Presentation 3
Presentation 3
Presentation 3
Prudhvi Kuumar Kalisetty, Chaitanya Kancherlapalli, Jitendra Kheem
Singh, Harish Kothapalli, Anusha Mangi, Naresh Maragoni, Anandraj
Thiyagaraja Perumal, Sandeep Tondala, Charitha Kossireddy Venkata
Sai, Prathiksha Mahadeva Gowda
Group Potency and Collective Efficacy
Group Potency
• Also, the term group potency can be defined as the generalized variable that can be
inspired for the successful completion of the specific task (Jung & Sosik, 2003).
Group Potency
• An idea that something may be successful inside a group or team.
• Overall, the team is functional across various duties or circumstances, rather than
just from a specific viewpoint.
Group Potency
• In today's global economy, organizations attempt to improve
organizational performance to become successful and acquire a competitive edge.
• Collective efficacy can be defined as a group`s shared belief that they can deal with
a task with their conjoint capabilities and execute the course of action required for
the project to attain expected outcomes (Stajkovic. D, 2009).
• The concept of collective efficacy has been developed to help explain how
social elements work better or worse together.
• This medication model estimation includes the following three alternative models
that can state the purpose of the relationship (Gurowitz, 1975). They are the
correlated predictor, partial model, and reverse ordered model.
Relationship between the group potency and collective
• The correlated predictor mediation model can be used effectively when the group
potency and collective efficacy are correlated.
• The partial mediation model can be used when the relationship is direct with group
potency and indirect with collective efficacy.
• The reversed order mediation model can be used when grouping potency to ensure
the mediation between the group performance and the collective efficacy.
Group Cohesiveness
How are group cohesiveness and performance-related?
• The cohesive–performance effect was highly significant and of small magnitude.
➢ The effect was also more robust in smaller groups than in larger groups.
• The effect sizes were more significant in semester two than in semester one,
suggesting that student group cohesion may develop over time.
More Participation
➢ More the degree of cohesiveness
more the participation among
the team members, as they
consider them as their own
family, they will help each other
and works together.
Consequences of Cohesiveness
More Conformity
➢ The factors which influence the
team members are the similarity of
attitudes and values. It will
increase the attraction between the
team members. The power to
influence another person is also
Consequences of Cohesiveness
More Success
➢ Success and cohesiveness are
directly related, and cohesiveness
helps to achieve the goal
quickly, which results in more
Consequences of Cohesiveness
More Communication
➢ More cohesiveness between the
team members gives a strength to
communicate between the team
members efficiently, results in
minor miscommunication and
more results.
Consequences of Cohesiveness
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