Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
Lecture – 02
Basics of Task Scheduling
Welcome back. So, in the last lecture we had a very basic introduction to real time
systems, what is a real time and what is a real time operating system, how is it is
different from a traditional operating system and we had said that one of the major
requirements for a real time operating system is that it should help the tasks meet their
And then we had seen that embedded applications are becoming numerous and that is a
important application area for the real time operating system and then we were looking at
what are the different types of real time systems hard, soft, firm real time systems what
are the examples of that. And now let us continue from there and let us see what are the
different types of tasks, that a real time system might have to handle.
So, real time operating system the tasks can be broadly saying three types periodic,
aperiodic and sporadic. A periodic task as the name says the tasks recur according to a
timer for example, let us say a chemical plant the parameters of the plant are sensed
periodically and then the computer decides whether to take a corrective action and if here
is a corrective action like changing the temperature or chemical concentration so on it
does within certain time.
So, we will see that for all real time applications the periodic tasks are majority, a large
number of tasks are actually periodic tasks. We might have aperiodic tasks, the aperiodic
tasks they recur randomly and are soft real time tasks. For example, let us say an
operator gives a command let us say to increase the temperature or to reduce the rate of
chemical reaction. So, when the operator will give a comment is not known. It can be
anytime t can be a random and also the response to this command is basically soft real
time once the user gives the command it may take several seconds and there is no hard
deadline by which you needs to do it.
On the other hand there may be sporadic tasks which are again random, but these have
hard deadlines with them for example, let us say a fire condition occurs in a industry in a
chemical plant then the sensors check the condition and they initiate several actions may
be sounding a alarm, may be stopping the reaction may be starting a water shower and so
on. So, when such alarm will occur a fire condition is unpredictable, it is random. But
then the action must be initiated within certain time for the plant to contain such
emergency situation.
So, as we were saying let me just recapitulate. We were saying that in any real time
application a vast majority of the tasks are periodic some tasks may be aperiodic and
these are basically soft real time tasks these are called randomly and another category are
the sporadic tasks these are real time tasks, but they occur randomly and these are rare
aperiodic and sporadic tasks number is very less compared to the periodic tasks.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:53)
Now, another thing that we want to mention is that the timing constraint on a task is
defined with respect to some event. So, once an event occurs then we start counting the
time and we say that before certain time the result must be produced and the event may
be either produced by the system or by the environment we will see examples of both as
we proceed.
In a typical application there are large number of real time tasks and these get generated
due to event occurrences some of these event may be internal events or may be external
events. Just to give an example that a task may be generated when the temperature sensor
senses a high temperature then the task would be to reduce the temperature may be to
start a water shower and so on.
So, this event is got generated by an external event of temperature increasing to certain
extent. The internal event may be that may be the memory out of memory or may be
some task is taking too much. So, those are the internal events. So, where never a task
gets generated due to an event we say that task is released or is generated or even say
that the task has arrived.
Now, with this background let us look at the real time tasks scheduling. The most
elementary description will say that the tasks scheduler decides on the order in which the
different tasks to be executed by the computer which one to be executed first, which one
to be executed next and so on. So, it is a tasks scheduler whose role is to decide which
task is to be executed next. And we already said that the tasks scheduler are important
part of all real time operating systems and they are the primary means by which the
operating system helps the applications to meet their deadlines.
As we look at different real time overrating systems the first thing we will mention is that
what is the type of scheduler. So, every real time operating system the scheduler is a very
important component.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:00)
Now, let us look at some basic terminology because we will be using this terminology as
we proceed. A job is a unit of work for example, perform a computation like check if
certain condition is reached or certain condition is satisfied to read a file, to store some
data, to communicate with another tasks etcetera these are examples of jobs. And these
are task instances.
Whereas, the task is a sequence of similar jobs for example, let us say one task may be to
handle the temperature of the chemical plant exceeding some threshold value. So, each
time the temperature sensor measures it and it periodically measures a task is generated
to check the temperature value whether it is above the threshold and then if it is above
the threshold then take some corrective action. So, every few milliseconds or so, when
the temperature sensor gives its input through an interrupt then the task gets generated.
And when the task gets generated we say that the task is released. So, that is shown here
that the task release time and then the operating system starts to execute the task after
some time. So, this is the start up executing this the release time and this is the start up
execution and it may complete after some time and then a deadline is associated with real
time tasks and if the deadline is measured and reported with respect to time zero we say
that it is a absolute dead deadline. Whereas, if the deadline is computed or is reported
with respect to the release time then we call it as a relative deadline that is what is shown
here the relative deadline is starting from the start release task release to the deadline
whereas, the absolute deadline is starting from task time zero in this area that is a
accepted terminology that an instance of a task is called a job.
A task is typically recurs a number of times, periodic tasks occur they recur periodically
based on some clock interrupt whereas, aperiodic and sporadic tasks they occur
randomly and each time a task recurs we say that an instance of the task or a job has been
generated or released. And when the ith time the task t recurs we say that the job or task
instance T I said to have arrived.
