The Kegel Solution - Kegel Exercises For Men

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Dedication and charity mention

Frequently Asked Questions
History of Kegels
The Benefits of Kegels
The Pubococcygeus Muscle and the Pelvic Floor Muscles
Locating your pc muscles
Workbook and Dairy
The Kegel Exercises That Worked Best For us
Basic Exercises
Kegel Exercise #1
Kegel Exercise #2
Intermediate Exercises
Kegel Exercise #3
Kegel Exercise #4
Advanced Exercises
Kegel Exercise #5
Kegel Exercise #6
The Eight Week Plan
The first two weeks
Weeks Three and Four
Weeks Five and Six
Weeks Seven and Eight and Onwards
The Kegel Secret
Get in Touch With us
Dedication and charity mention
This book is dedicated to men who have had and who have prostate cancer
and anybody else who has been affected by prostate cancer. Since we found out
that kegel exercises are helpful for men with prostate cancer we have been
raising awareness of this disease.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect men. Kegel
exercises are widely recommended for sufferers of all stages of prostate cancer.
We will be donating money to Prostate Cancer charities from the proceeds
of this book. We know that every contribution will help fight prostate cancer and
improve the survival rates for the future.
Before carrying out Kegel exercises you should discuss it with your doctor
or medical practitioner. Kegel exercises should also not be done if you have a
catheter. Whilst locating your PC muscle whilst urinating is beneficial it is
advised to not carry out Kegel exercises whilst urinating.
The information in this book is based on experience and internet research
and the authors have no medical qualifications. If you experience any negative
problems from performing Kegel exercises then please contact your doctor or
medical practitioner.
We would both like to thank our families who have been very patient with
us whilst we have been researching and writing this book. Their support and
encouragement during the whole process has been amazing and definitely kept
us going through the long nights.
Without the help of our close friends we would have never been able to
finish this project. Their understanding and help in many areas was a blessing.
We would like to sincerely thank all the readers of
who have been invaluable. They have supplied us with what they wanted to see
in this book as well as give us a tremendous amount of support. Their great
stories about their successes and failures with kegel exercises really allowed this
book to go to a whole new level. Without them we never would have created this
book and we probably wouldn’t have finished it either!
Where we have recognised that other people’s knowledge on specific areas
is greater than ours we have included their videos. We would like to thank these
contributors and also YouTube.
Our names are Anthony and Karl. We have been friends for a very long time
and both live in the United Kingdom. A few years ago we both began to suffer
from erectile dysfunction. Like most men we didn’t do anything about it as we
didn’t want to talk about it. We both hoped it would just go away. It got so bad
however that we decided to take action. Karl found out about Kegel exercises
and we both started to practice them. After seeing great results we decided to
share our experiences with others. We told our friends who were also
experiencing problems and they also improved. We then found out that some of
our friends had told other people who didn’t have any erectile problems and their
sex lives had improved dramatically. That’s when we decided to do more
research into Kegel exercises. Once we had found out more about them we
decided to start our own website called Our aim
for the website was to increase people’s knowledge and awareness of Kegel
exercises for men so that more people around the world can improve their lives
like we did.
The response we got from the website was overwhelming! We started
getting emails from men all over the world telling us how Kegel exercises had
changed their lives and how they have been useful for so many different
problems. We then started getting comments and emails about how to exactly
carry out kegel exercises as there is a lot of information available and this can be
overwhelming. Because of this we decided to write an E-book that detailed our
method of carrying out Kegel exercises.
Kegel exercises are effective if you practice them consistently. This is why
we think having a workbook is so important. That way you can track the
frequency and duration so that you can stick to an exercise plan. If you stick to a
regime you’ll have a much better chance of seeing life changing results.
Kegel exercises are wonderful because anyone can do them anywhere at any
time. By reading this guide and following the workout plans we hope that you
will experience the life changing results that we have seen in our own and many
other people’s lives.
Brian Wilson, 37.
I was suffering from erectile problems. I would either struggle to get it up at
all, or if I did, my erections would be weak and wouldn’t stay up for long. I went
to the docs and he told me that everything was fine after I had tests and stuff but
I just felt like there was something wrong. I had stopped feeling like a man and I
started to take this out on my wife and I started to put a strain on our marriage.
