Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
➢ The graphics display is most important component of a graphics system. The quality
of image influences the perception of the designer.
➢ A designer communicates his ideas by adding, moving and deleting the 2D & 3D
graphics entities on the displays; thus, making it interactive.
➢ In passive display devices such as television, the user cannot modify the displayed
➢ There are Two types of graphics output devices
▪ Soft devices
▪ Hard devices
➢ Graphics display devices come under the category of soft devices. The graphics
information displayed on the computer screen is of temporary nature.
➢ Printers/plotters, which provide the hard copies of graphics images are referred as
graphics output devices.
➢ In interactive computer graphics (soft devices), the image presented on a CRT
display can be dynamically modified, erased or regenerated.
➢ On hardcopy device, images are created on the paper; therefore, dynamic
modification is not possible. However, hardcopy is used for the further activities.
There are various types of display technologies available to the user. The purpose of
these devices is to generate the desired digital visible image on the screen at high
speeds. Broadly, the graphics displays are classified into Two categories based on the
1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
2. Solid State Monitors or Flat Panel Display (FPD)
Principle of CRT
➢ The principle of CRT is based on the generation of high-speed electron beam that
strikes on the phosphor-coated glass screen.
➢ The impact of electron beam causes it to illuminate and produce a bright spot (or
glow) on the screen at the desired location until next time the beam is focused.
Line (AB), special lines (AB, AC & AD) and circle, respectively, visible
on the screen during rasterization.
Based on these two image generation techniques, the Three types of graphics displaydevices
b) Vector display generates smooth line drawings compared to the raster scan jagged line system because
the electron beam follows the line path.
c) Selective erasure of a portion of image is possible due to the continuous refreshing (redrawing) of
display screen.
d) Refresh display results into the image with high brightness.
e) The animation (viz., simulation of movements) of object is possible due to the fast refreshing of
display screen.
The refresh displays are designed for the line drawing applications. The devices based on
random or refresh scan principles are not preferred for CAD systems due to following:
a) It is a binary display device; hence, able to generate only two levels of color intensity.
b) Refresh display cannot produce shaded colored images.
c) It could display only the limited number of line segments on the screen without flicker.
d) The images involving curves may require large number of short line segments
(alternatively, substantial amount of data); therefore, the need of refreshing the
image at 30-60 Hz rate places a limit on the number of lines that can be displayed
without flicker.
The refresh display devices are expensive due to the need of refresh
buffermemory and fast display processor.
Direct View Storage Tube
➢ The duration of time that a phosphor continues to glow, after the electron beam excites it, is termed persistence.
➢ As the persistence of CRT display is very short, it is necessary to retain the images formore time.
➢ A storage tube physically retains the image generated until it is erased, whereas a refreshed tube continuously
regenerates the image at some frequency.
➢ Because of the elimination of refresh buffer, DVST was less expensive as compared tothe refresh/calligraphic type
(ii) During the process of image generation, if a portion of image is required to be erased (selective erasure)
the entire screen must be cleared before redrawing the modified image.
(iii)DVST cannot provide the vector images of different colors and simulation of movements (animation).
(iv)Due to the absence of continuous refreshing, the DVST is not suitable for display devices with light pen
as an input device.
➢ There is continuous demand of colors, shaded images and animation of designs in CAD/CAM
➢ This has motivated the hardware engineers to develop the graphics display devices based on the
Television Technology (TV). A TV uses analog signal generated by a video camera.
➢ Raster display became very popular due to its capability of presenting realistic display of colored,
shaded and flicker-free graphics images on the CRT screen.
➢ The viewing surface of a raster display unit has a matrix of tiny picture elements, calledpixels.
➢ The size of these picture elements is the size of smallest dot that can be displayed onthe monitor.
➢ Every pixel on viewing surface has a unique address by referring to its position in the matrix by specifying
the row and the column.
➢ It is possible to control the brightness or color of each of these pixels by a hardware known as display
Raster Display
Monochrome display
➢ The picture definition is stored in the frame buffer called bitmap refresh buffer.
➢ One-to-one mapping between bitmap memory and corresponding pixel location.
➢ The refreshing of entire screen takes place at a rate of 30-60 Hz, which is independent of the complexity of
image and number of graphics items displayed on the CRT screen.
➢ There is no possibility of flickering with
increased complexity of the image, as in the
case of refresh display.
➢ In black/white raster display, 1 bit per pixel
memory is required corresponding to either on
(bright) or off (dark) position of pixel.
Raster Display
Monochrome display
➢ A digital to analog conversion between the frame
buffer (digital device) and CRT screen (analog
device) must take place before a pixel is visible
on the screen.
➢ The two levels of image (black/white) are not satisfactory for various ICG applications. For color and intensity
variations, additional bits are required.
➢ Practically, continuous gray shades for the monochrome display require a memory of 8 bits/pixel and it increases
up to 24 bits/pixel (8-bits for each Red, Blue and Green primary colors) for colored images.
➢ Thus, 24 bits/pixel, i.e., 224 (viz., 16,777,216) different colors would be available on a pixel location. For
multiple bits/pixel, the frame buffer is termed pixmap.
➢ For colored images, a display system with 24 bits/pixel and a screen resolution of 1024x1024 =1x106 pixels
requires approximately 1x106x24, i.e., 24 MB memory of storage in the frame buffer.