Assignment Elecrical Drive

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Muhammad Hafiy Zulhaziq Bin Hassim, Muhamad Shafiq Bin Muhamad Khair, Mohamad Firdaus Bin Azahari
191092319 191093041 191092319
RK23 RK23 RK23
Electrical Engineering University Malaysia Perlis Electrical Engineering University Malaysia Perlis Electrical Engineering University Malaysia Perlis

Abstract—This paper will be study and explain about DC shunt motor uncontrolled half wave rectifier. PSIM software is used to
construct and demonstrated the system drive. There will be a waveform and value to see how the speed of the motor to be control,
how the braking system operated and the efficiency of the drive system.

Keywords-DC shunt; half wave rectifier; regenerative braking system; PSIM; waveform, speed, efficiency

I. INTRODUCTION B. Equivalent Circuit

The experiment is to carry out the DC shunt motor of This section will explain how this rectifier of half wave
uncontrolled half wave rectifier. This experiment needs to uncontrolled with R load that related to what students learn
design this rectifier that delivers the input with 170 V AC and during lectures. This type of rectifier can be constructed in
60Hz. Some objectivesneed to follow as the rectifier must be the circuit as in the figure below.
designed DC motor drives that can control its speed. To
achieve this objective, the suitable method needs to be
selected for control it. Some data need to be taken by
simulation based on the adjustable terminal voltage of this
rectifier. The results can be coming out into table and
waveform that it related to the theory had been learnt.
Figure 1: Equivalent Circuit for Uncontrolled Half Wave
A. Description and Defination
Rectifier [3].
Single phase uncontrolled half-wave rectifiers are the
easiest and perhaps the most frequently applied in
rectification circuit at small power levels [1]. As their result,
output is significantly impacted by the reactance of the
connected load.

The generated DC output power is fixed with the

converter applied in this type of rectifier. They typically use
diodes as power switches. The next subsections cover the
fundamental operation of some uncontrolled rectifiers, such
as a single-phase half-wave rectifier with resistive loads.

Thus, the technical report is covering how the operation

for DC shunt motor of uncontrolled half wave rectifier.

Figure 2: Waveform for Uncontrolled Half Wave Rectifier

From Figure 1 and 2, the circuit consists of source voltage, C. Related Equation & Suitable Application
diode and R load. The output voltage can be determined by Thus, from the equivalent circuit and operation
across the load and output current is current through the load. the equation can be come out. Several equations
The operation of this circuit rectifier changes slightly. that related to DC shunt motor with braking system
During the positive half-cycle of the input voltage, diode D1 are:
conduct and the output appears across the load. During the
negative half-cycle of the input voltage, the diode D1 is in a
blocking condition and the output voltage is zero [3].
Figure 3 shows the equivalent circuit for DC shunt motor.
The field winding of a shunt motor is connected to the same
voltage source as the armature circuit [4].

Figure 3: DC Shunt Motor Circuit [4].

The current of the source I is equal to the sum of the

armature current Ia and the field current If. When the

armature conductors and field windings of a DC motor are

turned on, direct current flows through them. The armature and
pole fields are created by the current flow [5]. Equation given is used for this rectifier circuit in
In order to control the speed of DC shunt motor, there are order toget the value of speed, power and efficiency.
two methods can be used by adjusting an armature resistance It can be seen at the results that get from the
and varying the terminal voltage. simulation.
When resistance is added in series with the armature, The DC shunt motor applications are employed
armature current Ia become lowers, and the speed decrease as in applications where a constant speed is required.
well. The greater the series resistance in the armature, the Due to their self-regulating speed capacity, it
greater the decrease in speed. Next method used is by varying concludes that these motorsare useful where speed
voltage source which can be adjusted. This is a widely used control is required. This motor's primary uses
method that is highly efficient, stable, and easy to use. The no- include devices such as grinders and locks, as well
load speed is reduced when the armature voltage is dropped [4]. as industrial tools such as compressors and fans.


