Simulation of Rainfall (ANN) and Field Plots Data: Runoff Process Using An Artificial Neural Network
Simulation of Rainfall (ANN) and Field Plots Data: Runoff Process Using An Artificial Neural Network
Simulation of Rainfall (ANN) and Field Plots Data: Runoff Process Using An Artificial Neural Network
Received: 14 April 2021 / Accepted: 8 October 2021 / Published online: 17 October 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2021
Rainfall-runoff modeling is necessary for many hydrological studies, such as estimating peak discharges and designing
hydraulic structures. The intensity and frequency of extreme climatic events necessitate the use of advanced approaches that
incorporate different climatic and landscape parameters for rainfall-runoff modeling. The majority of small basins around the
world lack hydrometric data. This study applied an artificial neural network (ANN) to simulate the rainfall-runoff process
using data from field sampling plots in conjunction with rainfall and hydrometric data. For this purpose, similarly sized
field plots were established among different land uses to determine the amounts of initial loss and infiltration during rainfall
occurrences at the Talar basin in the north of Iran. The modeling process was carried out using a multi-layer perceptron
network where the network inputs were rainfall time series, initial loss, soil antecedent moisture condition (A.M.C), and the
time to peak of the basin, and the output was runoff time series. The data from rain gauge and hydrometric stations and field
plots were collected for three consecutive months. The threefold exercises of training (R-sqr = 0.96, MSE = 0.005), cross-
validation (R-sqr = 0.95, MSE = 0.006), and test (R-sqr = 0.81, MSE = 0.05) have yielded favorable results. The modeling
results also indicated the significance of the cumulative rainfall data and initial loss in the modeling process. Results show
that runoff time series and flood hydrograph can be simulated using the optimal inputs and an appropriate neural network
structure for the basins without active hydrometric stations.
88 V. Gholami, H. Sahour
simulations (Smith and Eli 1995; Dawson 1998; Sajikumar quality and availability, type of data, and users’ skills.
and Thandaveswara 1999; Cheng et al. 2002; Wilby et al. The temporal distribution of rainfalls, soil characteristics,
2003; Jain et al. 2004; Anctil and Rat 2005; Cheng et al. initial loss and infiltration, land use and land cover, soil
2005; Peters et al. 2006; Kisi et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2013; moisture content, and physiographic characteristics of the
Kisi 2015; Taormina and Chau 2015; Gholami et al. 2019; basin are important factors in runoff generation (Evans
Nourani et al. 2019a,b; Sharghi et al. 2018, 2019; Sahour 1995; He et al. 2011; Gholami et al. 2018). A combina-
et al. 2021). The artificial neural network (ANN) is one of tion of these factors determines the hydrologic response
the most commonly used artificial intelligence techniques of a basin to rainfall and ultimately determines the peak
that have been widely used in hydrological studies, espe- discharge and flood volume and shape of a hydrograph.
cially in the simulation of river discharge and hydrograph Unfortunately, many artificial intelligence-based models
and it proved to be a capable tool for rainfall-runoff mod- do not consider the main factors controlling the hydro-
eling (Luk et al. 2001; Dakhlaoui et al. 2012; Chau 2017; logical response of the basins to the rainfall occurrences.
Warwade et al. 2018), simulation of flow river hydrograph Therefore, we need to provide a comprehensive model
(Manson et al. 1996; Tokar and Johnson 1999; Tokar and by considering the effective parameters on the genera-
Markus 2000; Dibik and Solomatine 2001; Wu and Chau tion of runoff. Regarding the availability of input data for
2011; Isik et al. 2013; Alizadeh et al. 2017), simulation a model, the rainfall data is typically available through
of river water quality parameters (May et al. 2008; Wu meteorological stations in many parts of the world. Soil
et al. 2014), and simulations of the quantity and quality of and vegetation data can be generated through field stud-
groundwater (Dixon 2004; Samani et al. 2007; Motevalli ies or can be extracted from remote sensing data (Zhao
et al. 2019). The advantages of ANNs over other rainfall- et al. 2018). Physiographic data can be extracted from
runoff simulation methods are their high precision and time topographic maps. The key issue, however, is determining
efficiency of the method. Moreover, it is more efficient than the amount of infiltration and initial loss for different land
traditional modeling methods such as regression methods. use and land cover types.
