Article BD Labor
Article BD Labor
Article BD Labor
Submitted for debate at the UK Parliament Hearings in to Maternal Morbidity on 8th-9th December 2008 of UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health Summary The present report is submitted to the Hearings into Maternal Morbidity in the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health to be held on the 8th and 9th December in the UK Parliament. Obstetric fistula is a devastating childbirth injury that leaves women incontinent and often isolated from their communities. This report outlines the main causes of prolonged obstructed labour and obstetric fistula, its consequences, efforts taken globally and nationally to address the issue. Special efforts under taken by the Government of Bangladesh in alleviating such distressing situation in the country has been elaborated as a case study in this report. Appropriate actions to address the issue will contribute to reach the Millennium Development Goal: 5 to improve maternal health and Goal 3 to promote gender equality and empowerment of women including strengthening existing health systems.
Prolong Obstructed Labour-Obstetric Fistula: a Global issue for Immediate response: Bangladesh as a case study
Prolong Obstructed Labour and Obstetric Fistula are vivid examples of poor maternal and reproductive health care and the unfortunate ending of motherhood leading to unacceptably high maternal death and disability. These problems happened to poor, innocent and ignorant, malnourished, young girls, coming from rural areas who get isolated from family, community and continue to suffer from this devastating childbirth injury. Prolonged labour and Obstetric Fistulae occurred in girls who born in a poor ignorant family, who is unwanted, grown up in scarcity, are victims of discrimination since birth, get married early, got pregnant in a state when they do not have any idea about pregnancy and childbirth, passes through labour for hours and days & in the hand of an unskilled person. Usually in more than 90% cases delivered a still birth baby, gets incontinent, mentally depressed, broken hearted, isolated from family and community. They weep throughout their whole life silently and mourn the death of the only child and their luck fall them in a complete darkness. About 95% of women can make a safe delivery and only in nearly 5% cases, labour gets prolonged and obstructed and if not relieved by timely caesarean section continue to impact in the pelvis, tissues around gets compressed between maternal bony pelvis and fetal head, blood supply gets cut off leading to extensive damage to surrounding tissues like vagina, urinary bladder, rectum, cervix & uterus. Women who do not die, unfortunately survive with a hole in the bladder and or in the rectum and continuously leaks urine and/or faces, spread bad smell around and became an outcast of civilized society. As the baby born dead or dies within a week in 90% of cases, the young mother remained childless, leave alone, helpless and hopeless. It is the most devastating among all maternal morbidities. In developing world obstetric fistula is one of the most severe pregnancy related disabilities, almost always result from prolong obstructed labour. According to WHO estimate (1989) globally each year 50,000 1,00,000 women develop obstetric fistula while giving birth. This is not only a medical problem but also an acute social problem due to constant leaking of urine or faces and their accompanying smell. The communities consider these women out cast and cut them off from all social activities, they become divorced or abandoned by their husband, ultimately they become out caste from the society & leave a life full of disgrace and misery.
Etiological background
The physical factors that influence the incidence of Obstetric fistula is prolong obstructed labour. Usually a girl become pregnant when her pelvic bones does not properly develop, with complex of factors e.g malnutrition, low status in the family, poor knowledge about the complication, false belief and traditional harmful practices prevent her to get access to emergency obstetric care. Ultimately she develops prolong obstructed labour. Prolong and unrelieved pressure with crude attempts to deliver the baby causes impaction of the presenting part in the pelvis causes widespread tissue oedema, hypoxic necrosis and sloughing of soft tissue of vagina, bladder or rectum or both and urethra. The world health organization (WHO) argues that poor socioeconomic development is the basic underlying factors responsible for maternal ill health including prevalence of obstetric fistula. The standards of health in developing countries are very low and that natural hazards such as malnutrition, infections remain largely unchecked. The situation worsens where health service are deficient particularly in the isolated rural areas. Logistic factors compound the problem including failure to existing health system to provide appropriate health care that is an accessible, and acceptable. Unequal distribution of government resources, underutilization of basic infrastructure existing in health centre & lack of basic infrastructure such as roads, water, health centers, schools and electricity etc. (WHO 1989). The most important economic factors contributing to the prevalence of prolonged labour and obstetric fistulae are poverty and ignorance. Both the factors directly contributes to these obstetric disastrous through poor nutritional status, poor health seeking behaviour, increase risk behavoiur during delivery and a tendency of not using/delayed use health facilities for prolonged/obstructed labour. Illiteracy, early marriage, low social status of women and girl child are also contributing significantly in development of obstetric fistula. Pregnancy and child birth in developing country in many cases remains unattended and uncared by any skilled health personnel which is the key to maternal and neonatal survival. Women in developing countries especially of their poorer section are illiterate, economically dependant and obviously lack decision making role in the family even in case of her own care during obstetrical emergencies. Woman in such families are always dominated by her in-laws, husband and others in the family, and fails to sustain resistance for seeking care in emergency thus delays in decision making and organizing transportation to facility for emergency care obligate the possibility of fistulae development in a prolonged obstructed labour- as a consequence.
Early pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy and stunted growth due to malnutrition increase the risk of obstructed labour. Adolescent girls have five times more risk of death due to childbirth & they are most inexperience in making decision regarding their marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. Although child marriage is a violation of the convention on the rights of the child, there are enormous number of child marriage in developing countries due some social factors and traditions. More than 100 million girls in developing countries will be married before the age of 18 in the next decade. This vulnerable group gets pregnancy when they are physically and psychologically immature and the first child birth carries greater risk of obstetric fistula especially in adolescent and stunted mothers. Delay in decision making for referral in a case with prolong obstructed labour do cause permanent damage to internal organs and produce VVF, RVF, Vaginal Stenosis, Scarring, Root drop, total loss of urethra.