My best buddy, who was the only person I had the courage to tell about my
problem (apart from my wife, obviously) told me about this research about weak
pelvic floor muscles being linked to erectile dysfunction. After a bit of searching
I came across the Kegel Solution. After reading through the whole thing I started
with the exercises the next day. I was hoping for a rock solid erection the next
day and I quickly realised that was crazy. That would be like going to the gym
once and expecting to bench 350 pounds. After 5 Weeks of the Kegel Solution I
felt like a new man! My erections were just as hard and long as they were when I
was 19 and as an added bonus my orgasms felt better than ever!
Julian Williams, 54
I was suffering from urinary incontinence and it was starting to really get
me down, I mean it was just embarrassing. My doctor recommended Kegel
Exercises and suggested that I give them a try over a few months to try and
increase my bladder control. He warned that it may take a lot of work but I
literally ready to try anything. I found the Kegel Solution and bought it straight
away because it promised to give me Kegel Exercise Program. It delivered that
and so much more, I have been doing Kegel exercises for 3 months and I have
already seen an improvement. Never has an ‘exercise program’ been so easy or
so fun.
Francis Jones, 47
It’s been a few years now that I have been worried about my prostate. My
family has a history of prostate problems and I really don’t want to join the list.
My doctor told me that everything with my prostate is fine, but I still asked him
if there is anything that I can do to keep it healthy and strong. He told me about
Kegel Exercises but I didn’t know how to do them. After spending a little bit of
time on the internet I found The Kegel Solution. I just wanted to thank you for
providing me with such a comprehensive program to ease all of my worries. And
my doc says my prostate is stronger than ever!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get updates to this book?
Yes. Purchasers of the original version will be sent a copy of any updated
versions for free, every time they are released.
Can I get my money back if I am not satisfied?
Yes. We offer a full money back guarantee. If you are not totally happy with
the product then you can get a full refund within 60 days of purchasing.
How long will it take to see results?
Kegel exercises can be used to alleviate many different symptoms and help
cure many different problems. This is why the amount of time they take to
produce results differs greatly. A common amount of time for erectile
dysfunction to improve significantly is 6-8 weeks but improvements can be seen
in the first few weeks.
How long do I need to do Kegel exercises for?
We advise that once you have been doing Kegels regularly and you have
improved your problems that you carry on performing Kegel exercises. This will
help you to prevent yourself from suffering from the same problems in the
Will Kegel exercises help me if I don’t currently have any problems?
Yes. By practicing Kegel exercises you will experience improvements in
many areas and help prevent future problems.
Can I Print out this book?
Yes. You are allowed to print out this book for your own use.
History of Kegels
Kegel exercises were first introduced by the American gynaecologist Dr
Arnold Kegel during his research in 1948. The research he carried out was aimed
at pregnant women tightening their pubococcygeus muscle of the pelvic floor to
help them after child birth. Further research found that Kegel exercises have
wonderful effects for women who wanted to improve their sex life and also a
range of other health benefits. For many years Kegel exercises were used only
by women until it was found out that men could also do them and have an
equally amazing array of benefits for their health and their sex life.
Research has shown that Kegel exercises are helpful for men with a variety
of problems and many conclusions of the research is that all men should carry
out Kegel exercises regularly. Kegel exercises for men are becoming more
popular than they have ever been due to the increasing amount of research and
media coverage. As Kegel exercises do not require any painful surgery and they
have been scientifically proven to work they are becoming a well accepted tool
for men with erectile dysfunction and other associated problems. We hope that
this book will help you to improve your own problems or increase specific areas
of your life.
We carried out a literature review of the available studies into Kegel
exercises to provide you with evidence of the scientific studies that prove Kegel
exercises work.
Bladder Control and Prostate Health
There has been lots of research into Kegel exercises for both men and
women although there has been a greater amount of research into the effects of
kegel exercises on women than men. This is because kegel exercises were
originally created for women and therefore women have used them for a longer
period of time. As time progressed and it was discovered that Kegel exercises for
men could be very useful for many different symptoms. Recently, due to the
amazing health benefits that men are getting from carrying out kegel exercises,
more research is being carried out to investigate the results. The results have
been very positive and have led many health professionals to recommend Kegel
exercises for a variety of different symptoms. This section is going to discuss the
research that has been carried out that looks at the effects Kegel exercises have
on men together with what specialists have said about Kegel exercises.
