AUXILIARY SMALL GROUP Use other Scripture to help you interpret the passage:
(BIBLE STUDY Part 2) o What does the immediate context (the verses around it) suggest?
o What does the broader context suggest (book, type of book)?
Start the SG with these questions: o What do cross-references suggest (related verses found in your Bible)?
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? Make notes. List any principles that you derive from the passage.
2. What is challenging you?
Check available Bible study tools: There are many study tools online.
Lead an opening prayer for the group. You could provide your students with some websites, or refer them to church
CATCH: libraries or other tools at their disposal.
Write a brief summary statement that concisely captures the author’s intent
What passages of the Bible are you most interested in studying? and message.
What book have you always wanted to look into more?
COMPREHEND: (ACTS 17:10-12) In the application stage we take the principles we have written down, the
READ THE PASSAGE summary of the teaching, and apply them to our lives. We will answer the
RETELL THE PASSAGE/STORY following questions:
How does this truth apply to my life?
What specific changes would I like to make in my life because of this truth?
CONTEMPLATE: What plan do I have for carrying out those changes?
(Read the questions and let them share their answers)
PRACTICING APPLICATION: Each time we are looking for an
1.What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus?
application from a passage of scripture we should approach the passage with
prayer and consider carefully how it will affect our lives to do what the Bible
2. What does this passage teach us about people? asks of us. Some ideas of applications for this passage might be:
CARRY: o I must consider my thoughts to see if they are pleasing to the Lord.
o I must look at my actions to see if they are in accordance to God’s Will.
LEARNING TO INTERPRET THE BIBLE: o I must be careful of what I speak for life and death is in our tongue.
After we have looked at a passage of Scripture to observe o Our plans should be upon the Word of God and according to His Will.
what the key details are, we are ready to interpret it. People who interpret
something from one language to another function as an interpreter. This job IN SUMMARY
requires a great understanding of both languages, but translation word for
Following the process of Observation, Inductive Bible Study involves
word may not be the most effective means of communication. An interpreter
Interpretation and Application.
must understand the meaning of the words and give those to the intended
Interpretation of the Bible requires us to find out the meaning.
audience. Interpretation of the Bible requires us to find out the meaning.
Interpretation may require us to examine key words, read other Scripture
Interpretation requires asking questions: that is related, make notes, refer to study tools and summarize the message.
o Why is this passage here? When we make an application for a passage, we look at how it calls us to
o What does the author mean by it? change our lives.
o How does it relate to what came before it?
Identify key words: .CONSIDER:
This may require the use of a dictionary to help you define words that are 1. Why is interpretation and application necessary in Bible study?
unfamiliar. Key words are those which are important to the passage. 2. Why is it not enough to just observe what the text says?
Sometimes you will want to examine a specific word ,especially when it may
have several meanings. Ask yourself how it has been used in other areas in
What should you do this week in response to this passage? (Use o Temporal view: The wisdom of the world is foolishness. If we live
“I will …”) with this perspective, then our measurement of what is true will be
END YOUR SHARING WITH PRAYER. based on the world's values rather than God's (1Corinthians 1:20-25).
o Eternal view: Living according to God's wisdom will appear to be
foolishness to the world, but it’s based on the true measure of reality
— God's eternal truth (1Corinthians 2:6-9).
Start the SG with these questions: WORLD VIEW:
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? o Temporal view: Instead of desiring the things of God, we want what
the world has to offer and hope to find satisfaction from these things.
2. What is challenging you?
We will then feel a part of this world (1John 2:15-17).
Lead an opening prayer for the group. o Eternal view: If we are Christians, we do not belong to this world.
CATCH Therefore, we will not want to have anything to do with the world's
values (Philippians 3:20).