Consequence of Obstetric Fistulae The stigmatization is isolation, loss of support, divorce & abandoned by their husband. They can not participate in daily family and community life like rejected to attend social events, practicing religious worship, assisting household task, and so, they are mentally depressed and some take suicidal attempt. They also suffer from hard psychological trauma, resulting from their utter loss of status and dignity. Limitation of resources leads to lack of robust population based survey, it is generally accepted that at least 2 million women, and as many as 3.5 million, are suffering from obstetric fistula. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 73,000 new cases occur annually. OF occur in areas where maternal mortality is high, such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia & where the maternal mortality ratio often exceed 300 per 100, 000 live births. So, their life time risk of maternal death can be 1,000 times higher than industrial regions.
How it can be prevented and managed Obstetric fistula is both preventable and treatable disease, any strategy for obstetric fistula (OF) prevention and treatment should be an integral part of the national reproductive health system. Strengthening female education is single most important factor to prevent prolonged obstructed labour which can prevent fistula formation. Education gives young women better access to profitable employment alternatives. It also decreases the incidence of high risk pregnancies, increasing contraceptive use and
reducing fertility. As girls stay in school is longer, the average age of marriage increased as does the average age at first child birth. Three important interventions which can cause drastic reduction in death and disability of mothers are the followings: Prevention of unwanted pregnancy outcome through easy access to family planning. Skilled attendants at birth. In Asia and Africa more than half of the women are delivered by unskilled personal. Timely access to emergency obstetric care. This lacking in poor countries and rate of caesarean section are far below then the recommended rate i e 5-15 %.
Health professionals skilled at fistula repair are scared. In addition lack of facilities limits the service more. Many women living in rural areas are not aware about the services and even does not know how to access it. Compared to estimate number of new annual cases i. e 73,000 only 7,000 are treated & 50 percent of cases can be healed only and remaining and backlog cases needs immediate attention. Social integration and rehabilitation is an emergency need of obstetric fistula and they also need support to rebuild self esteem and dignity. They need health education & vocational training. They also need to be included in the microcredit program so that those women can financially and socially sustain. Global campaign to end fistula launched by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners with the goal to eliminate Obstetric Fistulae by 2015 in 2003. The campaign focused at prevention and treatment of obstetric fistuale and empowering women to return to society after treatment. It gets extended up to Africa, Asia and Arab Status and committed to eliminate obstetric fistulae.
Prevention programs include: 1. Providing skilled attendant at birth. In Bangladesh Community Skilled Birth Attendant training program has started in 2003. About 3500 health workers received 18 months maternity care training and working in 41 districts. 2. Expansion & decentralization of emergency obstetric care services peripheral facilities for emergency maternity services are developed and in 234 centers are functioning at present and the process of expansion of services is ongoing. 3. Demand side financing and Maternal Health Voucher Scheme for poor pregnant women has started. 4. Awareness building program among stakeholders including religious leaders is an ongoing activity of government of Bangladesh 5. The legal age of marriage is 18 years for girls and 21 years for boys 6. Government is also working for expansion of family planning services Curative Services The treatment of obstetrics fistula needs expert surgeons and some updated surgical facilities. National Fistula Centre established in Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) in 2003. These centres is providing training to surgeons in fistula surgery and also providing services to patients with obstetric fistula. In this centre both nurses and doctors are receiving training. The training is structured and conducted by master trainers using training manual and log book for both doctors and nurses. Till now 126 local doctors and 121 local nurses received training. This centre also trained International trainees from Afganistan, Nepal, Pakistan and East Timor. The services are decentralized to nine regional medical college hospital through upgradation of facilities and opening of fistula corner. Rehabilitation Services The rehabilitation program for fistula services started in 2005 in DMCH. Since November 2006 the centre is housed in a separated rented building in collaboration with an NGO. More than 117 patients received the training on income generating activities (Tailoring, Home gardening, Animal husbandry, bakery etc). 86 cured fistula patients rehabilitated in their own community. 30 Community Fistula advocates were trained and working in the community campaign to end fistula and referral services. Networking: The centre has networking with centre in Afganistan, Pakistan, Nepal and East Timor. One of the master trainers is the executive committee member of International Society of Fistula Surgeon.
Conclusion and Recommendations Progress in the activities to address the issue of prolonged labour and obstetric fistula is promising. The understanding regarding burden of poor reproductive and maternal health and its relation to poverty reduction, and literacy has improved. Awareness and recognition of maternal health complications specially of obstetric fistula among policy maker has increased enormously. So, investment in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of women with this problem is considered as a part to improve maternal health. Poverty reduction and increase literacy rate has a great indirect impact. Sector wise program initiative need to be taken to address the issue. Greater investment in maternal health and obstetric fistula needed. More effort need to be given in expansion & decentralization of services specially in hard to reach area. Development of Adolescent Health Strategy and more activities to protect adolescent from disabilities related to poor health care. Community mobilization: Community awareness and recognition of maternal health problem is essential for its improvement some case studies in Bangladesh shown great reduction in maternal death & disability. Replication of the program throughout the country can bring good positive changes. Culturally acceptable services in maternal health and for obstetric fistula should be made available throughout the whole country.