2019 Haplogroup D
2019 Haplogroup D
2019 Haplogroup D
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The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on Main Page.
Directions for citing the document are listed Main Page.
Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 18 April 2020
Because of continuing research, structure of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree changes, ISOGG does what it can
If differences need clarification or if you find broken links on this page, e-mail:
FONT COLORS: Newly confirmed in 2019 within subclade Confirmed within subclade
Newly confirmed in 2020 within subclade
SYMBOLS: ^ Indicates a next-generation sequencing entry which does not yet meet quality guidelines fo
^^ Indicates an entry which does not meet quality guidelines but may be helpful.
~ Indicates only an approximate location on the tree.
The criteria for a representative SNP printed in bold for a subclade is: traditional usage, testing done in mult
DID YOUfound in the area
below inthatofthe
italics chromosome
items inblack used
or red)inare
gray sometimes recent research
have studies.
a long namefrom next-generation
preceding sequencing
their listing that is therepor
In as representing
this situation, evidencethat subgroup.
seems to indicate they also seem to belong to the same subgroup, but some confirm
not yet available.
M174/Page30, A743.2/FGC11224.2, CTS94, CTS1014.2, CTS1171, CTS1269, CTS1453, CTS1869, CTS2671,
CTS5001, CTS5085^/Z1607^, CTS5704, CTS5725^, CTS7082, CTS7660/F3709, CTS9290, CTS9434^, CTS101
F1137/V1774/Z1591, F1163/Z1592, F1264/V2153, F1278/V2177, F1306/V2256, F1344/V2338, F1379/V2
F1548/Z1594, F1642, F1919/V2849, F1927/V2885, F2062, F2147/Z1608, F2157, F2161/Z1610, F2285, F23
F2831/V3465, F2923/V3694, F2956, F3289, F3321, F3328/Z1620, F3370, F3519, F3615, F3666, F3835, F38
D CTS3946, CTS4030/Z1605, CTS4031/V2898,
FGC6254/V1375/Y11253, CTS7583,
FGC6260/Y12042, CTS8111^^, FGC6292/Y11256,
FGC6275/Y11254, CTS9692^^, CTS11804IMS-JST021355, V1288/
D1 Z3705, Z3707, Z3715, Z3727, Z3728^, Z3731^, Z3760, Z3762, Z3765, Z3767, Z3771, Z3787, Z3794, Z3795, Z3
D1~ CTS260/Z1580, CTS1910, CTS8744, CTS8801, CTS9128, CTS9564, CTS10169, CTS11608, CTS11804, CTS
D1a CTS11577, CTS9290, F2285
D1a1 F6251/Z27276, Z27283
F849, F901, F941, F1182, F1231, F1400, F1709, F1868, F1943, F2025, F
D1a1a M15 Y19641, Z27272, Z27274, Z27277, Z27281, Z27282, Z27293, Z27295, Z2
D1a1a1 Z27312, Z27316, Z27320, Z27321, Z27323, Z27324, Z27335, Z27341, Z2
Z27269, PH4/Z29448, YP4237/Z27338, Z272
D1a1a1a N1 Z27294, Z27296, Z27297, Z27302, Z27303, Z27
D1a1a1a1 Z27329, Z27330, Z27332, Z27333, Z27334, Z27
D1a1a1a1a PH4979, PH344, PH1366, PH2
Z31591, FGC5437.2, SK541, SK
D1a1a1a1b Z31606, Z31608, Z31609, Z3161
D1a1a1a1b~ Z31618, Z31620, Z31621, Z3
A6345, F15464, F23650, F24734,
M533, CTS852.2/PF4504.2, F1287,F25469, MF2241,
F1317, F1335, MF22
Z40958, Z40959, Z40960, D1a1a1a1b1
Z40961, Z40962, Z40963, Z409
PH396, PH402, PH460, PH504/Y14740, PH648/Y14745, PH
Z40973, Z40974, Z40975, Z40976, Z40977, Z40978,
PH1394/Y14787, PH1406/Y14788, PH1433/Y14790, PH14 Z409
PH2661, Z40989,
PH2788, Z40990, Z40991, PH2803/Y14819,
PH2795/Y14818, Z40992, Z40993, PH29
Z41003, Z41004, PH3737/Y14833,
PH3654/Y14831, Z41005, Z41006, PH3762/Y14834,
Z41007, Z41008,PH38
Z41019, Z41020,
PH4528/Y14848, Z41021,
PH4533, Z41022, Z41023,
PH4547/Y14849, Z41024, Z410
Z41034, F3857,
Z41035,M5839, Z31624,
Z41036, Z40580,
Z41038, Z40581,
Z41039, Z40582,
Z41040, Z410Z
D1a1a1b PH5290,
Z40596, PH5403/Y14876,
Z40951, S17259, SK553
Z41052, Z41053,Y14739/Z34156,
Z41054, Z41055, Z410
Y14733/Z34145, Y14742
D1a1a1b~ Z41065, Z41066,Y14753/Z34175,
Y14752/Z34174, Z41067, Z41258,Y14754/Z34176,
Z41259, Z41260, Z412
Y14765/Z34189, Y14766/Z34190, Z41207,
D1a1a1b1 BY12793/Z41225, Y14767/Z34191,
Z41208, Y14769
