiyas cannot be used in a matter where the Quran and Sunnah have already given a decision
• It does not work in the area of belief
• The person who performs it must be properly qualified.
• Qiyas should be based on Quran, Sunnah and Ijma but not on another Qiyas.
• Proper rules must be followed.
Pillars of Qiyas :
• The fundamental teaching (asl : Root) on which Qiyas is based. E.g Identification of clear
known thing that resembles to modern situation i.e every intoxicant is haram
• The subsidiary (far : branch) which is the new condition in question. E.g : LSD, Opium, Cocaine
• The cause (illah : cause) that connects both cases. E.g : Wine drinking is forbidden because it
leads to forgetfulness of God. So all these new drugs also does the same.
• The law (Hukm : ruling) that is extended from the new case. E.g : These drugs also intoxicants
and causes forgetfulness and lose of control thus they are haram too.
Examples where used :
• Drugs of all kind are haram
• Wudu is not valid until even smallest portion of body remains dry that has to be washed.
Umar said : “ A person performed ablution and left small part equal to a space of nail un-
washed. The Apostle saw and said : ‘ Go back and perform ablution again’ ”
Thus, it is applied to nail polish that keeps nails dry thus wudu remains invalid.
Quran prohibits business after Adhan of Jumma prayer :
“ O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the Re-
membrance of Allah and leave off business...” Jumma)
Thus, this can be applied to all kinds of transactions like sales that distract man from remember-
ing Allah.

3 : ProPhet’s life before ProPhethood
Q : Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first revelation. /10
Q : Describe the main events in the Prophet's life before he was granted
prophethood. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet was born as orphan child of Amina and Abdullah on Monday, the
12th Rabi-ul-Awal 570AD, the Year of Elephant as Abraha invaded Kabah this year.
The child was named Muhammad by his grandfather and Ahmed by his mother.
Both names mean "the praised one". Muhammad as mentioned in Surah Imran and
Ahzab while Ahmed in Surah Saff. Muhammad belongs to the Banu Hashim clan of
the great tribe Quraish. He was given in the nursing care of Halima, a Bedouin wom-
an from Banu Saad of Hawazin. Muhammad remained with Banu Saad for 5 years,
where he learned pure Arabic dialect. He took pride in it by saying:
" Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you; my descent is from Quraish and
my tongue is the tongue of Banu Saad "
After 2 years, Halima brought him back to his mother, but as there was epidemic in
Makkah, he was again sent back. When Muhammad was about 5 years old, Angel
Gabriel came and His chest was opened and the heart was washed to make it im-
mune against Satan forever. Prophet himself narrated :
" There came unto me two men (angels in fact) clad in white.....they split open
and took from it a black clot which they cast away.... washed my heart....”
By the age of 6, he was given back to Amina. She took him to Madinah to visit the

grave of her husband. On return journey, she passed away in 576AD at Abwa (near
Yathrib)and was buried there.
Umm Aimen the slave girl brought him to his grandfather Abdul Muttalib who
brought him up with love and affection from 576AD to 578AD. He died in 578AD be-
fore entrusting him to care to Abu Talib. Abu Talib took care of Muhammad with
fatherly love from 578 to 619AD till his death. Allah says regarding it :
" Did he not find you an orphan and give you shelter (And care) " Surah Duha "
At the age of 12 in 582AD, Muhammad began to accompany Abu Talib in his trade
journey to Syria and other territories. In such visit, a Christian monk, Bahira in Syria,
recognized him as last Prophet and warned Abu Talib to keep him away from Rabbis
even then they can harm him. Between the years 580 to 590AD, Harb al-Fijar ( a
sacrilegious war ) broke out between the Quraish and Hawazin tribe of Najd. This
war caused large scale blood-shed of the Poor and innocent and poor. Seeing injus-
tice and ravages of war, some tribal chiefs decided to form an alliance to protect
the rights of oppressed. They assembled in the house of Abdullah bin Jadan. This
alliance came to be known as Hilf al Fuzul or League of the Just. Prophet attended
the meeting of the signing of the treaty and later proudly exclaim :
" I was present in the house of Abdullah bin Jadan at so excellent a pact that I
would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red camels, and , if now in Islam, I
were summoned into it, I would gladly respond "
In His late teens, he abandoned the occupation of a shepherd and began to trade.
He believed in honesty and fair play and this was acknowledged by Saad bin Abu
Waqas and Saib, his trade partners. Soon he earned the titles, Al-Sadiq(the truthful)
and Al-Amin (the trustworthy). People used to entrust him their belongings. This no-
ble repute took him to a rich merchant women, Khadija, who hired him as her trad-
ing agent. He brought good fortune to her and eventually she
proposed him. He married to the 40 year old Khadija when he was just 25. Marriage
freed him from financial worries and in late 30s he could take more time for medita-
tion. When he was 35 in 605AD, he played important role in the re-building of flood

damaged Kaabah. A dispute arose of fixing the black stone (Hajr al Aswad). Every tribal chief
wanted to earn the honor. Prophet solved the problem by telling that the first Man to enter Kaa-
bah will fix the stone. Everyone honored his proposal based on his wisdom and fair personality.
He was the first Man to be in Kaabah next morning. He placed the stone on a sheet and asked all
the tribal chiefs to fix it to its proper place. This averted a possible quarrel. By age if 40, he began
to isolate himself from active Makkah life and used to retire to Cave of Hira where he was formal-
ly granted Prophethood in 610AD.

3.2 : Main events in Makkah (572AD-622AD)

3.2(1) : Opposition and Persecution faced by Muslims

Q : Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makkah. /10
(June 2011)
Q : Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makkah. /10 (November
Q : Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in
Makkah. /10 (June 2013 Re-sit)
Q : The Muslims in Makkah faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet began preach-
ing openly. Describe the persecutions against the followers of the Prophet at this
time. /10 (June 2017)
Suggested Answer :
The Prophet started his prophetic mission after 610AD and gradually the number of his fellows
began to increase. Initially, the poor and unsupported people embraced Islam, but slowly some
well-off Makkans became his followers. The Quraish became furious on growth of Islam. They
targeted slaves without tribal protection and unleashed a campaign of inhuman persecutions.
Hazrat Bilal, the Negro slave, was tortured by his cruel master, Umaya bin Khalaf. He used to tie
hands of Bilal and make him lie in scorching desert sand with a heavy rock on his chest. He was
pressed hard to abandon new faith but Bilal remained unmoved. Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir was
subjected to torture and his parents were also humiliated. His mother, Sumaya, was killed in a
painful way while his father, Yasir also died of prolonged sufferings.

Hazrat Harith bin Abi Hala was also killed by the Makkans when he was trying to protect the
Prophet against enemies. Hazrat Saad bin Waqas was struck by a sword when he was protecting
the Prophet.
Hazrat Abu Ubaida, one of the earliest convert, also faced hostility at the hands of Quraish. It was
also noted that Makkans did not spare even the rich people like Hazrat Talha, Uthman and Abu
Bakr. Hazrat Uthman was beaten by his relatives while Hazrat Abu Bakr was dragged along his
beard when he rushed to rescue the Prophet. Another early convert, Hazrat Khabbab bin al-Aratt
( a blacksmith) was tortured by branding his body with his own tools.
Hazrat Lubaina was slave of Hazrat Umar. He used to bear her and stooped only when he was ex-
hausted and would said : " I have stopped not out of pity but because I am tried " Hazrat Zinnira
was also a slave girl who got blinded by the torture inflicted by Abu Jahl. Moreover, Hazrat Zubair
bin al-Awwam (5th convert) was used to wrapped up in burning mat by his uncle and was forced
to inhale smoke. As the persecutions intensified, the Prophet allowed a batch of 12 men and four
women were allowed to migrate to Abyssinia, an African state in West of Arabia. Shortly, after-
wards a batch of 83men and 19 women migrated. The ruler was a God-fearing Christian, Najashi
who allowed Muslims to stay here peacefully as much time as they want.
Makkans, seeing these developments, imposed a social boycott on Banu Hashim in which they
were abandoned to a narrow gorge called Shib-i-Abi-Talib for 3 years (616- 619). It was agreed
that no one will send them food or drink, thus Muslims suffered a lot and lived in dire conditions
and faces starvation. They were forced to eat the leaves of trees. Thus, the precautions on the
Muslims continued until the Migration to Madina but the Muslims faced the hard time with de-
termination and steadfastness.

3.2(2) : Opposition and Persecution faced by Prophet

Q : Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself during his
time in Makkah after his call to Prophethood. /10 (November 2010 Variant 2)
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet began to preach openly after receiving the Divine command :
" Expound openly what you are commanded and turn away from those who join false gods
with Allah "

He was outrightly rejected by the Quraish when he first addressed them openly from the Safa
hills in Makkah. His uncle Abu Lahab cursed him later was cursed by Quran in Surah Lahab (111).
Other kinsmen too returned against him and was subjected to humiliation, torture and disgrace.
They threw dirt and filth at him and strewed his path with thorns and brambles, and they even
pelted him with stones. Insulting titles and was attacked even be was busy in prayer.
Once, a Makkan chief Uqba bin Abu Muait placed the intestines of camel on his back when he
was busy in prayer. Others who participate in ugly mission of torturing and ridiculing Prophet
were Umaya bin Khalaf, Utba, Walid bin Mughira and Shayba.
He was given various insulting titles such as magician, madman, soothsayer and man possessed
by spirits. He was called al-abtar (man without progeny) on the death of his sons from Khadija.
Abu Lahab's wife, Umm Jamil not only threw garbage on him but also mocked him when there
was an unusual delay in receiving revelation. She and Abu Lahab made their sons divorce Ruqay-
ya and Umm Kulthum.
An old Makkan lady used to throw garbage on the Prophet whenever he walked down his street.
Once she did not throw filth on Prophet, thus he went upstairs to inquire her well being, finding
her ill, he attended to her till the time she had fully recovered. She was so impressed by the kind
behavior of Prophet that she embraced Islam.
When Quraish failed in all their attempts to resist Prophet from preaching they send Utbah bin
Rabiah with offer of great wealth or marriage to a beautiful women if choice or kingship of Mak-
ka, but the Prophet declined and recited verses from Quran. Soon after they came up with anoth-
er proposal that they will worship Prophet's God for one year if he will worship their God for one
year. Prophet recited verses of Surah Al-Kafirun :
" You have your religion and I have my religion "
Finally, they decided to impose a general social boycott on Banu Hashim and Banu Al Muttalib.
They were compelled to retire to a narrow gorge called Shaab Abu Talib. Details of the boycott
was written and hung on the gate of Kabah. They were forced to eat leaves of trees, thus at the
end of boycott in 619AD, Prophet lost Abu Talib and Khadija due to prolonged hunger and thirst.
Prophet was so saddened by their deaths that he declared this year as 'The Year of Sorrow'.
He found it difficult to preach in Makkah so he went to Taif in 620AD and tried to preach Banu
Thaqeef of Taif but they proved to be more hostile as Prophet left with injured body and heavy
heart. Thus, his difficulties continued until the migration to Madinah.

3.2(3) : Migration to Abyssinia

Q : Describe the main events relating to the first migration (hijra) of Muslims to
Abyssinia. /10
Suggested Answer :
Persecutions and opposition by Quraish got intensified from 610 to 615 AD. They targeted the
slaves and the poor Muslims like Bilal, Zinnaria, Ammar Bin Yasir and his parents, and Khabab
Bin al-Aratt. Bilal was beaten in a wild way by his master. Thus, conversion of powerful men like
Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Umar, anger of Quraish reached its peak. The Prophet allowed some
of his followers to migrate to Abyssinia, an African state West of Arabia following the Quranic
command :
" Those who migrate for the sake of Allah after having been wronged, We will surely settle
them in a good place in the world.... " (Surah Nahl)
Prophet knew that Ashmah, who held the title of Najashi or the Negus, was a fair leader of Ab-
yssinia (Ethiopia). Accordingly, in Rajab of the 5th year of Prophethood (615AD), a group of 12
men and 4 women left Makkah. They included Uthman and his wife Ruqayya bint Muhammad.
Prophet remarked on this occasion :
" They are the first people to migrate in the cause of Allah after Ibrahim and Lot "
These emigrants found a safe place where they can practice their religion under a just ruler; Ne-
gus. Shortly afterwards, a second batch of emigrants left Makkah. This was a large group with
83 men and 19 women. They, too, found solace and comfort in Abyssinia. The Quraishite chiefs
got worried over this new development and apprehending the possible growth of Islam, they
decided to counter the move. Amr bin al-As and Abdullah bin Rubiya were dispatched to influ-
ence Negus against the Muslim emigrants. They carried rich bribes with them and complained
to King Negus about the escape of their fellow Makkans. The emigrants, they blamed, had re-
nounced the religion of their forefathers for a new religion. The king summoned the emigrants
who included such notables as Uthman, Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Jafaf bin Abu Talib. Ne-
gus interviews them about Islam and Jaffar who led the Muslims, delivered a convincing speech
before Negus :
" O king! We were ignorant people; we worshipped idols, ate carrion and committed all sorts
of injustice; brother wronged his brother; the strong exploited the weak. In these circum-
stances a noble man (Prophet) called us to Islam, taught us to renounce idol worship, be
truthful, abstain from blood shed, be good to others, avoid fornication, offer prayer...

and for this, were deemed guilt and our people turned against us " Then he recited 16 till 21st
verse of Surah Mariyam.
The Negus was deeply moved and he started crying. He said :
" This has truly come from the same source as that which Jesus brought "
Then Negus dismissed the appeal of the Makkah pagans and granted full permission to the Mus-
lims to live in his country. He later himself embraced Islam in 7AH.

