Ema 5
Ema 5
Ema 5
Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
May 20, 2011
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steven B. Leeb
Professor, EECS & ME, MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Leslie A. Kolodziejski
Chair, Committee on Graduate Students
Analysis, Modeling and Design of Energy Management and
Multisource Power Systems
John Jacob Cooley
Transformative impacts on our energy security rely on creative approaches for con-
sumption and generation of electricity. Technological contributions can impact both
areas if they focus on problems of scale. For example, occupancy-based electrical loads
(HVAC and lighting) accounted for roughly 50% of the total consumed electricity in
the U.S. in 2008. Meanwhile, roughly 50% of consumed oil in the U.S. is imported.
The U.S. Department of Energy has appropriately identified “sensing and measure-
ment” as one of the “five fundamental technologies” essential for achieving energy
security. Complementing reductions in consumption with increases in deployment of
fossil-fuel-independent generation (solar and wind) and energy storage (batteries, ca-
pacitors and fuel cells) will yield a two-fold impact. Lofty energy security goals can be
made realizable by aggressive application of inexpensive technologies for minimizing
waste and by maximizing energy availability from desirable sources.
Long-standing problems in energy consumption and generation can be addressed
by adding degrees of freedom to sensing and power conversion systems using multiple
electrical sources. This principal drove the invention of the hybrid electric vehicle,
which achieves efficiency increases by combining the energy capacity of gasoline with
the flexible storage capability of batteries. Similarly, fresh strategies for electrical
circuit design, control, and estimation in systems with multiple electrical sources can
minimize consumption, extend the useful life of storage, and improve the efficiency
of generation.
A solar array constitutes a grid or network of panels or cells that may best be
modeled and treated as independent sources needing careful control to maximize
overall power generation. A fuel cell stack, an array of sources in its own right, is
best used in a hybrid arrangement with batteries or capacitors to mitigate the impact
of electrical transients. Meanwhile, room lighting constitutes a network of multiple
electrostatic field sources that can be particularly useful for occupancy detection.
Exploiting performance benefits of multi-source electrical networks requires an
increased flexibility in the analysis required to make informed design choices. This
thesis addresses the added complexity with linear analytical and modeling approaches
that reveal the salient features of complicated multisource systems. Examples and
prototypes are presented in capacitive sensing occupancy detectors, hybrid power
systems and multi-panel solar arrays.
I thank my fiance, Clarissa, for her patience, love and support. I have relied on her
countless times and I am elated to share the rest of my life with her.
I thank my advisor, Steve. I have been constantly amazed by his innate ability to
guide me toward both exciting technical contributions and critical life lessons. I am
certain that I will never adequately express my gratitude toward him.
I thank my committee, Prof. Perreault and Prof. Shaw. Their guidance, insight
and encouragement over the years has been precious on many levels.
I would like to thank my colleagues who contributed to my personal and technical
development and also, in some cases, directly to this thesis: Al Avestruz, Rob Cox,
Chris Laughman, Jim Paris, Warit Wichakool, Uzoma Orji, Chris Schantz, Riccardo
Signorelli, Robert Pilawa, Brandon Pierquet, Dan Vickery, Sabrina Neuman, Zach
Clifford, Zack Remscrim, Alex Crumlin, BJ Thompson, and Shahriar Khushrushahi.
I would like to thank the faculty members from whom I have received valuable insight
and support over the years: Prof. Dawson, Prof. Roberge, Prof. Ram, Prof. Braida,
and Prof. Lee.
I would also like to thank my friends and family, my mom, my brother, and my
sister. Finally, this thesis is dedicated to the memory of my dad.
1 Introduction 35
1.1 Thesis Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.2 Thesis Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.2.1 Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.2.2 Multi-converter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.2.3 Per-panel Photovoltaic Power Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.3 Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
11 Conclusion 389
List of Figures
List of Figures
3-1 Examples of systems with human conductor models taken from refer-
ences [2–9]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3-2 Capacitive loading impedances on the signal source are very large com-
pared to the Thevenin resistance of the source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3-3 Alternating linear voltage profile of a resistive bulb. . . . . . . . . . . 87
3-4 Two bulb halves comprise the lumped element model of a single bulb. 87
3-5 A diagram of the two-bulb fluorescent lamp and electrodes. The elec-
trodes are spaced symmetrically about the center of the lamp. . . . . 90
3-6 Reversing the connections to one bulb in a two-bulb lamp yields the
desired symmetry in the electric field source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3-7 A fully-differential transimpedance amplifier and its approximate small-
signal model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3-8 A block diagram of the signal conditioning system. Transimpedance
amplifiers are marked with a ‘Z’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3-9 A simplified schematic of the fully-differential signal conditioning elec-
tronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3-10 A circuit for calculating the loop transfer function in a FD amplifier. 101
3-11 Open-loop frequency responses showing suitable phase margin. . . . . 104
3-12 Bode plot of the loop transfer function for the uncompensated system
(Cf = 0) showing poor phase margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3-13 Noise in the front-end amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3-14 Power spectral density of noise voltage due to feedback resistors. . . . 112
3-15 Phasor diagram for additive noise [10]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3-16 Noise in the front-end amplifier with stray input capacitances. . . . . 120
3-17 Time-domain noise data taken from an experimental prototype lamp
sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3-18 A photograph of the cart-mounted lamp experimental setup . . . . . 122
3-19 Examples of plots of sample detections from the range test. (Configu-
ration 44x5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3-20 A screenshot of the FastCapr 3D model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
List of Figures
3-28 The optical isolator separates the lamp sensor common potential from
the ballast common potential. The soft-start protects the bulb by
clamping the dim signal to the range 0.5-5 V and brings the dim signal
down slowly on startup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
3-29 A curve fit of the rms bulb voltage plotted against lamp power (which
increases with rms current) shows the familiar negative incremental
resistance of the bulb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
3-30 A curve fit of the detection signal bulb voltage plotted against lamp
power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
3-31 A curve fit of the SNR plotted against lamp power shows a maximum
SNR around 40% power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
3-32 The lamp sensor output voltage for repeated switching between dim-
ming levels. The two lamp power levels in this example are 8.1%(dim)
and 59.4% (bright). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
3-33 Example Drift Plots for the Lamp Sensor output voltage. Both plots
show data taken for a lamp power level of 8.1% (dim). . . . . . . . . 147
List of Figures
3-34 This plot is a screenshot of the display for the autodimmer. It shows the
output voltage varying with the target and the two different baselines
taken from the auto-calibration. Jumps in the output voltage can be
used to determine when the lamp dimmed or brightened. . . . . . . . 149
3-35 A notional picture of the quasistatic wireless link system. . . . . . . . 150
3-36 The wireless link receiver and the PLL dynamical block diagram. . . 151
3-37 Bode plot of the loop transfer function of the PLL. . . . . . . . . . . 155
3-38 Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function of the PLL. . . . . . . . 156
3-39 Simulated step response from the input signal to the VCO input in the
PLL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
3-40 Measured step response using an FM-capable Agilent signal generator. 158
3-41 The PLL step response with the lamp in the system shows a slower
rise time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
3-42 Wireless link demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
3-43 The measured wireless link range between the closest edge of the trans-
mitting lamp and the receiving lamp’s electrode. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
List of Figures
5-1 The capacitive sensor would resemble the PIR motion sensor in both
form and function, but would provide true presence detection. . . . . 188
5-2 Closely spaced electrode configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5-3 Distantly spaced electrode configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
5-4 A simplified model of the two-electrode stand alone sensor using a FD
measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5-5 A simplified model of the single-electrode stand alone sensor with active
carrier suppression using a FD measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5-6 The stand alone sensor experimental setup with customizable electrode
configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5-7 A typical Matlabr plot window and detection field experimental
setup. In this single measurement electrode configuration, footsteps
are apparent in the detection (bottom plot of (b)). Approximately 10
datapoints correspond to 1 sec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
5-8 1 meas., 1 source, distantly spaced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
5-9 1 meas., 1 source, closely spaced for various vertical spacings between
source and measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
5-10 2 meas., 1 source (high), closely spaced for various vertical spacings
between source and measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
5-11 1 meas., 2 source (high and earth ground), closely spaced for various
vertical spacings between source and measurement. LO: earth ground. 202
List of Figures
5-12 2 meas., 2 source, closely spaced for various vertical spacings between
source and measurement. LO: earth ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
5-13 A simplified schematic of the fully-differential signal conditioning elec-
tronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
6-1 The analysis in this chapter focuses on steps 1-4. The approach is
reviewed for single converter systems, then extended to multi-converter
systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6-2 Canonical circuit modeling developed in references [12, 13] and [14]. . 213
6-3 The converter switching section can be represented by an input output
dynamical block diagram consisting of the relevant converter transfer
functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6-4 A linearized converter model inserted into a voltage-mode feedback
control loop [14]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
6-5 The linearized multi-converter model. The battery and fuel cell source
are examples of sources in a multi-source power system. . . . . . . . . 221
6-6 The multi-converter switching section can be represented by an input
output dynamical block diagram consisting of the relevant converter
transfer functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6-7 Dual voltage regulator system linearized model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6-8 Dual voltage regulator system block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
6-9 Master-slave regulator system linearized model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
6-10 Master-slave regulator system block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
List of Figures
7-5 The circuit used for calculating the special-case impedances for the
2EET correction factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
8-2 A 5 kW Siemens / Fuel Cell Technology stack used for testing. . . . . 282
8-3 A hybrid power system with EIS functionality built from off-the-shelf
components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
8-4 An oscilloscope screen shot showing the battery and fuel cell currents
during run-time EIS (≈100 Hz). Top to bottom: load voltage (ch2),
fuel cell current (ch3),battery current (ch4), control signal (ch1). . . . 287
8-8 The input filter for the fuel cell converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
8-9 The current transfer function for the fuel-cell leg input filter . . . . . 292
8-10 The special case impedances for correcting v̂/dˆ1 and the input filter
output impedances with system parameters: VF C = 28V, Vbatt = 48V,
Vout =12V, R = 2Ω, Le = 1µH, Ce = 1µF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
List of Figures
8-15 Whole stack impedance spectroscopy results. (a) Stack response to rip-
ple current and power electronic test signal. (b) Low-frequency portion
of stack response showing response to power electronic test signal. . . 299
9-1 A hybrid power system with EIS functionality built upon a Master-
Slave current-voltage regulated architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
9-2 Open-loop bode plots indicate tradeoffs among loop bandwidth, switch-
ing frequency attenuation and stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
9-3 Simulated closed-loop bode plots indicate suitable fuel cell excitation
current bandwidth, good load voltage regulation and good fuel cell
current buffering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9-4 Closed loop response from load current to fuel cell current with 500
mΩ of extra inductor ESR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9-6 The tradeoff between input filter negative phase contribution and band-
width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9-8 Extra element correction factors for the voltage feedback loop . . . . 312
9-9 Extra element correction factors for the current feedback loop . . . . 313
9-12 Second converter’s control voltage to load voltage. Ch1: v̂ref 2 , ch2: v̂ 318
9-13 Load current to first converter’s input current. Ch1: îload , ch4: îiin1 . 319
9-14 The experimental setup block diagram with the Montana State Uni-
versity fuel cell reference simulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
9-15 A photograph of the full experimental setup including the data acqui-
sition system, power converters, measurement and power supplies, and
the fuel cell setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
List of Figures
9-16 A photograph of the two solid-oxide fuel cell ovens, temperature con-
trol units and mass flow controllers used in the integral diagnostics
experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
9-17 A closeup photograph of the two solid-oxide fuel cell ovens, tempera-
ture control units and mass flow controllers used in the integral diag-
nostics experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
9-18 A closeup photograph of the mass flow controllers used to control the
flow of Oxygen and Hydrogen into the solid-oxide fuel cell ovens. . . . 323
9-19 A photograph of the two-converter current-voltage regulated power
system connected to the data acquisition system in the fuel cell exper-
imental setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
9-20 A closeup photograph of the data acquisition system buffers and low
pass filters in the fuel cell experimental setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
9-21 A closeup photograph of the reference simulator electronics in the fuel
cell experimental setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
9-22 Data for three different flight plans made available through a collabo-
ration with the USAF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
9-23 Oscilloscope traces showing EIS operation during flight plans: ch1:
Battery Voltage ch2: Battery Current ch3: Fuel Cell Voltage ch4: Fuel
Cell Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
9-24 FC currents during EIS sweeps 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz showing the need for
the frequency precompensator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
9-25 The EIS control signal frequency precompensator constructed based
on observations of the inductive fuel cell source impedance effect on
the transmission of excitation currents to the fuel cell terminals. . . . 333
9-26 With Precompensator: 50 mVp−p from EIS37 (Flight Plan 3) . . . . . 334
9-27 Control experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
9-28 EIS with a fixed load (no flight plan), If c = 4 A . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
9-29 Single Cell EIS during Flight Plan 3 for two different time segments,
If c = 4 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
List of Figures
9-30 Nyquist plots showing measured impedances during flight plans. . . . 339
9-31 Pre-degrade, If c = 4.1 A, degraded If c = 4 A, post-recovery, If c = 4 A 340
9-32 A circuit model of a solid-oxide fuel cell taken from reference [15]. . . 342
10-1 Simple series connections of PV panels, unshaded and partially shaded 344
10-2 3 panel system tracking efficiencies showing the effect of partial shad-
ing on a series string with an oversimplified global maximum power
tracking approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
10-3 A series connection of PV panels becomes a series connection of con-
verters processing power from their respective panels. . . . . . . . . . 346
10-4 A DC linearized model with an N-panel PV string illustrates the
system-level approach. The ideal transformers model the function of
the DC/DC MICs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
10-5 Specific cost and volume: Discrete inductors (10 µH- 1 mH/100 mA-1
A) and capacitors (Ceramic and Film 1-10 µF/10-100 V) sampled from
Digikey. Energy was calculated as 12 CV 2 or 12 LI 2 for maximum rated
voltages and currents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
10-6 A literature survey of total energy extraction efficiency, DC/DC MICs:
[16–23] and MPPT algorithms: [23–28] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
10-7 PV circuit model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
10-8 A single Io sweep: 3 panels, Qavail = [0,1,2,3,4], Imp,vec = [6.898, 4.503,
4.878] A, ∆Io = 1 mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
10-9 A hypothetical MPPT timing diagram for one inverter input current
step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
10-10Monte Carlo performance prediction: Qavail = [0 : 1 : Qmax ], Monte
Carlo Length = 200, Io,sweep = [0.01 : 0.02 : 6.93] A . . . . . . . . . . 356
10-11Monte Carlo simulation: Qavail = [0 : 1 : Qmax ], Monte Carlo Length
= 200, Io,sweep = [0.01 : 0.02 : 6.93] A, Compressed Distributions . . . 358
10-12A 5-Level Marx converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
10-13Switching configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
List of Figures
10-14The canonical circuit for studying the fundamental loss associated with
charging a capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10-15Switching loss evaluation in the Marx converter for active MOSFETs 364
10-16The recommended gate drive adapted from IR AN-978 [29]. . . . . . 366
10-17A 5-Level Marx converter having the added output diode and capacitor.368
10-18Unoptimized system performance prediction: Qavail = [0 : 1 : Qmax ],
Monte Carlo Length = 400, Io,sweep = [0.01 : 0.02 : 6.93] A, C = 12.5
µF, fsw = 250 kHz, Rdson = 10 mΩ, Qg = 10 nC, Qoss = 5 nC, Qrr =
25 nC,Vg = 15 V, Voc = 29 V, Vmp = 24.6 V, Isc = 7.38 A, Imp = 6.93
A, Distribution Compression = 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
10-19Model Validation: Single Io sweep, 3 sources, Q = [0, 2, 4], Imp,vec =
[0.007 3.465 6.93] A, C = 12.5 µF, fsw = 360 kHz, MOSFET: IRF8721,
Vg = 10 V, deadtime = 100 ns, Rg = 4 Ω . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
10-20Time-domain waveforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
10-21A connection diagram depicting the experimental setup for the series
connection of Marx modules and PV circuit models. . . . . . . . . . . 374
10-22A photograph of the switched-capacitor (Marx) converter photovoltaic
experimental validation system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
10-23The experimental PV circuit model construction. . . . . . . . . . . . 375
10-24Experimental validation of the artificial PV circuit models. . . . . . . 377
10-25Model Validation: Single Io sweep, 3 sources, Q = [0, 2, 4], Imp,vec =
[0.007 3.465 6.93] A, C = 12.5 µF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
10-26Switching frequency choice for the experimental system . . . . . . . . 380
10-27Charge pump operation for M6 in the Q = 2 module. Ch1: VOU T , ch2:
VS , ch3: VB , math: VBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
10-28A possible run time zener bias resistor selection circuit . . . . . . . . 385
10-29A linearized model of an input current-controlled inverter front-end. . 387
10-30Inverter closed-loop step responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
List of Figures
A-2 The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the lamp sensor, Rev 2. . . . . . . . . 394
A-3 The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the lamp sensor, Rev 2 without ground
and power planes drawn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
A-8 The analog section of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor,
Rev 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
A-9 The digital section of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor,
Rev 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
A-10 The ancillary sections of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor,
Rev 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
A-12 The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the dimming ballast, Rev 2. . . . . . 407
A-13 The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the dimming ballast, Rev 2 without
ground and power planes drawn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
A-22 Dimming ballast, Rev.2 power factor correction (pfc) transformer spec-
ification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
A-23 Flow chart of PIC microcontroller “operating system” listed in A.3.1. 419
List of Figures
List of Figures
D-2 In the SSL, capacitor voltages equilibrate each half-cycle and currents
are impulsive. In the FSL, capacitor voltages are constant and capac-
itor currents are fixed during each half cycle in the big capacitance
limit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
D-3 The canonical circuit for studying the fundamental loss associated with
charging a capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
D-4 In the SSL, the capacitors have time to fully equilibrate. With a finite
R-C load, the output voltage ripple allows for a time-varying equili-
bration point during some phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
D-5 3-level marx converter example FET implementation and the ideal
switch implementation used for the analysis here. . . . . . . . . . . . 550
D-9 The two simplified switching states of the class-1 converter. . . . . . . 553
D-10 Load regulation in the SSL class-I three-level marx for D=0.5. . . . . 555
D-11 SSL Class-I simulated load regulation and η: the fundamental behavior
of the marx converter changes between DC/DC mode (big Cload ) and
DC/AC mode (small Cload ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
D-12 Model and simulation of load regulation and efficiency plots at FSL for
the Class-I marx converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
D-14 The two simplified switching states of the class-1 converter. . . . . . . 562
D-15 Simulated and modeled output resistance across switching speed limits. 564
List of Figures
D-16 Model and simulation of load regulation and efficiency plots at SSL
and FSL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
D-17 Simulated and modeled efficiency, η, vs. Rload across duty ratio, D. . 566
D-18 4-level marx converter example FET implementation and the ideal
switch implementation used for the analysis here. . . . . . . . . . . . 567
D-19 The simplified switching states of the four-level class-2 converter for
boosting to twice the input voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
D-20 The simplified switching states of the four-level class-2 converter for
boosting to three times the input voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
D-21 Model and simulation agreement of load regulation and efficiency for
the four-level marx boosting to three times the input voltage. . . . . 572
D-22 The four simplified switching states of the class-III converter. Phases
1 and 3 are the same recharging switch state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
D-23 The loss and load regulation model for the class-III marx. . . . . . . . 574
D-24 Model and simulation agreement of load regulation and efficiency for
the three-level class-III marx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
D-25 A “fully-capable” switch implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
List of Figures
List of Tables
6.1 Canonical Model Parameters for CCM-operated Buck, Boost and Buck-
Boost converters with a fixed load R [14] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6.2 Canonical Model Parameters for the Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost with
a generalized load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Multisource electrical networks pervade systems that consume and generate electrical
power. Understanding, modeling, and designing multisource networks is increasingly
a key step in implementing technological solutions for energy management, conserva-
tion and generation. A lighting array, for example, constitutes a network of multiple
electrostatic field sources particularly useful for occupancy detection. A solar array
constitutes a grid or network of panels serving as sources, and a fuel cell stack is typi-
cally used in a hybrid arrangement with other electrical storage devices like batteries
or capacitors to control the impact of electrical transients. The benefits of multisource
electrical networks come with increased complexity in the analysis required to make
informed design choices.
This thesis addresses the added complexity with linear analytical and model-
ing approaches that reveal the salient features of complicated multisource systems.
Examples from capacitive sensing occupancy detectors, hybrid power systems and
multipanel solar arrays demonstrate the utility of the analytical approaches.
The advantages of multisource networks are explored first in the context of capaci-
tive sensing occupancy detectors. Multiple signal sources can be configured to yield
a natural carrier suppression enabling surprising resolution of fine perturbations in
1.1. Thesis Overview
the lumped capacitive network comprising the occupancy detection field. The car-
rier suppression is exploited with a fully-differential measurement technique which
necessitated analytical modeling not previously found in the literature. The resulting
circuit and mathematical model of the fully-differential amplifier is employed to val-
idate our understanding of the operating principles in a first capacitive sensor that
uses multiple sources of stray electric fields from fluorescent lamps to detect occu-
pants. Extensions of this application are demonstrated for solid-state lighting and for
a capacitive sensor based on multiple artificially generated electric field sources.
In a second example, multisource networks are explored in the context of fuel cell
power processing. The need to maintain a fuel cell output current at a fixed and
safe operating point to contend with the well-known inherent reliability issues therein
is addressed by deploying a multisource multi-converter system. The multisource
system fundamentally provides the needed degrees of freedom to support both safe
fuel cell operation and the practical variability in the load. As an added benefit, that
system is designed to achieve integral diagnostics of the fuel cell based on impedance
spectroscopy using a control approach that could only be developed with a firm
understanding of the linearized behavioral aspects of that power converter system.
The analyses and examination of the behavior and design of multi-converter systems
presented in this thesis has far-reaching implications in the area of control paradigms
for paralleled converter systems, hybrid power systems, and distributed source power
The common analytical style in this thesis blends linear superposition and decom-
1. Introduction
1.2. Thesis Contributions
An analytical and modeling framework is presented that addresses three key areas in
the implementation of practical multisource, multi-converter power systems: open-
loop transfer function analysis, closed-loop transfer function analysis, and the effect
of multiple input filters on both. The analysis is applied to two design examples con-
stituting two different feedback control techniques in the context of fuel cell power
processing. Design considerations enabling integral diagnostics based on impedance
spectroscopy using small-signal power converter control techniques are presented in
the context of the example systems. The performance of two implemented systems
and fuel cell impedance results indicative of run-time integral diagnostics are pre-
sented. The health of an electrically-simulated fuel cell stack is determined based on
run-time impedance measurements showing distinct differences between healthy and
damaged states.
1. Introduction
1.3. Thesis Organization
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Fully-differential (FD) amplifiers afford notable benefits in dynamic range and rejec-
tion of unwanted signals. The dynamic range benefit is significant when contend-
ing with low supply voltages in fully-integrated and system on-chip design [32–38],
general purpose and audio frequency instrumentation [35, 39–41], and in discrete
op-amp applications particularly for accommodating differential-mode (DM) input
ADC’s [40–44]. Integrated switched-capacitor amplifiers have exploited this benefit as
well [45–48]. Power supply disturbances and common-mode (CM) pickup are typical
unwanted signals that are better rejected by FD electronics when compared to their
single-ended (SE) counterparts [39, 45, 49–52]. Both voltage-mode and current-mode
(transimpedance) FD amplifiers are useful as front-end amplifiers for suppressing un-
wanted carrier content in balanced or “bridge-like” systems [1, 53–55]. Additionally,
DM signal processing rejects the effects of even-order nonlinearities [42, 51]. Both
balanced and intentionally asymmetric FD amplifiers play important roles [41, 44].
2.1. Introduction
Zf 2
Z1 Vsup+
Vin+ + −
A(s) +
Vin− +
Z2 Vsup−
Zf 1
Figure 2-1: A FD closed-loop op-amp circuit
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
2.1. Introduction
v− vo
vs +
− vout
+ −
(a) SE
Zf 2
v+ 1
2 vod
vsc +
2 vsd
voc −
− + − + +
+ − −
2 vsd 1
2 vod
Zf 1
DM Currents
CM Currents
(b) FD
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
2.1.2 Definitions
vdm ≡ v+ − v− , (2.1)
and common-mode (CM) voltage is defined as the geometric mean of the two,
v+ + v−
vcm ≡ . (2.2)
i+ − i−
idm ≡ , (2.3)
icm ≡ i+ + i− . (2.4)
2.1.3 Scope
The analysis in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 focuses on the DM output voltage while the
CM output voltage is assumed to be held fixed by the CM feedback circuit included
in all commercial FD op-amps. The scope of this chapter is intended to address
op-amp circuits that process signals having frequency content well below the op-
amp cross-over frequency, e.g. 1 kHz in the simulations of the LTC6404. These
cases are ubiquitous as they correspond to good design practices guaranteeing that
the op-amp will exhibit large DM-DM gain, ad , and relatively small CM-DM gain, ac .
Loading effects on the closed-loop op-amp circuit are negligible under these conditions
because the feedback control significantly reduces the effect of finite op-amp (open-
loop) output impedance. The assumptions described above will be validated in both
2.2. Analysis Step One: Transimpedance Amplifier
2.1.4 Dynamics
The results in this chapter are derived in terms of op-amp gain parameters, ad and ac ,
and generalized external impedance elements. The behavior of an arbitrary system
having dynamic effects may be described by inserting the frequency dependencies of
those parameters into the mathematical results or circuit models.
Comparison of the mathematical results with simulated and experimental data vali-
dates the assumptions taken in the analysis, the practical relevance of this work and
the correctness of the mathematical manipulations.
Simulated model validation was carried out by comparing numerical results from
the mathematical results to SPICE simulations of ideal circuit models and of a com-
mercial FD op-amp, the LTC6404. The model validations plot the quantities of
interest against percentage mismatch between homologous elements, e.g. ∆Z is the
mismatch between Z1 and Z2 in Figure 2-1. A 0% mismatch corresponds to perfect
symmetry while a 200% mismatch means that one element is zero-valued while the
other is twice the average value.
Experimental model validation was carried out by comparing simulated data to
experimental data in a practical setting involving macroscopic capacitive occupancy
sensing and a synchronous detection signal processing system.
vid = v+ − v− , (2.5)
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
iid = (i+ − i− ), (2.8)
Finally, the amplifier has the effect according to its DM-DM voltage gain, ad , and its
CM-DM voltage gain, ac :
vod = ad vid + ac vic . (2.10)
The output terminal voltages are symmetrical about the incremental CM output
voltage, a CM voltage that is assumed fixed for the analyses in this chapter, i.e.
Normally, ad , the DM-DM op-amp gain, is large by design while ac , the CM-DM
op-amp gain, is relatively small, also by design. The small-signal CM output voltage
is an incremental ground having assumed a purely DC CM output voltage.
2.2. Analysis Step One: Transimpedance Amplifier
Zf 2
2 sc
i+ vo−
2 (ad vid + ac vic)
isd vid
2 (ad vid + ac vic)
v− +
i i− vo+ +
2 sc
Zf 1
Figure 2-3: A FD transimpedance amplifier small-signal model.
v− = vo+ − iid Zf 1 , (2.15)
so that, from (2.5) and (2.6), the CM and DM input voltages become
1 iid
vic = (v+ + v− ) = (Zf 2 − Zf 1 ) (2.16)
2 2
vid = v+ − v− = −vod + iid Zf 2 + iid Zf 1 , (2.17)
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
respectively. Substituting the CM and DM input voltages into the output voltage
from (2.10) yields
vod = ad (iid (Zf 1 + Zf 2 ) − vod ) + ac (Zf 2 − Zf 1 ), (2.18)
so that,
vod ad ac
=2 Zf − ∆Zf , (2.19)
iid iic=0 1 + ad 2(1 + ad )
where the following terms are defined:
(Zf 1 + Zf 2 )
Zf ≡ (2.20)
∆Zf ≡ Zf 1 − Zf 2 . (2.21)
To calculate (vod /iic )iid =0 , the DM input current source is deactivated. A similar
analysis yields
vod 1 (−ad ∆Zf + ac Zf )
= . (2.22)
iic iid =0 2 (1 + ad )
Superposing the two responses in (2.19) and (2.22) yields the complete expression for
the DM output voltage in response to generalized input currents:
2Zf ad − 12 ac ∆Zf ac Zf − ad ∆Zf
vod = iid + iic . (2.23)
(1 + ad ) 2(1 + ad )
Having derived the DM output voltage, a similar analysis leads to the DM and CM in-
put voltages. These results will be grouped according to the superposition expressions
below. The DM input voltage will be grouped as follows:
vid vid
vid = iid + iic (2.24)
iid iic =0 iic iid =0
2.2. Analysis Step One: Transimpedance Amplifier
∆Zf Zf
vic = −iid + iic (2.26)
2 2
and !
2Zf + 12 ∆Zf ac ∆Zf + Zf ac
vid = iid − iic . (2.27)
(1 + ad ) 2(1 + ad )
Comparing these results to (2.24) and (2.25) reveals the distinct terms resulting from
the superposition of the CM and DM input sources. An interesting pattern arises in
the results above. Terms with one of ac or ∆Zf influence cross-coupling from CM
to DM signals. On the other hand, terms with a product of ac and ∆Zf appear as
non-ideal terms in the relation between two DM signals. This pattern is intuitive and
ubiquitous in this chapter.
For the second step of the analysis, it will be useful to form circuit models of the
transimpedance amplifier. Figures 2-4(b) and 2-4(c) show ‘T’ and ‘Π’ topologies that
are helpful for representing the CM and DM input voltages in (2.26) and (2.27). Both
models include a dependent voltage source at the output, which captures the function
of the transimpedance and the cross-transimpedance from equation (2.23). The two
models differ in their input structures. The T-network and the Π-network are each
intended to approximate the behavior of the CM and DM input voltages in equations
(2.26) and (2.27).
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
Zf 2
2 sc
− vo−
isd A(s)
1 +
2 sc i− vo+
Zf 1
2 sc
i+ 1
+ 2 α
+ 1
− 2 Zβ
isd ecc
+ vod
+ 1
i eα
2 sc i− − 2
eβ vo−
2 α
2 sc
i+ 2Zδ
isd ecc + vod
1 Zγ
2 sc i−
2Zδ eδ
2.2. Analysis Step One: Transimpedance Amplifier
while the impedance elements appearing in the DM current path will be assigned
values according to,
vid 2Zf + 12 ∆Zf ac
Zd ≡ = . (2.29)
iid iic =0 (1 + ad )
The dependent voltage source in the CM current path will be assigned a value ac-
cording to,
vic ∆Zf
ec (iid ) ≡ iid = −iid (2.30)
iid iic =0 2
while the dependent voltage sources in the DM current path will be assigned values
according to,
vid ∆Zf + Zf ac
ed (iic ) ≡ iic = −iic . (2.31)
iic iid =0 2(1 + ad )
The terms Zc and Zd are the diagonal-terms from equations (2.26)-(2.27) and they
are the CM and DM input impedances of the transimpedance amplifier. The terms
ec (iid ) and ed (iic ) represent dependent voltage sources that capture the effects of the
“cross-terms” in equations (2.26) and (2.27).
Zα = Zd (2.32)
Zβ = Zc (2.33)
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
eα = ed (iic ) (2.34)
iic Zd
eβ = ec (iid ) − . (2.35)
Zγ = Zd (2.36)
Zd ||4Zc
Zδ = Zc , (2.37)
eγ = ed (iic ) (2.38)
Zd ||4Zc
eδ = ec (iid ). (2.39)
Zα = Zd (2.40)
Zβ = Zc (2.41)
eα = ed (iic ) (2.42)
eβ = ec (iid ). (2.43)
2.2. Analysis Step One: Transimpedance Amplifier
Zγ = Zd (2.44)
Zδ = Zc , (2.45)
eγ = ed (iic ) (2.46)
eδ = ec (iid ). (2.47)
For simplicity, the rest of this analysis assumes that the gain criteria above have been
met, and proceeds with the approximate model parameters in (2.40)-(2.47).
Figure 2-5 shows model validation plots for the transimpedance amplifier. In the
model validations, the amplifier was driven with a 1 kHz sinusoidal current source with
equal CM and DM components each having an amplitude of 1 mA. The calculated
results for vid , vic , and vod were overlayed on the simulated results for the T and
Π circuit models, a small-signal (“s-s”) op-amp model, and a simulated commercial
op-amp. The left column in Figure 2-5 shows results for positive-valued mismatches,
∆Zf . The right column shows results for negative-valued mismatches. The results in
Figure 2-5 show good agreement among the calculated and simulated results.
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
0 −0.5
−1 Zf = 100Ω
−2 Calculated
−0.8 Simulated s−s Op−amp
Zf = 200Ω Simulated T−model
−0.9 Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
−4 −1
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆ Z (%) −∆ Zf (%)
(a) vid for ∆Zf > 0 (b) vid for ∆Zf < 0
CM Input Voltage vs. Zf Mismatch CM Input Voltage vs. Z Mismatch
|Isd|=|Isc|=1mA, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 |Isd|=|Isc|=1mA, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
0.08 Zf = 200Ω Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model
0.06 Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
CM Input Voltage |V | (V)
Zf = 100Ω
0.02 0.2
−0.06 Simulated s−s Op−amp 0.1
Simulated T−model
−0.08 Simulated Π−model Zf = 100Ω
Simulated LTC6404−1
−0.1 0.05
−1 0 1 2 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆ Z (%) −∆ Zf (%)
(c) vic for ∆Zf > 0 (d) vic for ∆Zf < 0
DM Output Voltage vs. Zf Mismatch DM Output Voltage vs. Z Mismatch
|Isd|=|Isc|=1mA, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 |Isd|=|Isc|=1mA, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
0.6 Calculated
0.4 Zf = 200Ω Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model
Simulated Π−model
0.35 Simulated LTC6404−1
DM Output Voltage |Vod| (V)
(e) vod for ∆Zf > 0 (f) vod for ∆Zf < 0
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
From (2.29), the impedance of the DM virtual short-circuit is predominantly 2Zf /(1+
ad ). The DM gain, ad , is large by design, so this impedance is small and hence the
virtual short circuit approximation. On the other hand, the CM input impedance in
(2.28) is half the average feedback impedance – approximately equal to Zf 1 ||Zf 2 for
small mismatch values. These results become intuitive when following the respective
current paths (Figure 2-2(b)) through the amplifier.
The circuit model intuition, and in particular, the virtual short-circuit approxima-
tion will be useful in the chapters that follow. System configurations, modeling and
design of the capacitive occupancy sensor systems in Chapters 3-5 will rely heavily
on the analytical model of the FD transimpedance amplifier developed here and on
these intuitive approximations.
In Figure 2-6, input elements Z1 and Z2 are added onto the Π-model of the tran-
simpedance amplifier circuit model to form a voltage amplifier model. The goal of
this section is to find the DM output voltage, vod , that results from the CM and
DM input voltages, vsc and vsd . The transimpedances derived in Section 2.2 reveal
the relationships between the input currents, iic and iid , and the DM output voltage,
vod , from (2.23). The voltage amplifier analysis reduces to finding the relationships
between the input voltage sources, vsc and vsd , and the input currents, iic and iid .
This analysis results in four transconductances. Detailed algebraic manipulations for
these derivations can be found in Appendix A.7.
A superposition approach to find the overall DM output voltage yields the follow-
ing expression:
vod vod
vod = iid + iic , (2.48)
iid iic =0 iic iid =0
where the terms in parentheses are the two transimpedances from Section 2.2. The
currents, iid and iic in (2.48), may be found using linear superposition of the DM and
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
vod =
iid iid vod
vsd + vsc
vsd vsc =0 vsc vsd =0 iid iic =0
| {z } | {z }
iid transimpedance
iic iic vod
+ vsd + vsc , (2.49)
vsd vsc =0 vsc vsd =0 iic iid =0
| {z } | {z }
iic cross-transimpedance
where the added terms in parentheses are the four transconductances. The two tran-
simpedances and four transconductances can be renamed for brevity as follows. The
transimpedance from DM input current to DM output voltage is
Zdd ≡ , (2.50)
iid iic =0
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
vod = (vsd Ydd + vsc Ycd )Zdd + (vsd Ydc + vsc Ycc )Zcd (2.56)
vod = vsd (Ydd Zdd + Ydc Zcd ) + vsc (Ycd Zdd + Ycc Zcd ). (2.57)
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
Zf 2
Z1 i+
vsc 1
v − vo−
2 sd
− + −
2 sd i− + vo+
Zf 1
Z1 i+ 2Zc
1 +
vsc v
2 sd − ed (iic )
− + −
ecc + vod
v Zd
2 sd i−
Z2 2Zc −
ec (iid )
Z1 i+
vsc v
2 sd
− −
+ ecc + vod
2 sd
i− +
ec (iid ) − vo−
Z1 i+ 2Zc
+ 1
vsc v
2 sd
− + −
ied +
ed (iic ) + vod
− −
+ 1
2 sd
i− i′−
Z2 2Zc −
ec (iid )
(d) The model used for deriving the correction in Section 2.3.1
Figure 2-6: Adding the input elements onto the transimpedance amplifier model
yields a voltage-mode amplifier model.
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
The analysis may be simplified using the virtual short-circuit approximation quan-
tified in Section 2.2.5. Analysis of the resulting circuit in Figure 2-6(c) may be divided
into four distinct pieces for the four unknown transconductances needed in the ex-
pression for vod (2.57). Shorting the DM input source results in the set of constraints
on the input currents,
(vsc − ecc )
i+ = (2.58)
(vsc − ecc )
i− = , (2.59)
while shorting the CM input source results in the set of constraints on the input
( 12 vsd − ecc )
i+ = (2.60)
(− 2 vsd − ecc )
i− = . (2.61)
Solving for iid = (i+ − i− )/2 and iic = (i+ + i− ) leads to four permutations of
constraints corresponding to the four transconductances. For instance, to find Ydd ,
the CM input voltage is deactivated according to the definition in (2.52), and the DM
input current is found from
i+ − i−
iid = , (2.63)
with the three constraints from KVL above, (2.60), (2.61), and (2.62). Solving for
iid /vsd and simplifying leads to:
2Zf + Z1 + Z2
Ydd = . (2.64)
4(Z1 ||Z2 + 12 Zf )(Z1 + Z2 ) + ∆Z∆Zf
The denominator in Ydd above appears in all four transconductances. The quantities
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
in that denominator can be identified with respect to physical current paths in the
voltage amplifier as follows:
Zdm = Z1 + Z2 (2.65)
Zcm = Z1 ||Z2 + . (2.66)
For the simplified model of Figure 2-6(c), Zdm is the impedance seen by a purely DM
input voltage source driving a purely DM input current and Zcm is the impedance
seen by a purely CM input voltage source driving a purely CM input current. That
Zdm = (2.67)
iid vsc =0
iic =0
Zcm = . (2.68)
iic vsd =0
iid =0
Applying the constraints in the four permutations, simplifying and identifying the
impedance terms Zdm and Zcm leads to the DM-DM transconductance,
Zf + Z
Ydd = 2 , (2.69)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
Ycd = 2 , (2.70)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
∆Zf − ∆Z
Ydc = 2 , (2.71)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
Ycc = 8 . (2.72)
4Zcm Zdm + ∆Z∆Zf
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
The virtual short-circuit approximation led to some inaccuracy in the results for CM-
DM gain, Avc , in the small-mismatch region, Figure 2-7(a). The modularity of the
results allows for rapid correction of this inaccuracy. Adding the effect of ed (iic ) is
most critical for correcting Avc because it accounts for a DM input voltage in response
to a CM input current. Among the two transconductaces that affect CM-DM gain,
Ycd quantifies the DM input current, which is most directly affected by the addition
of ed (iic ) to the model. This correction rederives Ycd from the circuit in Figure 2-6(d),
while Ycc is assumed sufficiently accurate.
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
CM−DM Voltage Gain
−2 Calculated
Simulated S−S Op−amp
Simulated T−model
−3 Simulated T−model shorted input
Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
−1 0
10 10
∆Zf (%)
(a) Small-mismatch “zoom-in” of Avc for ∆Zf > 0 (uncorrected). Plotting Avc
for ∆Z > 0 results in a very similar plot. The calculated line falls on the shorted-
input model data instead of the more accurate simulated data.
Corrected Small−mismatch CM to DM Gain vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
−3 Z = Zf = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
x 10
CM−DM Voltage Gain
−2 Calculated
Simulated S−S Op−amp
Simulated T−model
−3 Simulated T−model shorted input
Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
−1 0
10 10
∆Zf (%)
(b) Small-mismatch “zoom-in” of Avc for ∆Zf > 0 (corrected). A plot of Avc for
∆Z > 0 is very similar. Small-mismatch CM-DM gain agrees well with simulated
circuits after the correction is added.
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
The circuit in Figure 2-6(d) leads to the following constraints. The DM input
current is,
iid = ied +
= ied + i′id , (2.73)
1 ′
i′id ≡ (i − i′− ) (2.75)
2 +
i′ic ≡ i′+ + i′− = iic (2.76)
ied = i+ − i′+
= i′− − i− . (2.77)
Solving these constraints for the “corrected transconductance,” Ycd′ = (iid /vsc )vsd =0 ,
leads to
∆Zf +ac Zf
Ycc (Zf ∆Z + Z 1+ad
)− ∆Z
Ycd′ = , (2.80)
4Z1 Z2 + 12 ∆Zf ∆Z
which is more complicated than the expressions in (2.69)-(2.72). Because the small-
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
mismatch region is of interest here, Ycd′ can be simplified with the small-mismatch
∆Z << Z1 , Z2 , Z, (2.82)
correction term
z }| {
Zf −∆Z
′ 1 + ad
Ycds ≈2 . (2.84)
4Zdm Zcm + ∆Zf ∆Z
Comparing Ycds from (2.84) to Ycd from (2.70), reveals that they differ only in the
“correction term” Zf 1+a d
Model validation (Figure 2-7(b)) with this corrected Ycds shows good agreement
for small mismatch values. Although Ycds was calculated while assuming small mis-
matches, model valdiatons will show that the full model, including the corrected
Ycds , agrees for the range 0% − 200% of resistive element mismatch values. There-
fore, the following results, including Ycds , are proposed as the full transconductance-
transimpedance descriptive abstraction of the FD voltage amplifier. The DM-DM
and CM-DM transconductances are
Zf + Z
Ydd = 2 (2.85)
4Zcm Zdm + ∆Z∆Zf
Zf 1+ad − ∆Z
Ycds =2 , (2.86)
4Zcm Zdm + ∆Z∆Zf
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
∆Zf − ∆Z
Ydc = 2 (2.87)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
Ycc = 8 (2.88)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
and the transimpedance amplifier results are repeated here for convenience:
ad Zf − ac ∆Zf /2
Zdd = 2 (2.89)
(1 + ad )
1 ac Zf − ad ∆Zf
Zcd = . (2.90)
2 (1 + ad )
The results in (2.85)-(2.90) yield the full expression for the DM output voltage when
substituted into the following expression:
vod = vsd (Ydd Zdd + Ydc Zcd ) + vsc (Ycds Zdd + Ycc Zcd) . (2.91)
Input impedances for the voltage-mode amplifier may be taken directly from the
transconductances as follows. The DM input impedance is
vsd −1
Zind ≡ = Ydd (2.92)
iid vsc =0
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
Simplifying the expressions for DM and CM input impedance with the small-mismatch
approximations in (2.81)-(2.82) leads to the “small-mismatch DM input impedance,”
Zincs = Zcm = Z1 ||Z2 + , (2.97)
The DM and CM input impedance expressions, especially (2.96) and (2.98), are
intuitive when following the respective current paths (Figure 2-2(b)) through the
amplifier. As one might expect, the special-case impedances, Zdm and Zcm from
(2.65) and (2.66), are related to the input impedances, Zind and Zinc in (2.94)-(2.97).
In fact, Zdm and Zcm are, by definition, special cases of Zind and Zinc . Mathematically,
the special-case impedance, Zdm is related to the DM input impedance:
Moreover, the results in equations (2.96) and (2.97) suggest that those special cases
are coincident with small mismatches in the external homologous elements.
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
Familiar quantities such as DM-DM gain, Avd , and common-mode rejection ratio,
CMRR, are readily extracted and simplified from the modularized result. For in-
stance, DM-DM gain in the result from (2.91) is
Avd ≡ = Ydd Zdd + Ydc Zcd , (2.101)
vsd vsc =0
Avd =
a ∆Z
4(Zf + Z)(ad Zf − c 2 f ) + (∆Zf − ∆Z)(ac Zf − ad ∆Zf )
. (2.102)
(4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf )(1 + ad )
This full gain expression can be simplified to suit the particular non-idealities of
interest. For instance, if mismatches are small, the difference between them is smaller
(∆Zf −∆Z ≈ 0), and the second term in the numerator of (2.102) can be disregarded
leaving only Avd ≈ Ydd Zdd . In the small-mismatch approximation this becomes
where the small second-order mismatch term in the denominator has been left out.
Expanding the impedances, Zdm and Zcm , the DM voltage gain above reduces to
(ad Zf − 12 ac ∆Zf )
Avds = , (2.104)
Z(1 + ad )
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
Model validation plots for the voltage amplifier results are shown in Figures 2-8 and
2-9. The calculated results for Avd and Avc were overlayed on the simulated results for
the circuit models, a small-signal (“s-s”) op-amp model, and a simulated commercial
op-amp. The top rows in Figures 2-8 and 2-9 show Avd and Avc across mismatches in
the feedback elements, ∆Zf , while the bottom rows show the same for mismatches in
the input elements, ∆Z. The model validation results show good agreement among
the calculated and simulated results.
The plots in Figures 2-8 and 2-9 include comparisons to the results from a half-
circuit analytical example found in reference [58] demonstrating the break down of
the half-circuit analytical approach for large mismatches and, in some cases, for rela-
tively small mismatches. Reference [58] did not consider mismatches in the feedback
elements so the plots showing the quantities across feedback element mismatch are
somewhat trivial. However, reference [58] did include the effect of the CM-CM gain
of the op-amp. That value was measured for the LTC6404-1 part as acm = −0.043
and was used for plotting the results.
Dividing the CM-DM voltage gain by the DM-DM voltage gain yields the common-
mode rejection, ′
Avc Ycds Zdd + Ycc Zcd
CMR ≡ = , (2.107)
Avd Ydd Zdd + Ydc Zcd
which can be simplified by neglecting small terms to get the approximate CMR:
4(Zf 1+ad
− ∆Z)ad Zf + 4Z(ac Zf − ad ∆Zf )
CMR ≈ (2.108)
4(Zf + Z)ad Zf + (∆Zf − ∆Z)(ac Zf − ad ∆Zf )
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
DM Voltage gain vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch DM Voltage gain vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
2 2
Zf = 200Ω Zf = 200Ω
1.8 1.8
DM Voltage Gain
1.4 Simulated T−model 1.4
Simulated Π−model
1.2 Simulated LTC6404−1 1.2
Gray and Meyer Zf = 100Ω Zf = 100Ω
1 1
0.8 0.8 Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model
Simulated Π−model
0.6 0.6
Simulated LTC6404−1
Gray and Meyer
0.4 0.4
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆Zf (%) ∆Zf (%)
(a) Avd for ∆Zf > 0 (b) Avd for ∆Zf < 0
DM Voltage gain vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch DM Voltage gain vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
3 3.5
Calculated Calculated
Simulated s−s Op−amp Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model 3 Simulated T−model
2.5 Simulated Π−model Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1 Simulated LTC6404−1
Gray and Meyer Gray and Meyer
Zf = 200Ω 2.5
DM Voltage Gain
DM Voltage Gain
Zf = 200Ω
Zf = 100Ω
1 Zf = 100Ω
0.5 0.5
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆Z (%) ∆Z (%)
Figure 2-8: Validating the voltage amplifier model: Avd . Impedances are purely real
rewriting (2.108):
∆Zf +∆Z
ac Zf
− Zf +Z
CMR ≈ ∆Zf . (2.109)
(∆Zf −∆Z)( aac − )
d Zf
1+ 4(Z+Zf )
ac Zf
∆Zf + ∆Z
CMRs = − , (2.110)
ad Zf + Z
|{z} | {z }
“op-amp gains” “external elements”
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
CM to DM Gain vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch CM to DM Gain vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
0 1.2
Zf = 100Ω
CM−DM Voltage Gain
(a) Avc for ∆Zf > 0 (b) Avc for ∆Zf < 0
CM to DM Gain vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch CM to DM Gain vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
0.5 2.5
0 Zf = 100Ω 2
CM−DM Voltage Gain
Calculated Calculated
Simulated s−s Op−amp
Zf = 200Ω 1.5
Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model Simulated T−model
Simulated Π−model Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1 Simulated LTC6404−1
−1 1
Gray and Meyer Gray and Meyer
−1.5 0.5
Zf = 200Ω
Zf = 100Ω
−2 0
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆Z (%) ∆Z (%)
Figure 2-9: Validating the voltage amplifier model: Avc . Impedances are purely real
which is neatly separable into an “op-amp gain term” and an “external element term.”
Model validation plots for CMRs in Figure 2-10 show good agreement for symmet-
ric mismatches up to about 100% in the feedback and input elements.1 For calculating
CMR with larger mismatches, the expression in (2.109) can be used for better accu-
racy as it is shows good agreement for large percentage mismatch (200%). Numerical
results from the half-circuit decomposition analysis in reference [58] are overlaid on
the lower plots. In Figures 2-10(a) and 2-10(b), the results from reference [58] are
trivial because that analysis does not consider mismatches in feedback elements. In
Figures 2-10(c) and 2-10(d), the results from reference [58] fail to predict the key
CMRR is defined here as the logarithmic version of CMR measured in decibels, CMRR ≡
20log10 |CMR|.
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
feature, the null in the CMRR for nonzero-valued mismatches because that analysis
does not consider the finite op-amp gain, ac .
CM Rejection Ratio (Avc/Avd) vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch CM Rejection Ratio (Avc/Avd) vs. Feedback Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771 Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
20 10
−10 Calculated CMRR
Calculated CMRR
CMRR (db)
CMRR (db)
Simulated s−s Op−amp
−20 Simulated T−model
−60 Zf = 200Ω Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
Calculated CMRR
Calculated CMRR −30 Gray and Meyer
−80 s
Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model
−100 Zf = 100Ω Simulated Π−model −40 Zf = 100Ω Zf = 200Ω
Simulated LTC6404−1
Gray and Meyer
−120 −50
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆Zf (%) ∆Zf (%)
(a) CMRR for ∆Zf > 0 (b) CMRR for ∆Zf < 0
CM Rejection Ratio (Avc/Avd) vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch
CM Rejection Ratio (Avc/Avd) vs. Input Elt. Symmetric Mismatch Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
Z = 100Ω Resistive, f=1kHz, ad=2.79M, ac=8,771
Calculated CMRR
Calculated CMRRs
0 Simulated s−s Op−amp
Simulated T−model
−10 Simulated Π−model
−20 Simulated LTC6404−1
−20 Gray and Meyer
CMRR (db)
CMRR (db)
−30 Zf = 100Ω
−60 Zf = 200Ω
Calculated CMRR −40 Zf = 200Ω
Calculated CMRR
−80 s
Simulated s−s Op−amp −50
Simulated T−model
−100 Zf = 100Ω Simulated Π−model
Simulated LTC6404−1
Gray and Meyer
−120 −70
−1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∆Z (%) ∆Z (%)
Figure 2-10: Finite op-amp CM gains, ad and ac , lead to a null in the CMRR at
nonzero mismatch values.
The cancelation effect at nonzero-valued mismatch results from the finite DM and
CM gains of the op-amp, ad and ac , as is clear from the CMR expression in (2.110).
For example, with Zf = 100Ω, the optimal mismatch for the LTC6404-1 for either the
feedback or input element mismatch alone is about 0.61% as shown in Figure 2-10. In
theory, arbitrarily small CMR values could be obtained by adjusting the mismatches
to achieve zero-valued CM-DM gain. In practice, such control over the mismatch is
perhaps difficult. The zero-crossing of the CM-DM gain, which leads to the null in
the CMRR, is also evident in the plot of Figure 2-7(b) from Section 2.3.1. Note that
the plots for CMRR in Figure 2-10 approach the CMRR of the op-amp, -50 db, for
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
2.3.4 Sensitivity
The results in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 indicate good model accuracy having considered op-
amp gain parameters, ad and ac . Examining the sensitivity of the mathematical model
to those parameters may reveal the amount of modeling error caused by uncertainties
in our knowledge of the op-amp gain parameters. It may also reveal the amount that
particular performance metrics change as op-amp gain parameters vary in time due
temperature effects, etc. In either case, the simple derivative may be employed to
examine the effect of changes in the op-amp gain parameters.
For example, starting from (2.110), the value of feedback impedance mismatch,
∆Zf , corresponding to the null in the CMRR varies with op-amp gain parameters as
follows. The sensitivity to changes in DM-DM op-amp gain of the feedback impedance
mismatch value corresponding to the null is
∂∆Zf ac Zf
ad = − Z f + Z , (2.111)
∂ad CMRR→−∞ ad Z
Analysis regarding the value of input element mismatch leads to similar results. Note
that the error due to changes in ad is simply the negative of the error due to changes
in ac .
As a numerical example, consider the nominal impedances Zf = Z = 100 Ω
and op-amp gain parameters from the simulations above. Using (2.111), a fractional
change in DM op-amp gain, ∂ad /ad = −0.15, corresponding to a multiplicative error
of 0.85, leads to an error in the location of the null of approximately +0.09% in
agreement with the results plotted in Figure 2-11. Figure 2-11 also illustrates the
effect of larger changes in ad . Naturally, the zero-mismatch CMRR should increase
2.3. Analysis Step Two: Voltage Amplifier
−1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10
∆ Zf (%)
Figure 2-11: Plots of CMRR for various multiplicative errors in op-amp gain ad
compared to the actual CMRR for the Linear Technology part LT6404-1.
The results above were calculated based on the op-amp model in Figure 2-3 and the
assumptions described in Section 2.1.3. Model validation showed excellent agreement
among the calculated results and the behavior of a commercial FD op-amp. In general,
there may be a need to include other aspects in the op-amp model. The versatility of
the transimpedance amplifier abstraction developed in Section 2.2 was demonstrated
in a first example, by adding to it the input elements, Z1 and Z2 , yielding a voltage
amplifier. Here, we consider the addition of finite op-amp input impedance to the
idealized op-amp model of Figure 2-3.
The op-amp input impedance elements can be modeled as shunt impedances at
the op-amp input nodes to incremental ground. The addition of those impedances can
be viewed as a modification of the voltage amplifier analysis in Section 2.3 leading to
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
the four transconductances, Ydd − Ycc. Because the transimpedance amplifier model
responses were derived in terms of the input currents i+ and i− , only the voltage
amplifier analysis needs to be iterated.
Using the Thevenin equivalent circuits comprised of the input voltage sources and
impedances Z1 , Z2 and the additional op-amp input impedance elements, equations
(2.58)-(2.61) become
(vsc Zin1 +Z1
− ecc )
i+ |vsd =0 = (2.113)
Z1 ||Zin1
(vsc Zin2 +Z2
− ecc )
i− |vsd =0 = (2.114)
Z2 ||Zin2
( 21 vsd Zin1 +Z1
− ecc )
i+ |vsc =0 = (2.115)
Z1 ||Zin1
(− 12 vsd Zin2 +Z2
− ecc )
i− |vsc =0 = . (2.116)
Z2 ||Zin2
Starting from these modified constraints, one can re-derive the four tranconductances
in terms of op-amp input impedances, Zin1 and Zin2 , while keeping the same results
for the two transimpedances found in Section 2.2.
2.4. Experimental Validation
pacitive sensor including the FD front-end amplifier. Also shown in the Figure is a
simplified depiction of the lumped element capacitive bridge network. The capacitive
impedances in the bridge network correspond to the input impedance elements Z1
and Z2 in Figure 2-1. The FD front-end amplifier is loaded by a FD multiplier circuit
used to synchronously detect modulations of the high frequency carrier signal caused
by the presence of the occupant. More details can be found in [1].
Simulated 0.6 m
100 Measured 0.6 m
Simulated 0.45 m
Measured 0.45 m
50 Simulated 0.75 m
Sensor Output (mV)
Measured 0.75 m
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Occupant Distance from Center of Detection Field (m)
Figure 2-12: Plot of simulated and measured occupancy sensor output data from
reference [1].