If you believed you would live forever, how would that change the
decisions you make, and the way you choose to spend your time? PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE:
What do you think of life and death from an eternal perspective? o Temporal view: We find significance in worldly accomplishments
such as acquiring wealth, having possessions, being influential,
COMPREHEND: (Matthew 6:19-34) enjoying successful careers, and having social status (Matthew 6:19).
o Eternal view: We realize that significance comes through
RETELL THE PASSAGE/STORY understanding that we are loved by God, and through Jesus Christ we
can be personally related to Him. The only accomplishments of true,
CONTEMPLATE: eternal significance are those that serve to advance God's kingdom
and not our own worldly interests (Matthew 6:20-21).
(Read the questions and let them share their answers)
1.What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus? BENEFITS OF AN ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE:
When we train our minds to have an eternal perspective, we consider
2. What does this passage teach us about people? God’s desires and plan in all things instead of our own immediate
CARRY: comforts. Because of an eternal perspective, we can understand how
much God values us, and not worry about the future because we
THE MEANING OF ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE: know God will take care of us. We don’t have to find our importance in
Perspective is a point of view — a way of thinking about a matter. To some false value system, and we are free from the pressures of
have an eternal perspective means to evaluate the beliefs, events, the world. God is renewing our inner eternal nature day by day, even
and decisions of life from God's point of view. It means using God's though our temporal bodies experience weakness and die. We
values as the measuring stick with which to evaluate every aspect of recognize that enduring earthly afflictions produces eternal value. We
life. It is to recognize that everything done in the present has an learn to live for the true reality of the unseen kingdom of God!
eternal consequence, and should be evaluated in that light.
TRUTH: We live our lives based on our belief systems. People act No one is born with an eternal perspective. The world in which we live
on what they believe is true (even if their beliefs are false). Being influences our thinking. We need to change the way we think from the
convinced that a specific belief system is true, does not make it so. world's perspective to God's perspective. This involves both taking in
the truth and acting on it.
Choose to study and meditate on God's values (Romans 12:2).
o We cannot know God's values or perspective apart from His Word. social structures, school, and workplace. What are some sources
The Bible gives an understanding of who God is, what God is like, and of temporal ideas that we should be on guard against?
what His perspective of life is. 2. How can you work towards developing an eternal perspective?
Choose daily to evaluate your principles and decisions in light of
What should you do this week in response to this passage? (Use
God's Word (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
“I will …”)
o The spiritual battle takes place in our minds and it is a battleground
of ideas. We are responsible for developing the habit of continually
evaluating these ideas which bombard us. Are they our own thoughts
or from other people? Are they contrary to the teaching in God’s
Our perspective is our point of view, a way of thinking of a matter.
An eternal perspective means to evaluate the beliefs, events and
decisions of life from God’s point of view.
Living with an eternal perspective is different from having a
temporal perspective. One looks at everything as it matters in the long
run, the other is consumed with the details of the here and now.
Having an eternal perspective helps us to re-evaluate truth, our
world-view, and our personal significance.
Eternal perspective means that we do not have to be consumed
with worry and anxiety because we trust in God and His plans.
With an eternal perspective, we rejoice that our treasure is in
heaven, and our most important relationship with our relationship with
God which will not come to an end or decay.
We can develop an eternal perspective by choosing to study and
meditate on God’s word, to evaluate our principles and decisions in
light of God’s Word, to choose to seek God’s kingdom first and to walk
by faith and not by sight.
1. Pay close attention to what is being communicated around us.
There are implied values in contrast to God’s Word within media,
How do we become more aware of God’s presence in our lives all the time,
and walk with Him moment by moment?
Start your day with God. Be intentional about starting your day in prayer.
Give your day over to God. Spend time alone with just Him. Listen to Him,
learn from Him, and pray to Him. Spend significant time, and don’t rush.
Turn the ordinary into holy moments. When you have ordinary tasks to
complete throughout your day that don’t require your full attention, invite God
into your task. Talk to Him through it. Tell God what you are thinking about,
AUXILIARY SMALL GROUP recite Scripture to yourself, and think about what God has done for you.