Y14792/Z34228, BY12738/Z40598,
Y14794/Z34229, Z41209,
Y14795/Z34230, Z4
D1a1a1b1a Z41228, Z41229, Z41230,
Y14809/Z34252, Y14814/Z34255, Y14815/Z34256, Y14816 Z4123
Y14838/Z34274, Y14843/Z34278, Y14844/Z34279, Y14845
Y14864/Z34310, Y14865/Z34311, Y14866/Z34314, Y14869
Y14879/Z34341, Y14880/Z34343, Y14882/Z34345, Y14883
Y15310/Z34200, BY157393,
Y15311/Z34254, F14844, F14877,
Y15312/Z34276, F
Y15320/Z34339, Y15321/Z34353, Y15322/Z34275,
D1a1a1b2~ Z41068, Z41069, Z41070, Z41071, Z41072 Y15323
Y15336/Z34167, Y15338/Z34170, Y15340/Z34179, Y15341
D1a1a1b3~ CTS5502,
Y15348/Z34204, CTS6519.2/S4247.2,
Y15351/Z34219, Z40608Y15356
D1a1b P99 Y15365/Z34240, Y15366/Z34246, Y15367/Z34250, Y15368
Y15378/Z34271, Y15379/Z34272, Y15381/Z34282, Y15385
D1a1b1~ P47 Y15393/Z34315, Y15398/Z34330, Y15399/Z34332,PH2008
PH116/Y14736, PH1154/Y14783,
D1a1b1a Y15412/Z34241, Y15420/Z34188, Z34217, Z34218,
Y14888/Z34357, Y15306/Z34309, Y15333/ Z34223
D1a1b1a1 Y15395/Z34316, Y15414/Z34305,
M64.1/Page44.1, CTS69, CTS134/V1058, CTS323,F1771,
D1a1b1a1a CTS505/Z1586, CTS625/Z1587
Y14741/Z34158, Y1481
CTS2191/Z1598, CTS2478, CTS2573, CTS2739, CTS2890/Z1600, CTS2960, CTS317
CTS4578, CTS4597, CTS4705, CTS5281/Z3741, CTS5828, CTS5829, CTS6051, CTS6
CTS7089, CTS7093, CTS7106, CTS7165, CTS7214, CTS7317, CTS7508, CTS7626, CT
CTS9203, CTS9246/V3485, CTS9525, CTS9627, CTS10087, CTS10197, CTS10502/V
CTS11834, CTS11915, CTS12007, CTS12896, CTS13016, FGC6245/Y12560, FGC62
FGC6278/Y12564, FGC6289/SK543/V1917/Y11720,
D1a1b1a2~ Z42599, Z42600, FGC6299/Y11722,
Z42601, Z42602,FGC6326/
PF7315/Z1621, V1324/Z3713, V1474/Z3716, V2053/Z1593, V2233/Z3723, Z1589
D1a2 Z3660 Z3726, Z3729, Z3730^, Z3732, Z3738, Z3744, Z3749, Z3750, Z3751, Z3752, Z3753,
D1a2a Z3809 M116.1, CTS2728, CTS3978, CTS5304/Z1461, CTS5674/Z1462, CTS573
D1a2a1 CTS9896/V3805, CTS9988, CTS10441, CTS10619, Z1465, Z1622, Z1624
D1a2a1a M125, CTS932, CTS1817, CTS1821, CTS4913, CTS9508/Z16
D1a2a1a~ IMS-JST75888-GC
D1a2a1a1~ P42CTS406/Z1474, CTS642. CTS1069/Z1475, CT
D1a2a1a1a CTS4996,
P12_2, P12_3 CTS50
CTS8540, CTS8583, CTS9051, CTS9061, CTS
D1a2a1a2 IMS-JST022457
CTS11186/Z1494, , CTS107/IMS-JST055457
CTS11264, CTS11917/Z1
D1a2a1a2~ Z3617, Z3618, Z3619, Z3620^, Z3633, Z3640
D1a2a1a2a~ P53.2
D1a2a1b2b IMS-JST006841/Page3
D1a2a1c1b CTS1964, BY170998, CTS6511
D1a2a1c1b~ BY55374, BY169905, BY17151
D1a2a1c1c Z30644, BZ80.2/Z30654.2, Z30
Identical SNPs that were discovered separately are listed in alphabetical order, not necessarily in the order of
and separated by "/". Examples: M359.1/P41.1.
12f2.2 indel reported in D men in Ewis et al., 2001, at 88 base pairs is too long to include here.
Mutations previously on tree but found so far only in one man or in closely related men:
Y-DNA haplogroup D is seen primarily in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and in Japan and was established approxima
Private SNP N3 is located under M174 and is known to be ancestral for SNPs N1 and M64.1. Listed 6 Apr 2
ago. The high frequency of haplogroup D in Tibet (about 50%) and in Japan (about 35%) implies some early migrat
betweenN2 is downstream
these of N1. Listed
areas. Examination of the 5genetic
2012. seen in subgroup D-M64.1 in Japan implies that this group
in Japan for between 12,000-20,000 years. The highest frequencies of D-M64.1 in Japan are seen among the Ainu an
Mondal et al. estimated a divergence time of Andamese D-Y34637 from Japanese D-M64.1 as 53,000 years ago (+/-
Geographic distribution so far of ancestry of modern-day haplogroup D subgroup men (not complete):
D1a1a - M15
PH4979 Russia, China, Japan
Z31591 Nepal (Tamangs), Kazakhstan, China (Yi)
F1070 China
D1a1b- P99
Kazakhstan, Mongolia
D1a2a- M64.1
Japan, Korea
India (Andaman Islands)
D1b - L1366
D2 - BY22527.2
Studies have also reported samples from unspecificed D subgroups in southeastern Asia.