2. Analysis and Modeling of Fully-differential Closed-loop Op-amp Circuits
taken from the datasheet for the THS4140 FD op-amp at the signal frequency, 50
kHz in this example.
Finite element modeling software, FastCapr , was used to determine the values
of the lumped element capacitances needed for the SPICE simulation. To simulate
a passing occupant, the FastCapr simulation was re-run for several different config-
urations of the system corresponding to different time steps as the occupant passed
through the detection field. Details can be found in reference [1].
Model validation results showing excellent agreement are plotted in Figure 2-12
for three different detection ranges as the occupant passes through the detection field.
2.5 Conclusion
A new approach for small-signal analysis of fully-differential (FD) closed-loop op-amp
circuits is presented. The approach is built upon the development a circuit model
for a FD transimpedance amplifier. The circuit model of the FD transimpedance
amplifier enables analysis and simulation of practical FD circuits and captures the
distinct CM and DM paths through the amplifier. Simulated model validation showed
excellent agreement between the calculated results and the performance of a commer-
cial FD op-amp. Experimental model validation showed excellent agreement between
the behavior of the simulated FD transimpedance amplifier circuit model and an
implemented capacitive sensor employing a FD front-end amplifier.
Measurement Electrodes Front End Amplifier Multiplier Low-pass Filter Buffer A/D
Cf 2 +12 V
5 V
Rf 2 +5 V
+12 V φ1 φ2
− Rlpf
RG-174 +12 V +5 V
Electrode 2 AD8620
− +
2.5 V + +
THS4140 vod
−12 V Vocm vo LTC2440
+ +5 V − −
+12 V To PIC
−12 V
Clpf −
φ2 φ1 LTC2051
Electrode 1 RG-174 AD8620
+ Rf 1
− Rlpf
−12 V
Analog Sw/s: ADG411 sensor output
Cf 1
Lumped Element Capacitive Model
Cf 3
+5 V
Electrode 1 C11 Electrode 2
+12 V
Rpu φ2
Rf 3
AD790 C1 C2 C5 C6
Electrode 3 RG-174 + +
+12 V +
Phase Reference C9 C10
− −12 V +5 V Vs Vs
AD8620 C3 C4 C7 C8
− −
+12 V
+ Rpu φ1
−12 V
Phase Reference Electrode −12 V
2.5. Conclusion
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
The U.S. Department of Energy has identified “sensing and measurement” as one
of the “five fundamental technologies” essential for driving the creation of a “Smart
Grid” [59]. In 2008, occupant-oriented loads such as lighting, and heating, ventilation
and air conditioning (HVAC) accounted for 50% and 47% of the total consumed
electricity in the U.S. for the residential and commercial sectors, respectively [60]. The
integration of smart grid-enabled control into industrial power electronic systems and
occupant-based control of lighting have been shown to provide substantial benefits in
this regard [61–63].
This chapter presents an occupancy detector that exploits a fluorescent lamp’s own
stray electric fields as an excitation source for capacitive sensing (the lamp sensor).
Reuse of in-place fluorescent lamp infrastructure should support low-cost, widespread
deployment. Additionally, the sensor measures electric fields rather than IR, so the
usual limitations associated with PIR sensors are eliminated and true presence detec-
tion is feasible. Finally, by incorporating the sensor electronics in fluorescent lamps,
control of lighting based on occupancy detection can be particularly straightforward.
Reference [64] details an application example in which the lamp sensor directly con-
3.1. Introduction
trols the lamp’s power consumption using a custom dimming fluorescent lamp bal-
last [65–67]. Significantly, [64] demonstrates good detection sensitivity even at very
low bulb power (1%). The “autodimming” lamp obviates the need for frequent lamp
ignition which has been shown to impact bulb life [67, 68].
Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) sensors have been used extensively for low-cost occu-
pancy detection [69–71]. Typically, the ability of a PIR sensor to function as a pres-
ence detector is limited by low-frequency noise or drift from changes in background
infrared radiation (IR). The measured signals can be bandlimited (high-pass filtered),
but the sensor effectively becomes a motion sensor, not a presence sensor [69, 70]. As
an alternative to PIR sensors, reference [4] presents a retrofit capacitive sensor for
detecting occupants using in-place utility wiring and demonstrates detection ranges
of about 1 m from the wire to the occupant. The sensor presented here demonstrates
detection ranges approximately three times as long as those in [4].
Reference [4] is one of many references that set a precedent for modeling a hu-
man as a conducting body. Other such precedents can be found in references [3, 5–9].
Figure 3-1 shows some human conductor models from those references. Reference [6]
demonstrates capacitive sensors for occupancy sensing in automobiles and [7] demon-
strates a human capacitive sensor for robotics applications. Other applications of
capacitive sensors include fingerprint sensing [72–75], MEMS accelerometers and po-
sition sensors [76–80], pressure [81], humidity [82], and angular speed sensors [83], an
underground power cable sensor [84], and a sensor for micro-fluids [85]. Capacitive
sensors are also found in Medical applications [9, 86, 87]. Reference [88] uses daylight
MEMS sensors to inform a lighting energy management system.
Section 3.2 reviews and develops the basic operating principles and modeling of
the lamp sensor system. Section 3.3 presents the implementation of a lamp sensor
including a discussion of key design principles and experimental data from a cart-
mounted lamp sensor. Section 3.4 presents the results of a range test for the cart-
mounted lamp sensor. Section 3.5 presents a new full system model and validates it
against experimental data from a hanging lamp sensor.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
(a) 3D touchless computer (b) Modeling utility linesman (c) Utility wiring occupancy
mouse: [2] potentials: [3] sensing: [4]
(d) Human body capacitance (e) Passenger vehicle seat oc- (f) Human occupancy sensor
modeling for ESD studies: [5] cupancy sensing: [6] for robotics: [7]
Figure 3-1: Examples of systems with human conductor models taken from references
3.2. Modeling
3.2 Modeling
The operation of the lampsensor system can be understood with a capacitive abstrac-
tion which models the behavior of the electrostatic fields coupling the conducting ob-
jects below the lamp. Implicit in this abstraction is the assumption that the electric
fields vary slowly enough that the system is quasistatic – an assumption that holds
for any reasonable lamp ballast operating frequency (10-100 kHz). In this section,
the link between electrostatic field modeling and the capacitive abstraction is briefly
reviewed starting from Maxwell’s equations. Then, the development of a capacitive
model is discussed by considering models of the key system elements.
The boundary conditions that arise from Maxwell’s equations are useful for study-
ing these interactions. For instance, from one of Maxwell’s equations, the electric
~ is equal
Gauss’ Law, the gradient (spatial derivative) of the electric flux density, D,
to the volumetric charge density, ρv , with units C/m3 , i.e.
~ = ∇ · ǫE
∇·D ~ = ρv . (3.1)
Taking a fixed volume of charge with charge density ρv , and shrinking its thickness to
zero yields a charged planar boundary with “surface charge density” ρs having units
C/m2 . For instance, for ρs = 1 C/m2 , a plane with area 1 m2 contains 1 C of charge.
Gauss’ electric law (3.1) then leads directly to a constraint on the electric flux density
on sides “1” and “2” of an arbitrary planar boundary (boundary condition):
n̂ · D~1 − D
~ 2 = ρs , (3.2)
where n̂, is a unit vector normal to the boundary surface, i.e. the discontinuity in the
electric flux normal to a boundary aries from the surface charge on that boundary.
~ = − ∂ B , the curl
From another of Maxwell’s equations, Faraday’s law: ∇ × E ∂t
of the electric field strength is proportional to the time derivative of the proximal
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
where ΦB (t) is the magnetic flux impinging the surface, S, enclosed by the line integral
. Holding one dimension of the surface, S, fixed and pinching the other dimension
until it shrinks to zero, the magnetic flux and its time derivative through that surface
~ (the left
(the right side of (3.3)) also shrinks to zero. To make the closed integral of E
side of (3.3)) equal to zero, adjacent components of the electric field strength must
~ is:
be equal in magnitude and direction. Therefore, the boundary condition on E
~ ~
n̂ × E1 − E2 = 0 , (3.4)
i.e. tangential components of electric field strength are continuous. Combining the
boundary condition in (3.4) with the fact that the electric field strength inside a
~ at the surface
conductor is forced to zero reveals that the tangential component of E
of the conductor is zero. Therefore, the electric field must terminate normal to the
surface. Adding to this, the boundary condition on the electric flux density (3.2),
reveals that the electric field at the surface is both normal to the (conducting) surface
and equal to the surface charge density divided by the permittivity of the medium
~ = E~n =
around the conductor, i.e. E ρs
. The total charge in an area, A, on the
where Φe (t) is the total electric flux impinging normal to the surface with area A. If
3.2. Modeling
the electric field impinging on the surface of the conductor is the result of the potential
on a second conductor, then the potential difference between any two points on those
two conductors is Z
vc (t) = ~ · d~s,
E(t) (3.7)
where (little) s is an arbitrary path between the two conductors. The voltage, vc (t),
must be the potential difference between any points on those two conductors since
they are both equipotential surfaces. Dividing the total charge on either conductor
by this potential difference, by definition, yields the capacitance, i.e.
ǫ E~n (t) · dA
~ Φe (t)
C≡ RA =ǫ . (3.8)
~ · d~s
E(t) vc (t)
The current drawn onto a surface of area A, by an impinging electric field, E~n , must
be the time derivative of the total charge in that area. From (3.6), the current is then
Examining the expression in (3.9) reveals two key insights. First, the time-derivative
of the electric flux must be nonzero to support a current on the conductor (electrode).
Therefore, the electrical signal source must be time-varying and in most practical
situations will be ac. Second, the time-derivative between the electric field and the
current indicates a 90◦ phase shift for each sinusoidal component of excitation. A
measurement electrode can therefore be thought of as a transducer between electric
field and current. The transducer has a gain term proportional to the electrode area,
A, the permittivity of the space containing the electric field, ǫ, and the frequency
of the sinusoidal component of interest, ω. It also has a phase term equal to 90◦ .
Since the electric potential is always related to the electric field through a spatial
not a time-derivative, that 90◦ phase shift occurs between the capacitor voltage and
current as expected. Equation (3.8) implies that
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
∂vc (t)
I(t) = C (3.12)
as expected.
The capacitive abstraction approach in this work generally attempts to lump con-
ducting objects in the lamp sensor system as nodes in a circuit model. For instance,
the backplane of the lamp, the measurement electrodes, and other large unmovable
conducting objects in the detection field are taken as conducting nodes in the system.
References [2–9] set precedents for treating a human as a conducting shell. Therefore,
the human “target” is also taken as a conducting (and moving) node in the system.
Identifying a reasonable and useful model of the signal source is a key challenge in
forming the lumped-element abstraction of the lamp sensor system. The signal source
is derived from stray electric fields that couple from the ends and surfaces of the bulbs
to the other conducting objects in the system.
3.2. Modeling
First, the signal source should be qualified as either a voltage source (low impedance)
or as a current source (high impedance). Consider the circuit model of a driven flu-
orescent bulb in Figure 3-2(a). Typically, a fluorescent bulb will be driven by a
high-impedance (current) source as shown in Figure 3-2(a). Reference [89] argues a
resistor model of a fluorescent lamp bulb excited at high frequency. Data taken from
the fluorescent bulbs used in the experimental setup of Section 3.5 will confirm a bulb
model with a resistance of approximately 1 kΩ (see Figure 3-22).
(a) A high-impedance source drives the bulb (b) Loading impedances are small compared to
the effective source impedance.
Figure 3-2: Capacitive loading impedances on the signal source are very large com-
pared to the Thevenin resistance of the source.
With the resistor model of the bulb, the current source supports a potential dif-
ference between any two points along its length. In Figure 3-2(a), we take those
points to divide the bulb equally into three pieces. The circuit in Figure 3-2(a) is
re-drawn as its Thevenin equivalent in Figure 3-2(b). Typical operating bulb resis-
tances vary between 100 and 10 kΩ [89] and the Thevenin resistance in Figure 3-2(b)
is upper-bound by that value. Capacitances coupling directly to the source will be
shown in simulation (Section 3.5) to have values ranging between 20 fF and 30 pF.
At the ballast operating frequency, fc = 50 kHz, those capacitances correspond to
impedances ranging between 160 MΩ and 106 kΩ. The simplified picture depicted in
Figure 3-2(b) therefore indicates loading impedances that are large compared to the
effective source impedance. Therefore, the signal source is taken here as a voltage
(low-impedance) source.
To develop a voltage-source element representation of the signal source, each bulb
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
must be lumped into at least two pieces and those pieces must be assigned correspond-
ing (alternating) potentials. Figure 3-3 depicts the alternating linear voltage profile
along the length of a driven resistive bulb. If the bulb is lumped into two halves, the
half closer to the driven end may be called the “strong” half because the potentials in
that piece vary a lot with respect to the undriven end (the ballast common). Then,
the half closer to the undriven end may be called the “weak” half for obvious rea-
sons. A corresponding lumped element model of a single driven fluorescent bulb is
depicted in Figure 3-4. In Section 3.5, a capacitive model is evaluated in which the
vwk vs vend
− + − + − +
weak strong
− +
Figure 3-4: Two bulb halves comprise the lumped element model of a single bulb.
signal source derived from a two-bulb lamp is represented using two lumped-element
models like the one shown in Figure 3-4.
3.2. Modeling
Having lumped all of the key elements in the system as conducting nodes that may
or may not be driven to a particular potential, the electric field behavior may be
captured by considering the capacitive coupling between those nodes. Proceeding
along these lines, a circuit model of the relatively complicated system can be drawn.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
The signal conditioning electronics can be taken to connect to that circuit at the
electrode nodes and the system response can be determined by various means. An
example of such a full system model is presented and evaluated in Section 3.5 using
capacitance extraction software and a SPICE simulation.
Perhaps the primary limitation of the lumped element capacitive model originates
in the modeling of the signal source. The electric field is related to the spatial deriva-
~ = −∇ϕ. When
tive (gradient) of the corresponding scalar potential field, i.e. E
the bulb is lumped into two distinct halves and each half assigned a single potential,
the variation of the actual potential along the length of those sections is neglected.
Furthermore, abrupt changes are implicitly introduced in the potential at the ends
of the bulb halves. The electric field corresponding to the lumped element model is
inevitably an approximation of the actual electric field. Section 3.5 will show that the
approximations inherent to the lumped-element model allow for acceptable prediction
of the system behavior.
3.3 Implementation
Section 3.2 conceived a circuit model of the lamp sensor system. This section con-
siders the design (and analysis) of a lamp sensor and appropriate signal conditioning
circuitry informed by the conceptual developments in Section 3.2.
The lamp sensor design combines two key operating principles, carrier suppression
and synchronous detection. Carrier suppression is achieved with a balanced or sym-
metrical excitation source and a differential measurement technique. Synchronous
detection is achieved through multiplication of the measured signal with an in-phase
reference signal. Figure 3-9 shows a simplified schematic of the implemented electron-
ics. For a detailed schematic see Appendix A.1. Typical passive component values
are shown in Table 3.1.
3.3. Implementation
Parameter Value
Rf 1,2 10 MΩ
Cf 1,2 7.5 pF
Rf 3 200 kΩ
Cf 3 660 pF
Rlim 20 Ω
Rpu 500 Ω
Rlpf 10 kΩ
Clpf 150 pF
fc 50 kHz
The physical configuration of the lamp shown in Figure 3-5 includes two measure-
ment electrodes spaced symmetrically about the center of the lamp. The electrical
configuration shown in Figure 3-6 reverses the ballast connections to one of the two
bulbs. The result is a symmetrical electric field source. Coupling this lamp and elec-
trode configuration with a differential measurement yields a natural suppression of
unneeded carrier content. This carrier suppression is important for detecting very
small perturbations of the capacitive system caused by the occupant below the lamp.
Lamp Midpoint
Electrode 2
Spacing = L
Electrode 1
Figure 3-5: A diagram of the two-bulb fluorescent lamp and electrodes. The electrodes
are spaced symmetrically about the center of the lamp.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Bulb 1
Bulb 2
Figure 3-6: Reversing the connections to one bulb in a two-bulb lamp yields the
desired symmetry in the electric field source.
Notably, the model indicates a low impedance path for purely differential-mode input
currents, i.e. a differential-mode virtual short-circuit between the input nodes of
the amplifier. Accordingly, the fully-differential transimpedance amplifier may be
3.3. Implementation
Zf 2
+ − i+ 1
− +
2 d
Vid A(s) Vod vo+
+ 1
e (i ) +
− 2 d ic − Zc
− + + vod (iid , iic )
ecc −
Vsup− 1
e (i )
i− 2 d ic
ec (iid )
I− − 1 − vo−
2 d
Zf 1
(a) A fully-differential transimpedance amplifier. (b) A small-signal T-model approximation.
front-end amplifier
q(t) r(t)
Carrier Z LPF +1 A/D To PIC
phase-reference amplifier
The block diagram in Figure 3-26 illustrates the synchronous detection scheme.
The carrier signal is the high-frequency alternating signal source originating in the
fluorescent lamp. Presence of the occupant in the detection field changes the amount
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
of capacitive coupling from the lamp to the electrodes and thus the amount of current
input to the front-end. This modulation effect is represented in Figure 3-26 with a
variable capacitor, Cmeas . A copy of the (unmodulated) carrier signal is fed forward
and multiplied with the output of the front-end amplifier. Multiplication by this phase
reference achieves specificity in phase and frequency leading to a significant rejection
of unwanted signals. A low-pass filter (LPF) attenuates the high-frequency residue
after demodulation to yield the low-frequency modulations caused by the occupant
below the lamp.
4 X 1
q(t) = sin(ωc,n t + φc,n ) × (An (t) sin (ωc,n t) + En (t) sin (ωe,n t)) , (3.17)
π n, odd n
for the nth harmonic of the carrier frequency, ωc,n , where φc,n is the phase error
between the front-end output and the reference signal at the carrier frequency. Using a
trigonometric identity leads to a demodulated signal with a zero-frequency component
whose magnitude decreases with φc,n :
q(t) =
4 X 11
An (t) (cos φc,n − cos (2ωc,nt + φc,n )) (3.18)
π n, odd n 2
+ En (t) (cos (ωc,n t + φc,n − ωe,n t) − cos (ωc,n t + φc,n + ωe,n t)) .
3.3. Implementation
2 X 1 1
r(t) = An (t) cos φc,n + En (t) cos (ωc,nt + φc,n − ωe,n t) . (3.19)
π n=1,3,5...
n n
Further, if the LPF bandwidth is narrower than the difference between the carrier
frequency and the frequency of the unwanted signal, (ωc,n − ωe,n ), then the unwanted
signal (E(t)) is also stripped and the output becomes
2 X 1
r(t) = An (t) cos φn . (3.20)
π n=1,3,5...
In our system, A(t) is the amplitude of the DM output voltage from the front-end
amplifier, vod (t). From Chapter 2, the DM output voltage might be approximated as
vod (t) ≈ 2Z f iid (t), which has an amplitude, A(t) = 2Z f Iid (t). Equation (3.20) can
then be re-written in terms of the DM input current to the front-end amplifier:
2 X 1
r(t) = 2Z f Iid,n (t) cos φn . (3.21)
π n=1,3,5...
r(t) = Zf Iid (t) cos φ . (3.22)
The phase specificity of the synchronous detector is evident in equation (3.22) and
the frequency specificity was explicit in the analysis above.
Measurement Electrodes Front-end Amplifier Multiplier Low-pass Filter Buffer A/D
Cf 2 +9 V
5 V
Rf 2 +5 V
+9 V φ1 φ2
− Rlpf
RG-174 +9 V +5 V
Electrode 2 AD8620
− +
2.5 V +
−9 V Vocm LTC2440
+ +5 V −
+9 V To PIC
−9 V
Clpf −
φ2 φ1 LTC2051
Electrode 1 RG-174 AD8620
+ Rf 1
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
−9 V
Analog Sw/s: ADG411
Cf 1
Cf 3
+5 V
+9 V
Rf 3 Rpu φ2
−9 V +5 V
Phase Reference
+9 V
Rpu φ1
−9 V −
Phase Reference Electrode −9 V
• Noise performance
• Closed-loop stability
• Phase-matching.
The transimpedance value should be large enough that the noise produced by
the amplifier itself does not overwhelm amplified signals of interest. The value of
the total impedance in the feedback network is equal to (half) of the nominal tran-
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
simpedance for the FD front-end based on equation (2.23). Therefore, either increas-
ing Rf 1,2 or decreasing Cf 1,2 increases the transimpedance value. The values of the
feedback impedance components themselves also influence the total amount of noise
contributed by the front-end. Section 3.3.9 will show that noise embedded in the
incoming signal currents dominates the total noise at the output of the sensor elec-
tronics implying that the implemented front-end is suitable in this regard. Because
the JFET-input buffers (AD8620) require very little input bias current, a very large
feedback resistor can be used. The transimpedance value at ballast operating fre-
quencies is then typically upper-bound by practical values for Cf 1,2 and in that case,
the transimpedance becomes capacitive.
The components that make up the transimpedance, Rf 1,2 and Cf 1,2 , should also
result in a stable closed-loop configuration. Section 3.3.7 derives the loop transfer
function and evaluates the stability of an implemented sensor front-end. Finally,
the transimpedance should be chosen so that the phase of the front-end output, with
respect to the ac signal source, is well-matched to that of the phase reference amplifier.
Section 3.3.4 shows that the implemented front-end amplifier achieves a calculated
phase error of about 1◦ and a corresponding multiplicative error factor of about 0.99.
Refer to Table 3.1 for typical front-end feedback component values.
3.3. Implementation
not explicitly connected to the signal source reference, the SE capacitively coupled
measurement will rely on stray return paths. In practice, we have observed little
or no measurable change in the behavior of the lamp sensor with or without an
explicit connection (short-circuit) between the power supply ground and the signal
source reference. This suggests that the stray coupling, although uncontrolled, is
both significant and unavoidable.
Three main considerations led to the choice of feedback impedance components
for the phase-reference amplifier including,
• Closed-loop stability
• Phase-matching.
The transimpedance value for the phase reference amplifier should be chosen so
that, given the configuration of the phase reference electrode, the amplifier’s output
signal is well-behaved. That is, the output signal should be large enough to support
good transitions in the comparators, but it should not saturate the output of the
phase reference amplifier. Depending on the particular implementation of the phase
reference electrode, the transimpedance value that satisfies this criterion is most easily
found by experimentation. Stability considerations for choosing the transimpedance
for the phase reference amplifier are addressed in Section 3.3.7.
The phase-reference amplifier’s output should be well-matched in phase to the
output of the front-end amplifier. From equation (2.23), the closed-loop frequency
response of the FD transimpedance amplifier can be approximated with the tran-
simpedance, 2Zf . Similarly, the closed-loop response of the SE amplifier can be
approximated by its feedback impedance value. Given the typical passive component
values from Table 3.1 the magnitude and phase of the closed-loop response for the
phase-reference amplifier is
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Equations (3.24) and (3.26) show a phase error of φ = 1◦ between the front-end
and phase-reference amplifiers’ closed-loop response at fc . From equation (3.22), the
multiplicative error factor corresponding to this phase error is
Because both the front-end and the phase-reference amplifiers are capacitively coupled
to the signal source and because η is close to unity, the outputs of the two amplifiers
should be well-matched in phase. Equations (3.24) and (3.26) also reveal that both
transimpedances are largely capacitive at the signal frequency, fc . Therefore, the
phase between the signal source voltage originating in the lamp and the outputs of
the two amplifiers should be nearly 0◦ .1 Refer to Table 3.1 for typical phase-reference
feedback component values.
In this implementation of the lamp sensor, the electrodes are connected to the input
nodes of the amplifiers with shielded coaxial cables connected to the lamp sensor
power supply ground as shown in Figure 3-9. Those shields reduce coupling to the
wires between the electrodes and the electronics. However, they also present a sig-
nificant capacitance between the input nodes and power supply ground. That shield
capacitance has different implications depending on the configuration of the lamp
sensor system. For instance, if the power supply ground is well-connected or even
coupled to the signal source reference, those shields may actually shunt some of the
desired signal currents away from the amplifier. On the other hand, if the power
or 180◦ depending on the implementation, e.g. inverting or non-inverting amplification.
3.3. Implementation
supply ground and signal source reference are not well-connected, the shield capac-
itances should have a lesser impact on desired signal currents. In either case, the
shield capacitances should be taken into account when enumerating the stray input
capacitances at the input nodes of the amplifiers.
There are some significant capacitances between the amplifier input nodes and power
supply or incremental ground in the implementation of the lamp sensor presented here.
These “stray input capacitances” largely consist of the coaxial shield capacitance
from the electrode cables, the stray capacitance between PCB traces and the input
capacitance of the AD8620 op-amps in the front-end amplifier. The total stray input
capacitance was measured, using an LCR meter operating at 50 kHz, between the
input node on the lamp sensor PCB connected to electrode 1 in Figure 3-9 and the
lamp sensor’s power supply ground.2 For this measurement, the lamp sensor was
powered off and the feedback passive components, Rf 1 and Cf 1 , were removed from
the PCB. An electrode with a 48-inch RG-174 electrode cable was attached to the
input node of interest. Typical measured stray input capacitances depended on the
particular PCB tested and they fell in the range:
For the analysis and modeling in the rest of this work, the total stray capacitance is
taken to be that measured for one particular PCB:
For convenience, the stray input capacitances were assumed to be the same for both
input nodes of the front-end amplifier and for the input node of the phase-reference
Either input node yielded about the same capacitance.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
The feedback impedances for the front-end and the phase-reference amplifiers are
chosen with several considerations in mind. One key consideration is the closed-loop
stability of those amplifiers. Therefore, the choice of feedback impedances comprises
feedback compensation for both amplifiers.
Zf 1
Z1 Vsup+
+ −
Zf 2
Figure 3-10: A circuit for calculating the loop transfer function in a FD amplifier.
for DM-DM op-amp gain, ad (s) and CM-DM op-amp gain, ac (s). If the amplifier in
Figure 3-10 is symmetrical and the CM output voltage is fixed, the CM input voltage
variation, vic , is zero volts. The DM output voltage reduces to
3.3. Implementation
v+ = vo− (3.32)
Z1 + Zf 2
v− = vo+ . (3.33)
Z2 + Zf 1
Symmetry yields,
Z1 Z2 Z
= = , (3.34)
Z1 + Zf 2 Z2 + Zf 1 Z + Zf
Combining equations (3.32),(3.33) and (3.34) leads to
vid = v+ − v− = −vod . (3.35)
Z + Zf
Equations (3.31) and (3.35) describe the negative feedback between vod and vid in
which the loop transfer function is
L(s) = ad (s) . (3.36)
Z + Zf
The same result could be obtained using half-circuit analysis [56]. In fact, a half-
circuit analytical approach highlights the manner in which the JFET-input buffers
(AD8620) can be accounted for in the front-end implementation of Figure 3-9. Since
there is one JFET-input buffer for each side of the circuit, the overall DM-DM op-
amp gain for the front-end amplifier can be taken to be ad (s) × Hj (s), where Hj (s) is
the closed-loop transfer function of one JFET-input buffer. This again assumes that
the circuit is symmetrical, so that the two buffers are identical. More explicitly, if the
DM-DM gain, of the op-amp is defined so that
and Hj (s) multiplies each of v+ and v− in the front-end of Figure 3-9, the argument
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
The loop transfer function for the implemented front-end amplifier is therefore
L(s) = ad (s)HJ (s) . (3.40)
Z + Zf
A similar analysis leads to the loop transfer function for the (single-ended) phase-
reference amplifier:
Lp (s) = aJ (s) , (3.41)
Z + Zf 3
in which aJ (s) is the DM voltage gain of the AD8620 op-amp, Z is the impedance
between the op-amp inverting input and incremental ground and Zf 3 is the value
of the amplifier’s feedback impedance, e.g. the parallel combination of Rf 3 and Cf 3
shown in Table 3.1.
Stray capacitances from the input nodes to ground enter into (3.40) and (3.41)
because they appear in parallel with the input elements, e.g. Z1 and Z2 in Figure
3-10. Therefore, Z in (3.40) was taken to consist of the stray capacitance shown in
equation (3.29). Increasing the stray capacitance at the input nodes decreases |Z|
and attenuates the loop-transfer function magnitude. In many cases, this effect will
actually increase the stability of the closed-loop system.
3.3. Implementation
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf dB (at Inf rad/sec) , Pm = 75.9 deg (at 4.11e+007 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf , Pm = 90 deg (at 1.26e+008 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
To evaluate the stability of both amplifiers, dominant pole models of the op-amp
dynamics were extracted from the datasheets [90, 91]. Those model parameters are
shown in Table 3.2. Finally, feedback impedances in this implementation were those
shown in Table 3.1. Bode plots of the corresponding loop transfer functions are shown
in Figure 3-11. Both plots show good phase margin indicating suitable stability.
Closer examination of the loop-transfer functions reveals the manner in which the
feedback compensation achieves closed-loop stability. The loop-transfer, L(s), for the
front-end can be re-written as
1 + Rf sCf
L(s) = ad (s)HJ (s) , (3.42)
1 + Rf s(Cin + Cf )
where Cin is the total capacitance from the either input node to ground. With the
dominant pole models, the gain terms ad (s) and HJ (s) each contribute one pole but
no zeros. The addition of Rf contributes one additional pole and the addition of
Cf contributes one additional zero (consider equation (3.42) for Cf = 0). Therefore,
L(s) contains three poles and one zero. The uncompensated loop transfer function
(Cf = 0 pF) would have been
′ 1
L (s) = ad (s)HJ (s) . (3.43)
1 + Rf sCin
The uncompensated loop transfer function, L′ (s), contains three poles and no zeros.
The bode plot corresponding to L′ (s) is shown in Figure 3-12. The uncompensated
system shows a significantly reduced phase margin compared to Figure 3-11(a) and
a non-infinite gain margin. The non-infinite gain margin reflects the fact that the
number of poles exceeds the number of zeros by three or more, so the phase exceeds
3.3. Implementation
-180◦ for some frequencies. Increasing the loop gain by the gain margin would result
in instability. The instability in the uncompensated front-end amplifier arises from
Bode Diagram
Gm = 41 dB (at 8.12e+006 rad/sec) , Pm = 30.3 deg (at 7.15e+005 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 3-12: Bode plot of the loop transfer function for the uncompensated system
(Cf = 0) showing poor phase margin.
the two-pole roll-off near the cross-over (|L′ (s)| = 0 db) frequency. With the lack of a
zero in the vicinity, the phase is allowed to approach -180◦ at cross-over, hence a poor
phase margin. From (3.42) the feedback capacitance, Cf , adds a zero in the loop-
transfer function in the vicinity of at least one of the poles. This significantly reduces
the phase of the loop transfer function near cross-over thereby increasing the phase
margin of the system. The addition of the parallel capacitance, Cf , in the feedback
network is a form of lead compensation because it adds leading phase shift or positive
phase to the output signal relative to the input signal at all frequencies [92].
The electronics between the front-end and the ADC are fully-differential (FD) pri-
marily because this eliminates the need for a differential-to-single-ended converter.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
3.3.9 Noise
The signal conditioning circuitry was designed to contribute less noise than the noise
inherent in the measured signal. To evaluate the implemented design in this regard,
the effects of individual noise sources originating in the electronics may be enumerated
as follows.
A noise model of the front-end amplifier is shown in Figure 3-13(a) [41]. A small-
signal noise model is shown in Figure 3-13(b).3 The following analyses are simplified
by assuming symmetry between homologous elements (e.g. Zf 1 = Zf 2 = Zf and
Z1 = Z2 = Z).
The notation here uses e to represent a noise voltage density with units V/ Hz and v to represent
voltages in the conventional sense.
3.3. Implementation
The effect of each noise source on the DM output, eod , can be evaluated separately
with a superposition approach. For instance, to determine the effect of the THS4140
part’s input-referred voltage noise, enT , the other voltage noise sources may be shorted
and the current noise sources open-circuited. Defining eid as the DM input noise
voltage, eic as the CM input noise voltage, and eod as the DM output noise voltage,
a KVL loop around the amplifier dictates that
where eid and eic can be found from their definitions as follows. Identifying terminal
voltages, e+ and e− , the DM input noise voltage is
eid ≡ e+ − e− , (3.47)
1 1
eid = − eod + enT − eod = enT − eod . (3.48)
2 2
e+ + e−
eic ≡ , (3.49)
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Substituting the results for eid and eic into (3.46) yields
(enT − eod )(1 + ad ) + ac + enT = −eod , (3.51)
1 + ad 1 + a2c
eod = enT + enT . (3.52)
ad ad
For most practical cases, ad /ac is large and eod can be approximated as follows
1 + ad
eod ≈ enT , (3.53)
which can be further approximated under the practical assumption that ad >> 1 as
e2od,T ≈ e2nT . (3.54)
The analysis of the enJ sources on eod is equivalent except that there are two noise
sources corresponding to the two AD8620 parts, so
e2od,eJ ≈ 2e2nJ . (3.55)
The input-referred current noise sources are drawn only for the AD8620 parts. The
input current noise from the THS4140 part multiplies the low output impedance of
the JFET-input buffers and should contribute no significant noise voltage. A KVL
loop can be written to account for each current noise from the AD8620 parts as
0 = eid − inJ Zf 1 + eod . (3.56)
3.3. Implementation
Equation (3.56) is similar to the expression in (3.45) except that the noise voltage, enT ,
has been replaced with the term −inJ Zf 1 . Therefore, the same practical assumptions
made in the analysis for enT apply here and the effect on eod can be approximated as
e2od,iJ ≈ 2i2nJ Zf2 , (3.57)
where the factor of two accounts for the two separate current noise sources from the
two AD8620 parts.
The feedback resistors can be modeled as noiseless resistors in parallel with current
noise sources having a flat spectral density:
4kT A2
i2nRf = . (3.58)
Rf Hz
Multiplying the current noise from (3.58) with the feedback impedance, Zf , yields a
noise voltage across those feedback impedances
4kT 2 V2
e2nRf = Z . (3.59)
Rf f Hz
An analysis similar to those for the op-amp input-referred noise sources above reveals
that the contribution of the feedback resistor noise to the output of the front-end is
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
inRf 2
Rf 2
Cf 2
+12 V
enJ enT
AD8620 +12 V
+ − +
enJ −12 V
Cf 1
Rf 1
inRf 1
(a) Noise model of the front-end amplifier [41].
inRf 1
Zf 1
enJ enT
+ − + − e−
+ +
− 1
inJ 2 (ad eid + ac eic )
eid eod
inJ + 2 (ad eid + ac eic )
+ − e+
Zf 2
inRf 2
(b) Small-signal noise model of the front-end amplifier.
3.3. Implementation
The noise density at the output of the front-end amplifier is generally frequency-
dependent. In particular equations (3.57), and (3.61) show that the noise density is
a function of the complex feedback impedance value. For instance the power spectral
density described by equation (3.61) is depicted in Figure 3-14. The synchronous
ωc log ω
Rf C f
Figure 3-14: Power spectral density of noise voltage due to feedback resistors.
detector will isolate a narrow band of frequencies around the carrier frequency as
suggested by Figure 3-14. In other words, the spectral density of the output noise
voltage will be approximately flat over the frequency range ωc ± 12 BWn . This nar-
rowband feature means that the value of the frequency-dependent noise contributions
can be well-approximated by evaluating those quantities at a single frequency, ωc .
Therefore, in (3.57), and (3.61), Zf may be approximated as Zf |ωc so that those noise
contributions become
e2od,iJ ≈ 2i2nJ Zf |2ωc (3.62)
4kT V2
e2od,Rf ≈2 Zf |2ωc . (3.63)
Rf Hz
Finally, summing the power spectral densities for the various noise source contri-
butions at the output of the front-end yields the front-end output noise density:
e2n,amp = e2od,T + e2od,eJ + e2od,iJ + e2od,Rf . (3.64)
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Taking the square root in (3.64) and using equations (3.54), (3.55) and (3.63), the
front-end output voltage noise density becomes
4kT V
en,amp = e2nT + 2e2nJ + 2i2nJ Zf |2ωc + 2 Zf |2ωc √ . (3.65)
Rf Hz
To see how the synchronous detector processes the noise from the front-end, it is
necessary to consider the effect of the multiplier and the filtering that follows (Fig-
ure 3-26). To that end, we consider an in-phase and quadrature decomposition of
a hypothetical noisy signal. According to [10], a noisy voltage signal, n, with spec-
tral density No V2 /Hz in a frequency band centered on ωi can be divided into two
orthogonal components as follows:
n = nx + ny , (3.66)
nx = x sin ωi t (3.67)
ny = y cos ωi t. (3.68)
The amplitudes, x and y, are random time functions each with flat spectral density
No V2 /Hz. In analyzing the synchronous detector it is helpful to consider the noiseless
signal of interest as well [10]. For instance, taking
vi (t) = Vij sin (ωij t) (3.69)
3.3. Implementation
as the input signal of interest to the multiplier and adding it to the noise signal yields
a phasor diagram like that in Figure 3-15 for j th frequency component. The phasor
diagram shows that nx contributes amplitude noise while ny contributes phase noise
to the input signal [10]. The situation depicted in Figure 3-15 is described by the
following equation:
vij + nj = Vij sin (ωij t) + xj sin (ωij t) + yj cos (ωij t). (3.70)
The synchronous detector isolates the in-phase part of this noisy signal, Vij sin (ωij t)+
xj sin (ωij t), leaving out the phase-noise contribution in yj cos (ωij t). After low-pass
filtering, the output of the synchronous detector including both noise and the signal
of interest is v
∞ uX∞
2 X 1 2u 1 p
r(t) = Vij + t ( xj )2 BWn . (3.71)
π j π j
j,odd j,odd
For simplicity, it is assumed that only the noise surrounding the fundamental fre-
quency is significant after demodulation. The contributions from the higher harmonic
terms are attenuated as 1/j for j = 1, 3, 5... in addition to the natural band-limiting
in the system. In an rms-sum, the noise contributions from the higher harmonic
terms quickly become insignificant. From (3.71), the total rms noise voltage from the
front-end amplifier at the output of the synchronous detector is approximately,
2 p
vn,amp ≈ en,amp BWn . (3.72)
vi + n
n y
φi vi nx
Vi x
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Combining (3.72) with (3.65) yields the total noise voltage contribution of the front-
end amplifier at the ADC input (the output of the synchronous detector):
2 4kT
vn,amp ≈ e2nT + 2e2nJ + 2i2nJ Zf |2ωc +2 2
Zf |ωc BWn Vrms . (3.73)
π Rf
The noise bandwidth, BWn , is ultimately determined by the ADC, assuming the LPF
is a suitable anti-aliasing filter. For a typical sampling rate of 13.75 Hz, BWn , for the
LTC2440 part is 12.4 Hz [93]. Using the datasheets for the THS4140 and AD8620,
the individual noise densities are as follows [90,91]. The THS4140 part input-referred
voltage noise density is
enT = 6.5 √ (3.74)
The AD8620 input-referred voltage and current noise densities are, respectively,
enJ = 6 √ (3.75)
inJ = 5 √ . (3.76)
Using these values along with the passive component values from Table 3.1 and a
nominal room temperature of T = 300 K in equation (3.73) yields the total noise
voltage from the front-end at the output of the synchronous detector:
in a frequency band from 0.1 to 12.4 Hz. Note that if the inputs to the THS4140 part
were left unbuffered, its much more significant input current noise of 1.25 pA/ Hz
would develop a noise voltage contribution of 2.8 × 10−13 V2 /Hz, several orders of
magnitude larger than the current noise term contributed by the JFET-input buffers.
In addition to the front-end, significant noise sources originate in the buffers that
follow the LPF and in the ADC. The noise sources at the ADC input for the entire
3.3. Implementation
signal conditioning chain are enumerated as follows [93, 94]. The noise contribution
from the front-end amplifier is
in a frequency band from 0.1 to 12.4 Hz. The noise contribution from the buffer
op-amps is
vn,buf f = 1.5 µVp−p , typical in 0.1 − 10 Hz (3.79)
also in a frequency band from 0.1 to 12.4 Hz. From (3.78)-(3.80), the dominant noise
source originates in the buffers that precede the ADC inputs. Therefore, the front-end
is suitably low-noise in the sense that it is not the dominant noise source.
Section 3.3.6 discussed significant stray capacitances at the input nodes to the front-
end amplifier in a practical implementation. This section considers the effect of the
those stray capacitances on the noise contribution of the front-end amplifier. Figure
3-16 shows a noise model of the front-end amplifier having added the stray input
capacitances to power supply or incremental ground. In analyzing the circuit of
Figure 3-16(b), it is convenient to use the following approximations
Z1 = Z2 = Z (3.81)
Zf 1 = Zf 2 = Zf , (3.82)
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
and the noise density contribution from the AD8620 input-referred current noise is
4kT 2
e2od,Rf ≈ 2 Z , (3.88)
Rf f
so that the total noise voltage contribution of the front-end amplifier at the ADC
input (the output of the synchronous detector) becomes:
v !
u 2 2
2u Z f Z f 4kT
vn,amp ≈ t e2nT + 2e2nJ + 2i2nJ Zf |2ωc + 2 Zf |2ωc BWn Vrms .
π Z ωc Z ωc Rf
where we have taken the values of Zf and Z at the carrier frequency, ωc , e.g. Zf ≈
Zf |ωc because the synchronous detector output is narrowband. Equations (3.85)-
3.3. Implementation
(3.88) reveal that the contributions of the current noise sources to the output of
the front-end are approximately unchanged. On the other hand, the input-referred
voltage noise sources from the op-amps are gained by a factor Z
. For the typical
stray capacitance from Section 3.3.6 and the passive component values in Table 3.1,
the magnitude of the factor Z
at ωc is approximately
≈ 21. (3.90)
With this gain factor, the total noise voltage from the front-end at the output of the
synchronous detector (compare to equation (3.77)) becomes
The addition of stray capacitances at the input nodes caused the noise voltage sources
to be gained to the output while the effect of the current noise sources remained
approximately the same. The result was a significant degradation of the front-end
amplifier noise performance. The significant noise contributions at the ADC input
upon addition of the stray input capacitances are enumerated as follows. The noise
contribution from the front-end amplifier is
in a frequency band from 0.1 to 12.4 Hz. The noise contribution from the buffer
op-amps is
vn,buf f = 1.5 µVp−p , typical in 0.1 − 10 Hz (3.93)
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
also in a frequency band from 0.1 to 12.4 Hz. From (3.92)-(3.94), the front-end is
suitably low-noise in the sense that it is still not the dominant noise source.
3.3. Implementation
inRf 2
Rf 2
Cf 2
+12 V
Cstray1 −
enJ AD8620 +12 V
+ − +
enJ −12 V
Cstray2 Cf 1
Rf 1
inRf 1
(a) Noise model of the front-end amplifier [41].
inRf 1
Zf 1
Z1 enJ enT
+ − + − e−
+ +
− 1
inJ 2 (ad eid + ac eic )
eid eod
inJ + 2 (ad eid + ac eic )
+ − e+
Z2 enJ
Zf 2
inRf 2
(b) Small-signal noise model of the front-end amplifier.
Figure 3-16: Noise in the front-end amplifier with stray input capacitances.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Whether or not the electronics as a whole are suitably low-noise depends on the noise
content inherent in the measured signals. Time-domain plots of typical noise at the
lamp sensor output are shown in Figure 3-17. Figure 3-17(a) shows data taken with
electrode cables attached and with the lamp turned off but with an artificial phase
reference signal driving the demodulator at 50 kHz. The typical (windowed) noise
level depicted in Figure 3-17(a) is 2.5 µVrms and is reasonably consistent with the
noise contributions listed in (3.92)-(3.88). Figure 3-17(b) shows time-domain noise
data from the lamp sensor once the lamp has been turned on. Typical (windowed)
noise levels for this case are 186 µVrms . Comparing the noise in Figure 3-17(a) to that
in Figure 3-17(b) reveals that the signal conditioning electronics contribute negligibly
to the overall noise content. Therefore, the signal conditioning electronics are suitably
low-noise. Matlabr scripts for computing the time-domain windowed noise values
can be found in Appendix A.3.
x 10
−6 Lamp sensor Output Lamp sensor Output
10 −0.017
8 −0.0175
6 −0.018
Vout (V)
Vout (V)
4 −0.0185
2 −0.019
0 −0.0195
−2 −0.02
−4 −0.0205
−6 −0.021
−8 −0.0215
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Without Lamp: Avg. noise voltage in 10-sec (b) With Lamp: Avg. noise voltage in 10-sec
window = 2.51 µVrms window = 186 µVrms
Figure 3-17: Time-domain noise data taken from an experimental prototype lamp
3.4. Range Test
data collected from the cart-mounted lamp sensor during the range test are shown in
Figure 3-19. Experimental setup parameters including passive component values for
the sensor are shown in Table 3.3.
Data was taken for 20 different electrode configurations. Each configuration con-
sisted of an electrode spacing and depth as defined in Figure 3-5. Each sample
consisted of one pass of a human target walking in front of the horizontally mounted
lamp. The metric for each sample was the ac rms output voltage, Vac,rms . For each
configuration, 10 control samples (noise floor measurements) were taken with no tar-
get. Then, for each range in each electrode configuration, 5 samples were taken with
a target person passing in front of the lamp. A Z-test in Matlabr was performed
on the data comparing each 5-sample data set for each range to the control data set
for the corresponding electrode configuration. In our detection rule, the sample data
sets had to demonstrate a mean Vac,rms larger than that of the control data sets with
a confidence level of 99% or better. The resulting statistical data are shown in Table
3.4 at the boundary of the detection range. The range between the lamp and the
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
target varies along the columns. The electrode configuration varies along the rows.
The Z-test measures the statistical likelihood that the means of two gaussian-
distributed random variables are different based on the mean and variance calculated
from sample sets of the two variables. The p-value quantifies the confidence level
of detection where, p is the probability that the means of the two sample sets are
equal. Thus a higher p-value indicates a higher probability that there is no detection.
Therefore, the confidence level, α, that there has been a detection is defined as:
α = 1 − p. (3.95)
For example the percent confidence for the 10 foot range in the configuration with
the electrodes two inches from the lamp and 28 inches apart (2x28) is
3.4. Range Test
Table 3.4: Detection Data p − values for Various Electrode Configurations at the
Limit of the Detection Range.
Spacing(in.) Depth(in.) 7ft. 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. 11ft. Noise Floor (µVac,rms )
44 5 0 0 0 2.53×10−4 0.328 54.5
4 0 0 4.63×10−7 0.0165 N/A 65.1
3 0 0 0 4.85×10−6 0.661 98.9
2 0 < 10−7 0.0426 N/A N/A 168.5
38 5 0 0 3.05×10−5 0.0240 N/A 61.8
4 0 0 4.93×10−5 0.865 N/A 67.3
3 0 0 < 10−7 0.133 N/A 62.7
2 0 0 0.00200 0.0160 N/A 74.0
28 5 0 0 0 < 10−7 0.306 45.2
4 0 0 1.19×10−4 0.676 N/A 70.7
3 0 0 < 10−7 0.884 N/A 52.3
2 0 2.62×10−5 0.00100 0.0270 N/A 65.3
19 5 0 < 10−7 0.382 N/A N/A 55.4
4 0 0 < 10−7 0.126 N/A 41.6
3 0 < 10−7 0.0120 N/A N/A 45.4
2 0 0 1.01×10−5 0.0340 N/A 42.2
15 5 0 < 10−7 0.0360 N/A N/A 40.9
4 < 10−7 0.0210 N/A N/A N/A 51.5
3 0 < 10−7 0.0640 N/A N/A 49.9
2 < 10−7 0.0120 N/A N/A N/A 57.2
electrodes are moved closer to the target). The trend of the detection range evident
in Table 3.4, matches our intuition about how the detection range should be affected
by the electrode configuration.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
−0.04 −0.054
Output voltage (V)
−0.07 −0.064
−0.075 −0.066
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)
4ft. 5ft.
Lamp sensor output Lamp sensor output
−0.0595 −0.062
−0.06 −0.0622
−0.0605 −0.0624
−0.061 −0.0626
Output voltage (V)
−0.062 −0.063
−0.0625 −0.0632
−0.063 −0.0634
−0.0635 −0.0636
−0.064 −0.0638
−0.0645 −0.064
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)
6ft. 7ft.
Lamp sensor output Lamp sensor output
−0.0634 −0.0378
−0.0637 −0.038
Output voltage (V)
−0.0641 −0.0383
−0.0644 −0.0385
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) Time (s)
8ft. 9ft.
Lamp sensor output Lamp sensor output
−0.0442 −0.0482
−0.0442 −0.0482
Output voltage (V)
−0.0445 −0.0485
−0.0446 −0.0485
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)
10ft. 11ft.
Figure 3-19: Examples of plots of sample detections from the range test. (Configura-
tion 44x5)
3.5. Full System Model
This section presents and evaluates a SPICE model of the lamp sensor system in-
cluding a lumped element capacitive model. A depiction of the model implemented
in LTSPICEr is shown in Figure 3-25.
The SPICE simulation (Figure 3-25) includes a lumped element capacitive model like
the one described in Section 3.2, a circuit model of the front-end amplifier taken from
Chapter 2, and a model of the entire signal processing chain described in Section 3.3.
The netlist for the front-end amplifier can be found in Appendix A.4.2. The remaining
SPICE parameters can be found in Appendix A.4.3 and example capacitance values
can be found in Appendix A.4.4. With these components, the output voltage of the
synchronous detector, corresponding to equation (3.22), can be read directly from the
simulated results. The SPICE model can be used to validate the capacitive model
and the model of the electronics including the front-end amplifier model developed in
Chapter 2.
Phase Accounting
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
The intent of the capacitive modeling approach in this section is to build the model
by considering all of the capacitances between all of the conducting nodes in the
system. Each conducting node is initially taken to be floating. Depending on the
configuration of the system or on measurements taken from the experimental setup,
some of those nodes may then be modeled as driven to a particular potential.
Pipe Hanging Lamps
3.5. Full System Model
For each simulation, FastCapr generated an output matrix like the one shown in
Figure 3-21. The output matrices contained the values of the capacitances between
each conductor in the system. For instance, the matrix element at row 5, column
8, corresponded to the net capacitance between conductor 5 (the left electrode) and
conductor 8 (the target).5
Typical simulated capacitances are shown in Table 3.5. Those capacitances repre-
sent the simulation of the target under the left edge of the lamp in Figure 3-20 with
the lamp at a height of 2.43 m. Several capacitances in simulation are taken to be
fixed as the target moves under the lamp (“Assumed Fixed”) while only a few are
taken to vary while the target moves (“Vary with Target”). When the target passes
directly below the center of the lamp, many capacitances can also be assumed from
Section 3.2, discussed the ambiguity concerning the correct model of the floor below
the lamp. The floor in the experimental setup was a tile floor on top of a concrete slab
of unknown construction. Two key questions arise: 1) is the floor is well-represented
by a conducting plane? and 2) if it is well-represented by a conducting plane, is it
well-connected to reference potentials in the system, e.g. earth ground? To control
these ambiguities, data from simulation was compared to data from the experimental
system with and without an artificial conducting floor made of aluminum foil. The
According to the Maxwell capacitance matrix format, mutual capacitances (off-diagonal ele-
ments) are reported as the negative of their actual value while diagonal elements are reported as
positive values. If the capacitance matrix has non-negative off diagonals, we expect that there has
been a problem with the extraction of the capacitance values [95].
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Table 3.5: Typical Simulated Capacitances (shown for a target positioned under the
left end of the lamp sensor depicted in Figures 3-20 and 3-23(b)).
Capacitance Value Notes
Vary with Target
L. strong-Target 300 fF
R. strong-Target 167 fF
L. Electrode-Target 534 fF
R. Electrode-Target 187 fF
Backplane-Target 14.3 pF
Cabinet-Target 2.5 pF
Assumed Fixed
L. strong-L. Electrode 477 fF
L. strong-L. weak 126 fF
L. strong-R. strong 41 fF
L. strong-Cabinet 56 fF
R. strong-Cabinet 62 fF
L. weak-Cabinet 81 fF
R. weak-Cabinet 53 fF
L. Electrode-Cabinet 102 fF
R. Electrode-Cabinet 52 fF
Backplane-Cabinet 19 pF
L. strong-R. Electrode 27 fF
L. strong-Backplane 3 pF
L. Electrode-Backplane 3.1 pF
L. strong-R. weak 1.6 pF
Floor-Backplane 79.7 pF
Floor-Cabinet 121 pF
Floor-L. strong 321 fF
Floor-L. Electrode 401 fF
Floor-Target 42.4 pF “Shoe Capacitance”
artificial conducting floor was also connected and disconnected to or from the earth
ground reference. Because little change was observed in the measured output from
the experimental system among the three cases, it was speculated that the actual floor
below the lamp was well-represented by an earthed conducting plane. In the SPICE
model of Figure 3-25, this was implemented as a short circuit between the “earth”
and “floor” nodes. In the FastCapr 3D model of Figure 3-20, this is manifested as a
conducting plane below the lamp and the target.6
Having a conducting plane model of the floor, the effective depth of that con-
Segmenting the floor plane into smaller panels, as shown in Figure 3-20, aided the FastCap
simulator. In general, this method of breaking the conductors into pieces aided the simulation and
was a practical necessity for getting the simulator to work properly. Common results yielded by a
model without enough of this kind of granularity included “non-negative off-diagonals” and “failure
to converge” errors as well as prohibitively long computation times.
3.5. Full System Model
ducting floor (“effective conducting floor depth”) was also adjusted by comparing
simulated and experimental data. To that end, a conducting plane was positioned in
the FastCapr simulation some distance below the surface of the actual floor. That
distance was determined empirically, by closely matching the peak deviation of sim-
ulated data taken from the SPICE simulation to the peak deviation of corresponding
experimental data. The effective conducting floor depth was set using data with the
lamp set at a height of 2.43 m and then held fixed for the other experiments. The
final value of the effective conducting floor depth is shown in Table 3.6.
The capacitive model in Figure 3-25 includes a model of the signal source consistent
with the developments in Section 3.2. That is, in the signal source model, each bulb
consists of two nodes - “strong” and “weak”. Because the model in Section 3.2 divides
the bulb into two distinct pieces, it is necessary to assign each piece an alternating
potential with respect to the signal source reference. Based on the alternating linear
voltage profile of a single (resistive) bulb shown in Figure 3-3, it is convenient to
assign the model parameters for the signal source model in Figure 3-4 as follows:
1 1 1
vwk = vbulb , vs = vbulb , vend = vbulb , (3.97)
4 2 4
where the total bulb voltage is comprised of the three voltages, i.e.
Figure 3-22 shows an oscilloscope shot of the bulb voltage and current under
the experimental conditions. It shows a bulb voltage amplitude of 200 V and an
operating frequency of about 50 kHz. With vbulb = 200 V, the pieces of the signal
source model become, vwk = 50 V, vs = 100 V, and vend = 50 V. The signal source
model parameters are summarized in Table 3.6.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Note that the polarity and lack of phase shift between the measured bulb voltage
and current validates the assumption that the bulb is well-modeled at high-frequency
as a resistor. The bulb voltage and current in Figure 3-22 indicate a bulb resistance
of approximately 1 kΩ.
In the lamp sensor system, there are several “reference potentials” including the lamp
sensor power supply ground (“gnd”), the ballast common (“common”), and earth
ground (“earth”).7 To simplify the simulation, all of those reference potentials were
explicitly shorted together in both the experimental setup and in simulation (see the
bottom left of Figure 3-25).8
Certain conductors were found to be connected to the reference potentials. It was
verified with an ohm meter (and a piece of sandpaper) that the pipes, fluorescent lamp
backplanes, duct and power strip case were earthed. Those corresponding nodes in
In the LTSPICE simulation, the triangular ground symbol is equivalent to any node labeled
Shorting the ballast common to earth required that the L/N utility feed to the ballast be isolated.
3.5. Full System Model
Figure 3-25 were shorted to earth. On the other hand, the cabinet was not connected
to earth and was therefore modeled in Figure 3-25 as a floating node.
Some of the capacitances in Table 3.5 do not effect the simulated results depend-
ing on the connections between reference potentials. For instance, the capacitance
between the backplane and the floor is irrelevant when both the backplane and the
floor are taken to be connected to earth.
The simulation was conducted using the FastCapr model in Figure 3-20. The simu-
lated capacitances were inserted into the SPICE model shown in Figure 3-25 and the
simulated lamp sensor output voltage was read directly from SPICE.