Dr Jason M. Hafron is a very well respected urologist at the William
Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan. He said that
“Behavioral treatment is just as effective as drug treatment in males with
an overactive bladder, and that’s big, It’s safer, cheaper and it’s
What Dr Hafron is saying here is that physical exercises like Kegel
exercises can be used as behavioural treatment to cure over active bladders. He
is also saying that behavioural treatment is just as effective as drug treatment.
With the increasing price of medication and the possible side effects they may
have Dr. Hafron recognises the benefits of being able to use behavioural therapy
Ko and Sawatzky (2008) stated that Prostate cancer is one of the most
prevalent malignancies diagnosed in North American men. There are many
different stages of prostate cancer and treatments can range from on going to
surveillance to chemotherapy to having the prostate removed. The operation that
removes the prostate is called a radical prostatectomy. This is where the prostate
gland and some of the surrounding tissue is removed. It is a popular choice but it
does have possible side effects. The main two side effects are erectile
dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Carter (2007) reported that research
carried out on men who used Kegel exercises after having a radical
prostatectomy was very successful. 68% of men who carried out Kegel Exercises
after their radical prostatectomy regained urinary continence in three months.
Only 31% of men who did not do Kegel exercises regained urinary incontinence.
This is a statistically significant difference and shows just how effective Kegel
exercises can be. Research published in 2003 found that by practicing Kegel
exercises regularly seven out of ten patients who suffered from urinary
incontinence were cured (Vilas, 2006).
A joint study was undertaken to look at the effectiveness of Kegel exercises
for bladder control. The study was carried out by Dr Theodore M. Johnson II and
colleagues from America’s most well respected institutions including the U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs’ Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical
Center (GRECC), the Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care of
University of Alabama at Birmingham’s (UAB) Department of Medicine, the
Division of Nephrology of Tufts Medical Center’s Department of Medicine and
Emory University’s Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology.
The study gave one group of men a drug to take every day and they gave the
other group instructional training about how to carry out Kegel exercises. The
Kegel exercise group carried out Kegel exercises for three sessions a day where
they would perform 15 Kegel exercises.
The results proved how effective Kegel exercises for bladder control are.
The men who practiced kegel exercises reduced how many times they urinated
every day from 11 to 9.1. They also reduced their night time urination by five
times per week. The group of men who took the drugs and didn’t carry out Kegel
Exercises had worse results. At the end of the study the men carried out a
questionnaire and over 90% said that they were completely or somewhat
satisfied with Kegel exercises. It is the psychological aspect of Kegel exercises
that can make a real difference as this study shows. 90% of the subjects were
satisfied with Kegel exercises as they are effective and also allow you to regain
control over your problems and take action yourself.
The Research Agency for Health Care Policy and Clinical practice stated
that the first line of intervention for urinary incontinence is recommended to be
the least invasive in nature, such as pelvic muscle exercises like Kegel exercises.
Erectile Dysfunction
Research was carried out by a team lead by Dr Grace Dorey from the
University of the West of England in Bristol to look at how effective kegel
exercises are. There were 55 participants in the study with an average age of 59.
All participants had experienced erectile dysfunction for at least six months
(they were all hospital patients). The first part of the study involved all patients
being taught how to carry out kegel exercises. They practiced kegel exercises
every day and were assessed after three and six months. The research found that
40% of men regained completely normal erectile function and a further 35%
showed improvement. Two thirds of the participants also suffered from
problems with bladder control and urination. All of these men said that there
problems improved significantly after they began carrying out the Kegel
exercises. The team leader, Dr Grace Dorey, who is a specialist continence
physiotherapist, said that
"The exercises were found to be equally as effective as taking Viagra.”
She also said that
"Pelvic floor exercises improve function in a physical way, in a more
natural way”
And that
"Men should be doing preventative exercise. It really is use it or lose it.”
