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BY:Esmael Kemal
ADVISOR: Mr. Merga Tesema (MA). March,2023


ACRONYM......................................................................................................................................................... III

CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................................................... 1

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 1

1. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................................ 3

1.3.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................. 3

1.3.2. THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY AREA.......................................................................................... 3

1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................................. 4

1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................................... 4

1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................................... 5

REIVEW OF LITERATURE...................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 CONCEPT AND CAUSES OF URBAN EXPANSION AND GROWTH.......................................................................5

2.2 THEORIES OF URBAN EXPANSION AND GROWTH........................................................................................... 5

2.3. GLOBAL TRENDS OF URBANIZATION............................................................................................................. 6

2.4 TRENDS OF URBANIZATION IN AFRICA........................................................................................................... 6

2.5 TRENDS OF URBANIZATION IN ETHIOPIA....................................................................................................... 7

2.6 URBAN FORMS........................................................................................................................................... 7

2.7 SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF URBANIZATION......................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER THREE:................................................................................................................................................. 9

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................. 9

3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA................................................................................................................ 9

3.1.1 LOCATION.................................................................................................................................................. 9

3.1.2. POPULATION............................................................................................................................................. 9

3.1.3. CLIMATE.................................................................................................................................................. 10

3.1.4. SOIL......................................................................................................................................................... 10

3.1.5. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS............................................................................................................... 10

3.2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................................... 11

3.2.1 RESEARCH DESIGN.................................................................................................................................... 11

3.2.2 TYPE AND SOURCE OF DATA................................................................................................................... 11

3.2.3. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES AND SAMPLE SIZE.............................................................................................. 11

3.2.4. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION............................................................................................................... 12

3.2.5 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................... 12

3.3 BUDGET LINE AND TIME SCHEDULE............................................................................................................. 13

3.3.1TIME SCHEDULE......................................................................................................................................... 13

3.3.2 BUDGET LINE............................................................................................................................................ 14



VE -Vertical expansion

HE – Horizontal expansion
MWUD –Ministry of water and Developmental Union
UNFDA –United Nation Food and agricultural Development
UNFPA -United Nation for peasant Association
UNDESA –United Nation Development of Social and Economic Agency
MUDHCO -Ministry of Urban Development and Housing Construction




Urban expansion as a dynamic process of land use change is a complicated
social/economic phenomenon. It may be linked with details related to topography, transportation,
land use, social structure and economic type, but it is generally related to demography and
economy in a city( Lin Li et al., 2003).
Urban expansion is synonymous with urban sprawl, to connote the extension of urban settlement
to the surrounding area whose function are non-agricultural. Urban expansion is a common
phenomenon in both developed and developing countries. However, in developing countries
urban expansions are known with its negative effect. The major effects contributing for rapid
urban expansion in Ethiopia are higher natural population growth, rural to urban migration and
spatial urban development (Fekadu, 2015). This expansion has its own negative impact on
farmers livelihood which has different components. The process of urban expansion may involve
both horizontal and vertical expansion of the physical structure of urban areas. It can result in
loss of agricultural land, natural beauties, range lands, parks and sceneries (Melesse, 2004).
According to the World Urbanization Prospects reported by the United Nations (UN, 2012),
from 1965 to 2010, the global population increased from 3.3 billion to 6.9 billion, and the total
amount of population will exceed 9.3 billion b y 2050. Along with the population growth,
more and more people chose to live in urban areas. The percentage of the world‟s
population residing in urban areas increased from 35.5% in 1965 to 51.6% in 2010 and this
number will reach at 67% in 2015 (UN, 2012).
Although the level of urbanization in developing countries is low, its rate of urbanization is one
of the fastest in the world. Approximately 25% of Africa's population lived in towns and
cities in 1975. In 2000, 38% of the continent's population lived in urban areas and the
proportion is expected to increase to 47% by 2015 and to be double by 2050 (Thuo,