3.2(4) : Visit of Taif

Q : The Prophet went to Taif to teach the people there about one God. Write
about his experience of this event. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Quraish increased their opposition to Islam after death of Abu Talib in 620AD. The Prophet
had now lost the tribal protection because the new chief of Bani Hashim, Abu Lahab, who too
was an uncle of Prophet had refused to extend tribal protection to him as he was hostile to Islam.
This way the Prophet became more vulnerable to his enemies, and the spread of Islam almost
completely stopped.
The Prophet surveyed the prevailing scenario and chose another important town of Hijaz, al-Taif,
located about 60 miles south-east to Makkah. Al-Taif was inhabited by the powerful tribe, Banu
Thaqeef that we stge custodian of the temple of their goddess, Al Lat. Prophet hoped a welcom-
ing response by the tribe. He was accompanied by his salve Zaid-bin-Haritha. He directly ap-
proached the 3 tribal chiefs, the sons of Amr-bin-Ummaya. They were rivals of Quraish. When the
Prophet invited them to Islam they turned violent. One of them said :
" If God sent you, I will tear down the hangings of the Kaaba "
The Prophet decided to address the tribe directly bit the chiefs appointed a rave of slaves and
hooligans to hurl stones at both in order to drive them out. He tried to preach there for many
days but the response of the people remained harsh as they continued to pelt him with stones. A
sa result of this, he received so many wounds that he began to bleed and his shoes were filled
with blood. Hazrat Zaid, too was wounded while protecting the Prophet. Finally, both left the city
and reached a vineyard. The Prophet prayed to God in a torching way while resting in the shades
of the wall of vineyard :
" O God! To you alone I complain of my weakness, my insufficient ability and my insignificance
before the people. You are most merciful and the Lord of the helpless and the weak. "
After sometime, he left for Makkah, and at Qaran al Manzil, angel Jibrael appeared before Him
with the divine offer of crushing his insulters between Al Akhshabain, the two mountains. Proph-
et replied :
" No, I hope that God will let them beget children who will worship God alone "
With a new hope, he reached Makkah, and began to address the pilgrims from Yathrib.

3.2(5) : Isra and Miraj

Q : Give an account of the Prophet's night journey and ascension (isra wa-
miraj). /10
Q : The Prophet Muhammad was taken on a night journey and ascent to the heav-
ens (al isra wa-l-miraj). Write an account of this event. /10
Suggested Answer :
A year before the Hijra, on 27th Rajab, 621AD, the Prophet was taken on a special heavenly jour-
ney; Isra wa-miraj. Isra means journey by the night while Miraj means ascension. Quran talks
about the event in few places but the details are found in hadith. Surah Al-Isra describe first part
of the journey :
" Glory to Him Who carried His servant by the night from the sacred Mosque to the distant
Mosque, the precincts of which we have blessed in order that we might show him some if Our
According to Sahihs of Bukhari, Prophet was asleep in al-Hateem, also known as al-Hijr. Then sud-
denly angel Jibrael awakened him. He split opened the chest and washed Prophet' s heart with
ZamZam water. Prophet himself narrated :
" ... He then took out my heart. Then a gold tray of Belief was brought to me and my heart was
washed and was filled and then returned to its original place "
The Prophet was told to ride a mule like animal Burraq (lightening-mount). It took him to Temple
of Solomon / Masjid al-Aqsa, in Jerusalem. He entered it from its southern gate, tied Burraq with
the ring in the door of Mosque that was used by the previous Prophets and offered two Rakkat
prayer in the Mosque. Then Jabriel offered him 2 vessels, one of milk and other of wine. Prophet
choosed the vessel filled with milk. Prophet said regarding it :
" Jibrael brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk... and I chose the milk. Jibrael said : '
You have chosen the Fitrah ' (Sahih Bukhari)
Then from the center of the Rock, he was taken by Burraq to the heavens, soon they read her the
lowest heaven. He now preceded and meet the earlier Prophets in their celestial reality. On the
lowest heaven, he saw a man, sitting with a large group of people on his sides. When he looked
those on right, he laughed, and when he looked at those on left, he cried. Prophet was told that
the people on right were inhabitants of heaven while on left were of hell while the men was Haz-
rat Adam.
He was taken to all 7 heavens one by one where on 2nd heaven he meet Hazrat Isa, on 3rd, Haz-
rat Yusuf, on 4th, Hazrat Idris, on 5th, Hazrat Haroon, on 6th, Hazrat Musa and finally, on 7th, he
met Hazrat Ibrahim. After this, they reached the point Sidrah-al-Muntaha (the lote Tree) beyond
which Jabriel could not go as his wings would burn. This is mentioned in Surah Najm :
" Near the Lote Tree beyond which none may pass "
The Prophet went in the presence of Allah and spoke to Him directly. Here last verses of Surah
Baqarah were revealed in which Allah promised that major sins of his followers would be forgiv-
en if they will not commit shirk. He was also given the gift of 50 daily prayers that were made Ob-
On the insistence of Hazrat Musa, Prophet begged Allah until they reduced to five. Musa again
urged to go back and reduce the number but Prophet refused and said :
" I have asked my Lord till I am ashamed to face him " (Sahih Bukhari)
Then he, again accompanied by Jabriel, returned through heavens and Hell. He saw people both
in heavens and hell in different conditions. After he came back from heaven, he led all the Proph-
ets in Salah at Al-Quds. Finally, he came back to Makkah. He narrated the story to Hazrat Ali' s
sister and then others. First one to believe in him was Abu Bakr who earned title of " al-
Siddique" . The Makkans laughed at him and ridiculed him.

3.2(6) : Pledges of Al-Aqabah

Q : Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqaba and the main
details in them. /10
Q : The Pledges of Aqaba were made in the Prophet's last years in Makkah. Out-
line the reasons for these pledges and write about the details in them. /10

Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet visited al-Taif, a town about 60miles, east of Makkah in 620AD after the end of
the social boycott and loss of Hazrat Khadija and Abu Talib. He was rejected by Banu Thaqeef, the
tribe living in al-Taif. Prophet had to look for other venues of preaching because the spread of
Islam had almost came to halt in Makkah in 619AD.
So on his return from al-Taif, Prophet turned towards various non-Makkan tribes and chiefs
when they came for the pilgrimage in Makkah, especially those coming from Yathrib, an oasis
about 300 miles north of Makkah. People of Yathrib were mainly idolaters belonging to the Aws
and Khazraj tribes who were rivals to each other. Jews were another major community trying to
monopolize Yathrib' s economy and politics. They would often threaten Aws and Khazraj about a
messenger who would establish Jewish rule. So, in Rajab 620AD, when 6 men from Khazraj went
for pilgrimage in Makkah and heard about the Prophet they said to each other :
" Know surely that this is the Prophet of whom the Jews have warned us "
They met the Prophet near al-Aqaba, in the outskirts of Makkah. Prophet invited them to Islam
by reciting some verses from Quran. They were Abu al-Haitham, Abu Umama, Auf bin Harith,
Qutaibah bin Amir and Jabir bin Abdullah. They returned with a promise to preach Islam in their
In 621AD, they returned with 6 more, two from the Aws tribe and met secretly with the Prophet
at al-Aqaba. All of them took this pledge :
" We will not worship any God but the one God, we will not steal, commit adultery or kill our
children. We will obey the Prophet in everything that is right "
This is called the First pledge of Al-Aqaba or the "Pledge of Women " because if did not mention
any fighting for the Prophet and according to Arab tradition, any pledge not referring to war was
associated with Women. The Prophet instructed them to spread Islam in Yathrib and sent Hazrat
Musab bin Umair, the first ambassador of Islam, with them to assist in preaching. Thus begin the
spread of Islam in Yathrib while Makkans remained ignorant of this.
In 622AD, a larger group came from Yathrib including 73 men and 2 women and met the Prophet
at al-Aqaba. Prophet brought his uncle Hazrat Abbas with him. They invited the Prophet to
Yathrib and promised to protect him and also the Islam. Hazrat Abbas pointed to the risks they
incurred by inviting the Prophet to Yathrib. They replied that they had adopted Islam with full
knowledge and knee the consequences of their invitation.
Prophet then recited some verses and repeated the first pledge :

" They promised to obey the Prophet, to spend in plenty as well as scarcity, to enjoin good and
forbid evil, and fear no one but Allah "
The Yathribite leader, Bara bin Marar took the Prophet' s hand and pledged to protect his life
and life of others with him. Thus is known as the second pledge or the "Pledges of War " . Now
the Prophet awaited the divine permission to leave Makkah for Yathrib.

3.2(7) : Migration to Madina

Q : Outline the main events of the Prophet's journey from Makkah to Madi-
nah. /10
Q : Give an account of the Hijra of the Prophet from Makkah to Madinah. /10
Suggested Answer :
Towards the end of 622AD/13th year of Prophethood the Quraish held a meeting at Dar al Nad-
wa and plotted to kill Prophet to stop his mission. They posted a band of eleven men around the
Prophet' s house at night to murder him. But during the night, the Prophet decided to migrate to
Madinah when he received the divine guidance. He left Ali on his bed and went to Abu Bakr
house. He recited Surah Yasin :
" And We put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We covered them up, so
they cannot see " (36 : 9)
Thus miraculously unseen by the band, he alone with Abu Bakr left for a cave in Mountain Thawr,
five miles south of Makkah city. Here they spent 3 days and nights, while the Makkans searched
for them and announced a reward of 100 camels who will find him. Abu Bakr's daughter would
bring them food and his son brought news from Makkans. The cave was infested with scorpions
and snakes which Abu Bakr, but he did not let them come near Prophet.
While searching them, a band of Makkans reached almost so close to them that their discovery
seemed inevitable. Abu Bakr became worried, but the Prophet assured him that Allah was the
3rd one with them (for their protection). A spider wove a web overnight at mouth of the cave
and a dove, having completed its best,laid its eggs, making the Makkans believe that no one
could be inside and left.
After 3 days both left the cave on two camels for Yathrib. But a bounty hunter, Suraqah bin Ma-
lik, tracked them and began to pursue them. He gave up as ever time he approached him he was
unable to catch him because of the protection of Allah on Prophet.

On Monday, 8 Rabi Al Awal (23 September 622 AD) they arrived at Quba at short distance from
Yathrib. Here they stayed for 4 days and were joined by Ali bin Abi Talib. At Quba, Prophet built a
mosque and prayed in it. This was the first mosque in Islam.
On Friday he left for Yathrib. On the way, he offered the first Friday prayer in the Valley of Baki
Aalim along with accompanying Muslims. The people of Madinah had eagerly waiting for their
new leader. Abu Ayub Ansari got the honor of hosting the Prophet till his own living shelter was

3.2(8) : Experiences in Caves

Q : Describe the events relating to the Prophet's experiences in Caves.

Q : Outline the Prophet's experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr.
Suggested Answer :
There were two major experiences of Holy Prophet had in his life in Caves. Firstly, the awarding
of prophethood in the cave of Hira in 610AD and secondly, his stay in the cave of Thaur in 622AD
during his emigration to Madinah.
By the age of 40, he was busy in mediation in the cave of Hira, in the Mount of Light or Jabal-al-
Nur (few miles away from Makkah) he heard a voice "Read" from his back. He suddenly looked
back and saw the Arch Angel Jibril in form of Human being. He came close to Prophet and asked
him to "Read" . Muhammad replied, "I cannot read". He then squeezed the Holy Prophet's chest
hard, and said again, "Read" . The reply was the same. Again Jibril squeezed his chest and asked
him to read, and the Holy Prophet' s reply was the same
The Holy Prophet later said that Jibril squeezed him so hard that he felt as if his ribcage would
collapse. When asked him to " read" for the 3rd time, the Holy Prophet asked him, " What shall I
read? " Now Jibril recited the first 5 verse of Surah Al Alaq, which the Prophet repeated after
him :
"Read in the name of your Lord Who created, Created man out of a clot of congealed blood.
Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, He who taught by the pen, Taught man what he did
not know "
The Prophet was greatly shaken by this strange experience. He thought that he might be pos-
sessed by evil spirits, or inspired by jinn. He fled from the cave and rushed towards his home.
When he was half way down the slope of the mountain, he saw Angel Jibril covering the whole
horizon from east to west. He said :

" O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibril "
After suffering setbacks and persecutions for about 13 years in Makkah, Prophet was waiting for
divine call to migrate. As per his opponents murder plan against him the Holy Prophet was di-
vinely permitted to migrate to Yathrib. Accordingly, he left Makkah, accompanied by Abu Bakr in
Safar, 622AD. The Yathrib was in North of Makkah but instead they headed southwards towards
the Valley of Taif to hide in the cave of Thaur in order to dodge the enemies (Quraish) and suc-
cessfully escape the murder plan.

Both stayed there for 3 days and nights till the 1st Rabi-ul-Awal. Abu Bakr ' s children, Abdullah
and Asma served both during the period. Asma would bring food while her brother would keep
an eye on the Makkans who had been tracking down the Prophet.
Some of them managed to reach the cave but were deterred by divine intervention. They saw a
spider web at the mouth of the cave with pigeon eggs on it and so, abandoned the idea of any
further pursuit. Abu Bakr took great pains to protect the Prophet and allowed hims3lf to be
bitten by a scorpion who had attempted to bite the Prophet. The Holy Prophet throughout their
stay in the cave, kept consoling his comrade Abu Bakr, expressing his faith in Allah' s support and
security. Surah Tawbah describes the incident:
" For Allah did indeed help him when the unbelievers drove him out, he had no more than one
Companion. They were two in the cave and he said to his companion, have no fear for Allah is
with us "
Finally, both left for Madinah on the 4th day.

3.3 : Main events in Madinah (622AD-632AD)

3.3(1) : First Year of Hijrah

Q : Write about the events of the first year following the Prophet's arrival in Madi-
nah. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr reached Quba on Monday, 8 Rabi Al Awal (23 September 622
AD). He stayed at Quba after migration from Makkah and then they reached Yathrib after 4 days.
Yathrib was renamed as Madinah al Nabi (city of the Prophet) after his arrival. He was well greet-
ed by the people of Madinah.
Every Yathribite wanted to earn the honor of hosting the Prophet but he left it to his camel to
make the choice. He said :
" Let it go its own way. It is under (divine) command "
Accordingly, the she-camel Qaswa, stopped at an enclosure plot that was owned by two orphan
brothers, Sahl and Suhayl. The Prophet said : " This, if God will, is the dwelling”
Meanwhile, Prophet shifted to Hazrta Abu Ayub' s house to stay there till the Mosque of the
Prophet (Masjid-i-Nabwi) and his own house had been built on the plot. The orphans wants for
give it as a gift but Prophet made the payment. Work on construction started quickly. Bricks and
stones were used to construct walls, and trunks of palm trees for pillars and roof was made of
mud, date palm leaves and stones. Muhajirs and Ansars along with the Prophet participated in its
construction. A few rooms were added for the residence of the Prophet and his family. The
mosque was known as Masjid-e-Nabvi. It was not only a place of worship but also a meeting
place, a parliament house, a military headquarter and a place of learning.

