Simplified Analysis and Design of Abandonment
Simplified Analysis and Design of Abandonment
Simplified Analysis and Design of Abandonment
the operation. The accuracy achieved, the possible corrections and substitu-
tions by means of more refined previous methods, and the use and limita-
tions of the proposed procedure as practical tools, are discussed on the basis
of specific deep-water cases.
In the recent, growing literature on offshore pipelines and cables, one
can find several more or less sophisticated approaches. These are applicable,
with suitable adjustments, to abandonment and recovery analysis and can be
used for a detailed study of the operation, after the preliminary, simplified
analysis and design which alone is of concern in what follows. These
approaches will not be considered here, as this would be b e y o n d the purpose
of the paper, but a fairly abundant bibliography on static sealine analysis is
given, though by no means aiming at completeness.
situation (seabottom profile, sectional properties of pipe and wire), the static
equilibrium configuration and the stress state of the system, including the
third parameter, can be defined (see Fig. 1).
We will consider here only "normal" situations, namely such that the fol-
lowing assumptions are legitimate.
(1) The system is two-dimensional, i.e., it can be studied in the vertical
plane containing laid and suspended spans and the barge axis.
(2) The seafloor can be regarded as flat, horizontal and rigid.
(3) Dynamical effects can be allowed for merely by suitable amplification
of the safety factor.
(4) The cable has no bending stiffness and its lift-off point from the
stinger is fixed at a single pulley during the operation.
(5) The loading due to current is negligible.
From the mechanical standpoint, abandonment and recovery consist of
substantially equal operations performed in reversed sequential order. There-
fore, only abandonment will be considered henceforth; its phases are briefly
described below, with reference to a barge with a rigid stinger.
(a) The pipehead slides from the tensioner to the stern end of the stinger
while the barge moves forward. Little option is left in this phase. The stinger
geometry is given, as set for the laying operation. The pipe bending stiffness
plays an essential role. The control of stresses, both in the sagbend and over-
bend, has to be carried out by means of the same methods and software
appropriate for accurate analysis of normal pipelaying, allowing for the uni-
lateral contacts on the stinger rollers (e.g., by means of the approach and
code concisely described in Maier et al., 1979). At the end of this phase, the
pipe slope at its head P coincides with the stinger slope at its aft end. When
the latter angle is fixed, this coincidence, and the condition of vanishing
m o m e n t at pipe head, uniquely define the tension T1 at the winch and the
position X1 of the barge.
(b) The second phase starts from the situation above specified as the end
of phase (a), and ends when the pipe assumes the straight configuration at
rest on the seafloor. The length L of the suspended pipe span BP and the ver-
tical distance d from b o t t o m to pipehead P reduce to zero, the latter starting
from the distance D from b o t t o m to the head final position in phase (a), i.e.,
to-the last pulley C for the cable ( D i s usually less than the water depth).
Simultaneously the suspended cable length c varies from cl = 0 (Fig. 1).
(c) The last stage concerns the cable alone and will not be considered in
the sequel.
The second phase (b) admits many alternative strategies, i.e., ways of vary-
ing two of the above three parameters T, X, c available to the operator on
the barge; hence, it gives rise to the problem of choosing between them, i.e.,
of designing the operation. Only this phase (or abandonment " t o u t court",
in the strict sense) will be of concern here, aiming at simple tools for com-
parative analyses of its alternate options, in view of deep-water applications.
__. \ M ~dM
H ds
v~ T
i.e c
D ¸
~,- - H , , r / 1 , 1 , : , / I i--.
I/,'/ii/,-"/// /
Xp i Xc X
"A priori", such an hypothesis is suggested by
also b e a n a t u r a l c a t e n a r y .
the following circumstances: it appears not too rough for deep waters, where
the pipehead elevation d exceeds 50--80 m during most of the operation; it
turns out to be conservative as for the evaluation of the maximum bending
strain era; of course, it drastically simplifies the analysis. Its accuracy and
limitations will be considered after the developments which follow.
With reference to Fig. 2a the equilibrium equations for the pipe under the
above hypothesis (which implies throughout zero bending moment M and,
hence, zero shear force Q), besides H = const, are:
x = L h Arsin z / h (4)
Eqs. 3 to 7 define the angle 0 and, hence, the vertical c o m p o n e n t V of the
traction, abscissae x and ordinates y (i.e., the equilibrium configuration), the
axial force N and, finally, the radius of curvature R, respectively, for the sus-
pended pipe span B P , i f its bending stiffness is neglected. For the cable the
same eqs. 1 to 7 hold almost rigorously, provided that the primed symbols
shown in Fig. 2 are used, referring to the new axes x', y' with origin in the
vertex 0 of the cable natural catenary (the length L' of which includes both
the real span PC = c and its fictitious extention O P ) .