This section had explained about the circuit terminology

and operation. PSIM software is the platform that used to
design circuit and simulate the operation of the DC shunt Figure 6: Uncontrolled half-wave rectifier
motor. Thus, this section is illustrated how rectifier contribute
to the design circuit and how the braking system operated to 3. Connect the uncontrolled half-wave rectifier with
slow down the motor. DC motor in parallel to obtain DC shunt motor
configuration. Thus, Voltage terminal will connect
with field winding of the DC motor
A. Circuit Terminology
This circuit probably the combination of uncontrolled 4. Add speed and torque sensor to measure the speed
half-wave rectifier and DC shunt motor circuit. In general, of mechanical system and to measure the torque
rectifier is used to convert AC signal to DC signal while half- form one side to another.
wave means that the output waveform will not drop to
negative half-cycle. Meanwhile, DC shunt motor will 5. Insert the mechanical load with constant toque.
connect the armature and field winding in parallel by receive
DC power source. Below is the procedure on how the circuit 6. Insert mechanical to electrical interface block.
had been design.
7. Add the load resistor with 100Ω.
1. Add the DC machine component that act as DC 8. Insert the voltage and current probe to obtain the
motor. Insert the specification that required by the waveform and value that required.
DC motor.
9. Connect all the components with the sub circuit to
obtain the complete circuit of DC shunt motor
uncontrolled half-wave rectifier like figure below.

Figure 7: Schematic circuit of DC shunt motor uncontrolled

half-wave rectifier

Figure 5: DC motor specification 10. Insert simulation control with 0.5s total time and
print step value 1E-05
2. Construct the circuit of uncontrolled half-wave
rectifier by using AC power supply and diode. Insert
the 170V and 60Hz for AC voltage and frequency

Figure 8: Simulation control

11. Simulate the circuit and take the waveform and data This section are discussed about several waveform and
value of output voltage, output current, speed and data value (average and RMS value) such as terminal voltage
torque. (V_terminal), output voltage (V_out), output current (I_out),
speed (speed_rpm) and torque (torque_Nm) that generated by
12. Vary the terminal voltage value from 90V to 85V, the circuit. The simulation results are separated into six parts
80V, 75V and 70V. Then, simulate the result like based on the terminal voltage that had been varied.
step 11 for each value of terminal voltage that had
been chosen to be varied.
13. Prove the speed of the circuit can be controlled by A. At Vt = 90V
varying the terminal voltage and the generative
braking system can be functioning well.

B. Circuit Operation
The complete circuit now can be fully operated under
several circumstances. However, this technical report will
focus on speed controlled by varying the terminal voltage and
how the generative braking system can be manipulated by DC
shunt motor uncontrolled half-wave rectifier.
First and foremost, the uncontrolled half-wave rectifier Figure 9: Waveform at Vt = 90V
circuit will convert the AC input signal to DC output signal
which is the 90V AC power supply will be converted to DC Table 1: Average and RMS value at 90V
power supply. This is because the DC motor only received
the power from DC source. The single diode will make the
sure the output waveform only generates in half positive
Next, DC shunt motor will receive the DC voltage or DC
power source. This power source will feed the field winding
and produce the electromagnet. Then, stator flux and rotor
current are presence and create a force on the coil. This
force is induced torque that rotates the armature
counterclockwise and also brings the speed of the motor.
Then, speed and torque sensor are used to measure the B. At Vt=85V
speed and the torque that had been produce by the motor
respectively. Meanwhile, the mechanical load with constant
torque will make sure the load torque direction changes with
the rotation direction.
After that, the mechanical-electrical interface block had
been used due to the drive system that consists motor. This
interface block will able the access for the internalequivalent
circuit of the mechanical system. In other words, the interface
block will allow the power from DC motor which is
mechanical to be delivered to electrical component which is
resistor as the load. Figure 10: Waveform at 85V terminal voltage Table
Last but not least, this circuit operation will be repeated
by varying the terminal voltage to illustrate how it willaffect
and control the speed of the motor. The terminalvoltage is 2: Average and RMS value at 85V terminal voltage
varying at 90V, 85V, 80V, 75V and 70V.
C. At Vt = 80V E. At Vt = 70V

Figure 11: Waveform at 80V Figure 13: Waveform at 80V terminal voltage

Table 3: Average and RMS value at 80V terminal voltage Table 5: Average and RMS value at 80V terminal voltage

D. At Vt = 75V Based on the simulation result, the waveform and the

data value had been successful obtained. The appearance of
waveform does not change so much except when the
terminal voltage is low as 70V. However, the data value had
been changed throughout the process. This show the terminal
voltage is one of the main components that contribute to the
drive system for DC shunt motor uncontrolled half-wave

Table 4: Average and RMS value at 75V terminal voltage

This part is present how the data demonstrate the trend
and the characteristics of the DC shunt motor uncontrolled
half-wave rectifier. Thus, three characteristics had been
plotted which is speed with terminal voltage, speed with
output current and speed with torque to analysis the drive

A. Speed – Terminal Voltage Characteristics

Table 7: Terminal voltage and speed value of the drive


Figure 16: Characteristics of speed-output current

Table 8 and figure 16 above show that the output

current is directly affect the speed of the DC shunt motor.
The output current is become lower due to the terminal
voltage that had been reduced. This situation makes the
speed of the motor tobe slow down. This is also due to the
typical character of current which is the current directly
proportional to the voltage.