Wu and Chau (2011) simulated the runoff using ANN cou- Previous studies have shown that even in similar land use
pled with singular spectrum analysis and the results showed types and soil hydrologic groups, the amounts of initial loss
the high performance of ANN for estimating runoff val- and runoff, in the area under different agricultural practices,
ues. Minns and Hall (1996) used an ANN to simulate flood vary from one place to another (Kirkby et al. 2005; Keim
hydrograph and peak discharge. The results showed the et al. 2006; Farajzadeh and Khaleghi 2020). Therefore, it is
performance of ANN for simulation of peak discharge was necessary to determine the precise value of the initial loss
better than that for simulation of flood hydrograph (due to in different parts of the basins to accurately simulate the
optimization of network based on peak discharge). Accord- rainfall-runoff process. One of the most common methods
ing to Minns and Hall (1996), the selection of the target in determining the initial loss, runoff, and sediment gen-
function is a decisive factor in the error rate of the simu- eration is implementing sampling plots in the fields. Using
lated hydrograph and is depending on the purpose of the field sampling plots with the same size, we can measure the
study. If the purpose is to determine the peak discharge or amount of infiltration, initial loss, runoff generation, and
to design a hydraulic structure, the target function should antecedent soil moisture conditions under different slopes
be the peak discharge. If the goal is to determine the flow and land use and land cover conditions. These measurements
volume, the target function should be the volume of the dis- can eventually be applied as inputs in the modeling process.
charge or the shape of the hydrograph (Varvani et al. 2019). Several studies have been carried out on the measurement
In some cases, optimization of the models is performed of runoff and sediments using field plots (Wischmeier and
with different target data in successive repetitions to achieve Smith 1958, 1978; Renard et al. 1996; Lane and Nearing
maximum matching between the observed and simulated 1989; Zhang et al. 1996; Ascough et al.1997; Nearing et al.
hydrographs (Farajzadeh and Khaleghi 2020). 1999; Joel et al. 2002; Licznar and Nearingb 2003; Las
Using ANN, Kalteh and Hjorth (2009) simulated run- Heras et al. 2010; Gholami et al. 2018). This study aimed
off values in a watershed in northern Iran. Their results to simulate the rainfall-runoff process using an ANN and
indicated the high performance of ANN in the simula- field sampling plots to reconstruct statistical gaps. For this
tion of temporal gaps in runoff time series. However, the purpose, we applied and evaluated a comprehensive method-
number of inputs in their study was limited, and they did ology by simulation of the spatial and temporal distribution
not consider many crucial factors such as soil properties, of rainfall and considering the soil properties, vegetation
vegetation, and infiltration (Cattan et al. 2009; Sun et al. cover, and physiographic parameters of the basin. Further,
2016). There are different methods of artificial intelli- the proposed model can be a methodology to study the effect
gence for modeling, the application and results of which of climate changes and changes and extreme events in flood
depend on the factors such as nature of research, data hazard and risk analysis.
Simulation of rainfall‑runoff process using an artificial neural network (ANN) and field plots… 89
(A) (B)
Fig. 1 Location of the a Talar river basin and b rain gauge stations and the influence area of the rain gauge stations
90 V. Gholami, H. Sahour
For accurate measurement of runoff and initial loss in the basin), for all rainfall increments, the coefficients for
each land cover type, the sampling plots with dimensions of the influence area of each station were applied in rain-
1.8 × 22 m were set up in the study area (Fig. 2). For this pur- fall values. Thus, the spatial and temporal distribution of
pose, three similarly sized sampling plots were established rainfall over the basin was simulated in hourly intervals as
in each land use type, except forest with only two sampling inputs for the rainfall-runoff model. Further, both incre-
plots due to space limitations. The plots were established mental (hourly) and cumulative rainfall data were applied
in the places with the same slopes. These plots were estab- to determine the optimal inputs for the ANN model. Using
lished by the minimum disturbance of the soil. The initial cumulative rainfall as input, we could estimate the amount
height of the metal plots was 40 cm, in which 10 cm of them of infiltration and soil moisture.