Cristofaro et al, Afghan Hindu Kush: Where Eurasian Sub-Continent Gene Flows Converge. PLoS ONE 8(10): e767
Cruciani et al, A Back Migration from Asia to Sub-Saharan Africa Is Supported by High-Resolution Analysis of Hum
Cruciani et al, Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E3b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migrator
Deng et al, Evolution and Migration History of the Chinese Population Inferred from the Chinese Y-chromosome Ev
Ewis et al, Two Y-chromosome-specific polymorphisms 12f2 and DFFRY in the Japanese population and their relat
Gayden et al, The Himalayas as a Directional Barrier to Gene Flow. American Journal of Human Genetics, 80(5):884
Haber et al. A Rare Deep-Rooting D0 African Y-Chromosomal Haplogroup and Its Implications for the Expansion o
Hammer et al, Dual Origins of the Japanese: Common Ground for Hunter-gatherer and Farmer Y Chromosomes. (ab
Karafet et al, New Binary Polymorphisms Reshape and Increase Resolution of the Human Y-Chromosomal Haplogr
Karafet et al, Paternal Population History of East Asia: Sources, Patterns, and Microevolutionary Processes. (pdf) Am
Karmin et al, A Recent Bottleneck of Y chromosome Diversity Coincides with a Global Change in Culture. Genome
Li et al, Paternal Genetic Affinity between Western Austronesians and Daic Populations BMC Evolutionary Biology
Mondal et al., Y-Chromosomal Sequences of Diverse Indian Populations and the Ancestry of the Andamese, Human
Naitoh S, et al, Assignment of Y-chromosomal SNPs Found in Japanese Population to Y-chromosomal Haplogroup
Nonaka et al, Y Chromosomal Binary Haplogroups in the Japanese Population and their Relationship to 16 Y-STR P
Rozen et al, Remarkably Little Variation in Proteins Encoded by the Y Chromosome's Single-Copy Genes, Implying
Sengupta et al, Polarity and Temporality of High Resolution Y-chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Ind
Shi et al, Y-Chromosome Evidence of Earliest Modern Human Settlement in East Asia and Multiple Origins of Tibe
Su et al, Y-Chromosome Evidence of Earliest Modern Human Settlement in East Asia and Multiple Origins of Tibet
Tajima et al, Genetic Origins of the Ainu Inferred from Combined DNA Analyses of Maternal and Paternal Lineages
Thangaraj et al, Genetic Affinities of the Andaman Islanders, a Vanishing Human Population. (pdf) Current Biology
Xue et al, A Spatial Analysis of Genetic Structure of Human Populations in China Reveals Distinct Difference betwe
Additional Resources:
ISOGG Wiki What you need to know about Genetic Genealogy.
D Haplogroup (YDNA) Project Ray Banks.
Added FT8762, FT8773, FT8788, FT8914, FT9141, FT9294, FT9454, FT9580, FT9700, FT9957, FT10165, FT10274, FT1
FT11140, FT11271^^ to tree investigation on 12 March 2019.
Added CTS3946, CTS4030/Z1605, CTS4031/V2898, CTS7583, CTS8111^^, CTS9692^^, CTS1104 to itree June 1
Added A5580.2, A22841, A23173.2, A23646, A15271.2^^, BY22527.2, BY43620, BY51482^^, BY71851, BY76394.