First, the fixed capacitances listed as “assumed fixed” in Table 3.5 were taken
from a FastCapr simulation with the target below the left end of the lamp. Then,
the simulated offset was measured by inserting all of the capacitances from that
FastCapr simulation into the SPICE model of Figure 3-25 and reducing the “vary
with target” capacitances by 10 orders of magnitude. The resulting output voltage
was saved so that it could be subtracted from the rest of the simulated output values.
Finally, thirty-seven separate simulations like the one depicted in Figure 3-20 were
used to model a passing occupant. For each simulation, the target was moved, in 20
cm increments, along the path that the real target in the experimental setup would
take. In the simulation, the left end of the lamp was positioned at the x-origin (x
= 0 m). The target started 3 m to the left of the origin in simulation (x = -3.0 m)
and was stopped 3 m beyond the right end of the lamp (x = 4.2 m). Simulation
parameters are summarized in Table 3.6. An example list (.lst) file for creating the
model in Figure 3-20 and the dimensions of the individual conductors can be found
in Appendix A.4.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Experimental data was taken from the experimental setup shown in Figure 3-23(b).
The photograph in Figure 3-23(b) is labeled so that it is obvious how the experimental
setup corresponds to the 3D model shown in Figure 3-20. Figure 3-23(a), shows a
close-up of the hanging lamp sensor and its adjustable electrodes.
Data was taken for the target passing through a detection field 7.2 m long posi-
tioned symmetrically about the center of the lamp (along the black line on the floor in
Figure 3-23(b)). This path was chosen to correspond to the simulated path described
in Section 3.5.4.
Table 3.7: Experimental Setup Parameters.
Experimental Parameter Note / Value
Rf 1,2 10 MΩ
Cf 1,2 7.5 pF
Rf 3 200 kΩ
Cf 3 660 pF
fc 50 kHz
Phase Ref Elect. Integrated as Trace in Ballast
Earth, gnd, Common Explicitly connected
Electrode Depth 14.5 cm
Electrode Spacing 98 cm
Lamp Height 2.28, 2.43, 2.58 m
Target Height 1.83 m
Exactly 37 data points were taken from each pass in the experimental setup in
order to ease the comparison to the simulated data. At the sampling rate of 13.75 sps,
37 data samples took approximately 2 seconds. Some trial and error was necessary
3.5. Full System Model
Other Hanging Lamps
Lamp Sensor
Power Strip
(a) A close-up photograph of the hanging lamp (b) A photograph of the experimental setup.
to acquire data that was situated symmetrically about the time axis in the resulting
output plot. The experimental offset was measured as the value of the first data point
taken from the sensor (corresponding to the case when the target is not well within
the detection field). That offset was subtracted from all of the experimental data.
Experimental setup parameters including passive component values for the sensor are
summarized in Table 3.7.
Figure 3-24 shows three comparisons between measured data taken from the lamp
sensor and simulated data taken from the circuit in Figure 3-25. The three plots in
Figure 3-24 correspond to three different lamp heights, 2.28 m, 2.43 m and 2.58 m
measured between the floor and the bottom of the bulb surfaces in the experimental
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
setup. They show good agreement among the simulated and experimental data.
Scripts for extracting data from the SPICE .log files and generating the plots in
Figure 3-24 can be found in Appendix A.4.1.
Simulated 0.6 m
100 Measured 0.6 m
Simulated 0.45 m
Measured 0.45 m
50 Simulated 0.75 m
Sensor Output (mV)
Measured 0.75 m
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Occupant Distance from Center of Detection Field (m)
Figure 3-24: Comparison between simulated and measured occupancy sensor output
The system model in this section was presented “as-is” with little or no simplifi-
cation. That is, the intent was to include all of the capacitances between all of the
conducting nodes in the system as a starting point for a working model. Undoubtedly,
accurate prediction is possible without considering all of those capacitances. More-
over, the simulation likely discounts some capacitances that may influence the sensor
response. Finally, the limitations of the lumped-element capacitive model described
in Section 3.2.4 should be considered when evaluating the model presented here.
From the lamp sensor response in Figure 3-24, and the simulated capacitances taken
from FastCapr , the sensitivity of the lamp sensor to changes in capacitances (effective
3.5. Full System Model
capacitive sensitivity) can be inferred. Table 3.8, shows the capacitances that vary
with the target for two different simulations. The first column shows capacitances
for the target positioned 40 cm to the left of the left end of the lamp (x = −100
cm). The second column shows capacitances for the target positioned 20 cm to the
left of the left end of the lamp (x = −80 cm). The third column shows the change
in those capacitances. In the lampsensor output plot of Figure 3-24, this corresponds
to a change of at least 10 mV. Compared to typical noise levels of about 200 µV, like
those in Figure 3-17, a deviation of 10 mV is quite significant. Therefore, based on
simulation and experiment, the lamp sensor appears to easily measure changes in the
capacitances below the lamp on the order of 10’s and 100’s of fF.
Capacitive Modeling Signal Conditioning
drive1 drive2
weak1 weak2
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
C19 C20
C43 Rlp
strong1 e1 target e2 strong2 voutp
Reference Potential Connections
− Rpu φ2
earth backplane C
+ vsupp vsupm
earth floor vsupp
+ +
− −
earth − Rpu φ1
Figure 3-25: A SPICE simulation of the capacitive model, F-D Transimpedance Am-
3.6. Auto-dimming
3.6 Auto-dimming
This section presents the building blocks of a new autonomous and self-expanding
demand-side energy management system for lighting control. It is a demand-side
energy management system because the control of energy consumption is confined
to the demand or end-user portion of the power system. References [96–99] detail
the design of the “lamp sensor” which measures the lamp’s own electric fields to
detect human targets. Interfacing the lamp sensor with a dimming ballast creates
a smart auto-dimming lamp which uses the lamp sensor’s occupancy detections to
appropriately dim or brighten. These fine-grain occupancy detections may also be
used to adjust power consumption of other systems such as Heating, Ventilation
and Air Conditioning (HVAC). All of the electronics are made to fit inside a ballast
box with the intent to create a drop-in replacement for standard ballasts. We have
also demonstrated a quasistatic frequency-modulated (FM) wireless link to enable
communication between adjacent lamps. By communicating with adjacent lamps,
one lamp can command a cluster or an entire room of lamps to turn on above an
occupant according to desired lighting schemes. The wireless link reuses the lamp
sensor electric field measurement and the action of the frequency-controlled dimming
Because the performance of the lamp sensor system depends on many factors such
as ceiling height, electrode configuration, separation of lamps, the physical geometry
of the particular lamp case, etc., the auto-dimming lamp in this work is presented
as an example. From this example, we detail critical system characterizations that
must be understood by the system designer to implement a network of auto-dimming
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Clock Amplifier
3.6. Auto-dimming
inverter stage of the ballast. The IR part controls the half-bridge inverter that drives
the lamp output stage. The lamp output stage consists of two fluorescent bulbs in
series with a “balance transformer”, a shunt resonant capacitor and a series resonant
inductor. The balance transformer matches the currents in the two bulbs to prevent
“winner-take-all” situations in which one bulb strikes before the other, loading down
the resonant tank output and preventing the other bulb from striking.
The IR part controls the lamp power as described in the IR21592 datasheet.
During dimming, the output stage is effectively an inductance in series with a parallel
bulb resistance and resonant capacitance. The current into the output stage is shifted
from the half-bridge output voltage somewhere between 0 and -90 degrees during
dimming. Zero phase-shift corresponds to maximum lamp power [11].
The IR21592 takes a dim level input voltage (0.5-5Vdc) command and generates
a reference signal. The phase between this signal and the gate drive signal is the
desired phase between the output current and voltage in order to achieve the proper
lamp power. The phase reference signal is compared to the inverter output current
and the resulting phase error forces the circuits voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
to steer the inverter frequency in the right direction. The VCO steers the frequency
until the phase error between the output stage current and the reference signal is
forced to zero yielding the desired lamp power [11].
Vdd LresB LresC
Vdd 4 13
G 16
8 + LresA
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
barrier so that the lamp sensor is not easily damaged by dramatic failures in the
ballast. The soft-start is intended to protect the bulbs. It clamps the dimming signal
to the range 0.5-5V. It also brings the lower limit down slowly on startup so that the
bulbs are struck at a high dimming level and then brought down slowly if the lamp
sensor is either off or commanding a low dimming level.
150k +5V +12V
+ L
DAC out
LT2051 7805 Isolated N
10k AC/DC
+5V +5V 20k
68 +12V +12V
− − +
+ + 910k 33uF
- 10k
- + LT2051 LT2051 +
0.01uF 100k
20k Dim
Avago +5V
Figure 3-28: The optical isolator separates the lamp sensor common potential from
the ballast common potential. The soft-start protects the bulb by clamping the dim
signal to the range 0.5-5 V and brings the dim signal down slowly on startup.
3.6. Auto-dimming
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the lamp sensor system across dimming levels must
be determined as this constrains the detection range. To characterize the source, we
measured the bulb rms voltage across power levels. It is well known that the bulb
current-voltage (I-V) characteristics exhibit positive nominal resistance, but negative
incremental resistance for some operating regions [100]. That is,
V dV
> 0, but < 0. (3.99)
I dI
This means that decreasing the current in the bulb increases the voltage across it.
In Figure 3-29, the rms bulb voltage is plotted against lamp power. Lamp power is
calculated as the average power, i.e.
where φ is the phase between the voltage and current. Percent lamp power is defined
as the power relative to the maximum bulb power, e.g. 32W. For instance, the lowest
lamp power shown, 1.3%, is 0.013×32W = 420mW.
Because lamp current increases monotonically with lamp power, the plot in Figure
3-29 can also be taken as the bulb’s I-V characteristic. The plot shows the familiar
negative incremental resistance to the right of the peak in the voltage near 25% lamp
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Vrms (V)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent Power (%)
Figure 3-29: A curve fit of the rms bulb voltage plotted against lamp power (which
increases with rms current) shows the familiar negative incremental resistance of the
The noise experiments were repeated after the entire first trial and these data were
averaged into the first data set in order to minimize the effect of long-term changes in
noise levels. The results are presented in Figures 3-30 and 3-31. SNR here is defined
as the peak-to-peak detection voltage of the human target divided by the ac rms
windowed noise voltage in the absence of a detection.
The signal from the lamp sensor increases to follow the bulb I-V characteristic
curve so that it shows a maximum around 25% lamp power as shown in Figure 3-30.
However, the sensitivity of the lamp sensor is quantified by the SNR. Because the
dominant noise originates in the bulbs and ballast, we might expect it to also vary
with the lamp power [96–99]. The SNR plot across lamp power levels in Figure 3-31,
shows that the sensitivity actually shows a maximum around 40% lamp power. Such
SNR characterizations will be necessary for the designer to determine at which power
levels detection is possible. In this experiment, we have shown a situation in which
detection is easily possible even at 1.3% (minimum) lamp power.
3.6. Auto-dimming
Sensor Output (mV )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent Power (%)
Figure 3-30: A curve fit of the detection signal bulb voltage plotted against lamp
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent Power (%)
Figure 3-31: A curve fit of the SNR plotted against lamp power shows a maximum
SNR around 40% power.
3.6. Auto-dimming
Output Voltage (V)
0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (min.)
Figure 3-32: The lamp sensor output voltage for repeated switching between dimming
levels. The two lamp power levels in this example are 8.1%(dim) and 59.4% (bright).
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
17mV Detections
Output Voltage (V)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min.)
(a) An example long-term drift output voltage plot; 17 mV in 60 min.
Short−term Drift: Vout vs. Time
Output Voltage (V)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time (min.)
(b) An example short-term drift output voltage plot; 6 mV in 3.5 min.
Figure 3-33: Example Drift Plots for the Lamp Sensor output voltage. Both plots
show data taken for a lamp power level of 8.1% (dim).
3.6. Auto-dimming
The detection algorithm uses the information gained from characterizing the out-
put voltage offsets and drift. The detection algorithm used here was as follows.
When the lamp is dimmed, if the output voltage deviates from the dimmed baseline
by more than +/-17mV and the deviation persists for more than 200ms, then the
lamp is undimmed. When the lamp is brightened, if the output voltage returns to
within 10mV of the bright baseline and this persists for more than 200ms, the lamp
is dimmed again. The turn-on deviation level (17mV) is greater than the turn-off
level (10mV) to discourage multiple transitions. The timing delays serve at least 2
purposes. First, when the target passes under the lamp, it is possible for the output
to reach the baseline if the target is symmetrically positioned below the center of
the lamp. The delay in this case means that the target must not only be carefully
positioned under the lamp but it must stay that way for a little while. Second, the
delay adds further protection against multiple transitions when the output voltage is
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
dim baseline
bright baseline
−0.06 turn−on
Figure 3-34: This plot is a screenshot of the display for the autodimmer. It shows
the output voltage varying with the target and the two different baselines taken from
the auto-calibration. Jumps in the output voltage can be used to determine when the
lamp dimmed or brightened.
slowly varying.
More advanced auto-calibration procedures will make the auto-dimmer more ro-
bust and more sensitive. One obvious improvement would be to store the transient of
the output voltage after switching between dimming levels and use this to adjust the
baselines in real-time after switches. More advanced detection algorithms will also
improve robustness and sensitivity. For instance, it may be possible to not only con-
strain the deviation from the baseline, but also the time derivative of the deviation.
If the deviation is small, but the combination of the time derivative and the deviation
is unlike any drift or noise expected from the lamp sensor, then it may be possible
to rule that as a detection. Ultimately, we have the advantage that a “false-positive”
detection is not tragic. Therefore, in our detection algorithms we may lean toward
avoiding missed detections at the expense of a higher rate of false-positives.
3.6. Auto-dimming
Freq. controlled Phase-Locked
FM in
Dim Dimming Ballast − Loop
(Same as electrode
Dim pin) fin fout
This section details the design and performance of the quasistatic wireless link for
communication between adjacent lamps. By communicating with neighboring lamps,
a detection by a single lamp could, for instance, command its neighboring lamps to
turn on as well, and command those lamps to tell their neighboring lamps to turn
on. Thus a particular lighting scheme may cause a single lamp, a cluster of lamps, or
an entire room of lamps to turn on upon an occupancy detection. Such a network of
auto-dimming lamps would self-expand as more lamps were added because the lamps
would each passively and wirelessly command their neighboring lamps to turn on.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
+5V +5V
Link Electrode +12V
− 10k +12V
− Data out
+ C
1uF 10k + AD790
-12V FM out
+5V +12V
Signal In −
16 Rf
10k OP27
14 Phase 13
3 Comparator2 Cf
10k -12V
11 VCO VCO in
12 14
CD4046 8
R1 R2
7 6
detector Loop Filter
fin Φin Φerr
+ Vout
Kd F (s)
(b) The dynamical block diagram of the PLL from input frequency to output baseband voltage.
Figure 3-36: The wireless link receiver and the PLL dynamical block diagram.
3.6. Auto-dimming
The wireless link is quasistatic because it does not use propagating electromag-
netic waves for transmission. It uses the same electric fields from the lamp that
the lamp sensor uses to detect occupants. The electric fields vary slowly enough
(∼50kHz) that the associated wavelengths for propagating waves at these frequencies
are extremely long compared to the length-scales of the lamp sensor system. It is
a frequency-modulated (FM) link because it transmits information by adding small
frequency deviations or modulations (∼+/-500Hz) to the high-frequency (∼50kHz)
ballast signal.
The notional drawing of the wireless link is shown in Figure 3-35. The baseband
or frequency modulating signal is input as small voltage deviations on the dim pin
of the dimming ballast. A single-ended transimpedance amplifier, similar to those
used in the lamp sensor, measures the frequency-modulated electric fields at the
receiving lamp’s electrode. The signal that is detected is input to a phase-locked loop
(PLL). When the PLL locks onto the input signal, the VCO input is a dc voltage
which corresponds to the input signal frequency. When the input signal frequency
changes, the PLL tracks those changes and the VCO input varies correspondingly.
The baseband or modulating signal is then available at the VCO input, which we call
the output of the PLL here.
The full schematic of the receiver including the PLL is shown in Figure 3-36(a). The
dynamical block diagram is shown in Figure 3-36(b). This PLL uses a phase detector
and VCO from the Fairchild Semiconductor part CD4046 [10]. The gain term, Kd , is
determined by the phase detector output voltage function for the connection shown
in Figure 3-36(a) [10]:
Vpd = 2.5 V + × 2.5V (3.101)
dVpd 2.5 V
Kd = = . (3.102)
dΘerr 2π rad
The gain term Ko is the VCO gain from input voltage to output frequency. The
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Ko = 14.4 . (3.104)
Smaller modulations of the ballast frequency yield less visible flicker in the light.
The gain Ko could be as low as necessary for those modulations to fill the input
dynamic range of the VCO (0.5-4.5V). However, such a small Ko will lead to a small
gain-bandwidth product (GBW), Ko Kd , of the integrator in the loop. The transfer
function from fin to VCOin = Vout with a passive RC low-pass loop filter is
Recognizing Kd Ko as the GBW and the entire denominator of eqn. (3.105) as the
characteristic polynomial of a second-order system,
where ωn is the natural frequency and ζ is the closed-loop damping ratio. From [92],
the bandwidth of this second-order system is
q p
ωh = ωn 1 − 1ζ 2 + 2 − 4ζ 2 + 4ζ 4 , (3.109)
which is always greater than ωn so that the closed-loop bandwidth, ωh , increases with
the GBW, Ko Kd , of the loop.
3.6. Auto-dimming
A small Ko will also limit the frequency range which the PLL can lock onto
(lock range). Instead, choosing a larger value of Ko increases the GBW of the loop
and the lock range. As a consequence, small frequency modulations only produce
small deviations of the VCO input voltage, so the threshold of the comparator at the
output of the system must be trimmed to be centered on those small deviations. A
tradeoff between noticeable flicker, PLL noise and PLL bandwidth falls out of this
discussion. If, for instance, we wanted to reduce the change in dimming levels to
reduce the noticeable light flicker, we could reduce the change in ballast frequencies
or modulation depth but this would also reduce the VCO input deviations. At some
point the VCO input deviations will fall below the VCO input-referred noise. To
increase the deviations we only have two choices: increase the flicker in the lamp, or
decrease the gain Ko of the VCO so that the reduced changes in frequency fill more of
the VCO input range. However, from above, we know that decreasing Ko decreases
the closed-loop bandwidth of the PLL. We can write a fundamental expression relating
these trade-offs in the PLL described here.
GBW = Ko Kd (3.110)
Ko ∆VCOin = ∆f (3.111)
GBW ∆f
= (3.112)
Kd ∆VCOin
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
3-36(a) are
Rf = 2kΩ (3.114)
Cf = 0.1µF. (3.115)
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf dB (at Inf rad/sec) , Pm = 49.1 deg (at 4.33e+003 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 3-37: Bode plot of the loop transfer function of the PLL.
The Bode plots of the loop transfer function and the closed-loop transfer function
are shown in Figures 3-37 and 3-38. They show 49◦ of phase margin and a closed-loop
bandwidth of 6.9krps or 1.1kHz. In this PLL, because the loop filter is a first-order RC
LPF, the average value of the phase detector output is the VCO input. Therefore, the
steady-state phase error, Θe (t) and the corresponding phase detector output voltage
varies with the steady-state VCO output frequency. Because the VCO input range is
0.5-4.5V, the extremes of the output frequency lock range in eqn. (3.101) correspond
to a phase error range of about +/-5 rad. Therefore, for all frequencies within the lock
range, the phase error is never more than +/-2π rad. and this PLL is not vulnerable
to skipping cycles during step transients or “cycle slipping” [101].
3.6. Auto-dimming
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 3-38: Bode plot of the closed-loop transfer function of the PLL.
The simulated and measured step response from the input signal to the VCO
input voltage are shown in Figures 3-39, 3-40 and 3-41. The measured step response
was generated with an FM-capable Agilent signal generator driving the input signal
to the PLL. The measured peak overshoot in the step response is about 1.2 which for
a second-order system corresponds to 45◦ of phase margin as predicted above [92].
The rise time of the measured step response is about 320µs which for a second order
system corresponds to a bandwidth of
BW ≈ = 6.9 krps = 1.1 kHz, (3.116)
Finally, Figure 3-41 shows the step response using a transmitting lamp in place of
the FM signal generator. The lamp frequency in this example is modulated between
56.6 kHz and 55.6 kHz by modulating the lamp power between 36.3% and 45.3%.
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
Step Response
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (sec) −3
x 10
Figure 3-39: Simulated step response from the input signal to the VCO input in the
The rise time in Figure 3-41 is about 8.24 ms. This corresponds to a bandwidth of
BW = 43 Hz (3.117)
The PLL design is sufficient because the lamp is clearly the limiting factor in the
signal bandwidth.
Figures 3-42(a) and 3-42(b) depict bitstreams transmitted with the wireless link.
For the system demonstrated here, the lamp power is modulated between 36.3%
corresponding to f = 56.6kHz and 45.3% corresponding to f = 55.6kHz. These
frequency deviations result in peak-to-peak VCO input voltage deviations of 700mV
centered on 1.9V near the center of the VCO input voltage range. The output data
is available at the comparator output in Figure 3-36(a).
3.6. Auto-dimming
Figure 3-40: Measured step response using an FM-capable Agilent signal generator.
Figure 3-41: The PLL step response with the lamp in the system shows a slower rise
3. Capacitive Sensing Fluorescent Lamps
(a) A 3-byte long (24-bit) packet transmitted over the wireless link and demodulated
by the PLL (top) and frequency modulations are evident in the output of the receiver
front-end before demodulation (bottom).
The maximum distance between adjacent lamps for proper wireless link operation
affects lighting network design. To determine the link range, one lamp was used to
transmit data while a receiving electrode was moved away until there were visible bit
errors in the received packets. A dummy lamp under the receiving electrode modeled
the capacitive structure in a realistic system. As depicted in Figure 3-43, the adjacent
lamp end-to-end maximum distance was 3ft. 8in. The range between two parallel
lamps (broad-side range) was 2ft. 11in. The 45◦ range between the nearest corner of
the transmitting lamp and the nearest corner of the receiving electrode was 2ft. 3in.
Receiving Lamp
Receiving Lamp
2ft. 11in.
2ft. 3in.
Chapter 4
New illumination sources and new power electronic controls for lighting have the
potential to produce energy efficiency gains of 240 percent in the residential sector
and 150 percent in the commercial sector [102]. In 2007, lighting accounted for 15.6
percent and 23.3 percent of all electricity consumed in the residential and commercial
sectors, respectively, in the USA, [102]. Efficiency gains from lighting sources and
active control can substantially reduce overall energy consumption. In particular,
solid-state lighting promises improved energy efficiency and long lifetime [103].
A fluorescent lamp with an integral occupancy sensor was demonstrated in [1].
By exploiting the lamp’s own stray electric field, the sensor system is able to detect
changes in the electric field below the lamp, [which includes people, or perhaps
autonomous mobile robotics that rely on machine vision]. Unlike standard
proximity sensors which require building planners to design for a proximity detection
system separate from the lighting system, this proximity sensor is essentially a drop-in
replacement for a standard commercial fluorescent lamp ballast.
4.1. Introduction: Energy efficient lighting technology
• the application of the lamp sensor to a solid-state (LED, i.e. light emitting
diode) lighting array that detects occupancy both lighted and in the dark;
• the design and implementation of a wide dimming range LED driver (“ballast”)
using an inductor pre-charging method that is broadly applicable.
Design considerations for the ballast include those relevant to lighting, such as
power efficiency and consistent color cast, or chromaticity, across dimming levels.
Although, a hard-switching design using freewheeling diodes is demonstrated in this
work, it is possible to use synchronous rectifiers and soft-switching such as in [104–
106], to improve efficiency, with a tradeoff of additional active devices and related
components. The effects of DC and PWM (pulse-width modulation) dimming has
been studied for both RGB (red-green-blue) and phosphor-based LED light sources
[107–109]. A PWM technique, which shorts the inductor during off-periods for the
LED current is investigated in [110]. Multiple current-level driving techniques are dis-
cussed in [111] and [112]; and [113] proposes a hybrid PWM/AM dimming strategy.
Not only is the effect of dimming modulation on chromaticity a concern in lighting,
but also in LCD backlighting applications [114]. Although this work only discusses
operation of the LED driver in the PWM mode, the topology easily allows for opera-
tion in similar multi-level schemes where both the peak drive current and duty-cycle
can be independently controlled.
A PWM technique for multiple parallel LED strings that operates with power
factor correction (PFC) off the AC line is described in [115], and a flyback topology
also with PFC is detailed in [116]. If desired, PFC can similarly be applied to the
ballast described in this work.
In addition, both the ballast and the LED array topology must be designed to
support the lamp sensor electronics by driving the lamp with an alternating current
to produce an alternating electric field. The design and implementation of the ballast
for the LED lamp is discussed in Section 4.2. Finally, experimental data from the
lamp sensor built around the LED lamp are presented and compared to quasistatic
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
Currently, we use commercially available modules with 14 LEDs within a diode bridge.
Because these modules were originally intended to replace halogen lighting in low-
voltage 60 Hz sockets, slow recovery rectifier diodes were used in the bridge, resulting
in voltage waveform distortion and power loss when driven by a high frequency in-
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
verter. The solution is to use diodes with better recovery characteristics. As we see
in the driver design below, the inverter operates at frequencies just above the au-
dio upper limit of about 20 kHz, yet below frequencies where more expensive high
performance diodes are needed.
The partitioning of these LEDs into bridged segments is an important considera-
tion for capacitive sensing because it determines the shape of the electric field source.
Ultimately, the design may consist of groups of LEDs consisting of fewer diode bridges
with a voltage distribution that is optimal for sensing and would result in lower cost.
The use of many uniform groups of bridged LEDs provides a proof-of-principle pro-
totype and allows a comparison with previous results using a fluorescent lamp (linear
voltage profile) field source [1].
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
A schematic of the power system is shown in Figure 4-2. The circuit is designed
to operate from a 170 V DC bus (nominal rectified line voltage) driving two parallel
strings of 40 mA AC LED modules anti-symmetrically, which are illustrated in Figure
4-1. The DC bus can of course be derived from an AC front-end, and can tolerate
variable levels of ripple to provide a complete ac-ac ballast solution. By operating
the buck converter in the continuous inductor current mode, nearly square pulses of
current are provided by the inverter to the LEDs, which has been suggested to help
maintain consistent chromaticity, or “color-cast” [107–109]. An advantage to this
topology is that it is possible to independently control both peak and average LED
current, which is useful in multi-level driving schemes, while maintaining a constant
brightness. The peak current is controlled by the buck converter and the duty cycle
by the full bridge.
Because the full-bridge inverter is driven by a current source with free-wheel diode,
D2 , no dead-time circuitry for the switches is necessary, which simplifies the de-
sign. Placing the current sense resistor at the bottom of the bridge enables ground-
referenced measurement of the inductor current, which is easier than high-side differ-
ential measurements, or switch current measurements which tend to be corrupted by
transients from gate drive charge injection or switch capacitance. Transformer T1 is a
1 : 1 provides galvanic isolation from the mains for safety and additionally allows one
to choose a potential reference (e.g. fixture ground), which may result in an improved
sensitivity in the lamp sensor.
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
170 +
− G D1 A C
Vdc T1
Figure 4-2: Schematic of the bipolar LED driver. Transformer T1 isolates the inverter
output. Transformer T2 matches the currents between the two LED bulbs.
An advantage to using AC to drive the LEDs is the ability to use low-cost trans-
formers to enforce current sharing among parallel lamps at good power efficiency.
Transformer T2 is a small current balancing transformer, similar to those that are
used in fluorescent lamp ballasts. The volt-second demands on this transformer are
small because they corresponds to the ensemble average of diode voltage mismatches
among LEDs in each string.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
Vinput = L ∝ L∆IL fsw , (4.1)
where ∆IL is the inductor current ripple and fsw is the switching frequency.
We developed a driving method to help overcome the challenge of efficient dimming
at reasonable frequencies for hard switching, using a relatively simple converter and
control scheme, which is typically a factor in lowering cost.
From +
Rsense IR2125
LT1016 G
The schematic for our hysteretic current-mode buck converter controller is shown
in Figure 4-3. A reference voltage to match the desired current (expressed as a voltage
across the current-sense resistor, Rsense ) is set with a potentiometer at the inverting
input of a high-speed comparator. A positive feedback loop splits this reference
into two hysteresis bands, which can be determined through superposition of the
comparator output and the voltage across the current-sense resistor, Vsense : when the
comparator’s non-inverting output is LOW (0V),
V+ = Vsense (4.2)
R1 + R2
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
R2 R1
V+ = Vsense + Vout (4.3)
R1 + R2 R1 + R2
The spread of these hysteresis bands is therefore equal to the difference between these
two terms:
Hysteresis Spread = H+ − H− = Vout (4.4)
R1 + R2
Since typically R2 ≫ R1 , V− will approximately set the top hysteresis band, with the
bottom hysteresis band Vout R1 /(R1 + R2 ) below.
We set the potentiometer to obtain current regulation at 80mA (for two LED
strings at 40mA each). We set the hysteresis spread to correspond to a 10% current
ripple, with an Rsense of 10 Ω:
H+ − H− = Rsense∆i = 10 Ω · 8 mA = 80 mV (4.5)
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
In continuous current mode the control circuit shown in Figure 4-3 is run constantly
(GEN = 1 always). This means that during the off-duty period between pulses, the
buck converter continues to regulate its current, which is shunted through a short
consisting of two inverter switches in series: either A and B or C and D, with the
corresponding complementary switches off. Keeping the buck in a continuous current-
regulating state allows square LED current pulses without the need for a very large
inductor di/dt. This way, we can still maintain tight current regulation using a large
inductance at the buck output.
Figure 4-5 shows the switching pattern at high duty cycle when continuous induc-
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
tor current is used. Figure 4-6 illustrates the median-filtered results at 96% inverter
duty-cycle, where the ballast is operating in continuous current mode. End-to-End
Lamp Voltage is the differential voltage across a single LED string. LED Current cor-
responds to the primary current of T1 and closely represents the sum of the currents
into the two parallel LED strings. A filtered version of Clock, with the spikes from
switching transient pickup eliminated, is used for synchronization by the lamp sensor.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
End−to−End Lamp Voltage
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
Current Sense Resistor
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
LED Current
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
Pre-Charge Mode
At low duty ratios, there is enough time during the off-duty periods between pulses to
turn off the current controller and recover inductor current. This is done by setting
the gate enable (GEN ) signal OF F , which opens up the current control feedback
loop. All switches in the inverter are likewise turned OF F . This turns diode D2
ON, hence recovering inductor current. In order to maintain a square LED current,
we pre-charge the inductor prior to inverter turn-on by letting the buck converter
regulate into the short created by turning ON either A and B or C and D, with the
complementary inverter switches OF F . Shorting the output of the buck converter in
this way results in the fastest pre-charge for any given input voltage:
Where Trise is the rise time of the buck converter output current and L is a
conservative estimate of the inductor value for all operating points and Vin is the
input DC voltage to the buck converter, which could either be measured by the
microcontroller, or set for worst-case low-line voltage. Note that the inductor fall
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
Buck Pre-Charge
Energy Recovery
Figure 4-7: Timing Diagram Using Inductor Pre-Charging [and Energy Recovery.]
By turning off the buck converter and recovering the inductor current, conduction
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
End−to−End Lamp Voltage
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
Current Sense Resistor
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
LED Current
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x 10
losses are reduced for low duty ratios (D < 60%). Pre-charging has the same ad-
vantage of allowing for a square LED current without needing a very large inductor
di/dt, allowing us to utilize a large buck output inductance for tight current reg-
ulation, obviating the need for a very high switching frequency and the associated
switching losses.
The inverter switching patterns and the gate enable signal are generated by a DSPIC33-
FJ2560GP710 microcontroller in combination with a fast programmable logic device
(PLD). The microcontroller produces three signals: CLK, P W M and gate enable
(GEN ). CLK controls the ballast operating frequency and corresponds to an internal
clock that determines the polarity of the inverter, while P W M controls the duty
ratio. GEN turns on and off the hysteretic current controller for the buck converter,
thereby setting the operating mode: continuous current (GEN = 1 always) or induc-
tor pre-charge. When operating in pre-charge mode, the duration of the GEN pulse
before the P W M pulse sets the pre-charge time.
The signals CLK, P W M, and GEN are fed into the PLD, which generates the
4.2. Power Electronic LED Drive and Dimming
drive signals for the four inverter switches (A, B, C, D) according to a truth table,
shown above as Table 4.1. The logic states shown in Table 4.1 are listed in the
sequence in which they would occur when operating in inductor pre-charge mode.
Although, the switching patterns are creating using a microcontroller and PLD for
research purposes, the logic table can easily be implemented as a simple state machine
in a range of low-cost, high-volume technologies.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
Figure 4-9: A photograph of the LED lamp. Top: bright, Bottom: dim.
low light dimming levels. The additional losses from each pre-charging, or energy
recovery are mainly by the diode conduction during current ramp up, or down,
Ppc = Vdiode Ipeak Trise fsi .
These additional losses when instead, using a synchronous rectifier are dominated by
the inductor during the current ramping period,
1 2
Ppc = Ipeak RdcL Trise fsi ,
4.3. Experimental Setup and Results
Pcout = Cout Vin2 fs ,
Different conversion efficiencies are given only as an index for comparison because
only relevant, or dominating loss mechanisms are considered. Several tradeoffs can
be made to improve efficiency. For example, lower current MOSFETs with higher on-
resistance, but lower output capacitance and gate drive charge might be used instead
of the IRF740. Also, a physically larger inductor with lower losses might be used,
but this would impact power density. The purpose of the power electronic design is
to provide a ballast, which supports proximity sensing, that can be modified to take
into consideration the many requirements for a particular lighting use case.
The experimental setup of the LED lamp and lamp sensor electronics is shown in
Figure 4-10. The lamp sensor output was measured as a conducting sphere (the
target) was passed under the lamp. Data was taken with the target fixed at 20 cm
intervals in the y-dimension as depicted in Figure 4-10. For each interval, the lamp
sensor output data was averaged for 20 seconds. The experiment was iterated for three
lamp power settings “bright” (Duty ratio of 96%), “medium” (Duty ratio of 60%)”,
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
and “dim” (Duty ratio of 20%). A photograph of the lamp under the “bright” and
“dim” settings is shown in Figure 4-9. The experiment was also repeated for three
x-displacements: 0 cm, 22 cm, and 45 cm.
The analytical approach described in reference [118] was also used to model the
lamp sensor system. The electrostatic model of the lamp sensor consisted of conduct-
ing spheres representing the source nodes, electrodes and the target. The calculated
difference between the electrode potentials was taken to be proportional to the output
of the lamp sensor. Also, the floor was taken to be a conductor, so the model also
consisted of image spheres below the plane of the floor. Finally, the potential of the
“Lo” source nodes and of the plane of the floor was assumed to be earth ground.
To compare the analytical approach to measured data, the signal source parame-
ters used in the electrostatic model were first calibrated. A “training run” consisted of
taking measured data from the lamp sensor for known x and y displacements. Then,
an iterative least-squares optimization method was used to infer the effective signal
source parameters based on the measured data.
In the least-squares optimization method, the signal source parameters were first
4.3. Experimental Setup and Results
Voltage Source
+ −
LED Driver
Voltage Source
Hi Lo
+ − Lo LED Bulb Hi
PC RS-232 Lamp sensor Hi LED Bulb Lo
Conducting Sphere
0.97 m
Electrode 1 Electrode 2 Electrode 1 Electrode 2 25 cm
z 2.24 m
−y 1.02 m
Non-conducting Support
y = 140 cm y = 0 cm y = −140 cm
guessed. Then, the results of predicting the lamp sensor output using the electrostatic
modeling approach from reference [118] and the guessed signal source parameters
were compared to the measured data. Depending on the squared error between the
predicted and measured data, the signal source parameters were perturbed and the
process was repeated. This iterative process continued until the squared error between
the predicted and measured lamp sensor output were less than a certain threshold.
The signal source parameters from the last iteration were then taken as the actual
effective signal source parameters in the lamp sensor system.
The measured and fitted data in Figure 4-11 correspond to training runs for each
of the three lamp power settings. For each lamp power setting, we have different
effective signal source parameters. Those effective signal source parameters were
used to predict the lamp sensor response for different x-displacements. Figures 4-
12(a), 4-12(b), and 4-12(c) compare those predictions to measured lamp sensor data
at x-displacements of 22 cm and 45 cm for each of the three lamp power settings (dim,
medium, and bright). The results in Figure 4-12 show that the modeling approach
described in reference [118] yields predictive power for design-oriented estimation of
the lamp sensor output voltage in response to a target.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
Lamp Sensor Output (V)
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Sphere Distance from center of lamp (m)
4.3. Experimental Setup and Results
Predicted x = 22 cm
Measured x = 22 cm
−3 Predicted x = 45 cm
Measured x = 45 cm
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Sphere Distance from center of lamp (m)
(a) Dim
Predicted and Measured Lamp sensor Output
−3 z−Displacement = 1.02 m, Lamp Power = Med
x 10
Lamp Sensor Output (V)
Predicted x = 22 cm
−8 Measured x = 22 cm
Predicted x = 45 cm
−10 Measured x = 45 cm
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Sphere Distance from center of lamp (m)
(b) Medium
Predicted and Measured Lamp sensor Output
z−Displacement = 1.02 m, Lamp Power = Bright
Lamp Sensor Output (V)
Predicted x = 22 cm
−0.01 Measured x = 22 cm
Predicted x = 45 cm
Measured x = 45 cm
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Sphere Distance from center of lamp (m)
(c) Bright
In this section, we address the ability to sense occupancy in the dark, which is relevant
to the use cases such as entry into a dark room. In this section, we demonstrate
excellent occupancy sensing at very low LED current levels. In fact, from the brightest
to essentially dark there is about a three order of magnitude difference in power level,
yet the electric field source for sensing drops by only a factor that is less than a half.
In Figure 4-8, a duty-cycled LED current also results in the lamp voltage also
pulsating. This voltage is proportional to the electric field that drives the lamp
sensor. From Chapter 3, the signal that is detected is an averaged magnitude that
is proportional to the duty cycle. This means that as the lamp is dimmed, the
sensor voltage output decreases proportionally, which can be observed in Figure 4-11.
Despite the decreased voltage levels, the output voltage is above the noise floor for a
wide range of dimming levels.
A special case arises in dark occupancy sensing, when one is no longer concerned
about maintaining a constant peak LED current, hence relaxing the consideration for
chromaticity. In this case, the LEDs are run at very low current levels at 50% duty
cycle. This is advantageous, because as we observe in Figure 4-13(b), the voltage drop
across one LED module changes roughly logarithmically with current. This means
that most of the voltage that drives the sensing is maintained at very small current
levels using the maximum available duty cycle, which results in the largest output
voltage signal when using the demodulation scheme discussed in Chapter 3.
4.3. Experimental Setup and Results
Current (Amperes)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Voltage Drop (Volts)
Voltage Drop (Volts)
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Current (Amperes)
Figure 4-13: I-V curve of LED lamp module. (a) is the classic diode characteristic,
but closer inspection of the log plot in (b) reveals the non-idealities in real devices.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
The result for sensing in the dark is compared to sensing at moderate lighting
levels in Figure 4-14. A careful comparison shows that there is actually an increase in
the output signal at low LED current levels. This may be attributed to a shift in the
electric field distribution from the LED lamps as we vary from low to high currents. At
low current levels, the shape of the electric field is dominated by parasitic capacitances
from the modules to the housing, as well as the capacitances associated with LEDs
at small bias. At higher current levels, the effective resistance of the LEDs decreases,
which results in a different type of distribution. The dynamics and geometry of this
process is complicated and is currently under investigation.
100 µA
10 mA
Lamp Sensor Output (V)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s)
Figure 4-14: Comparison of capacitive sensor output at dark (100 µA) and lighted
(10 mA) LED current levels for an average height subject walking back and forth
along the axis of the lamps.
4.4 Conclusion
Reference [119] is one of many references that discusses curtailed demand and its
value in the energy market. In curtailed demand, the supply company reduces the
4.4. Conclusion
effective energy demand by reclaiming unused or wasted energy. Reference [119] cites
the sophisticated planning and knowledge of building characteristics necessary to im-
plement curtailed demand and suggests that it can only be effective if ”sensing and
switching can be done cheaply” and with ”a high level of automation.” In particular,
there is a great interest in controlling lighting to optimize energy consumption. Light-
ing in commercial and residential spaces consumes a significant portion of the end use
demand for delivered energy in the United States. In 2005, lighting consumed 0.73
Quadrillion Btu (QBtu) in the residential sector and 1.18 QBtu in the commercial
sector [120].
This work has presented a ballast or solid-state lamp driver that is suitable for
dimmable operation of solid-state or LED lighting. The ballast design permits the
possiblity for chromaticity control even at lower switching frequencies for the power
electronic current drive, which results in the ability to use hard switching as opposed
to resonant topologies, hence resulting in a relatively simple converter and control
scheme. The ballast described in this work also creates the correct lamp current
waveforms to permit a solid-state lamp to function effectively as a proximity sensor for
occupants, not just for motion as is typically deployed today. This opens the door to
distributed, autonomous control for lighting. That is, light fixtures can automatically
alter their illumination based on the presence or absence of occupants, and any other
important environmental variables such as time of day, through the actions of an
embedded controller. The proximity sensor does not require motion or other intrusive
occupant behavior to function. It is sensitive directly to the dielectric presence of an
occupant. Interfacing the lamp sensor with a dimming ballast creates a smart auto-
dimming lamp that can use the lamp sensor’s occupancy detections to appropriately
dim or brighten.
4. Dimmable Solid-state Lamp with Integral Occupancy Detection
4.4. Conclusion
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
This chapter explores capacitive sensing occupancy detectors that rely on their own
source of electric fields. The principal advantages of these “standalone occupancy de-
tectors” are that the signal source may be well controlled and optimized for sensing
and that the electrode and source configuration may be customized. The principle
drawbacks of the standalone occupancy detectors relative to retrofit systems like the
one in Chapter 3 are that the signal source and source coupling surfaces must be pro-
vided. The underlying motivation of this work is to provide a superior replacement to
PIR motion sensors like the one in Figure 5-1. The capacitive sensor would resemble
the PIR motion sensor in both form and function, but would provide true presence
detection. Recall from Chapter 3 that the ability of a PIR sensor to function as a pres-
ence detector is limited by low-frequency noise or drift from changes in background
infrared radiation (IR). The measured signals can be bandlimited (high-pass filtered),
but the sensor effectively becomes a motion sensor, not a presence sensor [69, 70].
The signal conditioning electronics from the fluorescent lamp sensor in Chapter 3
are reused in the standalone system. The analytical modeling of the fully-differential
front-end amplifier from Chapter 2 is directly relevant to the operation and modeling
5.2. System Configurations
Figure 5-1: The capacitive sensor would resemble the PIR motion sensor in both form
and function, but would provide true presence detection.
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
at least one coupling surface that provides a return path to the signal source refer-
ence. Here we consider systems having at least one explicit measurement electrode.
Systems having two explicit measurement electrodes can achieve the natural carrier
suppression inherent to the fluorescent lamp sensor system. Systems having only
one measurement electrode generally require active carrier suppression to achieve the
same effect. This is discussed in Section 5.4.
The signal source can be generated by any periodic electric field source, for ex-
ample a signal generator with a sinusoidal output. Useful signal amplitudes range
from tens to hundreds of volts. Useful signal frequencies range from tens to hundreds
of kilohertz. The signal source may be earth referenced or not. If the signal source
is earth referenced, then stray coupling to earth serves as a return path for coupled
signals. In systems having only one explicit source electrode, stray coupling to earth
is the only return path. A notable feature of those systems is that footsteps may be
significantly detected in the sensor measurement as they may represent a substantial
change in the coupling from the occupant to the stray earth coupling in the floor.
5.2. System Configurations
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
C1 C3 C5 Cshield +
2 Zd
HI +
e1 C7 C8 e2 Zc vo
vs1 1 −
2 Zd
LO C2 C4 C6 −
Figure 5-4: A simplified model of the two-electrode stand alone sensor using a FD
5.4. Active Carrier Suppression
C1 C3 +
2 Zd
HI Cshield
Occupant C5 e1 Zc
vs1 1 −
2 Zd
LO C2 C4 Cac −
vs2 Cshield
Carrier suppression
Figure 5-5: A simplified model of the single-electrode stand alone sensor with active
carrier suppression using a FD measurement
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
tection. The required adjustment depends on the physical configuration of the source
and measurement electrodes and may be implemented with a variable gain op-amp
5.5 Implementation
The implemented electronics for the stand alone sensor experimental setup are shown
in Figure 5-13. The electronics are based on the signal conditioning electronics used
in the fluorescent lamp sensor from Chapter 3.
In the stand alone sensor setup, the signal source, Vs , is assumed to be directly
available to the signal conditioning electronics. For practical embodiments in which
the source and measurement are distantly spaced, a signal source recovery circuit
may be needed. An example of a signal source recover circuit is a phase-locked-loop
Because the signal source is directly available in the experimental setup considered
here, the phase reference is coupled to the signal source with a discrete capacitor,
Cphase . Also, the active carrier suppression circuit shown in Figure 5-13 directly
accesses the signal source to generate the carrier suppression signal. The active carrier
suppression circuit takes a divided down copy of the signal source and applies a non-
inverting variable gain. The intent of the two-stage inverting op-amp connection
is to achieve a non-inverting gain that may be less than unity. The output of the
carrier suppression circuit is coupled to the unused input on the front-end amplifier,
when only one measurement electrode is used. The capacitive coupling simulates
the capacitive coupling effect of the first measurement electrode. Typical passive
component values are shown in Table 5.1.
An experimental setup was constructed to allow for investigation of all of the electrode
and source configurations described in Section 5.2. A photograph of the experimental
5.6. Experimental Setup
Parameter Value
Rf 1,2 10 MΩ
Cf 1,2 7.5 pF
Rf 3 200 kΩ
Cf 3 660 pF
Rlim 20 Ω
Rpu 500 Ω
Rlpf 10 kΩ
Clpf 150 pF
Cphase 20 pF
Cac 68 pF
Rac1 3 MΩ
Rac2 18 kΩ
Rac3 100 kΩ
Rac4 100 kΩ
Rac5 102 pot
fc 30 kHz
Vs 100 Vp−p
setup is shown in Figure 5-6. The experimental setup includes the signal conditioning
electronics from Figure 5-13, and movable electrodes like the ones in Figure A-1. The
signal source was generated with an HP 6827A bipolar amplifier and a Tektronix
CFG250 signal generator. Data was taken using the same Matlabr interface and
PIC operating system employed for the fluorescent lamp sensor. The relevant software
can be found in Appendix A.
Figure 5-7 shows a typical Matlabr plot window. The upper two windows show
the same detection signal in real time, but scaled differently in the vertical axis. The
interesting portion of this particular plot window is shown in the bottom plot, which
indicates a time history of what the software identified as a detection. This detection
corresponds to an occupant walking approximately 10 m through the detection field
for a system having one measurement electrode. From the discussion in Section 5.2,
this system relies on an earth return through ambient coupling, e.g. through the
floor. Therefore, footsteps should be captured in the detection as they constitute a
significant time-varying change in the capacitive coupling from the occupant to the
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
Figure 5-6: The stand alone sensor experimental setup with customizable electrode
earth return.
An overhead view of the detection field and occupant path in this example is
shown in Figure 5-7(b). The drawing is not to scale, but approximate dimensions are
shown in meters. The measurement electrode was centered in the detection field. The
occupant passed by the measurement electrode. In the bottom plot in Figure 5-7(a),
the small perturbations superposed on the detection correspond to the footsteps of
the passing occupant. The amplitude of the footstep signal increases as the occupant
passes by the measurement electrode. In the upper plot, the real-time data detects
the occupant as he passes in front of the source to capture the data on the PC after
a three second pause. The dip in the real-time detection window also appears at the
end of the detection history in the bottom plot.
5.6. Experimental Setup
(1.375 m, 2.75m)
Source Measurement
2.75 m
Pause 3 sec.
(0,0) 5m y
Figure 5-7: A typical Matlabr plot window and detection field experimental setup.
In this single measurement electrode configuration, footsteps are apparent in the
detection (bottom plot of (b)). Approximately 10 datapoints correspond to 1 sec.
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
Figure 5-8 shows an overhead view of the experimental setup and detection pat-
tern for a distantly spaced electrode configuration. The detection pattern shows a
“tunnel” between the source and the measurement. When the occupant is behind
the measurement electrode, the detection pattern flattens. This detection pattern
demonstrates an interesting example of a directional electrode configuration.
Figure 5-9 shows the experimental setup and detection pattern for a closely spaced
electrode configuration. In this example there is one explicit source electrode and
one measurement electrode. Active carrier suppression was needed in this example
to achieve a nulling of the sensor output in the absence of a detection. The four
detection pattern plots in Figure 5-9 correspond to four different vertical spacings
between the source and measurement electrodes. From the data, the peak relative
detection decreases as the vertical spacing increases. However, the detection level at
increasingly further x and y positions increases as the vertical spacing increases. The
detection pattern effectively “squashes” outward as the vertical spacing increases.
This is a useful observation because it indicates that the detection range increases
for larger spacing between the measurement and source electrodes, an effect that we
intuitively expect.
Also evident in the detection patterns are two peaks about the source electrode
that appear in all four cases. Asymmetries between those two peaks are likely due to
measurement error. Those peaks indicate that the peak detection occurs when the
5.7. Detection Patterns
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
PC x
(1.375 m, 2.75m)
LO HI Measurement
2.75 m
(0,0) 5m y
x 10
Sensor Ouput (V)
10 15
x−Position (ft.) 0 0
y−position (ft.)
5.7. Detection Patterns
(1.375 m, 2.75m)
earth 2.75 m
(0,0) 5m y
0 −0.2
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
−1 −0.8
−1.2 10
12 −1 10
10 12
8 5 10 5
6 8 6
4 4
2 0 2 0
0 y−position (ft.) 0
x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.)
(b) ∆z = 1 cm (c) ∆z = 5 cm
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.7 15
15 −0.7 10
−0.8 12
12 10 10
10 8 8 5
6 5 6
4 4
2 0 0 2 0
0 y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.) x−Position (ft.)
(d) ∆z = 20 cm (e) ∆z = 27 cm
Figure 5-9: 1 meas., 1 source, closely spaced for various vertical spacings between
source and measurement.
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
PC 15 cm
(1.375 m, 2.75m)
earth 2.75 m
(0,0) 5m y
−0.1 −0.1
−0.2 −0.2
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.3 −0.3
15 −0.6
−0.7 15
12 10 10
10 −0.7
8 12
6 5 10 5
4 8 6
2 0 4 2 0
0 0
x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.)
(b) ∆z = 1 cm (c) ∆z = 5 cm
0 0
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.2 −0.15
15 15
−0.5 −0.4
12 10 10
10 12
8 10
6 5 8 5
4 6
2 4
0 2 0
0 0 y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.) x−Position (ft.)
(d) ∆z = 20 cm (e) ∆z = 27 cm
Figure 5-10: 2 meas., 1 source (high), closely spaced for various vertical spacings
between source and measurement.
5.7. Detection Patterns
LO (1.375 m, 2.75m)
earth 2.75 m
15 cm
(0,0) 5m y
−0.05 −0.04
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.15 −0.1
15 −0.14
−0.25 15
10 −0.16
12 12 10
10 10
8 5 8
6 6 5
4 4
2 0 2 0
0 y−position (ft.) 0
x−Position (ft.) x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
(b) ∆z = 1 cm (c) ∆z = 5 cm
−0.05 −0.04
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
15 −0.12
−0.2 10 15
12 −0.14 10
10 8 5 12
6 10 8 5
4 6 4
2 0 0 2 0 0
y−position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.) x−Position (ft.)
(d) ∆z = 20 cm (e) ∆z = 27 cm
Figure 5-11: 1 meas., 2 source (high and earth ground), closely spaced for various
vertical spacings between source and measurement. LO: earth ground.
5. Standalone Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detectors
PC 15 cm
LO (1.375 m, 2.75m)
earth 2.75 m
15 cm
(0,0) 5m y
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.06 −0.3
−0.14 −0.6
−0.16 10
12 10 −0.7 15
8 5 12 10 10
6 4 8 6 5
2 4 2 0
0 0 0
y−position (ft.)
x−Position (ft.) x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
(b) ∆z = 1 cm (c) ∆z = 5 cm
−0.05 0
Sensor Ouput (V)
Sensor Ouput (V)
−0.2 −0.1
−0.25 −0.15
−0.4 −0.25
−0.45 15
−0.3 15
12 10 10
10 8 12 10
6 4 5 8 6 5
2 0 4 2 0
0 0
x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.) x−Position (ft.) y−position (ft.)
(d) ∆z = 20 cm (e) ∆z = 27 cm
Figure 5-12: 2 meas., 2 source, closely spaced for various vertical spacings between
source and measurement. LO: earth ground.
Measurement Electrodes Front-end Amplifier Multiplier Low-pass Filter Buffer A/D
Cf 2 +12 V
5 V
Rf 2 +5 V
+12 V φ1 φ2
− Rlpf
RG-174 +12 V +5 V
Electrode 2 AD8620
− +
2.5 V +
−12 V Vocm LTC2440
+ +5 V −
+12 V To PIC
Electrode 1 −12 V
Clpf −
φ2 φ1 LTC2051
RG-174 AD8620
Config. Select + Rf 1
−12 V
Analog Sw/s: ADG411
Cf 1
Vs Rac3 +12 V Rac5
Rac2 LM358
Active Carrier Suppression
+ +12 V
−12 V
+ Cac
−12 V
Cf 3
+5 V
+12 V
Rf 3 Rpu φ2
RG-174 AD790
+12 V
− +
−12 V +5 V
Phase Reference
+12 V
Rpu φ1
−12 V −
Phase Reference Electrode −12 V
5.7. Detection Patterns
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
6.1. Introduction
The analysis of multi-converter systems has been the subject of many previous
investigations. Much of the previous work on multi-converter or “hybrid” power
systems focuses on system level analyses [121–127]. These analyses treat the convert-
ers as simplified elements having ideal voltage or current outputs and perhaps some
characteristic, usually the negative incremental input impedance effect of a feedback
regulated converter [122, 125]. Conclusions are often drawn from simulation rather
than analysis [126, 128].
The work in [129] is closest to the developments in this thesis - the main difference
being that [129] focuses on multi-converter systems having a single input source.
References [130] and [131] focus on stability analysis through the examination of loop
gains in a master-slave current sharing system. Reference [132] focuses on paralleled
buck converters operating under average current share control and reference [133]
focuses on paralleled voltage regulator modules for microprocessor power. Reference
[134] derives a modeling approach that is distinct because it reduces the paralleled
converter system to two subsystems - one differential mode and the other common
mode. Much of the single converter systems review in this thesis is based on reference
A key feature of any of these analyses is the version of the linearized converter
model used in the analysis. Naturally, all of these linearized models can be shown to
be equivalent in as much as they are similarly complete. Reference [129] employs the
converter model developed by Vorperian in [135]. References [130, 133, 134] employ a
Thevenin equivalent converter model and reference [136] employs the model developed
by Middlebrook. Reference [137] does not directly reference any linearized circuit
model and instead derives the linearized converter transfer functions directly from
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
the nonlinear converter topology of interest. Notably, reference [137] analyzes multi-
converter systems with a single input source but discusses a method for extending the
analysis to systems having different input voltages. Other references [131, 132, 138]
employ linearized circuit models developed somewhat independently and always, in
some sense, based on linear superposition principles.
A key stylistic feature of the analyses is the use of matrix formulations, block
diagram representations, linear superposition arguments, or a mix. Again, all of
these approaches can be argued as equivalent. References [129,131,138] employ linear
superposition in the context of block diagram representations only. Reference [130]
mixes linear superposition, block diagram representations and matrix formulations
while [137] employs matrix formulations and block diagram representations only.
6.1. Introduction
Vg +
v̂g +
− jd̂ Ce R
1 : M (D)
in1 out1
G11 (s)
Gmn (s)
inm outn
switching stage
+ -
Σ Gc Fm Gxx Σ
+ +
switching stage
in1 out1
G11 CF11
Gmn CFmn
inm outn
switching stage
Figure 6-1: The analysis in this chapter focuses on steps 1-4. The approach is reviewed
for single converter systems, then extended to multi-converter systems.
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
The analyses presented in this thesis were developed for a particular set of appli-
cations requiring specific large and small signal functionality with multiple distinct
sources. More than one application and set of requirements is considered so some ef-
fort was made to generalize the modeling effort so that it can be applied to arbitrary
feedback control approaches.