2010). Conversion of farmland and vegetation land cover into urban built-up areas reduces the
amount of lands available for food and crop production. Urban expansion has created high
pressure on the agricultural land. Subsequently, it brings negative impacts on socio-economic
conditions to the communities. These socio-economic problems are: reduce land quality and
agricultural productivity, Soil erosion, deforestation, reduce the amount of open space,
desertification (Raddad et al., 2010).
According to Redman and Jones (2004), basically urban growth is a combination of three basic
Processes. First, rural-urban migration: It is a key source of urban growth since the origin of
cities. Rural-Urban migration is driven from perceived economic opportunities, insecurity in
rural areas, climate or economic problems etc. Second, natural increase: This is a combination
of increased fertility and decreased mortality rate. Third, re-classification of land from rural to
urban categories. As described by (Siciliano, 2012), the process of determining and
implementing compensation are illogical, ad-hoc and lacking clearness and created widespread
social and political tensions more importantly exposing the rural migrants for getting risk of
increasing social vulnerability to unemployment and food insecurity. Since compensation paid
to the displaced people and evicted from farm land ownership is usually inadequate, it is
advisable and advantageous to accompany money compensation with alternative development
program plans to rehabilitate economically and socially the evicted farmers (Siciliano, 2012).
A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and
activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with
and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both
now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource bases" (Krantz, 2001).
Livelihoods can be made up of a range of on-farm and off-farm activities that together
provide a variety of procurement strategies for improving household life (Drinkwater and
McEwan, 1992).
Mettu is one of the zonal and woreda towns located in the western Oromia Regional State that
experiencing rapid Urban expansion process and critical land use change which resulted in loss
of agricultural land and Socio-economic problems of the displaced people.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
In Ethiopia according to Eyasu (2007)10% the percent of urban centers is increasing in the fast
rate resulting the displacement of peasants from farm land, loss of agricultural land which makes
reduction of agricultural production and other social problems in the rural areas of the
surrounding communities. Beside of this, urban expansion is a progress of transformation and
both private and government development projects are the main factors . This urban expansion to
rural effect is also manifested in the centers of the town with emergency of different social
services in the centers of the town exacerbated the problems.
Therefore the main intentions of this study are to assess the impact of urban expansion on the
surrounding rural communities of the Mattu town with the specific of the surrounding rural
communities of the town in many ways like that of displacing farmers from their lands,
decreasing the land holding size of the individual farmers as well as some of the farmers were
totally loss their land. Because of these towns increase horizontal from time to time and affects
peasants livelihood.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General objectives

The main purpose of the study is to assess the socio economic impacts of urban expansion on the
nearby rural communities of Mattu town with specific reference to the surrounding kebele of the

1.3.2. The specific objectives of the study area

To identify the consequences of urban expansion in the surrounding farm lands of the town in the
study area.
To identify the challenges of the expansion of the town in a way that can benefit both the urban
dwellers and rural communities in the study area.
To identify the survival strategies of farm households whose livelihood is most severely affected
by expansion of the town in the study area?

1.4 Research Questions
In order to evaluate the impact of urban expansion into rural communities the following
research questions are formulated.
1. What are the consequences of urban expansion on the surrounding farm lands of the
town in the study area?
2. What are the challenges of urbanization in the study area?
3. What are the survival and adoptive strategies of farm households whose livelihood is most
severely affected by the expansion of the town in the study area?

1.5 Significance of the study

Urbanization and urban expansion in less developed countries like Ethiopia is an issue to due
attention given by many organizations for different reasons research is supposed to be used as
reference material for researchers interested to conduct further researches related with this
research title and it’s used to explain how urban expansion affects the rural communities .In
addition to this, the study would be helpful for the societies who are nearby urban areas who
always face the challenges of urban expansion and helpful for the urban planners and for those
who have the responsibilities to make urban plan how the negative impacts of urban expansion
on rural communities can be reduce the agricultural productivity of the farm lands.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study was conducted in Bale zone Robe town. It focuses on the impact of urban expansion
towards rural communities. In this research, the researchers tried to identify and analyses the
cause and consequence of urban expansion of an area. The town has been expanding especially
horizontal at varying pace in different directions. This horizontal expansion of the town on the
periphery has intensified the transformations of rural settlements in urban land use in many
directions namely like Hora Boka, Awusho,Kabira Shaya,Nano Robe etc. and which are also the
subject for this study.



2.1 concept and causes of urban expansion and growth

Urbanization is the process of increasing the proportion of the number of peoples living in urban
areas and also the process of the growth of cities and towns leads to the conversion of the arable
land to build up area, although increasing population density somewhat moderates these
effects .Urbanization in its process it’s a form of primary to secondary activities .among these
involves not only technological change but also human behavior or transform from in personal
individuals .other complex and modern societies .this nature and form of cities whether an
ancient or modern city which is closely related to its wider social and cultural context. Although,
developing countries have being faced many problems due to high rates of urbanization in to
agricultural lands. These are resulted from uncontrolled urbanization rate (Urnon, 2003).

2.2 Theories of urban expansion and growth

In urban area as economic benefits primacy theory, there are the agglomerations of different
economic activities and economies of scale resulting from it hence to improve economic benefits

of production, people move to urban areas from rural areas to another rural urban migration. This
rises urban population stimulates urban latexes to grow towards peripheral areas.
The urban social production theory in the other hand argues that , urban is more congested and
congregate and even much denser than rural and peripheral regions still , the area has higher
pulling power of attracting people into it .this pulling force of urban area is however the
result of continues social interaction and internet work which result finally into the
congregation of people smaller unit of land than rural region .