Allah refers to it in Surah Taubah :
" There is Mosque whose foundation was laid for the first day on piety; it is more worthy of
your standing forth therein. In it are men who love to be purified and Allah loves those who
makes themselves pure "
Shortly afterwards, an exclusive platform (Suffah) was also built in corner of the Mosque to ac-
commodate poor Muslim students. After setting a platform, Prophet had to devise a method to
summon the Muslims to the Mosque and for this, he consulted his companions. According to
many Ahadith, Hazrat Umar suggested the idea of Azan. Hazrat Abdullah bin Zayd is also report-
ed to have dreamed the words of Azan, thus he also suggested Azan. Hazrat Bilal was honored to
be the first Muezzin (one who deliver Azan) of Islam.
Now the Prophet turned towards other settlements. He had migrated with 100s of Muhajireen
who had to be bonded to their brothers in faith, the Ansars (inhabitants of Yathrib). Accordingly,
following the Quranic command, both were unified under the common faith :
" Believers are a single brotherhood" (Surah al-Hujarat)
He paired Muhajireen and Andar while declaring Hazrat Ali his brother-in-faith. The Prophet es-
tablished this universal Muslim brotherhood (Mawakhat) at the house of Hazrat Anas bin Malik.
Finally, the Prophet drafted a constitution that would transform Madina into the first Islamic re-
public. This draft is called the Charter of Madina (Meethaq-i-Madina).
This was a comprehensive document aimed at declaring all Muslims and non-Muslim Madinians
as equal citizens enjoying all civic, political and religious rights. Jews were the most important
non-Muslim inhabitants of Madina. This Charter along with some other treaties gave them full
protection and liberty in religion.
The charter declared that all citizens would jointly defend Madina and mansion peace within it :
" Madina shall remain sacred and inviolable for all that join this treaty. If attacked by a third
party, each shall come to help of other "
This way, the Prophet himself became the executive head of the republic of Madinah as his deci-
sion would be final as stated in the Charter. Now, the Prophet would pay attention to various so-
cial and political issues that awaited him.

3.3(2) : Battle of Badr
Q : Write an account of the battle of Badr. /10 (Winter 2013 Variant 2)
Suggested Answer :
The battle of Badr marked the beginning of armed struggle in the way of Allah in Islam after the
revelation of Quranic command :
"Permission is given, against those whom war is made (to fight) because they were wronged,
verily Allah is able to help them"
It was fought on 17th of Ramadan 624AD or 2 A.H. The immediate for it was a large trade cara-
van of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb returning from Syria. He feared an attack from Muslims as their route
was within the reach of Muslims who were allowed by Prophet to raid trade caravan to hurt
them economically. Thus, Abu Sufyan summoned aid from Makkah who send an army numbered
1000 under the leadership of Abu Jahl to Madinah. Meanwhile, he reached Makkah safely and
asked to come back, but Abu Jahl was bent on attacking Muslims and destroy Islam. Surah Al-
Anfal refers to it :
" If you believe in Allah and what we sent down to your servant on the Day of distinguishing,
the day the two hosts met. "
When the Prophet heard about the preparation, he consulted his companions and agreed to
fight outside Madinah, thus gathered 313 soldiers and reached the valley of Badr, about 80 miles
southeast of Madinah. While, the prophet spent the whole night invoking God's mercy :
" O Allah! If this small band of men perishes, there would be no one alive to worship you. And
your faith will be destroyed forever. (Sahih Bukhari)
Since God has predestined survival of Islam, this prayer was granted. Surah Al-Anfal refers to it :
" Remember you implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you : 'I will assist you
with a thousand of angels, ranks "
The ground on which Muslims stood was sandy. It rained at night which made the sand firm, thus
was beneficial. This was an indication of divine help. Surah Al-Anfal refers to it :
" He sent down water on you from heaven, to purify you thereby and to put away from you
the defilement of Satan, and to strengthen your hearts and to confirm your feet. "
The two armies had no match. Muslims had only 60-70 camels, 2-3 horses and 60 armored
troops in contest with Quraish's 100 armored troops, 79 horses and good weapon stock of

weapons- swords, bows, arrows and lances. As the armies faced each other, prophet encouraged
Muslims to threw a handful of dust on Makkan army. Surah Al-Anfal refers to it :
" When you thrust (dust) it was not your act, but God's.... "
Following the custom of Arabia, solo combat took place before the general battle. Hazrat Ali,
Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Abu Ubaida killed the three Makkan chiefs named Utba, Walid and
Shayba in the combat. When the general fight started, Prophet led his troops quite tactfully and
told them to throw arrows from a distance thus, the Muslims dominated. The leader Abu Jahl
and Umaya bin Khalaf were also killed making the total loss of Quraish 70 while seventy were
taken as captives. A large amount of booty was captured and distributed equally amongst Mus-
Finally, Prophet surprised everyone by his kind treatment of captives. Some prisoners impressed
by kind treatment accepted Islam while rich prisoners were freed on payment of ransom. Those
who could read or write were asked to teach 10 Muslim children for fixed time after which they
will be set free.

3.3(3) : Battle of Uhad

Q : Write about the events of the Battle of Uhad. /10
Suggested Answer :
Prophet saw a dream before the battle of Uhad that predestined the loss of Muslims in the
battle. Though, Prophet did prayed to Allah for help and fought with full confidence. Prophet
himself narrated :
" By Allah, I have had a dream. I prayed to Allah for it to be a dream of bounty- cows slaugh-
tered and that there was a groove at the pointed top of my sword, and I had inserted my hand
into immune armor. "
The Quraish wanted to avenge their defeat in the battle of Badr and the blood of their relatives.
After Abu Jahl’s death in the battle, Abu Sufyan became the military chief in Makkah. Abu Sufyan
was encouraged by all to raise an army against Muslims, thus he raised 3000 troops with 300
camels, 200 horses and 700 coats of armor. The women including Hind bint Utba (wife of Abu
sufyan), Umm Hakeem, the grand daughter of Abu Jahl and Fatima, sister of Khalid bin Waleed
also accompanied them. The left and right flanks were under the command of Ikrima bin Abu Jahl
and Khalid bin Waleed respectively while Amr bin al-As was the commander of the cavalry. This
army reached north of Madinah in March 625AD (Shawal) / 3AH and camped near the uhud hill
on road to Syria.
In the meantime, Prophet consulted his advisory council (Shoora) and accepted the decision of
the majority that was to fight outside Madinah, though he himself was not in favour of that.
However, he was able to recruit 1000 troops including 300 troops of Abdullah bin Ubbay (chief of
hypocrites), who in the way to Uhud deserted with the excuse that their houses were not save in
Madinah. Surah Al-Ahzab refers to it :
" Truly our houses are bare and exposed, though they were not exposed : they intended noth-
ing but to run away. "
The prophet camped with 700 troops on the western slope of the Uhud mountain. He appointed
50 archers under Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubayr on a narrow passage to prevent the possible attack
from behind of the Muslim army. The were strictly instructed not to leave unless ordered by the
Prophet. The right wing was under Hazrat Zubayr and the left wing under Hazrat Mundhir bin
As usual the Quraish challenged for single combats. Hazrat Ali and Hamza killed Talha and Uth-
man form the pagan army. With this began the general fight in which Muslims fought fiercely
and bravely, thus the enemy began to retreat leaving behind a great deal of booty. Muslims see-
ing the victory certain left their positions including the archers (almost 30 to 35) greedily fell up-
on the booty. Surah Al-Imran refers to it :
"Those of you turned back on the Day the two hosts met- it was Satan who caused them to
Khalid bin Waleed quickly mobilized the troops and attacked Muslims through the passage vacat-
ed by the archers. This changed the scene and the retreating Makkans made a counter attack. As
a result, panic was created amongst the Muslims who started to run away. Many Muslims were
killed as a result of this, including Hazrat Hamza (Prophet's uncle) who was martyred by Wahshy
bin Harb. Prophet also suffered wounds on his face and lost a tooth as a result of the panic creat-
ed. A rumor also spread that He was killed which completely demoralized the Muslims who
stopped fighting. But soon they learnt that he was alive. The Muslims then fought with renewed
vigour and Quraish retreated again. In the meantime, 70 Muslims were killed while the enemy
lost only about 20 to 24 soldiers. The bodies of the martyrs were mutilated by the Quraish in-
cluding the body of Hazrat Hamza who's liver was chewed by Hind.
Allah describes the battle in Surah Al-Imran as :
" Allah did indeed fulfill his promise to you when you, with his permission, were about to anni-
hilate your enemy, until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order and you disobeyed,
after He had shown you that for which you longed, some of you desired the world, and some
of you desired the Hereafter ”

The Makkans challenged the Muslims to meet next year and declared that this day was the re-
venge of Badr before they departed. Bara bin Azib reported :
" ... Abu Sufyan said : 'This is a day of(revenge) for the day of Badr and the issue of war is un-
decided. " (Bukhari)
3.3(4) : Battle of Trench

Q : Write about the battle of Trench (Khandaq) fought in 627. /10 ( Winter 2017
Variant 1)
Suggested Answer :
The Battle of Khandaq/Trench/Confederate/ Allies was fought in 627AD /5AH which was the last
Makkan assault on Madinah. The Jews of Banu al-Nadir had been expelled from Madinah due to
their conspiracies and an attempt to kill the Prophet. They went to Quraish and implored them to
fight the Muslims. Their victory at Uhad also encouraged them to fight, thus they raised an army
of about 10,000 troops with several allies including Banu Ghatafan, Banu Fezara, Murra, Ashja
and other Najdi tribes. The whole army was under the supreme command of Abu Sufyan.
When Prophet came to know about this, he evaluated the Muslim strength and realized that he
could raise only 3000 troops that were no match to the army of the Allies. He quickly consulted
his companions. Hazrat Salman Farsi, a recent Persian convert from Iraq, suggested the digging of
a ditch around Madinah : a Persian defensive war tactic. The idea appealed the Prophet and the
work began on digging ditches around the side of Madinah towards the Syrian route: east and
north-east of Madinah. The Muslims including the Prophet dug the ditch in 8 days and nights.
The trench was kept deep and wide enough not to be crossed by galloping horse.
The Companions worked diligently while the hypocrites would escape without seeking permis-
sion of Prophet. Surah Al-Imran mentions the quality of Companions :
" Only those are Believers who believe in God and His Messenger : when they are with him on
a matter requiring collective action, they do not depart... "
The Muslims were attacked from all sides. For that reason the battle was given the name of
Battle of Ahzab or Confederate. Surah Al-Ahzab refers to the battle as :
" When they came against you, from above you and from below you, and when your eyes
swerved and your hearts reached your throats, and you thought thoughts about Allah; there it
was that the believers were tried, and shaken most mightly. "
As the allies arrived, they were completely surprised, as they could not attack Madinah from any
side. They were greatly disappointed and frustrated as they were forced to lay a seize around
Madinah, though they came with a plan to defeat Muslims in few days.

For few days both armies remained on both sides of trench. Muslims fought bravely and killed or
chased them away. e.g a band of Ikrima bin Abu Jahl, Amr bin Abd Wudd and Naufil bin Abdullah
crossed the trench but were repulsed by Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Sad bin Muadh and others. Hazrat Ali
killed Amr and Naufil and wounded Ikrima. Meanwhile, Banu Quranzah, the Jewish tribe that was
still in Madina broke their treaty with the Muslims and conspired with the Quraish and planned
to attack the Muslims from rear. Prophet deployed a small force near their forts to watch their
movements. A man from Ghatafan tribe who accepted Islam was sent to Quraish to tell them
that Jews are considering a peace deal with Muslims, similarly a spy was sent to Jews to plant
seeds of suspicion. In between the Jews asked for hostages from both sides which further creat-
ed a rift and disunited amongst the allies. Prophet himself approved such tactics :
" War is deceit "
The Arabs, especially the Bedouins were not used to fight long wars. They were unsuccessful in
drawing Muslims into a battle, which annoyed them. Also they were not prepared for long war
and had shortage of food. It was winter and icy winds blew all the time causing deaths of camels
and horses. After about a month, one night, strong winds began to blow which continued for 3
days. This uprooted their tents and also were not able to keep themselves harm or cook because
of the winds. Surah Al-Ahzab refers to it :
" But we sent against them a hurricane, and forces that you did not see "
Thus, the Muslims won the battle without a regular fight except for few skirmishes during seize.
After the departure of Allies, the Jews of Banu Qurayza were punished from for their treachery
according to the laws of Torah.

3.3(5) : Treaty of Hudaibiyah

Q : Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaibiyya and the main
terms in it. /10 (June 2016 Variant 2)
Suggested Answer :
About a year after the battle of the trench, the Prophet dreamt that he was entering the Sacred
Mosque. Surah Fath refers to it :
" Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His Messenger with truth, you shall certainly enter the Sa-
cred Mosque if Allah pleases in security "
Since God's messengers saw true dreams, the Prophet asked his companions to prepare for the
Umra (the lesser pilgrimage).