The stylistic features of the analyses here are defined by a separation of the an-
alytical process into distinct steps and the use of linear superposition in the context
of block diagram representations. A schematic illustration of the analytical method
followed in this thesis is shown in Figure 6-1. Step 0 is not directly addressed in
this thesis, the results of which are essentially a tabulation of model parameters that
may be inserted into the the linearized model. While the computation of the model
parameters (Step 0) is not directly addressed here, the nature of those model pa-
rameters is discussed on a fundamental level. This understanding leads to a method
presented in Section 6.4 for generalizing previously derived model parameters. The
benefit of this generalization method is that those model parameters may be used to
relate the linearized models of multi-converter systems developed in this thesis to ac-
tual converter topologies, e.g. buck, boost, or buck-boost. Steps 1-3 in Figure 6-1 are
the topic of the current chapter. Step 4 represents a sufficiently distinct development
that it is treated separately in Chapter 7.
In this chapter (steps 1-3 from Figure 6-1), converter transfer functions are derived
from the linearized model. The converter transfer functions may be used to represent
the behavior of the converter when it is inserted into a feedback regulation system.
Closed-loop transfer functions (regulator transfer functions) and open-loop transfer
6.1. Introduction
functions are considered separately. The analyses of two example feedback regulation
systems are presented. Before applying this method to multi-converter power systems,
we first review the analogous method for single converter systems.
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
these unwanted effects can also be exploited with a multi-converter power system.
In Chapters 8 and 9, we present two design examples. In the first example the inte-
gral diagnostics functionality for a fuel cell is demonstrated in a stationary application.
Buffering of the fuel cell current from load current variability is not demonstrated in
this first example because the power system feeds directly to the grid and the load
power is relatively fixed. The needed functionality in this first example is achieved
with a dual voltage regulated power system using off-the-shelf power converters.
In the second example, the power system is intended to power an electric un-
manned aerial vehicle (UAV). The load in this second example is by its nature highly
variable. Both integral diagnostics and buffering of the fuel cell current from the
load current variability are demonstrated. The needed functionality in this second
example is achieved with a master-slave current-voltage regulated power system.
6.2. Single Converter Systems Review
useful converter transfer functions are derived from that model. Finally, example
closed-loop power systems are analyzed in Sections 6.6 and 6.7.
In reference [12], Middlebrook develops linearized circuit models that can be used to
represent the input, output and control properties of many switching power convert-
ers. The goal of that circuit modeling is well-understood in analogy to the small-signal
modeling of the bipolar transistor [12]. While the nonlinear relations describing the
terminal voltages and currents of the transistor are inconvenient to use when the
device is embedded in an otherwise linear system, one approach is to establish a
linear small-signal model that represents the AC properties of the transistor about
a specified DC (large-signal) operating point [12]. Then, the linearized model is in-
corporated into the overall linear system. The objective of Middlebrook’s canonical
circuit models for power converters is the same. Those models represent the linearized
small-signal properties of the converter about a given DC operating point [12].
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
+ C
Vg − V R
Switching-mode Converter
Duty Ratio
(a) Basic Elements of a switching-mode regulator. The LC input filter and buck converter
are shown as typical realizations [13].
Control Basic DC Low-pass
function conversion filter
e(s)d(s) 1 : M (D)
+ îload (s)
− Ce v̂(s)
v̂g (s) ˆ
j(s)d(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
(b) A small-signal regulator model using Middlebrook’s linearized canonical circuit model of the
power converter [13]. Hats (ˆ) denote small-signal quantities.
Figure 6-2: Canonical circuit modeling developed in references [12, 13] and [14].
6.2. Single Converter Systems Review
Table 6.1: Canonical Model Parameters for CCM-operated Buck, Boost and Buck-
Boost converters with a fixed load R [14]
Buck D L D2 R
1 L sL
Boost D′ D ′2
V 1− D ′2 R D ′2 R
Buck-Boost − DD′ L
D ′2
− DV2 1 − sDL
D ′2 R
− DV′2 R
The converter transfer functions describe the linearized dynamical behavior of the
converter about a fixed operating point. Their derivation is a necessary starting
point for any analysis of a closed-loop regulator.
The mathematical results of the converter transfer function derivations can be
The hats (ˆ) denote small-signal quantities.
the straight line and the wavy line drawn on the transformer element in Figure 6-2(b) are
intended to indicate DC and AC respectively.
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
îload (s)
+ - v̂(s)
Gvd (s) Σ
Figure 6-3: The converter switching section can be represented by an input output
dynamical block diagram consisting of the relevant converter transfer functions.
In Figure 6-3, the superposition of the converter transfer function outputs on the
final output signal reflects the manner in which the converter transfer functions are
derived. Each converter transfer function in the example of Figure 6-3 can be derived
from a circuit model of the converter in a linear superposition sense. Specifically,
having defined the input signal pertaining to each converter transfer function, the
other independent input signals are deactivated. Mathematically, the three notable
converter transfer functions in Figure 6-3 may be defined as follows:
Gvd (s) ≡ (6.1)
ˆ v̂g =0
îload =0
Gvg (s) ≡ (6.2)
v̂g (s) d=0ˆ
îload =0
Ze (s) ≡ . (6.3)
îload (s) d=0 ˆ
v̂g =0
6.2. Single Converter Systems Review
can be represented by inserting canonical model parameters like the ones in Table
6.1 into the results. These generalized derivations are relatively straightforward. For
instance, from Figure 6-2(b), the following converter transfer functions can be written
down by inspection:
λ≡ (6.7)
ZL + Zle
ZL ≡ R||Zce (6.8)
Zce ≡ . (6.9)
The choice of converter transfer functions to derive depends partly on the intended
feedback system. For instance, in a PWM-controlled converter, the feedback system
will control the converter via the duty cycle input. In a voltage-regulated converter,
the feedback system will regulate the converter’s output voltage. The converter trans-
fer function from duty ratio to output voltage, e.g. Gvd , would ultimately be needed
to form the final representation of the closed-loop regulator. On the other hand, if
the feedback system regulates the converter output current by way of the duty cycle,
the converter transfer function from duty cycle to output current would be critical.
For a feedback system that controls the converter based on both output voltage and
current, both transfer functions would be needed.
The converter transfer functions described above are critical because they are ulti-
mately “in the loop.” There is also generally a need to capture the effect of converter
input signals that will not be in the loop. For instance, we are often interested in
the “audio susceptibility” (the effect of the input voltage, v̂g , on the regulator) or
the closed-loop output impedance (the effect of load current perturbations, îload , on
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
the regulator). The converter transfer functions needed to ultimately capture these
effects on the closed-loop system are Gvg and Ze in this example.
Figure 6-4(a) shows a linearized model of a voltage regulated converter and Figure
6-4(b) shows a block diagram represenation of the same system. The dashed box
depicts in Figure 6-4(b) the converter transfer functions defined in equations (6.1)-
(6.3). From Figure 6-4(b), it is explicitly clear that the duty ratio input is “in the
loop” and the other two converter inputs are not.
Regulator transfer functions, both closed-loop and open-loop may be taken di-
rectly from the block diagram. For instance, the closed-loop transfer function from
the reference voltage, v̂ref , to the output voltage, v̂, in Figure 6-4(b) is
v̂(s) 1 T (s)
= (6.10)
v̂ref (s) v̂g =0 H(s) 1 + T (s)
îload =0
This classic result shows that the closed response of the regulator output voltage to
changes in the control voltage approaches H(s)
when the loop gain, T (s), is large
compared to unity. While the other two converter transfer functions do not directly
affect the loop-transfer function, they do impact the closed-loop transfer functions.
For instance, the closed-loop transfer function from input voltage and load current to
output voltage can be written as follows:
v̂(s) 1
= Gvg (s) (6.12)
v̂g (s) v̂ref =0
1 + T (s)
îload =0
6.3. Regulator Example: Voltage Regulated Power System
Le î
v̂f c
− j(s)dˆ1 Ce v̂(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
d̂(s) H(s)
v̂ref (s)
FM Gc (s) Σ
Sensor gain
Figure 6-4: A linearized converter model inserted into a voltage-mode feedback control
loop [14].
v̂(s) 1
= Ze (s) . (6.13)
îload (s) v̂ref =0 1 + T (s)
v̂g =0
These results describe the closed-loop rejection of disturbances. Both of these con-
verter transfer functions from extra input signals appear attenuated by the factor
(1 + T (s)). When the loop gain, T (s), is large, the regulator response to variations
in input voltage and output current will be reduced accordingly.
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
To draw attention to the particular type of generalization needed for the hybrid
power system analysis, the model parameters in Table 6.1, e(s) and j(s), contain
instances of the load resistance, R. Some information is lost when deriving the model
parameters for the single converter-resistive load case because the quantity R may
appear in the results to represent two very different things: the impedance shunting
the load – a small-signal quantity, or the ratio of the DC load current and voltage –
a large signal quantity. In generalizing the model parameters, it is initially unclear
whether to replace any instance of R, with the quantity V /I. However, it is possible
to determine an appropriate generalization based on a fundamental understanding of
the linearized models.
Because the model parameters, e(s) and j(s), are factors in the linearized canonical
ˆ they, by definition, cannot also include
model that multiply the control signal, d,
ˆ would be nonlinear and so would the
other small-signal factors (for instance, e(s)d(s)
resulting circuit model). In other words, e(s) and j(s) are terms that represent and
depend on the DC (large-signal) operating point of the converter. They only depend
on the load in that they may depend on the DC output current I and/or voltage
V . This realization of the canonical circuit model is particularly useful for modeling
multi-converter power systems, because the model parameters depend only internal
converter characteristics and on the DC operating points of the output current and
6.5. Multi-converter Systems
Table 6.2: Canonical Model Parameters for the Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost with a
generalized load
Buck D L D2
1 L sLI
Boost D′ D ′2
V 1− D ′2 V D ′2
Buck-Boost − DD′ L
D ′2
− DV2 1 − sDLI
D ′2 V
− DI′2
The linearized multi-converter model used for the analysis of converter transfer func-
tions is shown in Figure 6-5. It is conceptually important that the analyses treat this
model as a single circuit without any explicit division between the two converters.
When converter transfer functions are derived directly from the circuit in Figure 6-5,
the second converter loads the first and vice versa. The independent inputs shown
include the two duty ratios, dˆ1 and dˆ2 , the two input voltage perturbations, v̂f c and
v̂batt , and the load current perturbation, îload . The output signals labeled are the
input currents, îin1 and îin2 , the converter output currents, îo1 and îo2 , and the load
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
v̂f c
− j1 (s)d̂1 Ce1
d̂1 (s)
v̂batt îload
+ î
− j2 (s)d̂2 Ce2 v̂(s)
Canonical Converter Model
d̂2 (s)
Figure 6-5: The linearized multi-converter model. The battery and fuel cell source
are examples of sources in a multi-source power system.
The source output impedances will be assumed zero-valued for now. The effect of
finite source impedance can be examined in an identical fashion to the effect of input
filters. Those developments will be detailed in Chapter 7.
The converter transfer functions can be derived from the circuit in Figure 6-5. In
our examples of closed-loop regulators, the feedback control will always control the
converter using pulse-width modulation. The converter transfer functions having one
of the duty ratios as an input will therefore be in the loop. Each of the key output
variables can be written as a linear superposition of the output signals from the
6.5. Multi-converter Systems
dˆ1 îo1
dˆ1 + + îo1
d1 +
+ v̂
dˆ2 +
Figure 6-6: The multi-converter switching section can be represented by an input out-
put dynamical block diagram consisting of the relevant converter transfer functions.
converter transfer functions for each of the two duty ratios as follows:
ˆ ˆ v̂ ˆ v̂
v̂(d1 , d2 ) = d1 + dˆ2 (6.14)
d1 dˆ2 =0 ˆ
d2 dˆ1 =0
î î
ˆ ˆ
î(d1 , d2 ) =
d1 +
dˆ2 (6.15)
dˆ1 dˆ =0 dˆ2 dˆ =0
2 1
îo1 îo1
îo1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2 ) = dˆ1 + dˆ2 (6.16)
d1 dˆ =0
d2 dˆ =0
2 1
îo2 îo2
ˆ ˆ
îo2 (d1 , d2 ) = ˆ
d1 + dˆ2 . (6.17)
dˆ1 ˆ
d2 =0
dˆ2 ˆ
d1 =0
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
The two additional converter transfer functions having îload as the input will also
be derived here. A block diagram representation of the superposition expressions
above is shown in Figure 6-6. This block diagram represents the dynamical behavior
of the multi-converter system. It is analogous to the block diagram in Figure 6-3
for single converter systems. This section is focused deriving the converter transfer
functions in the blocks of Figure 6-6. The blocks each correspond to a rational term in
the superposition expressions above. Note that this representation only captures the
effects of select inputs on select outputs that will be important later in our examples.
Neither this representation, nor any representation captures all transfer functions
from all inputs to all outputs.
Here we define the following quantities. The impedance ZL is all of the impedance
that shunts the output node, ZL ≡ R||Zce1||Zce2 and the effective converter output
impedances are Ze1 ≡ Zle1 ||Zce1 and Ze2 ≡ Zle2 ||Zce2, where Zce1,2 ≡ 1/sCe1,2 and
Zle1,2 ≡ sLe1,2 .
From Figure 6-5, the two terms comprising the load voltage can be written down
6.5. Multi-converter Systems
by inspection:
v̂ ZL ||Zle2
= e1 M1 (6.20)
d1 dˆ2 =0 Zle1 + ZL ||Zle2
v̂ ZL ||Zle1
= e2 M2 . (6.21)
dˆ2 dˆ =0 Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
These two terms are the converter transfer functions from the duty ratios to load
voltage. The expression for the load current follows directly from that for the load
voltage, i.e. î = v̂/R.
Having found the converter transfer functions from duty ratio to load voltage, we
can used them to expedite the analyses of the converter output currents as follows.
From Figure 6-5, the two terms comprising the first converter’s output current are
îo1 v̂ 1 v̂ 1
= e1 M1 − −
dˆ1 dˆ2 =0
dˆ1 dˆ2 =0 Zle1 dˆ1 dˆ2 =0 Zce1
e1 M1 v̂ 1
= − (6.22)
Zle1 dˆ1 dˆ2 =0 Ze1
îo1 v̂ 1
= − (6.23)
dˆ2 dˆ1 =0
dˆ2 dˆ1 =0 Ze1
The result for the second converter’s output current can be found, using symmetry
arguments, from the first without too much trouble:
îo2 ZL ||Zle1 e1 M1
=− (6.26)
dˆ1 dˆ =0 Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1 Ze2
îo2 1 1 ZL ||Zle2
= − e2 M2 . (6.27)
dˆ2 ˆd1 =0
Zle2 Ze2 Zle1 + ZL ||Zle2
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
Having derived the converter transfer functions with duty ratios as inputs, we
now derive the converter transfer functions having the load current perturbation as
an input. From Figure 6-5, we have the two constraints:
v̂ Ze2
îo1 = îload + (6.28)
R Ze1 + Ze2
v̂ = −îo1 Ze1. (6.29)
e2 Z
îo1 Ze1 +Ze2
= (6.31)
îload 1 + ZRe1 Ze1Z+Z
= . (6.32)
Ze1 + Ze2 + Ze1RZe2
Combining the result for îload
above with the second constraint leads to
v̂ îo1
=− Ze1 (6.33)
îload îload
Ze1 Ze2
=− . (6.34)
Ze1 + Ze2 + Ze1RZe2
ZL ||Zle2
λ1 ≡ (6.35)
Zle1 + ZL ||Zle2
ZL ||Zle1
λ2 ≡ . (6.36)
Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
These factors may be viewed as the impedance divider ratio from the open circuit
converter output voltage to the load voltage for the first and second converter’s re-
6.5. Multi-converter Systems
1 1 e2 dˆ2
îo1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2 ) = M1 − λ1 e1 dˆ1 − M2 λ2 ; (6.49)
Zle1 Ze1 Ze1
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
Also, the first converter input current can be found using KCL in Figure 6-5:
v̂(dˆ1 , dˆ2)
îin1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2 ) = j1 dˆ1 + M1 îo1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2 ) + . (6.51)
Finally, the results in (6.47)-(6.51) may be simplified in the case that the two convert-
ers are sufficiently identical, i.e. M1 = M2 = M, Zle1 = Zle2 = Zle , Ze1 = Ze2 = Ze ,
λ1 = λ2 = λ:
ˆ ˆ ˆ
v̂(d1 , d2) = Mλ e1 d1 + e2 d2 ˆ (6.52)
Mλ ˆ
î(dˆ1 , dˆ2) = e1 d1 + e2 dˆ2 (6.53)
R !
e ˆ
1 1 1
îo1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2) = M − λ e1 dˆ1 + e2 dˆ2 (6.54)
Zle Ze
e ˆ
2 2 1
îo2 (dˆ1 , dˆ2) = M − λ e2 dˆ2 + e1 dˆ1 (6.55)
Zle Ze
e 1
ˆ1 1
d 1
îin1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2) = j1 dˆ1 + M 2 + − λ e1 dˆ1 + e2 dˆ2 . (6.56)
Zle Zce Ze
6.6. Regulator Example 1: Dual Voltage-mode Regulated Power System
v̂f c
− j1 (s)d̂1 Ce1
v̂ref 1 (s)
FM 1 Gc1 (s) Σ
Le2 î
− j2 (s)d̂2 Ce2 v̂(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
v̂ref 2 (s)
FM 2 Gc2 (s) Σ
ates on the output voltage measurement, the converter output currents are not needed
in this example. Also, the load current perturbations will not be considered in this
example. The ×’s are points that we will break in the block diagram to evaluate loop
transfer functions.
Intuitively, we expect this system to enable the run time integral diagnostics
functionality described in the introduction. The two voltage regulated converters
should behave as low impedance outputs at the load. In generating an excitation
current for EIS measurements of one source, that current should be diverted away
from the load and into the output of the opposite converter. Thus the limitations
that would normally come with and EIS-enabled single converter system are already
overcome with this simple approach.
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
dˆ1 v̂
d1 +
dˆ2 +
v̂ H1 H2
Fm1 Gc1 Σ
x y
v̂ref 1
Fm2 Gc2 Σ
q z
v̂ref 2
Figure 6-8: Dual voltage regulator system block diagram
Here we consider the system in Figures 6-7 and 6-8 in which the second reference
voltage is purely DC, but the first reference voltage is used as a control input. Thus,
v̂ref 1 is designated the “control voltage.” That is,
v̂ref 1 6= 0 (6.57)
v̂ref 2 = 0. (6.58)
6.6. Regulator Example 1: Dual Voltage-mode Regulated Power System
in which it is explicit that, upon addition of voltage-mode feedback control, both duty
ratios now exhibit a functional dependence on the load voltage, v̂. In this system,
dˆ1 also has a functional dependence on the reference voltage v̂ref 1 which has been
taken as a small-signal control input. For simplicity, the rest of this analysis assumes
identical feedback loops so that Fm1 = Fm2 ≡ Fm , Gc1 = Gc2 ≡ Gc , H1 = H2 ≡ H,
e1 = e2 ≡ e, j1 = j2 ≡ j. With these simplifications,
so that
v̂ ˆ ˆ
Here we consider the closed-loop transfer functions, , îo1 , io2 ,
v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 îo1
and v̂ref 1
Closed Loop Transfer Function v̂ref 1
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
v̂ MeFm Gc λ
= . (6.69)
v̂ref 1 1 + 2MeFm Gc Hλ
T ≡ MeFm Gc H, (6.70)
v̂ 1 Tλ
= . (6.71)
v̂ref 1 H 1 + 2T λ
Closed Loop Transfer Function v̂ref 1
î v̂
The transfer function vref 1
can be taken from vref 1
quite simply as follows, i.e. î =
î 1 Tλ
= . (6.72)
v̂ref 1 HR 1 + 2T λ
Closed Loop Transfer Function v̂ref 1
6.6. Regulator Example 1: Dual Voltage-mode Regulated Power System
îo1 1 v̂ 1 v
=M eFm Gc 1 − H − λeFm Gc 1 − 2H
v̂ref 1 Zle v̂ref 1 Ze v̂ref 1
v̂ 1 1 1 1
=M λeFm Gc 2H − eFm Gc H + eFm Gc − λeFm Gc
v̂ref 1 Ze Zle Zle Ze
v̂ 2λT T T λT
= − + −
v̂ref 1 Ze Zle HZle HZe
v̂ 2λT T T 1 λ
= − + − ,
v̂ref 1 Ze Zle H Zle Ze
in which the expression for v̂ref 1
may be substituted from the results above leading
îo1 1 1 Tλ 2λT T T 1 λ
= − + − . (6.75)
v̂ref 1 Ze H 1 + 2T λ Ze Zle H Zle Ze
Simplifying yields the transfer function,
îo1 T λT ( Z2λe − 1
) 1 λ
= + − . (6.76)
v̂ref 1 HZe 1 + 2T λ Zle Ze
Closed Loop Transfer Function vref 1
îo2 eFm Gc H v̂ λeFm Gc v
=M − − 1 − 2H
v̂ref 1 Zle v̂ref 1 Ze v̂ref 1
v̂ 2λT T λT
= − − .
v̂ref 1 Ze Zle HZe
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
in which the expression for v̂ref 1
may be substituted from the results above leading
îo2 1 Tλ 2λT T λT
= − − . (6.79)
v̂ref 1 H 1 + 2T λ Ze Zle HZe
Simplifying in two steps leads to
îo2 λT T ( Z2λe − 1
) 1
= − . (6.80)
v̂ref 1 H 1 + 2T λ Ze
Closed Loop Transfer Function îo1
The ratio of the first converter’s output current to the second converter’s output
current under excitation from v̂ref 1 can be found using a linear combination of two of
the transfer functions above. That is
îo2 îo2 îo1
= (6.81)
îo1 vref 1 vref 1
leading to
T(Z − Z1 )
λT e 1
H 1+2T λ
− Ze
= 2λ . (6.82)
îo1 λT ( Z − Z1 )
e 1 λ
1+2T λ
+ Zle
− Ze
Note that it would be a misinterpretation to view this ratio as “the output current to
the second converter upon injecting an output current to the first converter” because
the denominator in this ratio was not the input signal in this case.
Closed Loop Transfer Function vref 1
Finally, the transfer function from control voltage to the first converter’s input current
can be found as follows. From equation (6.51), the first converter’s input current
îin1 = jFm Gc (v̂ref 1 − H v̂) + M îo1 + . (6.83)
6.6. Regulator Example 1: Dual Voltage-mode Regulated Power System
îin1 v̂ îo1 M v̂
= jFm Gc 1 − H +M + , (6.84)
vrefˆ1 v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 Zce v̂ref 1
v̂ îo1
in which the transfer functions v̂ref 1
and v̂ref 1
have already been derived above so no
further simplification is required.
The results above are summarized here having substituted in the results for the
converter transfer functions:
v̂ 1 λT
= (6.85)
v̂ref 1 H 1 + 2T λ
îo1 T λT ( Z2λe − 1
) 1 λ
= + − (6.86)
v̂ref 1 H 1 + 2T λ Zle Zle
T(Z − Z1 )
λT e 1
H 1+2T λ
− Ze
= 2λ 1 (6.87)
îo1 λT ( Z − Z )
e 1 λ
1+2T λ
+ Zle
− Ze
îin1 v̂ îo1 M v̂
= jFm Gc 1 − H +M + , (6.88)
vrefˆ1 v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 Zce v̂ref 1
T ≡HGc Fm eM (6.89)
ZL ||Zle
λ≡ . (6.90)
Zle + Zle ||ZL
From the results in (6.85)-(6.88), some interesting observations can be made about the
behavior of the system in Figure 6-7. Equation (6.85) describes the output voltage
variation in response to the control voltage. For large T , that transfer function
approaches 1/2H. For a sensor gain of unity (H = 1), the result is 1/2. Perturbing
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
the reference voltage for one converter in this two-converter system, perturbs the
output voltage, half as much as it would in a single-converter system.
Equation (6.86) describes the first converter’s output current variation in response
to the control voltage. For large T , that transfer function approaches T /HZle . For
a sensor gain of unity (H = 1), the result is T /Zle . Equation (6.87) says that for
large T , the second converter’s output current is the opposite of the first converter’s
output current. That is, small-signal currents flow out of one converter and into the
other. This behavior is consistent with the intuition that each converter, operating
under voltage-mode feedback control, behaves as a low impedance to the load.
Equation (6.88) describes the first converter’s input current variation in response
to the control voltage. For large T , that transfer function approaches M v̂ref 1
because v̂ref 1
approaches 1/H. The first converter’s input current is largely its
output current reflected back through the ideal transformer with transformation ratio
Dividing the limiting results for the load voltage response and the first converter’s
input current response leads to M T /Zle
. Because the loop gain is in the denominator,
this is a small quantity. Therefore, the control voltage amplitude needed to generate
suitable excitation currents should lead to relatively small load voltage perturbations.
The open-loop transfer functions are needed, most notably to investigate the stability
of the regulator. For this purpose, we examine the block diagram in Figure 6-8.
Breaking the loop at one point for each error signal, e.g. points a and b, will reveal
the required transfer functions. The open-loop transfer functions can be viewed as
a measure of the signal that returns having broken the loop and injected a signal at
the break. By convention, the open-loop transfer functions are the negative of that
6.6. Regulator Example 1: Dual Voltage-mode Regulated Power System
ratio. Mathematically
T1 = − (6.91)
T2 = − . (6.92)
In the case of two voltage feedback loops, these transfer functions are
T1 = H1 (6.93)
T2 = H2 . (6.94)
Expanding the measured signal, v̂, using linear superposition casts the transfer func-
tions in a more useful form
dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2 v̂
T1 = H1 + (6.95)
x dˆ1 x dˆ2
dˆ2 v̂ dˆ1 v̂
T2 = H2 + . (6.96)
q dˆ2 q dˆ1
v̂ v̂
The converter transfer functions dˆ1
and dˆ2
have already been determined. What is
d1 dˆ2 dˆ1 dˆ2
left is to compute the transfer functions x
, x , q , q as determined by the feedback
The needed transfer functions may be found by inspecting the block diagram. The
duty ratios are
dˆ1 = xGc1 Fm1 (6.97)
ˆ ˆ v̂ ˆ v̂
d2 = −Fm2 Gc2 H2 d1 + d2 (6.98)
dˆ1 dˆ2
so that
= Gc1 Fm1 (6.99)
and !
dˆ2 dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2 v̂
= −Fm2 Gc2 H2 + . (6.100)
x x dˆ1 x dˆ2
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
Solving the system of equations above yields the needed transfer functions
= Gc1 Fm1 (6.101)
dˆ2 Fm2 Gc2 H2 Gc1Fm1 dˆv̂
=− . (6.102)
x 1 + Fm2 Gc2 H2 ˆv̂ d2
The equivalent transfer functions for the second loop are trivial because of the sym-
metry in this example.
Combining the transfer functions in (6.101)-(6.102) with the converter transfer
functions (6.37)-(6.38) and substituting into the expressions in (6.95)-(6.96) will yield
the loop transfer functions required to evaluate the stability of the dual voltage reg-
ulated system.
For large, T = Fm Gc H, the second transfer function approaches Gc1 Fm1 H1 v̂/d1
. In-
serting this expression and the exact expression for x
into the loop gain, T1 from
(6.95) leads to
T1 ≈ 2H1 Gc1 Fm1 . (6.103)
Thus the two loop transfer functions approach twice the loop transfer functions for
two separate single converter systems. This result is due to the symmetrical nature
of the regulator considered in this example.
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
v̂f c
− j1 (s)d̂1 Ce1
- +
d̂1 (s) H1 (s)
v̂ref 1 (s)
FM 1 Gc1 (s) Σ
v̂batt îload
+ î
− j2 (s)d̂2 Ce2 v̂(s)
Canonical Converter Model
v̂ref 2 (s)
FM 2 Gc2 (s) Σ
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
dˆ1 îo1
dˆ1 + + îo1
d1 +
+ v̂
v̂ H2 H1
Fm2 Gc2 Σ
q z
v̂ref 2
Fm1 Gc1 Σ
x y
v̂ref 1
Figure 6-10: Master-slave regulator system block diagram
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
Intuitively, we expect this system to enable the run time integral diagnostics
functionality described in the introduction. The voltage regulated converter should
behave as a low impedance output at the load. In generating an excitation current
for EIS measurements of the first source, that current should be diverted away from
the load and into the output of the voltage-regulated converter. Thus the limitations
that would normally come with and EIS-enabled single converter system are overcome
with this approach. Also, because the first converter is current-regulated, its output
current should remain fixed despite load current perturbations. We will see that
this also implies a relatively fixed input current to the first converter despite load
current perturbations. The voltage-regulated converter naturally accommodates the
excess load current, whether it be positive or negative. Thus the master-slave system
can achieve the current buffering feature needed for fuel cell power processing in
applications having widely varying load power.
Here we consider the system in Figures 6-9 and 6-10 in which the second reference
voltage is purely DC, but the first reference voltage is used as a control input. Thus,
v̂ref 1 is designated the “control voltage.” That is,
v̂ref 1 6= 0 (6.105)
v̂ref 2 = 0. (6.106)
dˆ1 = Fm1 Gc1 v̂ref 1 − H1 Rsense îo1 (6.107)
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
a functional dependence on the reference voltage v̂ref 1 which has been taken as a
small-signal control input. We also consider the case a superimposed load current
perturbation. In this case, the two duty ratios are
In contrast to the first example, we do not assume identical converters here. Ad-
ditionally identical feedback loops is not a valid assumption because the two feedback
loops regulate nonequivalent output variables. Because the analysis of this system is
somewhat more complicated, we approach the analysis starting from a linear signal
decomposition of the transfer functions of interest.
ˆ ˆ
The closed loop transfer functions of interest are v̂
, î , iin1 ,
v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1
and iin1
. The
first three of those closed-loop transfer functions take as an input the control signal
v̂ref 1 . The last of those closed-loop transfer functions, îload
, takes the load current
perturbation as the input. For the closed loop transfer responses to the input îload
we leave the results in terms of the already-derived converter transfer functions for
brevity. Because îload is an external input in both the open-loop and closed-loop cases,
the notation for the closed-loop transfer functions from îload should be specified to
avoid confusion. We will use the following notation to specify the closed-loop transfer
functions as opposed to the converter transfer functions from îload : î v̂ , î îo1 .
load CL load CL
The closed loop transfer functions may be written as linear decompositions as
follows (for the control signal input). The transfer function from the control signal
to the load voltage:
v̂ v̂ dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2
= + , (6.111)
v̂ref 1 CL dˆ1 v̂ref 1 dˆ2 v̂ref 1
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
Additionally, the first converter’s input current can be written as a linear superposi-
tion as follows
îin1 dˆ1 îo1 v̂ 1
= j1 + M1 + . (6.115)
v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1 CL Zce1
The closed-loop transfer with the load current perturbation input may be similarly
written as follows. The transfer function from the load current to the load voltage:
v̂ v̂ dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2
= + , (6.116)
load CL dˆ1 îload dˆ2 îload
Additionally, the first converter’s input current can be written as a linear superposi-
tion as follows
îin1 dˆ1 îo1 v̂ 1
= j1 + M1 + . (6.119)
îload CL îload îload CL îload CL Zce1
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
The linear decomposition forms of the closed-loop transfer functions above highlight
the contributions of the converter transfer functions and the feedback structure.
The analysis of the closed-loop transfer functions having v̂ref 1 as the input can
dˆ1 dˆ2
be reduced to deriving the transfer functions v̂ref 1
and v̂ref 1
based on the feedback
control in this particular example. The analysis of the closed-loop transfer functions
having îload as the input can be reduced to deriving the transfer functions îload
based on the feedback control in this particular example.
Closed Loop Transfer Function dˆ1
dˆ1 = Fm1 Gc1 v̂ref 1 − H1 Rsense îo1 (dˆ1 , dˆ2 ) . (6.120)
The expression for the second converter duty ratio provides a second constraint:
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
Closed Loop Transfer Function v̂ref 1
Replacing dˆ2 with the quantity dˆ1 ddˆ2 in the expression for dˆ1 above and solving for dˆ1
we arrive at
dˆ1 Fm1 Gc1 Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense M2 λ2 Zee1
2 d2
= 1− , (6.126)
v̂ref 1 α α
where we define
1 1
α ≡ 1 + Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense M1 − λ1 e1 . (6.127)
Zle1 Ze1
Closed Loop Transfer Function v̂ref 1
The transfer function from the control input to the second duty ratio can then be
found using the following transformation
Closed Loop Transfer Function îload
From the expressions for the duty ratios in the case that îload is activated and v̂ref 1
is deactivated we have
! ! !!
îo1 îo1 îo1
dˆ1 = −Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense dˆ1 + dˆ2 + îload (6.129)
dˆ1 dˆ2 îload
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
The second duty ratio provides the needed constraint such that
v̂ v̂ v̂
dˆ2 = −F2 dˆ1 + dˆ2 + îload . (6.133)
dˆ1 dˆ2 îload
Substituting this expression for the second duty ratio into the expression for the first
leads to !
F2 dˆ1 v̂
+F2 îload v̂
d̂1 î îo1 îo1
F1 load − îload
1+F2 v̂ dˆ2 îload
dˆ1 = (6.135)
1 + F1 dˆ1
v̂ îo1
F1 F2
îload d̂2 îo1
− F1 îload
= ! . (6.136)
îload F1 F2 v̂
1+F1 ˆo1
1 + F1 dˆ1
Closed Loop Transfer Function îload
The second transfer function can be found having derived the first transfer function
dˆ1 v̂ v̂
dˆ2 F2 îload dˆ1
+ îload
=− . (6.137)
îload 1 + F2 v̂
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
Having substituted the results for the converter transfer functions (6.37)-(6.46) into
the linear decompositions in (6.114)-(6.115), the results above with v̂ref 1 as the closed-
loop transfer function input are summarized here. The closed-loop transfer function
from the control signal to the load voltage:
v̂ dˆ1 dˆ2
= e1 M1 λ1 + e2 M2 λ2 , (6.138)
v̂ref 1 CL v̂ref 1 v̂ref 1
and defined
1 1
α ≡ 1 + Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense M1 − λ1 e1 . (6.145)
Zle1 Ze1
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
Having substituted the results for the converter transfer functions (6.37)-(6.46)
into the linear decompositions in (6.118)-(6.119), the results above with îload as the
closed-loop transfer function input are summarized here. The closed-loop transfer
function from the load current perturbation to the load voltage:
v̂ dˆ1 dˆ2
= e1 M1 λ1 + e2 M2 λ2 , (6.146)
load CL îload îload
and defined
As the voltage feedback gain, Gc2 , increases toward ∞, the ratio dˆ1
→ −1. The
load voltage response to perturbations of the other control signal, v̂ref 1 , approaches
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
the quantity e1 M1 λ1 − e2 M2 λ2 , a term that defines the difference between the two
converter elements, and will be zero for identical converters. That is as the voltage
feedback gain increases, the output voltage is better regulated as expected.
As the loop gains, F1 and F2 increase toward ∞, the closed-loop transfer functions
dˆ1 dˆ2
îload îload
both collapse. Then, all of the closed-loop transfer functions collapse as
well. Significantly, the input current response to load current perturbations collapses
implying that the current regulated converter input current is well buffered from
transients in the load. Note however that the closed-loop transfer function from îload
to the first converter’s output current depends on the reciprocal of that converters
total open-loop output impedance. At zero frequency (DC), an ideal inductor will
yield a converter open-loop output impedance of zero so the reciprocal will approach
∞. The dependence of the first converter’s input current transfer function on the
first converter’s output current transfer function leads to the subtle point that the
quality of the buffering of the first converter’s input current depends quite strongly
on the ESR’s and other added resistances in series with the first converter’s output.
Only those resistances comprise the zero frequency total converter output impedance.
In other words, the current regulation may be viewed as a means for increasing the
open-loop output impedance of the converter. If, however, there is zero open-loop
output impedance, e.g. at zero frequency having zero ESR, the current regulation
can not present a large output impedance.
The open-loop transfer functions can be derived in a similar fashion to those in the
first example. Starting from the general expressions and the block diagram in Figure
T1 = − (6.153)
T2 = − . (6.154)
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
In the case of one voltage and one current feedback loop, these transfer functions are
T1 = H1 Rsense (6.155)
T2 = H2 . (6.156)
Expanding the measured signals using linear superposition casts the transfer functions
in a more useful form
dˆ2 îo1 dˆ1 îo1
T1 = H1 Rsense + (6.157)
x dˆ2 x dˆ1
dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2 v̂
T2 = H2 + . (6.158)
q dˆ1 q dˆ2
The loop transfer function, T2 , corresponds to the voltage feedback loop evidenced
by the converter transfer functions that it depends on most directly and by the error
signal that it corresponds to in the block diagram of Figure 6-10. The loop transfer
function, T1 , corresponds to the current feedback loop.
v̂ îo1
The converter transfer functions dˆ1
and dˆ2
have already been determined. What
dˆ1 dˆ2 dˆ1 dˆ2
is left is to compute the transfer functions x
, x , q , q as determined by the feedback
structure. The needed transfer functions may be found by inspecting the block dia-
gram. We break the loop at one point at a time to inspect one loop transfer function
at a time.
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
so that
= Gc1 Fm1 (6.162)
x !
dˆ2 v̂ dˆ1 v̂ dˆ2
= −Fm2 Gc2 H2 + . (6.163)
x dˆ1 x dˆ2 x
Solving the system of equations above yields the needed transfer functions
= Gc1 Fm1 (6.164)
dˆ2 Fm2 Gc2 H2 Gc1Fm1 dˆv̂
=− . (6.165)
x 1 + Fm2 Gc2 H2 dˆv̂
so that
= Gc2 Fm2 (6.169)
dˆ2 îo1 dˆ1 îo1 dˆ2
= −Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense + . (6.170)
q dˆ1 q dˆ2 q
Solving the system of equations above yields the needed transfer functions
= Gc1 Fm1 (6.171)
dˆ2 Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense Fm2 Gc2 îdˆo1
=− . (6.172)
q î
1 + Fm1 Gc1 H1 Rsense ˆ o1
6. Analysis and Modeling of Feedback-regulated Multi-converter, Multi-source
Power Systems
expressions in (6.157)-(6.158) will yield the loop transfer functions required to evaluate
the stability of the master-slave voltage-current regulated system.
6.7. Regulator Example 2: Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulated Power System
Chapter 7
In the analyses so far, we have assumed an ideal input source - one that has zero-
valued output impedance. Typical requirements for practical designs specify a max-
imum amount of input current ripple. An input filter is often needed to meet these
requirements. However, the addition of an input filter modifies the effective source
impedance presented to the converter. The designer must know how to select input
filter components so that the ideal input source assumption that was implicit in the
converter design is not significantly undermined.
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
The extra element theorem follows from an application of the principle of “null double
injection” to a linear circuit [151]. Upon addition of an extra element to the circuit,
the transfer function of interest can be modified by using the calculated impedance
seen at the “extra element port” under two special cases:
1. The “null-condition” impedance, Zn−c (s), is calculated for the case correspond-
ing to null-double injection. It is the impedance seen at the extra element
port when the transfer function input signal is directed in such a way that the
transfer function output signal is nulled (equal to zero).
2. The “open-loop” impedance, Zo−l (s), is calculated for the case corresponding
to the open-loop behavior. It is the impedance seen at the extra element port
when the transfer function input signal is deactivated (set to zero).
Based on these definitions of the special-case impedances, it should be clear that any
pair of special-case impedances corresponds to a particular transfer function. That
particular transfer function is specified by its input and output signals.
Fundamentally, the extra element theorem uses the unique information obtained
about the circuit by calculating those two special-case impedances to derive the cir-
cuit’s interaction with the extra element itself. The primary result of the ensuing
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
Zo (s) !
1+ Zn−c (s)
CF = Zo (s)
, (7.1)
1+ Zo−l (s)
in which Zn−c (s) is the special-case impedance calculated for the null condition,
Zo−l (s) is the special-case impedance calculated for the open-loop condition and Zo (s)
is the impedance of the extra element itself.
The addition of an input filter modifies the converter transfer functions from Chapter
6. This effect is due to the interaction of the input current perturbation, represented
ˆ in the canonical circuit model of Figure 6-2(b), with the input filter.
by (s)d(s)
Figure 7-1(a) depicts an input filter added onto a converter. The input filter may
be represented to the converter by its Thevenized output impedance (and output
voltage) as suggested by Figure 7-1(b). To calculate the special-case impedances, the
input filter output impedance element, Zo , is left out in favor of the “extra element
port” as suggested by Figure 7-1(c).
Having chosen the converter transfer function to be studied, one can proceed to
derive the corresponding special-case impedances, Zo−l and Zn−c . Based on the def-
initions in Section 7.1.1, the converter transfer function input and output signals
establish the constraints leading to the corresponding special-case impedances. De-
riving the special-case impedances, inserting them into the correction factor from
(7.1) and multiplying by the original converter transfer function yields the corrected
converter transfer function. For instance, the corrected converter transfer function
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
+ +
+ Cf
v̂g − v̂in Converter v̂ R
− −
v̂gth − v̂in Converter v̂ R
− −
− −
Figure 7-1: The EET can be applied by considering the special-case impedances at
the extra element port.
Some example special-case impedances are shown in Table 7.1 for three different
converter types [14]. The results in Table 7.1 were calculated for correcting the duty-
ratio to output voltage converter transfer function, Gvd (s), upon addition of an input
filter [14]. The converter transfer function, Gvd (s), is usually of particular interest
because it is typically “in the loop.” The modification of Gvd (s) by multiplication with
the appropriate correction factor yields a change, and sometimes a degradation, in
the stability of the closed-loop system. For this reason, the special-case impedances
shown in Table 7.1 are historically named ZN and ZD because they appear in the
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
Table 7.1: Special-case impedances for correcting Gvd (s) in CCM-operated converters
with a fixed load, R [14].
R (1+s R +s LC )
L 2
Buck − DR2 D 2 (1+sRC)
(1+s D′2L R +s2 DLC′2 )
Boost −D ′2 R 1 − D ′2 R
D ′2 R (1+sRC)
D ′2 R (1+s D ′2 R +s D ′2 )
L 2 LC
Buck-Boost − DD2R 1 − sDL
D ′2 R D 2 (1+sRC)
numerator and denominator, respectively, of the correction factor for this (typically)
critical transfer function.
From Chapter 7, the converter transfer functions play an important role in the closed-
loop transfer functions for a feedback regulated system. Carrying the correction
factors for the converter transfer functions through to the results for the open-loop
and closed loop transfer functions yields the corrected feedback control behavior.
For example, in equation (6.11), the converter transfer function Gvd (s) appears in
the expression for T (s). The corrected open-loop transfer function becomes
The closed-loop transfer function from reference voltage to output voltage is written as
a function of the loop transfer function. Therefore the corrected closed-loop transfer
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
The expression for the correction factor in (7.1) reveals guidelines for choosing input
filter elements. If the following “impedance inequalities” are met, the corrected trans-
fer function reduces to the original transfer function and the corresponding converter
dynamics are not significantly altered:
Those impedance inequalities qualitatively set upper bounds on the magnitude of the
input filter’s output impedance. The impedance inequalities constitute useful design
criteria because we can plot the three impedances of interest across frequency (bode
plots) and make sure that, at all frequencies, |Zo (s)| is much less than |Zo−l (s)| and
|Zn−c (s)|.
In the context of the duty ratio to output voltage transfer function, Gvd (s), meet-
ing the first inequality will ensure that the filter output impedance is always less than
the negative incremental resistance presented by the inputs of a regulated converter.
For instance, from Tables 6.2 and 7.2, Zn−c (s) for the Buck converter is −V /ID 2 . The
same result can be derived for a lossless (Pout = Pin ), perfectly-regulated converter
(Vout = V = const.) with a fixed load (Iout = I = const.) as follows:
∂Vin ∂ Pout
Zn−c (s) = =
∂Iin ∂Iin Iin
Pout V
= − 2 = − 2.
Iin ID
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
A typical plot of the three impedances of interest in Figure 7-2 illustrates the
design choices required to meet the inequalities in (7.8)-(7.9). In practice, meeting
the inequality in (7.8) is often achieved for LC filter designs by using a damping leg
(a series RC) shunting the input terminals to decrease the magnitude peaking in the
LC filter output impedance. Meeting the second inequality (7.9) is usually achieved
by setting the frequency of the 2nd-order peak in the input filter output impedance
below that of the 2nd-order dip in the output filter input impedance (represented by
Zo−l (s)).
0 |Zn−c(s)|
Magnitude (dB)
3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7-2: A typical frequency plot of the special case impedances, Zn−c (s), Zo−l (s),
and the input filter output impedance, Zo (s), for a single converter system.
The corrected transfer functions can also be used to determine and bound the
effect of adding an input filter if the impedance inequalities are not strictly met.
For example, bode plots of the corrected open-loop transfer functions can reveal the
degradation of the phase margin and therefore the impact of the input filter on the
closed-loop system stability.
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
Zin (s) ˆ
e(s)d(s) 1 : M (D) Le
îload (s)
+ Ce v̂(s)
v̂gth (s) ˆ
j(s)d(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
ZD (s)
1 : M (D) Le
+ Ce v̂(s)
− ˆ =0
d(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
(b) ZD (s)
ZN (s) ˆ v̂(s) → 0
e(s)d(s) 1 : M (D) Le
− Ce v̂(s)
j(s)d(s) R
Canonical Converter Model
(c) ZN (s)
Zg (s) v̂(s) → 0
1 : M (D) Le
+ Ce v̂(s)
v̂gth (s) R
Canonical Converter Model
(d) Zg (s)
Ze (s) v̂(s) → 0
1 : M (D) Le
îload (s)
+ Ce v̂(s)
Canonical Converter Model
(e) Ze (s)
Figure 7-3: Calculating special-case impedances from the canonical circuit model
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
The circuit used for analysis in this section is shown in Figure 7-3(a). The inde-
pendent inputs in that system include the duty ratio, d(s), as well as the (Thevinin)
input voltage, v̂gth (s). It should be understood, before proceeding, that deactivating
ˆ source and opens the correspond-
the duty ratio signal shorts the corresponding ed(s)
ˆ source in that converter model. In analyzing each transfer function, defined
ing j d(s)
by an independent input and a corresponding output, all other independent inputs
are deactivated resulting in a circuit that is a simplified version as shown in Figure
7-3. Here we consider three converter transfer functions, Gvd (s), Gvg (s), and Ze (s).
For the three converter transfer functions considered here, the open-loop special-case
impedance, Zo−l (s) is the same. In analyzing any of the three converter transfer
functions, the independent inputs not corresponding to the transfer function are de-
activated. Further, for the open-loop special-case impedance, the independent input
corresponding to the transfer function of interest is also deactivated leaving no active
independent inputs. The result for the three transfer functions is the same circuit
shown in Figure 7-3(b), and thus the same input impedance, Zin (s). Historically, the
open-loop impedance has been named ZD (s) because it is the special-case impedance
that appears in the denominator of the correction factor for correcting the transfer
function from duty ratio to output voltage [13]. Because the open-loop special-case
impedances are all the same we name them Zo−l (s) = ZD (s) for all of the transfer
From the circuit in Figure 7-3(b), ZD can be found as follows. The input impedance
is simply the impedance at the secondary,
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
Zce (s) ≡ (7.13)
Zle (s) ≡ sLe . (7.14)
The null-condition does not generally allow us to simplify the circuit topologically, or
even to easily write down a closed-form expression of the control signal that leads to
the nulled output signal. In fact, it would (generally) be a misinterpretation of the
null-condition to simply short-circuit the output of the converter in Figure 7-3(a) and,
in most cases, would lead to different and incorrect results. But, the null-condition
often allows us to make observations about the circuit that simplify the calculation,
not of the control signal itself, but of the impedance at the extra element port as a
result of the conditions that the control signal must impose on that circuit to null the
output. For example, to calculate Zn−c (s) for correcting Gvd (s), the transfer function
from dˆ to v̂, in the circuit of Figure 7-3(a), we deactivate the other independent
inputs, v̂g and îload , and null the output v̂ → 0. The resulting circuit is shown in
Figure 7-3(c).
The analysis is simplified by realizing that for a nulled output, the small-signal
voltage across the load impedance is zero so no small-signal current flows through the
load. Therefore, no current flows through Le or through the secondary winding of
the ideal transformer. The primary winding current is therefore also zero. Because
the current through Le is zero, the voltage across it is also zero and the zero-valued
(nulled) output voltage appears at the secondary winding of the ideal transformer.
Therefore, the input voltage and current are simply
v̂in = −e(s)d(s) (7.15)
îin = j(s)d(s), (7.16)
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
ZN (s) = − . (7.17)
Again, for historical reasons, and its importance to the key transfer function, Gvd (s),
the null-condition impedance for this case is reserved the name ZN (s) because it
appears in the numerator of the correction factor (7.1).
Having Thevenized the input filter to account for its output impedance, the Thev-
enized input voltage is written
where H(s) is the multiplicative Thevenin factor. Deactivating the input voltage
(v̂g = 0) will necessarily deactivate the Thevenized input voltage (v̂gth = 0), i.e.
To calculate Zn−c (s) for correcting Gvg (s), the transfer function from v̂gth to v̂, in the
circuit of Figure 7-3(a), we deactivate the other independent inputs, dˆ and îload , and
null the output v̂ → 0. The resulting circuit is shown in Figure 7-3(d).
Again, for a nulled output, the small-signal voltage across the load impedance is
zero so no small-signal current flows through the load. Therefore, no current flows
through Le or through the secondary winding of the ideal transformer. The primary
winding current is therefore also zero. Because the current through Le is zero, the
voltage across it is also zero and the zero-valued (nulled) output voltage appears at
the secondary winding of the ideal transformer. Therefore, the input voltage and
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
îin = 0, (7.21)
Zg (s) = ∞ . (7.22)
To calculate Zn−c (s) for correcting Ze (s), the transfer function from îload to v̂, (the
converter open-loop output impedance) in the circuit of Figure 7-3(a), we deactivate
the other independent inputs, dˆ and v̂gth , and null the output v̂ → 0. The resulting
circuit is shown in Figure 7-3(e).
Now, with a nulled output, the small-signal voltage across the load impedance is
zero so the load current source, îload requires that the current through Le and through
the secondary winding of the ideal transformer is equal to −îload . The primary winding
current is therefore equal to −M(D)îload . The corresponding voltage across Le is
reflected back through the ideal transformer so that the input voltage and current are
îload Zle
v̂in = − (7.24)
îin = −M(D)îload , (7.25)
7.1. Single Converter Systems Review: The Extra Element Theorem for Input
Filter Evaluation
Ze (s) = . (7.26)
M 2 (D)
The generalized results above are summarized in Table 7.2. Those results hold for
CCM-operated converters, and the special-case impedances can be found by looking
up the canonical model parameters in a table such as Table 6.2, where we have defined
Zce (s) ≡ (7.27)
Zle (s) ≡ sLe . (7.28)
Table 7.2: Generalized Input Filter Design Constraints for Single-Converter Systems
null- ZN (s) j(s)
Gvd (s)
condition Ze (s) M (D)2
Ze (s)
Zg (s) ∞ Gvg (s)
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
“Although it would be unlikely that one would want to modify a transfer function
to account simultaneously for two previously unrecognized extra elements, there is
considerable potential advantage to be obtained from a Low-Entropy Expression for
a transfer function in which the influences of two designated elements are directly
exposed, in terms of their [driving point impedances].”
– R.D. Middlebrook, The Two Extra Element Theorem [152]
In this section we extend the application of the extra element theorem to account
simultaneously for two added input filters in a multi-converter, multi-source power
system. The extended version of the EET is the 2EET, which will be reviewed first
before deriving the special-case impedances needed in the correction factors for some
key multi-converter transfer functions.
In [152], Middlebrook presents the two extra element theorem (2EET), the principle
result of which is the correction factor for the ith transfer function:
Z1 Z2 (i) Z1 Z2
1+ (i) + (i) + KN (i) (i)
ZN1 |Z =0 ZN2 |Z =0 ZN1 |Z ZN2 |Z =0
CF (i) = 2 1
2 =0 1
, (7.29)
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
1+ (i) + (i) + KD (i) (i)
ZD1 |Z =0 ZD2 |Z =0 ZD1 |Z =0 ZD2 |Z =0
2 1 2 1
where Z1 and Z2 are the output impedances of the first and second input filters
respectively. The subscripts N and D historically represent “numerator” and “de-
nominator” [14]. In the expression shown in (7.29), impedances with an N subscript
are the null-condition impedances while those with a D subscript are the open-loop
impedances. The interaction parameters can be written (they each have two possible
7.2. Multi-converter Systems: The 2EET for Multiple Input Filter Evaluation
forms) [152]:
(i) (i)
(i) ZN 1 |Z2 =0 ZN 2 |Z1 =0
KN = (i)
= (i)
ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ ZN 2 |Z1 =∞
(i) (i)
(i) ZD1 |Z2 =0 ZD2 |Z1 =0
KD = (i)
= (i)
, (7.31)
ZD1 |Z2 =∞ ZD2 |Z1 =∞
For the ith open-loop transfer function, there are four special-case impedances
shown explicitly in the expression for the corresponding correction factor (7.29):
(i) (i) (i) (i)
ZN 1 |Z2 =0 , ZN 2 |Z1 =0 , ZD1 |Z2 =0 , and ZD2 |Z1 =0 . Additionally, two more special-case
(i) (i)
impedances are required to calculate the interaction parameters, KN and KD as
shown in equations (7.31).
In analogy to the EET for single converter systems, the converter transfer functions
may be corrected by multiplying the converter transfer function by the corresponding
correction factor. Those converter transfer functions that are “in the loop” will carry
the effect of the correction factor to the loop transfer functions and may impact the
stability of the closed-loop system. Some examples of the computations for those
correction factors will be presented at the end of this section.
Also in analogy to the EET for single converter systems, the closed-loop transfer
functions may be modified upon addition of an input filter by inserting the corrected
converter transfer functions into the feedback system.
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
In analogy to the impedance inequalities from (7.8) and (7.9), the expression for the
correction factor in (7.29) or (7.77) suggests that the ith open-loop converter transfer
function will not be impacted significantly if the following impedance inequalities
are met. Recall that meeting these impedance qualities may be sufficient but not
necessary to preserve stability of an otherwise stable regulated power system.
|Z1 | << | ZN 1 |Z2 =0 | (7.32)
|Z2 | << | ZN 2 |Z1 =0 | (7.33)
|Z1 | << | ZD1 |Z2 =0 | (7.34)
|Z2 | << | ZD2 |Z1 =0 | (7.35)
7.2.5 Example: Correction Factors for v̂/dˆ1, v̂/dˆ2, îo1 /dˆ1, and
îo1 /dˆ2 in a Hybrid Power System
This section derives the special-case impedances needed to find the correction factors
for some of the key converter transfer functions from Chapter 7. Figure 7-4 demon-
strates the addition of input filters to the linearized model of a feedback regulated
multi-converter, multi-source system.
The circuit used for analysis in this section is shown in Figure 7-5. The indepen-
dent inputs in that system include the duty ratios for the two converters, dˆ1 (s) and
dˆ2 (s), as well as their (Thevenin) input voltages, v̂gth1 (s) and v̂gth2 (s). It should be
understood, before proceeding, that deactivating one of the duty ratio signals shorts
ˆ source and opens the corresponding j d(s)
the corresponding ed(s) ˆ source in that con-
7.2. Multi-converter Systems: The 2EET for Multiple Input Filter Evaluation
Lf 1 Le1
v̂f c
− j1 (s)d̂1 Ce1
Cf 1
v̂ref 1 (s)
FM 1 Gc1 (s) Σ
Lf 2 +
Le2 î
− j2 (s)d̂2 Ce2 v̂(s) R
Cf 2
Canonical Converter Model
v̂ref 2 (s)
FM 2 Gc2 (s) Σ
Figure 7-4: Multiple input filters added to a dual voltage-regulated power system.
impedances are Ze1 ≡ Zle1 ||Zce1 and Ze2 ≡ Zle2 ||Zce2, where Zce1,2 ≡ 1/sCe1,2 and
Zle1,2 ≡ sLe1,2 .
Designating v̂/dˆ1 as the 1st transfer function, the superscripts for the six special-case
impedances are all (1). The other independent inputs, dˆ2 (s), v̂gth1 (s) and v̂gth2 (s), are
all deactivated leading to some simplification of the circuit in Figure 7-5.