was placed into the soil. At the outlet of each plot, there was The most important parameters affecting the runoff
a pipe connected to a tank with a capacity of 220 l. After generation are soil moisture content, vegetation type, and
each rainfall event, the amount of runoff inside the tank was soil characteristics (Poesen and Hooke 1997; Renard et al.
measured. Then, the runoff for the plots was estimated by 1996; Rosa et al. 1999; Peakup and Marks 2000; Sahour
dividing the volume of runoff inside the tank over the area et al. 2014, 2016). To estimate these parameters, the initial
of the plots. Moreover, the total loss (S) was estimated by loss was applied in the model. The initial loss and runoff
subtracting the runoff from the rainfall values. Finally, 20% generation are the functions of all these factors. Since almost
of the total loss (0.2S) was determined as the initial loss of all rainfalls over roads and urban areas (with no gardens and
the study area. The initial loss reflects the characteristics of green spaces) turn into the runoff, these areas were estimated
soil or soil hydrologic groups, land use, vegetation cover, in the GIS environment and were considered impenetrable
and soil moisture content (Kirkby et al. 2005; Keim et al. surfaces. However, because the value of this parameter is
2006). Therefore, by applying the estimated initial loss val- not changing over time, it was not used as an optimal input
ues, soil properties, soil cover, and soil moisture content can for the ANN model.
be quantitatively involved in the modeling process. As we mentioned before, measurements were carried out
on the plots after any rainfall events. Since three plots were
3.2 Modeling of runoff and flood hydrograph using set up for each site, the average of the three plots was con-
ANN sidered the final measurements. Antecedent soil moisture
was also estimated based on the sum of precipitations which
In the intervals between rainfalls and during sunny days, occurred during the past 5 days (Gholami et al. 2018). The
the discharge of the river includes only the base flow of physiographic features of the basin have a significant effect
the river; as a result, the runoff discharge equals zero. The on the shape of the hydrograph (He et al. 2011; Khaleghi
studies were carried out during the 3 months of the spring et al. 2011). The most important of them is the area and the
season when snowfall was not reported at high altitudes time of concentration of the basin. Parameters such as the
of the basin. Rainfall was simulated based on the data area of the basin, which is constant over time, cannot be con-
obtained from Golafshan, Sangdeh, and Paland gauge sta- sidered an appropriate input to simulate the rainfall-runoff
tions. The rainfall data were simulated in hourly intervals process since the values of these parameters are fixed. The
based on the area of influence for each rain gauge station time of concentration of the basin is a function of several
(Fig. 3). The area of influence for the stations was deter- factors such as the slope of the streamflow channels, the
mined by the Thiessen method in the GIS environment area, and rainfall intensity. Since the study is carried out
(Gholami et al. 2015; Tehrani et al. 2018). To simulate in one basin, the rainfall intensity determines changes in
the area of influence (non-uniform rainfall distribution in parameters such as time of concentration, lag time, and time
(A) (B)
Simulation of rainfall‑runoff process using an artificial neural network (ANN) and field plots… 91
Table 1 The mean runoff and initial loss values obtained from the data), and test data (25% of the recorded data). Finally,
field plots the network training and testing were performed, and a
No Sub-basin Land use Area (km2) Initial The mean of trial–error method was applied to establish the optimal