Accordingly, he set out with 1400-1500 unarmed companions for Makka in Dhu Qada 6AH / Feb
628AD. They all were wearing Ihram (dress for Hajj/Umra) and were perfectly unarmed except
for an unsheathed sword for self defense and were carrying 70 camels for sacrifice because their
sole aim was pilgrimage. The Quraish regarded this as a tactical move from the Prophet and de-
cided to block their entry to Makkah and sent a cavalry under Khalid bin Walid and Ikrima bin
Abu Jahl to stop Muslims.
The Prophet, having no intention to fight, avoided the main route and halted at Al Hudaibiya,
about 9 miles outside Makka. The Quraish sent Buday bin Waraqa, the Khuza chief , and then Ur-
wa bin Masud (father-in-law of Abu Sufyan) to warn Prophet of the their aim to fight, though
both of them were impressed by the peaceful attire of Muslims. The Prophet then sent a mes-
senger to Makkah who did not return. Then Uthman ibn Affan was sent but he too was detained
and it was rumored that he had been killed. Then the Prophet took can oath with his followers to
fight and avenge the blood of Uthman. That Pledge was taken at the hand of Prophet under a
tree, thus it came to be known as Bayt-al-Rizwan / Pledge of Tree/ or Pledge of God's pleasure.
Surah Fath refers to it :
" Allah Indeed was pleased with the believers, when they swore allegiance to you under the
tree and He knew what was in their hearts, so he sent down peace to them and rewarded
them with the clear victory. " OR " God indeed was pleased with the believers, when they
sworn allegiance under the tree "
Soon Hazrat Uthman returned and the Makkans sent their leaders for negotiations. Finally, a
treaty was signed which came to be known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya. Sohail bin Amr and some
other tribal chiefs concluded the treaty written by Hazrat Ali. According to the treaty, their would
be no fighting for 10 years between them; both Muslims and Quraish could make alliance with
any tribe; Muslims will return this year and come for pilgrimage next year for 3 days; if anyone
escaped from Makkah to Madinah, the Prophet was to sent him back, but Quraish were not
bound to return any Muslim to Madinah.
The companions were not happy over the terms of the treaty and Hazrat Umar expressed his
concern rather loudly. The Prophet reassured him of God's help. Surah Fath refers to it :
" Surely we have granted you a clear victory "
Soon, Abu Jandal, a new convert, escaped from Makkah, as he was tortured severely by Mak-
kans. Though, Prophet kept the promise of the treaty and returned him but he prayed to God for
him. Thus, these terms proved to be very beneficial for Islam in later years.

3.3(6) : Khaybar Expedition

Q : Give an account of the battle of Khaybar. /10

Suggested Answer :
After the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Prophet decided to secure Madinah from north where Jews of
Khaybar, supported by the tribes of Najd, had been constantly conspiring against Islam. The
Prophet also received the glad tidings of his victory in Khaybar. Surah Al-Fath refers to it :
" God has promised you abundant spoils that you will capture, and He has hastened you for
He, therefore, raised an army of 1400-1600 men and marched towards Khaybar in 628AD. The
cheif of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubbay alerted the Jews about this development. Khaybar was an
oasis comprising several forts. The area was divided into 2 parts, one part consisted of 5 major
forts. The other part, al-Katibah, comprised of 3 forts. The fight occurred in the 1st part where
Muslims captured all the 5 forts including the fort of Naim.
The Prophet sent Hazrat Abu Bakr and then Hazrat Umar to capture the fort of Al Qamus (most
important fort of Khaybar) but both returned unsuccessful. Then the Prophet said :
" Tomorrow I will give the banner to a man who loves God and His Messenger, and God and
His Messenger love him "
In the morning he gave the flag of command to Hazrat Ali who had some ailment of his eyes.
Prophet healed his eyes by applying his saliva and said :
" Proceed upon your way until you enter their midst, then invite them to Islam and brief them
on their duties towards God. I swear by God that if only one should be guided by you, that
would surely outweigh the best camels. "
Hazrat Ali demonstrated unusual fighting skills and killed several Jews in single combats. About
93 Jews were killed against only 19 Muslims. He broke the door of the fort and mad it a bridge to
enter the fort. There are conflicting reports about killing of famous Jewish wrestler and com-
mander Marhab but according to many, he was killed by Hazrat Ali. Thus, the Prophet gave him
the title of 'Asadullah' (lion of Allah) in recognition of his boldness. The second part of Khaybar
was besieged as Jews decided not to fight. As siege prolonged, Jews sent Ibn Abul-Huqaiq for ne-
gotiations. Finally, the Treaty of Khaybar was signed under which Jews agreed to pay Jizya equal
to half of their agricultural produce to Madinah. Ibn Umar reported :

" The Prophet made a deal with the People of Khaybar that they would have half the fruits and
vegetation of the land they cultivated. "
After the victory at Khaybar, all other Jewish colonies, Fadak, Wadi-al-Qara, Tayma and Ayala also
submitted to Islam and the Jewish threat was eliminated. Surah Al-Ahzab refers to the victory as :
" And He made you heirs of their (Jews) lands, their houses and their goods "

3.3(7) : Battle of Mautah

Q : Write about the main events of the battle of Mautah. /10

Suggested Answer :
In 7AH/629AD the Prophet had started sending message of Islam to various no Muslims rulers
within and around Arabian peninsula. He sent Hazrat Dihya al-Kalbi to the governor of Bostra /
Busra (Syria) with a letter to Caesar/ Heraclius, the Roman King buy it was unanswered. He then
dispatched Hazrat al-Harith bin Umair with a peaceful invitation of Islam to the Romans but was
killed by Shurahbil bin Amr, the Governor of al-Balqa who was an ally of Caesar. Thus, was viola-
tion of diplomatic norms and tradition of that time, so could not go unpunished.
The Prophet quickly raised an army of 3000 under Hazrat Zayd bin Hatitha. In case if BJ's death,
Hazrat Jafar bin Abu Talib would replace him, and if Hazrat Jafar was killed, then Hazrat Abdullah
bin Rawaha was to take command. The Prophet accompanied the army till it reached the valley
of Thaniya, and saw it off with supplication. He ordered the army as :
" Fight the unbelievers in the name of God, neither plunder not conceal booty, kill no children
or women, nor an aged man or a hermit be killed; moreover neither trees should be cut down
nor homes demolished "
The Romans prepared an army of around 100,000 that included many northern Arab tribes allied
to them. Muslim army reached Mautah (east of river Jordan) and the battle began in September,
Hazrat Zaid was killed fighting boldly and Hazrat Jafar Tayyar took the command but lost his
hands and he held the banner with his arms full he too was killed. That's why he is called 'the fly-
ing Jafar' or 'Jafar with two wings ' because God had awarded him two wings in paradise. Hazrat
Abdullah bin Rawaha led the army until he too lay martyred. The prophet foretold the martyr-
dom of the 3 leaders and reported to have said :
" Then one of God's swords took standard, and God opened up the way for them "

Finally, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid assumed the command. He broke 9 swords while fighting fiercely,
and Prophet later gave him the title, 'Sword of Allah'. Being the born strategist he reshuffled the
right and left flanks of the army and brought forward a rear division in a deceptive way. The Ro-
mans were tricked as they thought Muslims received reinforcement. Muslims fought randomly
but continued to withdraw in a clever way. It was no less than a miracle as Khalid bin Walid was
able to brought the army back home with only 12 troops martyred, though the Muslims lost the
battle but losing less troops was a win against the mighty Roman army. Thus, this battle laid the
foundation of Arab-Roman hostility that continued till the last Caliph Ali R.A.

3.3(8) : Conquest of Makka

Q : Describe the events of the Conquest of Makka. /10 (June 2013 Variant 2)
Suggested Answer :
The Quraish helplessly watched the growth of Islam after the Truce of AlHudaibiya. Encouraged
by the defeat of Muslims in the battle of Mautah (629AD), they incited their ally Banu Bakr to
attack Banu Khuza who were the ally of Muslims. Accordingly, several men of Banu Khuza were
unjustly killed and the matter was reported to the Prophet, by chief of Banu Khuza. Prophet
asked for blood money to Banu Khuza or break their alliance with that tribe or dissolve the truce.
But both options went against the prestige and tradition of Quraish so they send Abu Sufyan to
settle the issue.
So Prophet was now determined to take decisive action against the Quraish. He made secret
preparations to attack Makkah and raised an huge army of 10,000 including man Bedouin tribes.
In January 630AD, he marched towards Makkah and camped at the hills in the outskirts of Mak-
kah. There, at night, he ordered his troops to light torches. This was a clever military tactic as the
size of the army looked magnified when the Makkans looked at it from a distance, thus they
abandoned any hope of resisting the Muslims.
Abu Sufyan, perhaps on a spying mission, was captured and taken to the Prophet and embraced
Islam. Next morning the Prophet divided his army into 4 columns and placed each column under
a capable commander. One under himself, one under Hazrat Abu Ubaida, one under Hazrat Kha-
lid bin Walid and one given to Hazrat Sad bin Ubaida. He strictly forbade use of arms unless the
Makkans attacked, He declared three places of safety for every Makkan - one's own house, house
of Abu Sufyan and the Kaabah.
The army entered Makkah unresisted except for Hazrat Khalid's column. Attack on his column led
to the death of 2 Muslims and 13 Makkans.

The Prophet performed Tawaf of the kaaba, went inside to pray and then destroyed 360 idols
and other paintings and images while reciting this :
" And say the truth has prevailed and falsehood perished; for surely falsehood is bound to per-
ish. " (Surah Bani Israil)
He came out to address the Quraish in the compound. He said :
" O people of Quraish! God has abolished the haughtiness of the Jahiliya and it's veneration of
ancestors. People all sprang from Adam and Adam came from dust ”
He then recited the 13th verse of Surah Al-Hujarat :
" O mankind! We have created you from a single pair of a male and a female; the most hon-
oured of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you "
The Prophet then delivered a sermon about fundamentals of Islam from Safa hills and asked
Quraish : " O people of Quraish! What do you think I will do with you? They replied : " We think
(you will treat us well), noble brother, son of noble brother " The prophet stunned them by say-
ing :
" I shall speak to you as Yousaf spoke to his brothers, 'There is no reproach against you today;
God will forgive. He is the Most Merciful"
Thus, a general pardon was declared for all except 10 blasphemous men out of which 4 were ex-
ecuted. Almost whole Makkah accepted Islam including worst enemies like Ikrima bin Abu Jahl,
Wahshy bin Harb ( killer of Hazrat Hamza) and Hind (wife of Abu Sufyan). Surah Al-Nasr refers to
it : " When comes the help of Allah and victory and you see people entering the religion of Al-
lah in throngs " Prophet stayed their for about 20 days to make arrangements for administra-
tion. He redefined the boundaries of 'Haram-i-Kaba' by erecting pillars while abolished all offices
of Quraish except for 'Saqaya' (serving water to pilgrims).

3.3(9) : Battle of Hunain

Q : Write about the main events of the battle of Hunain. /10
Suggested Answer :
A few days after the Conquest of Makkah, the Hawazin and Thaqeef tribes planned to attack the
Muslims. They were greatly infuriated because the surrender of Quraish as well as being the ene-
mies of Islam they raised an army of 20,000 to fight. They took their women, children and live-
stock with them and camped at the valley of Awtas, near Dhul-Majaz, around 10 miles east of
In Shawwal 8AH / January 630 AD, the Prophet left Makkah with an army of around 12000 that
included 2000 new converts of Makkah including Abu Sufyan of Banu Umayya. On the morning of
10th Shawwal, Muslim army reached the Hunain area in the valley of Awtas. The archers of Ha-
wazin had already camped behind the hilltop around the narrow passage of the valley. As the
Muslims were camping in the morning, the Hawazin archers began to flee but the Prophet re-
mained firm, surrounded by his closest companions like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali and Al-Abbas,
who shouted at the running Muslims by saying :
" O Ansar! O people of the Bayat-i-Rizwan, O Men of Surah Baqarah! Rally around the Proph-
Muslims on hearing quickly returned and turned the table on the enemy. The Prophet, in the
meantime, had thrown a handful of dust at the enemy. So, after only some hours, the Hawazin
and its allies were defeated. About 70 men of Banu Thaqeef alone were killed. Chief of Hawazin
Malik bin Awf and remaining troops of Banu Thaqeef fled to Al-Taif and took shelter in the forts.
Muslims got huge spoils of about 24 thousand camels, over 40 thousand sheep and 4 thousand
silver ounces. The reason of the early victory was the over-confidence of Muslims because of
their strength and number, thus forgetting that victory came from Allah only. Surah Al-Tawbah
refers to the victory as :
" Assuredly Allah did help you in many battlefields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! Your
great number elated you but they availed you naught: the land for all that it was wide did con-
strain you and you turned back in retreat. But Allah did pour His calm in the apostle and on the
believers and sent down forces, which you saw not: He punished the unbelievers. "
The victory in Hunain was quite significant as it marks elimination of the threat to Makkah from
the south. Also a large amount of booty was also captured.

3.3(10) : Tabuk Expedition

Q : Write about the main events of battle of Tabuk. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet had secured his position in South of Makkah by winning the battle of Hunain.
Now he had to ensure safety of Madinah from the north - the Persians and Romans / Byzantines.
Arab-Roman hostility had started from the battle of Mutah. The Romans, like the Persians, did
not like the rise of Islam and were always planning to destroy it.

In 9AH / 631AD, the Prophet was told by the Nabateans that Roman emperor Heraclius was pre-
paring to attack Madinah. Though, the time of this expedition was unfavorable as there was
draught and famine in Arabia. The Arabs were hesitant to fight Byzantines whom they considered
very powerful and it was a long journey through a barren desert. Besides, the Hypocrites, under
the leadership of Abdullah bin Ubbay spread discontentment and fear amongst the Muslims.
They made excuses not to accompany the Muslim army and said that they feared the enemy and
intense heat of season. Surah Al-Tawbah refers to it :
" Those who were left behind rejoiced in tarrying behind the Messenger of Allah and were
averse to struggling with their possessions and their selves in the way of Allah. They said, 'Go
not Forth in the heat ' Say. 'The Fire of Jahannam is hotter, did they but understand! "
The Prophet asked for donations and charity cut the preparation of expedition. The Muslim
made great contributions, Abu Bakr gave all his possessions, Umar gave half of his property while
Uthman gave 900 camels, 100 horses, and 1000 gold dirham. But the hypocrites evaded any
charity. Surah Al-Tawbah refers to it :
" Those who defame such of the Believers who gave charity (in God's words) except what is
available to them, so they (hypocrites) mock at them. "
The Prophet before leaving, appointed Hazrat Muhammad bin Maslamah as governor of Madi-
na, and asked Hazrat Ali to look after Prophet's family. With an army of 30,000, the Prophet
marched towards Tabuk in Rajab 9.AH. After 7 days of arduous journey they reached Tabuk.
When the Romans heard of the Muslims advance with such a huge force, they withdrew from
border towns and dispersed. The Prophet made a number of peace treaties with some regional
tribes including Christian and jews tribes. The head if Ailah, Yuhanah bin Rawbah came to him
and agreed to pay Jiziyah. Many tribes of Arabia-Syria border also aligned themselves with Mus-
The Prophet stayed their for about 20 days when on his return journey, the Hypocrites tried to
kill the Prophet while he was passing through the mountain road. Allah says regarding it in Surah
Al-Tawbah :
" They swear by Allah that they said nothing (evil) but indeed they uttered blasphemy and they
did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out ”
Finally, the Prophet reached back Madinah with Muslims status raised significantly.