The first special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =0 , is the null-condition impedance at the
first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Because it is
a null-condition impedance, analysis of the circuit should address the fact that the
independent input in this transfer function, dˆ1 , will be directed such that the output
voltage, v̂, is nulled. With this condition, and with the other independent inputs
deactivated, the second inductor voltage is zero, v̂le2 = 0, so the current through that
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
Zin1 (s)
e1 (s)dˆ1 (s) 1 : M (D1 ) îo1
Zin2 (s)
e2 (s)dˆ2 (s) 1 : M (D2 ) îo2
Le2 î
Canonical Converter Model
Figure 7-5: The circuit used for calculating the special-case impedances for the 2EET
correction factors.
inductor is zero, île2 = 0. Since the output voltage is nulled, v̂ = 0, the load current
is also zero, î = 0, and by KCL the inductor current of the first converter must then
be zero, île1 = 0. There is no current flowing through the first inductor so the voltage
drop across it is zero, v̂le1 = 0, and, by KVL, the voltage across the first secondary
and therefore its primary is zero, v̂pri1 = 0. Therefore, the voltage across the extra
element port is simply v̂in = −e1 dˆ1 (s) and the current through the extra element port
must be îin = j1 dˆ1 (s) so that their ratio - the impedance seen at the extra element
port - is
(1) e1
ZN 1 |Z2 =0 = − . (7.36)
The second special-case impedance, ZN 2 |Z1 =0 , is the null-condition impedance at
the second extra element port with the first extra element port shorted. Solving the
7.2. Multi-converter Systems: The 2EET for Multiple Input Filter Evaluation
Dividing these two constraints leads directly to a statement of the impedance seen at
the second extra element port:
(1) Zle2
ZN 2 |Z1 =0 = . (7.39)
The third special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =0 , is the open-loop impedance at the
first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Now the in-
dependent input in the transfer function of interest is deactivated leaving all of the
independent inputs deactivated. Solving the circuit in Figure 7-5 among these con-
ditions leads to four constraints:
Combining the first two constraints and combining the last two constraints leads to
v̂ Zle2 + ZL
îin = M1 (7.44)
R Zle2
1 ZL ||Zle2 + Zle1
v̂in = v̂ . (7.45)
M1 ZL ||Zle2
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
The fourth special-case impedance can be taken from the third from symmetry argu-
(1) Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
ZD2 |Z1 =0 = . (7.47)
The remaining two special-case impedances are needed to determine the inter-
action parameters in the correction factor. Note that from (7.31), there is some
redundancy in the choice of these final special-case impedances. Here we derive,
(1) (1) (1)
ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ and ZD1 |Z2 =∞ . The fifth special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ , is the null-
condition impedance at the first extra element port with the second extra element
port open-circuited. Because the second port is open-circuited, the current through
the second primary must be zero, îpri2 = 0, and so must the current through the
second inductor, île2 = 0. Since the output voltage is nulled, v̂ = 0, the load current
is also zero, î = 0, and by KCL the inductor current of the first converter must then
be zero, île1 = 0. Then, there is no current flowing through the first inductor so its
voltage drop is zero, v̂le1 = 0 so that by KVL, the voltage across the first secondary
and therefore its primary is zero, v̂pri1 = 0. Therefore, the voltage across the extra
element port is simply v̂in = −e1 dˆ1 (s) and the current through the extra element port
must be îin = j1 dˆ1 (s) so that their ratio - the impedance seen at the extra element
port - is
(1) e1
ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ = − . (7.48)
This result is identical to the result for the first special-case impedance. This fact
leads to a numerator interaction parameter of unity and an interesting simplification
of the resulting correction factor.
The sixth and final special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =∞ , is the open-loop impedance
at the first extra element port with the second extra element port open-circuited.
Because the second port is open-circuited, the current through the second primary
must be zero, îpri2 = 0, and so must the current through the second inductor, île2 = 0.
Then, the current through the first inductor becomes
île1 = . (7.49)
ZL + Zle1
7.2. Multi-converter Systems: The 2EET for Multiple Input Filter Evaluation
v̂in = (7.50)
îin = M1 île1 = M1 . (7.51)
ZL + Zle1
(1) ZL + Zle1
ZD1 |Z2 =∞ = . (7.52)
The special case impedances for calculating the correction factor of the open-loop
transfer function v̂/dˆ1 derived above are summarized here:
Designating v̂/dˆ2 as the 2nd transfer function, the superscripts for the six special-case
impedances are all (2). The other independent inputs, dˆ1 (s), v̂gth1 (s) and v̂gth2 (s), are
all deactivated leading to some simplification of the circuit in Figure 7-5.
The special case impedance for calculating the correction factor of the second
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
open-loop transfer function of interest, v̂/dˆ2 , can be similarly derived or inferred from
the correction factor for the first by symmetry arguments. This leads to:
(2) Zle1
ZN 1 |Z2 =0 = (7.59)
M12 (D1 )
(2) −e2 (s)
ZN 2 |Z1 =0 = (7.60)
j2 (s)
(2) Zle1 + ZL ||Zle2
ZD1 |Z2 =0 = (7.61)
M12 (D1 )
(2) Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
ZD2 |Z1 =0 = (7.62)
M22 (D2 )
and the additional special-case impedances required to calculate the interaction pa-
(2) (2)
rameters, KN and KD , are
Similar calculations lead to the special-case impedances for correcting the converter
transfer functions from the duty ratios to the first converter’s output current. The
derivations can be found in Appendix B.3. The special case impedances for calculat-
ing the correction factor of the open-loop transfer function îo1 /dˆ1 derived above are
summarized here:
7.2. Multi-converter Systems: The 2EET for Multiple Input Filter Evaluation
where ZL is the total impedance shunting the converter outputs, i.e. ZL = R||1/(s(C1+
C2 )), in Figure 7-4. The additional special-case impedances required to calculate the
(1) (1)
interaction parameters, KN and KD , are
The special case impedances for calculating the correction factor of the open-loop
transfer function îo1 /dˆ2 are derived in Appendix B.4. The results are summarized
where ZL is the total impedance shunting the converter outputs, i.e. ZL = R||1/(s(C1+
C2 )), in Figure 7-4. The additional special-case impedances required to calculate the
(1) (1)
interaction parameters, KN and KD , are
Note that from the results above, the “numerator interaction parameter” equals one
(KN = 1) for each of the transfer functions. This fact, which is characteristic of
the hybrid power system in Figure 7-5, simplifies the numerical computation of the
7. The Effect of Multiple Input Filters in Multi-converter, Multi-source Power
correction factors, CF (i) , because, in that case, the numerator is exactly factorable
as follows:
Z1 Z2
1+ (i) 1+ (i)
ZN1 |Z =0 ZN2 |Z =0
CF (i) = 2
. (7.77)
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
1+ (i) + (i) + KD (i) (i)
ZD1 |Z =0 ZD2 |Z =0 ZD1 |Z =0 ZD2 |Z =0
2 1 2 1
This function returns magnitude and phase vectors for the closed-loop transfer func-
tion î for the master-slave current-voltage regulated power system. This is
load CL
an example transfer function computation demonstrating the approach to computing
numerical values for high order rational polynomials. This example also demonstrates
7.3. Numerical Computation of High Order Rational Polynomials
z l e 1 = ESRle1+s ∗ Le1 ;
z l e 2 = ESRle2+s ∗ Le2 ;
z c e 1 = ESRce1 +1/( s ∗Ce1 ) ;
z c e 2 = ESRce2 +1/( s ∗Ce2 ) ;
z e 1 = 1∗ z l e 1 ∗ z c e 1 / ( z l e 1+z c e 1 ) ;
z e 2 = z l e 2 ∗ z c e 2 / ( z l e 2+z c e 2 ) ;
z c = z c e 1 ∗ z c e 2 / ( z c e 1+z c e 2 ) ;
z l = z c ∗R/ ( z c+R ) ;
z l p z l e 1 = ( z l ∗ z l e 1 / ( z l+z l e 1 ) ) ;
z l p z l e 2 = ( z l ∗ z l e 2 / ( z l+z l e 2 ) ) ;
lambda1 = f r e q r e s p ( z l p z l e 2 , e v a l v e c t o r ) . / f r e q r e s p ( z l e 1+z l p z l e 2 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
lambda2 = f r e q r e s p ( z l p z l e 1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) . / f r e q r e s p ( z l e 2+z l p z l e 1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
F1 = f r e q r e s p ( t f (Fm1∗Gc1∗H1∗ R sen se ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
F2 = f r e q r e s p ( t f (Fm2∗Gc2∗H2 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
d 1 o v e r i l o a d = ( ( ( F1 . ∗ F2 . ∗ v o v e r i l o a d o l . ∗ i o 1 o v e r d 2 ) . / ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) . . .
+F2 . ∗ v o v e r d 2 )) −F1 . ∗ i o 1 o v e r i l o a d o l ) . / ( ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) + . . .
F1 . ∗ i o 1 o v e r d 1 ) . ∗ ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) −(F1 . ∗ F2 . ∗ v o v e r d 1 . ∗ i o 1 o v e r d 2 ) . . .
. ∗ ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r )+F1 . ∗ i o 1 o v e r d 1 ) . / ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r )+F2 . ∗ v o v e r d 2 ) ) ) ;
d 2 o v e r i l o a d = −F2 . ∗ ( d 1 o v e r i l o a d . ∗ v o v e r d 1+v o v e r i l o a d o l ) . / ( f r e q r e s p ( t f ( 1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) . . .
+F2 . ∗ v o v e r d 2 ) ;
i o 1 o v e r i l o a d c l = ( f r e q r e s p (M1/ z l e 1 , e v a l v e c t o r )−lambda1 . / . . .
f r e q r e s p ( ze1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ) . ∗ f r e q r e s p ( t f ( e1 ) , e v a l v e c t o r ) . ∗ d 1 o v e r i l o a d − . . .
lambda2 . ∗ d 2 o v e r i l o a d . ∗ f r e q r e s p (M2∗ e2 / ze1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
v o v e r i l o a d c l = lambda1 . ∗ d 1 o v e r i l o a d . ∗ f r e q r e s p ( t f ( e1 ∗M1) , e v a l v e c t o r ) + . . .
lambda2 . ∗ d 2 o v e r i l o a d . ∗ f r e q r e s p ( t f ( e2 ∗M2) , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
%% R e s u l t s
mag = 20∗ l o g 1 0 ( ab s ( r e s u l t ( : ) ) ) ;
p h a s e = 180/ p i ∗ ( unwrap ( a n g l e ( r e s u l t ( : ) ) ) ) ;
Chapter 8
8.1. Fuel Cell Overview
load provided that a sufficiently rich test signal can be introduced in addition to the
load, as in [153]. This work demonstrates the use of power electronics to impose a test
signal while delivering power to a load. This characterization consists of calculations
of whole stack impedance spectroscopy and time-domain model parameters, using
both the switching waveform, or “ripple”, of the power electronics connected to the
stack and an exogenous excitation. This method requires only instrumentation at
the stack electrical terminals, and could be integrated with the controls of existing
power electronics to provide non-invasive, low cost stack prognostics. The underlying
motivation of this work, not directly addressed here, is that we may ultimately be
able to improve reliability and mitigate materials challenges through controls at the
electrical terminals that are richly informed of the state of the stack.
− Vcell +
2e− 2− 2e−
2 .5 O
H 2O O2
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
Figure 8-2 shows a photograph of the actual stack used for testing in this work.
The stack is a 5 kW nominal, Fuel Cell Technologies / Siemens Alpha-8 tubular solid
oxide fuel cell using city natural gas as a fuel. The vents at the top are for intake and
exhaust, and this particular unit was also configured with a recuperator that could be
used to heat water for a combined heat and power application. This unit is designed
for three-phase grid-tie operation. However, for purposes of this study we were able
to access and connect power electronics to the terminals of the stack and monitor the
response of the stack to test signals imposed by those power electronics.
8.1. Fuel Cell Overview
Figure 8-2: A 5 kW Siemens / Fuel Cell Technology stack used for testing.
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
where V̂c (jω) and Iˆc (jω) are estimates of the spectral content of the electrical terminal
responses vc (t) and ic (t). The process of estimating spectral content of signals using
sampled data and discrete-time Fourier transform techniques, including windowing
and other considerations, is reviewed in [154] among others. The excitation ic (t)
imposed at the electrical terminals must be broadly exciting, in the sense of having
significant power at frequencies where it is desired to have a good estimate of Z(jω).
If Iˆc (jω) at some frequency is small or dominated by noise, the variance in Ẑ(jω) can
be large. In practice, we avoid this by not evaluating Z(jω) for frequencies where the
signal content in the Ic (jω) is small in comparison to a threshold.
8.1. Fuel Cell Overview
where v(t) is the stack voltage, i(t) is the stack current, Voc is the open circuit stack
voltage, R is a resistance, L is a inductance, and s is the dt
The parameters of (8.4) are conveniently estimated using the operator substitution
technique in [154]. The low-pass filter operator
λ= . (8.5)
1 + sτ
s= . (8.6)
This is appealing because λτ , λi(t), and λv(t) can be evaluated using a discrete-time
implementation of λ applied to the data. These quantities can be arranged in a least-
squares tableau to obtain estimates for the parameters Voc , R, and L. Setting λτ Voc
to the final value, we form the following equations
τ −τ λi[1] (λ − 1)i[1] τ λv[1]
τ −τ λi[2] (λ − 1)i[2] τ λv[2]
R = (8.8)
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
τ −τ λi[n] (λ − 1)i[n] τ λv[n]
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
This was confirmed by SynQor Applications Engineering.
8.2. Dual Voltage Regulated Power System Architecture
(a) A simplified connection diagram of the hybrid system built from off-the-shelf compo-
Fuel Cell
Zf c Lf 1 v̂
Vf c + Cf 1
Lf 2
Vbatt Cf 2
Figure 8-3: A hybrid power system with EIS functionality built from off-the-shelf
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
Conceptually, the hybrid system enables run-time fuel cell diagnostics by provid-
ing a means for exciting the fuel cell with a small-signal current originating at the
secondary source (the battery in this case), while the load current itself is largely
unaffected by the EIS measurement. The small-signal current paths corresponding to
this behavior are depicted in Figure 8-3(b).
Figure 8-4: An oscilloscope screen shot showing the battery and fuel cell currents
during run-time EIS (≈100 Hz). Top to bottom: load voltage (ch2), fuel cell current
(ch3),battery current (ch4), control signal (ch1).
Figures 8-5, 8-6, and 8-7 show calculated and simulated closed-loop transfer func-
tions for the multi-converter power system. The magnitude and phase plots of îo2 /îo1
in Figure 8-5, confirm our intuition that, at low frequency, the currents out of the
two converters are equal and opposite (small-signal currents flow out of one and into
the other). This behavior corresponds to the time-domain data shown in the scope
shot of Figure 8-4, taken from the experimental system of Figure 8-3.
Figures 8-6 and 8-7 show that the transconductance from the control voltage,
v̂ref 1 , to input current, îin1 , is large and the corresponding load voltage perturbation,
8.2. Dual Voltage Regulated Power System Architecture
v̂, is small. This amounts to the desired characteristic of an EIS-capable hybrid power
system that the load voltage will be largely unaffected by the run-time EIS behavior.
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
i /i
o2 o1
Calculated G = 1000
Simulated G = 1000
Calculated G = 100
|io2/io1| (dB)
−40 Simulated Gc = 10
Calculated Gc = 1
Simulated Gc = 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(a) Magnitude
o2 o1
∠ i /i
80 Calculated Gc = 1000
Simulated G = 1000
60 Calculated Gc = 100
Simulated G = 100
40 Calculated Gc = 10
Simulated Gc = 10
20 Calculated G = 1
Simulated Gc = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(b) Phase
8.2. Dual Voltage Regulated Power System Architecture
i /v
in1 ref1
|iin1/vref1| (dB)
Calculated Gc = 1000
Simulated Gc = 1000
Calculated Gc = 100
20 Simulated Gc = 100
Calculated Gc = 10
Simulated G = 10
Calculated Gc = 1
Simulated Gc = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
|v/vref1| (dB)
Calculated Gc = 1000
Simulated G = 1000
Calculated Gc = 100
Simulated Gc = 100
Calculated G = 10
−100 c
Simulated Gc = 10
−120 Calculated G = 1
Simulated Gc = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
Lf 1 Lf 3
Figure 8-8: The input filter for the fuel cell converter.
For this example, we consider the input filter shown in Figure 8-8, which includes
both the internal input filter components provided on the off-the-shelf Buck converter
from Figure 8-3(a) as well as the external input filter components that we added, Lf 1 ,
Cf 1 and RD1 . The internal input filter components are:
Cf 3 = 8.8 µF (8.9)
Lf 3 = 2.2 µH (8.10)
Having set the pass band and rollover frequencies, largely by choosing Lf 1 , the filter
8.3. Input Filter
Magnitude (db)
3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10
Phase (deg)
3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8-9: The current transfer function for the fuel-cell leg input filter
transfer function is shown in Figure 8-9. The damping leg formed by Cf 1 and RD1 in
Figure 8-8 is intended to limit the magnitude peaking in the output impedance of the
filter. However, as the impedance of the damping leg decreases it provides a shunt
path that diminishes the transmission of excitation currents to the fuel cell terminals.
Moreover, due to natural bandlimiting in the system, the designer may actually want
to exploit the resonance at the edge of the pass band in Figure 8-9 to achieve some
current amplification at that frequency. Both of these considerations qualitatively
lower-bound the damping resistor, RD1 , a constraint which directly contends with
the impedance inequalities in (7.32)-(7.35).
Figure 8-10 shows a magnitude plot of the special-case impedances for correcting
v̂/dˆ1 as well as the output impedances from the filters used in our system. Note that
the two resonances in Zo (solid line) correspond to the two resonances in the filter
transfer function of Figure 8-9. Because the impedance inequalities in (7.32)-(7.35)
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
are not strictly met, as is evidenced by the plot in Figure 8-10, we need to examine the
quantitative impact of the input filters on the converter open-loop transfer functions.
A plot of the correction factors, CF (i) , for the ith converter open-loop transfer function
from (7.29) is the most direct way of analyzing the effect of the input filters on system
ZD1|Z =0
60 2
ZD2|Z =0
40 Zo1,Zo2
|Z| (db)
0 2 4 6 8
10 10 10 10 10
Figure 8-10: The special case impedances for correcting v̂/dˆ1 and the input filter
output impedances with system parameters: VF C = 28V, Vbatt = 48V, Vout =12V,
R = 2Ω, Le = 1µH, Ce = 1µF
Bode plots of the correction factors, CF (1) and CF (2) , for the converter open-
loop transfer functions, v̂/dˆ1 and v̂/dˆ2 respectively, are shown in Figure 8-11.2 The
correction factor, CF (2) , introduces a significant additional phase lag near 105 rps.
However, the phase lag will not degrade the phase margin unless that phase lag
occurs at the cross-over frequency of the entire regulator loop transfer function. In
some cases, i.e. when the impedance inequalities in (7.32)-(7.35) are grossly violated,
The simulated data overlayed in the plots of Figure 8-11 was extracted from LTSPICE by
comparing simulations of the open-loop transfer functions with and without the input filters in
8.3. Input Filter
the correction factor will contribute phase lag for a wide band of frequencies likely
causing instability. Because the phase lag in this example is contributed for only
a narrow range of frequencies it is unlikely to cause instability. The values for the
external input filter components in this example were
Cf 1 = 100 µF (8.12)
RD1 = 10 Ω (8.13)
Lf 1 = 6 µH. (8.14)
These were also the values for the filters used in the system of Figure 8-3 represented
by Lf and Cf .
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
100 Simulated
∠ CF (deg)
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(a) CF (1)
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ CF2 (deg)
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(b) CF (2)
Figure 8-11: Correction factors CF (1) and CF (2) with system parameters: VF C = 28V,
Vbatt = 48V, Vout =12V, R = 2Ω, Le = 1µH, Ce = 1µF
8.4. Experimental Setup
HP 6010A Secondary HYBRID Input
DC 48 V DC 3 Phase
A6303 Grid Tie
AC 3
Stack Current Alpha 8
Command 5 kW Stack
TEK TM5003
TEK 5205 TEK 1103 PXI 5122
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
8.5 Results
Figure 8-14 shows typical data collected from the test setup in Figure 8-12 with a
1 kHz exogenous excitation imposed by control of the test power electronics. The
triangular ripple current in 8-14 at roughly 12 kHz is due to the operation of the
front-end boost converter in the Siemens power management system. The current
and voltage levels in 8-14, nominally 90 A and 28 V, were typical of the stack load
during testing.
Measured Data
Parametric Model
i(t), A
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Time, ms
Figure 8-15 shows Nyquist plots of the impedance Ẑ(jω) obtained from the re-
sponse of the stack to the built-in power electronics ripple and the power electronic
test signal. The plots were prepared according to the convention for electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy results. Figure 8-15(a) shows a plot representing impedances
for all frequencies with significant content. The discrete clusters correspond to har-
monics of the triangular boost-converter switching waveform, while the more contin-
uous low-frequency data shows the response to the test signal. As the frequency of
the harmonics increases, the amplitude decreases, and the variance in the impedance
estimate increases. Figure 8-15(b) is an expanded view of the low frequency portion
corresponding to the exogenous excitation. The arc shape of the curve in Figure 8-
8.5. Results
15(b) is consistent with the series connection of parallel RC elements often used in
equivalent circuit models of fuel cells.
105 29
v(t), V
i(t), A
75 26.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time, ms Time, ms
(a) Stack current as a function of time. (b) Stack voltage as a function of time.
Data corresponding to a 1 kHz power electronic excitation were used to identify the
parametric model in 8.1.2. The parameter estimates were Voc = 34.1V , R = 0.0690Ω,
and L = 0.43 µH. These results compare favorably to those in [153], where the
values for these parameters based on data taken months earlier were found to be
Voc = 34.7 V, R = 0.0677 Ω, and L = 0.471 µH. The decrease in voltage and
increase in resistance are likely due to the gradual degradation of stack performance
observed over this time period. The latest parameters were used for an output-error
prediction of the time-domain current waveform in response a 5.4 kHz excitation.
This cross-validation result is shown in 8-13.
8. Design Example 1: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Grid-Tied Fuel Cell
−Im{Z(ω)}, Ω
−Im{Z(ω)}, Ω
0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1
Re{Z(ω)}, Ω
Figure 8-15: Whole stack impedance spectroscopy results. (a) Stack response to
ripple current and power electronic test signal. (b) Low-frequency portion of stack
response showing response to power electronic test signal.
8.5. Results
Chapter 9
This section presents a hybrid power system designed for integral fuel cell diagnos-
tics in applications having widely varying load power. The primary function of the
hybrid power system will be to provide a fixed fuel cell operating current with a
superposed frequency sweepable EIS signal despite varying load currents. As an il-
lustrative example, the integral diagnostic functionality of the hybrid power system
is demonstrated under simulated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) time-domain load
profiles. The underlying motivation to diagnose and even heal a damaged fuel cell
is demonstrated experimentally through intentional damaging followed by recovery
in conjunction with runtime impedance measurements that support predegradation,
postdegradation, and postrecovery conditions of the fuel cell.
9.1. Current-Voltage Regulated Power System Architecture
The design of the buck converters and the feedback control is detailed here. The
feedback control circuitry was designed for good voltage and current regulation, wide
bandwidth to support the frequency sweepable EIS signal as well as the obvious need
for stable closed loop operation. A useful target for the fuel cell (FC) EIS signal
bandwidth is 1 kHz.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
9.2. Feedback Compensation
Lf 2 v̂
Vin+ Vo+
Vbatt Cf 2 Buck
Vin− Vo−
Fuel Cell
Zf c Lf 1 îo1
Vf c + Cf 1
Lf 2 v̂
Vbatt Cf 2
Figure 9-1: A hybrid power system with EIS functionality built upon a Master-Slave
current-voltage regulated architecture.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf dB (at Inf rad/sec) , Pm = 44.1 deg (at 1.13e+005 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Bode Diagram
Gm = Inf dB (at Inf rad/sec) , Pm = 54.2 deg (at 1.03e+005 rad/sec)
Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)
2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 9-2: Open-loop bode plots indicate tradeoffs among loop bandwidth, switching
frequency attenuation and stability.
9.3. Closed-Loop Responses
I /V I /V
in1 ref1 o1 ref1
40 50
| (db)
|io1/vref1| (db)
|i /v
−60 −150
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
100 0
50 −50
∠ iin1/vref1 (deg)
∠ io1/vref1 (deg)
0 −100
−50 −150
−100 −200
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
(a) Control voltage to fuel cell current (b) Control voltage to first converter’s output
V/V I /I
ref1 in1 load
50 20
| (db)
|v/vref1| (db)
in1 load
|i /i
−150 −80
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
200 −150
∠ iin1/iload (deg)
∠ v/vref1 (deg)
−200 −300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
(c) Control voltage to load voltage (d) Load current to fuel cell current
Figure 9-3: Simulated closed-loop bode plots indicate suitable fuel cell excitation
current bandwidth, good load voltage regulation and good fuel cell current buffering.
Figure 9-3(a) shows the fuel cell current in response to the control voltage. It
shows a bandwidth that is sufficient for the target 1 kHz upper band limit on fuel
EIS currents. Figure 9-3(c) indicates a relatively small magnitude transfer function
from the control voltage to the load voltage. The response in Figures 9-3(a) and
9-3(c) confirm that the control signal needed to achieve suitable excitation currents
for the EIS measurements should lead to a relatively small disturbance of the load.
Finally, Figure 9-3(d) shows the fuel current response to load current perturbations.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
The plot shows a significant attenuation at low frequency in this regard indicating
suitable buffering of the fuel cell current from the variations in the load current.
From the discussion in Section 6.7, the zero frequency closed-loop output impedance
of the current-regulated converter relies on series resistances. Figure 9-4 shows the
closed loop transfer function of the first converter’s input current to load current
perturbations having added 500 mΩ of series resistance to that converter’s output
inductor. The plots shows an added 20 db of attenuation at low frequency. However
the added resistance represents an extra 50 W of dissipation for 10 A of output
current. Clearly, if this method is used to improve current buffering, there will be a
tradeoff in efficiency, not to mention complexity in thermal management.
| (db)
in1 load
|i /i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ iin1/iload (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 9-4: Closed loop response from load current to fuel cell current with 500 mΩ
of extra inductor ESR.
9.4. Input Filter
ESRd Cin
Having designed the converter to meet the dynamic requirements of the runtime
integral diagnostics, we add an input filter to attenuate switching frequency content
at the fuel cell and battery terminals. The evaluation of the chosen input filters for
regarding their impact on closed-loop stability was guided by the application of the
2EET detailed in Section 7.2. The filter was chosen not only to attenuate switching
ripple, but to pass the excitation signal among the stability guidelines imposed by
the 2EET.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Magnitude (dB)
−0.4 −100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1 0
Input Filter 1 TF
0.5 −45
Phase (deg)
∠ CF1 (deg)
−1.5 −180
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
|CF1| (db)
Magnitude (dB)
−1 −50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 0
Input Filter 1 TF
5 −45
Phase (deg)
∠ CF (deg)
0 −90
−5 −135
−10 −180
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
|CF | (db)
Magnitude (dB)
−4 −50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
40 0
Input Filter 1 TF
20 −45
Phase (deg)
∠ CF (deg)
0 −90
−20 −135
−40 −180
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 9-6: The tradeoff between input filter negative phase contribution and band-
9.4. Input Filter
The basic input filter topology is shown in Figure 9-5. The filter elements Lin
and Cin are chosen for good attenuation at the switching frequency. The capacitor
Cd is chosen to be very large so that it represents a low impedance at frequencies
near the bandwidth imposed by Lin and Cin . The damping resistor, Rd , is chosen
to limit the peaking the output impedance of the input filter in order to satisfy the
impedance inequalities derived from the 2EET in Section 7.2. Decreasing the value
of Rd improves this effect. However, the value of Rd can be optimized to pass EIS
excitation signals. Figure 9-6 illustrates the tradeoff between the first converter’s
input filter bandwidth and the negative phase contribution for one of the correction
A compromise in the value of Rd was chosen for acceptable phase margin and op-
timized transmission of EIS signals to the fuel cell terminals. The input filter transfer
functions are shown in Figure 9-7. The corresponding extra-element correction factor
bode plots are shown in Figures 9-8 and 9-9. The input filter transfer function for
the fuel cell converter shows good transmission of the EIS signal while the correction
factors indicate acceptable maximum negative phase contributions. Note also that
the negative phase contributions indicated by the correction factors are narrowband.
That is, they will only impact the stability if the location of the negative phase con-
tribution is very close to the cross-over frequency of the corresponding loop transfer
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Input Filter 1 TF
Phase (deg)
2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
Input Filter 2 TF
Phase (deg)
2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
9.4. Input Filter
|CF1| (db)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ CF1 (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(a) CF1
|CF2| (db)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ CF2 (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(b) CF2
Figure 9-8: Extra element correction factors for the voltage feedback loop
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
|CF3| (db)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ CF3 (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(a) CF3
|CF4| (db)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
∠ CF4 (deg)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
(b) CF4
Figure 9-9: Extra element correction factors for the current feedback loop
9.5. Implementation
9.5 Implementation
The implemented hybrid power system schematic is shown in Appendix B.1.2. The
switching sections are Buck converters using synchronous rectifiers to enable bidirec-
tional current flow. The MOSFETs were chosen to support an output current of 20 A
and an input voltage of 15 V. Light RC snubbers reduce losses resulting from ringing
drain-source ringing. The EIS control signal is ac-coupled into the fuel cell side con-
trol loop at vref ac . To accommodate the possibility of a negative fuel cell operating
current e.g. one that would be appropriate for a reversible fuel cell, an adjustable
offset is added to the fuel cell side output current measurement (“Negative output
current adjust”).
A single op-amp circuit serves as a lead compensator, gain and subtractor on the fuel
cell side. The additional high frequency pole is added by the simple RC low-pass filter
that follows the lead compensator. The lead compensator-gain-subtractor in Figure
9-10(a) has the transfer function
R1 1 + sC(R2 + R3 )
vo = (v1 − v2 ) . (9.1)
R3 1 + sCR2
Step responses were taken from the implemented system most notably to verify closed-
loop stability. Figure 9-11 shows the step response from the first converter’s control
voltage to the first converter’s output current. The step response indicates suitable
phase margin for the current-feedback loop in agreement with the simulated loop
transfer function in Figure 9-2(a). The small-signal step response shows a 90% rise
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
V2 R2 C
R2 C
V1 R3
Gain-Lead compensator-Subtractor
vref R1 1+sC(R2 +R3 ) HF
Σ R3 1+sCR2 Pole
(b) The gain-lead compensator-subtractor block diagram representation
ωh ≈ = 88 krps, (9.2)
which is in good agreement with the simulated closed loop response in Figure 9-3(b).
From [92], because the current-control loop exhibits a phase margin of 45◦ , we expect
approximately a 20% overshoot in the small-signal step response also in agreement
with Figure 9-11(a).
Figure 9-12 shows the large and small step responses from the second converter’s
control voltage to the load voltage. The step responses indicate suitable phase margin
in agreement with the simulated loop transfer function in Figure 9-2(b) and good
9.6. Measured Step Responses
voltage regulation. The ripple visible on the small step response in Figure 9-12(a) is
converter ripple not an oscillation.
Figure 9-13 shows the step response from the load current to the first converter’s
input current (the fuel cell current). The low frequency behavior shows an attenua-
tion in agreement with the simulated low frequency behavior in Figure 9-3(d). The
high frequency magnitude response shown in Figure 9-3(d) peaks around 15 kHz cor-
responding to a timescale of about 100 µs. The step response in Figure 9-13 shows
a larger response on the timescale of about 100 µs in agreement with the simulated
frequency behavior.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-11: First converter’s control voltage to first converter’s output current. Ch1:
v̂ref 1 , ch4: îo1
9.6. Measured Step Responses
Figure 9-12: Second converter’s control voltage to load voltage. Ch1: v̂ref 2 , ch2: v̂
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-13: Load current to first converter’s input current. Ch1: îload , ch4: îiin1
9.7. Experimental Setup
A connection diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 9-14. The exper-
imental setup consists of the two-converter current-voltage regulated power system,
two power sources and an Agilent N3300A electronic load. The solid-oxide fuel cell
(SOFC) in this experiment was available through a collaboration with Montana State
University (MSU). The fuel cell power source consisted of a subsystem - an electroni-
cally simulated fuel cell stack - the reference simulator. This subsystem, shown on the
left side of Figure 9-14, will be described in Section 9.7.1. The second power source
was a bidirectional power source, either a lead-acid battery or a bipolar linear power
amplifier depending on the particular experiment.
Fuel Cell Current Path
α kΩ Vstack+
1 kΩ FC
−αVf c Vstack−
DC/DC 10 mΩ
0.1 Ω
Fuel Cell Vf c
−Vdd Vss,f c
1 kΩ
+ 0.1 Ω
− 1 kΩ
−Vdd Vss,batt
1.16 Ω
1 kΩ
Figure 9-14: The experimental setup block diagram with the Montana State Univer-
sity fuel cell reference simulator.
A photograph of the full experimental setup is shown in Figure 9-15. The power
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
converters and the data acquisition inputs are shown on the left. The measurement,
signal generation and power supplies are shown in the middle of the photo. The fuel
cell reference simulator, fuel cell ovens, mass flow and temperature controllers, and
fuel bottles are shown on the right.
Figure 9-15: A photograph of the full experimental setup including the data acqui-
sition system, power converters, measurement and power supplies, and the fuel cell
Photographs of the full fuel cell setup are shown in Figures 9-16, 9-16 and 9-18.
Figure 9-16 shows the solid-oxide fuel cell ovens, the mass flow and temperature con-
trollers and the hydrogen and oxygen fuel bottles. The solid-oxide fuel cell ovens with
gas feed-throughs are shown in Figure 9-17. The ovens were heated to a temperature
of 750◦ C. Electrical terminal were available at the top and bottom of each oven. Fig-
ure 9-18 shows a closupe of the mass flow controllers that control the flow of fuel into
the ovens. The nominal fuel rates were 260 SCCM H2, 100 SCCM O2.
9.7. Experimental Setup
Figure 9-16: A photograph of the two solid-oxide fuel cell ovens, temperature control
units and mass flow controllers used in the integral diagnostics experiments.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-17: A closeup photograph of the two solid-oxide fuel cell ovens, temperature
control units and mass flow controllers used in the integral diagnostics experiments.
Figure 9-18: A closeup photograph of the mass flow controllers used to control the
flow of Oxygen and Hydrogen into the solid-oxide fuel cell ovens.
9.7. Experimental Setup
Figures 9-19 and 9-20 show the power converter and data acquisition (DAQ)
system connections. The DAQ connections were buffered and low pass filtered. The
array of buffers and low-pass filters built for this purpose is shown on a breadboard
in Figure 9-20.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-20: A closeup photograph of the data acquisition system buffers and low
pass filters in the fuel cell experimental setup.
9.7. Experimental Setup
Figure 9-21: A closeup photograph of the reference simulator electronics in the fuel
cell experimental setup.
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Vstack = Vf c − Vstack−
= Vf c + αVf c . (9.3)
Vstack = Vf c (1 + α) . (9.4)
The topology allows the load current to flow through the fuel cell itself. Because all
of the fuel cells in a stack would see the same current, the current through the single
fuel cell is equivalent to the simulated stack current. Therefore the terminals Vstack+
and Vstack− simulate a stack of 1 + α replicas of the fuel cell. Additional high power
op-amp gain stages are connected as slave devices to increase the current handling
capability of the reference simulator. Note that the reference simulator ground is
an intermediate reference that is distinct from the simulated stack reference. The
simulated stack reference is generally Vstack− and in this case is connected (through
the current sense resistor) to the load ground (“load return”).
The experimental data presented at the end of this section validates the practical
use of the hybrid power system for EIS of the fuel cell. It also validates the operation
of the reference simulator itself.
9.8. UAV Flight Plans
Figure 9-22: Data for three different flight plans made available through a collabora-
tion with the USAF.
The oscilloscope traces in Figure 9-23 show time domain waveforms about 10
minutes long each corresponding to runtime EIS experiments for the three flight
plans. The channels in the traces are ch1: Battery voltage, ch2: Battery current,
ch3: Fuel cell voltage, ch4: Fuel cell current.
In the oscilloscope traces, the battery current varies widely throughout the flight
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
plan. When the load current is low, the battery current is actually negative indicating
that the battery is being recharged from the fuel cell. The battery voltage varies
somewhat due to its internal resistance as the battery current varies with the load.
Meanwhile, the fuel cell current (and voltage) are largely fixed at the desired operating
point with a superposed EIS signal. The traces clearly show the frequency-swept EIS
signal superposed on the fuel cell current and voltage and the battery current. To a
lesser extent the EIS signal is visible on the battery current signal.
Two EIS sweeps were performed for each iteration of flight plan 3. The two time
segments were chosen such that one occurs during a time when the load current is
slowly varying while the other includes one abrupt transient in the load current.
9.8. UAV Flight Plans
Figure 9-23: Oscilloscope traces showing EIS operation during flight plans: ch1:
Battery Voltage ch2: Battery Current ch3: Fuel Cell Voltage ch4: Fuel Cell Current
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
FC Current Fixed Load Shorted FC FC Current during EIS Flight Plan 3 without Precompensator
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
Current (A)
Current (A)
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(a) EIS sweep with FC Shorted: 500 mVp−p (b) Without Precompensator: 200 mVp−p from
control signal from EIS5 (no Flight Plan) EIS12 (Flight Plan 3)
Figure 9-24: FC currents during EIS sweeps 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz showing the need for
the frequency precompensator.
During experimentation, we observed the effect of the non-zero fuel cell impedance
on the closed loop transfer function from the control voltage, v̂ref 1 to the fuel cell cur-
rent, îf c . An example of this effect is indicated by the data in Figure 9-24(b). Because
the fuel cell output impedance is inductive, the excitation current transmission to the
fuel cell decreased in magnitude with frequency despite the relatively flat pass-band
indicated in the closed-loop transfer function of Figure 9-3(a). This added frequency
9.9. Empirically-based Frequency Precompensator
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
R3 C R1
vin 15 V
R2 LM741
(a) Schematic
(b) Photograph
Figure 9-25: The EIS control signal frequency precompensator constructed based on
observations of the inductive fuel cell source impedance effect on the transmission of
excitation currents to the fuel cell terminals.
9.9. Empirically-based Frequency Precompensator
vo R1 1 + sC(R2 + R3 )
= . (9.5)
vin R3 1 + sCR2
Based on the dynamics observed during experimentation the pole and zero were placed
at 50 Hz and 10 Hz respectively. The zero-frequency gain, R1 /R3 , was unity so R1 =
R3 . The values used for this design were R1 = 15 kΩ, R2 = 1 kΩ, R3 = 15 kΩ, and
C = 1 µF. Figure 9-26 shows the fuel cell current having added the precompensator.
With the precompensator, a fixed amplitude control signal leads to a relatively fixed
amplitude excitation current.
Current (A)
0 50 100 150 200
Time (sec)
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
1 1
L ≈1.264 × × = 11.26 µH. (9.6)
2π × 893Hz 20
9.10. Fuel Cell Impedance Results
EIS 5 − Ref Sim Only
EIS 10 − Single Cell Sim Stack
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
0 0.5 1 1.5
Real Impedance (Ω)
(a) Control Expt 1: EIS with FC compared to EIS with the FC shorted
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
X: 0.367
−1.2 Y: −1.264
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-28 shows the impedance measured for the simulated fuel cell stack with a
fixed load (no flight plan). Also shown is a multiplied impedance measurement for the
single fuel cell. The comparison shows that the simulated output closely represents a
simulation of a stack of fuel cell replicas.
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
EIS 10 − 19.95 x Fuel Cell
EIS 10 − Simulated Stack
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Real Impedance (Ω)
Figure 9-29 shows the comparison of impedance measured at the single cell level
for the two distinct time segments in flight plan 3 at the same fuel cell operating point.
Time segment 1 includes a single abrupt transient in the load while time segment 2
does not. The two impedance measurements are very closely matched suggesting
that the effect of abrupt transients in the load current have a small impact on the
impedance measurement. This is a natural outcome of the hybrid power system
design. Specifically, the current-regulated fuel cell side converter buffers the fuel cell
current from load current transients.
Figure 9-30 shows impedance data measured during the three flight plans. In
the Nqyuist plots the impedance of the simulated stack is overlayed on a multiplied
impedance measured for the single cell. The close matching between the two indicates
9.10. Fuel Cell Impedance Results
x 10
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
EIS 12 − Flight Plan 3, Time Segment 1
EIS 12 − Flight Plan 3, Time Segment 2
0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075
Real Impedance (Ω)
Figure 9-29: Single Cell EIS during Flight Plan 3 for two different time segments,
If c = 4 A
that the reference simulator accurately simulates a stack of replica fuel cells. The
experiments indicated in the Figure for flight plans 1 and 3 are shown for two slightly
different fuel cell operating points. The data in Figure 9-30(a) was taken for If c = 4.4
A while the data in Figure 9-30(c) was taken for If c = 4 A.
Comparing Figure 9-30(c) to 9-28 indicates good matching between the data taken
with a fixed load and data taken during the flight plan. Comparing Figure 9-30(a)
to Figure 9-30(c) indicates a decrease in the impedance magnitude at higher fuel cell
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Real Impedance (Ω)
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Real Impedance (Ω)
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Real Impedance (Ω)
Figure 9-30: Nyquist plots showing measured impedances during flight plans.
9.10. Fuel Cell Impedance Results
Figure 9-31 shows a comparison of impedance data for a second fuel cell that was
intentionally damaged and then allowed to recover. The cell was degraded for about
11 hours while holding the cell voltage between 50 mV and 30 mV. The fuel cell
current was initially 15 A, but by morning had decreased to 14 A. Fuel rates were
260 SCCM H2, 100 SCCM O2. The cell temperature was 750◦ C.
x 10
Negative Imag Impedance (Ω)
9.10.1 Discussion
The three states of the fuel cell in Figure 9-31 may be related to changes in the
physical properties of the cell modeled by the incomplete circuit model shown in
9. Design Example 2: Run-time Integral Diagnostics of a Fuel Cell under
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Load Profiles
Figure 9-32 taken from reference [15]. Key elements not included in the circuit model
are the series inductance leading to the crossing of the real axis in all of the Nyquist
plots and additional RC combinations to describe multiple humps in those plots.
In the circuit model of Figure 9-32, C is the equivalent capacitance of double-layer
charge effect, and Ract,cell , Rohm,cell , and Rconc,cell are equivalent resistances of the
activation, ohmic and concentration voltage drops. At low currents, when chemical
reactions start to take place inside the SOFC, a voltage loss (drop) results due to an
activation energy barrier that must be overcome. This is the activation drop [15].
The ohmic resistance of the SOFC consists mainly of the resistance of the electrodes,
electrolyte, and the interconnection between cells [15]. The concentration drop is a
more subtle effect described in detail in reference [15]. “In a SOFC, the two electrodes
are separated by the electrolyte, and two boundary layers are formed, that is, anode-
electrolyte layer and electrolyte-cathode layer. Due to the polarization effect, these
layers, known as electrochemical double-layer charge effect, can store electrical energy
and behave like a super-capacitor [15].”
The low frequency resistance (the real-axis intercept at the right side of the
Nyquist plot), would correspond to the series combination of Rohm,cell + Ract,cell +
Rconc,cell because, at low-frequency, the capacitor, C, can be represented as an open-
circuit. The high frequency resistance (the real-axis intercept at the left side of the
Nyquist plot), would correspond to the resistance, Rohm,cell because, at high frequency,
the capacitor, C, can be represented as a short-circuit. Therefore, the decrease in
the low-frequency real-axis intercept indicated by the cell impedance post-recovery
would correspond to a decrease in the series combination, Rohm,cell +Ract,cell +Rconc,cell.
Meanwhile the high-frequency resistance, Rohm,cell , has not changed post-recovery, so
we may conclude that the series combination Ract,cell +Rconc,cell has decreased in value.
9.10. Fuel Cell Impedance Results
Figure 9-32: A circuit model of a solid-oxide fuel cell taken from reference [15].
Chapter 10
10.1 Introduction
The total installed cost ($/W) and total cost of ownership ($/Wh) have been well-
studied as the key metrics controlling the grid penetration of solar power [158–161].
Among the factors impacting installed cost (per Watt) are power converter cost and
total (tracking × conversion) efficiency, both of which share strong relations to con-
verter and system complexity. A critical factor impacting the cost of ownership is
the lifetime of the power converter (and implied replacement costs). Cost-effective
solutions for solar energy extraction should address system cost and complexity, con-
version and tracking efficiencies and converter lifetime simultaneously.
The need for suitable tracking efficiency is normally addressed with a maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm embedded in the control of the converter
or inverter [24, 162]. In the important grid-tied case, 120 Hz power ripple at the
10.1. Introduction
panel terminals negatively impacts the MPPT function, but this may be addressed
by augmenting the source with a large electrolytic capacitor [16, 17, 163–169]. How-
ever, the limited lifetime of electrolytic capacitors contends directly with the long-life
characteristic of cost-effective solar conversion. To reconcile this, [158] proposed the
“ripple port” inverter, which still directly interfaces the PV cell, but directs the 120
Hz ripple power to a transformer coupled ripple port and away from the cell.
There is a growing need to implement per-panel MPPT to contend with varying
light levels, temperatures, panel ages, etc. across physically widespread solar arrays
[16, 17, 163–169]. Figures 10-1 and 10-2 illustrate the problem.
P V3 P V3
P V2 P V2
Iload Iload
P V1 P V1
(a) Simple series string (b) Simple series string, one panel 75 %
Figure 10-1: Simple series connections of PV panels, unshaded and partially shaded
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
η (%)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
I (A)
Figure 10-2: 3 panel system tracking efficiencies showing the effect of partial shading
on a series string with an oversimplified global maximum power tracking approach.
The solution to the partial shading problem is per-panel MPPT. A series connec-
tion of PV panels becomes a series connection of converters processing power from
their respective panels. A simplified block diagram illustrating this concept is shown
in Figure 10-3.
There are advantages of a DC/DC module integrated converter (MIC) + central
DC/AC approach over a DC/AC MIC approach. These include the availability of
a single DC bus for an entire array and intermediate power ripple filtering, as well
as added degrees of freedom for MPPT control [16, 17, 170]. With per-panel MPPT,
global tracking efficiency can be significantly improved over simple series or parallel
connections of those panels (see Section 10.2.4), but the installation of per-panel con-
verters impacts the important cost metrics above. Converter lifetime and replacement
costs become even more critical with per-panel conversion.
Many inductor-based converters and inverters have been proposed as module inte-
10.1. Introduction
P V2 DC/DC2 Iload
grated converter (MIC) topologies, but they require magnetic components to be either
purchased per-panel or to be integrated into the converter IC [16,17,163–165]. Multi-
level converters have been proposed as per-panel DC/AC converters, but they suffer
from either 120 Hz power ripple at the panel terminals or the need for cost-prohibitive
and / or electrolytic energy storage [166–169].
The system level approach in this thesis is illustrated by the DC linearized circuit
model in Figure 10-4. This system shares some key features with other systems
employing DC/DC MICs and a central inverter but differs in at least one key way
[16]. The DC/DC MICs typically operate with local autonomous MPPT control. In
the system proposed here, the responsibility of MPPT is shared among the DC/DC
modules and the central inverter. As a result, the required complexity of the DC/DC
MICs is simplified. Significantly, the system can be implemented with switched-
capacitor multilevel DC/DC converters and a central ripple-port inverter. Per-panel
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
IinN 1 : QN
RoN Io
Iin2 1 : Q2
PV2 Ro2 Controlled
Ripple port
Inverter Grid
Iin1 1 : Q1
PV1 Ro1
Figure 10-4: A DC linearized model with an N-panel PV string illustrates the system-
level approach. The ideal transformers model the function of the DC/DC MICs.
magnetics are eliminated as are electrolytic capacitors if desired. Any magnetics that
are required for the ripple port inverter need only be purchased once per string. The
DC/DC module conversion ratios are selectable, but discrete. A central question that
is addressed in this work concerns the tracking efficiency that is possible with this
10.1. Introduction
Specific Volume (mm3 / µJ)
10 Inductors
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Specific Cost ($ / µJ)
Figure 10-5: Specific cost and volume: Discrete inductors (10 µH- 1 mH/100 mA-1 A)
and capacitors (Ceramic and Film 1-10 µF/10-100 V) sampled from Digikey. Energy
was calculated as 12 CV 2 or 21 LI 2 for maximum rated voltages and currents.
cost benefits yielded by batch fabrication techniques for integrated circuits and co-
packaged systems [172].
Total efficiency is central to the design and evaluation of the systems in this work.
Here we define total efficiency, η, as the product of tracking efficiency, ηp , and con-
version efficiency, ηc :
η = ηp × ηc . (10.1)
Figure 10-6 depicts a sample of reported tracking and conversion efficiencies in MPPT
algorithms and DC/DC MICs respectively. The two ranges are multiplied yielding a
third range corresponding to total efficiency, η.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
ηp :
87.5% 93.6% 99.6%
ηc :
93% 95.5% 98%
81.4% 89.5% 97.6%
Figure 10-6: A literature survey of total energy extraction efficiency, DC/DC MICs:
[16–23] and MPPT algorithms: [23–28]
Maximum power point tracking in the system of Figure 10-4 is simplified by the input
current control of the central inverter and the series connection of the MICs. The
selectable conversion ratios, Qi , allow the DC/DC modules to track local MPP’s as
the string current varies. The central inverter tracks the global MPP by adjusting its
input current.
The run-time global MPPT can be implemented by exploiting time-scale separa-
tion. Here, we take the local MPPT control to operate fast, and the global MPPT
control to operate relatively slowly. Specifically, on the time-scale of local MPPT
control, the string current, Io , may be taken to be static or “quasi-static.” Because
the maximum power point of each panel is defined by a unique maximum power cur-
rent, Imp,i , the quasi-static string current naturally decouples MPPT control among
the modules.
10.2.1 PV Model
10.2. Maximum Power Point Tracking
Rs Iin
Iph Dp Rp Vin
circuit voltage, Voc , and short-circuit current, Isc , and the maximum power voltage
and current, Vmp , and Imp , analysis of the circuit in Figure 10-7 yields the following
results. The circuit model diode forward voltage is
Voc − Vmp
Rs = (10.3)
Isc Rs − Voc
Rp = , (10.4)
Imp − Isc
Iph = Imp + . (10.5)
In Figure 10-7, when Iin < Imp , the diode, Dp , is forward-biased and it is reverse-
biased otherwise. The resulting panel voltages are
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
For simplicity, the rest of this work assumes the following nominal datasheet values
adapted from a Mitsubishi PV-MF170EB4 [173]. The maximum power (MP) current
and voltage are
Imp = 6.93 A
Vmp = 24.6 V.
Isc = 7.38 A,
Voc = 29 V. (10.8)
These nominal values correspond to the following PV circuit model parameters: Vdp =
29 V, Rs = 0.635 Ω, Rp = 54 Ω, and Iph = 7.47 A. The Mitsubishi PV-MF170EB4
includes 50 cells connected in series and it is 1.58 m x 0.8 m in dimension.
Local MPPT control consists of matching the string current, to the panel’s own Imp,i ’s.
From Figure 10-4, the ith panel current is
Iin,i = Qi Io . (10.9)
10.2. Maximum Power Point Tracking
Pin,i = Iin,i Vdp,i − Iin,i Rs,i , Iin,i < Imp,i
Pin,i = Iin,i Rp,i Iph,i − (Rs,i + Rp,i )Iin,i , Iin,i ≥ Imp,i . (10.10)
= Vdp,i − 2Iin,i Rs,i , Iin,i < Imp,i
= Rp,i Iph,i − 2(Rs,i + Rp,i )Iin,i , Iin,i ≥ Imp,i . (10.11)
The term, −2(Rs,i + Rp,i )Iin,i , in the derivative typically leads to a steep decrease
in panel power for Iin ≥ Imp . Absolute errors |Iin,i − Imp,i | impact the panel power
less for Iin,i < Imp,i . Accordingly, the algorithm adopted in this work attempts to
minimize the error |Iin,i − Imp,i | with the following order of preference:
1. Iin,i = Imp,i
In the examples presented here, the DC/DC modules each continuously attempt to
match the string current to their own MP currents according to the above algorithm.
Generally, the modules can choose from a set of integral conversion ratios [0,1...Qmax ].
The Q = 0 module configuration is important for good average tracking efficiency. It
is equivalent to the pass-through mode discussed in reference [16] and represents the
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
option for a panel to “sit out” when its maximum power is so low that including it
in the string would have a negative impact on the global MPP.
The string inverter can track the global MPP by adjusting its input current. Figure
10-8 depicts an example of the tracking efficiency achieved as Io is swept, while
the DC/DC modules adjust their conversion ratios. For this example, and for the
rest of this section, tracking efficiency is considered in an otherwise lossless system
(ηc = 100%). The Io sweeps, like the one depicted in Figure 10-8, may be performed
Tracking Efficiency vs. Output Current
Max Power η = 97.3312%
η (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Io (A)
Figure 10-8: A single Io sweep: 3 panels, Qavail = [0,1,2,3,4], Imp,vec = [6.898, 4.503,
4.878] A, ∆Io = 1 mA
10.2. Maximum Power Point Tracking
Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 Φ5
Settle 1 Meas. Io Set Qi Settle 2 Meas. Po Step Io
Step Io Uncertainty Uncertainty
Figure 10-9: A hypothetical MPPT timing diagram for one inverter input current
diagram consists of six distinct phases. Additionally, because the local and global
MPPT are asynchronous, i.e. the local MPPT algorithm phases 2-5 are cycled con-
tinuously at each panel, there is timing uncertainty equal to the total amount of time
occupied by phases 2 through 5. In other words, the central inverter must wait a
total of twice the time that it takes a panel to cycle through phases 2 through 5 in
order to guarantee that all of those phases have been completed. The distinct phases
are indicated by the following operations:
Φ1 [Settle 1]: Larger of inverter input current settling time following inverter
command step and module current settling time following a step in load current
Φ4 [Settle 2]: Larger of inverter input current settling time following DC bus
voltage step and module current settling time following a change in conversion
Here we have assumed that the first choice of conversion ratio is sufficient and that no
perturb and observe step is required. The validity of this assumption depends on the
accuracy of the short-circuit current maximum power point estimation method. We
also assume that the short-circuit current measurement takes place approximately
once per inverter input current sweep, not continuously. This assumption is impor-
tant because the short-circuit current measurement disrupts the module currents and
therefore necessitates a period of settling time following that measurement.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
From the timing diagram, there will be tradeoffs among inverter input current
step resolution, sweep width, and sweep time. Instantaneous tracking efficiency will
improve with inverter input current step resolution, but time average tracking effi-
ciency will suffer as the inverter input current sweep time increases. If the sweep is to
take place on a scheduled basis, e.g. every 5 seconds, then the sweep time represents
a down-time. The fractional down-time decreases as the sweep time decreases and
the period between sweeps increases. However, tracking efficiency may also suffer if
the period between sweeps becomes long enough that transient phenomena in lighting
levels, temperature changes etc. are not sufficiently captured.
Here we consider an example. Simulated prototype data in Sections 10.4 and
10.7 will indicate that the cycle time will be dominated by the settling time in the
module currents following a step change in the inverter input current or a change in
conversion ratio. Here we assume that a change in conversion ratio takes place rarely
during the sweep so the cycle time is dominated by the former.
The simulated data in Section 10.4 indicates a settling time of 250 µs in the
module currents following a step change in the load current. The corresponding cycle
time will be approximately 500 µs due to the uncertainty consideration. This cycle
time accommodates 2000 inverter current steps per second. If we assume that the
inverter will sweep from zero to the short-circuit current of the panels (7.38 A in this
example) in 20 mA steps, then a full sweep will take approximately 185 ms. For a
sweep period of 5 seconds, this sweep time represents a fractional downtime of 3.7 %.
The sweep resolution in this example is the same as the sweep resolution used in the
statistical performance evaluations later in this chapter.