loss initial loss network structure. In this study, only one of the compo-
(mm) (mm) nents (including the inputs, the number of neurons, train-
1 Paland Rangeland 502.4 11 11.4 ing method, transform function, and learning technique)
Forest 76.32 20 was manipulated each time, and then, the model was evalu-
Dry farming 132.7 8.4 ated by comparing the observed hydrograph with the sim-
2 Golafshan Rangeland - 11 19.8 ulated hydrograph (Kalteh and Hjorth 2009; Kisi et al.
Forest 220 20 2013). Moreover, statistical coefficients such as coefficient
Dry farming 1.97 9.5 of determination (R-sqr), mean square error (MSE), and
3 Sangdeh Rangeland 517.4 11 14.1 minimum and maximum absolute error (MAE) were used
Forest 326.9 20 to evaluate the modeling process. Finally, by using the
Dry farming 48.8 9.5 trial–error method and evaluating the model, the optimal
4 The mean of initial loss in the Talar basin (mm) 15 network structure for simulating the rainfall-runoff pro-
cess, including optimal inputs, optimal transfer function,
optimal training technique, and the number of neurons
to peak of a flood hydrograph. Therefore, for the ease of were selected. After determining the optimal network, the
measurement, the time to peak was extracted based on the performance of the ANN model was evaluated through the
hydrographs recorded at the basin outlet. This parameter was comparison of the observed and simulated hydrographs, as
reconstructed in hourly intervals in terms of time to peak. well as the measurement of errors. Accuracy assessment
In this study, a multi-layer perceptron network (MLP) in the simulation of flood hydrographs was carried out on
was applied. The ANN model inputs included quantities of both peak discharge and runoff volume. The effects of the
rainfall as increments, cumulative rainfall, influence area ANN inputs (optimal inputs selection) on the accuracy of
of the gauge stations, initial loss, soil antecedent moisture the rainfall-runoff simulation were also evaluated through
(A.M.C), and time to peak (Table 1). The model output the trial–error method and by addition and subtraction of
was the hourly runoff discharges. The input data were individual variables from the set of inputs and sensitivity
partitioned into three subsets, training data (65% of the analysis of the input variables. Therefore, using a tested
recorded data), cross-validation data (10% of the recorded network and reliable inputs, we could simulate the gaps
92 V. Gholami, H. Sahour
(missing values) for runoff data obtained from hydrometric As we mentioned earlier, a trial–error method was
stations. applied for training the ANN and the result for each step
was evaluated by comparing the simulated hydrograph
with the observed hydrograph. The hyperbolic tangent
4 Results transfer function was eventually used as the optimum
transfer function. This method has been applied in sev-
As we mentioned before, rainfall data from rain gauge sta- eral previous studies. The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM)
tions were collected during the 3-month study period and algorithm was selected as an optimal learning technique
precipitation events were used as continuous increments (Gholami et al. 2015). After evaluating the inputs, the
as inputs for the ANN model. Precipitation values were cumulative rainfall (three stations), the mean initial loss,
ranged between 0 and 52.9 mm and the maximum rainfall and time to peak were determined as optimal inputs and
intensity was recorded 8.8 mm in an hour at the Paland the incremental rainfall was removed from the sets of input
station. The weighted coefficients based on the Thiessen variables. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed
method for the Golafshan, Sangdeh, and Paland stations, that the network performance was strongly dependent on
were 0.04, 0.38, and 0.58 respectively. During the 3-month the optimal inputs. Also, the correlation analysis showed
study period (Sep 2017 to Nov 2017), there were thir- that there was no significant correlation between incre-
teen rainfall events with recorded runoff in the study area. mental rainfall and runoff (Table 3).
There were seven other rainfall events, in which the rain- The accuracy assessment showed high precision for the
fall amounts were less than the initial losses; as a result, no training step (Fig. 4, R-sqr = 0.96). The influence areas of
runoff was generated in the basin. The maximum recorded rain gauge stations were analyzed using a trial–error method
peak discharge in the outlet of the basin was 30.4 m 3/s in the training stage. The results showed that the influence
including 7.53 m3/s base flow and 22.87 m3/s runoff flow. area of the rain gauge station is not significant in the mod-
The land use and the influence area for each station eling process in our case. However, this parameter has an
are presented in Fig. 3. The mean initial loss for agricul- important role in reconstructing the local distribution of
tural lands, rangelands, and forest with the antecedent soil rainfall. Table 4 shows the results of the accuracy assess-
moisture condition of II were 9.5, 11, and 20 mm respec- ment for the training and cross-validation steps. Finally, a
tively (Table 1). Finally, the estimated weighted average multi-layer perceptron network with the hyperbolic tangent
initial loss of all land use types was 15 mm. These values transfer function, the LM learning technique, 1000 epochs,
were subtracted from cumulative rainfall from each hourly and one neuron was selected as the optimal neural network
increment and were applied as input for the ANN model structure. Further, cumulative rainfall, initial loss, and time
(Table 2). to peak were selected as the optimal inputs for the ANN
Due to mismanagement and inappropriate agricultural model. The testing step was carried out after training the
practices in the study area such as plowing in the direc- network and the results are presented in Table 5.
