Ethics Final Notes
Ethics Final Notes
Ethics Final Notes
Types of Abortion
4. Eugenic Abortion
Abortion - Refers to the expulsion of a living
fetus from a mother's womb before its viable.
-Recommended in cases where
Medical parlance - Abortion is termination of certain defects are discovered in the
pregnancy, spontaneously or by induction, developing fetus.
before viability. ARGUMENT:
Is it better for a child not to be born than for it
Viability - has to do with the child's capability lead a miserable life by being burdened with
to live independently of its mother after it has crippling genetic disorders
left the womb. - likewise called selective abortion
Theory of delayed animation
upholds that ensoulment occurs Ensoulment occurs when the fetus
atthe later time after the moment of already looks human
conception. It take place during 5th and 6th of
St. Anselm and St. Augustine fetal development
- Only the expulsion of the informed Nostril of the fetus are complete
embryo or living fetus, was murder;
hence, it is morally illicit.
- -they maintained that there is no life ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY
before the information of the embryo
or until quickening. Ensoulment occurs when electrical
impulses or activities are already
St. Thomas Aquinas detectable from the brain, around
- -he believed that the intellectual soul the 8th week of pregnancy
is directly created by God, not from It indicates the brain is functioning
conception but subsequently Count the beginning of life
thereafter: the soul is the embryo (ensoulment)
(nutritive soul) from the beginning, Intellectual life signs of brain activity
then the sensitive soul, and lastly the
intellectual soul.
- The fertilized ovum or the morula,
blastula and the early embryo
cannot be animated by the
intellectual soul. Ensoulment takes place when the
- mother can feel the spontaneous
movement of the fetus during the
10th to 12th week pregnancy
The pills and IUD may act during 8
During when pregnancy test shows
negative results
Ensoulment occurs at viability morning-after pill may act
28th week or 7 month of pregnancy It is not covered under current
abortion laws in as much as it
BIRTH precedes the stage when a woman
knows she is pregnant and when the
The fetus can survive outside the
diagnosis has been undertaken.
Ensoulment occurs at birth
Child become biological
About 300-500 million sperms are
deposited in the vagina -> uterus -›
Ovum -> released from ovary -›
fallopian tube to fertilized
Ovum survival time 12-24 hours after The conservative position declares
released that abortion is never permissible, or
If no fertilization happen, the ovum at most, is permissible, as in the case
disintegrate of a cancerous or an ectopic
Sperm can survived for at least 5 pregnancy
days, depending on the conditions
in the vagina 2. LIBERAL POSITION
Capacitation is giving the sperm the
capacity to fertilized the ovum
States that abortion is always
This capacitation process happens 6
permissible, whatever the state of
to 8 hours after ejaculation or sexual
fetal development may be
The right of a woman to make
decisions that affect her own body.
Example: In the case of rape, the female
victim wishes to prevent a possible
conception, she can take the morning -after 3. MODERATE POSITION
pill or may use IUD to kill the remaining sperm Has freedom to control her own
in the uterus reproductive capabilities
Moderate position holds that
CURRETAGE abortion is morally permissible up to
a certain stage of fetal
If within the 8 day period following the sexual development or for a limited set of
assault the lining of the uterus can be reasons sufficient to justify the taking
scraped or rasped off by the curettage, of life in that special circumstances
implantation can be prevented and Abortion before quickening is
pregnancy will not continue. morally legitimate.
Legal sense, curettage is performed
on a raped and/ or incest victim
within the 8th day period after the
sexual attack.
Consideration about 8th day:
It protects the reputation of the
PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT In the name of justice, those who
suffers the co sequences of their
DISAPPROVING VIEW OF ABORTION moral decisions should be the ones
Both abortion and infanticide are to make those judgements.
condemnable crimes
"from the moment of conception, 2. SOCIAL REASONS
the life of every human being is to be
respected in an absolute way
The pro-choice position helps
because man is the only creature on
provide an adaptation to world that
earth that God has "wished for
no longer needs nor can afford
unlimited childbearing;
• human life is sacred from its
It alleviates economic, sociological,
or demographic problem
No one can claim for him/herself the
Anticipates the social costs involved
right to directly destroy an innocent
in the care, support, and education
human being
of a severely handicapped
The pro-life movement is committed
individual during his/her lifetime
to respecting an individual's right to
It makes an important contribution
EFFECTS OF ABORTION to building a society in which there is
no bias against the poor in favor of
life even if that right is uncertain or in
the affluent and the powerful;
It checks overpopulation and
Physical effect reduces unwanted pregnancies,
Psychological effect are guilt, child abuse or prostitution, maternal
suicidal tendencies, loss of sense of deaths through illegal or dangerous
fulfillment, mourning, loss of abortions, poverty and illness
confidence, lower self-esteem,
hostility, self-destructive behavior, 3. FETAL REASONS
anger, rage, helplessness, loss of It prevents the births of terribly
interest in sex, inability to forgive malformed or defective children.
oneself, nightmares and frustration, Child deformity will cause the family
thwarted material instinct, and to incur staggering financial and
interest in babies psychological costs
PRO-CHOICE MOVEMENT Postnatal method of eliminating a
couple's offspring if its sex found to
be undesirable.
The justifications for the expulsion of the fetus Example: Chinese, Korea and Indians .
maybe classified into:
It underscores freedom of choice ~
Personal responsibility and choices
Safeguards the mother from a
pregnancy that would threaten her
Example: cancerous uterus, ectopic
pregnancy, cardiac complications, and
psychological trauma