3.3(11) : Final Year of Prophet’s life

Last year of the Prophet's life (631-32AD) or (10-11AH) was marked by many important events
like he recited Quran twice before angel Jibril in Ramadan of 10AH but the most important was
his Farewell Pilgrimage, sermon and completion of revelation of Quran. During the last days of
Dhul-Qada, 10AH, the Prophet asked his companions to prepare for Hajj. On 25th Dhul-Qada, he
explained the rituals of Hajj to the everyone after Zuhr prayer and left for Makkah with 90,000
followers, all reciting the Talbiya (expression of Shahada) :
" At Your service, O Allah! At Your service! You have no partner. At Your service! Praise and
Blessing are Yours and the Kingdom. You have no associate "
The Prophet rode his camel Qaswa and reached Makka on 4th Zil-Hajj after a journey of 19 days.
Close to the Kaabah he made a supplication and then entered Kaabah and performed Tawaf of
Kaabah and Sayi between Safa and Marwa hills. On 8th, he left for Mina and spent a night there.
At sunrise of 9th, they left for Arafat on Friday where he delivered the historical sermon while
sitting on his camel from Mount of Mercy. He addressed a crowd of 124,000 Muslims from all
over Arabia. He told them that it may be the last address to them so they should listen carefully :
" O People! Listen to my words I do not know whether, after this year, I shall be amongst you
again "
He also highlighted the importance of Quran and Sunnah for the guidance of Muslims :
" I leave behind me two things, the Quran and Sunnah, and if you follow these, you will never
go astray "
He stressed on security of life, property and honor of every Muslim as :
" Just as you regard this month, this day and this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property
of every Muslims as a sacred trust "
He ordered to fulfill the basic needs of slaves as :
" Feed your slaves as you feed yourself and cloth your slave as you cloth yourself "
Moreover, he strictly condemned usury (riba) as :
" All interest obligations shall henceforth be waived "
He moved on and gave teachings about right of women, performance of pillars of Islam, brother-
hood and equality, beware of Satan, day of judgment and he being the last Prophet. Finally he
made Allah witness that he completed His message :
"..... Be my witness O Allah! I have conveyed and your message to your people "

After the sermon ended, Prophet and his companions offered Zuhrain prayer and right then he
received the last revelation of Quran :
" This day I have perfected your religion for you completed my favours upon you and choose
for you Islam as your religion "
At sunset, he left for Muzdalifa where he offered Maghribain (combine Maghrib with Isha) and
spent a night. After Fajr, he came to the 'Mashar-al-Haram', faced Qibla and prayed to God. Be-
fore sunrise, moved to Mina to perform Rami of 'Jamarat-i-Aqaba'. Then he sacrificed 63 camels
one for each year of his life. Then he performed Halaq (shaved his head) and went then to Makka
to perform 'Tawaf-i-Ifada and then Sayi between Safa and Marwa hills. He came back the same
day to Mina and spend 3 nights and perform Rami of 3 Jamarat till 12th Zil-Hajj. In this way, he
demonstrated complete method of Hajj. On his return journey to Madina, at Ghadir Khum, he
delivered a brief speech at end of which raised Hazrat Ali's hand in his hand and said :
" Of whomsoever I am Mawla, this Ali is his Mawla too "
According to Shia Muslims, it was indication of Ali being his successor. In Safar 11AH /632AD, he
fell ill with severe headache and fever. On 5th day of illness he shifted to Hazrat Ayesha apart-
ment. He called for his wives, his daughters Hazrat Fatima and his grandsons. On last day of his
life, 13 Rabi-ul-Awal, he offered prayer in mosque with Hazrat Abu Bakr as Imam and begged for-
giveness from God and took last breaths on Hazrat Ayesha's arms.

3.4 : ProPhet’s CharaCter

Q : The Quran says the Prophet is of ' great moral character ' (68.4). Identify
events from his life that show a range of his moral characteristics. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet was model of perfection of human conduct and Quran pays him rich tributes at
many places e.g , :
" You have indeed in the Messenger of God a beautiful pattern of conduct " (Surah Ahzab)
His life, both in Makkah and Madinah, is full of examples and events that teach valuable lessons
to all. He demonstrated mercy and kindness throughout his life. In the early years of his preach-
ing in Makkah an old woman used to throw garbage on him whenever he passed down the
street she lived in. One day she so don 't do that. When he came to know about her illness he
sought permission to enter her house and attended to her till she recovered fully.

When the Prophet was mistreated by the People of al-Taif, angel Jibril brought the Divine offer to
crush in the People between the hills of Al Akhshabayn but he replied :
" I hope that their offsprings will certainly be among the believers "
The Quran admired this quality of Prophet as :
" And We sent you not but as mercy for all "
He never cursed his enemies and treated the captives of Battle of Badr in a kind way. He declared
general amnesty for his worst enemies on the Conquest of Makkah. Moreover, He had estab-
lished his repute as the most honest and truthful man many years before awarding of
Prophethood. Makkans titled him as al- Sadiq (The truthful) and al- Amin (The trustworthy). His
marriage with Hazrat Khadija was an outcome of His thorough honesty and fair-play in trade. On
the Night of Hijra, the Prophet was so concerned with returning the belongings to their owners
that he asked Hazrat Ali to sleep on his bed and return the belongings to their owners.
In 7AH when the Prophet' s letter of invitation to Islam reached Roman Emperor Heraclius, Abu
Sufyan was present in the court. Heraclius asked him about his conduct. Even at that time he was
an enemy to Islam, he was unable to resist in telling the truth about Prophet' s unquestionable
conduct. The Prophet was a very strict about keeping his word. This is evident form a famous
event of Treaty of Hudaibiya. A newly convert Muslim Abu Jandal managed to escape from the
persecutions requested Prophet to give him shelter. Prophet expressed his inability to help him
because under the treaty he was bound not to accommodate any Muslin coming from Makkah.
He instead assured that Allah will help him. Prophet also set several examples of humbleness. He
did not consider himself above others.
He worked like ordinary worker in construction of Prophet' s mosque in 623AD and digging of
trench in 627AD. In 630AD before his entry into Makkah he had strictly forbidden his followers
any expression of revenge and arrogance. When he was victorious his head bowed down before
Allah. In his Madni life he could afford luxuries of life and being the ruler of a big empire but he
choosed to lead a simple life. He used to mend his sandals and garments by himself. He ate sim-
ple food and wore patched clothes. He declared that :
" One who works for himself is a friend of God "
We can learn a lot of valuable teachings from these events and can apply them in our daily life
and win God' s pleasure as Prophet did.

3.5 : Position of Women
Q : Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women as wives, mothers
and daughters. /10
Suggested Answer :
Islam brought about a revolutionary change in the traetment of women. They are regarded in
high esteem as the wives of Prophet were given the title of " Mothers of the faithful" :
" And women shall gave rights similar to the rights against them.. " Surah Baqarah
The Quran and Sunnah replete with teachings about kind treatment of women in all capacities :
wives, mothers and daughters. Islam instructs the believers to be kind and caring towards their
wives. It had restricted polygamy to maximum 4 on the condition of equal treatment :
" Marry women of your choice two or three or four, if you fear you will not be able to deal
justly then only one "
Prophet demonstrated how to deal justly so that no one have any grievances. Men have been
ordained to earn and support their wives :
" Men are maintainers of women " (Al Nisa)
Both of them should share the burden in running the family affairs smoothly. The Quran sums up
this set if bilateral rights and responsibilities in this way :
" they (wives) are your garments and you are their garments " (Surah Baqarah)
Muslim wives need to learn lessons from Khadija and other wives of the Prophet who played the
role of a loyal wife for their husband. Islamic teachings also elevated the status of mothers and
made them dignified. They are to be respect and cared for specially in their old age. Surah
Luqman refer to it :
" And we have enjoined upon man to be good to his parents; his mother bears him in weak-
ness upon weakness "
Prophet raised the status of mothers thrice. He also acknowledged the role of mothers during
pregnancy and the upbringing of their children by saying :
" Paradise lies beneath the feet of mothers "
He instructed the followers to disobey mothers only when they force their child to commit shirk
but the disobedience should be in respectful manner as he said :
" God and forbidden you disobedience of parents "

The Quran also stresses on being obedient and polite towards them and look after them in old
age. Daughters were treated in an inhuman way and were buried alive before Islam. Quran tells
us that such cruel fathers will be answerable in Divine court :
" And when the female infant (buried alive) is questioned for what crime she was killed? " ( Su-
rah Takwir)
Prophet illustrated the reward of care for daughters by saying :
" Whosoever supports two daughters till they marry, he and I will come on the Day of Judg-
ment as this (and he linked with his 2 fingers "
Daughters have been declared as God' s mercy by the Prophet. The Quran and Sunnah have de-
fined a specific share of daughters in the property of parents :
" If only daughters two or more, their share is 2/3 of the inheritance... "
Islam also instructs that daughters should not be forced to marry against their wishes and broth-
ers should behave in a fatherly manner with their sisters.

3.6 : Relation with other states

Q : : Design the framework of foreign policy of a Muslim state based on the rules
set and practiced by the Holy Propeht. /10
Suggested Answer :
Islam is the word derived from root word salaam meaning integrity which is created through
brotherhood. Islam is the religion of peace, humanity, equality and justice gives guidance to
frame our foreign policy according to these attributes. Foreign policy basically means how to in-
teract with the neighboring countries. Muslim political thinkers divide the world into 3 types of
countries : Muslim lands, lands having peace with Muslim lands and countries at war with Mus-
lim countries :
Dar-ul-Islam comprises Muslim countries where friendly relations exist between them. Prophet
in his time kept all of them united by a unified system of Zakat. He gave everyone the freedom of
preach and practice and gave equal rights even in the laws of warfare. He introduced the taxa-
tion system of Jizya paid by the Zimmies who are non-Muslims and the subject of Muslim state.
They were granted protection and freedom in return of this tax. We should also adopt this strate-
gy nowadays.

Dar-ul-Sulh are those non-Muslim countries with whom an Islamic state has treaty relations gov-
erned according to it. In Madinah, Prophet made treaties of friendship with some tribes in the
neighborhood including Banu Ghifar, Banu Damra etc. Every party was treated justly and equita-
bly according to the agreement. Prophet always respected and honored the treaties and was
never first to break it. Muslim countries should also follow the Prophet' s guidance.
Dar-ul-Harb are those countries that have no treaty relations with Islamic State. Relations with
such countries depend upon their attitude towards the Islamic country. Prophet strictly adhered
to general principles of Islam in dealing with Non-Muslims as we should. He made no distinction
between them and locals and always treated foreigners with dignity and honor. He received en-
voys from Byzantines and Persians and he received them with love and respect. Even though en-
emy was untrustworthy, Muslims are willingly to make peace with them if they so desired. It
should be the part of our foreign policy.
Islam being the religion of peace condemns territorial expansion and unprovoked aggression. The
foreign policy of a Muslim state should be such as to advance the cause of Islam and the moral
and protect its territorial integrity. Quran guides as :
" Fight in the way of Allah and don’t transgress limits ”
The state of Madinah at Prophet' s time was a confederacy of villages inhabited by Jews, Chris-
tians, Muslims and pagans. They were allowed to maintain their religion. The rules of internation-
al conduct comprise not only internal legislation, but also treaties relations and agreements with
other states. The terms and conditions of international agreements should be fulfilled and not to
break it first. Prophet said: " If anyone wrongs a man... or takes anything from him not in the
agreement, I shall be his adversary on Day of Resurrection”
The policy should be based on following principles : We should believe in unity of mankind, in hu-
man status and in aims. Repeat for other people ' s interests and rights of life, honor and proper-
ty, as long as they do not encroach upon the rights of Muslims. Maintaining peaceful relations
should be the mission but there should be intolerance of encroachment in international relation.
The state should fight when religion is at stake.
The basis of foreign relations of Muslims are justice and equality both in peace and war. It does
not allow aggression, killing of women, children, old people, torture war prisoners nor the de-
struction of trees, crops etc. Quran says :
"But if the enemy inclined towards peace, you to incline towards peace "
Muslim state should not only think for themselves but also make valuable contributions to hu-
manity on an international level in education, industry and other fields

Islam seeks to establish a world community and complete equality. We should not forcibly covert
people to Islam but should make constant efforts for spreading good and preventing evil. This
should be the basis of foreign policy as Quran says :
" You are the best community ever raised for mankind, allowing what us right, prohibiting
what is bad and believing in Allah "

Q : : Write about the Prophet Muhammad's interaction with non-Muslims in

Madina. /10
Suggested Answer :
After the migration to Madinah, the Prophet got an opportunity to interact with a variety of non-
Muslims. There were pagans of Aws and Khazraj tribes, three major Jewish tribes (Banu Qainuqa,
Nazir and Quraiza) and small number of Christians.
Bring an astute statesmen, the Prophet soon devised ways to make all these a single nation. This
he did by drafting s constitution called Charter of Madinah. He also made a number of treaties
with Jewish tribes like Treaty with Najran tribe with noble intention of establishing friendly ties
with them. The Prophet would settle many disputes according to Tawrah (till he had not received
Quranic revelations regarding all affairs). Jerusalem remained Qibla of Islam for about two years
and Muslims shared some other rituals with Jews. Then, Quranic verses also declared both Jews
and Christians as 'Ahl-al-kitab' in order to keep them closer to Muslims. Prophet conveyed the
message of peace to them as :
"Say O people of the Book! Let us come together on a fair and noble principle common to both
of us : that we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him". (Surah Al-
However, the Jews did not remain sincere and broke all treaties. The Prophet had to punish them
according to the circumstances. The Banu Qunaiqa first broke the treaty and fought against Mus-
lims in Battle of Badr and Uhad. Prophet's attempts to come on terms with Jews was unsuccess-
ful therefore a siege was laid on Banu Qunaiqa and were expelled from Madinah. Banu Nazir
plotted to murder the Prophet and raised against Muslims, thus Prophet exiled them from Mak-
kah. Lastly, Banu Quraiza, who openly joint Quraish in Battle of Ditch were told to leave the city.
On their refusal, Prophet besieged their settlements and on their surrender they were punished
according to Jewish law of Torah as their men were killed while women were sold as captives.
The Prophet also had to deal with a distinct group of Madinians called hypocrites.