(LIVING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD) Practice praise. Even in trials, stresses (including small things like bad
weather, traffic, hard work, etc.), find reasons to praise God. Turn your
Start the SG with these questions: attention from the troubles around you to God.
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? Be aware of what God is doing. Sometimes we pray and miss the
answers to our prayers because we are distracted or not looking for them.
2. What is challenging you?
Expect God to show up and answer your prayers!
Lead an opening prayer for the group.
CATCH: One benefit of being aware of God’s presence is understanding His heart, —
When do you feel that God is with you most? Have there been what God values, and loves. This will transform your own heart to be more
like His. Compare the priorities of Mary and Martha in the given passage.
times when He felt far from you?
Who are the people you spend the most time with? In what ways KNOWING THE PERSPECTIVE OF GOD: Learning to see the world with
have you become more like these people? In what ways have an eternal perspective is another benefit of practicing the presence of God.
they become more like you? The narrative of Mary and Martha demonstrates to us the significance of
spending as much time as possible in God's presence to know Him more.
COMPREHEND: (Luke 10:39-42.) KNOWING THE WILL OF GOD: In order to please God we must carry out
His will for us. Sometimes that plan is to be still in His presence. Other times
READ THE PASSAGE it will involve action.
RETELL THE PASSAGE/STORY GOD IS WITH US: God promises that He is with us, but we must discipline
ourselves to live in this reality. It can be difficult to always be mindful of God,
CONTEMPLATE: but this mindfulness will keep us in constant prayer and thankfulness. You
(Read the questions and let them share their answers) will find your attitude becomes one of gratitude and joy!
1.What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus?
2. What does this passage teach us about people? Let’s Desire to be in His presence and find our delight in Him.
Practice the presence of God by starting our day with God, turning
CARRY: ordinary moments into holy ones, practicing praise and being aware of
One of the mysteries of Christianity is that God dwells in us. He comes into Examples in the Bible demonstrate that God values time spent with
our lives and is always there! Though God is invisible, we can train ourselves Him more than work done in His name.
to become aware of His presence and to delight in it each and every day. We can know the perspective of God by dwelling in His word, and
He chooses to dwell in us, abide in us, and there is no where we can go from watching how He works in the world.
His presence. It is God’s desire to be close to us. He’s not a faraway
God will guide us and provide for our needs as we wait on Him and
impersonal being, but desires to live inside us, and be central to every detail
of our lives! put Him first.
1. How could you practice the presence of God while doing a We must recognize that God's will for us is not only for our individual benefit.
daily chore? It is His will that we serve others, and as we do so we come to know the
2. How might practicing the presence of God affect your privilege, purpose, and joy that comes from it. We must submit to all authority
relationships with other people around you? established by God. To fail to submit to authority in all matters, except that
which contradicts the Word of God, is to resist God Himself and hinder the
What should you do this week in response to this passage? (Use ability to understand His will in other matters.
“I will …”) SCRIPTURE FOR DISCERNING GOD’S WILL: Sometimes we can
END YOUR SHARING WITH PRAYER. discern God’s will by understanding the Bible. The Bible provides direction
and counsel for our lives. If we have a question we want to bring before God,
AUXILIARY SMALL GROUP we should first see if God has provided us guidance in the Bible.
There are other ways in which God can communicate His will to us.
Start the SG with these questions: Prayer: Seeking His wisdom (James 1:5-6; Philippians 4:6-7).
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? The Holy Spirit: Submitting to His direction (Philippians 2:13; Acts 16:6-8).
2. What is challenging you? Spirit-Filled Christians: Weighing their counsel, God often uses the wise
counsel of mature, spirit-filled Christians to help in our decision making.
Lead an opening prayer for the group. However, guard against depending exclusively on their counsel.
CATCH: Providential Circumstances: Seeing God at work. God sometimes uses
circumstances to direct us or give us insight into His will.