tion of slope, the precise determination of the initial loss As we mentioned before, testing data included 25% of
using an empirical formula is challenging. For this rea- the total observed data that were randomly selected. For the
son, significant runoffs were recorded during the rainfall testing step, the simulated hydrographs were compared to
events in which the amount of that rainfall was far less the observed hydrographs (Fig. 5). In addition to the hydro-
than the initial loss estimated by empirical formulas such graphs, the simulated hourly runoff data were also compared
as the curve number (CN) method. For example, the initial to the recorded runoff in Fig. 6. The results for the test stage
losses estimated by empirical formulas for dry farming and are presented in Table 5 which shows the performance of the
rangelands are 12.7 and 17 respectively (for soil moisture ANN (R-sqr = 0.81) for rainfall-runoff modeling.
condition of II). However, the observed values using filed
plots data for rangelands and dry farming were 8 and 11
respectively. 5 Discussion
Among the physiographic parameters, the time to peak
was considered as one of the model inputs. Finally, the Rainfall is the most important input in a rainfall-runoff
time to peak, according to Table 2, was estimated for each model and both intensity and amount of rainfall should be
rainfall event by measuring the starting time of the rainfall considered in the modeling process. However, the intensity
and the peaking time for the runoff. The time to peak of of the rainfall is not uniform in all over a large basin. There-
the Talar basin varies with the amount and intensity of fore, the non-uniformity of the rainfall should be considered
rainfalls and peak discharges. In the study basin, the time quantitatively in the rainfall-runoff model. In the present
to peak was ranging from 23 to 35 h. study, for the better performance of the model, the spatial
and temporal distribution of rainfall in hourly increments
Simulation of rainfall‑runoff process using an artificial neural network (ANN) and field plots… 93
Table 2 Network inputs and outputs for simulating rainfall-runoff process for one of the rainfall events
Time Discharge P sum P sum P sum IL IL IL Golaf- Tp (hr)
Flood (Q3/s) Paland (mm) Sangdeh (mm) Golafshan (mm) Paland (mm) Sangdeh (mm) shan (mm)
1 0 0 0 0 15 15 15 33
2 0.55 0 0 0.1 15 15 14.9 32
3 0.83 0 0 0.5 15 15 14.4 31
4 1.1 0 0 4.4 15 15 10 30
5 1.38 0 0 7.9 15 15 2.1 29
6 1.65 0 0 9 15 15 0 28
7 1.93 0 0 10 15 15 0 27
8 1.93 1.5 0.8 11.5 13.5 14.2 0 26
9 3.87 5.2 11.4 15.1 8.3 2.8 0 25
10 5.37 8.8 16.3 17.2 0 0 0 24
11 6.77 13.4 17.8 18.1 0 0 0 23
12 8.87 18.2 18.6 19.8 0 0 0 22
13 10.87 23.7 21.3 21.9 0 0 0 21
14 14.97 31.7 23.4 24.6 0 0 0 20
15 19.17 36.8 24.5 26.9 0 0 0 19
16 22.87 36.9 27.3 28.7 0 0 0 18
17 22.87 36.9 30.2 31.3 0 0 0 17
18 21.57 36.9 31.2 32.1 0 0 0 16
19 20.37 36.9 31.8 32.9 0 0 0 15
20 19.07 36.9 32.4 34.6 0 0 0 14
21 17.77 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 13
22 16.47 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 12
23 15.27 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 11
24 13.97 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 10
25 12.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 9
26 11.47 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 8
27 10.17 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 7
28 8.97 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 6
29 7.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 5
30 6.47 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 4
31 5.17 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 3
32 5.17 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 2
33 4.07 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 1
34 3.97 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 0
35 3.87 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 1
36 3.47 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 2
37 3.07 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 3
38 2.87 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 4
39 2.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 5
40 2.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 6
41 2.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 7
42 2.67 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 8
43 2.57 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 9
44 2.57 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 10
45 2.57 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 11
46 2.47 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 12
47 2.46 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 13
48 2.43 36.9 34.8 35 0 0 0 − 14