This shows how Kegel exercises are now being recognised as a preventative
measure for a lot of problems that commonly affect men. By carrying out Kegel
exercises men can reduce their chances of suffering from these problems. The
results from this study were staggering as 75% of the participants either regained
completely normal erectile function or showed improvement. And at the same
time the participants with urinary and bladder control problems also improved
significantly. This is evidence that Kegel exercises can greatly improve multiple
symptoms or problems at the same time.
Kegel exercises are widely recognised by the leading organisations of
erectile dysfunction including the Impotence Association. A spokesperson for
the Impotence Association said:
"The value and effectiveness of pelvic floor exercises should not be
underestimated when considering the management of sexual problems
such as impotence and premature ejaculation. The exercises are thought
to strengthen the muscles that surround the penis and improve the blood
supply in the pelvis, which is an important factor in relation to erectile
Brauer and Brauer (2001) said that Kegels can help men achieve stronger
erections, maintain healthy hips, and gain greater control over ejaculation.
Erection strength and ejaculation control are commonly two of men’s biggest
concerns about sex. This shows that all men can benefit from Kegel exercises.
La Pera and Nicastro (2008) also found from their research "A new treatment for
premature ejaculation: the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor" that Kegel
workouts can provide men with stronger erections. La Pera and Nicastro
conducted research using eighteen patients who all suffered with premature
ejaculation. Fifteen (83%) of the participants had suffered from premature
ejaculation for at least five years. Most of the men had tried various treatments
without any success. After 15–20 sessions of pelvic floor rehabilitation using
Kegel exercises 61% patients were cured and are now able to fully control the
ejaculatory reflex. This study shows the improvements that can be made in a
small amount of time. As everyone is different the amount of time it takes for
improvements to show will vary.
Baum and Spieleer (2001) said that there are significant benefits for the
problem of premature ejaculation from having more muscular control of the
pelvis. By building up the pelvic floor muscles a man will be less likely to suffer
from premature ejaculation. Kegel exercises will improve this and therefore help
to improve a man’s control over ejaculation. Baum and Spieleer also reported
that premature ejaculation is the most prevalent condition of all male sexual
problems. This is often due to the worry placed on the amount of time that a man
is able to have sex for. By taking action to have greater control over how long
they last men can greatly reduce their anxiety which will in turn allow them to
have greater control over when they climax.
Puppo et al (2008) found that Kegel Exercises can reduce the post-
ejaculatory refractory period that increases in every man with age. The post
ejaculatory refractory period is the amount of time after an orgasm that it is
physiologically impossible for a man to have another orgasm. It is during this
period after sex that a man’s sex drive is greatly reduced. This can be a problem
following premature ejaculation as it can take the man a while before he can
have sex again. Reducing the post-ejaculatory refractory period can greatly
improve a man’s sex life as he will be able to have sex again more quickly.
Puppo et al (2008) also found that Kegel exercises could increase the
capacity of a man to achieve an erection after a first ejaculation. In elderly men
the ejaculation takes place with less strength. The Kegel exercises are important
to prevent and postpose the physiologic reduction of the strength of ejection of
the seminal liquid. By carrying out kegel exercises you can increase your
ejaculation volume and distance. For younger men Kegel exercises will make
their ejaculations stronger and reduce the chances of them getting weaker with
age. Many porn stars use Kegel exercises to improve the strength of their
erections and ejaculations.
Dorey (2005) said that weak pelvic floor muscles compromised normal
pelvic floor function and led to urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. By
not exercising and training the pelvic floor muscles the pelvic floor cannot
function properly. This leads to many problems. Dorey undertook a
comprehensive and in depth review of all of the available research and found
that strengthening the pelvic floor muscles was shown to significantly improve
post-prostatectomy urinary continence, post-micturition dribble and erectile
function. Dorey concluded that it would be sensible for all men to exercise their
pelvic floor muscles to maintain normal pelvic floor function. This shows that
Kegel exercises can be used both to prevent symptoms from occurring and treat
symptoms if they do occur.
By carrying our Kegel exercises you can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
which will produce a whole range of health benefits including; greater control
over ejaculation; longer lasting and stronger erections; increased bladder control
and increased bladder and prostate health.