BY205012, BY205013, BY205021, BY205027, BY205030, BY205032, BY205036, BY205041, BY205042, B
BY205055, BY205058, BY205059, BY205060, BY205066, BY205069, B205070, BY205071, BY205075, BY
BY205089, BY205091, BY205092, BY205093, BY205094, BY205095, BY205099, BY205103, BY205107, B
BY205123, BY205128, BY205129, BY205133, BY205135^^, BY205138^^, BY205141, BY205142, BY20515
BY205165, BY205167, BY205169, BY205170, BY205172, BY205173, BY205174, BY205175, BY205176, B
BY205187, BY205188, BY205191, BY205192, BY205193, BY205194, BY205211, BY205212, BY205213, B
BY205230, BY205233, BY205234, BY205235, BY205236, BY205243, BY205245, BY205248, BY205250, B
BY205263, BY205266, BY205268, BY205276, BY205277, BY205278, BY205279, BY205280, BY205283, B
BY205302, BY205305, BY205306, BY205311, BY205312, BY205323, BY205324, BY205326, BY205329, B
BY205347, BY205349, BY205353.2/MF50411.2, BY205354, BY205355, BY205357.2/Y161461.2, BY20535
BY205373, BY205376, BY205377, BY205378, BY205380, BY205381, BY205382, BY205383, BY205386, B
BY205399, BY205403, BY205406, BY205407, BY205408, BY205409, BY205410, BY205412, BY205415, B
BY205426, BY205427, BY205428, BY205429, BY205438, BY205439, BY205442, BY205443, BY205447, B
BY205463^^, BY205464^^, BY205466^^, BY205467^^, BY205468^^, BY205469^^, BY205479^^, BY205480
CTS13038^^, CTS13039, CTS13040, CTS13041, CTS13042, CTS13043^^, CTS13044, CTS13045^^, CTS
CTS13051^^, CTS13052, CTS13053^^, CTS13054, CTS13055, CTS13056, CTS13057, CTS13058, CTS13
CTS13065, CTS13066, CTS13067, CTS13068, CTS13069, CTS13070, CTS13071, CTS13072, CTS13073
CTS13079, CTS13080, DF23.2/S193.2, F11676.2, FGC9808.2/Z16337.2, FGC10536.2, FGC15875.2, FGC
FT156^^, FT157, FT158, FT159, FT160, FT161, FT162, FT163, FT186, FT188, FT191, FT192, FT193, FT1
FT213, FT214, FT216, FT217, FT218, FT219, FT221, FT222, FT226, FT227, FT228, FT229, FT230, FT231
FT244, FT245, FT247, FT248^^, FT249^^, FT250^^, FT51792, FT52814, FT52899, FT52957, FT52962, FT
FT53467^^, FT53515, FT53539, FT53540, FT53609, FT53622, FT53757, FT53763, FT53773, FT53786, FT
FT54210, FT54215, FT54260, FT54287, FT54338, FT54358, FT54562, FT54567, FT54580, FT54608, FT54
FT54855, FT54939, FT54959, FT55037, FT55042, FT55061, FT55231, FT73005, FT73006^^, FT73013^^,
FT73020, FT73021^^, FT73022^^, FT73023, FT73024, FT73025, FT73026, FT73027, FT73031, FT73034^
FT73045^^, FT73046, FT73047, FT73049, FT73050^^, FT73051^^, FT73064^^, FT73065^^, MF2108.2, MF
Y57303.2, YP5061.2, Z17501.2, ZS9769.2^^ to tree on 19 June 2019.
Revised mutation information for a few items on 1 October 2019.
Added BY67025, BY113678, BY123631^^, BY134525, BY136810, BY156982, BY141940 to tree investigation; add
to tree on 8 October 2019.
Added BY166830, BY167080, BY167092, BY167372, BY167890, BY168792, BY211271^^, FT118977, FT112920^
investigation on 9 October 2019.
Added BY77300^^, BY110133, FT121224^^, FT122485 to tree; added BY58226^, BY70835, BY72087, BY72169, B
BY90871, BY94163,
BY112806, BY95530,
BY115525, BY118857,BY97725, BY98234,
BY119465, BY102114,
BY126920, BY102944,
BY130758, BY103497,
BY137190, BY104049,
BY137645, BY1098
BY140136, B
BY149291, BY199677, FT47125^^, FT120444^^, FT120659^^, FT120669^^, FT113621^^, FT120762^^, FT
FT120980^^, FT120993^^, FT120980^^, FT120993^^, FT121178^^, FT121328, FT121387, FT121598, FT1
FT121749, FT121755, FT121798, FT121951^^, FT122010^^, FT122166, FT122221, FT122268, FT122332,
FT122578, FT122817, FT122886^^, FT122947^^, M4993, MPB060.2/Y26523.3 to tree investigation on 10 O
Added FGC6372, BY13984, FGC6386, FGC6387, FGC6381 to tree; added FGC8056 to tree investigation on 11 O
Added Y157489 to tree; added FT153151, FT153312, FT153352, FT153362, FT153414, FT153452, FT154159, FT
FT154608, FT154768, FT154868, FT155097, FT155117, FT155257, MF10304, MF10305, Z26282.2 to tree
Added BY12974^^, BY12976^^, BY12977.2, BY12978, BY12979, BY12980, BY12981, BY12982, BY12983, BY129
BY12991^^, BY12995, BY86529, BY88713^^, Y69477, Y76072, Y78656, Y80959^^, BY12793 to tree on 2 J
Added BY12625 to tree on 3 January 2020.
Added BY149852, BY77272^^, BY138028, BY141272, BY13985^^, A8645.2, BY58720^^, BY73930, BY77412^^, B
BY106871, BY110456, BY117483, BY127895, BY129955, BY130062, BY132269, BY140055, BY142730, B
BY162865 to tree on 4 January 2020.
Added A10543.2, AM01299.2/FGC7063.2/YP216.2, F3145.2/S22686.2, F14647.2/Z26273.2, FT11033.2/Y166860.