Now, let us define another important terminology that we will be using is the response
time. The response time is the time from the release of the task till the task completion
time. So, as the task is released at time T the task execution starts after sometime and
then it executes and completes at certain time. So, the time from release of the task to the
completion time of the task we call it as the response time.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:14)
And we had said that in the traditional overrating system which handles basically soft
real time tasks the response time needs to minimised. And even in the real time
application in the real time operating system if the task is a soft real time task we need
the operating system need to minimise the response time of the task whereas, for the hard
real time and sporadic task minimization of the response time is not the objective, the
objective is to meet the deadlines of the hard real time and sporadic tasks. For hard real
time tasks as long as the task completes within its deadline there is no special advantage
in completing it any earlier than the deadline.
Just to give an example to make this point clear we will take the example of a rocket.
So, once the rocket is fired initially it goes on its own momentum for certain time and
then we do not have a task correction taking place. But after some time the task the
trajectory correction tasks starts let us say that the track correction tasks starts after 2000
milliseconds of the launch of the rocket. So, the phase of this task the task correction task
is 2000 milliseconds. And then once the tasks starts the first instance of the task starts
after 2000 millisecond and then it periodically recurs every 50 millisecond and the
execution time may be 8 millisecond and deadline is 50 millisecond.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:26)
So, that is the description of this track correction task that the phase is 2000 millisecond
after the rocket is fired, for 2000 milliseconds no track correction takes place and after
2000 millisecond the first track correction task starts and then it recurs after 50
millisecond and each track correction task requires 8 millisecond of execution time. And
the deadline for each task once it is released is also 50 millisecond.
We look at another terminology which we will also use is the valid schedule and the
feasible schedule.
A valid schedule is one where the task is assigned to a processor the task is not scheduled
after it is released. So, only after it is released or generated then the scheduler schedules
it and its constraints that it should proceed some other task etcetera is satisfied, but then
it does not say that whether the deadline will be met. In addition to these aspects if the
deadline is also met then we call it as a feasible scheduler. So, for a valid schedule if the
task deadlines are also ensured to be met then we call the schedule prepared by the
scheduler as a feasible scheduler.
We have another term as a proficient scheduler. We will see that given a task set for a
application some scheduler cannot really ensure that the tasks meet deadline whereas,
there may be another scheduler which let us these tasks set to meet the respective
deadlines then we say that the second scheduler is more proficient. We say that a
scheduler S 1 is more proficient than S 2 if whenever S 2 can feasibly schedule a task set,
so can S 1, but not vice versa. And two scheduler we say equally proficient, if for any
task set that one scheduler can feasibly schedule, the other scheduler can also feasibly
(Refer Slide Time: 19:04)
And an optimal scheduler is one which can feasibly schedule a task set which any other
scheduler can schedule.
Now, we look at one more important point before we look at the standard schedulers that
is about the scheduling point. We can think of that a scheduler is a software component
which becomes active at certain points of time and then decides which task to run next.
So, on the points of time at certain points of time the scheduler task becomes active and
then decides which task to run next and this points where a decision is made regarding
which task to run next is called as the scheduling points.
Of course, in a clock driven scheduler the scheduling points are defined by interrupts
from a periodic timer. So, they will be policed uniformly on the timeline and they are
generated by clock interrupts and the task the scheduler becomes active as soon as the
clock interrupt occurs and decides which task to run. On the other hand in event driven
scheduler the scheduler does not become active based on a clock interrupt, but it is based
certain events as the name says event driven the events that are that cause these
schedulers become active are not generated by the clock, but by the completion and
generation of tasks.
So, if some task gets generated the scheduler becomes active to check whether this new
task which has come up is it to be scheduled right now and also whenever a task
completes the scheduler becomes active and then decides which task to schedule. We
will see that the clock driven schedulers are simple schedulers whereas, the event driven
schedulers are more complex sophisticated schedulers and they have any advantages
over the clock driven scheduler, but the clock driven schedulers are the ones which are
used in simple chip applications whereas, the sophisticated real time applications the
event driven schedulers are used.
So, based on research done on those days we have mainly two types of schedulers one is
called as clock driven and event driven. So, if you remember what we said in the earlier
slide is that if the scheduling points are generated by a clock interrupt these are called as
clock driven scheduler. So, here based on a timer the scheduler becomes active
periodically and that is a clock driven scheduler these are simple schedulers. Whereas, in
a event driven scheduler the scheduling points are defined by certain events and what are
those events we said that there are two main events the task starting event or releasing
event and the completion events.
So, we will look at various types of schedulers one is that endless loop it is just a simple
program without an operating system there are no tasks and it just checks certain
conditions in a loop and then acts, and starting with no operating system we have simple
cyclic executers. There is a single frequency at which the tasks execute, the period of the
tasks the same and once a timer interrupt occurs the tasks are taken up for execution and
then the system waits.
On a multi rate cyclic executive as the name says that there are multiple frequencies
different tasks arise with different periods and we will discuss about the multi rate cyclic
executive and how does it handle these different types of tasks and help to meet their
deadline. So, these do the simple cyclic executive and the multi rate cyclic executive
these are used in rather simple applications whereas, the ones that are sophisticated are
the priority based preemptive schedulers these are the event driven schedulers. We will
discuss our good portion of our discussion is on the priority based preemptive
schedulers, but the next lecture we will discuss about the cyclic schedulers.
Thank you.