They were apparently Muslims but were inwardly hostile to Islam and always worked against
Property by betraying him or hatching conspiracies. Surah Al-Munafiqun refer to them as lairs :
" They believed, then they rejected faith, so a seal was set on their hearts; so they don't under-
stand "
Their leader Abdullah bin Ubbay was hostile towards Prophet because his dream of leadership of
Madinah was shattered with the arrival of Prophet. Prophet never took any strict actions against
them until their leader's death in 9AH when Prophet ordered to demolish their headquarter that
was mosque of Dirar and warned hypocrites of this potential threat before.
There are many other instances of Prophet's behavior towards non-Muslims and all these reflect
his spirit of mercy, tolerance and friendliness. There is an account of a pagan who came as guest
to him and perhaps, under plan drank the milk of all goats. Prophet didn't showed any anger or
discomfort. Thus, the pagan was so much impressed that he accepted Islam. Abu Huraira's moth-
er was pagan who used to curse Prophet. Huraira complained to him about her but he didn't re-
act angrily and instead prayed for her and asked Huraira not to misbehave towards her.

Q : Write about the Prophet Muhammad's interaction with the Quraysh while he
lived in Makka, before and after revelation. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet belonged to Banu Hashim of the most powerful tribe of Arabia, the Quraysh.
The tribe enjoyed the special immunity against raids on their trade caravans which other tribes
did not. Surah Al-Quraysh refers to it :
" For the covenants of security enjoyed by the Quraysh. Their covenants covering journeys by
winter (to the south) and summer (to the north). "
Prophet was only 6 years old when he lost his mother and then at the age of 8 he lost his grand-
father in 578AD, who entrusted him to his uncle Abu Talib. At the age of 12, he accompanied his
uncle on trade journey to Syria. There they meet a monk named Bahira who saw signs of
Prophethood in him and warned Abu Talib to keep him away from Rabbis otherwise they will
harm him. Till then, his uncle isolated hum and reduced his interaction with Quraish. The Prophet
grew up in Makka as an honest, pious and wise young man. He earned strong repute and was giv-
en the titles of al-Sadiq (the Truthful) and al-Amin (Trustworthy). He remained aloof from idol-
worship, indecencies and malpractices in Makkan society, this even enhanced his prestige in eyes
of Makkans.

Many of them use to give him their belongings for save keeping without any distrust or doubt
about his conduct. He was trader by profession and worked as a shepherd to give him time to
meditate during trade journeys.
Prophet was well known for his honesty in trading circle. Hazrat Khadija was a rich trading mer-
chant who also belonged to Quraish in 4th generation. She wanted a fair dealer to take his mer-
chandise. He employed Prophet who brought a large profit because of his tactics and fair dealing.
She was greatly impressed by him and sent a proposal for marriage. The marriage proved to be
very successful as she stood by his side in all difficulties and also eased him from financial worries
which made him spend most of the time in worshipping God in Cave of Hira.
The Quraish decided to repair Kaabah which had damaged from floods. After the work, a dispute
arose about fixing of black stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) as everyone wanted the privilege. Prophet re-
solved the dispute quite intelligently by putting the stone on a sheet and asked all chief to place
it. Quraish honored the Prophet and trusted and accepted his proposal based in his wisdom and
fair personality.
However, things started to change when at the age of 40, Prophet was formally awarded
Prophethood in 610AD in the cave of Hira while he was meditating. At first he preached secretly,
but after the Divine command :
" Expound openly what you are commanded….”(Surah Al-Hijr)
Prophet began public preaching which was the turning point in his relation with Quraish. At first
they ignored him but then started to ridicule him : The unbelievers say :
"These are nothing but takes of the ancients " ( Surah Al-Anfal and Anaam )
As time passed, after 613AD they got infuriated by Prophet's firmness and started a campaign of
persecutions against him and his followers who were subject of inhuman torture. This made
Prophet allow them to migrate to Abyssinia in 615AD.
This further infuriated them and they increased the atrocities but still Muslims were unmoved
and remained firm on their belief. So Quraish decided to bribe Prophet but were unsuccessful,
thus they imposed a boycott on his family from 616-619AD during which Muslims suffered a lot
because of hunger and thirst which resulted in demise of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadija. With this
Prophet lost tribal protection and moral support. Thus, relations further deteriorated and Proph-
et decided to migrate to Yathrib. Frustrated Makkans tried to kill Prophet but with Allah's protec-
tion he too migrated in 622AD.

3.7 : Seal of Prophets

Q : 'Prophet Muhammad was the last messenger of Allah'. Write an account in the
finality of Prophethood. /10
Suggested Answer :
Prophethood is Allah's blessing and favour that He bestow to whom He wills. It is the long chain
of Prophets who were chosen by Allah from every nation in order to convey His message to man-
kind. They were sent to guide man as they are always in need for divine guidance for their spir-
itual development and also to show them the right path. Surah 88 refers to prophets being cho-
sen by Allah :
" That is the guidance of Allah, by which He guides whomsoever He wills, of His servants "
The Prophethood originated from the first man and Prophet on Earth; Adam and it continued
and according to a hadith 124,000 messengers and Prophets were sent till the last Prophet; Mu-
hammad. A hadith refers to it :
" You can consider the previous Prophets like a castle and I am the last brick of it "
He is termed as Seal of Prophets or Khatam-an-Nabiyyin. Khatam literally means end or last part
while in sharia it means no Prophet will come after Muhammad. Surah Al Ahzab refers to it :
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but He is the messenger of God and the Seal
of Prophets "
The institution of Prophethood was universal, yet the difference between Hazrat Muhammad
and other Prophets was that while the latter were more or less national prophets sent to chosen
people, to particular tribe or clan with message restricted there while Prophet was sent as mes-
senger of all mankind. All castes, races and creeds were unified under the common banner of Is-
lam by universal Prophet He not only conveyed that message but also instructed and explained it
and acted like a mirror of the image of Quran with which Allah perfected His religion revealed on
the perfection of all prophets, Muhammad. Surah Al -Maida refers to it :

" This day I have perfected your religion for you completed my favours upon you and choose
for you Islam as your religion ”
Also there are so many traditions highlighting, indicating and emphasizing about the finality of
Prophet pbuh. During the prophet's visit to Syria along with his uncle Abu Talib at the age of 12,
his uncle meet a monk famously known as Bahira. He saw the signs of Prophethood in Muham-
mad and told Abu Talib that his nephew is mentioned as Last messenger of God in previous scrip-
tures. At the same time he warned him that Rabbis would harm him if they would recognize him
so take care of him.
Similarly, the people who came from Khazraj tribe in Madinah to Makkah for the pilgrimage also
recognized him as the last Prophet because they have heard that from Jews. Quran says that ap-
pearance of Prophet was foretold by each one of foregoing Prophets. Jesus had said :
"When he, the spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you to all truths " (16 : 13)
Moreover, Prophet himself have clearly declared himself as last Prophet of various occasions.
While praising the qualities of Hazrat Umar he said :
" If their would have been any Prophet after Me, it would be Umar "
Similarly, while expressing his love for Hazrat Ali he once said :
" O Ali! You are to me Just like Haroon was to Musa, but there is an exception that no messen-
ger has to come after me "
On the occasion of his last pilgrimage, he again confirmed it as :
" O People! No Prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born "

4.1 Wives of Prophet
Q : Write down the life of the Prophet Muhammad's first wife Khadija. /10 (June
Q : Khadija bint Khuwaylid was the Prophet's first wife. Write an account of her life
in the period she knew the Prophet. /10 (November 2017)
Suggested Answer :
She was a twice- widowed Quraishite lady known as "Tahira" (the pure) even before the advent
of Islam. She first married Abu Hala Malak and became mother of two sons Hala and Hind. As
such she was also known as Umm-e-Hind. After his (Abu Hala) death, she married to Atiq bin
Aidh, who died leaving her widow again with one daughter from him named Hindah.
After the death of her father in battle of Fijar, she needed a Honest person to manage her trade.
He employed Prophet as her trading agent. He proved to be a wise choice as thorough his hones-
ty and intelligence brought great profit to her business. She sent her slave Maysara who gave re-
ports of the honesty and fair play of Prophet. This impressed her to the extent that she proposed
the Prophet. At the time of marriage, he was 25 while she was 40 years old. The Nikah was con-
ducted by Abu Talib and attended by other uncles of Prophet too.
Marriage with Hazrat Khadija brought Prophet with emotional and financial support. She placed
all her wealth at the disposal of Prophet. Surah Al-Duha refers to it :
" And He found you in need and made you (financial) independent "
She bore six children to Prophet (two sons and 4 daughters) but both sons died in infancy. When-
ever Prophet came home depressed and rejected by his own people, she always consoled him
and inspired him and renewed hope and courage. When Prophet received first revelation, he
came back home shocked and terrified by the strange experience. She consoled him and gave
him confidence by saying that God would never humiliate him as he was a noble and kind
man. She immediately believed in him and became the first ever convert of Islam. She then took
him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufil for confirmation of Prophethood being assigned to him.
She stood by Prophet's side in all hardships, oppositions and persecutions. Soon after the social
boycott ended, due to the prolonged sufferings Hazrat Khadija died at the age of 65 in 619AD.

The Prophet was so saddened by this and his uncle's lose that he termed the year as : 'Year of
Grief' (Aam Al huzn). His words were :
" She believed in men when others disbelieved, and confirmed my truthfulness when others
called me a lair "
She was also the only wife (beside Hazrat Ayesha) greeted by Hazrat Jibril himself. She got one of
the highest rank in paradise and was given the title of 'Mother of faithful' by Quran Surah Al-
Ahzab refers to it :
" The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own slaves, and his wives are their mothers... "
There are number of traditions praising Hazrat Khadija. According to Sahis Bukhari and Muslim :
" The noblest women of the world are Hazrat Mariam and Hazrat Khadija "
Prophet himself declared her as his best wife :
" Aisha! Khadija's live was given to me by Allah; never did Allah give me a better wife than
Khadija "

Q : : Write about the lives of any two of the• were the first to comment the other
to following wives of the Prophet : Sawda bint Zamaa, Aisha bint Abu Bakr, Hafsa
bint Umar and Umm Salama. /10
Suggested Answer :
Hazrat Sawda bint Zama'a was the second wife of the Prophet (according to some she was third
wife) whom he married in 620AD, soon after Khadija's death. She had first married Sakran bin
Amr and had one son from him. Both of them were amongst the early converts and had migrated
to Abyssinia. On their return, Sakran died and Hazrat Sawda became widow at the age of 30.
Being the only convert in her family, she did not have any supporter or custodian. The Prophet,
therefore, proposed her as he, too had young children without mother. Thus, this marriage was a
mix of compassion for an unsupported early convert and expediency. Prophet was 50 at that
She dedicated herself to the Prophet and his children and lived as a devoted and pious wife in
Makkah and Madinah. When the Prophet married Hazrat Ayesha, he divided the time equally
among both, following the Quranic command :
" Marry women if your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear you shall not be able to
deal justly, then only one " (Surah Al-Nisa)

Thus, she willingly sacrificed her share with Ayesha. She also welcomed the other wives of Proph-
et as they were added to his life. She trained humble, polite and caring to Prophet throughout.
The Prophet referred to her as the most charitable and generous of his wives. After the demise
of Prophet, she followed his directive that this windows were to remain in retirement. Thus, she
didn't left her house even for pilgrimage till her death. She remained busy in prayer and other
acts of piety till her death in 644 AD / 23AH. She was buried in the cemetery of Jannat al Baqi.
Hazrat Hafsa bint Umar
She was the daughter of Hazrat Umar, the second rightly guided caliph. She was first married to
Khunais bin Hudaifa and both were also amongst early converts to Islam. She turned widow at a
young age when Khunais was martyred in the battle of Badr. The Prophet had been successfully
unifying several tribes of Arabia with a view to developing the Islamic concept of brotherhood
and nationalism. Accordingly, he married Hazrat Hafsa in 625AD in order to strengthen his ties
with Hazrat Umar and his tribe, Banu Adi.
She too became a loyal and dedicated wife of Prophet and began to excel in matters of learning.
Though, she narrated only about 60 traditions/ Ahadith, but she was ranked 2nd after Ayesha in
knowledge about various matters. She spent most of her time in reading, writing and learning.
This made her a close friend of Hazrat Ayesha too. She was quite strict in prayer, fasting and simi-
lar observances. She bore no children from her two marriages.
After the death of Prophet she remained busy in learning and acts of worship. She was honored
to be custodian of original script of Compiled Quran during Hazrat Abu Bakr caliphate. Hazrat
Umar handed this script to her before his death, therefore, it became known as 'Mushaf-i-Hafsa'.
Later, she handed this to Hazrat Zayd bin Thabit for recompilation of Quran in Quraish dialect in
about 650AD. She lived a long life as widow and died in 665AD / 45AH and was buried in the
graveyard of Jannat al Baqi.
Umma Salamah
Umm Salama, whose real name was Hind, was the daughter of Umayya b. Mughira from Bani
Makhzum tribe. Her husband Abd Allah b. Abd al-Asad, migrated to Abyssinia when he was sub-
jected to the oppression and torment by mushriks (idolaters) because of his acceptance of Islam.
He returned to Makkah upon the rumor that a lot of people from Quraish became Muslims; how-
ever, when he learned that the rumor was wrong, this time he migrated to Madinah undergoing
a lot of difficult times. Hazrat Umm Salama was with her husband in both of the migrations to

Hazrat Umm Salama was widowed with her four children when her husband died at the end of
the month Jumada al-Ukhra (the sixth month of the Arabic lunar months), in the forth year of the
Hijrah as a result of his injuries in the Battle of Uhud.