Y31177, Y34636, Y34638, Y34639, Y34640, Y34654, Y34655, Y34657, Y34658, Y34660, Y34661, Y34662
Y34666, Y34668, Y34669, Y34671, Y34672, Y34673, Y34674, Y34675, Y34676, Y34677, Y34678, Y34679
Y34683^^, Y34685, Y34686, Y34687, Y34688, Y34689, Y34690, Y34691, Y34692, Y34693, Y34694, Y3474
Y34753, Y34754, Y34755, Y34756, Y34757, Y34758, Y34759, Y34760, Y34761, Y34762, Y34763, Y34764
Y34769, Y34770, Y34774, Y34776, Y34777, Y34778, Y34779, Y34781, Y34782, Y34783, Y34784, Y34785
Y34789, Y34790, Y34791^^, Y34792, Y34793, Y34794, Y34795, Y34797, Y34798, Y34799, Y34800, Y3480
Y34805, Y34806, Y34808, Y34809, Y34810, Y34811, Y34812, Y34814, Y34815, Y34817, Y34818, Y34819
Y34823, Y34826, Y34827, Y34828, Y34830, Y34831, Y34832, Y34834, Y34835, Y34837, Y34838, Y34839
Y34844, Y34845, Y34848, Y34849, Y34850, Y34851, Y34852, Y34853, Y34854, Y34855, Y34856. Y34857
Y34865, Y34866, Y34867, Y34868, Y34869, Y34870, Y34872, Y34873, Y34874, Y34875, Y34876, Y34877
Y34882, Y34885, Y34886, Y34887, Y34889, Y34892^^, Y34893, Y34894, Y34895, Y34896, Y34897, Y3489
Y34902, Y34903, Y34904, Y34905, Y34906^^, Y34907, Y34908, Y34909, Y34910, Y34911, Y34912, Y3491
Y34920, Y34921, Y34922, Y34923, Y34924, Y34925, Y34927^^, Y34928, Y34931, Y34932, Y34933, Y3493
Y34937, Y34938, Y34939, Y34951, Y34952, Y34970, Y38169^^, Y91621, Y125727, Y141820, Y141834, Y1
Y141905, Y141909, Y141915, Y141919, Y141920, Y141921, Y141926, Y141937, Y141943, Y141946, Y141
Y141963, Y141973, Y141975, Y141978, Y141984, Y141992, Y141994, Y142003, Y142004, Y142007, Y142
Y142034, Y142037, Y142045, Y142046, Y142052, Y142055, Y142058, Y142062, Y142082, Y142087, Y142
Y142108, Y142112^^, Y142113^^, Y142130, Y142131^^, Y188713^^, YP167.2, Z2123.2, Z13946.2, ZS616
et al. to bibliography on 16 April 2020.
Added Y34659, M4940^^/V8035^^, Y34670, Y34775^^, Y34780, Y34796, Y34807, Y34813, Y34829, Y34836, Y348
Y34881, Y34884, Y34888, Y34890, Y141789, Y141912, Y141969, Y142033, Y142114^^ D1a2b1a Y35020,
Y35023 Y34953, FGC44943/Y20903, Y34958, Y34959, Y34960, Y34966, Y34967, Y34968^^, Y34971, Y34
Y34981, Y34982, Y34983, Y34986, Y34987, Y38172, Y142065^, Y142118^^ to tree on 18 April 2020.
Back to:
Main Page
Y-DNA Tree Trunk
SNP Index
PapersPresentations Cited
Listing Criteria
709, F1868, F1943, F2025, F2160, F2238, F2460, F2586, F2715, F2762, F3077, F3097, F3306, SK539, Y19636,
Z27282, Z27293, Z27295, Z27298, Z27299, Z27301, Z27305, Z27306, Z27307, Z27308, Z27309, Z27311,
Z27324, Z27335, Z27341, Z27344, Z27346, Z27349, Z27350, Z27351, Z27353, Z29449
448, YP4237/Z27338, Z27270, Z27273, Z27275, Z27278, Z27279, Z27280, Z27285, Z27286, Z27287, Z27289, Z27290, Z27292,
27297, Z27302, Z27303, Z27304, Z27310, Z27314, Z27315, Z27317, Z27318, Z27319, Z27322, Z27325, Z27326, Z27327, Z27328,
27332, Z27333, Z27334, Z27337, Z27339, Z27340, Z27343, Z27345, Z27347, Z27348, Z29450, Z29451, Z29452, Z29453
4979, PH344, PH1366, PH2207, PH2452,
F729, PH3173,
F737, Z29426,
F738, F836, Z29427,
F926, F3167,Z29430, Z29433,F3866,
F3828, F3865, Z29436, Z29438,
F3907, Z29439,
F3956, Z29441,
F3964, F3969,Z29445, Z29446
F3973, F3975,