At the pipe head P, where the two catenaries meet with equal slopes (as a
consequence of M -- 0), one can write eqs. 3, 4 and 5 for both pipe and cable
(unprimed and primed quantities, respectively). Thus, the slope continuity in
P requires:
At the suspended span end C eqs. 4, 5, 6, written for the cable, supply the
respectively, where the abscissa xc turns out to be related to the "barge posi-
tion" X as follows (see Fig. 2b):
Xc = X + L (14)
(1/R)m = w / H = e m / r (15)
The second eq. 15 defines the maximunl bending strain em (r being the
external radius of pipe), to be kept for safety below some admissible thres-
hold earn depending on the water depth. In fact, em can be regarded as a mea-
sure of the stress peak in the sagbend, since bending is the prevailing defor-
mation (the axial force is roughly H minus the corrective term A p and,
hence, relatively small).
By eliminating x c from eq. 11 by means of eq. 14, x0 from eq. 11 by
means of eq. 9 and, finally, Y0 from eq. 10 through eq. 12, we can derive
from eqs. 8 to 15 six independent equations in the eight variables X, T, c, d,
H, era, L, L', as w, w' and D are data characterizing the specific situation. Of
these variables, the first six have a mechanical interest, whereas L and L' will
be eliminated by other substitutions, thus reducing the six equations to four.
It is convenient to make use of the nondimensional quantities which follow:
m - w'/w (18)
Using the above quantities, after some algebra the four equations read:
r a = i~= + ( ~ , / m + x / 6 = + 2 p 6 ) = (19)
r = 6(1 - - m ) + m + g (20)
= 1/p (22)
When the pipe head is close to the stem end of the stinger (i.e. for 7 = 0,
8 = 1), its inclination 0c clearly acquires a practical interest; since H = T sin
0c, one immediately obtains from eqs. 16, 17 and 20:
In eqs. 19--23 the only parameter depending on the situation is the weight
ratio m (18). The non-dimensional barge co-ordinate × and winch tension r,
eq. 16, will be taken as independent variables; by a simple numerical proce-
dure, easy to implement and cheap to run (even on small computers), the
other four variables can be expressed as:
-t.40 -~.60 0,20 L .00 i ,8@ 2.8~" ,,~ )..40 -0.60 0.20 L.O0 1.80 Z.60
.... ± . . . . . L__~.J~_.~ .... ~--- .~_ 1 ~F ~ ~ ~_ _A_ .l ~ ..... i _ -L. ~ ~ ~ ..... i .. _L. _ ~ .
oi a Io ~ a !'~
' L:'~
fi : ,,,; , , / , ~cn
°~1 ":"; " " " " k z o~! , , " , I ' ' , ,
~:-~ ," ," ' ," ," ," '" ," ,' . . . . . . u] ~! ,' ,' ' '"',' " " , " , " ,' ' ""
Z [ ~' / ~' " ,' / / / ,/ " I~ -~4 I , , lI ~ , i / i / / -#
~- ///l/Ill .// , //
-~ .~o -o.~o o.~o ~.oo t'.~o ~'.~o -~ .~o -o.~o o.~o ~.oo d.,o ~'.~o
b ~]b
c~ 0.67 ~ L,70
-- 1.50
t 90 ~-- ' 0"81 ~ ~ - - - - - 1,30 i z
0.90 ] :2:
"----------- O,70 F
- ° \ ~ ~ o.~o ~- ~'~ ~ o . ~ o
-t ,4o -o.~o o.~o ~ .oo t,~o ~,6o ~- .4o -~.eo o~.zo -1-
.,*o= %.zo L lj.oo Lieo J zi6° ~, -t.,*o -~,so otzo ttoo ~l.eo__L_ zj.eo ¢o
c ~ o ~AMMA I~ ~I J ~ ~
¢ u: c=
• ¢m ¢~
0¢ o o ~| ~o
o /
i o
~ it
I ---I~--
-;.40 I -~.eo' 0'.2o ~ t'.oo '
o~2o t.eo
x~,oo l,eo T z~eo2.60 ~1,40
Fig. 3. Constant-level curves of: (a) p i p e h e a d - b o t t o m distance 5, (b) m a x i m u m strain 17 in
the pipe and horizontal thrust/~; (c) cable length ~f, as functions o f barge position X and
winch tension T, for weight ratio m = 0.2.