10.2. Maximum Power Point Tracking
recorded. Repeating this many times and averaging the results yielded a prediction
of average performance. An example output plot is shown in Figure 10-10. The
η (%)
0 5 10 15 0
20 25 30 35 Q
Number of Panels
plot in Figure 10-10 reveals that tracking efficiency can be very high for only a few
panels. As panels are added, ηp diminishes to a limited extent. The local MPPT
algorithm implemented impacts this behavior significantly. For instance, if the order
of preferences listed in Section 10.2.2 is reversed, the tracking efficiency diminishes
steadily as panels are added rather than flattening as it does in Figure 10-10. The
Monte Carlo simulation results also show how average tracking efficiency improves
as the number of available levels increases. The tracking efficiency predicted for a 3-
panel, 5-level system is approximately 90%. Increasing the number of available levels
to 8 increases the predicted tracking efficiency to 95%.
Finally, it should be noted that the Qmax = 1 case (i.e. Qavail = [0, 1]) is somewhat
representative of a simple series string of panels with bypass diodes. The statistical
data predict roughly 65% average tracking efficiency while a 5-level MIC would im-
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
In the above example, the panels are assumed to have a random and uncorrelated
distribution of MPP’s. Intuitively, this model becomes inappropriate as panels be-
come closely spaced. To model the effect of statistical correlation between MPP’s for
panels arranged in a non-infinite area, the randomly assigned panel MPP’s can be
constrained to a fraction of the full range. The simulation above was repeated having
forced the MPP’s to lie within 50% and 25% of the full range for each Monte Carlo
iteration. The results show universally higher average tracking efficiencies. For in-
stance, the tracking efficiency predicted for a 3-panel, 5-level system is approximately
95.5% and for a 3-panel, 8-level system, 97.4% with a distribution compression of
50%. The simulated results are shown in Figure 10-11.
10.2. Maximum Power Point Tracking
η (%)
70 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 0
30 35
Number of Panels
(a) Compressed Distribution (50%)
ηp (%)
90 10
88 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 0
30 35 Qmax
Number of Sources
(b) Compressed Distribution (25%)
Figure 10-11: Monte Carlo simulation: Qavail = [0 : 1 : Qmax ], Monte Carlo Length
= 200, Io,sweep = [0.01 : 0.02 : 6.93] A, Compressed Distributions
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
10.3. Switched-capacitor Implementation
capacitor voltage.
Switched-capacitor circuits can achieve very high conversion efficiency by minimiz-
ing the instantaneous current flow through their effective output resistance, Rout,i . In
a DC/DC switched-capacitor circuit, the output is slowly-varying on the time-scale
of one switching period. These facts guide us to particular modes of operation. In
particular, efficient operation can be achieved when the same output phase (φ2 ) con-
figuration is repeated every cycle. In contrast, modulation of the φ2 configuration on
a per cycle basis, e.g. to achieve intermediate conversion ratios, would be ill-advised
as it would lead to continuously varying open circuit converter voltages resulting in
high instantaneous currents (high AC rms currents) through Rout,i . This observation
leads directly to the constraint that the Marx Multilevel converter can (efficiently)
achieve a discrete set of conversion ratios.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(a) Recharge
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(b) Q = 0
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(c) Q = 1
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(d) Q = 2
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(e) Q = 3
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3
PV +
M2 M5 M8 M11
(f) Q = 4
10.3. Switched-capacitor Implementation
A linear modeling approach was adapted from the work in [30]. This linear modeling
effort yielded quantitative support for the linear circuit models shown in Figure 10-4
including the output resistances, Ro,i which represent both loss and load regulation
in the switched-capacitor circuits [30].
According to [30], loss and load regulation mechanisms can be differentiated
among two switching speed limiting cases. In the slow-switching-limit (SSL), the
switched-capacitors fully equilibrate yielding impulsive capacitor currents. In the
fast-switching-limit (FSL), the switched-capacitors maintain fixed voltages while ca-
pacitor currents during each switching state are constant [30]. The two switching
t=0 R
Vs +
− C Vc
Figure 10-14: The canonical circuit for studying the fundamental loss associated with
charging a capacitor.
speed limits can be understood by considering the classic capacitor charging loss
problem depicted in Figure 10-14. The total energy lost in charging the capacitor is
the time-integral of IC (t)2 R:
(Vs − VC (0))2 t
Etot =− RC e . (10.12)
2R 0
In the SSL, the exponential term is allowed to collapse to -1 and the energy lost
Etot,SSL = C∆VC2 , (10.13)
independent of R, and in agreement with the classical result. In the FSL, (10.12) can
be viewed near t = 0 with the Taylor series approximation to the exponential term.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
This leads to
(Vs − VC (0))2 t
Etot,F SL (t) = , (10.14)
i.e. the loss we would expect for two fixed voltages connected across the resistor.
Reference [30] shows how these two loss mechanisms yield asymptotic limits to the
output resistance with proportionalities
RSSL ∝ (10.15)
RF SL ∝ Rds,on . (10.16)
The method developed in [30] for computing the multipliers to quantify RSSL and
RF SL was adapted to the Marx Multilevel converter here. Example computations
of the effective output resistances can be found in Appendix D. The results are
summarized in Tables 10.1 and 10.2 for Marx converters having between two and eight
available levels. Note that the multipliers in the tables need to be computed for each
conversion ratio (switching pattern) for each number of available levels (topology).
Also note that RF SL depends on the duty ratio between φ1 and φ2 , which was taken as
D = 0.5 (the optimum based on Appendix D) for all switching patterns here. Given
the asymptotic limits, the actual output resistance for any combination of topology,
C, fsw , and Rds,on is generally
10.3. Switched-capacitor Implementation
The linearized model above captures loss due to output current conduction. Switching
loss is a loss mechanism not explicitly contained in the linearized circuit model of
Figure 10-4. The switching loss for any active switch (one that changes state between
the two switching phases) can be quantified by considering the circuit shown in Figure
10-15. All MOSFETs in the Marx converter reside in at least one loop consisting only
Mi d
Vg + s
Cds C
− Cgs
Figure 10-15: Switching loss evaluation in the Marx converter for active MOSFETs
of one or two other MOSFETs and a switched-capacitor. In the Marx converter, the
switched-capacitor, C, in Figure 10-15 will nominally exhibit a voltage equal to the
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
panel voltage, Vin , because it is recharged to that potential each cycle. The total
switching loss was estimated in terms of typical data sheet values using [179] for N
active devices as
Pswloss = N Qg Vg + Qoss |Vin | + Qrr |Vin | fsw . (10.19)
Examining the switching patterns shown in Figure 10-13, one can extract the following
pattern generalizing the number of active switches according to conversion ratio:
N = 1, Q=0 (10.20)
N = 3Q − 2, Q > 0. (10.21)
Inherent to the topology of the Marx converter are a few interesting features that
may add significant value to a solar power array. As mentioned previously, the Marx
converter has a natural pass-through feature, replicating the function of bypass diodes
and also the pass-through mode presented in [16].
The ability to disconnect each module from the load may be beneficial when
implementing safety disconnect features. Reference [180] discusses the need for a
disconnect in the event of a fire to prevent electrocution hazards that would otherwise
result from the high voltage string output. This disconnect feature may also be
particularly beneficial in implementing an anti-islanding mode. A good discussion of
anti-islanding control and solutions for solar power systems can be found in [181].
The run-time local MPPT algorithm described above can be designed to auto-
matically prevent under-voltage conditions at the panel output. Because the DC/DC
modules continuously choose Qi to closely match Iin,i to Imp,i , they automatically
adjust to over-current conditions, choosing Qi = 0 in the limiting case. This feature
is advantageous when the local control circuitry is powered by the panel itself.
10.3. Switched-capacitor Implementation
HV Level Shift
Panel GND
Figure 10-16: The recommended gate drive adapted from IR AN-978 [29].
The 555 timer IC, 1N4148 diodes and floating capacitor form a charge pump
circuit. The resistor between the 555 timer GND and Panel GND and the 15 V
zener, Rz , allows the timer IC to float 15 V below the source of the driven MOSFET.
The low power version of the 555 timer IC (ICM755) is needed in this circuit to
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
achieve low power dissipation in the part itself and to achieve sufficient quiescent
current despite the resistor to ground. The charge pump drives the VB node to twice
its supply voltage referenced to its own floating GND leading to a 15 V floating drive
referenced to the MOSFET source. This voltage can be adjusted by choosing the
voltage of the Zener diode. The “HV Level Shift” could be a commercial high side
driver IC such as the IR2125. However, the high voltage rating of such a part would
be under-utilized for a typical implementation of the system in this work. Therefore,
a more cost-effective gate drive would include a custom level shift circuit.
A 3-panel 510 W system was designed and simulated in SPICE and in Matlabr .
Among the key topological considerations for implementing a practical Marx DC/DC
MIC is the need for a power diode in series with the output of each module. This
diode is required to block current from conducting backwards through the body diode
of the upper MOSFET in the output stage during φ1 . In order to alleviate any
need to synchronize switching action among modules, a local output non-electrolytic
capacitor was placed across each module to create a local DC bus. Figure 10-17 shows
the addition of the output diode, Do , and capacitor, Co , to a 5-level Marx converter.
10.4. Simulated Prototype
M3 M6 M9
M1 M4 M7 M10
C1 C2 C3 Do
M2 M5 M8 M11 +
Co Vo
Figure 10-17: A 5-Level Marx converter having the added output diode and capacitor.
The number of levels was chosen using the same Monte Carlo prediction methods
described in Section 10.2.4. Having enumerated loss mechanisms, total efficiency
was used to determine performance. To choose an appropriate number of levels, an
unoptimized but lossy system was simulated using nominal circuit parameters and
MOSFET device characteristics. The predicted performance is plotted in Figure 10-
18. The data show diminishing returns in total efficiency beyond 5 levels. Therefore
a 5-level Marx converter was chosen as the MIC.
10.4.2 MOSFET
Because all of the MOSFETs in the Marx converter reside in loops containing a
switched-capacitor and other MOSFETs only, MOSFET drain-source voltages are
upper bound by the maximum panel voltage. It is particularly advantageous to choose
a panel whose open-circuit voltage is just below a standard value for Vdss . Over-sizing
the MOSFET beyond the required Vds rating would lead to unneeded switching or
conduction loss and a suboptimal design. The MOSFET used in the simulated and
experimental prototypes was chosen for a suitable compromise between on-resistance
and gate charge.
The power diode was chosen primarily to support the peak output current and to
block the peak reverse voltage safely. Secondly, it was chosen for low capacitance,
forward voltage, and ESR. Having added output diodes to the implemented system,
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
η (%)
5 7
4 5 6
10 1 2 3
Number of Panels
where Vrr is the reverse voltage during φ1 and Cj is the junction capacitance of the
diode. This expression can be used to improve the accuracy of the Monte Carlo
performance predictions. The power diode chosen for this example was the Motorola
MBR20100C Shottky [182]
10.4. Simulated Prototype
A 3-panel system was simulated using SPICE and Matlabr . The performance of
this system was predicted with Monte Carlo methods having incorporated the losses
derived in (10.18), (10.19) and (10.23). A switching frequency of 360 kHz was chosen
based on the simulated loss mechanisms computed above. The results are shown in
Table 10.3. A summary of circuit elements selected for the simulated prototype is
shown in Table 10.4.
Table 10.3: Simulated statistical performance: 5-level, 3 Panel optimized system:
Monte Carlo Length = 100, Distribution Compression = 50%, ∆Io = 1 mA, Diode
Loss = [on], fsw = 360 kHz
It is important to realize that the central inverter cannot track panel power, corre-
sponding to ηp , directly. Instead it tracks its input power, corresponding to η. Having
incorporated the loss mechanisms from Section 10.3 and in equation (10.23), this ob-
servation was accounted for in simulation by allowing the inverter to choose the Io
that maximized its input power. Tracking efficiency was recorded for comparison to
total efficiency.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
chosen for the three panels. Tracking, conversion, and total efficiencies were plotted
for a single Io sweep. Figure 10-19 compares the results for calculated data based
on Section 10.3 and equation (10.23), a SPICE simulation of the linearized model
and a SPICE simulation of the MOSFET system. The difference in ηc between the
linearized model and the other two data sets represents switching and output diode
loss. Errors between the calculated model and FET simulation are likely due to
estimation errors in computing diode and switching losses. Note that in the plots of
Figure 10-19, the maximum in total efficiency lines up closely with the maximum in
tracking efficiency.
50 Calculated
90 Calculated
50 Calculated
Simulated Linear Model
Simulated FET Model
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Io (A)
Figure 10-19: Model Validation: Single Io sweep, 3 sources, Q = [0, 2, 4], Imp,vec =
[0.007 3.465 6.93] A, C = 12.5 µF, fsw = 360 kHz, MOSFET: IRF8721, Vg = 10 V,
deadtime = 100 ns, Rg = 4 Ω
Time domain waveforms from the simulated system are shown in Figure 10-20.
Figure 10-20(a) shows a zoom-in of the capacitor currents. The shape of those currents
indicates operation between the slow and fast switching limits defined in Section
10.4. Simulated Prototype
Capacitor Currents
8 I
Current (A)
0.184 0.186 0.188 0.19 0.192 0.194 0.196
Time (ms)
6 Iload
5 Iin2
Current (A)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (ms)
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
Figure 10-20(b) shows panel input currents during a step change in the load current
from 90% to 100% of the predicted maximum power current. In this example, Panel
1 is bypassed (Q1 = 0) because its MPP is quite low; Iin1 = 0 in the plots. The other
two panels initially settle close to their respective Imp,i ’s - Panel 2 exhibits half of the
photovoltaic current that Panel 3 does. When the load current steps to its maximum
power value, Iin2 and Iin3 settle on their respective Imp,i ’s.
Figure 10-21 shows a connection diagram for the experimental setup consisting
of two series connected modules and the constructed PV circuit models. In this
experiment, a Q = 4 and a Q = 2 module was constructed for comparison to the
model validation simulated data from Figure 10-19. Construction of the Q = 0
module in that simulation was not warranted as it simply represents a short circuit.
10.5. Experimental Prototype
Figure 10-21: A connection diagram depicting the experimental setup for the series
connection of Marx modules and PV circuit models.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
parameters from the simulation in Figure 10-19 and the mathematical expressions
in equations (10.2)-(10.5) and the nominal panel parameters from (10.8). The first
PV panel, P V1 , was modeled having the peak maximum power conditions (170 W)
while the second, P V2 , was modeled having half the maximum power of the first. The
target and implemented values are summarized in Table 10.6.
Rs Ipv
HP Power Supply + +
10.5. Experimental Prototype
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I (A)
(a) P V1
Measured PV Ckt. Model Output Power vs. Load Current
PV2 Ckt. Model: Rs2 = 1.25 Ω, Rp2 = 110 Ω, Iph2 = 3.73 A, Voc2 = 29 V
Measured MP2 = 85.1375 W @ Imp2 = 3.475 A, Vmp2 = 24.5 V
80 Simulated
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Iload (A)
(b) P V2
10.5. Experimental Prototype
Figure 10-24 shows experimental data validating the large-signal operation of the
PV circuit models constructed as described above. The experimental data is overlayed
on simulated data found using the circuit model in Figure 10-7. The target maximum
power points were 170 W and 85 W respectively. The measured maximum power
points were 168.9 W and 85.1 W. The errors are most likely due to differences between
the implemented and target resistive element values.
The plots in Figure 10-25 show measured efficiency data compared to simulated and
calculated values. The rounding of the peak in the tracking efficiency plot (Figure
10-25(a) is likely due to the slight error in the implementation of the resistive elements
in the PV circuit models. The added loss in the conversion efficiency plot (Figure
10-25(b)) is due to added standby power dissipation and added switching loss. The
plots also included conversion efficiency for a fully discrete implementation whose
standby power dissipation has been optimized. The optimizations are computed in
Section 10.6.
The switching frequencies for modules in the experimental prototype were chosen
based on the measured data in Figure 10-26. A fixed load of 1.5 A was impressed
on each module while the switching frequency was swept within a range yielding safe
operating efficiencies. The switching frequency showing the maximum conversion
efficiency was chosen for each module. Note that the switching frequency yielding the
maximum conversion efficiency generally depends on the conversion ratio.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
η (%)
30 Simulated FET Model
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
I (A)
η (%)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Io (A)
Figure 10-25: Model Validation: Single Io sweep, 3 sources, Q = [0, 2, 4], Imp,vec =
[0.007 3.465 6.93] A, C = 12.5 µF
10.5. Experimental Prototype
η (%)
4 5 6
10 10 10
fsw (Hz)
(a) Q = 2
Measured Converter Efficiency vs. Switching Frequency
Q = 4, I = 1.5 A, V = 24 V, C = 12.5 µF
o in
Peak Efficiency = 89.9234% @ fsw = 127.4275 kHz, Standby opt. factor = 0.13
η (%)
4 5 6
10 10 10
fsw (Hz)
(b) Q = 4
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
Figure 10-27 shows a scope shot depicting the operation of the gate drive charge
pump circuit from Figure 10-16 for transistor M6 in the Q = 2 module. The upper
trace is the output voltage of the timer IC and shows the charge pump control voltage
superposed on the transistors source voltage. The transistor source voltage and the
bootstrap node voltage for the high-voltage level shift circuit are shown in the middle
two traces. The total bootstrap voltage is the difference between VS and VB and is
computed on the math channel which shows a DC value of 12.9 V, a voltage suitable
for the working operation of the gate drive circuit.
Figure 10-27: Charge pump operation for M6 in the Q = 2 module. Ch1: VOU T , ch2:
VS , ch3: VB , math: VBS
10.6. Efficiency Optimizations
Several conversion efficiency optimizations are immediately clear based on the oper-
ation of the Marx converter. They are discussed here.
Here we compute the standby power dissipation in the experimental system and
speculate what it could be for a reasonably optimized prototype. These optimizations
were taken into account in the experimental performance of Section 10.5.
A significant portion of the standby power dissipation originates in the biasing
resistors for the zener diodes in the gate drive charge pump circuits. Those biasing
resistors should be optimized to provide sufficient bias current for the zener without
dissipating unneeded power. Appropriate values for the zener biasing resistors can be
chosen based on the time-averaged voltage across that resistor. The time-averaged
voltage across the bias resistor divided by the resistance should yield sufficient bias
current for the zener diode. The time-averaged bias resistor voltage is the time-
averaged MOSFET source voltage minus the zener voltage based on the circuit in
Figure 10-16. Therefore the bias resistor value is related to both the MOSFET and
the conversion ratio. Table 10.8 indicates the MOSFET source voltages normalized
by the input voltage across conversion ratios.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
< Vbias,M 6,Q2 >= 24 = 36 V. (10.24)
The maximum zener bias resistor value for the M6 device in the Q = 2 switching
pattern is then
< Vbias,M 6,Q2 >
Pbias,M 6,Q2 = (10.27)
Vbias,M 6,Q2,rms
= (10.28)
2 ∆Vbias,M 6,Q2
< Vbias,M 6,Q2 > + 0.707 2
= (10.29)
362 + 0.707 24
= = 684 mW, (10.30)
2 × 103
having assumed a square wave of bias voltage and the maximum allowable bias resis-
tance. Clearly, the standby power for the zener bias diode is significant and depends
on the needed bias current to establish the desired nominal zener voltage. As a corol-
lary, the standby power needed to bias the zener diode can be minimized by choosing
a zener diode that requires a minimal amount of bias current. Of course, this sug-
gestion is valid to the extent that the zener bias current is larger than the current
demanded by the charge pump circuit.
10.6. Efficiency Optimizations
A related source of standby power dissipation is the power dissipated in the zener
diode itself. This is simply approximated as
Clearly, reducing the needed bias current reduces this source of standby power dissi-
A third source of standby power dissipation originates in the capacitor loss for
charging and discharging the timing capacitor in the charge pump circuit. This loss
is simply
Pcp,timing = 2 × Ccp Vzi2 fcp , (10.32)
where we have assumed that the timing capacitor is fully charged to the zener volt-
age and fully discharged each switching cycle. Reducing the capacitance value may
constitute a significant optimization. The charge pump switching may be fixed by
increasing the timing resistor by the same factor.
Finally, the 12 V linear regulator used to power the gate drives indicates a max-
imum efficiency of 50% given a minimum input voltage of 24 V. This constitutes a
power dissipation equal to the power delivered by the 12 V rail. If the linear regulator
voltage is increased somewhat, its loss is reduced by the same factor. For instance, the
12 V rail could safely be increased to 18 V without damaging the gate drive circuits.
All of these unoptimized standby power dissipation sources were tabulated. Rea-
sonable optimized values for the fully discrete implementation of the Marx experi-
mental prototype were tabulated as well. The optimized standby power dissipation
numbers were assumed in the conversion efficiency data from Section 10.5. The results
of this exercise are summarized in Table 10.9 for the Q = 2 module.
Because the optimal zener bias resistor depends on the conversion ratio, it should
be chosen in run-time to minimize standby power. One approach could be to im-
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
plement a switched set of fixed resistors for each gate drive. The embedded control
in the converter could choose the needed resistor depending on the conversion ratio.
This scheme could be implemented with ground-referenced MOSFETS and TTL level
control signals as indicated by Figure 10-28.
4 3 2
Figure 10-28: A possible run time zener bias resistor selection circuit
10.7. Input Current-controlled Inverter Dynamics
Based on Figure 10-26, the switching frequency yielding the highest conversion ef-
ficiency also depends on the conversion ratio. Therefore, the switching frequency
should also be selected in run-time. This selection may be based on a known set of
optimum switching frequencies for a specific load current.
and the transfer function from the inverter control voltage to the inverter input current
îin A(s)
(s) = , (10.34)
v̂ref 1 + A(s)F (s)
M 2 (D)
A(s) = Gc (s)Fm j(s) + e(s) 1 (10.35)
sLe + Re + R k sC
The linear model parameters, e, j, M(D), Le , and Re were chosen for a 500 W
buck-derived inverter topology.1 Figure 10-30 shows step responses of the closed-loop
transfer functions in (10.33) and (10.34). They show relatively fast settling times
See reference [183] Chapter 8 for a supporting discussion.
10. Per-Panel Photovoltaic Energy Extraction with Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
îin edˆ Le Re
v̂in + j dˆ R C
1 : M(D)
v̂ref + −
Σ Gc Fm
in the input current upon step transients in the input voltage (corresponding to the
string DC bus voltage) and the reference voltage (corresponding to the control for
the sweepable input current). The lower plot also indicates a significant attenuation
of the input current response to changes in the input voltage. This attenuation is
largely dependent on the low-frequency magnitude of the loop gain T (s) as indicated
by equation (10.33).
Widespread grid penetration of PV will rely on the reduction of capital cost and
total cost of ownership for solar power systems. It is critical that these factors guide
the design of photovoltaic power circuits and system architectures. This work has
presented a full system approach utilizing switched-capacitor multilevel DC/DC con-
verters. Substantial cost reductions may be possible by providing per-panel MPPT
without the need for per-panel magnetics. Coupling the DC/DC modules with a
ripple port inverter eliminates the need for electrolytic capacitors, enabling long-life
The approach presented in this chapter can be viewed as follows. Rather than
implementing sophisticated power conversion and MPPT control at each panel, we
10.8. Conclusions and Further Work
Step Response i /v
in ref
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (sec) −9
x 10
Step Response iin/vin
x 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (sec) −4
x 10
augment each panel with just enough power conversion and control that a centralized
inverter with MPPT control can largely recover the power that would otherwise be
lost due to partial shading, variations in temperatures, etc. across the solar array.
From this perspective, the system level approach is fundamentally different from the
standard approach to per-panel MPPT. The responsibility of MPPT control is shared
among the panel converters and the central inverter. The result is a simplification of
the needed control at the panel level, allowing the use of switched-capacitor converters
that would otherwise suffer prohibitive drawbacks in this context. Ultimately, the cost
and complexity of the needed per-panel MPPT system may be significantly reduced
compared to other approaches while sacrificing little to no total efficiency.
Topics of ongoing research include investigation of MPPT algorithms and related
system level tradeoffs for control of the central inverter. There exist necessary trade-
offs among switching frequency, converter efficiency, and global tracking efficiency (Io
step size) when considering the dynamics and runtime MPPT approaches for the full
Chapter 11
This thesis has investigated the analysis and design of several multisource electri-
cal networks. Applications include power consuming and power generating systems.
Sensing applications are highlighted as a means for controlling power consuming sys-
tems. Hybrid fuel cell systems and multipanel solar arrays are highlighted as multi-
source systems for power generation.
An underlying motivation of this thesis has been to demonstrate the benefits of
multisource electrical networks in energy applications. Fundamentally, multisource
electrical networks provide added degrees of freedom that can add significant advan-
tages in sensing applications and in energy harvesting applications. The advantages
typically come with added complexity in analysis. Therefore an overarching theme
in this thesis has been strategic approaches to the analysis and modeling of multi-
source systems. A primary takeaway from this thesis should be an awareness that
the analytical modeling approach can impact significantly our ability to understand
the behavior of complicated electrical networks. The level of understanding that we
have directly impacts our ability to tailor the design of those systems so that they
serve our application.
This thesis began with the detailed analysis and modeling of the fully-differential
amplifier in Chapter 2. That amplifier constitutes a multisource network in at least
two key ways. First, because the amplifier has a differential-mode input, it can
be viewed as a dual input amplifier. Second, the transformation of the generalized
input signal into common-mode and differential-mode signal components yields a
multisource network in the analysis of the fully-differential amplifier response.
Chapters 3-5 explored multisource capacitive sensing occupancy detection sys-
tems. The fully-differential amplifier served as a measurement tool in the multisource
distributed networks. The understanding and design of those systems weighed heavily
on the circuit model and analytical results from Chapter 2. The analytical model of
the fully-differential amplifier was useful in describing carrier suppression techniques
that were central to achieving the performance demonstrated in those examples. Both
natural carrier suppression and active carrier suppression based on multiple signal
sources were demonstrated in examples.
Chapters 6-9 presented the analysis and modeling of multisource multi-converter
power systems for fuel cell power processing. Specific features of the multisource sys-
tems were specified as a-priori design goals. These included fuel cell current buffering
to contend with reliability issues therein and integral diagnostics enabled by run-time
impedance spectroscopy. The linear analysis of the multi-converter systems led to
design guidelines and evaluation methods that enabled successful implementations of
those features in two examples.
Chapter 10 described a method for deploying magneticless per panel solar power
converters. Limitations of the switched-capacitor multilevel output converters were
overcome by examining a linearized model of the system and considering system level
approaches. Decoupling of the maximum power point tracking control among the
panel converters and reasonable tracking efficiency were both achieved as a result of
this analytical approach.
Appendix A
A.1. Lamp Sensor Hardware
• PCB layout
• Schematic drawings
• Build notes
• Bill of materials.
The lampsensor circuit and PCB, (Rev 2) includes the analog electronics needed
for synchronous detection, the digital electronics needed for interfacing with a PC, and
a DAC for adjusting the DC control voltage on a dimming lamp ballast. The circuit
is implemented on a 4-layer PCB with split ground planes, one for the analog side
and one for the digital side. The ground planes join at the power supply connection
in the middle of the board. The split ground plane layout minimizes the effect of
digital signal return currents on the analog signal processing and vice versa. With
split ground planes it is important to pay attention to inductive loops that may be
formed when bridging the two ground planes. Specifically, traces that bridge the two
ground planes should be accompanied by return traces on the layer below.
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
A.1.1 Photographs
Photographs of the lamp sensor PCB and various measurement electrodes are shown
in the Figure below.
(a) Top
(b) Bottom
(c) Electrodes
A.1. Lamp Sensor Hardware
Figure A-2: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the lamp sensor, Rev 2.
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Figure A-3: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the lamp sensor, Rev 2 without ground
and power planes drawn.
Layer: lampsensor_rev2.cmp
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
04 May 2011,08:55 AM
Layer: lampsensor_rev2.sol
Layer: lampsensor_rev2.ly1
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
04 May 2011,08:55 AM
Layer: lampsensor_rev2.ly2
A.1. Lamp Sensor Hardware
Figure A-8: The analog section of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor, Rev
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Figure A-9: The digital section of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor, Rev
A.1. Lamp Sensor Hardware
Figure A-10: The ancillary sections of the Eagle Cadr schematic of the lamp sensor,
Rev 2.
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
• Move the LPF to before the buffer and and change it to 10k and 1nF. Use the
0 ohm pads for RMB1 and RMB2 as the 10k and a through hole cap for the
• Do solder the solder bridge SJ1 between VDD Molex pin and RICSP=0Ohm.
A.1. Lamp Sensor Hardware
A.1.5 BOM
The lamp sensor, Rev. 2, bill of materials is shown in the table below. Refer to
Chapter 3 for changes.
1 F09HP X1
1 QG5860 11.0592MHZ
7 0 R-EUM1206 RBA1-2, RFM1-2, RICSP, RMB1-2
1 1N4148SO 1N4148SO DMCLR
2 10 R-EUM1206 RLPF1, RLPF2
2 10M R-EUM1206 RF1, RF2
1 10k R-EUM1206 RMCLR
2 15pF1% C-EUC1206 CF1, CF4
2 15pf1% C-EUC1206 CF2, CF5
2 20 R-EUM1206 R6, R7
1 22-23-2021 22-23-2021 DIMX
1 22-23-2031 22-23-2031 POWER
1 22-23-2051 22-23-2051 ICSPX
2 22-23-2081 22-23-2081 PORTB, PORTD
1 33k R-EUM1206 ROCM
22 104 C-EUC1206 C6, CB1-21
8 105 C-EUC1206 CLPF1-2, CM1-52, CMCLR
1 200k R-EUM1206 RF3
2 499 R-EUM1206 RP1, RP2
1 680p C-EUC1206 CF3
2 7805DPAK 7805DPAK ANALOG7805, DIGITAL7805
2 AD8620 AD8620 JFET-1, JFET-2
1 LT2051SO-8 LT2051SO-8 BUFFER
1 LTC2440 LTC2440 LTC2440
1 MX7224SO-18 MX7224SO-18 DAC
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
• PCB layout
• Schematic drawings
• Build notes
• Bill of materials
• Inductor specifications.
A.2. Dimming Ballast Hardware
A.2.1 Photographs
Photographs of the dimming ballast, Rev. 2 PCB are shown in the Figure below.
(a) Top
(b) Bottom
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Figure A-12: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the dimming ballast, Rev 2.
A.2. Dimming Ballast Hardware
Figure A-13: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the dimming ballast, Rev 2 without
ground and power planes drawn.
Layer: Dimming_Ballast_REV2.cmp
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
04 May 2011,10:41 AM
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
04 May 2011,10:41 AM
Layer: Dimming_Ballast_REV2.ly1
Layer: Dimming_Ballast_REV2.ly2
C1 R6
E R1 R3
A.2. Dimming Ballast Hardware
Layout notes:
• Eliminate buzz and flicker: Short Earth plane to common plane at terminal
block (earth plane) and molex near terminal block (common) to eliminate buzz
and flicker. For EMI filtering, lift Cy outside leg and connect to Earth gnd from
wall and backplane. In next rev, eliminate earth plane, or make both planes
common planes.
• Chx: 0.22uF → 0.12uF - This increases the impedance of each heating capacitor,
reducing the voltage across the filaments.
• Cvco: 0.01uF → 0.022uF - Decreases the slope of the ignition frequency ramp
by a factor of two. This fixes our original striking problems.
• Rmin: 27k → 27.4k - Slightly increase the phase shift at minimum power.
• Rmax: 30k → 24k - Slightly decrease the phase shift at maximum power.
A.2.5 BOM
The dimming ballast, Rev. 2, bill of materials is shown in the table below. Refer to
Chapter 3 and to the layout and filament heating notes for changes.
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
A.2. Dimming Ballast Hardware
&25(6,=( P36/22 *$3/(1*7+ 0.6 PP
%2%%,1 +25,=217$/
120,1$/,1'8&7$1&( 1.2 P+
0$;,080&855(17 2.6 $SN
0$;,080&25(7(03(5$785( &
:,1',1* 67$573,1 ),1,6+3,1 78516 :,5(',$0(7(5PP
0$,1 54 0.3
CATHODE (1) 5 0.2
CATHODE (2) 5 0.2
CATHODE (3) 5 0.2
CATHODE (4) 5 0.2
(/(&75,&$//$<287 3+<6,&$//$<287
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%2%%,1 +25,=217$/
0,1,080,1'8&7$1&( P+
(/(&75,&$//$<287 3+<6,&$//$<287
1 6
16mm 2 5
3 4
0$,1:,1',1*,1'8&7$1&( 0,1 P+
0$,1:,1',1*5(6,67$1&( 0,1 2KPV
Figure A-21: Dimming ballast, Rev.2 current share (balance) transformer specifica-
A.2. Dimming Ballast Hardware
-. (
=== +25,=217$/
) 2.5 2
) 511 4
, 10 0.2
-) -
Figure A-22: Dimming ballast, Rev.2 power factor correction (pfc) transformer spec-
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
The PIC microcontroller runs the c program (“operating system”) listed in Section
A.3.1. The operating system interfaces with Matlabr through an RS-232 serial
connection. An illustrative flow diagram for the operating system is shown in Figure
A-23. The flow diagram highlights the handshaking operation of the PIC-Matlabr
interface. Handshaking before each event improves the reliability of the software.
The c program is listed in A.3.1. Various “apps” were written as Matlabr scripts
to interface with the lamp sensor. Some useful apps are also listed in this Appendix.
Set Lamp
A Z else
Read ADC dimlevel
to DAC
ADC data
to PC
Figure A-23: Flow chart of PIC microcontroller “operating system” listed in A.3.1.
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
This is the “PIC Operating System.” It is programmed into the PIC onboard the
lampsensor PCB and interfaces with a PC over a serial (RS-232) port. It also employs
some of its output pins with a DAC to control the dimming level of a dimming
fluorescent lamp ballast using a signal voltage between 0 and 5 V. The operating
system can interface with a PC using simple ASCII character handshaking.
#i n c l u d e <p i c . h>
unsigned c h a r MMSB;
unsigned c h a r NNSB;
unsigned c h a r LLSB ;
unsigned c h a r JJSB ;
unsigned c h a r MSB;
unsigned c h a r NSB ;
unsigned c h a r LSB ;
unsigned c h a r SIGN ;
unsigned char trash ;
unsigned char incoming ;
unsigned char status ;
int newlinecount ;
int i;
int j;
int datapoint ;
int dimlevel ;
v o i d ReadADC ( v o i d ) ;
v o i d WriteUART( u n s i g n e d char ) ;
v o i d WriteHex ( u n s i g n e d char ) ;
void getd atab ytes ( void ) ;
void tran smi t ( void ) ;
void f t r a n s m i t ( void ) ;
void d el ay ( void ) ;
v o i d dim5 ( v o i d ) ;
v o i d dim4 ( v o i d ) ;
v o i d dim3 ( v o i d ) ;
v o i d dim2 ( v o i d ) ;
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
v o i d dim1 ( v o i d ) ;
void g e t d a t a p o i n t ( void ) ;
void h an d sh ake ( v o i d ) ;
void g e t d i m l e v e l ( void ) ;
v o i d setDAC ( i n t ) ;
// C o n f i g u r e SPI
TRISC = 0xD0 ; // C o n f i g u r e p o r t C : Rx and Tx s e t (UART) ;
//SDO Output ; SDI c o n f i g u r e d by c o n t r o l reg
// a s i n p u t ;
//SCK o u t p u t ( Mast er ) ; RC<2:0> don ’ t care .
// C o n f i g u r e UART
RCSTA = 0 x90 ; // S e t b i t SPEN t o c o n f i g u r e RX and TX a s UART p i n s .
//RCSTA f o r Async c o n t i n u o s receive enable
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
RCIF = 0 ;
v o i d main ( v o i d ) {
while (1){
h an d sh ake ( ) ;
if ( i n c o m i n g == ’A’ )
w h i l e (RA1 == 1 ) // Wait f o r ADC t o finish converting
continue ;
ReadADC ( ) ; // Get t h e c o n v e r s i o n result
getdatabytes ( ) ; // I s o l a t e 24 d a t a b i t s ou t o f 32
ftransmit ( ) ; // Send t h e result to serial port
// s u b r o u t i n e s
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
PORTE = 0 x07 ;
RC2 = 0 ;
RC1 = 1 ;
RC0 = 1 ;
RA3 = 1 ;
RA2 = 1 ;
v o i d dim4 ( v o i d ) {
PORTE = 0 x06 ; // Saw B a l l a s t dim 3 . 9 7 3/13/08
RC2 = 0 ;
RC1 = 0 ;
RC0 = 1 ;
RA3 = 0 ;
RA2 = 0 ;
RC1 = 0 ;
RC0 = 1 ;
RA3 = 1 ;
RA2 = 0 ;
v o i d dim2 ( v o i d ) {
PORTE = 0 x03 ; // Saw B a l l a s t dim 2 . 0 2 3/13/08
RC2 = 0 ;
RC1 = 0 ;
RC0 = 1 ;
RA3 = 0 ;
RA2 = 0 ;
PORTE = 0 x01 ;
RC2 = 1 ;
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
RC1 = 1 ;
RC0 = 1 ;
RA3 = 0 ;
RA2 = 0 ;
void d el ay ( void ) {
i = 0;
w h i l e ( i <500) {
j = 0;
w h i l e ( j <1000) {
j = j +1;
continue ;
i = i +1;
continue ;
// P l ay w i t h d e l i m i t i n g characters here
WriteUART(MSB) ;
WriteUART(NSB ) ;
WriteUART( LSB ) ;
WriteUART( SIGN ) ;
WriteUART ( 0 ) ; // D e l i m i t w i t h a z e r o .
v o i d ReadADC ( v o i d ) {
i n t SampRateByte = 0 x48 ; // Th i s is t h e v a l u e we w i l l w r i t e t o SSPBUF t o initiate
// t r a n s m i s s i o n and a l s o t o sen d t o t h e SDI p i n on t h e ADC
// i n order t o program t h e s a m p l i n g rate as follows :
//0 x08 = 3 . 5 2 kHz , 0 x10 = 1 . 7 6 kHz , 0 x00 = 880 Hz , 0 x18 = 880Hz
//0 x20 = 440Hz , 0 x28 = 220Hz , 0 x30 = 110 Hz , 0 x38 = 55 Hz
//0 x40 = 2 7 . 5 Hz , 0 x48 = 1 3 . 7 5 Hz , 0 x78 = 6 . 8 7 5 Hz
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
SSPBUF = SampRateByte ; // n e x t b y t e
while (STAT BF == 0 )
continue ;
NNSB = SSPBUF ; //9−16 i n NSB
SSPBUF = SampRateByte ; // n e x t b y t e
while (STAT BF == 0 )
continue ;
LLSB = SSPBUF ; //17 −24 i n LSB
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
This script oversees a demonstration of occupancy sensing for a system that can also
control the lamp power level (dimming level).
o%% A lamp s e n s o r demo . You can s p e c i f y a dimming l e v e l with a
%% c o n t i n u o u s v a l u e b et ween 1 and 5 . U ses p l ot d i m m er .m. Works w i t h
%% handshakedimmer2 . c .
f u n c t i o n y = dimmerdemo2 ( r e f , p o i n t s , d i m l e v e l )
clear figure
%% Check t h e ar gu m en t s
if ( n a r g i n ˜=3)
d i s p ( ’ Usage : dimmerdemo2 ( r e f e r e n c e voltage , p o i n t s p e r fr am e , ...
dim l e v e l (1 −5)) ’)
%% D e f i n e G l o b a l s
g o m a s t e r = ’A ’ ;
s t o p m a s t e r = ’B ’ ;
dimcommand = ’ Z ’ ;
linewidth = 2;
figure (2);
format long ;
printbuf = zeros (1 , points ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the prinbuffer to zeros .
event = ( [ ] ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the event buffer
STATUS = 0 ; LAST EVENT = 0 ; %Some v a r i a b l e s
calibrate = ( [ ] ) ; %A u t o c a l i b r a t e t h e o u t p u t p l o t scale
collected = [ ] ;
matrix = [ ] ;
p o r t s=i n s t r f i n d ;
%% I n i t i a l i z e some t h i n g s
event = ( [ ] ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the event buffer
STATUS = 0 ;
calibrate = ( [ ] ) ; %A u t o c a l i b r a t e t h e o u t p u t p l o t scale
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%% S e t t h e initial dimming l e v e l
f p r i n t f ( s , ’ % c ’ , dimcommand ) ;
fwrite (s , dimlevel );
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
%% I n i t i a l i z e some v a r i a b l e s
collected = [ ] ;
matrix = [ ] ;
%% C o l l e c t the data p oi n t !
f p r i n t f ( s , ’% c ’ , gomaster ) ;
for i =1:4 %C o l l e c t 4 b y t e s fr om t h e ADC
c o l l e c t e d = ( f s c a n f ( s , ’%x ’ ) ) ;
m a t r i x = h o r z c a t ( m at r i x , collected );
i f SIGN==0
d a t a p o i n t = −(16777215 −( MSB+NSB+LSB ) ) ;
d a t a p o i n t = MSB+NSB+LSB ;
%Output d a t a p o i n t h as units Volts
datapoint = r e f ∗ datapoint /16777215;
%% P l o t t i n g
% Upper p l o t : au t o−zooming , c e n t e r e d on t h e d a t a
subplot (3 ,1 ,1) %Th i s window will auto s c a l e unless the deviations
%a r e less t h an some v a l u e ” m i n s c a l e ”
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%% Event D e t e c t i o n :
%% For t h e final p l o t , we w i l l n eed t o know if there is c u r r e n t l y an ” Event ”
%Use t h e total deviation i n t h e window t o i n d i c a t e an ” Event ”
%I f there i s no e v e n t , zoom i n t o t h e minimum s c a l e on t h e u p p er plot
i f VRANGE < m i n s c a l e
plot ( printbuf , ’ Linewidth ’ , linewidth )
axis ([1 p o i n t s ( min ( p r i n t b u f ) − m i n s c a l e ) ( max ( p r i n t b u f ) + m i n s c a l e ) ] ) ;
y l a b e l ( ’ Volts ’ )
STATUS = ’ Q u i e t ” shhhhhh ” ’ ;
%Event d i s p l a y starts here :
%I f Vrange is s m a l l and t h e l e n g t h o f the event is small , there is no
%e v e n t o n g o i n g and any e v e n t t h a t happened was insignificant : reset the
%e v e n t vector
if l e n g t h ( event ) < 6
%I f t h e window is n ot a u t o s c a l e d
event = ( [ ] ) ;
%I f t h e r e h as b een an e v e n t l o n g enough in duration then p l o t it
subplot (3 ,1 ,3) %I n t h e bottom p l o t
%Get some v a l u e s t o help plot the event history
l e n g t h e v e n t = l e n g t h ( event ) ;
%These 4 v a l u e s can be u sed to determine direction of travel
e v e n t l e f t = event ( 1 : f l o o r ( 0 . 5 ∗ l e n g t h e v e n t ) ) ;
a v g e v e n t l e f t = ( sum ( e v e n t l e f t ) ) / l e n g t h ( e v e n t l e f t ) ;
e v e n t r i g h t = event ( c e i l ( 0 . 5 ∗ l e n g t h e v e n t ) : l e n g t h e v e n t ) ;
a v g e v e n t r i g h t = ( sum ( e v e n t r i g h t ) ) / l e n g t h ( e v e n t r i g h t ) ;
%Make b ooken d s for the plot history
bookend length = f l o o r (0.3∗ length event ) ;
a v g e v e n t = ( sum ( e v e n t ( 1 : l e n g t h e v e n t ) ) ) / ( l e n g t h e v e n t ) ;
%Glue t h e b ooken d s o n t o t h e e v e n t
event = h orzcat ( ( ones ( 1 , b ooken d l en gth ) ) . ∗ avgevent , . . .
event , ( ones ( 1 , b ooken d l en gth ) ) . ∗ avgevent ) ;
%P l o t t h e wh ol e e v e n t in red in the l a s t window
p l o t ( event , ’r ’ , ’ linewidth ’ , linewidth )
%I d e n t i f y direction of travel
if av g ev ent lef t < avg event right ,
LAST EVENT = ’ L e f t t o R i gh t ’ ;
LAST EVENT = ’ R i g h t t o L e f t ’ ;
a x i s auto ; %Auto s c a l e t h e e v e n t window
y l a b e l ( ’ Volts ’ )
event = ( [ ] ) ; %r e s e t the event vector
%Event d i s p l a y en d s h e r e
%I f there i s an e v e n t on−g o i n g , autoscale t h e u p p er p l o t and c o n t i n u e .
plot ( printbuf , ’ linewidth ’ , linewidth )
a x i s auto ;
y l a b e l ( ’ Volts ’ )
%And c o l l e c t the event data p o i n t s
event = horzcat ( event ( 1 : ( l e n g t h ( event ) ) ) , datapoint ) ;
%A l s o print ’ Event ’
STATUS = ’ Event ’ ;
% Drawnow
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
This script takes time-domain data from the lamp sensor and computes a windowed
noise measurement. It averages the rms noise levels from several finite-length windows
to get an estimate of the noise floor.
%% Th i s script m easu r e and com p u t es t i m e−domain windowed n o i s e data .
%% Each window ( fr am e ) i s a f i x e d number o f points long .
f u n c t i o n y = n o i s e d a t a p l o t 2 ( frames , points , datarate , dimlevel )
clear figure
%% Check t h e ar gu m en t s
if ( n a r g i n ˜=4)
d i s p ( ’ Usage : d a t a p l o t ( no . of frames , p o i n t s p e r fr am e , datarate ...
( p o i n t s p e r s e c o n d ) ) , dim l e v e l 1 −5 ’)
%% I n i t i a l i z e some v a r i a b l e s
g o m a s t e r = ’A ’ ;
s t o p m a s t e r = ’B ’ ;
dimcommand = ’ Z ’ ;
r ef = 5;
linewidth = 2;
figure (2);
format long ;
printbuf = zeros (1 , points ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the prinbuffer to zeros .
calibrate = ( [ ] ) ; %A u t o c a l i b r a t e t h e o u t p u t p l o t scale
collected = [ ] ;
matrix = [ ] ;
Vacrms = [ ] ;
event = ( [ ] ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the event buffer
calibrate = ( [ ] ) ; %A u t o c a l i b r a t e t h e o u t p u t p l o t scale
STATUS = 0 ;
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%% S e t t h e intial dim l e v e l
f p r i n t f ( s , ’ % c ’ , dimcommand ) ;
fwrite (s , dimlevel );
A.3. Lamp Sensor Software
s a v e Window VACrms uV ;
E n d t o en d d ev m V = . . .
( printbufhistory ( length ( printbufhistory ) ) . . .
−p r i n t b u f h i s t o r y ( 1) ) ∗ 1000
s a v e E n d t o en d d ev m V ;
Max dev mV = ( max ( p r i n t b u f h i s t o r y )−min ( p r i n t b u f h i s t o r y ) ) ∗ 1 0 0 0
s a v e Max dev mV ;
Avg Window VACrms uV = sum ( Vacrms ) / l e n g t h ( Vacrms )
s a v e Avg Window VACrms uV ;
Avg output mV = . . .
sum ( p r i n t b u f h i s t o r y ) / l e n g t h ( p r i n t b u f h i s t o r y ) ∗ 1 0 0 0
s a v e Avg output mV ;
s a v e Vacrms ;
save printbufhistory ;
save points ;
save frames ;
% P l o t t h e d a t a a s we go
p o i n t c o u n t = p o i n t c o u n t +1;
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
This command can be used in a unix command line interface to extract data points
from several .log files resulting from several different SPICE simulations. This is
useful when performing a SPICE simulation for several discrete occupant positions
in the lamp sensor simulation. The simulated output voltage among the SPICE
simulations can be tabulated. The result can be plotted as a simulated lamp sensor
output voltage.
Having s a v e d t h e u n i x command e x t r a t l o g s . sh a s an e x e c u t a b l e i n t h e
directory with the log files do :
>> chmod +x e x t r a c t l o g s . sh
wh i ch makes t h e . sh file executable
>> . / e x t r a c t l o g s . sh
and s i m u l a t e d o u t p u t . t x t appears in the directory wh er e t h e log files are .
t h e n MATLAB:
>> g e n e r a t e p l o t 2
Unix command i n e x t r a c t l o g s . sh :
for i i n ∗ l o g ; do e c h o −n $ { i / . l o g }” ” ; awk −F ’[ =] ’ ’ / v o u t f d a /{ p r i n t $3 } ’ . . .
$i ; done | tee simulatedoutput . txt
This script generates a model validation plot to compare simulated and measured
lamp sensor data.
%% Th i s script plots si mu l ated data overl ayed on e x p t a l d a t a . It extracts
%% s i m u l a t e d d a t a fr om s i m u l a t e d o u t p u t . t x t wh i ch i s g e n e r a t e d by r u n n i n g
%% t h e f o l l o w i n g BASH command i n the si m u l at i on directory having the . log
%% f i l e s fr om t h e LTSPICE s i m u l a t i o n s : for i i n ∗ l o g ; do e c h o −n $ { i / . l o g }”
%% ” ; awk −F ’[ =] ’ ’ / v o u t f d a /{ p r i n t $3 } ’ $i ; done | tee
%% s i m u l a t e d o u t p u t . t x t It extracts e x p t a l d a t a fr om p r i n t b u f . mat wh i ch i s
A.4. Lamp Sensor Full System Simulation
%% t h e o u t p u t b u f f e r fr om t h e d a t a p l o t 2 .m s c r i p t r u n w i t h u s i n g a lamp
%% s e n s o r .
%% S i m u l a t e d Data
load simulatedoutput . txt ;
simulatedvod = v e r t c a t ( f l i p u d ( si mu l ated ou tp u t ( 1 : 1 5 , 2 ) ) , . . .
simulatedoutput ( 1 6 : length ( simulatedoutput ) , 2 ) ) ;
%% E x p e r i m e n t a l Data
load p r i n t b u f . mat ;
exptalvod = printbuf ;
%% S i m u l a t e d and e x p t a l offsets
s i m u l a t e d b i a s = simulatedvod ( 1 ) ;
ex pt a lbia s = exptalvod ( 1 ) ;
%% S u b t r a c t t h e offsets
s i m u l a t e d v o d = s i m u l a t e d v o d −s i m u l a t e d b i a s ;
exptalvod = exptalvod − e x pt a lbia s ;
%% P l o t t h e d a t a
fig ure (1)
p l o t ( x , 1 e3 ∗ s i m u l a t e d v o d , ’ x ’ )
x l i m ( [ min ( x ) max ( x ) ] )
h o l d on ; p l o t ( x , 1 e3 ∗ e x p t a l v o d , ’ − . ’ ) ;
l e g e n d ( ’ S i m u l a t e d ’ , ’ Measured ’ , ’ L o c a t i o n ’ , ’ Best ’ )
t i t l e ( { ’ L am p sen sor R esp on se t o a P a s s i n g 1 . 8 3 m− t a l l Occupant ’ ; . . .
’ Lamp H e i g h t = 2 . 5 8 m, E l e c t r o d e S p a c i n g = 98 cm , Depth = 1 4 . 5 cm ’ ; . . .
’ Simulated floor h e i g h t ( b el ow t i l e ) = −2.5 cm , V s = 200 V , . . .
f c = 50 kHz ’ ; ’ F l o o r E ar t h ed , Gnd E ar t h ed ’ } )
x l a b e l ( ’ Occupant d i s t a n c e fr om c e n t e r o f lamp (m) ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ Lamp s e n s o r o u t p u t (mV) ’ )
hold off
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
This is an example input (.lst) or “list” file for generating a 3D physical model useful
in extracting lumped capacitances to describe the lamp sensor or other capacitive sys-
tem. The .qui files are each data files (input surfaces) that describe a 3D object. The
.lst file determines their geometric position in the 3D space. ‘+’ signs indicate that
adjacent conductors are to be lumped as one conductor, i.e. capacitances coupling to
the conductors are lumped into one capacitance. The result of this particular .lst file
is pictorially depicted in Figure 3-20.
∗G model . l s t
∗ S yn t ax i s ”C o b j e c t f i l e . q u i r e l . perm x o r i g i n yorigin zorigin ”
∗ Group1
∗ Upper L e f t
C halfbulb . qui 1 0.007 0.0575 0
∗ Group2
∗ Lower R i g h t
C halfbulb . qui 1 0.612 −0.0825 0
∗ Group3
∗ Lower L e f t
C halfbulb . qui 1 0.007 −0.0825 0
∗ Group4
∗ Upper R i g h t
C halfbulb . qui 1 0.612 0.0575 0
∗ Group5
∗ Left Electrode .0762 = 3 in . 0.1524 = 6 in .
C e l e c t r o d e . qui 1 0.12 −0.127 0 . 1 5 2 4
∗ Group6
∗ Right E l e c t r o d e
C e l e c t r o d e . qui 1 1.10 −0.127 0 . 1 5 2 4
C f i x e d l a m p s . q u i 1 −0.47 −1 −0.22+
C f i x e d l a m p s . q u i 1 1 . 8 5 −1 −0.22+
C p o w e r s t r i p . q u i 1 0 −1.2 1.5+
C p i p e . q u i 1 −2.5 −0.1 −0.45+
C duct . qui 1 1.25 −4.0 −1
A.4. Lamp Sensor Full System Simulation
∗ Group8
∗Human C e n t e r e d when x = 0 . 6 1 − 0 . 1 = 0 . 5 1
∗C t a r g e t . q u i 1 0 0 1
C head . q u i 1 −1.4 −0.050 0. 625+
C torso . qui 1 −1.4 −0.225 0. 90+
C l e g s . qui 1 −1.4 0.024 1. 56+
C l e g s . qui 1 −1.4 −0.15 1 . 5 6
∗ Group9
∗ Unmovable f l o a t i n g conducting o b j ec t s : ” cabinet ” f o r short
C c a b i n e t . q u i 1 −2.1 −1.7 0 . 4
∗ Group 10
∗ Floor or whatever is u n d er t h e floor
C b i g f l o o r p a r t . q u i 1 −3.5 −0.5 2. 48+
C b i g f l o o r p a r t . q u i 1 −3.5 0 . 0 2. 48+
C b i g f l o o r p a r t . q u i 1 −3.0 −0.5 2. 48+
C b i g f l o o r p a r t . q u i 1 −3.0 0 . 0 2. 48+
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
A.4. Lamp Sensor Full System Simulation
Input Surfaces.txt
This is an output screen from a FastCapr simulation summarizing the input surfaces’
dimensions and physical placement in the model. It shows distinct groups of conduc-
tors. Multiple conductors are combined into one group using the ‘+’ sign notation.
Running f a s t c a p 2.0 ( 1 8 S ep 92 )
I n p u t : C: \ Documents and S e t t i n g s \ John Cool ey \
SPICE Cap Model S i m u l a t i o n s Jan and Feb 2010\ FastCap
Working F i l e s \ temp . l s t
Input surfaces :
h a l f b u l b . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 6mX0. 0 2 5 mX0. 0 2 5m cu b e ( n=1 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 98
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0.007 0.0575 0)
e l e c t r o d e . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 0 2 5 4mX0. 2 5 4mX0. 0 0 1m cu b e ( n=1 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 578
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0.127 −0.127 0 . 1 5 2 4 )
b a c k p l a n e . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 1 . 2 2mX0. 2 5 4mX0. 0 1m cu b e ( n=1 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 302
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0 −0.127 − 0. 07)
s i d e p l a n e . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 0 1mX0. 2 5 4mX0. 1m cu b e ( n=1 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 74
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( − 0. 011 −0.127 − 0. 07)
m i d d l e p a r t . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 1 9mX0. 1mX0. 0 8m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 66
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0.03 −0.05 − 0. 05)
f i x e d l a m p s . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 2 5 4mX2mX0. 0 5m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 402
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( − 0. 47 −1 − 0. 22)
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
p o w e r s t r i p . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 5mX0. 0 5mX0. 0 5m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 1470
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( 0 −1.2 1 . 5 )
p i p e . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 5mX0. 1mX0. 1m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 750
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( − 2. 5 −0.1 − 0. 45)
d u c t . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 6mX5mX0. 5m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 162
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( 1 . 2 5 −4 −1)
head . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 1mX0. 1mX0. 2m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 66
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0 −0.05 0 . 6 1 )
t o r s o . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 1mX0. 4 5mX0. 5 5m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 108
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0 −0.225 0 . 9 )
l e g s . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 1mX0. 1 2 7 mX0. 9m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 150
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : (0 0.024 1.52)
c a b i n e t . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 6mX0. 5mX2m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 84
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( − 2. 1 −1.7 0 . 4 )
b i g f l o o r p a r t . qu i , conductor
title : ‘ 0 . 4 8mX0. 4 8mX0. 0 5m cu b e ( n=3 e = 0 . 1 )
outer permittivity : 1
number o f panels : 174
number o f extra evaluation points : 0
translation : ( − 3. 5 −0.5 2 . 4 6 )
Date : Thu Feb 11 1 5 : 2 8 : 5 4 2010
A.4. Lamp Sensor Full System Simulation
The following netlist was used in the SPICE simulations to capture the linearized
circuit model of the fully-differential front-end amplifier. Refer to Figure 3-25.