PH1507, PH3505, Y28095, Z43902, Z43903, Z43904, Z43905, Z43906, Z43907,
BY15199/Z29428, FGC41743.2/ZS9823.2, PH1991, Z29429, Z29431, Z29432, Z29434, Z29435, Z29440Z43908. Z43909, Z43910, Z
Z43914, Z43916, Z43919, Z43920, Z43921, Z43922, Z43923, Z43924, Z43925, Z43926, Z43927, Z44021, Z4
D1a1a1a1a1a~ Z31585, Z31586,Z44027,
Z44025, Z44026, Z31587Z44028^, Z44029, Z44030, Z44031, Z44032^, Z44033, Z44034, Z44035, Z44036^
D1a1a1a1a1b Z44040, Z44041
D1a1a1a1a1b~ Z44636, Z44637
D1a1a1a1a1b1~ Z44634, Z44635, Z44638
D1a1a1a1a1b2 Y157489
D1a1a1a1a1b2a~ Z43928,
FT153151,Z43929, Z43930,
FT153312, Z43931,FT153362,
FT153352, Z43932 FT153414, FT15345
D1a1a1a1a1b2b~ FT154768, FT154868, FT155097, FT155117, FT155257, MF1030
591, FGC5437.2, Z40573,
SK541, Z40574,
SK2296, Z40575,
YP1043.2, Z40576
Z31581, Z31582, Z31583, Z31594, Z31595, Z31596, Z31597, Z31598, Z31601, Z31602, Z316
606, Z31608, Z31609, Z31611, Z31612, Z31614, Z31615, Z31616
618, Z31620, Z31621, Z31622, Z31623, Z31627, Z31628
87,F25469, MF2241,
F1317, F1335, MF2249,
F1412.2, MF2264,
F1852, Z40602,
F1861.2, F2465,Z40952, Z40953,
F2835, F2886, Z40954,
F2904, Z40955,
F2967, Z40956,
F3030, M3786,Z40957,
F4339/Y15405/Z34352, PH153, PH232
961, Z40962, Z31599,
Z40963, BY46526,
Z40964, F15605,
Y14740, PH648/Y14745, PH824/Y14777, Z31603,
Z40966, Z31607,
PH893/Y14778, Z31610
Z40968, Z40969,
PH906/Y14779, Z40970, Z40971,
PH937/Y14780, Z40972,
PH1245, PH1251, PH1281/Y14785, PH1384
976, PH1433/Y14790,
788, Z40979,Z31584,
Z40978,PH1451, Z31625,
Z40980,Z31626 BY12976^^,
Z40981, Z40982,
Z40984, Z40985,
BY12982, BY1298
818, PH2803/Y14819, Z40994,BY12985,
Z40992, Z40993, PH2951/Y14822, BY12986, BY12987,
Z40995, PH2974/Y14823,
Z40996, Z40997, BY12991^^,
Z40999, Z41000,
Z41001,BY88713^^, Y69477, Y76072, Y78656, Y80
PH3187/Y14825, PH3475/Y14829, PH35
006, Z41007, D1a1a1a1b1b
Z41008, Z41009,Z31590,
Z41013, Z41014, Z41015, Z41016, Z41017, Z41018,
833, PH3762/Y14834, PH3831, PH3836/Y14836, PH3858, PH3915/Y14839, PH3936/Y14840, PH3998, PH4001/Y14842, PH4327, PH43
022, Z41023, Z40603,
547/Y14849, Z41024, Z40604,
Z41025, PH4791/Y14852,
PH4717/Y14850, Z41026, Z40606,
Z40605, Z41027,PH4792,
Z40607 Z41029,PH4866/Y14857,
Z41030, Z41031,PH4923,
038, Z40581,
Z41039, Z40582,
Z41040, Z40583,
Z41041, Z40584,
Z41042, Z40585,
Z41043, Z40586,
Z41044, Z40587,
Z41045, Z40588,
Z41046, Z40589,Z41048,
Z41047, Z40591, Z40592,PH5123,
Z40590,Z41049, Z40593,PH5131/Y148
50, PH5446,
Z40951, S17259,
Z43868 SK553/Y14732, SK556/Y14760, SK557/Y14759, SK558, SK559/Y14773, SK560/Y14772, SK561, Y14729/Z34142,
053, Z41054, Z41055,
47, Y14739/Z34156, Z41056, Z41057,
Y14742/Z34159, Z41058. Z41059,
Y14746/Z34161, Z41060, Z41061,
Y14747/Z34166, Z41062, Z41063,
Y14748/Z34168, Z41064,
Y14749/Z34169, Y14750/Z34171, Y14751/Z
258, Z41259, Z41260,
75, Y14754/Z34176, Z41261
Y14755/Z34177, Y14756/Z34178, Y14757/Z34181, Y14758/Z34184, Y14762/Z34185, Y14763/Z34186, Y14764/Z
90, Y14767/Z34191,
5, Z41207, Z41208, Y14769/Z34197,
Z41210, Y14770/Z34198,
Z41213, Z41221, Y14774/Z34209, Y14775/Z34210, Y14781/Z34221, Y14782/Z34222, Y14789/Z
29, Y14795/Z34230,Z41209, Z41211. Z41212.
