2b Factor Anaysis
2b Factor Anaysis
2b Factor Anaysis
Jimma University
Dr. Chalchissa Amentie
(Associate Professor in Management ,
Factor Analysis
• Factor analysis is a class of procedures used for data reduction and
summarization factors.
• It is an interdependence technique: no distinction between dependent and
independent variables.
General Concepts
In practice, a factor cannot be estimated with one item
Should only be estimated with three or more items
Items with higher correlation with factor contribute more to the
e e e
X1 X2 X3
e e e
help to reduce data to a smaller set of summary variables and to explore the
underlining theoretical structure of the phenomena
Factor analysis will confirm – or not – where the latent variables are and
how much variance they account for.
I: Running the Factor Analysis Procedure (by PCA)
From the menu bar select Analyze and choose Data Reduction and then click
on Factor.
Highlight related variables and send them to variables lists. Then select some
options and run the procedure.
a rotation method helps to gets factors that are as different from each other as
possible, and helps you interpret the factors by putting each variable primarily on one
of the factors.
Note: However, you still need to decide whether you want an “orthogonal” solution
(factors are not highly correlated with each other), or
an “oblique” solution (factors are correlated with one another). If you want an oblique
solution, the only choice SPSS gives you is “Direct Oblimin.”
So, select Varimax.” Most of the factor analyses in published articles use a Varimax
Click in suppresss small coefficient is to block loading factors less than .5,
This help easily getting strong loading factor/ highly correlated(>.5) while (>.3
also acceptable for further factor analysis
Factor Analysis run procedure with PCA…
1st 2nd
3rd 4th
Final – click ok
Factor Analysis .. Results of Principal Components
Conclusion ???
Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO): measure of sampling adequacy the value greater
than 0.5 is Acceptable for sample is adequate (Kaiser 1974,Hair et al., 2007;
Pallant, 2011; Field, 2005; Field, 2013) for the factor analysis to be considered
For current study, (see table below)
the KMO test values for this factor is 0.828 , which is good (Kaiser,1974)
the Bartlett’s test is significant (p=0.000)
indicated that the data were reliable and suitable for factor analysis
Results of Principal Components Analysis…
For further Communalities of constructs are
calculated to check reliabilities of data
Communalities indicate the amount of variance in
each variable that is accounted for.
Small values (average <0.60 at cases >250) indicate
variables that do not fit well with the factor solution,
and should possibly be dropped from the analysis
The next item shows all the factors extractable from the analysis along
with their eigenvalues, the percent of variance attributable to each factor,
and the cumulative variance of the factor and the previous factors.
the first factor accounts for 34.732% of the variance, the second 13.341% and
the third 10.441%.
All the remaining factors are not significant. (see table below)
Results of Principal Components Analysis…
Rotated component Matrix
-shows the loadings of the variables on the three factors extracted
(Groping the similar factors together).
The higher the absolute value of the loading, the more the factor
contributes to the variable.
loadings(λ) that are greater than 0.5, acceptable for factor anaysis
NB1: in this study loadings that are greater than 0.5, this
makes reading the table easier. We suppressed/blocked all loadings less
than 0.5
Conclusion ??
shows the loadings of the 12 variables on the three factors
extracted(groups) are greater than .5,
1. Of Market Orientation