Moreno Multigrade Englishlp123
Moreno Multigrade Englishlp123
Moreno Multigrade Englishlp123
A. Review previous lesson and (The teacher will ask about the previous lesson (The teacher will ask about the previous (The teacher will ask about the previous
presenting the new lesson and present the new topic) lesson and present the new topic) lesson and present the new topic)
Do you know her? Who is she? Do you know her? Who is she? When Dora said clap your hands, you
will clap you hands.
When Dora said clap your hands, you will clap When Dora said clap your hands, you will
you hands. clap you hands. "Dora said"
"Dora said"
"Dora said" 1. Shake your hands
1. Shake your hands
1. Shake your hands
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Luzon State University
Catanauan Extension
Catanauan, Quezon
D. Discussing new concepts and Group activity: Read and write the following Goup activity: Read and write rhe following Instructions: Read and write the following
practicing new skills words. words. words.
1. running
2. cooking be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been. 1. Wrote G
3. talking 2. Walked
4. going G G 3. Talking
5. draw 4. Cooked
5. Wants
E. Developing Mastery (The teacher will ask and discuss about they (The teacher will and ask about they did) (The teacher will discuss and ask about
did) they did)
F. Finding practical applications of Ask the students what they did earlier. Let T Tense of Verbs can be expressed in
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Luzon State University
Catanauan Extension
Catanauan, Quezon
concepts and skills in daily living them write the action words in the black board The Verb "to be" are verbs that are used different tenses, depending on when the
and ask them if those words represent an together with the main verb of the sentence action is being performed. Here are some
action. to express the action or state of being. examples.
VERB- an action word that tells what someone Read the following sentences: 3 tenses of verbs
or something does. Present, Past, And future.
1. Friend are sad
A verb is an action word. It tells what boys and Present tense- tense that expresses action
girls do. Acttion word is a very important part 2. Home is the safest place for or state in the present time and is used of
of a sentence. It describes the doer's actions or what is true at the time of speaking or is
state of being. We use these words to learning. always true.
communicate about the different events in our
lives. 3. I am hiding and praying Example: Raj eats bread and butter before
going to school.
4. He was studying last night 5. They were Lina is cooking for lunch.
teaching their younger brother.
Examples: Run T Past tense- The past tense is a grammatical
G. Making generalizations and Dance The underline words are called be- verbs. tense that we use to talk about something
abstractions about the lesson Slide These are am, is, are, was and were. The "be" that happened in the past, or the way
Jump indicates the state of being. something was in the past.
Think Example: I joined the circus
Stand • Use is or was if the subject is singular.
Future tense- the future tense is the verb
form you use to talk about things that
haven't happened yet.
Example: You will get the answer by post.
(The teacher will ask about what they have
H. Evaluating Learning Activity: True or False Activity: Underline the be verbs in the Activity: Write if the sentence is in the
1)Verb is not an action word sentence. past, present or future.
2)Jump is an example of verb 1) I am very humble. I
3)Walk is not an example of verb 2) She is beautiful.
4)Verbs are action word. 3)He was studying last night. 1)They climbed that hill easily.
5)Verb is an action word that tells what 4)We are the champions.
someone or something does. 5) They are so kind to me. 2)We will travel to Europe next summer.
3).They play soccer in the sunshine.
I. Additional activities for application Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Usethe following words in a
and remediation Create 3 sentences using be verbs. sentence.
4)Cool A
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