All of the research points to the fact that carrying out a regular training
programme of Kegel exercises helps men with erectile dysfunction as much as
Viagra and other erectile dysfunction therapies. Unlike Viagra, kegel exercises
provide a forever lasting solution to the problem as it tackles the cause.
Alan P. Brauer; Donna J. Brauer (2001). ESO: How You and Your Lover
Can Give Each Other Hours of Extended Sexual Orgasm (Revised ed.) Warner
La Pera, G; Nicastro, A (1996). "A new treatment for premature ejaculation:
the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor". Journal of sex & marital therapy 22 (1):
Medical management of premature ejaculation Neil Baum, MD, and
Bradley Spieler, BA. (2001)
A new treatment for premature ejaculation: The rehabilitation of the Pelvic
floor Giuseppe La Peraa & Attilio Nicastroa 2008
- T09-P-13 The importance of the Kegel exercises for the erection of the
male and female erectile organs (male and female penis) V. Puppo1, , J.
Abdulcadir2, A. Mannucci3, L. Catania1, 2, 4, D. Abdulcadir2 2008
Research Agency for Health Care Policy and: Clinical practice guideline:
Urinary incontinence in adults: Acute and chronic management. Rockville, MD,
U.S. Government Printing Office; 1996.
Restoring pelvic floor function in men: review of RCTs (296kb) Grace
Dorey British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 14, Iss. 19, 28 Oct 2005, pp 1014 – 1021
Vilas (2006) Prostate cancer is beatable Yago Editorial, LLC, Louisianna
Ko, W, F, Y and Sawatzky, J, A, V, (2008) Understanding Urinary
Incontinence After Radical Prostatectomy: A Nursing Framework Clinical
Journal of Oncology Nursing
Carter, H. B (2007) M.D. Prostate Disorders, john Hopkins Medicine,
The Benefits of Kegels
Kegel exercises have helped so many men with different symptoms that
we’re confident it’s going to work for you. If you can stick to a routine you will
see progress. We have included lots of different Kegel exercises so that you can
find one to suit you and also that you can change routines if you get bored. The
amount of time it takes for symptoms to get better and for problems to go away
is very different according to what your personal symptoms are. We have found
that a lot of our readers experienced benefits in 6-8 weeks but some did
experience benefits much quicker.
It really can change your life as we’ve found out. By improving your sex
life and your intimate relationships you’ll increase your personal happiness
immensely and decrease your stress levels which will make you healthier. Kegel
exercises also improve the health of your prostate and bowel decreasing your
chances of getting cancer in those areas.
Apart from improving your specific symptoms Kegel exercises will also
improve several other factors which will improve your love life. These benefits
include being able to have sex for longer and be more in control of when you
climax. You will notice these benefits as you progress with the exercises.
Sticking to one of the routines and recording your progress will give you a sense
of achievement and belief in yourself and increase your self-esteem. This is
really important and will have a knock on effect in the rest of your life.
The Pubococcygeus Muscle and the Pelvic Floor Muscles
The pelvic floor muscles are what you will be exercising when you
undertake the Kegel exercises. You can find them easily when you are urinating
by stopping urinating. The muscles you use to stop urinating are the pelvic floor
muscles. This method is good for helping you to locate your pelvic floor muscles
but Kegel exercises should not be done whilst urinating.
Specifically the muscle you are training is the Pubococcygeus Muscle,
commonly referred to as the PC muscle. By strengthening this muscle and your
pelvic floor muscles you will receive all of the benefits we have already
We thought it would help you more to watch some videos of experts talking
about the pelvic floor muscles and where they are located.
Locating your pc muscles
To carry out Kegel exercises you need to be able to tense or contract your
Pelvic floor muscles. As these muscles are not visible and are not consciously
used, people may not know where they are. The easiest method to learn how to
find them is to stop your self urinating. When you stop yourself urinating the
muscles that you tense are the muscles you will be using for the Kegel exercises.
Another way to find them is to imagine trying to stop breaking wind. Do not use
your buttocks, legs or abdomen as this will prevent you from finding the pelvic
floor muscles. Kegel exercises are based around tensing these muscles and then
relaxing them so it is vital that you realise where they are.