. param ad = 2 . 7 9 4 e6
. param ac = 8 7 7 1 . 5
. param Z f = 423 e3
. param d e l t a Z f = 0 . 0
. param d e l Z f = { d e l t a Z f ∗ Z f }
. param Z f 1 = { Z f + 0 . 5 ∗ d e l Z f }
. param Z f 2 = { Z f − 0 . 5 ∗ d e l Z f }
. param nomZf = { ( Z f 1+Z f 2 ) / 2 }
. param Z i n d = { ( 2 ∗ nomZf/(1+ ad ) ) + ( ac ∗ d e l Z f /( 2∗ ( 1+ ad ) ) ) }
. param Z i n c = { 0 . 5 ∗ nomZf}
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
The following SPICE directives and parameters were used in the full system SPICE
model of the lamp sensor system. Refer to Figure 3-25.
∗∗∗ G e n e r a l P a r a m e t e r s ∗∗∗
. param Vs = 200
. param f c a r r = 50 e3
. param s t o p t i m e = 10/{ f c a r r }
A.4. Lamp Sensor Full System Simulation
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
A.5. Lamp Sensor Practice
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Lampsensor Output
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 50 100 150 200 250
Datapoints @ 14 sps
A.5. Lamp Sensor Practice
A.5.2 Nulling
The lamp sensor relies on a balanced measurement of the electric fields below the
lamp. When there is no detection, the output of the sensor should be approximately
“nulled” or zero volts. Imbalances in the system either desired (detections of occu-
pants) or undesired cause the lamp sensor output to deviate from that “null-point.”
In practice, it is necessary to null the lamp sensor output by adjusting the relative
depth of the two electrodes. The adjustable electrode shown in Figure A-25 allows
for manual adjustment of the electrode’s depth from the lamp. The depth of the
electrode in Figure A-25 may be adjusted by turning the nylon wing nuts. Nulling
is most easily accomplished by watching the lamp sensor output, e.g. the middle
plot of Figure A-24, while adjusting the depth of one of the electrodes. This process
is iterative, because the adjuster’s hand near the electrode will constitute a strong
detection. Therefore, the adjuster should note the offset while out of the detection
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
field, adjust the electrode depth in one direction and then leave the detection field
again to note the change in offset. The electrode depth can then be adjusted in the
appropriate direction to reduce the offset toward zero volts.
The lamp sensor is a quasistatic electric field system. Therefore it relies on closed
circuit paths for measurement of the electric fields below the lamp. In general, there
may not be explicit return paths between the sensing electronics and the signal source
(the lamp). When there is no explicit path, the sensor relies on stray coupling for
signal currents to return to the signal source. From experience and observation of
the lamp sensor behavior both with and without explicit return paths in place, the
stray coupling appears to be both strong and unavoidable. Most notably, the phase
reference amplifier is SE, so that currents must return via the sensor power supply
ground for that measurement to take place. The phase reference signal is largely
unaffected by the presence or lack of an explicit return path.
For experimental or other purposes, it may be necessary to provide an explicit
current return path from the sensor electronics to the signal source. Ultimately, this
requires the direct connection (short circuit or jumper wire) between the sensor power
supply ground (“gnd”) and the lamp ballast ground (“common”). Care must be taken
however, because gnd will typically also be connected to earth ground (“earth”). Be-
cause earth is normally tied directly to the utility neutral wire, that earth connection
also comprises a neutral connection. Therefore, tying gnd to common also ties earth
and therefore neutral to those references. This is a problem when the power supply
for either the sensor electronics or the ballast is not isolated from the utility. In that
case, the ground derived from the utility will be driven to neutral and to line with
a duty cycle determined by the rectifier between the utility and power supply DC
bus. Therefore, unisolated grounds are directly connected to line with some duty
cycle. Connecting them directly to earth and therefore to neutral effectively shorts
A.5. Lamp Sensor Practice
the utility voltage and will draw damaging levels of current through the intervening
electronics (usually the rectifier for the unisolated power supply). Even without an
explicit earth connection to either power supply, the ground for the serial port is
typically earthed at the PC itself. Therefore, this situation is typical and largely
The solution is to ensure that all of the power supplies derived from the utility are
isolated with isolation transformers. At the time of this writing, the lamp sensor was
typically powered from an isolated commercial power supply, but some revisions of the
custom lamp ballast were powered directly from the utility. An off-the-shelf 1:1 60 Hz
isolation transformer was typically used to isolate the ballast from the utility in order
to accommodate the short circuit between gnd and common. Practical configurations
of the lamp sensor should ultimately include power supplies that are all isolated.
It is also the case that oscilloscope probe grounds are typically earthed. Therefore,
if a ground-referenced scope measurement is to be made on, for instance, an uniso-
lated ballast, that ballast must first be isolated from the utility with an isolation
The lamp sensor is made from a commercially available F32T8 fixture designed for
48-inch T8 bulbs. Phillips Alto-series bulbs are typical in our experimental setups.
The original fixture will have a plastic light diffuser panel covering the bulbs. After
this is removed, a long metal ballast cover should be visible in the center of the fixture.
The bulbs should be seated in plastic connectors known as “Tombstones” at each end
of the fixture.
Many modern ballasts are designed for cold-cathode striking, wherein the bulbs
are struck without preheating the filaments. In those cases the filaments are heated by
the bulb current during normal operation. These sorts of fixtures will have “shunted”
tombstones, usually marked with a capital “S” on the back of the package. Each
shunted tombstone shorts together the two connections two each filament. In some
revisions of the custom lamp ballast, filament heating is necessary for proper op-
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
eration. For those ballasts, shunted tombstones must be replaced with standard
un-shunted tombstones.
To install the lamp sensor electronics, remove the metal ballast cover and the
ballast beneath it. In most cases, new holes will need to be drilled in the fixture to
properly mount the dimming ballast. An unpopulated ballast PCB can be used as
a template for drilling. Once holes have been drilled, the dimming ballast can be
mounted using nylon standoffs and screws. Most fixtures will have many knockouts
in the backplane and ends of the fixture for running electrical connections between
the ballast and other boards. If the necessary electronics for the lamp sensor cannot
fit beneath the ballast cover, an electrical project box can be bolted onto the opposite
side of the backplane. Alternatively, electronics can simply rest outside the fixture if
the fixture is mounted on a workbench for experimental purposes. In either case, it is
recommended that the electronics be enclosed in a metal box and that the enclosure
be connected to the power supply ground for the electronics.
Programming the lamp sensor board PIC microcontroller can be accomplished with
the Microchipr ’s MPLAB software. A photograph of the lamp sensor board con-
nected to the MPLAB programmer is shown in Figure A-26. A photograph showing
the MPLab connector for the lamp sensor is shown in Figure A-27.
Programming Notes:
• The MPLab in-circuit programmer pin-out for the lamp sensor PCB
through Rev 2 is different from the standard pin-out for MPLab
in-circuit programmers. Two lines must be crossed from the modu-
lar connector to the PCB’s Molex connector. Refer to the MPLab
connector pinout and the lamp sensor PCB and schematics in this
A.5. Lamp Sensor Practice
Figure A-26: A photograph of the MPLab ICD 2 programmer puck connected to the
lamp sensor board
• Jumpers on ICSP jumper headers should be in place so that the pins are shorted
together top to bottom in two columns. These jumpers allow port pins B7 and
B8 to be disconnected from the ICSP Molex if desired in the future.
• The color code for the MPLab connector pin-out is shown in the Table below.
• Note that the blue line is not connected to anything inside the programmer so
it is not used.
With MPLAB and the proper USB drivers for the MPLAB ICD 2 programmer
puck installed, the programming procedure is as follows:
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Signal Color
VPP/MCLR white
VDD black
PGD green
GND red
PGC yellow
5. Under the “Configure” menu, click “Select Device...” and select the PIC16F877PT.
6. If necessary, click the “BUILD” button to compile the code to generate a .hex
file from the .c file. This .hex file is what is actually copied into the program
memory of the PIC.
If the sensor output appears unusually noisy, then noise or unwanted signals are likely
coupling from the power supply to the input nodes before the front-end amplifier
through flux residue and other oils on the PCB surface. This problem results from
the fact that the front-end amplifier is specifically designed to measure very small
currents, which is an otherwise desirable and intentional design feature. A good
scrubbing with isopropanol followed by a rinse in distilled water (available on tap in
building 13, 2nd floor) has been shown to consistently and significantly resolve this
A.5. Lamp Sensor Practice
Figure A-27: A photograph of the MPLab ICD 2 connector used for the lamp sensor
revisions 1 and 2.
issue. You can either bake the PCB at low temperature, or use a heat gun to dry it.
- Dan Vickery
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
• collectgrid.m
• getdatapoint.m
• plothelper.m
%% Check ar gu m en t s
if ( n a r g i n ˜=4)
d i s p ( ’ Usage : s e n s o r m a t r i x ( p o i n t s p e r fr am e , COM p o r t , g r i d x dim . , g r i d y dim . ) ’ )
%% I n i t i a l i z e some g l o b a l variables
r ef = 5;
figure (2);
linewidth = 2;
format long ;
printbuf = zeros (1 , points ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the prinbuffer to zeros .
g o m a s t e r = ’A ’ ;
s t o p m a s t e r = ’B ’ ;
calibr ationlength = 20;
%% I n i t i a l i z e some a r r a y s
event = ( [ ] ) ; %I n i t i a l i z e the event buffer
calibrate = ( [ ] ) ; %A u t o c a l i b r a t e t h e o u t p u t p l o t scale
collected = [ ] ;
matrix = [ ] ;
A.6. Standalone Sensor Software
%% COM P or t H a n d l i n g
p o r t s t r = i n t 2 s t r ( port ) ; %Con ver t COM P or t arg to string
p o r t s=i n s t r f i n d ;
% D et er m i n e Serial P or t Path ( P l a t f o r m− S p e c i f i c ) :
if i s m a c == 1
s e r i a l p a t h = ’ / dev / t t y . u s b s e r i a l ’ ;
elseif i s u n i x == 1
s e r i a l p a t h = ’ / dev /TTYUSB0 ’ ;
elseif i s p c == 1
%C r e a t e proper serial p at h w i t h p o r t a r g
s e r i a l p a t h = s t r c a t ( ’COM’ , p o r t s t r ) ;
d i s p ( ’ Cannot figure ou t serial p o r t p at h . . . . Plese edit the .m f i l e m an u al l y . ’ ) ;
return ;
% if q is pressed , quit
%S t op t h e l o o p if you p r e s s q
elseif st r cm p ( g e t ( 2 , ’ c u r r e n t c h a r a c t e r ’ ) , ’ q ’ )
close (2); % Cl ean up
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
stopasync ( s ) ;
fclose (s );
delete ( s );
clear s;
save printbuf ;
A.6. Standalone Sensor Software
This function collects sensor data corresponding to a grid of points in the detection
field. It displays visual cues on the monitor so that the occupant can operate the
experiment alone. Each data point is the time-averaged sensor output voltage for a
window that is typically a few seconds in duration.
%% C o l l e c t g r i d .m i s the script that gets the grid data .
%% R e c a l l and p l o t data as follows
%% I n t h e directory wh er e t h e d a t a is saved :
%% >> l o a d grid result ; s u r f (X, Y, Z ) ;
%% C l o s e t h e display figure
close all
%% I n i t i a l i z e some a r r a y s
gridlvl = [ ] ;
datapts = [ ] ;
%% I n t i a l i z e some v a r i a b l e s
dataptlength = 30;
x s c a l e = 9/12; % f e e t per step
y s c a l e = 9/12; % f e e t per step
%% D i s p l a y Start
f1 = figure (1);
d i s p l a y ( ’ Move t o first p o i n t on g r i d . ’ )
u i c o n t r o l ( f 1 , ’ S t y l e ’ , ’ Text ’ , ’ S t r i n g ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’ F o n t S i z e ’ , 9 4 , ’ u n i t s ’ , . . .
’ N or m al i zed ’ , ’ P o s i t i o n ’ , [ 0 .5 1 .4])
u i c o n t r o l ( f 1 , ’ b a c k g r o u n d c o l o r ’ , [ 0 1 0 ] , ’ u n i t s ’ , ’ N or m al i zed ’ , . . .
’ Position ’ , [ 0 0 1 .2])
pause ( 2 ) ;
%c o l l e c t dataptlength samples of d a t a a t on e p o i n t on g r i d
for j =1: d a t a p t l e n g t h
%c o l l e c t d a t a p o i n t fr om t h e s e n s o r
datapoint = getdatapoint ( s , gom ast er , ref );
d atap ts = h orzcat ( datapts , datapoint ) ;
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%% D i s p l a y Done
d i s p l a y ( ’ Data collection done . ’ )
close ( f1 )
%% C e n t e r t h e results
g r i d l v l = g r i d l v l − 1. 00001∗ max ( g r i d l v l ) ;
%% P l o t t i n g
fig ure (3)
[ X, Y ] = m e s h g r i d ( 1 : g r i d d i m e n s i o n x , 1: grid dimensiony ) ;
X = X. ∗ x s c a l e ;
Y = Y. ∗ y s c a l e ;
Z = grid result ;
s u r f (X, Y, Z ) ;
% s u r f (X, Y, 2 0 ∗ l o g 1 0 ( ab s ( Z ) ) ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
title ( ’ ’);
xlabel ( ’x Position ( ft .) ’);
ylabel ( ’y Position ( ft .) ’);
% z l a b e l ( ’ R esp on se ( db mV) ’ ) ;
z l a b e l ( ’ R esp on se (V ) ’ ) ;
%% S ave d a t a
save grid result
A.6. Standalone Sensor Software
This function polls the lampsensor for a single data point (4 bytes). The same code
is incorporated directly in other scripts, for instance, plotdimmer.m.
%% Th i s function collects on e d a t a b y t e fr om t h e sensor b oar d
function datapoint = getdatapoint ( s , gom ast er , ref )
%% I n i t i a l i z e some a r r a y s
collected = [ ] ;
matrix = [ ] ;
%% Read t h e serial port recv buffer four times for four bytes
f o r k =1:4 %C o l l e c t 4 b y t e s fr om t h e ADC
c o l l e c t e d = ( f s c a n f ( s , ’%x ’ ) ) ;
m a t r i x = h o r z c a t ( m at r i x , collected );
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
%% P l o t t i n g
%% F i x e d S c a l e ( Mi d d l e ) Window
f i x e d s c a l e = 2∗ r e f ∗1 e −2; %S e t up t h e fixed s c a l e window
subplot (3 ,1 ,2) %f o r the middle p l ot
plot ( printbuf , ’ Linewidth ’ , linewidth )
axis ([1 p oi n t s −f i x e d s c a l e fixedscale ]);
y l a b e l ( ’ Volts ’ )
A.6. Standalone Sensor Software
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
i+ − i−
iid ≡ iic ≡ i+ + i− (A.1)
∆Zf + Zf ac ∆Zf
ed ≡ −iic ec ≡ −iid (A.2)
2(1 + ad ) 2
Zdm ≡ Z1 + Z2 Zcm ≡ Z1 ||Z2 + Zc (A.3)
2Zf + 12 ∆Zf ac Zf
Zd ≡ Zc ≡ (A.4)
(1 + ad ) 2
(Z1 + Z2 )
∆Z ≡ Z1 − Z2 Z≡ (A.5)
(Zf 1 + Zf 2 )
∆Zf ≡ Zf 1 − Zf 2 Zf ≡ (A.6)
′ 1
vsd ≡ vsd (A.7)
Circuit constraints:
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Ydd Derivation:
Ydd ≡ . (A.11)
vsd vsc =0
( 12 vsd − ecc )
i+ = (A.12)
( 12 vsd − ecc )
i− = . (A.13)
′ 1 1 1 1
2iid = vsd + + ecc − +
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
′ 1 ∆Z
= vsd + ecc .
Z1 ||Z2 Z1 Z2
so that,
Zc ∆Zf ′ ∆ZZc
ecc 1 + =− iid − vsd . (A.16)
Z1 ||Z2 2 Z1 Z2
∆Zf ′ ∆ZZc Z1 ||Z2
ecc = − iid + vsd . (A.17)
2 Z1 Z2 Z1 ||Z2 + Zc
Combining (A.14) and (A.17)
′ 1 ∆Z ∆ZZc Z1 ||Z2 ∆Z ∆Zf Z1 ||Z2
2iid = vsd − − iid
Z1 ||Z2 Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc ) Z1 Z2 2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
Collecting terms
∆Z∆Zf Z1 ||Z2 ′ 1 ∆Z ∆ZZc Z1 ||Z2
iid 2+ = vsd − (A.19)
2Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc ) Z1 ||Z2 Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Recall that vsd = 12 vsd . This leads to a numerator:
1 ∆Z 2 Zc Z1 ||Z2
Ydd,num = − 2 2
Z1 ||Z2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
and a denominator
∆Z∆Zf Z1 ||Z2
Ydd,den = 4 + .
Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
We recognize the quantity (Z1 ||Z2 +Zc ) as the impedance seen by a purely CM voltage
driving a purely CM input current and rename it Zcm . Then, aiming to eliminate
second-order terms from the numerator, we decompose Z1 ||Z2 and simplify:
Z1 + Z2 ∆Z 2 Zc
Ydd,num = − .
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 + Z2 )Zcm
Now, recognizing the term (Z1 + Z2 ) as the impedance seen by a purely DM voltage
driving a purely DM input current, we rename it Zdm . Identifying Zdm and combining
terms in the numerator leads to
∆Z∆Zf Z1 ||Z2
Ydd,den = 4 + .
Z1 Z2 Zcm
Identifying Z1 ||Z2 /Z1Z2 as 1/Zdm and multiplying the denominator through gives
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Collecting terms,
Ydd,den = Z1 Z2 (4Zdm Zcm + ∆Z∆Zf ).
Suspecting a more simple result, we expand the Zdm and Zcm terms in the numerator,
temporarily increasing the expression’s entropy:
Factoring the numerator and identifying Zdm and Zcm effectively “applies mental
energy” to the expression and reduces its entropy [31]:
Zdm + 4Zc Zdm
Ydd = .
(4Zdm Zcm + ∆Z∆Zf )(Z1 + Z2 )
Dividing out the common factor of Zdm = Z1 + Z2 in the numerator and denominator
Zdm + 4Zc
Ydd = ,
4Zdm Zcm + ∆Z∆Zf
which can be rewritten to match the result in (2.85) using the definitions of Zdm and
Zc in (2.65),
Z + Zf
Ydd = 2 .
4Zdm Zcm + ∆Z∆Zf
Ydc Derivation:
Ydc ≡ . (A.20)
vsd vsc =0
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
( 21 vsd − ecc )
i+ = (A.21)
( vsd − ecc )
i− = 2 . (A.22)
vsd − ecc vsd − ecc
iic = −
Z1 Z2
′ 1 1 1 1
= vsd − − ecc + (A.23)
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
′ −∆Zf 1
= vsd − ecc
Z1 Z2 Z1 ||Z2
ecc = ec + iic Zc
∆Zf i+ − i−
=− + iic Zc (A.24)
2 2
′ ′
∆Zf 1 vsd − ecc vsd + ecc
=− + + iic Zc
2 2 Z1 Z2
so that,
∆Zf 1 ∆Zf 1 ′ ∆Zf 1 1
ecc 1 − + = iic Zc − vsd + (A.25)
4 Z1 4 Z2 4 Z1 Z2
′ ∆Zf 1 ∆Zf 1 1
ecc = iic Zc − vsd 1+ −
4 Z1 ||Z2 4 Z2 Z1
′ ∆Zf 4Z1 Z2
= iic Zc − vsd
4Z1 ||Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
′ −∆Z 1 ∆Zf Z1 Z2
iic =vsd +
Z1 Z2 Z1 ||Z2 Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
−Zc 4Z1 Z2
+ iic
Z1 ||Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
4Zc Z1 Z2 ′ ∆Z ∆Zf Z1 Z2
iic 1 + = vsd − +
Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2)2 (4Z1Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
Leading to a numerator:
1 −∆Z ∆Zf Z1 Z2
Ydc,num = + 2
2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 ) (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
and a denominator:
4Zc Z1 Z2
Ydc,den = 1 + (A.30)
Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
4Zc (Z1 + Z2 )
Ydc,den = 1 + (A.33)
(4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
1 Z1 Z2
(Z1 Z2 )(4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) + ∆Zf (Z1 + Z2 )2
Ydc,num = (A.34)
2 (Z1 Z2 )(4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
1 Z1 Z2
(Z1 Z2 )(4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) + ∆Zf (Z1 + Z2 )2
Ydc,num = (A.36)
2 (Z1 Z2 )
Ydc,den = (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) + 4Zc (Z1 + Z2 ) (A.37)
Expanding ∆Z and ∆Zf in the numerator temporarily increases the expressions en-
Z2 −Z1
1 Z1 Z2
(Z1 Z2 )(4Z1 Z2 + (Zf 1 − Zf 2 )(Z1 − Z2 )) + (Zf 1 − Zf 2 )(Z1 + Z2 )2
Ydc,num =
2 (Z1 Z2 )
Expansion and canceling of terms leads to
−∆Z + ∆Zf
Ydc = 2 (A.42)
4Zdm Zcm + ∆Zf ∆Z
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Ycd Derivation:
Ycd ≡ . (A.43)
vsc vsd =0
(vsc − ecc )
i+ = (A.44)
(vsc − ecc )
i− = . (A.45)
vsc − ecc vsc − ecc
2iid = −
Z1 Z
2 (A.46)
−∆Zf ∆Z
= vsc + ecc
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
so that,
Zc ∆Zf Zc
ecc 1 + =− iid + vsc (A.48)
Z1 ||Z2 2 Z1 ||Z2
∆Zf Zc Z1 ||Z2
ecc = − iid + vsc (A.49)
2 Z1 ||Z2 Z1 ||Z2 + Zc
∆Z ∆Z Zc ∆Zf Z1 ||Z2 ∆Z
2iid = vsc − + + iid −
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc ) 2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc ) Z1 Z2
∆Zf ∆ZZ1 ||Z2 ∆Z Zc
iid 2 + = vsc −1 . (A.51)
2Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc ) Z1 Z2 (Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Leading to a numerator:
∆Z Zc
Ycd,num = −1 (A.52)
Z1 Z2 Z1 ||Z2 + Zc
Ycd,den = 2 + . (A.54)
2(Z1 + Z2 )(Z1 ||Z2 + Zc )
Ycd,den = 2 + . (A.55)
2Zdm Zcm
Combining fractions
2Zdm Zcm + 21 ∆Z∆Zf
Ycd,den = . (A.56)
Zdm Zcm
and multiplying the denominator by 2/2 reveals the common denominator term from
the other transconductances
Ycd,num = −
(Z1 + Z2 )Zcm
Zdm Zcm
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Ycd = −2 (A.60)
4Zdm Zcm + ∆Z∆Zf
Ycc Derivation:
Ycc ≡ . (A.61)
vsc vsd =0
(vsc − ecc )
i+ = (A.62)
(vsc − ecc )
i− = . (A.63)
ecc = ec + iic Zc
∆Zf i+ − i−
=− + iic Zc (A.65)
2 2
∆Zf vsc − ecc vsc − ecc
=− − + iic Zc
4 Z1 Z2
so that,
∆Zf ∆Zf −∆Zf 1 1
ecc 1− + = vsc − + iic Zc (A.66)
4Z1 4Z2 4 Z1 Z2
∆Zf ∆Z 4Z1 Z2
ecc = vsc + iic Zc (A.67)
4 Z1 Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
1 1 ∆Zf ∆Z
iic = vsc −
Z1 ||Z1 Z1 ||Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
Zc 4Z1 Z2
+ iic −
Z1 ||Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
4Zc Z1 Z2 1 1 ∆Zf ∆Z
iic 1 + = vsc −
Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) Z1 ||Z2 Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
Leading to a numerator:
1 1 ∆Zf ∆Z
Ycc,num = − (A.70)
Z1 ||Z2 Z1 ||Z2 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
and a denominator:
4Zc Z1 Z2
Ycc,den = 1 + (A.71)
Z1 ||Z2 (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z)
∆Zf ∆Z
Ycc,num = 1 − (A.73)
4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
so that (4Z1 Z + ∆Zf ∆Z) divides out between the numerator and denominator
Z1 Z2
Ycc,den = (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) + 4Zc Z1 Z2 (A.78)
Z1 + Z2
Ycc,num = 4 (A.79)
Ycc,den = (4Z1Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z) + 4Zc (A.80)
Z1 + Z2
Ycc,den = (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z + 4Zc (Z1 + Z2 ))
Z1 + Z2
= (4Z1 Z2 + ∆Zf ∆Z + 4Zc (Z1 + Z2 ))
so that
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
and recognizing 4Zdm in the numerator as 8Z, yields the final result
Ycc = 8 (A.85)
4ZcmZdm + ∆Z∆Zf
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Circuit constraints:
iid = ied +
= ied + i′id (A.88)
iic = i+ + i− = i′ic
i′id ≡ (i′+ − i′− ) (A.89)
i′ic ≡ i′+ + i′− = iic (A.90)
ied = i+ − i′+
= i′− − i− .
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
Ycd′ Derivation:
so that
2vsc (1 + Z2 Ycd′ − Zc Ycc − Zec Ycd′ ) = i+ (Z1 + Z2 ), (A.95)
= −i+ Z1 + i− Z2 − ed (A.96)
so that
i+ Z1 + Zed Ycc vsc
i− = . (A.97)
Eliminating i− and i+ in favor of iid :
i+ − i−
iid =
1 i+ Z1 + Zed Ycc vsc
= i+ −
2 Z
2 (A.98)
1 Z1 1 Zed Ycc vsc
= i+ 1 − −
2 Z2 2 Z2
1 ∆Z Zed Ycc vsc
= − i+ −
2 Z2 2Z2
so that
Zed Ycc vsc 2Z2
i+ = iid + − . (A.99)
2Z2 ∆Z
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Collecting terms,
4ZZ2 2Z
Ycd′ 2Z2 − 2Zec + = Ycc −Zed + 2Zc − 2 (A.101)
∆Z ∆Z
and solving,
Ycc (−Zed ∆Z + 2Zc ) − 2
Ycd′ = 4ZZ2
2Z2 − 2Zec + ∆Z (A.102)
Ycc (−Zed 2Z + 2Zc ∆Z) − 2∆Z
= .
2Z2 ∆Z − 2Zec ∆Z + 4ZZ2
The denominator of Ycd′ can be made symmetric by expanding Zec = − 2
, ∆Z =
Z1 − Z2 and ∆Zf = Zf 1 − Zf 2 . The denominator becomes
′ 1 Z1 + Z2
Ycd,den = 2Z2 (Z1 − Z2 ) + (Zf 1 − Zf 2 )(Z1 − Z2 ) + 4 Z2
2 2
1 1 1 1
= 4Z1 Z2 + Zf 1 Z1 − Zf 1 Z2 − Z1 Zf 2 + Z2 Zf 2 (A.103)
2 2 2 2
= 4Z1 Z2 + ∆Z∆Zf
∆Zf +ac Zf
Ycc (Z 1+ad
+ Zf ∆Z) − 2∆Z
Ycd′ = (A.105)
4Z1 Z2 + 12 ∆Z∆Zf
A. Capacitive Sensing Occupancy Detection
∆Zf +ac Zf
Ycc (Z 1+ad
+ Zf ∆Z) − 2∆Z
Ycd′ = . (A.106)
4Z1 Z2 + 12 ∆Zf ∆Z
Ycds Derivation:
∆Z << Z1 , Z2 , Z. (A.108)
Ycc ≈ . (A.109)
From (A.106), Ycds can be simplified with the approximations in (A.107)-(A.109) as
1 ac Zf
(Z 1+a + Zf ∆Z) − 2∆Z
Ycd′ ≈ d
. (A.110)
4Z1 Z2
Combining fractions
a Z
c f
(Z 1+a + Zf ∆Z) − 2∆ZZcm
Ycd′ ≈ d
4Z1 Z2 Zcm
ac Zf Zf
(Z 1+a d
+ Zf ∆Z) − 2∆Z(Z1 ||Z2 + 2
= .
4Z1 Z2 Zcm
A.7. Fully-Differential Amplifier Detailed Derivations
Using the small mismatch approximations Z1 Z2 ≈ Z so that Z divides out leaving
ac Zf
− ∆Z
Ycd′ ≈
ac Zf
− ∆Z
4( Z1 +Z
So that
ac Zf
− ∆Z
Ycds = . (A.114)
2Zcm Zdm
Appendix B
Multi-converter Systems
B.1. Master-Slave Current-Voltage Regulator Hardware
• Photograph
• Schematic drawings
B.1.1 Photograph
B. Multi-converter Systems
Lin1 IRFB3607
Vfc Cin1 Cd1 Gh1 4.7 R 1/3 500 W
2x2200 uF M2
12 V Gl1 102 Co1
105 ESR 130m each IRFB3607 10 uF 20 mOhm 5W|| 20 mOhm 5W
15V Dz1 Metal Film ESR 2 ohms
Rd 0.2 Rsense
10 mOhm Vss_batt
Vss_fc 10W
- 0.01 V/A +
Fuel Cell Section Feedback Control 0.2 V/A
1/2 OP262
4 +
3 10k A_fc
deadtime: ~300 ns
1N4148 200k 10k
lead compensator-subtractor
Vdd Vdd Vss_fc
2 14 3 470 6 5 47k LT1029
2.8 V 470k Vrefdc
phi2_1 1N5224B 1k 5V
1k Duty Cycle Limit single turn
7 102 Vdd Vdd 102
2k 8 −6 2.4k Negative output current adjust
2 4 7 Vdd 2
5/6 74HC04 1N4148 73
Vref1dc 8 −
C AD790 4 +
− 5 47k 1 4 + Multiturn
phi1_1 10 11 470 8 9 8 5 1/2 OP262 3 105
160k 1/2 OP262
470k 2.4k 102 Vdd
102 8 − 6 1 Hz breakpoint
Vref1dc Trim
Vdd Vdd 4 +
100k 5 105 Metal Film
1k Vdd 1/2 OP262
10k 2 4
400 kHz C AD790100k
Freq. Adj. 6 5
Vdd 8
470 pF
104 33 uF
Vdd M3 snubbers
15 A SPST A B Lo2 C
Lin2 IRFB3607
Vbatt Cin2 Cd2 4.7
2x2200 uF Gh2 M4
12 V 1N5352BGOS 105 Gl2 102 Co2
ESR 130m each 10 uF
15V Dz2 Metal Film IRFB3607 ESR 2 ohms
Rd 0
deadtime: ~300 ns
1N4148 1k
14 102 3V H2 10k
Vdd Vdd 15k
2 4 3 470 6 5 2.8 V 150k 1k
phi2_2 1N5224B 2.4k
1k 100k LT1029 Vrefdc
102 Vdd Duty Cycle Limit 8 Vdd − 2
7 5.1k 5V
2 4 1
73 100k
5/6 74HC04 1N4148 1 8 Vdd − 6
C AD790 4 +
104 2.4k 7 8 Vdd 2
6 − 3 102 1/2 OP262 Vref2dc −
5 1
phi1_2 10 11 470 8 9 8 1/2 OP262 4 +
100k + Multiturn
150k 15k 4 3 105
102 100k 1/2 OP262
Vdd Vdd
100k Vref2dc Trim
1k Vdd
10k 32 + 4
1 7
400 kHz C AD790 100k
Freq. Adj. 6 −
8 5
470 pF
104 33 uF
Figure B-2: Switching sections and feedback control circuits. ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘Vdd’,
‘Vss’, labels above switching section nodes correspond to edge connectors on the
Totem Cards for the respective converters (fuel cell and battery).
A Vcc A Vcc
MUR120 MUR120
Vcc Gh1 Vcc Gh2
1 8 Rg 1 8 Rg
Vcc Vb 105 Vcc Vb 105
phi1_1 7 3.9 phi1_2 7 3.9
104 2 IN HO 104 2 IN HO
4 COM Vs 5 sh1 4 COM Vs 5 sh1
MUR120 MUR120
Vcc Gl1 Vcc Gl2
1 8 Rg 1 8 Rg
Vcc Vb 105 Vcc Vb 105
phi2_1 7 3.9 phi2_2 7 3.9
104 2 IN HO 104 2 IN HO
3 IR2125 6 3 IR2125 6
4 COM Vs 5 4 COM Vs 5
B. Multi-converter Systems
Solder Bridge
Vdd _fc
A_fc 1 3
Figure B-4: Linear regulators
104 33 uF 104 33 uF
Power only LM7805 for testing control circuitry
Solder Bridge
Vdd _batt
A_batt 1 3
104 33 uF 104 33 uF
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
This script is a platform for evaluating the performance and stability of the “master-
slave” current-voltage regulated dual converter fuel cell power system. Supporting
functions include functions that report magnitude and phase vectors for closed-loop
transfer functions derived in Chapter 6 and also 2EET correction factors.
%% AC AND DC A n a l y s i s
close all
s = tf ( ’s ’ );
%% I n p u t s
%Choose plots
DC = 0 ;
CL = 1 ;
OL = 0 ;
OutputFilter = 0;
InputFilter = 0;
CorrectionFactors = 0;
Uncorrectedvoverd1 = 0 ;
Correctedvoverd1 = 0 ;
Uncorrectedvoverd2 = 0 ;
Correctedvoverd2 = 0 ;
FilteredInput = 0;
Single = 0;
Printdata = 0 ;
%Feed b ack l o o p p a r a m e t e r s
H1 = 2 0 ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
R sen se = 10 e −3;
H2 = 1 / 2 ;
Fm1 = 1 / 1 . 7 ;
Fm2 = 1 / 1 . 7 ;
% Lead Lag c o m p e n s a t o r C u r r e n t Feed b ack Loop G1 = 1 0 ; wl agp 1 = 6 e4 ; wlagz1
% = 2 e6 ; wl ead p 1 = 1 e6 ; w l e a d z 1 = 1 e6 ; % V o l t a g e Feed b ack Loop G2 = 1 0 ;
% wl agp 2 = 2 e6 ; w l a g z 2 = 2 e6 ; wl ead p 2 = 1 e6 ; w l e a d z 2 = 1 e6 ;
% Gc1 = G1∗(1+ s / w l a g z 1 )∗(1+ s / w l e a d z 1 ) / ( ( 1 + s / wl agp 1 )∗(1+ s / wl ead p 1 ) ) ; Gc2 =
% G2∗(1+ s / w l a g z 2 )∗(1+ s / w l e a d z 2 ) / ( ( 1 + s / wl agp 2 )∗(1+ s / wl ead p 2 ) ) ;
% Output Filters
Rwire = 0 . 0 2 ;
l o 1 = 20 e −6;
ESRlo1 = 0 . 0 1 ;
ESRlo1 = 0. 5+ 0. 01+ R sen se+Rwire ;
Co1 = 10 e −6;
ESRco1 = 2 ;
lo2 = lo1 ;
ESRlo2 = 0 . 0 1 ;
Co2 = Co1 ;
ESRco2 = ESRco1 ;
R d i od e1 = 0 . 0 ;
R d i od e2 = 0 . 0 ;
% Input Filters
L i n 1 = 20 e −6;
Cin1 = 1 e −6;
Cd1 = 2∗ 2200 e −6;
Rd1 = 0 . 2 + 0 . 5 ∗ 0 . 1 3 0 ; % = Rd + ESRc
ESRlin1 = 0 . 0 1 ;
ESRcin1 = 0 . 0 1 ;
Lin2 = Lin1 ;
Cin2= Cin1 ;
Cd2 = Cd1 ;
Rd2 = 0 . 2 ∗ 0 . 1 3 0 ;
ESRlin2 = ESRlin1 ;
ESRcin2 = ESRcin1 ;
%S e t points
V fc = 1 2 ;
Vbatt = 1 2 ;
Vout Command = 6 ;
Io1 Command = 8 ;
V = Vout Command ;
I o 1 = Io1 Command ;
Io2 = 8;
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
D1 = V/ V fc ;
D2 = V/ Vbatt ;
I = I o 1+I o 2 ;
%% L i n e a r Model : Buck
Le1 = l o 1 ;
Le2 = l o 2 ;
ESRle1 = ESRlo1 ;
ESRle2 = ESRlo2 ;
Ce1 = Co1 ;
Ce2 = Co2 ;
ESRce1 = ESRco1 ;
ESRce2 = ESRco2 ;
z c e 1 = ESRce1 +1/( s ∗Ce1 ) ;
z c e 2 = ESRce2 +1/( s ∗Ce2 ) ;
z c = z c e 1 ∗ z c e 2 / ( z c e 1+z c e 2 ) ;
z l = r e d u c e s y s ( z c ∗R/ ( z c+R ) ) ;
z l s i n g l e 1 = r e d u c e s y s ( z c ∗R/ ( z c+R ) ) ;
z l s i n g l e 2 = r e d u c e s y s ( z c ∗R/ ( z c+R ) ) ;
z l e 1 = s ∗ l o 1+ESRlo1 ;
z l e 2 = s ∗ l o 2+ESRlo2 ;
z l p z l e 1 = ( z l ∗ z l e 1 / ( z l+z l e 1 ) ) ;
z l p z l e 2 = ( z l ∗ z l e 2 / ( z l+z l e 2 ) ) ;
z e 1 = z l e 1 ∗ z c e 1 / ( z l e 1+z c e 1 ) ;
z e 2 = z l e 2 ∗ z c e 2 / ( z l e 2+z c e 2 ) ;
M1 = D1 ;
M2 = D2 ;
e1 = V/ ( D1 ˆ 2 ) ;
e2 = V/ ( D2 ˆ 2 ) ;
j1 = Io1 ;
j2 = Io2 ;
Rp = R/(1+R/ ESRle1+R/ ESRle2 ) ;
l am b d ap r i m e1 = z l e 1 +( z l e 2 ∗ z l / ( z l e 2+z l ) ) ;
lambda1 = ( z l e 2 ∗ z l / ( z l e 2+z l ) ) / l am b d ap r i m e1 ;
l am b d ap r i m e2 = z l e 2 +( z l e 1 ∗ z l / ( z l e 1+z l ) ) ;
lambda2 = ( z l e 1 ∗ z l / ( z l e 1+z l ) ) / l am b d ap r i m e2 ;
%Pre−e v a l u a t e d v o v e r d and i o 1 o v e r d
[ v1mag , v1p h ase ] = v o v e r d 1 ( H1 , H2 , Gc1 , Gc2 , M1, M2, e1 , e2 , j 1 , j 2 , Fm1 , Fm2 , Le1 , . . .
Le2 , ESRle1 , ESRle2 , Ce1 , Ce2 , ESRce1 , ESRce2 , R, f s i m ) ;
[ v2mag , v2p h ase ] = v o v e r d 2 ( H1 , H2 , Gc1 , Gc2 , M1, M2, e1 , e2 , j 1 , j 2 , Fm1 , Fm2 , Le1 , . . .
Le2 , ESRle1 , ESRle2 , Ce1 , Ce2 , ESRce1 , ESRce2 , R, f s i m ) ;
[ i1mag , i 1 p h a s e ] = i o 1 o v e r d 1 ( H1 , H2 , Gc1 , Gc2 , M1, M2, e1 , e2 , j 1 , j 2 , Fm1 , Fm2 , Le1 , . . .
Le2 , ESRle1 , ESRle2 , Ce1 , Ce2 , ESRce1 , ESRce2 , R, f s i m ) ;
[ i2mag , i 2 p h a s e ] = i o 1 o v e r d 2 ( H1 , H2 , Gc1 , Gc2 , M1, M2, e1 , e2 , j 1 , j 2 , Fm1 , Fm2 , Le1 , . . .
Le2 , ESRle1 , ESRle2 , Ce1 , Ce2 , ESRce1 , ESRce2 , R, f s i m ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
i o 1 o v e r d 1 u n e v a l = (M1∗ e1 / z l e 1 −v o v e r d 1 u n e v a l / z e 1 ) ;
i o 1 o v e r d 2 u n e v a l = −v o v e r d 2 u n e v a l / z e 1 ;
%Loop t r a n s f e r functions w i t h m i n or l o o p s
T1 = H1∗ R sen se ∗ ( d 1 o v e r q u n e v a l ∗ i o 1 o v e r d 1 u n e v a l+d 2 o v e r q u n e v a l ∗ . . .
io1overd2 uneval ) ;
T2 = H2∗ ( d 1 o v e r x u n e v a l ∗ v o v e r d 1 u n e v a l+d 2 o v e r x u n e v a l ∗ v o v e r d 2 u n e v a l ) ;
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
%% P l o t t i n g %%
%% P l o t t i n g C−L t r a n s f e r functions
w h i l e CL == 1
% V
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , vmag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , vovervref1acmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , vovervref1acmagdata droop , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’V/ V { r e f 1 } ’ )
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | v/ v { r e f 1 } | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
%vp h ase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , vp h ase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , vovervref1acphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , vovervref1acphasedata droop , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e v / v { r e f 1 } ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
hold off
g r i d on
box on
% IO1
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , io1mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o1overvref1acmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i o1overvref1acmagdata droop , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ I { o1 }/ V { r e f 1 } ’ )
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | i { o1 }/ v { r e f 1 } | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
%i o 1 p h a s e
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o1phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i o 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a ta d r o o p , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y la be l ( ’\ angle i { o1 }/ v { r e f 1 } ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
% IIN1
%i i n 1 m a g
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
semi l ogx ( fsim , iin1mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n1overvref1acmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n1overvref1acmagdat a droop , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ I { i n 1 }/V { r e f 1 } ’ )
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | i { i n 1 }/ v { r e f 1 } | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
%i i n 1 p h a s e
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 p h a s e ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y la be l ( ’\ angle i { i n 1 }/ v { r e f 1 } ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
% IIN1overiload
%i i n 1 o v e r i l o a d m a g
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r i l o a d m a g ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n1overvref1acmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n1overvref1acmagdat a droop , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ I { i n 1 }/ I { l o a d } ’ )
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | i { i n 1 }/ i { l o a d } | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
%i i n 1 o v e r i l o a d p h a s e
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r i l o a d p h a s e ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p , ’ + ’ )
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y la be l ( ’\ angle i { i n 1 }/ i { l o a d } ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
hold off
g r i d on
box on
CL = 0 ;
%% P l o t t i n g O−L t r a n s f e r functions
w h i l e OL == 1
% subplot (1 ,2 ,1)
m ar gi n ( T1 )
% g r i d on
box on
% subplot (1 ,2 ,2)
m ar gi n ( T2 )
box on
OL = 0 ;
%% P l o t t i n g Correction Factors
while C o r r e c t i o n F a c t o r s == 1 ,
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF1mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacmagdata − . . .
voverd1uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v o v e r d 1 c o r r e c t e d a c m a g d a t a d r o o p −v o v e r d 1 u n c o r r e c t e d a
% cm agd at a d r oop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | CF 1 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ E xt r a Element C o r r e c t i o n F a c t o r CF 1 f o r v/ d 1 ’ )
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF1phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacphasedata − . . .
voverd1uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
% s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v o v e r d 1 c o r r e c t e d a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p −v o v e r d 1 u n c o r r e c t e
% dacphasedata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e CF 1 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
%% P l o t t i n g C o r r e c t i o n Factor 2
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF2mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacmagdata − . . .
voverd2uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v o v e r d 2 c o r r e c t e d a c m a g d a t a d r o o p −v o v e r d 2 u n c o r r e c t e d a c m a g d a t a d r o o p , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | CF 2 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ E xt r a Element C o r r e c t i o n F a c t o r CF 2 f o r v/ d 2 ’ )
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF2phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacphasedata − . . .
voverd2uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
%s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v o v e r d 2 c o r r e c t e d a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p −
%v o v e r d 2 u n c o r r e c t e d a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e CF 2 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
g r i d on
box on
hold off
%% P l o t t i n g C o r r e c t i o n Factor 3 f o r i o 1 / d1
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF3mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o1overd1correctedacmagdata − . . .
io1overd1uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% sem i l ogx ( fsim , vover d 2cor r ect ed acm agdat a d r oop−
% voverd2uncorrectedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | CF 3 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ E xt r a Element C o r r e c t i o n F a c t o r CF 3 f o r i { o1 }/ d 1 ’ )
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF3phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o 1 o v e r d 1 c o r r e c t e da c pha s e da t a − . . .
io1overd1uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacphase data droop −
% voverd2uncorrectedacphasedata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e CF 3 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
%% P l o t t i n g C o r r e c t i o n Factor 4 f o r i o 1 / d2
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF4mag ) ; h o l d on
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o1overd2correctedacmagdata − . . .
io1overd2uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% sem i l ogx ( fsim , vover d 2cor r ect ed acm agdat a d r oop−
% voverd2uncorrectedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | CF 4 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ E xt r a Element C o r r e c t i o n F a c t o r CF 4 f o r i { o1 }/ d 2 ’ )
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , CF4phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , i o 1 o v e r d 2 c o r r e c t e da c pha s e da t a − . . .
io1overd2uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacphase data droop −
% voverd2uncorrectedacphasedata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e CF 4 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
CorrectionFactors = 0;
%% P l o t t i n g U n corrected voverd1
while U n c o r r e c t e d v o v e r d 1 == 1 ,
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v1mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1uncorrectedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
B. Multi-converter Systems
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ v/ d 1 ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | v/ d 1 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v1p h ase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1uncorrectedacphasedata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e v / d 1 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
Uncorrectedvoverd1 = 0;
%% P l o t t i n g Corrected voverd1
while C o r r e c t e d v o v e r d 1 == 1 ,
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
c1mag = v1mag+CF1mag ;
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , c1mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacmagdata , ’ x ’ ) ;
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
t i t l e ( ’ Corrected v/d 1 ’ , ’ Fontsize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | v/ d 1 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
%c a l c u l a t e d
c 1 p h a s e = v1p h ase+CF1phase ;
semi l ogx ( fsim , c1phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd1correctedacphase data droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e v / d 1 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
Correctedvoverd1 = 0;
%% P l o t t i n g U n corrected voverd2
while U n c o r r e c t e d v o v e r d 2 == 1 ,
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v2mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2uncorrectedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2uncorrectedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ;
t i t l e ( ’ v/ d 2 ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ | v/ d 2 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , v2p h ase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2uncorrectedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2uncorrectedacphasedata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e v / d 2 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
Uncorrectedvoverd2 = 0;
%% P l o t t i n g Corrected voverd2
while C o r r e c t e d v o v e r d 2 == 1 ,
% Magnitude
subplot (2 ,1 ,1)
% calculated
c2mag = v2mag+CF2mag ;
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , c2mag ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacmagdata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacmagdata droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
t i t l e ( ’ Corrected v/d 2 ’ , ’ Fontsize ’ , 8 ) ;
h = gca ;
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ | v/ d 2 | ( db ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
% Phase
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
%c a l c u l a t e d
c 2 p h a s e = v2p h ase+CF2phase ;
semi l ogx ( fsim , c2phase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
if P r i n t d a t a == 1
semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacphasedata , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , voverd2correctedacphase data droop , ’ o ’ )
% P l ot Formatting
% h l egen d = l egen d ( ’ Cal cu l ated ’ , ’ Simulated ’ ) ;
h = gca ;
% s e t ( h l egen d , ’ FontSize ’ , 8 ) ; s e t ( h l egen d , ’ Location ’ , ’ best ’ )
s e t (h , ’ Fon tsi ze ’ , 8 , ’ Ycolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] , ’ Xcolor ’ , [ 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 4 ] )
y l a b e l ( ’ \ a n g l e v / d 2 ( d eg ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
x l a b e l ( ’ Fr equ en cy ( r ad / s e c ) ’ , ’ F o n t s i z e ’ , 8 , ’ Col or ’ , ’ k ’ ) ;
g r i d on
box on
hold off
Correctedvoverd2 = 0;
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
OutputFilter = 0;
%i i n 1 p h a s e
subplot (2 ,1 ,2)
% calculated
s e m i l o g x ( f s i m , i i n 1 p h a s e+Q i n 1p h ase ) ; h o l d on
% simulated
% if P r i n t d a t a == 1
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a , ’ x ’ )
% semi l ogx ( fsim , i i n 1 o v e r v r e f 1 a c p h a s e d a t a d r o o p , ’ + ’ )
% end h l e g e n d = l e g e n d ( ’ C a l c u l a t e d ’ , ’ S i m u l a t e d R { d r oop } =
B. Multi-converter Systems
FilteredInput = 0;
Single = 0;
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
This script reports the magnitude and phase of the closed-loop transfer function from
the first converter’s control voltage perturbation to the load voltage perturbation.
t er m 1 = d 1 o v e r v r e f 1 . ∗ f r e q r e s p (M1∗ z l p z l e 2 ∗ e1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) . / . . .
f r e q r e s p ( ( z l e 1+z l p z l e 2 ) , eval vector );
t er m 2 = d 2 o v e r v r e f 1 . ∗ f r e q r e s p (M2∗ z l p z l e 1 ∗ e2 , e v a l v e c t o r ) . / . . .
f r e q r e s p ( ( z l e 2+z l p z l e 1 ) , eval vector );
r e s u l t = t er m 1+t er m 2 ;
%% R e s u l t s
mag = 20∗ l o g 1 0 ( ab s ( r e s u l t ( : ) ) ) ;
p h a s e = 180/ p i ∗ ( a n g l e ( r e s u l t ( : ) ) ) ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
This script reports the magnitude and phase of the 2EET correction factor for the
converter transfer function from the first converter’s duty ratio perturbation to the
first converter’s output voltage perturbation (the load voltage).
%% C o r r e c t i o n factor f o r v / d1 f o r TWO i n p u t filters w i t h Output
%% C a p a c i t a n c e s
%% S p e c i a l −c a s e impedances
Zs1 = t f (−e1 / j 1 ) ;
Zs2 = t f ( Z l e 2 / (M2∗M2 ) ) ;
Zs3 = t f ( ( Z l e 1 +( Z l e 2 ∗ZL/ ( ZL+Z l e 2 ) ) ) / ( M1∗M1 ) ) ; %(R−>ZL )
Zs4 = t f ( ( Z l e 2 +( Z l e 1 ∗ZL/ ( ZL+Z l e 1 ) ) ) / ( M2∗M2 ) ) ; %(R−>ZL )
Zs5 = t f (−e1 / j 1 ) ;
Zs6 = ( ZL+Z l e 1 ) / (M1∗M1 ) ; %(R−>ZL )
%% F i l t e r Output I m p ed an ces
% Z1 = r e d u c e s y s ( F i l t e r Z o 1 ( Lin1 , Cin1 , ESRlin1 , ESRcin1 , Cd1 , Rd1 ) ) ;
% Z2 = r e d u c e s y s ( F i l t e r Z o 2 ( Lin2 , Cin2 , ESRlin2 , ESRcin2 , Cd2 , Rd2 ) ) ;
Z1 = F i l t e r Z o 1 ( Lin1 , Cin1 , ESRlin1 , ESRcin1 , Cd1 , Rd1 ) ;
Z2 = F i l t e r Z o 2 ( Lin2 , Cin2 , ESRlin2 , ESRcin2 , Cd2 , Rd2 ) ;
%% I n t e r a c t i o n Parameters
Kn = Zs1 / Zs5 ;
Kd = Zs3 / Zs6 ;
B.2. Matlabr Scripts for Multi-converter System Modeling
% CF1den = CF1den1+CF1den2 :
CF1den1 = 1+Z1/ Zs3+Z2/ Zs4 ;
CF1den2 = Kd∗ ( Z1∗Z2 / ( Zs3 ∗ Zs4 ) ) ;
%% E v a l u a t e CF1 n u m er at or and d e n o m i n a t o r n u m e r i c a l l y
CF1num = f r e q r e s p ( CF1num1 , e v a l v e c t o r ) . ∗ f r e q r e s p ( CF1num2 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
CF1den = f r e q r e s p ( CF1den1 , e v a l v e c t o r )+ f r e q r e s p ( CF1den2 , e v a l v e c t o r ) ;
%% R e p o r t i n g
mag = CF1mag ;
p h a s e = CF1phase ;
B. Multi-converter Systems
Designating îo1 /dˆ1 as the 3rd transfer function, the superscripts for the six special-case
impedances are all (3). The other independent inputs, dˆ2 (s), v̂gth1 (s) and v̂gth2 (s), are
all deactivated leading to some simplification of the circuit in Figure 7-5.
The first special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =0 , is the null-condition impedance at
the first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Because
it is a null-condition impedance, analysis of the circuit should address the fact that
the independent input in this transfer function, dˆ1 will be directed such that the
first converter’s output current, îo1 , is nulled. With this condition, and with the
other independent inputs deactivated, the voltage drop across the first converter’s
total output impedance is zero and the second converter output current must also
be zero since the second duty ratio has been deactivated. The output voltage must
be zero since both converter output currents are zero and that voltage appears at
the secondary of the first ideal transformer. The primary voltage of the first ideal
transformer must also be zero. Therefore, the voltage across the extra element port
is simply v̂in = −e1 dˆ1 (s) and the current through the extra element port must be
îin = j1 dˆ1 (s) so that their ratio, the impedance seen at the extra element port is
(3) e1
ZN 1 |Z2 =0 = − . (B.1)
The second special-case impedance, ZN 2 |Z1 =0 , is the null-condition impedance at
the second extra element port with the first extra element port shorted. Because the
first converter’s output current is zero, the load voltage is simply, e1 dˆ1 M1 and the
e1 dˆ1 M1
second converter’s output current must be îo2 = R
. Solving the circuit in Figure
7-5 leads to
M1 e1 dˆ1 Zce2
îin = M2 (B.2)
R Zce2 + Zle2
1 ˆ 1
v̂in = e1 d1 M1 + îin Zle2 . (B.3)
M2 M2
B.3. Derivation of Special-case Impedances for îo1 /dˆ1
(3) 1 Zce2 + Zle2
ZN 2 |Z1 =0 = 2 R + Zle2 . (B.4)
M2 Zce2
The third special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =0 , is the open-loop impedance at the
first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Now the in-
dependent input in the transfer function of interest is deactivated leaving all of the
independent inputs deactivated. This condition is identical to that for the open-loop
impedance found for correcting any other transfer function. The result can be taken
directly from the correction factor derivation for v̂/dˆ1 , for instance:
The fourth special-case impedance can be taken from the third from symmetry argu-
(3) Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
ZD2 |Z1 =0 = . (B.6)
The remaining two special-case impedances are needed to determine the inter-
action parameters in the correction factor. Note that from (7.31), there is some
redundancy in the choice of these final special-case impedances. Here we derive,
(3) (3) (3)
ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ and ZD1 |Z2 =∞ . The fifth special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ , is the null-
condition impedance at the first extra element port with the second extra element
port open-circuited. Because the second port is open-circuited, the current through
the second primary must be zero, îpri2 = 0 and so must the current through the
second inductor, île2 = 0. Since the first converter’s output current is nulled, îo1 = 0,
the voltage drop across the first converter’s total output impedance is zero, so that by
KVL, the voltage across the first secondary and therefore its primary is zero, v̂pri1 = 0.
Therefore, the voltage across the extra element port is simply v̂in = −e1 dˆ1 (s) and the
current through the extra element port must be îin = j1 dˆ1 (s) so that their ratio, the
B. Multi-converter Systems
(3) e1
ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ = − . (B.7)
This result is identical to the result for the first special-case impedance. This fact leads
to a numerator interaction parameter that of unity and an interesting simplification
of the resulting correction factor.
The sixth and final special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =∞ , is the open-loop impedance
at the first extra element port with the second extra element port open-circuited. The
result can be taken directly from the correction factor derivation for v̂/dˆ1 , for instance:
(3) Zle1 + ZL
ZD1 |Z2 =∞ = . (B.8)
Designating îo1 /dˆ2 as the 4th transfer function, the superscripts for the six special-case
impedances are all (4). The other independent inputs, dˆ1 (s), v̂gth1 (s) and v̂gth2 (s), are
all deactivated leading to some simplification of the circuit in Figure 7-5.