What is one thing you really want to know God’s will for in your life Our Desires: If we are walking in the Spirit and want to obey God's will, our
right now? desires can be a valid part of discerning His will. However, our desires
Do you have the ability to discern God’s leading for your life? cannot be the exclusive means of determining God’s will (Romans 1:9-11).
READ THE PASSAGE While most of God's will is revealed in Scripture, the Bible gives us another
RETELL THE PASSAGE/STORY principle for discerning God's will in matters not addressed by God’s direct
command. God has given us a ‘sound mind’ – a mind that can reason.
If we are putting God’s will first, and desiring what He desires we can move
CONTEMPLATE: forward and make decisions using our reason.
(Read the questions and let them share their answers) Steps to making a sound-mind decision:
1.What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus? o Pray for wisdom (James 1:5-6).
o Be sure you are walking in the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
2. What does this passage teach us about people? o Determine the options in the decision.
CARRY: o Search the Bible for any relevant principles and commands.
o Collect all available information and the counsel of mature believers on
FOLLOWING GOD’S WILL: each option.
To follow God’s will instead of our own, it is imperative to understand biblical
principles and to apply them in every area of our lives. We cannot know the
Sometimes we desire to know God’s will but go about it the wrong way. We
goodness of God or experience His will for our lives unless we are
can misunderstand God’s revelation of His will when we move away from
walking in sincere and willing submission to Christ. We are individually
God’s word and prayer into looking for signs. If you rely on any of the
responsible for knowing what God wants us to do. It is not wise to plan our
following signs, you might misunderstand God’s will. There are no short-cuts
lives apart from Him.
to knowing what God would have us do.
The open door policy: Taking the first option that presents itself. What
We cannot ask God to reveal His will and then decide whether we will obey.
are some possible dangers of this approach? This is walking by sight rather
We cannot genuinely seek His will in one particular area unless we are
than faith. Secondly, one could walk through a counterfeit door.
committed to do His will in every area of our lives.
The closed-door policy: Assuming that a "closed door" means the option We should be ready to receive God’s will for us by renewing our minds.
is not God's will. What are some possible dangers of this approach? This is This involves confession of sin, being filled with the Holy Spirit and relying on
also walking by sight and not by faith. This approach ignores the way God the Word of God.
builds the faith of His people and the reality of a spiritual battle. The Word of God is our first source in understanding God’s will.
Looking for a dramatic experience: This is walking by sight and not faith. Other sources for discerning God’s will are prayer, the Holy Spirit, other
While the miraculous is possible, it is not an exclusive indicator of God’s will. Spirit Filled Christians, Providential circumstances, and our desires.
God's use of this is the exception rather than the rule. Seeking a dramatic The sound mind principle for discerning God’s will helps us to ask specific
experience denies the principle of faith (Matthew 16:1-4). questions of our situation to discern the best choice.
Seeking God’s Peace: Do not depend on your feelings and emotions (the We must be careful not to misunderstand God’s will. Looking for dramatic
role of "God's peace"). experiences or relying on our own sense of peace are not good indicators of
God’s will for us.
PROPER PERSPECTIVE IN SEEKING GOD’S WILL: We must have a proper perspective in seeking Gods will. This involves
walking in the Spirit and sincerely desiring to do what God desires.
Consider these principles regarding God’s will found in Scripture. They
should be encouraging to you! Write down what you learn from each of
these verses:
1. What decisions do your peers have to make that would require
seeking God’s will? How could you counsel them to find God’s
2. What are the first things we should do as we seek God’s will?
3. What can you do to help others discover God’s will in their
A Christians, we should desire to know God’s will. God’s will for us is good,
pleasing and perfect. It reflects His deep love for us. It results in a life of
fruitfulness, joy and glory to God.
We must have a commitment to following God’s will and obedience before
we can understand what it is.
The Student’s Guide is intended for an individual to look deeper into a
specific lesson on their own. The lessons can be used in conjunction
with other Discipleship Essentials materials, such as the video and
audio productions found on www.discipleshipessentials.org.