49 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 − 15
94 V. Gholami, H. Sahour
Table 3 The correlation coefficient between the input variables and Table 4 Evaluation of the ANN model at the training and cross-vali-
runoff values dation stages for modeling the rainfall-runoff process
Parameter Pearson correlation with Runoff Criteria Training: runoff esti- Cross-validation
Accumulative rainfall (Sangdeh) 0.47*
Accumulative rainfall (Paland) 0.48* MSE 0.005 0.006
Accumulative rainfall (Golafshan) 0.54* Min Abs error 0.07 0.08
Rainfall (Sangdeh) 0.16 Max Abs error 6.5 9.4
Rainfall (Paland) 0.17 R-sqr 0.96 0.94
Rainfall (Golafshan) 0.19
Initial loss (tree stations) − 0.52*
Time to peak − 0.48*
estimation of model inputs especially for days or basins
Soil antecedent moisture 0.1
with missing hydrometric data. Results show that exclud-
Rainfall × station’s area of influence The same as rainfall*
ing the initial loss as a model input causes a significant
Significant error in the runoff estimation. Time to peak is also another
important parameter related to lag time and time of con-
centration of the basin; therefore, the average time to peak
was used as input. The rainfall values are not the only vari- of observed hydrographs is considered a network input.
able affecting the runoff generation. Infiltration and distribu- According to the results, excluding this parameter can
tion of the rainfall within a time scale are other important negatively affect the efficiency of the ANN model by caus-
parameters. Therefore, cumulative rainfall in hourly intervals ing an error in the estimation of runoff and the recession
was selected as the most suitable input for the rainfall-runoff curve. In the modeling process, the maximum and mini-
model, based on the correlation test and trial–error method mum values of the inputs should be used in the training
in ANN. and testing steps. Therefore, sunny days should be used in
The initial loss varies from one land use type to another, the input and output data. If we did not use sunny days (the
even if they are located in the area with the same slopes. On days with zero rainfall values), the tested network would
the other hand, simulating the vegetation cover and anteced- overestimate the runoff values for the days without rainfall
ent soil moisture condition on an hourly basis is challenging. or snow. We performed and compared two cases: modeling
As a result, applying the initial loss as one of the model
Table 5 Evaluation of the ANN Criteria Test: runoff
inputs which reflects both the soil properties and vegetation model at the testing stage for the estimation
condition was the best option. The initial loss values were rainfall-runoff modeling process
subtracted from each rainfall and were used as one of the MSE 0.05
model inputs. Min Abs error 0.09
Using the field sampling plots, we were able to accu- Max Abs error 10.3
rately determine the runoff height and volume, total loss, R-sqr 0.81
and finally initial loss. What is challenging in the pro-
cess of rainfall-runoff modeling is selection and accurate
Fig. 4 Comparison between the simulated and observed (measured) hydrographs at the Talar basin outlet to evaluate the performance of the
ANN model in the training stage (Rsqr = 0.96)
Simulation of rainfall‑runoff process using an artificial neural network (ANN) and field plots… 95
Fig. 5 Comparison between the simulated and observed (measured) hydrographs at the Talar basin outlet to evaluate the performance of the
ANN model in the test stage (Rsqr = 0.8)
without sunny days and modeling with sunny days. The over-training, and finally, the ANN model was evaluated
results showed that if the zero values (sunny days) are through the comparison of the simulated and observed
not applied to the modeling process, it will cause notable hydrographs. The correlation coefficients between network
errors in the simulation process. On the other hand, a con- inputs and trail-error method in the ANN and sensitivity
tinuous time series of rainfall-runoff data were applied in analysis of the inputs showed that the cumulative rainfall
the modeling process. Therefore, zero runoff values were and initial loss are the most important input parameters in
considered for sunny days for better performance of the the rainfall-runoff modeling process. The initial loss reflects
model and to generate a continuous modeled time series the role of vegetation, soil characteristics, and soil mois-
data. ture content. Therefore, increasing rainfall intensity due to
In the present study, the accuracy of the network at the climate change and land use manipulations through defor-