Then, her husband made the following prayer: O my Allah! Grant Umm Salama a husband, who is
better than me, who will not look down on her and who will not hurt her after me!
Umm Salama, who was 44 years old when she got married to Allah's Most Nobel Messenger,
died in the 59th year of the Hijrah at the age of 84. Abu Huraira leaded her salat ul-janaza (the
funeral prayer) and she was buried in the Baqee Graveyard.
Umm Salama, who could read but not write, was among the ones who knew the Fiqh (Islamic
Laws) well.

4.2 : Descendants (Daughters and Grandsons

Q : Give an account of the lives of Prophet's four daughters. /10

Suggested Answer :
The Holy Prophet had 4 daughters from his first and most beloved wife Hazrat Khadija in Mak-
kah. They were Hazrat Zainab, Umm khulthum, Ruqayya and Fatima.

Hazrat Zainab was his second child, after Hazrat Qasim, and the eldest daughter born in 600AD.
She was married to Abu al As bin Rabi, a nephew of Hazrat Khadija. When the Prophet started
preaching she became a Muslim but her husband remained pagan. Both of them stayed in Mak-
kah when Prophet migrated. He fought against Muslims in Battle of Badr and was among cap-
tives. He was released without ransom on a condition to send Zainab to Madinah.

During the journey, she was attacked by Hammed bin Aswad and wounded her. After 3 years her
husband also accepted Islam. She died in 8AH/630AD due to the wound she received during mi-
gration. She bore a son Ali and a daughter Umama who was married to Hazrat Ali after death of
Hazrat Fatima.
Hazrat Ruqayya was the 2nd daughter of the Prophet, born in 603AD. She was betrothed to Utba
bin Abu Kahan but had not stared living with him. When Surah Al Lahab was revealed, Abu Kahan
got furious and said to his sons:
" Unless you both divorce the daughters of Muhammad, I am not going to see your faces "
Accordingly, Hazrat Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum were divorced. Soon Hazrat Usman married
Ruqqiya and both were in the batch of emigrants to Abyssinia. She fell ill just before the Battle of
Badr and died just before the end of Battle in 624AD, so Prophet was unable to attend her funer-
al and burial. She born a son Abdullah in Abyssinia who died in 626AD.
Hazrat Umm Kulthum was the 3rd daughter of the Prophet, born in 604AD. She was married to
Utaiba bin Abu Lahab but had not started living with him. She and her sister were divorced on
command of Abu Lahab. She migrate duo Madinah with her step mother, Hazrat Sawda and
stayed in her home till she got married to Hazrat Usman in 624AD after death of Hazrat Ruqayya.
Prophet gave the title of Zun Noorain (Possessor of Two lights ) to Usman. She died in
9AH/631AD When her father and husband wee gone on the Tabuk expedition.
Hazrat Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet, born in 605AD. She resembled the
Prophet and was most beloved daughter. She witnessed a number of persecutions faced by her
father. Once the Prophet was in the state of prostration, Uqba bin Abi Muait came and threw the
intestine of camels on his back.
Fatima came and removes the intestine of camel from his back. In another incident, she
screamed for help when some pagans were trying to strangulate the Prophet. The Prophet had a
special affection for her and he used to receive her by standing up. She was married to Hazrat Ali
in 624AD. She bore 3 sons and 3 daughters.
Mohsin died early while Hassan and Hussain survived to continue the progeny of Prophet.
Prophet gifted her Tasbeeh-i-Fatima after the Conquest of Khaybar that is glorification of God al-
so recited till today. Prophet in his last days told her that she would be first to greet him in Para-
dise. She died 6 months after the demise of Prophet. She received various titles e.g Ghazia and al
Zahra. For Shia Muslims she is one of 5 pure sole in light if context of 33:33 (Al Ahzab).

Q : Outline the main events in the lives of the Prophet's grandsons al-Hasan and al
-Husyan. /10
Q : Write accounts of the lives of the Prophet's two grandsons al-Hasan and al-
Husyan. /10
Suggested Answer :
Hazrat al-Hasan bin Ali was born in 625AD/3AH to Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib and Hazrat Fatimah.
The Prophet named him " al-Hasan " meaning "the beautiful one " . As a child he would often be
seen in the Prophet' s lap, along with his younger brother Hazrat Husayn. The Prophet used to
invoke Allah' s mercy by saying:
" I love them O Allah! Please love them too! "
Prophet would often interrupt his sermon in order to receive the two grandsons and prolong his
prostration when both climbed his back during prayer. Once he said :
" Both of al-Hasan and al-Hussayn are the leaders of the youth in Paradise "
Hazrat Hasan is one of the "Ahl-i-Bait" in the light of context of this revelation :
" And God only wishes to remove all abomination from you 'O Ahl-i-Bait' , to make you clean
and spotless" (Surah al-Ahzab)
The Prophet is reported to have covered himself and his four closest relatives under a cook indi-
cating the special status of Hazrat Hasan and his family. He was about 8 when the Prophet
passed away. He remained friendly to the 3 Caliphs. Moreover, he was appointed by Hazrat Ali to
stand guard for Hazrat Uthman during the last days of his Caliphate.
Also, he fought the battles of the Camel, Siffin and Nahrwan from Hazrat Ali' s side. He was ap-
pointed fifth caliph by his father and Qays bin Saad persuaded Muslims yo acknowledge him as
the Caliph. For Shia Muslims he inherited the Imamate from his father to become the second of
the 12 Imams. Muawiya continued to create problems for him in his 6 months of Caliphate. Qays
bin Saad, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas and Hazrat Ubaidullah bin Abbas persuaded him to fight
against Muawiya.
Accordingly, Hazrat Hasan left Kufa with an army of 20,000 troops. He stayed at Madian for many
weeks, and events gradually turned against him as many of his troops were either influenced by
Muawiya or were reluctant to fight. Therefore, he returned to Kufa to find the solution to the cri-
sis. Since he did not want in fighting among Muslims, he finally abdicated in favour of Muawiya

and settled in Madinah. Muawiya, exploiting the developments, entered Kufa without any re-
sistance with his huge army and assumed the office of Caliphate. Hazrat Hasan lived for 8 years in
Madinah after which he was poisoned to death in 670AD/50AH by his wife Jada bint al-Ashat
who was bribed by Muawiya for this. He was buried in Jannat al-Baqi in Madinah

Hazrat al-Husayn bin Ali was born in Madinah in 4AH/ 626AD as younger brother of Hazrat Ha-
san. He, too was named by the Prophet himself. Al-Husayn also means "the beautiful" . The
Prophet expressed his special love for him by saying :
" I am from Husayan and Husayn is from me "
He, together with his brother, parents and the Prophet is among the Ahl-i-Bait in the light of the
circumstances of revelation of 33:33. He closely observed the conflict between his elder brother
and Muawiya and was unhappy when Hazrat Hasan abdicated in favour of Muawiya. Later, he
was one of the 5 senior Muslims who refused to acknowledge Yazid as caliph. Muawiya before
his death in 680AD, had nominated Yazid as his successor.
He was performing Tawaf of Kaabah during the Hajj when he noticed some mysterious people
with nefarious plans around him. He converted his Hajj into Imran and decided to leave for Kufa,
Iraq. He received a letter by his cousin Muslim bin A week who assured him the support of
Kufans against Yazid. Unfortunately, when Hazrat Husayn left Makkah with his 72 supporters ,
things changed in Kufa. Muslim bin Aqeel we killed by Governor of Basra. Other supporters were
also suppressed and terrified.
On 2nd Muharram 60 AH /680AD, Hazrat Husayn with his supporters reached the desert of Kar-
bala near the Euphrates in Kufa and pitched his camp. For next 8 days Umayyad troops surround-
ed the camp and off any supply of food and water from stream of Euphrates. All negotiations
failed and on 10th Muharram, 60AH/ 680AD, a battle began between Yazid' s army of 4000 and
Hazrat Husayn ' s 72 supporters including women, babies and elderly people. No support came
from Kufa, thus the battle led to Tragedy of Karbala in which many relatives of the Prophet were
He fought boldly till he was beheaded while performing prostration by Shimr and his head was
taken to the Kufan governor Ubaid Ullah bin Ziyad and then to Yazid in Damascus. He was buried
at Karbala and was 3rd caliph according to Shia Muslims.

4.3 : imPortant Personalities during ProPhet’s life

4.3(1) : Caliphs
Q : Write about the services or role played by;
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr;
(b) Hazrat Umar during the life of the Prophet pbuh. /10
Suggested Answer :
(a) He was a wealthy and modest Makkah and a close friend of the Prophet. He was the first free
male adult to embrace Islam. He believed to have embraced Islam without hesitation. Prophet :
" When I invited people towards God, everybody thought over it and hesitated, at least for a
while, except Abu Bakr... "
Abu Bakr influenced important people for conversion, and they included Uthman, Talha, Zubair
and Abu Ubaidah. He also set slaves like Bilal free in the way of Islam. He also suffered persecu-
tions at hands of pagans and stood by prophet' s side. Once when he rushed to rescue the Proph-
et, he was dragged by his beard. Thus, he set examples of his strong faith in Islam and Prophet.
He further demonstrated it by immediately believing in the Prophet' s journey of Miraj. That's
why he was given the title of al-Siddiq, "Testifier to the Truth. "
His relation with the Prophet was strengthened when he gave away his daughter, Ayesha in mar-
riage to the Prophet. He accompanied the Prophet in the journey of Hijra. When they stayed in
the cave of Thaur, Abu bakr proved his loyalty by allowing himself to be bitten by a scorpion
while saving the Prophet. Quran refer this event :
" .... they were two in the cave... " Surah Tawbah
In Madinah, he took part in battle of Badr, remained around the Prophet in the battles of Uhud
and Hunain and also participated in the expedition of Khaybar and Taif. He denoted all His wealth
for the Tabuk expedition and said :
" I have left for them (family) God and His Prophet "
He was appointed the "Ameer of Hajj " to lead the pilgrims in 630/9AH, and led the daily prayers
during prophet' s last days. Finally, on the death of the Prophet, he brought a sense of order to
the shocked Muslim community by his speech and by reciting Surah Imran verses.

Hazrat Umar belonged to Banu Adi branch of the Quraish. He was known for his physical
strength, wealth, poetry etc. He was opposed to Islam. Prophet had prayed to God for the con-
version of either Abu Jahl or Umar bin so Khattab. God granted his prayer. His conversion raised
the morale of the Muslims and they began to offer prayer openly. The Prophet gave him the title
Al-Faruq. Prophet further acknowledged Hazrat Umar's nobility :
" God placed truth upon the tongue of Umar and His heart. "
Hazrat Umar showed his courage again when he migrated to Madinah openly and none of the
pagans dared to block his way. In Madinah, he remained a strong source of protecting the Mus-
lims. In 1AH, He and a Madinian Muslim Hazrat Abdullah suggested the idea if Azan. He partici-
pated in all battles. After the battle of Badr, he gave his wisdom daughter Hazrat Hafsa, in mar-
riage to Prophet. In battle of Uhud, he was part of human shield made by the companions of
Prophets to protect him from rear attack. He participated in digging of the ditch in 627AD in
battle of trench.
According to the commentators of the Quran, many verses of the Quran are related to Hazrat
Umar. E.g, the verse about offering prayer at the Station of Ibrahim was revealed after Hazrat
Umar when he had asked the Prophet about history of Station of Ibrahim :
" And make you the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer "
Similarly, the verses about the observance of Hijab by the wife of Prophet were also revealed
after Umar had expressed his desire :
" O prophet! Tell your wives and daughters , and the believing women that they should cast
their outer garments " Surah Ahzab
Propeht also admire Hazrat Umar manu times. E.g : " The sun has not risen on a better man than
Umar " He served for Islam till his last breath and always worked for Islam and carried Prophet's
teachings during his Caliphate.
(b) Describe the significance of these personalities in the history of Islam. /4
Ans : Abu Bakr strengthened the first Islamic community by helping out the persecuted Muslims.
He purchased and set Nikal free for the sake of Islam. By persuading other important Makkans
for conversion, he ensured growth of Muslim community. He contributed towards maintaining
the integrity of the Muslims on critical occasions. E.g Treaty of Hudaibiya. Similarly, he kept Mus-
lims composed and United on the demise of the Prophet. Whereas Hazrat Umar conversion
strengthened Islam to a great extent. Muslims prayed openly because of him as he was strong
man from a strong tribe. He stood firmly by Prophet' s side in all difficulties.

He placed half of his wealth at the disposal to Prophet for Tabuk expedition. He because of his
services was one of 10 persons to whom Prophet gave tidings of Paradise in Lifetime. Umar him-
self performed extra ordinary services for Islam during Caliphate.

