Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy of Apparel Luxury Goods On Chinese E-Commerce Platform
Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy of Apparel Luxury Goods On Chinese E-Commerce Platform
Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy of Apparel Luxury Goods On Chinese E-Commerce Platform
Since 2008, e-commerce marketing has become an important way to market luxury goods with the increase of online
luxury consumption in China. E-commerce platform not only promotes economic development but also gradually
becomes a way of life and consumption. The methods of this paper are literature analysis and summarization and
induction. This paper has analyzed the current status of the Chinese E-commerce apparel luxury market and the
problems and issues of the E-commerce platforms, mainly including product, price, and service issues. This paper
summarized the social motivational behaviors of E-commerce apparel luxury consumers, including conformist,
showing off and psychological comparison; and personal motives, including information gathering, convenience, self-
actualization, and hedonism. Based on the existing problems and consumer motivations, this paper has suggested four
marketing strategies: product strategies, pricing strategies, service strategies, and process strategies. This paper
analyzes the current situation of apparel luxury E-Commerce platform, organizes the consumer motivation, and
proposes the corresponding marketing strategy. It is a reference for luxury brands and luxury e-commerce enterprises
to carry out better online marketing strategies, which has certain guiding significance and provides research materials
for subsequent research.
Keywords: Chinese E-commerce Platform, Apparel luxury goods, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
Another notable point is that many Chinese e-commerce especially the repair and maintenance of goods, which is
platforms sell more mainly foreign clothing brands, an important factor that prevents consumers from
such as Louis Vuitton, Coach, Burberry, etc. However, buying [5]. "The service range of local comprehensive
in recent years, Chinese designer brands like Alexander luxury e-commerce platforms such as SECOO, Mei is
Wang are gradually being recognized by the public. so wide that it is difficult to return consumers’ expenses
or exchange their unsatisfying goods [8]. "
3.1.2 The challenges faced by apparel luxury E-
commerce platform 3.2 Analysis of E-commerce apparel luxury
consumers’ behavior and characteristics in
Despite the number and size of luxury E-commerce China
platforms in China are steadily increasing, many of the
platforms still have significant and non-negligible The consumer behavior of E-commerce platform
problems. apparel luxury brand consumers mainly originates from
consumers' purchase intentions. This paper will mainly Product analyze the two major types of motivations, namely
social and personal motives.
First, most of the luxury clothing sold on online
platforms are the most popular and trendy styles, which
3.2.1 Social Motives
can lead to problems such as lack of supply and out of
stock. In this way, consumers will choose offline or “Social values and norms of social institutional rules
other shopping channels, causing the lack of consumer that arose from the side of family and other reference
base of the E-commerce platform. groups put pressure on consumer luxury purchase
Second, the supply source of some online platforms intention” [10].
is unclear, and these platforms usually do not have
official cooperation with luxury brands. Therefore, the Showing off
authenticity of apparel luxury sold online is questioned
Under the category of social motivation, the most
by consumers, and this will become a very serious
common motivation is showing off. Consumers in this
problem if the quality of the products is not guaranteed.
category purchase luxury apparel to show their wealth
“However, although most platforms are equipped with
and status, intending to obtain social recognition from
the slogans "100 % certified products" and "Ten times
their surrounding people. Generally, show off
consumers pay less attention to the brand culture of the
apparel luxury, but value more how the public Price
recognizes the brand. Among the overall E-commerce
In order to meet the needs of growing customers, apparel luxury consumers, this group accounts for
some e-commerce platforms will use low-price 22.3%, most of which are students and male consumers
strategies to attract consumers. This phenomenon is with immature consumption concepts [5].
evident in many platforms. “For example, 80 percent of
the luxury goods on ihaveu, Mei, Vip, Net-A-PORTER Conformist
and Farfetchare under 10,000 yuan, with a small
The second type of consumer is conformist, who
proportion higher than 15,000 yuan and more than
follows the trend and conforms to bandwagon to pursue
50,000 yuan [8].” While this marketing strategy does
the most popular and latest luxury clothing. When
bring in considerable amounts of customer volume in
buying luxury products, they will consider whether the
the short term, it also leads to a tarnished image for
products are popular, conform to the trend and
platforms. If luxury e-commerce platforms continue to
especially the aesthetic trend, because their main
sell luxury clothing at lower prices, consumers will
purpose is to follow the trend. Therefore, E-commerce
question the authenticity and quality of the products,
platforms are considerably useful for conformists’
and the public will distrust these platforms. Therefore,
consumers to search for the most popular apparel luxury
e-commerce platforms need to find a reasonable balance
products online.