¸,2.0 I -f.,o - F '° , o~oo , o~4o i oiso , ti~,o , t:so = ;:too , zf,,o ,
0.40 c~
---"----- 2 .$0
CI: ,-F---- ! .so
F- t
Cz --'----- ~..70
(/3 "-------- 1.60
t-- •- - - - - - t .SO /
1. t O t , "
1 I I l
~..6o z'.oo 2'.4o
and the constant value curves of these functions can be plotted, thus gener'
ating, for any fixed parameter m, three curve families like those shown in
Fig. 3 (for m = 0.2, a low value corresponding, say, to flooded pipeline) and
Fig. 4 (for m = 0.8, corresponding to heavy cable and light pipe). Fig. 5
shows the three curve arrays for m = 0.426 (as in the example considered
below), superposed in a single diagram.
a time history of barge position and winch tension (×, r), or of tension and
cable length (T, 7), or of cable length and barge position (7, ×).
Let us consider as an illustrative example a situation characterized by the
data: D = 615 m, w = 0.46 kN m -1, w' = 0.20 kN m -1 (hence m = 0.426), r =
0.325 m, E I = 197 000 kN m s. At the beginning of abandonment phase (b),
let the tension be T~ = 817 kN. Thus, the starting point in the nondimen-
sional graph of Fig. 5 is represented by a on the 7 = 0 line. According to the
present analysis, this point turns out to correspond to the inclination 0c =
41 ° of the pipe head with respect to the vertical direction.
Four alternative abandonment strategies are depicted in Fig. 5.
(1) First, the barge moves forwards keeping c o n s t a n t t h e w i n c h t e n s i o n
and releasing cable; second, it moves backwards, decreasing the tension,
( r~,)
'i 800
1000 5
50O X
I i 1
100 : i
. . . T'----. ...... -.7 ...... . ........ . - - T . - - ~ .......... . - - - ~ c ,
0 50 100 150 lO0 250 300 350 400 450 " ~ §SO 800f615
® @
holding the cable length unaltered and decreasing the tension (dotted lines).
(2) A stage with the barge moving forwards at constant tension and
increasing wire length is followed by a stage with decreasing tension and
moderately increasing cable length, while the barge keeps its position (dash-
dot lines);
(3) First, the tension is lowered and the cable released at fixed barge posi-
tion, while the peak stress in the sagbend increases; then this stress is kept
fixed at a suitably chosen admissible level (higher than during normal pipe-
laying; here, specifically, em= 0.625~), by varying simultaneously position
and tension (dash-double dot lines);
(4) Multistage operation, with repeated constant position--constant ten-
sion sequences where the maximum stress is kept close to the admissible
c I × T j [m
( : ) ~(m) (kN), (~/~)
~ - - i 400.
-ot ;,-"
I 200
loo! c,,,
0 50 100 1S0 200 ;~SO 300 3~0 400~"~-,~ 450 500 5~50 600 61S
.' , , .
In each case the evolutions of all mechanically meaningful quantities can
be easily read on the graphs (or tabulated by the computer) and checked
with respect to strain limits (structural safety) and to operative limitations
(such as maximum available winch tension and cable length, mooring capac-
ity to provide horizontal thrust). This can help in adjusting the strategies
envisaged (e.g., by modifying their turning points) and/or in selecting the
most favourable one, account being taken of time consumption and simplic-
ity. The variations of quantities and configurations indicated in Fig. 5 are
further illustrated (in solid lines) in Figs. 6, 7 and 8 for the first three of the
above abandonment strategies, respectively (for 3 the condition em =
0.625%o is imposed up to the end, to show the consequent exceedingly
high requirements of cable length).
Our purpose here is not to assess the merits of alternative strategies, but
merely to briefly appraise the reliability of the above simple "double cate-
nary" analysis and its possible corrections.
c x T~
@ ® (kN t
® 60¢ .
Y ! 40¢ "3'
l/ . , I. . . . D .
0 50 100 ,~ 2;0 ~o ~o ~io ~oo ~so ~ sso 6oole,~
1.5 2 2.S 3 3.5 4
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 T (kN)
Clearly, all the above plots generated by "exact" analysis depend on the
pipe bending stiffness E I , the incidence of which can be measured (Dixon
and Rutledge, 1969) by the nondimensional parameter:
c~2 = E I / w L 3 (25)
following corrective analyses, still preserving its peculiar simplicity.