You should feel the pelvic floor muscles moving upwards as well as a slight
upwards movement in the testicles. Remember that you should not be using your
legs, abdomen or buttocks muscles. To practice this you can use your hands to
see which muscles you are contracting or you can use a mirror. After some
practice you will be able to locate the muscles very easily. If you cannot locate
the muscles then it’s best to ask your doctor for assistance.
Workbook and Dairy
We found it incredibly helpful to keep track of our Kegel exercises so that
we could track our progress and complete different practice routines. This is why
having a workbook is so important. By keeping a diary it allowed us to see how
our progress was affecting our lives. It became very clear that if I missed a
session or had a day off then I wasn’t as happy as I was on the days when I did
them. Your diary will also work as motivation as you can look back and see how
far you’ve come and how your problems have improved.
Getting organised will help you complete the programmes and see the
biggest improvements. Set a time every day when you are going to do your
Kegel exercises. If you know that there’s an occasion coming up where you
won’t be able to do them then make a plan to do them at some other time during
the day. It’s really important to stick to the programmes as if you miss a session
then it’s easier to miss another one and then another one and then stop doing
them all together! You want to get some momentum behind you by staying
organised and sticking to your routine in your workbook and tracking your
progress in your diary.
The Kegel Exercises That Worked Best For us
At the beginning of carrying out Kegel exercises the main goal is to gain
mastery over the technique. Don’t worry about seeing any improvements straight
away and just focus on the process of carrying out the exercises.
Try out these exercises to gain control over your PC muscle. When you feel
you have mastered these techniques move on to the next exercises. Remember to
fill in your diary with how well you are doing and what changes you are noticing
as well as keep a record of your exercise programme.
It is normal in some cases to feel a bit of discomfort during the first couple
of weeks whilst starting a Kegel exercise programme but if the pain starts to
affect you on a day to day basis change your exercise plan or consult your
Basic Exercises
Kegel Exercise #1
This exercise focuses on contracting and releasing your PC muscle. By
carrying out this exercise you will get used to working and controlling your PC
muscle. Don’t worry if you find this difficult as you will improve as you work
through the exercises. After you get used to the exercise you will be ready for
more challenging Kegel routines. Begin by contracting and releasing your PC
muscle for ten seconds and then have a ten second break. Do this up to five
times three to four times a day. Do this for five days out of the first week.
Remember you are just learning about how to use and control your PC muscle so
if you do it less than we said that’s ok and also if you feel you can do it more
then go for it, but don’t overdo it.
You can do these exercises at any time but we would recommend that whilst
you get used to them you do them in your own house at specific times when you
know you won’t be interrupted.
Kegel Exercise #2
The next exercise is to hold the contraction of your PC muscle for five
seconds and then relax it for five seconds. A set is once you have done this ten
times. Once you have done it ten times have a thirty second break and then
repeat the set four times with thirty second breaks. Do these exercises three
times a day.
This exercise can also be done holding your PC muscle for ten seconds or
thirty seconds. Remember to rest for the same period of time as you’re holding
the contraction. So if you hold the contraction for ten seconds then rest for ten
seconds. Work your way up to thirty seconds as you will get the most benefit by
working up through the times increasing the strength of your PC muscle and
your control over it. It might feel tempting to jump to thirty seconds straight
away but you won’t get the best results.
Intermediate Exercises
Kegel Exercise #3
This exercise is about mixing up the previous exercises. You will be both
doing fast contractions and holding contractions. Each set will last two minutes.
After each set have a minute rest. Do four to five sets twice a day. Each set will
be a random mix of holding your contraction for either five, ten or thirty seconds
or quick contractions. Make each set different to the last. This will increase your
control over the PC muscle and make sure you keep increasing your strength.
The excellent thing about this exercise is that it is always random, so your
PC muscle will never become accustomed to it and therefore it will always
stimulate you.
Kegel Exercise #4
This exercise is more advanced than the others as it does not have a specific
time but concentrates on the strength of your contraction. You start off by being
very relaxed and then you start to contract your PC muscle. Keep squeezing your
PC muscle until you’ve reached your strongest contraction. At your peak hold
the contraction for a moment before you slowly release the contraction until you
are totally relaxed again and that is one set. Try and make the amount of time
you spend contracting and relaxing about the same. After you’ve done one set
have a rest for thirty seconds. Do five sets two to three times a day.