between discount and high price. Psychological comparisons Customer Service
The third type of social factor-driven consumers are
The customer service of the e-commerce platform
those who often compare themselves to others. They are
has also become a major problem. Luxury goods
largely influenced by their surrounding people, friends,
Brands are reluctant to provide after-sales service, and family. When others purchase apparel luxury
and the website after-sales service is not perfect, products, consumers who try to be preeminent would
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
also purchase similar apparel luxury products to gratify Self-actualization and hedonism
their own vanity. For these consumers, purchasing
apparel luxury products seems to be a competition, and Consumers who care less about vanity and status
they have a strong desire to excel others. They value purchase luxury apparel only for self-actualization and
brand recognition over brand culture since they want to hedonism. This type of consumers usually is prosperous
purchase the most luxury and valuable brands to win the and wealthy, they have purchased luxury brands for a
potential competition. long time. They value the cultural background and
quality of the apparel luxury that the brands offer. These
3.2.2 Personal Motives consumers consume luxury goods to satisfy their own
aesthetic and emotional needs, and most of them will
“Excellent quality, unique design are the most buy luxury goods to reward themselves for
important factors that personal driven consumers value commemorating certain moments that have special
when choosing luxury good” [11]. They do not need to significance to them. As they have rich knowledge of
use the brand to show off and do not want to have too luxury goods, they are bolder in purchasing products
much contact with the staff in the store. Luxury for them and are willing to try niche or luxury brands that have
is a way of life, reflecting the lifestyles and tastes. They not yet entered China. When choosing products, they
believe that expensive luxury goods guarantee high are not concerned with the price and brand recognition,
quality, good design and workmanship. but the quality and unique design [11].
Consumers are still not motivated by a single factor Convenience to purchase luxury apparel, but rather are motivated by
Under the category of personal motivation, multiple motivations to spend. These individuals
convenience is a strong incentive prompting people to represent 47.3% of the overall consumer [5].
consume on E-commerce platforms. Some consumers
avoid contact with store sales, so online shopping is 4 DISCUSSION: CHINESE E-COMMERCE
more convenient and suitable for them. In addition, e- APPAREL LUXURY MARKETING
commerce provides consumers with a more efficient and STRATEGY AND OPTIMIZATION
convenient consumption experience. Consumers only
need to spend the minimum amount of time on the 4.1 Product Strategy
website to search for the goods they want, instead of
spending a long time in the physical store to choose the 4.1.1 Improve product quality
appropriate luxury clothing. Consumers who live in
remote areas also choose to buy appeal luxury goods via The core of marketing strategy is the product itself;
E-commerce platforms, or in times of special periods it is what the customer values the most. For apparel
like pandemics, people often choose to use E-commerce luxury e-commerce platforms, it is necessary for the
platforms to purchase luxury apparel. Although online platform and the merchant to guarantee the quality of
shopping sometimes faces the problem of consumer. the clothing. Their guarantees to the product quality will
Purchasing inappropriate clothing size, most consumers be more responsible than offline stores because
think that the return and exchange process is still very consumers are not able to physically see and touch the
convenient. goods, not to mention evaluating the quality of clothes.
Besides, apparel luxury is expensive. Consumers don’t Information gathering want to bet on products that are not worth buying.
Therefore, the e-commerce platform must ensure the
The advantage of information brought by e- high quality of clothing luxury, otherwise, consumers
commerce platform to consumers is also not to be will not make a second purchase, and the platform will
underestimated. It is noticeable that consumers involve not build a strong customer base.
in purchasing luxury brands are more conscious about
product & make highly [4]. Therefore, consumers will 4.1.2 Cooperate with brands officials
use access to a large amount of commodity information
on the network platform and compare many A common problem in Chinese e-commerce
commodities. Consumers can also see other customers' platforms is counterfeit goods. Many consumers report
comments, further evaluating the product. However, in that the products they receive do not match genuine
physical stores, sales do not provide comprehensive and luxury goods, mainly due to unreliable purchase
true information about the products, taking longer. channels. Hence, it is essential for e-commerce
Therefore, the large amount of information and various platforms to cooperate with brands officials. Some e-
choices on the e-commerce platform are powerful commerce platforms, such as Taobao and JD, already
motives. have official brand cooperation bases, such as Coach's
official flagship store, Burberry's flagship store, etc.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
advanced analytics help brands find opportunities to 5.2 Limitation and prospect
provide services that are uniquely tailored to each
customer and occasion, making the brands appear as The main limitation of this paper is the lack of
authentic as Vuitton’s notes” [9]. Therefore, e- primary data, such as survey and interviews. The Survey
commerce platforms can make good use of big data and can be sent to apparel luxury E-commerce platform
technology to increase customer intimacy. users to investigate their experience with E-commerce
platforms and satisfaction rate. This will provide
4.4.2 3-D fitting customer service
reliable data to argue whether the E-commerce
With the development of high technology, 3-D try- platforms are satisfying the consumer’s need and what
on has become popular. For example, a domestic to improve in the future. Interviews to marketing
sneaker platform "Du" has a special 3-D fitting professions can be conducted to testify the effectiveness
customer service, where consumers only need to put of current marketing strategies of E-commerce
their cell phones at their feet to see how the sneakers, platforms. Hence, future studies should engage more
and to evaluate the suitability of the product. For primary sources to support arguments. The reliability of
apparel luxury brands, this will be a very good secondary data is also questioned. Some of the articles
opportunity to compensate for the missed opportunity are published by university students in China, who
that consumers cannot try on. More e-commerce might possess a biased view of Chinese E-commerce
platforms can use this technology to provide consumers platforms. The data of these articles might be inaccurate
with a reliable consumer experience, so that consumers or imprecise, with errors and outliers.
will also have a greater chance of buying apparel luxury
Future research can also analyze the effectiveness of
Chinese luxury E-commerce platforms' marketing
strategies since nowadays, consumers' tastes and the
5 CONCLUSION development of technology are changing rapidly.
Artificial intelligence and augmented reality can lead E-
5.1 Summary main findings commerce platforms to a promising future.
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