The "stiffened catenary" method (Dixon and Rutledge, 1969; Plunkett,
1967) proved to be of remarkable practical value for pipelaying analysis. It
provides approximate solutions to the equation:
are not zero (see Fig. 2a); then, the characteristic length L is smaller than, no
longer equal to, the suspended pipe length, so that the nondimensional
co-ordinate acquires an (unknown) negative value z0 = --~h -in in B and is
z = 1 in C. The stiffened catenary solution in terms of inclination consists of
the natural catenary term (3) and of two corrective addends which allow for
flexural stiffness effects at the ends. Since each addend dies off at increasing
distance from the relevant end, only one addend is needed for the present
purpose (correction of the max strain, which will occur near, but no longer
at, the touchdown point B). Therefore the solution to be used here reads
(Plunkett, 1967):
/- ..... j
Zo . . . . ah -x/2 (29)
y ( x = O) = 0 , ~xx(X = O) = 0 , y ( x = L) = d (31)
It is worth noting that setting the abscissa of the pipehead x = L (L being the
unknown suspended pipe length) is a further approximation, consistent with
the "small displacement" assumption underlying eq. 30. The static condition
32 correspond to the fact that eq. 30 has been obtained from the equilibri-
um equation (between internal and external moment) by taking the second
derivative in order to avoid explicit reference to the end shear force.
The general solution of eq. 30 is straightforward; for given elevation d,
-} .20 i -~).lOj -~),40 I 0~00 I 0~40 I 0I$0 I iiZO A i[llO I ZI'O0 J
- I .Zo -O.IO -0,60 O.OB 0.40 0.80 I .ZO | .80 Z.O0 Z-40
Fig. 11. Graph of Fig. 5 supplemented b y corrective curves (dotted lines) derived from
second-order linear beam theory for EI = 197,000 kNm 2.
eqs. 31 and 32 readily define the four integration constants and the length
L, this being the solution to be achieved numerically of a single nonlinear
The curve (d) of Fig. 10 has been obtained in this way for varying d by
matching in P this solution with the cable catenary. This plot, if assumed as a
substitute for curve (a) in the range of relatively small elevations d, turns out
to represent a significant improvement in the simplified quantitative predic-
In the present linearized theory centered on eqs. 30--32, the location Xm
and entity em of the maximum bending strain can be, clearly, identified as
day. . d2y. .
dx3tXm) = 0 , e m = r-d~x2tXm) (33)
By matching in P second order beam solutions for the pipe and natural
catenary solutions for the cable, mathematical developments {here omitted
for brevity) almost as simple as those employed in order to generate eqs.
19--22, generate the counterparts of these equations, in the same nondi-
mensional variables of eqs. 16--18.
Still analogous though slightly more laborious, numerical work leads sub-
sequently to the functions of the type of eq. 24 or to their constant level
curves. Of course, besides the weight ratio m, also the bending stiffness E I
must be taken as parameter of the curve families, moreover the simple corre-
lation of eq. 22 is no longer valid.
Fig. 11 shows (dotted lines) only the constant max. strain curves thus
generated for m = 0.426 and E I = 197,000 k N m 2 and only in the small 5
range, where the linearized beam theory is acceptable and provides results
drastically different from those of the double catenary model. The other
curves exhibit discrepancies practically insignificant for preliminary com-
parative analysis. Thus Fig. 11 represents the graph of Fig. 5 supplemented
by necessary substantial correction, which basically preserves the simplicity
and e c o n o m y of the previous approximate analysis.
The corresponding corrections are also indicated (dashed lines) in Figs. 7 and
In Fig. 11 the constant max. strain abandonment (3) is illustrated by the
dash-double dot line modified according to the new, corrective curves. The
lines marked by ~ and ~ define all main mechanical features of operation of
types (1) and (2), respectively, when these are subjected to the constrain
that the strain em= 0 . 6 2 5 ~ imposed for (3) be not exceeded. The line
represents an operation of type (3) along which the max. strain at the start-
ing situation (a) is never exceeded.
In general terms, the linearized beam t h e o r y is acceptable for the suspended
pipe as long as its m a x i m u m slope is small ( d y / d x < < 1); on the other hand,
the catenary interpretation of the pipeline is n o t meaningless when E I w -1
L -3 is relatively small, L being the "a priori" unknown characteristic length
(Plunkett, 1967). The validity ranges of both approximate approaches are
not susceptible to quantitative assessment in general and may overlap or
exhibit gaps. Therefore it must be emphasized in closing that " e x a c t " meth-
ods are needed for suitable checks of the validity ranges of the simplified
approaches to comparative analysis, not only for accurate analysis of the
selected strategy.
recovery operations can be conveniently p e r f o r m e d using a synopsis o f t he
correlations am ong quantities of engineering relevance.
(2) Th e e x t r e m e l y simple double-catenary model o f t h e system exhibits
sufficient accuracy for preliminary comparative analyses in most ranges o f
practical interest in deep-water pipelaying.
(3) Partial but pr oba bl y adequate corrections can be easily obtained by
second-order, linear beam t h e o r y , f or the drastic (excess) errors which affect,
in the double-catenary analysis, the m a x i m u m bending strain when t he pipe-
head approaches the s e a b o t t o m with small horizontal thrust.
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