Advanced Exercises
Kegel Exercise #5
This exercise is similar to the quick contractions of exercise #1. However in
this exercise you are contracting your PC muscle as hard as you can and then
relaxing it. Do this fifty times and then have a minute rest. Do these five times in
a row, twice a day. Work your way up until you can strongly contract and relax
your PC muscle 100 times. If you need to increase the rest time then that is ok.
Kegel Exercise #6
Kegel Exercise #6 is focused on holding your contraction. Hold your
contraction for as long as you can and really concentrate on what you are doing.
By now you should reach one to two minutes. If you can’t then simply practice
until you can. If you can hold it for longer than two minutes, that’s great, but we
don’t want to overdo it so hold it for a maximum of five minutes. Do this three
to five times throughout the day.
The Eight Week Plan
The first two weeks
For the first two week we recommend starting with Kegel Exercise #1 and
then moving onto Kegel Exercise #2. Work your way through exercise number
two till you are comfortable with the thirty second exercise. This will allow you
to be ready for the more advanced routines we are about to go into.
In this time you should gain control over your PC muscle and see
improvements over your control over it and the amount of time you can hold
contractions for. After the second week take some time to read over your diary
to see how far you’ve come; you should be very proud of yourself for sticking to
the programme. If by the end of the two weeks you still are not comfortable with
the exercises then take another week to continue with these exercises before you
move on.
Weeks Three and Four
During week three undertake Kegel Exercise #3 and during week four
undertake Kegel Exercise #4. Remember to track your progress in your
workbook and diary and don’t jump ahead of the programme. If you feel that
you could do more at this stage then mix in some of the earlier routines. If you
are starting to see the benefits of your Exercises then that is great news! If you
are not seeing any benefits then don’t worry and continue with the programme.
Remember to consult your doctor if you are having continual discomfort.
Weeks Five and Six
During week five carry out Kegel Exercise #5 until you can do 100
contractions per set. If you don’t reach this level, then simply keep going until
you do. Remember it’s important you go at your own pace and find what works
for you. During week six carry out Kegel Exercise #6 whilst doing Kegel
exercise #1 twice a day. By now you will have seen improvements in the
strength and duration of your contractions and hopefully your symptoms will
have improved.
Weeks Seven and Eight and Onwards
You will now have mastered the basic Kegel and the more advanced
routines. You should now keep up your Kegel exercises but choose different
exercises every day. This will keep your muscles guessing and make sure they
don’t get used to the same regime. Do what feels comfortable for you. If you’ve
seen big improvements in your symptoms then you may not need to carry on
exercising everyday but it is still a good idea to carry out some of the routines a
couple of times a week.
If you haven’t seen the results you want then have a look over your dairy
and see if you’ve missed any workouts or you didn’t do what you needed to for a
while. By filling in your diary and writing down details about your symptoms
you might also notice other things which may be causing your symptoms.
The Kegel Secret
The Kegel secret is to believe that you will see the results you want and to
keep going until you see those results! You have to be determined though and
you will only see results through organised practice and evaluating your
performance. This is why it is so important to keep a diary of your progress and
a workbook to make a note of the routines you are carrying out. It would be easy
to say that Kegel exercises don’t work but the majority of our readers who have
said this have also said they didn’t fill in their diary or workbook and were not
committed to the routines.
Remember to always focus on the Kegel exercise you are doing and not the
end outcome. This way you will give your full attention to every set and you will
get the most out of each exercise. This is called the ‘mind to muscle’ link. This
will ensure you get the maximum benefit from each rep and that you are fully
concentrating on each exercise.
You will soon join the thousands of men around the world whose lives have
been transformed by carrying out Kegel exercises.
Get in Touch With us
We hope that this book has helped you to understand the benefits of
carrying out Kegel exercises and how strengthening your pelvic floor muscles
can improve a variety of different problems and increase your health in many
areas. Please tell others how this book has changed your life. We’re always
interested in improving our products so if you have any recommendations or you
have a testimonial you would like to share then please get in touch with us by
visiting us at We’d love to hear from you and
maybe one day we’ll meet and you can tell us in person.

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