training stage was very high and the error rates are accept- estation is important in aggravating flood risk. According
able. Cross-validation was also performed to prevent to the results, the presented methodology can be used to
Fig. 6 Comparison between the simulated discharges and observed (measured) discharge at the Talar basin outlet to evaluate the performance of
the ANN model in the test stage on a series of randomized data
96 V. Gholami, H. Sahour
simulate flood hydrograph and runoff discharge, and finally modeling and can simulate maximum peak discharge val-
to reconstruct the statistical gaps in hydrometric stations for ues with high performance. One of the major drawbacks
ungauged basins. However, the accuracy and reliability of of ANN-based models is their limitation in disclosing the
the model inputs are very important, and it will be easier to relationships between input and output due to the black-box
use our methodology in the small basins with the slight spa- nature of models. Additionally, the presented methodology
tial distribution of rainfall and land use variation. One of the requires establishing sampling plots for precise measure-
advantages of using this method over other rainfall-runoff ments of inputs that require labor works. The data acquisi-
models is the time efficiency of the operations and good per- tion for input parameters in the present study was accurately
formance with the limited length of the time series inputs. determined by field measurements and they had statistically
One of the most important issues in presenting rainfall- significant relationships with the output. Therefore, for the
runoff model or other hydrological simulation models is the future studies in rainfall-runoff modeling, it is suggested to
ability to accurately simulate extremes values. Based on the implement and evaluate the inputs of the present method in
results of the presented neural network model can simulate other artificial intelligence-based models.
the maximum and minimum values with high accuracy. This
implies the high capability of the model in predicting floods Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Regional Water Com-
pany of Mazandaran for providing the rainfall and hydrometric data.
or low flows. Finally, the validated model is an effective
tool for simulating the rainfall-runoff process, reconstructing Author contribution All authors contributed to the study conception
hydrographs or unrecorded river discharges, predicting flood and design. Material preparation and data collection and analysis were
risk, and studying different scenarios of climate and land use performed by V.Gholami and H.Sahour. The first draft of the manu-
changes on flood risk. script was written by V. Gholami and all authors commented on pre-
vious versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
6 Conclusion Availability of data and materials All data and materials as well as
software application or custom code support our published claims and
Simulation of the rainfall-runoff process is very important comply with field standards.
in hydrological studies and river engineering. One of the
most important applications of the rainfall-runoff models is Declarations
to estimate the peak discharge and flood volume to design
Ethical approval Not applicable.
hydraulic structures, flood management plans, or river engi-
neering. We can also fill the gaps in hydrological time series Consent to participate All authors consent to participate in this manu-
data by forecasting the values for the missing data and the script.
area without hydrometric stations. An artificial neural net-
Consent for publication All authors consent to publish this manuscript.
work is an efficient tool in hydrological modeling. Several
technical studies have been carried out in the field of flow
Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
hydrograph modeling or rainfall-runoff models using vari-
ous artificial intelligence techniques. However, the most
important issue in the modeling process is to determine
relevant inputs for the model and their accurate estimation
to properly reflect the process of modeling. In the present
study, cumulative rainfall inputs in hourly intervals, initial Adamowski J, Chan HF, Prasher SO, Sharda VN (2012) Comparison
loss, as a quantitative indicator reflecting the land cover and of multivariate adaptive regression splines with coupled wave-
vegetation conditions, and time to peak, were considered let transform artificial neural networks for runoff forecasting in
for the modeling process. The cumulative rainfall and ini- Himalayan micro-watersheds with limited data. J Hydroinform
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