2.3. Global trends of urbanization

In 1960s the global urban population was 34% of the total however by 2014 the urban
population accounted for 54% of the total and continues to grow . by 2050 the proportion
living in urban areas is expected to 66%(UNDESA,2014) .according to the 2007 to 2008 of
the global urbanization trends there are two lines of growth of urbanization in the world .
this are the process of urbanization affects all size of settlement , so villages gradually grow to
become small towns , smaller towns become larger town and larger towns become cities .
This trends has led to the growth of mega cities .a mega cities is urban area of greater than
ten million people .the second on its rapid expansion of city borders driven by increases in
population and development .leads to expansion city borders that spread out and swallow
up neighboring urban areas to form a mega cities.

2.4 Trends of urbanization in Africa

Urbanization in Africa has been widely misconceived assumed that the African did not have the
political sophistication and the organizational ability to build towns but rather lived in isolated
settlement (Hull,1976).the assumption was that town living existed as result of an alien
inspiration .urbanization in Africa started long before arrival of the Europeans in the 1400s
according to chandler(1996).urbanization appeared in the northern Africa as earlier as
3200sBcand later extended to the rest of the content .this urban centers were located along the

trade routes used by Arab traders who brought waves from middle and far east to trade with
African s mostly from the forest region(Becker et al ,1994).

2.5 Trends of urbanization in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one the least urbanized countries in the world today and only 18%of its population
lives in urban areas .in common with many other developing countries , however this pattern is
changing . And Ethiopia’s urban growth rate is more than 4.0%peryear which places it among
the highest in Africa and the world (MWUD, 2007).
Ethiopia’s relative lack urbanization of is the result of history of agricultural the country self-
sufficiency which has reinforced rural peasant life . This slow pace of urban development
continued until the 1935 Italian occupation. Urban growth was fairly rapid during and after
Italian occupation of 1935-41 urbanization on accelerated during 1960s when the annual
growth rate was about 6.3% urban growth was especially evident in in the northern parts of
the countries and the central parts of the countries are were the main parts of the countries those
well known in the history of countries urbanization rates(Alan,2002).

2.6 Urban forms

Regardless of our personal feelings, urban centers have been of tremendous importance
throughout world history. urban spaces are the products of pure human innovation , reflecting
the unique human ability to trans form land escapes to increase our chances of survival ,
happiness and comfort but what matters is not just that ewe embark on this transformation
it’s how we carry out it the physical patterns ,layouts and structures that makes the urban
centers are collectively called urban forms. As the most basic canvas up on which settled human
societies are built, urban forms are critical to both our daily lives right now and our
interpretations of past cultures.
Historically these urban forms can begin up to the 12,000 years ago during these periods called
Neolithic revolution. This period saw the earliest experiment with agriculture. Agriculture
allowed people to stay in one place throughout the year and build permanent structures.

2.7 Socio-economic impacts of urbanization
Rapid urbanization growth affects the social well being of the town and the dwellers
intermesh of housing ,in adequate public service such as education , access to health care ,and
expansion of deviance like crime prostitution , beggary ,the impacts of urbanization growth is
also like un employment ,health care services ,water supply , housing problem and the like had
significant impacts on the economic and social aspects (Arnon ,2007)
Under present condition and level of level of technology the continued expansion of large
urban centers risks on physical, economical .and social break downs with most serious political
consequences in both developed and developing countries urban growth are accompanied by
several social and economic problems .some of which appear likely to worsen as overall
population growth is accompanied by the trends towards greater urban growth
(Findlay ,1994).
The socio economic impacts of urbanization include both positive and negative aspects with
direct influence on places , but also on the areas that exceed those limits are the development and
diversification of the commercial activities ,plus the opportunity of creating new jobs , bridging
the gap between business people , access to new technology and to the various areas activities
which ensures raising incomes and the development individuals, development of infrastructures
and increase of the number of motor vehicles which generates both an intensification of the
resources consumption, and an increase in the level of air pollution and their impact on the
environment and on the health condition of individuals. This intensification of transport is
determinedly the density increasedinthese areas but also by the low level of development the
Public transport services (Brad bury, A (2009).



3.1 Description of the study area

3.1.1 Location.
Mettu town is found in western Oromia Regional State, in South western part of Ethiopia.
The town was established in 1837 (MWARDO, 2007). It is about 612km far from the
regional/national capital city, Addis Ababa in the south western The town is enclosed/surrounded
by Gayi and Guto kebele in the northade River or siba kebele in the east,Boto kebele in the west
and Ale buya kebele in the south .The geographic location extends from 8°18' N _ 35° 35'E
Latitude and 8.300°N_ 35.583°E Longitude and an elevation of about 1605m asl. Its total area
covers about 5955.6 km2.