C. Speed-Torque Characteristics

Table 9: Torque and speed value of the drive system

Figure 15: Characteristic of speed-voltage terminal

Based on table 7 and figure 15, the data had been jotted
down and the results clearly show that speed of drive system
is become slower when the terminal voltage is decreases.
This is because the speed of DC motor is directlyproportional
to the terminal voltage

B. Speed-Output Current Characteristics

Table 8: Output current and speed value of the drive system

Figure 17: Characteristics of speed-torque

Table 10: Efficiency of the drive system
From table 9 and figure 17, the torque of the motor is Vt Pin Pout Efficiency
slowly fall make the speed of the motor to become slower. (V) (W) (W) (%)
This circumstance occurs due to the torque that is proportion 90 1307.41 1287.74 98%
to the armature current. Thus, the current is decreases due to
85 1167.03 1149.49 98%
the voltage decrease and make the value of the torque to be
80 1034.49 1018.95 98%
reduced. Finally, this decrease in torque allows the DC shunt
motor decreases its speed. 75 909.809 896.158 98%
70 793.027 781.137 99%

Based on the table, the efficiency is slightly increase when

VI. DICUSSION the terminal voltage had been reduced from 90V to 70V.
Based on the simulation and analysis result, terminal However, the efficiency seems to increase when the terminal
voltage is playing as crucial role in the DC shunt motor voltage is varying at 70V.
uncontrolled half-wave rectifier. Thus, there are two
statements that need to be confirmed in this study, which is VII. CONCLUSION
about whether speed can be controlled and the efficiency of
the drives system. Before the discussion go through detail on In a nutshell, the DC shunt motor of uncontrolled half
those statement, the rectifier is successfully converting the wave rectifier had been carried out in this experiment. The
signal from AC input signal to the DC output signal like schematic circuit for this drive system had been well
shown in figure below. construct by using PSIM software and the result can be obtain
based on the simulation. The results show the circuit comes
out withspeed that can be controlled by using the method of
adjustable the terminal voltage. It can see that the speed had
been decrease due to terminal voltage decrease and this show
that the terminal voltage can be used as the element to control
the speed of the motor. The relationship between speed of
Figure 18: Input AC signal to DC output signal motor and terminal voltage also can call as a linearly
proportional. Lastly, when the speed of motor becomes
This show that the signal is successfully converts where slower, the efficiency of the drive system will be drop. For
the negative half cycle had been cut off. Thus, the study can the following investigation, it is suggested that an
be proceeded to prove the effectiveness of this drive system uncontrolled full-wave rectifier be used at a DC shuntmotor
based on the three statements that had been mentioned above. to improve the motor's efficiency.

First and foremost, there are three ways to control the REFERENCES
speed of the DC shunt motor which is by adding an armature
resistance to the armature circuit, varying the terminal
voltage and adjusting the field flux. All this method had their [1] Ned Mohan, "Power Electronic Converter, Application and design",
Johan Wiley & Sons; 2nd Edition.
way to reduce the speed of the motor by affecting the no- load
speed or speed drop or it can be both. However, this paper
chooses to vary the terminal voltage of the drive system. The [2] Dr.Afif Nazib (2021), Power Electronic 1, “AC-DC Converters: Half-
wave Rectifier”.
terminal had been varying from 90V to 70V and the result is
[3] Prof.Mohd Azrik (2022), Electrical Drive, DC Motor.
the speed had been dropped significantly. This method only
[4] Yourelectricalguide, (2022) Working Principle of DC Shunt Motor.
effects the no-load speed value and does not affect the speed Available:
drop value because the method considers maintain the load principle-of-dc-shunt-motor.html. [Accessed: May 8, 2022]
torque and field flux. Thus, the study had been successful to [5] Prof.Mohd Azrik (2022), Electrical Drive, Braking of DC Motor.
control the speed of the motor. This is because when the [6] Electronic Project Focus (2022), What is a DC Shunt Motor:
terminal voltage decreases, the speed of the motor also Construction, Working Principle, Circuit Diagram. Available:
decreases, and this relationship had been clearly shown in the
analysis result. principle-circuit-diagram/.
Last but not least, the efficiency of the drive system. The
efficiency is also varying based on terminal voltage that will
consider the input power (Pin) of the system. Thus, the output
power (Pout) is obtained by diminished the copper losses
from input power. Below is the table as the summary of the
efficiency of the drive system for each terminal voltage that
had been injected by neglecting the rotational losses.

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