Y14796/Z34232, Z41214,Z41232,
Y14798/Z34234,Z41215, Z41234,Z41217,
Z41240, Z41244,
Z41218, Z40600
Y14802/Z34242, Z41220, Z41222,
Y14803/Z34243, Z41223, Z41224,
Y14804/Z34244, Z4122
228, Z41229, Z41230, Z41231, Z41233, Z41235, Z41236, Z41237, Z41239, Z41241, Z41242, Z41243, Z41245
55, Y14815/Z34256, Y14816/Z34259, Y14817/Z34260, Y14820/Z34261, Y14821/Z34263, Y14827/Z34268, Y14832/Z34270, Y14837/Z
78, Y14844/Z34279, Z40601 Y14853/Z34296, Y14854/Z34297, Y14855/Z34301, Y14858/Z34304, Y14859/Z34306, Y14863/Z
11, Y14866/Z34314,
Z41246, Z41247, Z41248,Y14871/Z34327,
Y14869/Z34325, Z41249, Z41250Y14872/Z34328, Y14873/Z34329, Y14874/Z34331, Y14877/Z34334, Y14878/Z
43, Y14882/Z34345, Y14883/Z34347, Y14884/Z34348, Y14885/Z34349, Y14886/Z34354, Y15307/Z34337, Y15308/Z34195, Y15309/Z
54, F14844, F14877,
Y15312/Z34276, F14915, F15540
Y15313/Z34277, Y15314/Z34295, Y15315/Z34298, Y15316/Z34299, Y15317/Z34300, Y15318/Z34307, Y15319/Z
53, Y15322/Z34275,
Z41070, Z41071, Z41072Y15323/Z34146, Y15324/Z34148, Y15330/Z34155, Y15331/Z34157, Y15332/Z34162, Y15334/Z34164, Y15335/Z
70, Y15340/Z34179, Y15341/Z34180, Y15342/Z34182, Y15343/Z34183, Y15344/Z34192, Y15345/Z34193, Y15346/Z34194, Y15347/Z
19, Z40608
Y15355/Z34224, Y15356/Z34226, Y15359/Z34231, Y15360/Z34233, Y15361/Z34235, Y15362/Z34236, Y15363/Z34238, Y15364/Z
46, Y15367/Z34250, Y15368/Z34251, Y15370/Z34258, Y15372/Z34264, Y15373/Z34265, Y15375/Z34266, Y15376/Z34267, Y15377/Z
72, Y15381/Z34282, Y15385/Z34292, Y15386/Z34293, Y15387/Z34294, Y15389/Z34302, Y15390/Z34303, Y15391/Z34312, Y15392/Z
30, Y15399/Z34332,PH2008/Y14806,
PH1154/Y14783, Y15400/Z34333, Y15401/Z34338, Y15402/Z34342,
PH2066, PH2151/Y14807, Y15403/Z34344,
PH3955, Y15404/Z34350,
PH4246, SK554/Y14761, Y15406/Z34356,Y14887/Z3
Y14771/Z34201, Y15409/Z
88, Z34217, Z34218, Z34223, Z34248, Z34324, Z34346
Y15306/Z34309, Y15333/Z34163, Y15339/Z34173, Y15349/Z34211, Y15350/Z34212, Y15357/Z34227, Y15369/Z34257, Y153
S505/Z1586, CTS625/Z1587,
71, Y14741/Z34158, CTS862, CTS865,
Y14813/Z34253, CTS1158/Z3706,
Y14870/Z34326, CTS1827, CTS1828, CTS1841, CTS1877, CTS1904, CTS2109,
0/Z1600, CTS2960, CTS3177/V2557, CTS3371, CTS3621/V2806, CTS3651, CTS3715, CTS3823/Z1602, CTS3940/Z1603, CTS4134,
8, CTS5829, BY12625, Z34364 CTS6220, CTS6242, CTS6248, CTS6277, CTS6332, CTS6448/Z1611, CTS6494, CTS6594, CTS6655,
CTS6051, CTS6157,
317, CTS7508, CTS7626, CTS8060,
D1a1b1a1a1a~ PH97,CTS8210,
Z34365 CTS8337, CTS8348, CTS8435, CTS8505, CTS8581, CTS8922, CTS9097/Z1614, CTS9134,
087, CTS10197, CTS10502/V4176/Z3820, CTS10703, CTS10750, CTS10809, CTS10908, CTS10961, CTS11124, CTS11125, CTS11308,
6, FGC6245/Y12560, Z34359, Z34360, Z34361, Z34362 FGC6251/Y11727, FGC6255/Y11719, FGC6276/Y12545,
Z42601, Z42602,FGC6326/V2498/Y11721,
Z42603 FGC8045/Y12550, L1377, M55, M57, M179/Page31, M359.1/P41.1, M9313, P37.1, P190,
1593, V2233/Z3723, Z1589, Z1596, Z1615, Z1616, Z1617, Z3708, Z3709, Z3710, Z3712, Z3714, Z3722.1/V2156.1, Z3724, Z3725,
3750, Z3751, Z3752, Z3753, Z3755, Z3756, Z3757, Z3759, Z3761, Z3763, Z3764, Z3766, Z3769, Z3770, Z3797, Z3798, Z3799, Z3783,
61, CTS5674/Z1462, CTS5739, CTS6055/Z1463, CTS6238, CTS6485/Z1464, CTS6945, CTS8341, CTS8484, CTS8517, CTS8613, CTS8984,
0619, Z1465, Z1622, Z1624, Z1625, Z1626/V2126, Z2808/V1860, Z3830
821, CTS4913, CTS9508/Z1627, CTS10445^, CTS10450/Z1628, CTS10536/Z1629, CTS11312, Z3657, Z3658, Z3659
TS642. CTS1069/Z1475, CTS1107, CTS2112, CTS2337/Z3624, CTS2602/Z3627, CTS2902/Z1484, CTS3099/Z3628, CTS3768, CTS3