Q : Give an account of the lives of 'Uthman and Ali during the lifetime of the
Prophet. /10
Suggested Answer :
Hazrat Uthman bin Affan :
Hazrat Uthman was a rich merchant from the clan of Banu Umayya. He was influenced by Hazrat
Abu Bakr for conversion to Islam. He suffered persecutions in Makka. His uncle would tie him
with ropes and beat him. He married to the Prophet's daughter, Hazrat Ruqayya. Both of them
migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madinah in order to escape the persecutions.
He earned the title of "al-Ghani" (the generous one) because of his generosity. He participated in
all the battles during Prophet's time except of battle of Badr as he has to attend his sick wife Haz-
rat Ruqayya who died before the end of battle. He later married to Umm Kulthum (Prophet's
daughter). Thus, he earned the title of 'Zun Nurain ' (possessor of two lights). The Prophet ad-
mired nobility and sincerity of Hazrat Uthman as :
" For every apostle of God there was a constant companion Ans my companion in Paradise will
be Uthman "
In 6AH, during the journey of pilgrimage, the Prophet sent Hazrat Uthman to Makkah to negoti-
ate with Quraish but he was detained and it was rumored that he was killed. The Prophet con-
ducted the Biyat-i-Rizwan (the oath of good pleasure) He was very close to the Prophet. He es-
corted the wives of the Prophet during the Farewell Pilgrimage. When there was shortage of wa-
ter in Madinah, Hazrat Uthman bought a well 'Bir Ruma' for 20,000 Dirhams from a Jew. He also
contributed 1/3 of his expenses for Tabuk expedition. Being a learned man, Hazrat Uthman was
among the scribes of the Quran. The Prophet acknowledged his modesty as :
" The most genuinely modest is Uthman "
He also donated huge sums of money for the expansion of the mosque of Prophet.

Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib /10
Hazrat Ali was born to Abu Talib and Fatima bint Asad (both belonging to Banu Hashim) in
600AD. When the Prophet married Hazrat Khadija he took Hazrat Ali to his home in order to re-
lieve the economic burden of Abu Talib. When the Prophet proclaimed Prophethood before his
relatives, Hazrat Ali became the first youngest convert. When Prophet migrated to Madina, he
asked him to sleep on his bed as decoy and return the belongings of the people next morning. In
Madinah, when the Prophet was pairing Muhajireen with Ansar by Mawakhat, Prophet declared
him as his brother-in-faith. Then he married his youngest daughter, Fatima to him.
He set several examples of boldness in all battles e.g in battle of Badr, he killed the Makkan chief
in the individual combat and killed many pagans in general fight. In Uhud, he became the flag
bearer after the martyrdom of first flag bearer. In the battle trench, he repulsed the band of
Makkans who had crossed the ditch, and killed some of them. Hazrat Ali played decisive role in
conquest of Khaybar as he heroically defeated and killed Marhab, the custodian of Qamus fort.
He broke open the heavy door of fort that otherwise required many men. He was given the title
'Asadullah' (Lion of God) by the Prophet.
He was the scribe of the treaty of Hudaibiya in 6AH /628AD. He was also a major scribe of
Quran. He was one of the flag bearers of army conquered Makka and assisted Prophet in smash-
ing the idols in Kaabah. When the Prophet raised an army for Tabuk expedition, he was not in-
cluded in it but Prophet consoled him by saying :
" Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like Haroon to Musa? But there will be no
Prophet after me ”
When the Hajj became obligatory in 10AH, the Prophet received some verses of Surah Tawba
and he asked Ali R.A to read out the verses to Muslims. Same year he was appointed Qazi (Judge)
of Yemen by Prophet. Once Prophet acknowledged his knowledge as :
" I am city of knowledge and Ali is the gate "
While returning from Farewell Pilgrimage, Prophet stayed at Ghadir Khum, delivered a short
speech, then raised his hand and said :
" Of whomsoever I am lord /friend (Mawla) this Ali is his lord / friend too "
During the last days of Prophet's life, he attended him regularly and on his death, washed his
body and lowered it into grave.

4.3(2) : Uncles
Q : Write about the lives of the Prophet's uncles, Hamza and Abu Sufyan. /10
Suggested Answer :
Hazarat Hamza
He was an uncle as well as foster brother of the Prophet, being two years older than his nephew.
He didn't showed interest in preaching of the Prophet in early years, though he didn't opposed
Islam. He was fond of hunting and wrestling. Once, while returning from hunting, he was told of
insult of the Prophet by Abu Jahl. He rushed to him, struck him with his bow and said :
" You have been abusing Muhammad; I follow his religion and profess what he preaches. "
He then proceeded to house of al-Arqam (where the Prophet has shifted to escape the notice of
the Quraish and embraced Islam in 615AD. His conversion raised the confidence of the op-
pressed Muslim community as they felt emboldened in his presence.
He also participated in the battle of Badr and killed the prominent Makkan chief 'Utba' in the in-
dividual combats. Then in general fight, he killed many other pagans and proved his skills of ar-
dent fighter. He also fought valiantly in the battle of Uhud. Before the battle, Hind bint Utba, wife
of Abu Sufyan had pledged to avenge deaths of her relatives. She hired Wahshy bin Harb, know
for skill of lancer. He killed Hamza in the battle of Uhud in 625AD and Hind expressed her hatred
against him by Chewing his liver.
Prophet buried Hazrat Hamza in cemetery of Uhud along with other martyrs. He greatly ag-
grieved his death and gave him the title of 'Sayyed Al Shuhada' (leader of martyrs). Wahshy em-
braced Islam on the conquest of Makkah in 630AD and Prophet forgave him, though he told him
not to sit in front of his audience as he would remind him of his beloved uncle.
Abu Suyfan
The real name of Abu Sufyan was Sakhr bin Harb. He was born ten years before the Prophet in
the influential Quraishite clan of Banu Umayya, rival tribe to Banu Hashim. He was the chief of
his own clan Abd Shams. There were not many converts from Banu Umayya in the early years ex-
cept Hazrat Usman and Abu Sufyan ' s daughter Ramla. Abu Sufyan therefore opposed the Holy
Prophet and his followers. He used to lead the trade caravans from Makkah to Yemen and Syria.
In 623AD one of his caravan returning from Syria became the immediate reason for the Battle of
Badr. He lost his father in law, Utba and his son Hanzalah in the battle.

After the killing of Abu Jahl in the battle of Badr, Abu Sufyan became the Makkan chief. He led
armies against the Muslims in the battles of Uhud (625AD) and Trench (626AD) as well as some
other expeditions but failed to impress his townsmen in these. Therefore, he gradually withdrew
from open opposition to Islam, specially after the treaty if Hudaibiya. In 7AH when the letter of
the Prophet reached the court of Roman emperor, Abu Sufyan was already there. The emperor
asked about the conduct of the Prophet to which Abu Sufyan replied :
" Muhammad descends from a noble family. He neither lies nor betrays others. He bids people
to worship God and abandon our father's beliefs. He orders us to observe prayer, honesty and
abstinence, and to maintain strong family ties "
He was arrested in the night before the conquest of Makkah and was brought before the Proph-
et. Though Hazrat Umar wanted to kill him, but Prophet didn't allowed to. Instead, after his con-
version, the Prophet declare show house among the places of safety.

Q : Give an account of the lives of Abu Sufyan and Khalid bin Walid during the
time of the Prophet. /10
Suggested Answer :
*** Abu Sufyan done above***
Khalid bin Walid
His name was Abu Sulaiman Khalid bin al-Walid. He was born in 592AD to Banu Makhzum, a
powerful tribe like Banu Umayya. He was known as a wrestler and was also socially strong. He
remained hostile to Islam till the treaty of Hudaibiya. He did not participate in the battle of Badr
but played vital role in Uhud. When the archers left their position to collect the booty from Mus-
lim side, He mobilized his troops quickly and attacked Muslims from rear.
The running Makkan army returned and Muslims were defeated. During the siege of Madinah
(battle of Khandaq) he, together with Ikrima bin Abu Jahl, had surveyed the trench and were able
to locate the point where it was bit narrow but were unsuccessful to capitalize. His mind began
to be influenced by Islam after the treaty of Hudaibiya. His brother Walid had already embraced
Islam after the battle of Badr. The Prophet is reported to have said about him :
" A man like Khalid can not keep himself away from Islam for long ”
In May 629AD (7AH) he set out for Madinah. On his way he met Amr bin al-As and Uthman bin
Talha, thus all 3 embraced Islam together.

He took command of Muslim army in the battle of Mutah after Zayd, Jafar and Abdullah lay mar-
tyred. With 3000 Muslims against 200,000 Romans, he was very cleverly retreated deceiving the
Romans and saving the remaining Muslim army. He fought so fiercely that he broke 9 swords,
thus was given the title of Saif Ullah (Sword of Allah ) by Prophet.
On the conquest of Makkah, he led one of the 4 columns entering city. He was the commander
of the cavalry in the battle of Hunain and also participated in the seize of Taif and Tabuk expedi-
tion. During the last days of Prophet he led expedition to Daumat-al-Jandal and captured fort in
March 631AD. He also participated in the Farewell Hajj in 631AD. He is regarded as a great lead-
er in Islamic history.

4.3(3) : Scribes of Quran

Q : Outline the tasks performed by the Prophet's scribes during his lifetime. /10
Suggested Answer :
The Quran was written in its entirety during the Prophet' s time under a divine scheme. Since the
Prophet was an unlettered man, he used to dictate the Quranic revelations as and when they
were received by him. He was assisted by about 40 renowned companions who acted as his
scribes. Most prominent were Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali and Abdullah bin Masud whom
belonged to Makkah. In Madinah, Hazrat Zayd bin Sabit, Khalid bin Walid, Ubayy bin kaab and
many other earned the privilege to write down Quranic revelations.
Some of them were official scribes who wrote letters, treaties for him e.g Ubaay ibn kaab. Some
companions became scribes because they kept their own personal copies of the revelations e.g
Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr. He sought the Prophet' s permission by asking : " May I write down
everything I hear from you... He replied : "Yes, for I speak nothing but truth "
Abdullah bin Masud was one of the reciter of Quran. Prophet admired his talent as :
" Whoever wants to read the Quran as fresh as when it was revealed then let him read accord-
ing to the recitation of Abdullah bin Masud "
All the scribes wrote Quranic verses on stone tablets, parchments, flat bones of camels, dried
leaves etc. The Prophet used to instruct the scribes about the sequence in which the revealed
verses were to be placed in a particular surah. In this manner, the Prophet arranged the text of
Quran in a systematic order till the end of revelation. There were various scribes who have differ-
ent role as companions. Some companions who did not write down the revelations, had memo-
rized them instead and their versions are used to verify the written copies after Prophet's death

A number if companions having personal copies of the revelations were later used to verify the
official copy at Hazrat Abu Bakr's Caliphate. They verified their copies by reading it out to Proph-
et at that time. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit stated the methodology by saying : ' When the revelation
came to him he felt intense heat and drops of precipitation. When this state was over I used to
fetch a shoulder bone or something else. He used to go on dictating and I used to write it down.
When I finished writing, he would say, "Read" and I would read it back to him. If there was an
omission or error he used to correct it and then let it be brought before people.
This shows that all scribes observed utmost care in noting down the verses in their absolute origi-
nality. The Quran acknowledges the meritorious services of scribes in these words : " It is in
Books held in honor : Exalted and kept pure and holy. Written by the hands of scribes. Honora-
ble, pious and just " (Surah Abasa)

4.3(4) : Muhajireen and Ansars

Q : The Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madinah from Makka. Write about the
Ansar and the Muhajirun and the way they helped each other. /10
Suggested Answer :
Islam is the word derived from the root word Salam meaning integrity which is created through
binding together that means brotherhood. Islam being the religion of equality, peace, justice and
humanity results in creating brotherhood amongst Muslim Umma. Quran repeatedly give teach-
ing of brotherhood and equality :
" O believers! You are one brethren "
" O You are from one spring (man Adam) "
Thus, the famous brotherhood (Mawakhat) was established by the Prophet after the migration to
Madinah in 623AD/1AH between Muhajireen the emigrants and Ansar the helpers.
Muhajireen is name applied to those followers of Prophet who migrated to Madinah from Mak-
kah by leaving their wealth, homes and even families for the sake of their religion. They had al-
most nothing when they came to Madinah and were homeless. The Prophet describes them as
favorites of Allah who will receive splendid reward as Surah 9 refers to it :
" Those who believe and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in Allah's cause, with
their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in sight of Allah "

While the Muslims of Madinah, who received Prophet and his followers were called Ansar or
Helpers as they are called Ansar-un-Nabi (helpers of Prophet). They were mainly members of the
Madinite tribe of Khazraj of, who had invited Prophet to their city and gave Muslims all kind of
help and assistance. They were good natured, soft spoken and pious people who showed love,
generosity and goodwill to the Muslims. Surah Al-Hashr refers to them :
" But those who before then had homes and had adopted faith, their affection to such as came
to them for refuge.... but give them preference over themselves.... "
Thus, with Allah's blessing the Prophet summoned the two communities at house of Hazrat Anas
bin Malik and said to Ansar :
" These (Muhajireen) are your brothers "
He then made pairs of by calling one from Muhajireen and one from Ansar and declaring : " Each
of you is a brother to the other " While pairing the Prophet demonstrated his unusual wisdom.
He paired those who had common interests, skills and had no major difference in their socioeco-
nomic status. E.g Hazrat Said bin Zayd who was highly learned man, was paired with Hazrat Ub-
bay bin Kab, who emerged as Prophet's major scribe. Some major examples of pairing were :
Hazrat Salman Al Farsi with Abu Dard, Hazrat Abu Bakr with Kharja Ibn Zaid, Hazrat Umar with
Utbah Ibn Malik and Hazrat Usman with Aws Ibn Sabit.
Interestingly, Hazrat Ali was left unpaired after all arrangements. Thus, Prophet declared him as
his brother in faith that showed his closeness with Ali. The Ansar took their brother in faith to
their homes, gathered all their stocks and shared equally. The Ansars agreed to give half of the
produce by agriculture to Muhajireen. They became like blood-brothers as if an Ansari died, his
property was inherited to his Muhajir brother according to Quranic command : "... you are
brother of each other " However the practice was abandoned by another Quranic command
after battle of Badr :
" Those having blood-relations are more entitled to each other's inheritance "
Soon, Muhajir through trade, business, industry and hard work, were able to stand on their own
feet. As after the Conquest of Khaybar, Muhajirs returned the assets to Ansars, they received
after Banu-Nadir of Jews was expelled from Madinah. When Bahrain was conquered, Prophet
offered the land to Ansars but they asked to distribute it equally in Muhajir brothers. The hospi-
tality and generosity of Ansar is unprecedented in world history. Thus, a unique kind of fraternity
was established by Islam that was based on common faith.


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