The first special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =0 , is the null-condition impedance at the
first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Because it is
a null-condition impedance, analysis of the circuit should address the fact that the
independent input in this transfer function, dˆ2 will be directed such that the first
converter’s output current, îo1 , is nulled. With this condition, and with the other
independent inputs deactivated, the input voltage can be written in terms of the
nonzero load voltage as
1 Zce1 + Zle1
v̂in = v̂ (B.9)
M1 Zce1
and the input current is the transformed current through Ce1 also written in terms
of the load voltage as
îin = M1 (B.10)
B.4. Derivation of Special-case Impedances for îo1 /dˆ2
The second special-case impedance, ZN 2 |Z1 =0 , is the null-condition impedance
at the second extra element port with the first extra element port shorted. The
voltage drop across the second converter’s total output impedance is zero and the
first converter output current must also be zero since the first duty ratio has been
deactivated. The output voltage must be zero since both converter output currents
are zero and that voltage appears at the secondary of the second ideal transformer.
The primary voltage of the second ideal transformer must also be zero. Therefore, the
voltage across the extra element port is simply v̂in = −e2 dˆ2 (s) and the current through
the extra element port must be îin = j2 dˆ2 (s) so that their ratio, the impedance seen
at the extra element port is
(4) e2
ZN 2 |Z1 =0 = − . (B.12)
The third special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =0 , is the open-loop impedance at the
first extra element port with the second extra element port shorted. Now the in-
dependent input in the transfer function of interest is deactivated leaving all of the
independent inputs deactivated. This condition is identical to that for the open-loop
impedance found for correcting any other transfer function. The result can be taken
directly from the correction factor derivation for v̂/dˆ1 , for instance:
The fourth special-case impedance can be taken from the third from symmetry argu-
(4) Zle2 + ZL ||Zle1
ZD2 |Z1 =0 = . (B.14)
The remaining two special-case impedances are needed to determine the interac-
tion parameters in the correction factor. Note that from (7.31), there is some redun-
B. Multi-converter Systems
dancy in the choice of these final special-case impedances. Here we derive, ZN 1 |Z2 =∞
(4) (4)
and ZD1 |Z2 =∞ . The fifth special-case impedance, ZN 1 |Z2 =∞ , is the null-condition
impedance at the first extra element port with the second extra element port open-
circuited. With this condition, and with the other independent inputs deactivated,
the input voltage can be written in terms of the nonzero load voltage as
1 Zce1 + Zle1
v̂in = v̂ (B.15)
M1 Zce1
and the input current is the transformed current through Ce1 also written in terms
of the load voltage as
îin = M1 (B.16)
and dividing the two yields the result
This result is identical to the result for the first special-case impedance. This fact leads
to a numerator interaction parameter that of unity and an interesting simplification
of the resulting correction factor.
The sixth and final special-case impedance, ZD1 |Z2 =∞ , is the open-loop impedance
at the first extra element port with the second extra element port open-circuited. The
result can be taken directly from the correction factor derivation for v̂/dˆ1 , for instance:
(4) Zle1 + ZL
ZD1 |Z2 =∞ = . (B.18)
B.4. Derivation of Special-case Impedances for îo1 /dˆ2
Appendix C
Switched-capacitor Multilevel
Output DC/DC Converters
• Hardware
C.1. Hardware
C.1 Hardware
• Photograph
• PCB layout
• Schematic drawings
• Build notes
• Bill of materials
C.1.1 Photograph
Figure C-1: A closeup photograph of the two marx converters in the experimental
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
Figure C-2: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the marx converter.
C.1. Hardware
Figure C-3: The Eagle Cadr PCB layout of the marx converter without ground and
power planes drawn.
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
05 May 2011,08:26 PM
Layer: marx_R1.cmp
Layer: marx_R1.sol
05 May 2011,08:26 PM
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
C.1. Hardware
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
C.1. Hardware
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
C.1. Hardware
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
C.1. Hardware
• Note that not all charge pumps need to be populated. Generally, for this exper-
iment only the charge pumps for M3, M6, M9, and M10 need to be populated.
• Adjust zener bias diodes empirically or per time averaged source node voltage
• Adjust Rg empirically
• The values of capacitors C11 and C12 and all analogous pairs are switched in
the Eagle schematic. C11 should be 102, C12 should be 104
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
C.1.5 BOM
The Marx converter bill of materials is shown in the table below. Refer to Section
10.5 for changes.
24 1N4148DO35-10 1N4148DO35-10 D2, D3, D4, D6, D7, D9, D10, D12, D13, D15, D16,
D18, D19, D21, D22, D24, D25, D27, D28, D30, D31,
D33, D34, D36
3 1k R-US-0207/10 R1, R3, R4
11 4 R-US-0207/10 RG1-11
11 4.7k R-US-0207/10 R5, R7, R9, R11, R13, R15, R17, R19, R21, R23, R25
11 12V Zener ZENER-DIODEDO41Z10 D5, D8, D11, D14, D17, D20, D23, D26, D29, D32, D35
1 12uF/300V C-US275-205X316 COUT-3
4 33u C-US050-050X075 C6, C7, C8, C65
1 74HC04 74ALS04N IC3
11 100k R-US-0207/10 R6, R8, R10, R12, R14, R16, R18, R20, R22, R24, R26
2 102 C2.5/6 C1, C2
11 102 C5/2.5 C12, C16, C20, C24, C28, C32, C36, C40, C44, C48, C52
11 103 C5/2.5 C13, C17, C21, C25, C29, C33, C37, C41, C45, C49, C53
38 104 C2.5/6 C3-5, C9, C10, C11, C14, C15, C18, C19, C22, C23,
C26, C27, C30, C31, C34, C35, C38, C39, C42, C43,
C46, C47, C50, C51, C54-63, C66, C67
1 105 BOURNEPOT3310Y001 R2
5 105/100V C-US225-062X268 C1-1, C2-1, C3-1, CP1, CP4
2 105/250V C-US225-087X268 COUT-1, COUT-2
5 475/100V C-US225-062X268 C1-2, C2-2, C3-2, CP2, CP5
1 680 pF C2.5/6 C64
5 685/100V C-US225-087X268 C1-3, C2-3, C3-3, CP3, CP6
1 7805 7805TV IC1
1 7812 7805TV IC4
11 ICM755 LM555N IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8, IC9, IC10,
11 IR2125 IR2125 U6-16
11 IRF8721 FDS5680 M1-11
1 LM555N LM555N IC2
1 MBR20100C MUR620CT D1
11 SP4T SW-C10 SW1-11
4 STANDOFF4-40 STANDOFF4-40 U17, U18, U19, U20
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
This script iterates computations of the Marx converter performance through ran-
domized panel lighting levels. It records the maximum efficiency for each iteration
and averages the results among all of the iterations. The result is a statistical perfor-
mance prediction of the Marx converter system. This script requires functions:
• Io_sweep.m
• single_sim_single_Io.m
• etapsim_single_Io.m
• Qsim_single_Io.m
• Rout_lookup.m
• varycolor.m
%% C l e a r e n v i r o n m e n t
close all
%% C l e a r screen
%% I n p u t s
% Figure
f ig no = 10;
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
Plotonly = 0 ;
Plot2D = 0 ;
Plot3D = 0 ;
Single system = 1;
Diode loss = 1;
% Circuit E l em en t s
%C p e r level p e r module ( i . e . the actual value of the c a p a c i t o r C)
C = 1 2 . 5 e −6;
Ron = 8 . 5 e −3; %FET Ron
Qg = 8 . 3 e −9; %Gate Charge (C)
Qoss = 5 e −9; %Qoss (C)
Qrr = 15 e −9; %R e v e r s e r e c o v e r y c h a r g e (C)
Vg = 1 0 ; %Gate D r i v e V o l t a g e (V)
f s w = 360 e3 ;
% PV P a r a m e t e r s
Voc nom = 2 9 ;
Vmp nom = 2 4 . 6 ;
Isc nom = 7 . 3 8 ;
Imp nom = 6 . 9 3 ;
%% C r e a t e simulation vectors
montecarlo vec = 1 : montecarlo length ;
Number of sources vec = min number of sources : max number of sources ;
if S i n g l e s y s t e m == 1
Qmax vec = Qmaxmax ;
Qmax vec = 1 : 1 : Qmaxmax ;
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
if P l o t o n l y == 0
montecarlo avg etap array = [ ] ;
montecarlo avg etac array = [ ] ;
montecarlo avg eta array = [ ] ;
f o r Qmax = Qmax vec
%% Check Rout Lookup g e t t i n g e t c = 100% f o r Qmax = 1 c a s e n ot right
Q a v a i l = Qmin : Q r es : Qmax ; %V ar yi n g Q avail ( r e s e t Qmax e a c h t i m e )
montecarlo avg etap vec = [ ] ;
montecarlo avg etac vec = [ ] ;
montecarlo avg eta vec = [ ] ;
for Number of sources = Number of sources vec
etap vec = [ ] ;
etac vec = [ ] ;
eta vec = [ ] ;
for i = montecarlo vec
Q avail ;
Number of sources
Montecarlo N = i
r e s u l t s a r r a y = I o s w e e p ( Iomin , Ioresfine , Iorescoarse , ...
Iomax , Q avail , N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s , Voc nom , Vmp nom , ...
I sc n om , Imp nom , Ro , C, fsw , Ron , Qg , Qoss , Qrr , Vg , ...
Com p r ess r an ge , Isc vec norm , Diode loss ) ;
etap = r e s u l t s a r r a y ( : , 1 ) ;
etac = r e s u l t s a r r a y ( : , 2 ) ;
eta = r e s u l t s a r r a y ( : , 3 ) ;
% Find etamax i n d e x
etamax = max ( e t a ) ;
e t a m a x i n d e x = f i n d ( etamax == e t a ) ;
if l e n g t h ( etamax index ) > 1 % o n l y want on e
etamax index = etamax index ( 1 ) ;
% Find e t a p e t a c and e t a a t etamax i n d e x
etapmax = e t a p ( e t a m a x i n d e x ) ;
etacmax = e t a c ( e t a m a x i n d e x ) ;
% Concatenate onto results vectors
e t a p v e c = h o r z c a t ( e t a p v e c , etapmax ) ;
et ac v ec = horzcat ( etac vec , etacmax ) ;
e t a v e c = h o r z c a t ( e t a v e c , etamax ) ;
montecarlo avg etap vec = horzcat ( montecarlo avg etap vec , ...
mean ( e t a p v e c ) ) ;
montecarlo avg etac vec = horzcat ( montecarlo avg etac vec , ...
mean ( e t a c v e c ) ) ;
montecarlo avg eta vec = horzcat ( montecarlo avg eta vec , ...
mean ( e t a v e c ) ) ;
montecarlo avg etap array = vertcat ( montecarlo avg etap array , ...
montecarlo avg etap vec )
montecarlo avg etac array = vertcat ( montecarlo avg etac array , ...
montecarlo avg etac vec )
montecarlo avg eta array = vertcat ( montecarlo avg eta array , ...
montecarlo avg eta vec )
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
%% Data P l o t t i n g
Iores = Ioresfine ;
i f Ro == 0
Rout = s p r i n t f ( ’ O ff ’ ) ;
Rout = s p r i n t f ( ’ On ’ ) ;
% 2D
if Plot2D == 1
%e t a p
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Tracking Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
legend vec = [ ] ;
l e g e n d v e c = Qmax vec ’ ;
ColorSet = varycolor ( length ( legend vec ) ) ;
s e t ( gca , ’ Col or O r d er ’ , ColorSet ) ;
hold all ;
plot ( Number of sources vec , montecarlo avg etap array ’ ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
ylabel ( ’\ eta p (%) ’)
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
l e g e n d ( num2str ( l e g e n d v e c ) , ’ L o c a t i o n ’ , ’ Best ’ ) ;
%e t a c
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Converter Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
legend vec = [ ] ;
l e g e n d v e c = Qmax vec ’ ;
ColorSet = varycolor ( length ( legend vec ) ) ;
s e t ( gca , ’ Col or O r d er ’ , ColorSet ) ;
hold all ;
plot ( Number of sources vec , montecarlo avg etac array ’ ) ;
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
ylabel ( ’\ eta c (%) ’)
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
l e g e n d ( num2str ( l e g e n d v e c ) , ’ L o c a t i o n ’ , ’ Best ’ ) ;
%e t a
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Total Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
legend vec = [ ] ;
l e g e n d v e c = Qmax vec ’ ;
ColorSet = varycolor ( length ( legend vec ) ) ;
s e t ( gca , ’ Col or O r d er ’ , ColorSet ) ;
hold all ;
plot ( Number of sources vec , montecarlo avg eta array ’ ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
y l a b e l ( ’\ eta (%) ’)
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
l e g e n d ( num2str ( l e g e n d v e c ) , ’ L o c a t i o n ’ , ’ Best ’ ) ;
if Plot3D == 1
% etap
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Tracking Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
s u r f ( N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s v e c , Qmax vec , montecarlo avg etap array ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
z label ( ’\ eta p (%) ’)
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
y l a b e l ( ’ Q {max } ’ )
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
% etac
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Converter Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
s u r f ( N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s v e c , Qmax vec , montecarlo avg etac array ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
z label ( ’\ eta c (%) ’)
y l a b e l ( ’ Q {max } ’ )
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
% eta
% t i t l e a r r a y = { [ ’ Total Efficiency v s . Number o f Sources across
% Q {max } ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a i l } = [ ’ num2str ( Qmin) ’: ’ num2str ( Q r es )
% ’ : Q {max } ] , M o n t e c a r l o L en gt h = ’
% num2str ( m o n t e c a r l o l e n g t h ) ] ; [ ’ I { o , sweep } = [ ’ num2str ( I om i n ) ’: ’
% num2str ( I o r e s ) ’: ’ num2str ( Iomax ) ’ ] A, Conv . L o s s = [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’C
% = ’ num2str ( 1 e6 ∗C) ’ \muF, f {sw} = ’ num2str ( f s w / 1 0 0 0 ) ’ kHz ,
% R { d son } = ’ num2str ( Ron ∗ 1 0 0 0 ) ’ m\Omega , Q { g } = ’ num2str ( Qg∗1 e9 )
% ’ nC , Q { o s s } = ’ num2str ( Qoss ∗1 e9 ) ’ nC , Q { r r } = ’
% num2str ( 1 e9 ∗ Qrr ) ’ nC , V g = ’ num2str ( Vg ) ’ V ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’
% num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’ V, I { sc } = ’
% num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A’ ] ; [ ’ Distribution Com p r essi on = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 ∗ C o m p r e s s r a n g e )
% ’% ’]};
s u r f ( N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s v e c , Qmax vec , montecarlo avg eta array ) ;
%% P l o t F o r m a t t i n g
z l a b e l ( ’\ eta (%) ’)
y l a b e l ( ’ Q {max } ’ )
x l a b e l ( ’ Number o f Sources ’ )
title ( title array );
g r i d on
box on
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
This function returns all of the results for a single string current sweep.
%% Sweep I o t o find g l o b a l MPPT i n Io s t e p p i n g syst em
function r e s u l t s a r r a y = I o s w e e p ( Iomin , Ioresfine , Iorescoarse , ...
Iomax , Q avail , N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s , Voc nom , Vmp nom , I sc n om , ...
Imp nom , Ro , C, fsw , Ron , Qg , Qoss , Qrr , Vg , Com p r ess r an ge , ...
Isc vec norm , Diode loss )
%% C l e a r screen
% clc
%% P l o t ?
Plot on = 0;
%% D et er m i n e b a l l p a r k max I o
B a l l p a r k m a x I o = I o v e c c o a r s e ( f i n d ( max ( r e s u l t s a r r a y c o a r s e ( : , 1 ) ) . . .
== r e s u l t s a r r a y c o a r s e ( : , 1 ) ) ) ;
I o m i n f i n e = B a l l p a r k m a x I o −I o r e s c o a r s e ;
I o m a x f i n e = B a l l p a r k m a x I o+I o r e s c o a r s e ;
I o m i n f i n e = I om i n ;
I o m a x f i n e = Iomax ;
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
%% R e p o r t i n g
results array = results array fine ;
%% Data P l o t t i n g if P l o t o n == 1
if P l o t o n == 1
MPP etap = max ( r e s u l t s a r r a y f i n e ( : , 1 ) ) ;
i f Ro == 0
Rout = s p r i n t f ( ’ O ff ’ ) ;
Rout = s p r i n t f ( ’ On ’ ) ;
plot ( I o vec f ine , results array fine (: ,1))
% t i t l e ( { [ ’ Tracking Efficiency v s . Output
% Cu r r en t ’ ] ; [ num2str ( N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s ) ’ sources ’ ] ; [ ’ Q { a v a il } = [ ’
% num2str ( Q a v a i l ) ’] , Coarse \ Delta I o = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 0 ∗ I o r e s c o a r s e )
% ’ mA, Fine \ Delta I o = ’ num2str ( 1 0 0 0 ∗ I o r e s f i n e ) ’ mA, Conv . Loss =
% [ ’ Rout ’ ] ’ ] ; [ ’ Imp { v e c } = [ ’ num2str ( Imp nom∗ I s c v e c n o r m ) ’]
% A ’ ] ; [ ’ V { oc } = ’ num2str ( Voc nom ) ’ V, V {mp} = ’ num2str ( Vmp nom ) ’
% V, I { s c } = ’ num2str ( I s c n o m ) ’ A, I {mp} = ’ num2str ( Imp nom ) ’
% A ’ ] ; [ ’ Max Power \ e t a p = ’ num2str ( MPP etap ) ’% ’]})
xlabel ( ’ I o (A) ’ )
ylabel ( ’\ eta p (%) ’)
box on
if I o r e s f i n e ˜= I o r e s c o a r s e
plot ( Io vec coarse , results array coarse (: ,1))
xlabel ( ’ I o (A) ’ )
ylabel ( ’\ eta p (%) ’)
box on
% Isc vec norm
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
This function returns the efficiencies and conversion ratios for a single string current
function [ etap etac e t a Q] = s i n g l e s i m s i n g l e I o ( Q a v a i l , Isc vec norm , ...
Voc nom , Vmp nom , I sc n om , Imp nom , Ro , C, fsw , Ron , Qg , Qoss , Qrr , ...
Vg , Io , Diode loss )
%% A s i n g l e Marx PV syst em simulation returning a set o f Qs and e t a p
%% C l e a r screen
% clc
%% D e f i n e P a n e l s
Voc vec = [ ] ;
Isc vec = [ ] ;
Vmp vec = [ ] ;
I m p vec = [ ] ;
%% D e f i n e MP’ s
MP vec = [ ] ;
for j = 1: Number of sources
MP vec = h o r z c a t ( MP vec , I m p vec ( j ) ∗ Vmp vec ( j ) ) ;
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
%% Find Q
Q = Q s i m s i n g l e I o ( I m p vec , Io , Q avail ) ;
%% Compute e t a p e t a c and e t a
[ etap etac eta ] = e t a p s i m s i n g l e I o ( Number of sources , Iph vec , ...
I m p vec , V oc vec , R s vec , Rp vec , Q, MP vec , Ro , C, fsw , Ron , ...
Qg , Qoss , Qrr , Vg , Q avail , Io , Diode loss );
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
This function returns the efficiencies achieved for a single string current.
function [ etap etac eta ] = e t a p s i m s i n g l e I o ( Number of sources , ...
Iph vec , I m p vec , V oc vec , R s vec , Rp vec , Q, MP vec , Ro , C, ...
fsw , Ron , Qg , Qoss , Qrr , Vg , Q avail , Io , Diode loss )
%% Compute t h e tracking efficiency given a s e t o f Qs
% Ouput D i od e
Cd = 10 e −12; % Output D i od e C a p a c i t a n c e
I s = 159 e −6; % Output D i od e I s
n = 1.76; % Output D i od e Q u a l i t y factor
ESRd = 0 . 0 2 ; % Output D i od e ESR
kTonq = 25 e −3;
Vd = l o g ( I o / I s +1)∗n∗kTonq+ESRd∗ I o ; % Output D i od e i d e a l voltage
% Compute Pin
Pin = I i n ∗ Vin ;
% Nan Ch ecki n g
if i s n a n ( Vin ) % if Vin = 0/0 s e t it to 0
Vin = 0 ;
if isnan ( I i n ) % if I i n = 0/0 s e t it to 0
Iin = 0;
if i s n a n ( Pin ) % if Pin = 0/0 s e t it to 0
Pin = 0 ;
% Lossless o r n ot
i f Ro ˜= 0
Rout = R o u t l o o k u p ( Q a v a i l , Q( j ) , C, fsw , Ron ) ;
Rout = 0 ;
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
Qg = 0 ;
Qoss = 0 ;
Qrr = 0 ;
% Enumerate t h e results
R o u t v e c = h o r z c a t ( R ou t vec , Rout ) ;
Pswloss vec = horzcat ( Pswloss vec , Pswloss ) ;
V i n v e c = h o r z c a t ( V i n v e c , Vin ) ;
I in v e c = horzcat ( Iin vec , Iin );
Pin vec = horzcat ( Pin vec , Pin ) ;
V o vec = h o r z c a t ( Vo vec ,Q( j ) ∗ Vin ) ;
V d r e v v e c = h o r z c a t ( V d r ev vec ,Q( j ) ∗ Vin−Vin ) ;
% D eb u ggi n g and Op . Pt r e p o r t i n g
% Vin vec
% Iin vec
% V o vec
% Pin vec
% Print initial conditions referenced t o gnd t o h e l p w i t h LTSPICE
% Vin1 = V i n v e c ( 1 )
% Vin2 = V o vec (1)+ V i n v e c ( 2 )
% Vin3 = V o vec (1)+ V o vec (2)+ V i n v e c ( 3 )
% Vo1 = V o vec ( 1 )
% Vo2 = V o vec (1)+ V o vec ( 2 )
% Vo = sum ( V o vec )
% P d i o d e l o s s t o t = I o ∗Vd+ESRd∗ I o ˆ 2 ;
if D i o d e l o s s == 1
P d i o d e l o s s t o t = N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s ∗ I o ∗Vd + . . .
f s w ∗Cd∗sum ( V d r e v v e c . ∗ V d r e v v e c ) ;
Pdiodeloss tot = 0;
P s w l o s s t o t = sum ( P s w l o s s v e c ) ;
P r l o s s t o t = Rout tot∗ Io ˆ2;
Ploss = Pswloss tot + Pr loss t ot + Pdiodeloss tot ;
Pout = Pin−P l o s s ;
% Not i n t e r e s t e d in N e g a t i v e Power c o n d i t i o n s
if Pout < 0
Pin = 0 ;
Pout = 0 ;
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
This function returns the conversion ratios for a set of Marx converters for a single
string current based on the local maximum power point tracking algorithm.
f u n c t i o n Q vec = Q s i m s i n g l e I o ( I m p vec , Io , Q avail )
%% A s i m u l a t i o n o f the set o f Q’ s d e t e r m i n e d by e a c h module i n d e p e n d e n t l y
%% o f the others having a f i x e d I o and s e t of a v a i l a b l e Q’ s .
% clc
%% B e g i n i a l i z e the variables
Q vec = [ ] ;
Iin avail = [ ] ;
N u m b e r o f s o u r c e s = l e n g t h ( I m p vec ) ;
%% R e p o r t i n g
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
This function returns the effective output resistance value for a Marx converter given
the switched-capacitor value, the switching frequency and the MOSFET on resistance
function r e s u l t = R o u t l o o k u p ( Q a v a i l , Q, C, fsw , Ron )
%% M u l t i p l i e r arrays
%Check t h e s e arrays for accuracy especially regarding Q = 0 cases , t h e n go
%b ack and make s u r e FET s e l e c t i o n script is also accurate
%Qmax = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rssl mult = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0; % Q = 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0; % Q = 1
0 1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1 ; % Q = 2
0 0 2 3/2 1 5/6 2 / 3 ; % Q = 3
0 0 0 3 5/2 2 3/2; % Q = 4
0 0 0 0 4 7/2 3 ; % Q = 5
0 0 0 0 0 5 9/2; % Q = 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 6 % Q = 7
%Qmax = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rfsl mult = [2 4 6 8 10 12 14; % Q = 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14; % Q = 1
0 8 10 12.444 8.2 17.6 32.39; % Q = 2
0 0 26 24 38 48.4 50.8; % Q = 3
0 0 0 64 90 100 100; % Q = 4
0 0 0 0 130 180 206; % Q = 5
0 0 0 0 0 232 307; % Q = 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 378 % Q = 7
%% FSL o r SSL
Rout = max ( R s s l , R f s l ) ;
%% R e p o r t i n g
r e s u l t = Rout ;
C. Switched-capacitor Multilevel Output DC/DC Converters
This function was written by Daniel Helmick and was found at Matlab Central
online. It was used to control the 3D mesh color gradient in the output plots from
the Monte Carlo simulations.
function C o l o r S e t=v a r y c o l o r ( NumberOfPlots )
% VARYCOLOR P r o d u c e s c o l o r s w i t h maximum v a r i a t i o n on p l o t s with m u l t i p l e
% lines .
% VARYCOLOR(X) r e t u r n s a matrix of d i m e n s i o n X by 3 . The m a t r i x may be
% u sed in c o n j u n c t i o n with the p l o t command o p t i o n ’ color ’ to vary the
% color of lines .
% Y el l ow and White c o l o r s wer e n ot u sed because of their poor
% translation to presentations .
% Example Usage :
% NumberOfPlots =50;
% C o l o r S e t=v a r y c o l o r ( NumberOfPlots ) ;
% figure
% h o l d on ;
% f o r m=1: NumberOfPlots
% p l o t ( o n e s ( 2 0 , 1 ) ∗m, ’ Col or ’ , C o l o r S e t (m, : ) )
% end
%C r e a t e d by D a n i e l H el m i ck 8/12/200 8
%i n i t i a l i z e ou r vector
C.2. Matlabr Scripts for Switched-capacitor System Modeling
C o l o r S e t=z e r o s ( NumberOfPlots , 3 ) ;
%Th i s is to deal with the extra plots t h a t don ’ t fit nicely into the
%s e g m e n t s
A d j u s t=z e r o s ( 1 , 5 ) ;
f o r m=1: E x t r a P l o t s
A d j u s t (m) = 1 ;
SecOne =EachSec+A d j u s t ( 1 ) ;
SecTwo =EachSec+A d j u s t ( 2 ) ;
S ecTh r ee =EachSec+A d j u s t ( 3 ) ;
S ecFou r =EachSec+A d j u s t ( 4 ) ;
SecFive =EachSec ;
f o r m=1: SecOne
C o l o r S e t (m, : ) = [ 0 1 (m−1)/( SecOne − 1 ) ] ;
f o r m=1:SecTwo
C o l o r S e t (m+SecOne , : ) = [ 0 ( SecTwo−m) / ( SecTwo ) 1];
f o r m=1: S ecTh r ee
C o l o r S e t (m+SecOne+SecTwo , : ) = [ (m) / ( S ecTh r ee ) 0 1];
f o r m=1: S ecFou r
C o l o r S e t (m+SecOne+SecTwo+S ecTh r ee , : ) = [ 1 0 ( SecFour −m) / ( S ecFou r ) ] ;
f o r m=1: S e c F i v e
C o l o r S e t (m+SecOne+SecTwo+S ecTh r ee+SecFour , : ) = [ ( S e c F i v e−m) / ( S e c F i v e ) 0 0];
Appendix D
D.1 Introduction
The primary goal of this work was to develop a starting point for generalizations in
loss modeling of DC/DC switched-capacitor marx converters, building from the work
in [30] by Seemen et. al. This work generally attempts to treat the marx converter as
a specific type of switched-capacitor converter. However, we will study how the marx
converter fundamentally compares and contrasts to other types of switched-capacitor
converters based on the choice of switching pattern. The result of that discussion
will be a proposed classification of marx converter configurations based on switching
We can recognize the marx converter as both a switched-capacitor and a multilevel
output converter. The motivation here is to exploit the marx converter as an inductor-
less boosting multilevel DC/DC converter (it may be used, although under-utilized, as
a bucking DC/DC converter as well). Specifying the DC/DC case as opposed to the
DC/AC case basically indicates a load with a large enough capacitance to maintain
a fixed steady state output voltage over the timescale of one switching period. One
example will show how the efficiency and load regulation behavior of the converter
is fundamentally altered when leaving the big load capacitance limit. The implica-
D.1. Introduction
tions of switch implementation and its effect on the fundamental operation of these
converters will also be discussed later.
This work builds from the work by Seeman in [30]. Seeman describes a new framework
for analyzing switched-capacitor circuits that results in simple-to-understand two-port
models like that shown in Figure D-1. In Figure D-1, the ideal transformer models
the conversion from input to open-circuit output voltage and the output resistance
RO , captures both load regulation and loss in the circuit. The intent of this work was
to apply Seeman’s framework to the marx converter.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
The analysis of marx converters here focuses on load regulation and loss modeling.
For now, each switching pattern studied is assumed to be implemented with finite
on-resistance switches that can block voltage and carry current in both directions.
Practical switch implementations must be carefully chosen to actually achieve the
behaviors developed here. That being said, switch implementations might also be
chosen to fundamentally alter the behaviors developed here. This will be discussed
further in Section D.8.
While the marx converter may be extended to an arbitrary number of output
voltage levels, the analysis here attempts to understand its load regulation and loss
behavior across the fundamental types of switching patterns by first focusing only on
the three-level cases (the simplest form of the marx converter). Section D.6 contains
an example in which the model is extended to four levels.
D.2. Switching Speed Limit Definitions
Model validation was carried out in simulation with LTSPICE. I found it easier
to model converter behavior across effective switching frequency regimes by varying
the switched-capacitor and output capacitor values, rather than actually varying the
switching frequency. By varying these capacitor values, I was able to model the
transition between the slow-switching-limit (SSL) and the fast-switching-limit (FSL)
behaviors without adjusting switching frequency and all of the ancillary values that
would require. Therefore, capacitor values that seem impractically large in simulation,
are only that way to demonstrate relative switching speed. In those cases, a practical
implementation of the converter could just as easily contain more reasonable capacitor
values but with an increased switching frequency instead.
Switch on-resistances are often assumed to be equal in the analyses and are always
held at Ron = 10mΩ in the simulations here.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
Figure D-2: In the SSL, capacitor voltages equilibrate each half-cycle and currents
are impulsive. In the FSL, capacitor voltages are constant and capacitor currents are
fixed during each half cycle in the big capacitance limit.
(Vin − VC (0))2 t
Etot =− RC e−2t/RC 0 . (D.3)
At this point, we see that the value of R to the left of the exponential is about
to cancel. What is left only depends on R in the exponential term. In the slow-
switching-limit, this exponential term is allowed to collapse to (-1) because the final
time, t, is very long compared to the RC time-constants in the circuit. In that case,
the energy lost becomes
Etot,SSL = (Vin − VC (0))2 C (D.4)
Etot,SSL = C∆VC2 , (D.5)
D.2. Switching Speed Limit Definitions
Figure D-3: The canonical circuit for studying the fundamental loss associated with
charging a capacitor.
Etot (t) = (Vin − VC (0))2 C(1 − e−2t/RC ), (D.6)
which does depend on R and, in the fast-switching-limit, can be viewed near t=0
with the Taylor series approximation to the exponential term so that
1 2t 0
Etot,F SL (t) = (Vin − VC (0))2 C(1 − (e0 − e t)). (D.7)
2 RC
Finally, the total loss reduces to that which we would expect for two fixed voltages
connected across the resistor:
(Vin − VC (0))2 t
Etot,F SL (t) = . (D.8)
The result in eqn. (D.8) does depend on R because, mathematically, the exponential
term was not allowed to collapse. When the exponential term was allowed to collapse,
the total loss necessarily simplified to a quantity fundamentally independent of R. On
the other hand, when the exponential term was not allowed to collapse, the total loss
was fundamentally dependent on the value of R. While these results apply neatly to
SSL and FSL, we will generally use this understanding to differentiate fundamental
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
loss mechanisms in the marx converter based on the instantaneous conditions imposed
on the circuit by the input source and the load.
Figure D-4: In the SSL, the capacitors have time to fully equilibrate. With a finite R-
C load, the output voltage ripple allows for a time-varying equilibration point during
some phases.
D.3. Switching Pattern Classification of Marx Converters
In the marx converter, it is possible to connect both sources to the circuit during
both (or all if more than two) phases. It is also possible to connect the load directly to
the input source or directly to ground. In this work, I consider “single-phase” patterns
that drive the load during one phase, leaving it disconnected during the other phase,
and also “multi-phase” patterns that drive the load during more than one phase. I
also consider “non-isolated” switching patterns which include a phase that connects
the load directly to the input source (or ground) and “isolated” patterns which only
drive the load with switched-capacitors.
For this work, I organized the types of converters (switching patterns) analyzed
into the chart shown in Table D.1. In Section D.8, I suggest how a more complete
classification might be made. For now, the classification proposed here separates
my analyses into demonstrative examples. For instance, the “Class-II” switching
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
patterns are similar to those analyzed by Seeman et. al. and the Class-III patterns
are similar to multilevel output DC/DC converters. The Class-0, single-phase non-
isolated pattern is not useful for boosting DC/DC converters because it requires
that the load be connected directly to ground or the input during one phase and
disconnected during the other. Therefore, I analyzed only Class-I,II, and III types
from Table D.1.
non-isolated isolated
single-phase 0 II
multi-phase I III
D.4. 3-Level Marx Switch States
Figure D-5: 3-level marx converter example FET implementation and the ideal switch
implementation used for the analysis here.
There is only one two-state for the three-level marx and it is shown in Figure D-8.
In the two-state, the output is driven by the series combination of the input source
and the switched-capacitor.
One can already understand that the degree to which the switched-capacitor can
hold up the output voltage during states 1v′′ and 2 is related to both loss and load
regulation. A heavier load will draw more charge per unit time from the capacitor in
these states leading to a drop in the capacitor voltage and a corresponding drop in the
average output voltage of the converter. Furthermore, this same drop in the capacitor
voltage leads to a loss proportional to 1/2(∆VC )2 fsw , so the same mechanism that
accounted for output voltage droop or load regulation also accounts for loss.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
(a) 0 (b) 0′
to remain fixed and yields the fast-switching-limit. In the FSL, the output resistance
is lower-bound by the resistances of the interconnects in the circuit, which are usually
dominated by the on-state resistances of the switches. Therefore, we expect to see
effective resistances in the SSL like 1/C1 fsw and in the FSL like Ron .
The first type of switching pattern that I studied was the Class-I marx. This class
is fundamentally different from the switched-capacitor circuits considered in [30].
Here, the input source is connected directly to the output during one phase (phase
1) while the switched-capacitor drives the output toward twice the input voltage
during a second phase (phase 2). Because charge is transferred, during phase 1,
directly between the input source and load, the periodic steady state charge balance
constraint on the switched-capacitor is not sufficient to constrain the total charge to
the output. This means that the charge-balance analysis used by Seeman does not
apply well to this class of switching patterns. The need for an additional constraint
will be evident in the analysis below.
In the case of the three-level class-I marx, phase 1 must be switching state 1′ drawn
D.5. Class-I Marx
(a) 1 (b) 1′
in Figure D-7 because phase 2 must be switching state 2 and the switched-capacitor
must be recharged during each cycle. The two states are shown simplified in Figure
This converter can be solved for output voltage, Vout , in the slow switching limit as
follows. We first assume that the output voltage is fixed at some steady-state value,
Vout , because it contains a sufficiently large capacitance Cout . We also assume that
the switched-capacitor equilibrates quickly during each half cycle as defined by the
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
Figure D-9: The two simplified switching states of the class-1 converter.
SSL. Since we are looking for the average output voltage, we can write
where < Iout > is the average current into the load:
(1) (2)
< Iout >= fsw (∆qout + ∆qout ) = fsw (∆qout ) (D.10)
and the superscripts denote phases. Now, the charge delivered to the load in phase 1
(1) (1) (1)
∆qout = −∆qin − ∆qC , (D.11)
where ∆qc is the charge delivered to C1 . From Figure D-9, the charge delivered
to the load in phase 2 all comes from the capacitor. In periodic steady state, the
charge off the capacitor in phase 2 must equal the charge onto it in phase 1, so
(2) (2) (1)
∆qout = −∆qc = +∆qc . This is the charge-balance constraint. Therefore, the total
output charge over one full cycle is
D.5. Class-I Marx
To find ∆qin , in this case, we can integrate the input current during phase 1 as
follows. Z !
t1 (1)
(1) Vin − Vc (τ )
−∆qin = dτ, (D.13)
0 Rsw3
where t1 is the time spent in phase 1. The capacitor voltage during phase 1 can be
shown to be
Vin + Vout Vin + Vout
Vc(1) (t) = Vc (0) − e−t/τ1 + , (D.14)
2 2
where we have assumed, in calculating the capacitor voltage, that Rsw3 = Rsw4 = Ron
and also τ1 = Ron C1 /2. Carrying out the integral in eqn. (D.13) leads to
(1) 1 1 1 3 −t1/τ 1
−∆qin = t1 (Vin − Vout ) + ( Vout − Vin )τ1 (e − 1) , (D.15)
Ron 2 2 2
(1) 1
−∆qin = (Vin − Vout )t1 = ∆qout , (D.16)
meaning that the short charge time of the switched-capacitor could have been ignored
and only the current transferred directly from the input to the load considered. The
expression in (D.16) can be identified as the necessary additional constraint that
charge-balance analysis alone would not have provided in the class-1 converter. It
captures the energy lost when the input source is connected directly to the load and
depends on Ron and t1 , fundamentally different from the losses associated with SSL
charging and discharging of the switched-capacitor.
Now, the average output current becomes
< Iout >= t1 (Vin − Vout ). (D.17)
Combining this with eqn. (D.9) and assuming a 50% duty ratio, so that t1 = Tsw /2
the output voltage becomes
Vout = Vin . (D.18)
4Ron + Rload
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
The result in eqn. (D.18) is just an expression of the fact that the switched-capacitor
really does nothing in the slow-switching limit. Connecting the input source to load
“D” of the time leads to (1/D) times the series resistance between the input source
and the output during phase 1. Therefore, we can see that this switching pattern will
not allow a step-up in voltage for a DC output voltage in the SSL. Varying the duty
ratio will vary the coefficient that appears in front of the Ron term in the denominator
of eqn. (D.18), changing the effective output resistance of the converter but still not
allowing a step-up in voltage.
A plot of the result from eqn. (D.18) is shown compared to simulated data for a
three-level class-I marx converter. Note that as the load capacitance is increased in
simulation the load regulation curve approaches that of the model which assumes a
fixed DC output voltage corresponding to Cout = ∞.
Figure D-10: Load regulation in the SSL class-I three-level marx for D=0.5.
Because the SSL class-I marx behaves like a resistor, it is not useful as a boosting
DC/DC converter. However, it is interesting to point out at this point how the
behavior of this converter changes as the load capacitance varies. That is to say, the
D.5. Class-I Marx
converter’s “load regulation” and efficiency depend on how fixed the output voltage
is. Plots of simulated data for load regulation and efficiency across values of the
load capacitance are shown in Figures D-11(a) and D-11(b) respectively. As the load
capacitance decreases, the converter starts to behave like a DC/AC converter or a
DC/DC converter with increasing output voltage ripple. It should be clear from the
plots of Figure D-11 that if the load were not treated correctly, i.e. in the big load
capacitance limit, the wrong behavior could be inferred.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
Figure D-11: SSL Class-I simulated load regulation and η: the fundamental behavior
of the marx converter changes between DC/DC mode (big Cload ) and DC/AC mode
(small Cload ).
D.5. Class-I Marx
Although the class-I converter in SSL was not useful as a boosting DC/DC con-
verter, we can also consider the fast-switching-limit. In the FSL, the capacitor voltage
is fixed. Again, referring to Figure D-9, the output voltage can be solved for as follows.
where average quantities Vout and Iout are now assume without the carats. The time-
averaged output current is
(1) (2)
Iout = (1 − D)Iout + DIout . (D.20)
Rsw2 Rsw2
(1) Vc − Vout (1 + Rsw3
) + V
Rsw3 in
Iout = Rsw2
Rsw4 + R sw3
(Rsw3 + Rsw4)
(2) Vin + Vc − Vout
Iout = (D.22)
Rsw1 + Rsw4
where Rswi is the on-resistance of the ith switch (all assumed to be Ron previously).
The second constraint is that the average capacitor current is zero (charge balance)
and can be written:
(1 − D)Ic(1) + DIc(2) = 0. (D.23)
R +R R +R
1 Vout (1 − sw3Rsw4 sw4 ) + Vc sw3Rsw4 sw4 − Vin
Ic(1) = (D.24)
Rsw3 1+ R sw2
(Rsw3 + Rsw4 ) Rsw31
Vin + Vc − Vout
Ic(2) = (D.25)
Rsw1 + Rsw4
Combining these two independent equations yields the capacitor voltage, Vc and the
output voltage, Vout , in terms of D ′ s and Rsw
s in closed form. After simplification
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
and assuming that all switches have on-resistance Ron , the output voltage becomes
The loss can be derived by adding up the losses in the switches as follows. The losses
in the two phases are
(1) (1)
where Ic and Iout were solved for above. The time-averaged loss is
(1) (2)
Ploss,tot = D ′ Ploss + DPloss . (D.30)
Combining eqns. (D.29) with eqns. (D.25), (D.22), (D.26)and (D.27) yields the power
loss in closed form. Finally, efficiency can be calculated as
η = (1 + 2
)−1 . (D.31)
Vout /Rload
Model validation plots of load regulation and efficiency for the FSL class-1 marx are
shown in Figure D-12.
D.5. Class-I Marx
(a) Load-regulation
(b) Efficiency
Figure D-12: Model and simulation of load regulation and efficiency plots at FSL for
the Class-I marx converter.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
These results show that the FSL class-I marx may produce a step-up in voltage.
However, efficiencies are generally poor and are at a maximum for a narrow load
range. The control approach here would perhaps be to adjust the duty ratio in order
to optimize efficiency as the load varies.
to achieve a step-up in voltage using state 2. The two states are shown simplified in
Figure D-14. The charge-balance analysis here is well-constrained enough that the
open-circuit voltage transfer and the output resistance can be found simultaneously.
D.6. Class-II Marx
Figure D-14: The two simplified switching states of the class-1 converter.
Phase 1 Phase 2
(1) (2)
∆qc = qA ∆qc = −qout
(1) (2)
∆qin = −qA ∆qin = −qout
(1) (2)
∆qout = 0 ∆qout = qout
From the charge balance constraint imposed on the capacitor in periodic steady state,
qA = −qout . The charge multiplier vectors are
(1) (1)
c = [∆qout /qout , ∆qc(1) /qout , ∆qin /qout ] (D.32)
(2) (2)
c = [∆qout /qout , ∆qc(2) /qout , ∆qin /qout ], (D.33)
where qout is the total charge into the load. These vectors become
c = [0, 1, −1] (D.34)
c = [1, −1, −1], (D.35)
which says that qin /qout = −2 so that the open-circuit voltage transfer ratio is
M =− =2 (D.37)
because the open-circuit voltage indicates the no-loss case. (The vector ac should also
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
have zero values for all entries other than the ends). From Seeman et. al. [30], the
slow-switching-limit output resistance is
X (ac,i )2
RSSL = (D.38)
Ci fsw
which can be evaluated for either charge multiplier vector and becomes
RSSL = (D.39)
fsw C1
for this three-level marx. The FSL output resistance can be taken from the switch
multiplier vector, which keeps track of the charge through each interconnect in order
to maintain the same charge-balance constraint above. Using the reference polarities
on the switches, the switch multiplier vector consists of the charge through each
interconnect, when it is on, normalized by the total output charge, qout .
From Seeman et. al., the FSL output resistance can be found as
X Ri (ar,i )2
RF SL = (D.41)
where Ri is the ith switch on-resistance, and Di is the duty ratio corresponding to the
phases during which the respective switches are on. Defining DTsw as the time spent
in phase 2, the FSL output resistance becomes
If we assume that all switch resistances are Ron , this results simplifies to
RF SL = , (D.43)
D(1 − D)
D.6. Class-II Marx
while the open-circuit voltage above applies here as well. Finally, efficiency can be
taken directly from the model proposed by Seeman in Figure D-1 as
η =1− . (D.44)
Req + Rload
These results were compared to simulated data. First, the simulated output resis-
tance, calculated as Ploss,meas /Iout,meas was plotted against the SSL and FSL output
resistance asymptotes in Figure D-15, showing good agreement.
Figure D-15: Simulated and modeled output resistance across switching speed limits.
Model validation plots of load regulation and efficiency for both switching speed
limits are shown in Figure D-16. These plots show that as the load becomes heavier,
the converter’s efficiency decreases. That is, the class-II converter is very efficient
when the load voltage is close to the open-circuit voltage of the converter. One can
think of this behavior as that of a linear regulator. Therefore, we could regulate the
output voltage by varying the output resistance using the switching frequency of the
class-II converter.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
Figure D-16: Model and simulation of load regulation and efficiency plots at SSL and
The FSL model also shows that efficiency gets worse as we depart from a 50%
duty ratio. In the FSL, the optimal duty ratio for efficiency can be calculated as
dRF SL −D −2 1
= Ron + (D.45)
dD (1 − D) D(1 − D)2
and setting this derivative equal to zero leads to the expression
D.6. Class-II Marx
Figure D-17: Simulated and modeled efficiency, η, vs. Rload across duty ratio, D.
The charge balance analysis above can be easily extended to more than three levels.
A four-level marx converter is depicted in Figure D-18. First, we consider briefly the
converter’s behavior when boosting to two times the input voltage.
The switching states that allow boosting to twice the input voltage are shown in
Figure D-19. There are three redundant 2-states and one useful recharge state that
recharges both switched-capacitors, C1 and C2 , which we will call the ⋆-state.
This example highlights a subtlety in the calculation of RF SL . In Seeman [30], only
switches that are on during one phase and off during the other are ever considered.
This is because if a switch is on in both phases, the converter could presumably be
implemented without it. However, when using a marx converter in the way that I am
proposing, we may want to keep those switches around to, for instance, “reconfigure”
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
Figure D-18: 4-level marx converter example FET implementation and the ideal
switch implementation used for the analysis here.
the converter between the 1-2 boosting mode here and the 1-3 boosting mode that I
analyze later. For now, I analyze the FSL case assuming that “always-on” switches
are ideal because they could be eliminated. However, to analyze the so-called recon-
figurable converter that includes those switches’ on-resistances, I will show how the
effect of their losses can be added back into the final result.
Charge balance analysis for the three possible switching patterns in the SSL yields
the following results. For each converter the open-circuit voltage gain in both the SSL
and FSL is always
M =2. (D.48)
D.6. Class-II Marx
(a) Phase 1
Figure D-19: The simplified switching states of the four-level class-2 converter for
boosting to twice the input voltage.
Pattern RSSL RF SL
1 2Ron
⋆−2 C2 fsw D(1−D)
1 2Ron
⋆ − 2′ C1 fsw D(1−D)
C1 +C2 8(D−2)
⋆ − 2′′ C1 C2 fsw D(1−D)
where we have assumed that all switches have on-state resistance Ron and D cor-
responds to the time spent in phase 2. From this analysis, either of the first two
switching patterns wins over the third in both switching speed limits based on output
In order to add back in the effect of the always-on switches in a reconfigurable
marx converter the RF SL results would be modified as follows. Now, the switch
multiplier vector ar cannot generally be written as a the superposition of the two
switch multiplier vectors. Instead, we would keep track of the switch multiplier vectors
(1) (2)
for each phase ar and ar since the always-on switches will have non-zero entries in
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
(j) qr,i fsw
ir,i = (j)
so that we can write the currents in terms of the switch multiplier vector entries in
each phase:
(j) (j)
(j) ar,i qout fsw ar,i iout
ir,i = (j)
= (j)
. (D.50)
Di Di
Now, the time-averaged power loss in general is the sum of each i2 Ron loss for all
switches: !2
1 (j) ar,i iout
Ploss = Di Tsw Ri (j)
Tsw Di
over all i switches and over all j phases. Then, the loss in the always-on switches is
X (ar,i )2 i2out
Ploss,alwayson = Ri (j)
i,j Di
and the total loss is the sum of the losses in the always-on switches and the normal
Ploss,tot = Ploss,alwayson + Pnormal . (D.53)
Because all charge is still transferred through capacitor charging and discharging, we
can assume a loss model like the one shown in Figure D-1 so that the equivalent output
resistance is just RF SL = Ploss,tot /i2out . Now, the new output resistance becomes
X (ar,i )2 X (ar,i )2
RF SL,new = Ri (j)
+ Ri (D.54)
i−alwayson,j Di i−normal
where the first term is new and the second term is the old expression for RF SL .
Finally, we can study the four-level marx boosting to three times the input voltage.
The switching states for this case are shown in Figure D-20.
D.6. Class-II Marx
(a) Phase 1
(b) Phase 2
Figure D-20: The simplified switching states of the four-level class-2 converter for
boosting to three times the input voltage.
Phase 1 Phase 2
(1) (2)
∆qin = −qA ∆qc = −qout
(1) (2)
∆qc1 = qA − qB ∆qin = −qout
(1) (2)
∆qc2 = qB ∆qin = −qout
(1) (2)
∆qout = 0 ∆qout = qout
and the periodic state charge balance conditions on the switched-capacitors yields
qA − qB = qout (D.55)
qB = qout (D.56)
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
c = [0, 1, 1, −2] (D.57)
c = [1, −1, −1, −1] (D.58)
M =3 (D.60)
1 1
RSSL = + . (D.61)
C1 fsw C2 fsw
Inspecting the circuits in Figure D-20 with the charge multiplier vectors above
yields the switch multiplier vector
and noting that the duty ratio D corresponds to the time spent in state-3, the FSL
output resistance becomes
1 1
RF SL = (Rsw1 + Rsw4 + Rsw7 ) + (4Rsw2 + 4Rsw3 + Rsw5 + Rsw6 ). (D.63)
D 1−D
3Ron 10Ron
RF SL = + . (D.64)
D 1−D
Model validation plots of load regulation and efficiency for both switching speed
limits are shown in Figure D-21. These plots, like the ones for the three-level class-II
marx, show that efficiency is best when the output voltage equals the open-circuit
output voltage. They also show that both load regulation and efficiency are best at a
D.6. Class-II Marx
50% duty ratio as derived above. Because the class-II marx operates most efficiently
when the open-circuit output voltage equals the load voltage (light loads), it may be
advantageous to use a so-called reconfigurable class-II marx converter that can switch
between boosting modes. For instance, this four-level converter might boost to three
times the input voltage under some conditions but if the load becomes heavier or if the
input voltage increases, it might be reconfigured in real-time to boost only to twice
the input voltage. Both of these modes can be achieved with the switching patterns
described and analyzed in this section. This real-time reconfiguring approach may be
one way that the marx converter could be controlled to efficiently regulate the output
voltage amidst load and input voltage variations.
Figure D-21: Model and simulation agreement of load regulation and efficiency for
the four-level marx boosting to three times the input voltage.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
The class-III marx is similar to multi-level DC/DC converters because it drives the
output to two different voltage levels. In order to balance the switched-capacitors,
recharge phases must be included between states that drive the output to the two
levels. Therefore, for the three-level marx, the switching pattern ends up being that
shown in Figure D-22. Phases 1 and 3 are both the recharge switch state from the
class-II three-level marx and are the three-level equivalent of the ⋆-state from the
four-level class-II marx. Phases 2 and 4 come from the marx switch states presented
in the beginning of this work.
Figure D-22: The four simplified switching states of the class-III converter. Phases 1
and 3 are the same recharging switch state.
I approached the analysis of the class-III marx in the SSL as follows. Using the
D.7. Class-III Marx
and adding up the 1/2C∆VC2 losses per cycle the time averaged power loss is
From here, we can recognize the loss terms and try to form a loss model of this
converter. The proposed loss model, shown in Figure D-23, includes a resistance that
bridges the ideal transformer as well as one that looks like the output resistance in
the original loss model of Figure D-1.
Figure D-23: The loss and load regulation model for the class-III marx.
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
From the proposed loss model in Figure D-23, the open circuit voltage can be found
using KCL and taking into account the ideal transformation of the input voltage to
the secondary:
Vin − Voc Voc − 2Vin
= , (D.74)
Req1 Req2
where Req1 = Req2 = 1/fsw C1 . Now the open circuit voltage can be solved as
Voc = Vin (D.75)
as we’d expect from the action of the converter. By applying the load to the loss
model, the load regulation of the output voltage can be found again with KCL,
where we can substitute Iout = Vout /Rload (time-averaged quantities) and collect terms
to get
Vout = 3Vin (D.77)
2Rload + Req
η = 1− , (D.78)
where Ploss can be found by plugging the output voltage from eqn. (D.77) into eqn.
(D.73) to get a closed-form expression of Ploss .
5Vin − 3Vout
Iin = (D.79)
into which we can plug Vout from eqn. (D.77) to get a closed-form expression of
Pin = Vin Iin and the efficiency in the slow-switching-limit.
In the FSL, we treat the capacitor voltage as fixed. Adding up the switch losses
D.7. Class-III Marx
where we have assumed that all switches have on-resistance Ron and that the time
spent in phases 1 and 3 are the same and represented by D (1) = D (3) . Note that
D (1) + D (2) + D (3) + D (4) = 1.
Vout = D (2) (Vc − Vout ) + D (4) (Vin + Vc − Vout ) . (D.83)
Plugging Vc into this expression for Vout leads to the closed-form solution. Finally,
efficiency here can be calculated as
η = (1 + 2
)−1 (D.84)
Vout /Rload
using the expression for Ploss in eqn. (D.80) with the expressions for capacitor voltage
in eqn. (D.82) and output voltage in eqn. (D.83). Model validation plots of load
regulation and efficiency for the class-III marx in both switching speed limits are
shown in Figure D-24. In the FSL plots, the duty ratio is the time spent in phase 2
with respect to phase 4 holding the total D (2) + D (4) = 0.5.
From the plots, we see that in the SSL, this converter can achieve a step-up in
voltage but suffers from poor efficiency. On the other hand, in the FSL, the converter
can achieve both a variable step-up in voltage and good efficiency for extreme duty
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
ratios as defined above. In the class-III marx, efficiency is best at some optimum load
point as opposed to the class-II marx, for which the lightest load is optimum.
From these observations, we can conclude that the class-II converter is best suited
for light loads or situations in which the open-circuit output voltage of the converter
can be adjusted to suit the load. On the other hand, the class-III converter may
achieve better efficiencies at medium loads. Further work might investigate how the
converter behaves in FSL when varying all four duty ratios D (1) , D (2) , D (3) and D (4)
for the four phases in the class-III switching pattern.
Figure D-24: Model and simulation agreement of load regulation and efficiency for
the three-level class-III marx.
D.8. Discussion, Conclusion, and Further Work
This work should serve as a vantage point from which further work could investigate
how to effectively utilize the marx converter as a DC/DC converter. The analysis and
model validation of the types of converters here are intended to serve as demonstrative
examples of how one could treat the converter under different switching patterns.
The results show that the class-I converter generally yields poor efficiency and can
only provide a step-up in voltage in the fast-switching-limit. However, the class-II
converter yields excellent efficiency at light loads, similar to the switched-capacitor
converters analyzed by Seeman et. al. in [30], and may be reconfigured on the fly to
match the load voltage to the convert’s open-circuit output voltage in order to regulate
efficiently despite load and input variations. Furthermore, the class-III converter
shows good efficiency especially at extreme duty ratios and medium loads. Therefore,
sophisticated control approaches could reconfigure the marx converter between classes
of switching patterns to achieve good efficiency across a wide range of loads.
In the analyses provided here, the switches were assumed to be able to block
voltage and carry current in both directions. This assumption directly impacts the
analysis of the converters. Figure D-25 shows one example of a switch implementa-
tion that enables bidirectional carrying and blocking. Further work might investigate
optimal switch implementations for each class of switching pattern or for converters
that are intended to be reconfigured between switching patterns. Further work might
also show how the converter might be fundamentally altered by changing the switch
implementation characteristics. It may be that there are switching pattern-switch
implementation combinations that lead to very advantageous converter characteris-
D. Switched-capacitor DC/DC Marx Converter Loss Models
the isolated and non-isolated cases. Ultimately, such classifications along with their
loss models could be generalized to an arbitrary number of levels. Also, there are
several loss mechanisms not considered here such as gate loss. Study of these loss
mechanisms could ultimately lead to preference of one redundant switching pattern
over another or even one switching pattern classification over another.
Finally, the effect of adding the loss due to always-on switches back into the class-II
reconfigurable converter could be validated against simulation. Also, all of the results
could also be generalized to capture differences in on-state switch resistances, whereas
in these analyses, I generally assumed that they were all the same for simplicity.
D.8. Discussion, Conclusion, and Further Work
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