3.1.2. Population
The town is totally inhabited by different ethnic groups such as
Oromo,Amhara,Tigrayan,guraghe,Agnuak,Nuer,Kulo and many other who are predominantly
followers of the Islam, Orthodox and Protestant religious (CSA. 2007). Average family size is
estimated to be 5-6 persons. Central statistical Agency(2007) showed that total population
inhabiting the town is about (130,027) of which (64,761)is male population and about (65,766)is
accounted for female population.Afan oromo and Amharic are the most widely used in the
town.The following table shows the total number and percentage of male and female population
living in Mettu town.

Sex Population Percent %

Male 64,761 49.51%

Female 65,766 50.49%

Total 130,027 100%

3.1.3. Climate
The agro climatic zone of the woreda varies from Kolla, Woina Dega and Dega. The
average annual rainfall of the woreda is 1110.57 mm per year. The woreda high rainfall season is
during summer that starts in June and ends in September and short rain season is in winter in
January and ends in February. Temperature is the major determinant factor for Climate in
Ethiopian. The mean minimum temperature for the woreda is 6.56°c during October and
November to mean maximum temperature of 23.13°c during May (Mettu woreda Agricultural
and Rural Development Office (MWARDO, 2007).

3.1.4. Soil
The soils for the study area are predominantly Nitosols. The general slope ranges on from 0 to
79.85 % in which these soils occur. The area is usually found in landscapes of mountain
and major scraps, uplands and bottomlands, and minor valleys (FAO, 1997).

3.1.5. Socio-economic Conditions

The economic bases of the community in the woreda are the rain fed farming practices
and livestock rearing. Mixed agriculture remains to be the main livelihood activity. The
major cultivated crops include, chat,coffee, Bean, Maize and sorghum. In general, activities
other than agriculture seem to be very limited. Agriculture is an important household
resource that plays significant role to household food security, income generation. Cattle,
sheep, goat, cow and ox are the most common domestic animals raised in the rural area and in
the urban area; main activities are trade, cattle raring, daily labor, employees in the government
and non-government organization (KWARDO, 2007).

3.2. Research Methodology

3.2.1 Research Design

In order to address the stated objectives the researcher will use both qualitative and
quantitative types. This is because the proposed study needs the collection of statistical
(numerical) data for the quantitative approach. Qualitative method applied to describe the
existing conditions of expansion of the town and by using qualitative data, options that
are hold and processes that are going on regarding to the urban expansion to the
surrounding areas.

3.2.2 Type and Source of Data

Both primary and secondary data can be used to achieve the objectives of the research. Primary
data will be collected from primary sources of data by using the sample households in the form
of questionnaires and interviews. Whereas the secondary sources of data can be obtained from
literature statics and unpublished material, published material, internet, books and other related

3.2.3. Sampling techniques and sample size

There are six kebeles found in the mattu town. Those kebeles are like
A/saayyaa,A/Molaye,K/kormaa,G/odaa,L/soor kebele and Tabo(wodajo Rebu) kebele. Among
these kebeles the researcher(s) may focuses on two or three or more kebeles depending on their
susceptibility to the impact s. In order to select sample households, the researchers will use
simple random sampling method

3.2.4. Method of data collection
The researchers can use data collection tools such as: questionnaire, interview and field
observation. Questionnaires are used to avoid inappropriate biases. It is possible to use either
closed or open ended or both types of questionnaires for the researcher to investigate the study.
Furthermore, to get reliable and required information the researcher’s will carry out interview
with key informants. This is especially used to make how far it is reliable the research has
conducted in depth. Face to face communication with managers of the town shall helps the
researchers to describe research variables in which the research will be conducted in order to
answer questions like what, who, where, and how .The quantitative approach of the study
enables the researchers to use statistical method of data collection and interpretation such as
frequency ,distribution ,percentage ,chart, graph and table.

3.2.5 Method of Data Analysis

After gathering the available information in order to meet the objective of the study and answer
the research question, the researchers will use both qualitative and quantitative method of data
analysis. Qualitative data analysis will be made through description and explanation of
qualitative phenomena. Whereas the summarization if the Quantitative data can be done through
statistical tools like tables, charts, graphs, frequency and percentage.

3.3 Budget line and Time Schedule

3.3.1Time Schedule

Number Activity December January February March

1 Title selection ✔️
2 Proposal ✔️
3 Finding of ✔️
review litrature
4 Data collection ✔️
5 Data analysis ✔️
6 Writing the first ✔️
7 Submission of ✔️
the report
8 Advisor contact ✔️
9 Writing the ✔️
final draft

3.3.2 Budget Line

Number Type of Unit Quantity Unit cost Total cost


Birr Cents Birr Cents

1 Stationary Each _
2 Pen Each 3 20 00 60 00
3 Paper Each 25 2 50
4 Ruler Each 1 30 30
5 Personal Each 5 100 500
6 For secratory Each _
7 Technical Each 1 100 100
8 CD Disk Each _
9 Telephone Each 3 15 45
Transport cost Day 5 40 200

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