P12_2, P12_3 CTS5086/Z1487,CTS5355, CTS6394, CTS6625, CTS6886, CTS7044/Z1488, CTS7471, CTS7889, CTS7899, CTS7
3, CTS9051, CTS9061, CTS9120, CTS9149, CTS10074, CTS10103/Z1490, CTS10159/Z1491, CTS10417/S3421/Z1492, CTS10646/Z
, CTS11264, CTS11917/Z1495, CTS11928/Z1496, FGC6340, Z1476, Z1477, Z1478, Z1479, Z1480, Z1481, Z1483, Z3604, Z3609, Z36
619, Z3620^, Z3633, Z3640, Z3641, Z3645, Z3653, Z3654, Z1485, ZS4109.2
CTS3397, CTS1982/Z1498, CTS3197, CTS4606/Z1499, Z3611, Z3642
D1a2a1b2b1a Z1500, CTS8181, CTS9242/Z1502, CTS10268, CTS10511/Z1503, Z1501, Z3603, Z3605, Z3607, Z3610, Z3
D1a2a1b2b1a1 Z1504
D1a2a1a2a1a1~ FGC6334.2/Y12565.2
D1a2a1b2b1a1a CTS8093
D1a2a1b2b1a1a1 FGC6373
D1a2a1a2b1a1a2~ Z40614, Z40615, Z40616, Z40617, Z40618
D1a2a1b2b1a1a3 BY45234/Z46273, BY45235/Z46274, BY452
D1a2a1a2b1a1a4~ FGC30021, FGC30026, FGC30027, FGC30028
D1a2a1a2b1a1a5~ Z31548, Z31549, Z31550, Z31551, Z31552
D1a2a1a2b1a1a6~ Z31553, Z31554, Z31555, Z31556, Z31557
D1a2a1a2b1a1a7~ CTS6223, PH182, Z31558, Z31559, Z31560
D1a2a1a2b1a1a8~ FT117379
D1a2a1b2b1a1a9 Z40687, BY13985^^
D1a2a1b2b1a1b BY149852, BY77272^^, BY138028, BY141272
D1a2a1b2b1a1b1~ FGC34008, Z43424, Z43425, Z43426, Z43427
D1a2a1b2b1a1c~ Z45993, Z45994, Z45995, Z45996, Z45997
D1a2a1b2b1a1d~ CTS3327, CTS5058, CTS5592, CTS5659, V2058/Z886
D1a2a1a2a1a2~ CTS266, CTS715, CTS3182, CTS7010
D1a2a1a2a1a3~ Z40672, Z40673, Z40674, Z40675, Z40676
4690, CTS291,D1a2a1b2b1b~
CTS619, CTS1708, CTS1976,
CTS1372, CTS2470,CTS6341,
CTS4307, CTS4480,CTS6436,
CTS6103, CTS6274, CTS7274, CTS7608, CTS8530, CTS9804, CTS
Z18499, Z18518, Z18519, Z18522, Z18523, Z18524, Z18525, Z18526, Z18528, Z18529, Z18530, Z18531, Z18532, Z18547, Z18550, Z1855
18560, Z18561, CTS6432,
Z18562, Z18563, CTS8532, CTS8400,
Z18565, Z18568, CTS10131
Z18569, Z18572, Z18573, Z18574, Z18575, Z18576, Z18577, Z18578, Z18588, Z18590
325, CTS2010, Z18500, Z18517, Z18520, Z18533, Z18534, Z18535, Z18537, Z18538, Z18539, Z18540, Z18541, Z18549, Z18554, Z1
Z18570, Z18589
556. Z18566, Z18571
Z31538, Z31539, Z31540, Z31541, Z31542
CTS232, CTS1092, CTS2533, CTS3915, CTS4417
64590, BY164597, BY164694, BY164913, BY164988
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7, Z3658, Z3659
D1a2a1a2b1a1a1a1~Z40625, Z40626, Z40627, Z40628, Z40629
D1a2a1a2b1a1a1a2~CTS217, CTS1236, CTS2121, CTS2897, CTS6611
D1a2a1a2b1a1a1a3~Z38475, Z38477, Z38478, Z38479
FGC6372, BY13984, FGC6382, FGC6383, FGC6385, FGC6386, FGC6387, FGC6381, FGC6390
D1a2a1a2b1a1a1b1~FGC6384, FGC8056
CTS10649, Z31574, Z31575, Z31576, Z31577
FT8762, Z40610,
FT8773, Z40611,
FT8788, Z40612,
FT8914, Z40613
FT9141, FT9294, FT9454, FT9580, FT9700, FT9957, FT10165, FT10274, FT10506,
FT10623, FT10651, FT10736, FT11140, FT11271^^
Z40615, Z40616, Z40617, Z40618
4/Z46273, BY45235/Z46274, BY45236/Z46275
BY26014^^, BY67025, BY113678, BY123631^^, BY134525, BY136810, BY141940, BY156982, Z31543, Z31544, Z3154
Z46276, Z46277, Z46278, Z46279, Z46280
1, FGC30026, FGC30027, FGC30028, FGC30030
Z31549, Z31550, Z31551, Z31552
Z31554, Z31555, Z31556, Z31557
, PH182, Z31558, Z31559, Z31560
BY166058,CTS5107, Z31578,
BY166242, Z31579,
BY166471, Z31580 BY166830, BY167080, BY167092, BY167372, BY167890, BY168792,
BY211271^^, FT112920^^, FT113955^^, FT118977, Z38442.2
Z35641, Z35642, Z35643, Z35644, Z35645
Z40688, Z40689, Z40690, Z40691, Z43244
8028, BY141272
8, Z43424, Z43425, Z43426, Z43427
5996, Z45997
CTS5659, V2058/Z886
Z30661,Z30655, Z30656.
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Z30663, Z30658
Z30664, Z30665, Z30666, Z30667,
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