Letter of Offer
Letter of Offer
Letter of Offer
This Letter of Offer is being sent to you as a registered Equity Shareholder of AksharChem (India) Limited (the “Company”) as on the Record Date in
accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as amended (the “Buy-back Regulations”). If you
require any clarification about the action to be taken, you should consult your stock broker or your investment consultant or the Manager to the Buy-back
i.e., Vivro Financial Services Private Limited or the Registrar to the Buy-back i.e., Link Intime India Private Limited. Please refer to the section on
“Definitions of Key Terms” on page 2 of this LoF for the definition of the capitalized terms used herein.
1. The Buy-back Offer is being undertaken in accordance with provisions of Article 64 of the Articles of Association of the Company and Sections 68,
69, 70 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and applicable rules made thereunder and in compliance with the
Buy-back Regulations, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing
Regulations”), Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and subject to such other approvals, permissions, sanctions and exemptions as may be
required from time to time from any statutory and/ or regulatory authority. The Buy-back would be undertaken in accordance with circular no.
CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read with circular no. CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016 and circular
SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615 dated August 13, 2021 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (the “SEBI Circulars”),
which prescribes mechanism for tendering of shares through online trading platform of the Stock Exchange. In this regard, the Company will request
BSE to provide the Acquisition Window. For the purpose of this Buy-back, BSE Limited will be the Designated Stock Exchange.
2. The total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves (including securities premium account) of the Company as on March 31, 2021 based on
audited financial statements is ₹27,830.82 lakhs. In accordance with section 68(2) of the Act, the funds deployed for the Buy-back shall not exceed
10% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves (including securities premium account) of the Company under Board approval route.
Accordingly, the Company has proposed to utilise an aggregate amount not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine Lakhs
Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Only) excluding Transaction Costs for the Buy-back which is within the aforesaid limit and represents
3.60% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves (including securities premium account) as per the audited financial statements of the
Company as on March 31, 2021.
3. The Letter of Offer is being sent to the Equity Shareholder(s) / Beneficial Owner(s) of Equity Shares as on the Record Date i.e., Friday, November
12, 2021. The procedure for tendering Equity Shares and settlement is set out in paragraph 20 on page 27 of this Letter of Offer. The Form of
Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement (the “Tender Form”) is enclosed together with this Letter of Offer.
4. For mode of payment of consideration to the Eligible Shareholders, please refer to paragraph 20.21 on page 30 of this Letter of Offer.
5. A copy of the Public Announcement, the Draft Letter of Offer and this Letter of Offer (including the Tender Form) shall also be available on the
website of Securities and Exchange Board of India at www.sebi.gov.in and on Company’s website at www.aksharchemindia.com.
6. Eligible shareholders are advised to refer to details of the Statutory Approvals and Note on Taxation in paragraph 17 on page 22 and paragraph 21 on
page 34 respectively of this Letter of Offer, before tendering their Equity Shares in the Buy-back.
Vivro Financial Services Private Limited Link Intime India Private Limited
Address: Vivro House, 11 Shashi Colony, Opp Suvidha Shopping Address: C 101, 1st Floor, 247 Park, L B S Marg,
Center, Paldi, Ahmedabad – 380007, Gujarat, India. Vikhroli West, Mumbai – 400 083, Maharashtra, India.
Tel.: +91-79-4040 4242 Tel. No.: +91 22 4918 6200 Fax: + 91 22 4918 6195
E-mail: investors@vivro.net; Email: aksharchem.buyback@linkintime.co.in;
Website: www.vivro.net Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Contact Person(s): Mr. Anshul Nenawati Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
SEBI Registration Number: INM000010122 Validity: Permanent SEBI Registration Number: INR000004058 Validity: Permanent
CIN: U67120GJ1996PTC029182 CIN: U67190MH1999PTC118368
This Letter of Offer uses certain definitions and abbreviations which, unless the context otherwise indicates or
implies or specifies otherwise, shall have the meaning as provided below. References to any legislation, Act,
regulation, rules, guidelines, policies, circulars, notifications or clarifications shall be to such legislation, Act,
regulation, rules, guidelines, policies, circulars, notifications or clarifications as amended, supplemented, or
re-enacted from time to time and any reference to a statutory provision shall include any subordinate
legislation made from time to time under that provision.
The words and expressions used in this Letter of Offer, but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed
to such terms under the Buy-back Regulations, the Companies Act, 2013, Depositories Act, 1996, as amended
and the rules and regulations made thereunder and to the extent applicable.
Term Description
Acceptance Acceptance of fully paid-up Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders in the
Buy-back Offer.
Act / Companies Act The Companies Act, 2013 as amended from time to time and the rules and regulations
made thereunder and to the extent applicable.
Acquisition Window The facility for acquisition of Equity Shares through mechanism provided by the BSE
in the form of a separate window in accordance with SEBI circular no.
CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read with SEBI circular no.
CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 9, 2016, and SEBI circular no.
CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615 dated August 13, 2021, as may be amended from time.
Additional Equity Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders over and above their respective Buy-
Shares back Entitlement and such that total number of Equity Shares tendered does not exceed
the Equity Shares held on the Record Date by such Eligible Shareholders.
Articles of
Articles of Association of the Company, as amended from time to time.
AOP Association of Persons
Board / Board of Board of Directors of the Company and shall be deemed to include any committee
Directors/Directors which the Board of Directors may constitute to exercise its powers.
BSE BSE Limited
Buy-back Closing
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Buy-back The number of Equity Shares that an Eligible Shareholder is entitled to tender in
Entitlement or the Buy-back, based on the number of Equity Shares held by that Eligible
Entitlement Shareholder on the Record Date in the ratio of Buy-back as applicable in the
Term Description
Buy-back or Buy- Buy-back of up to 1,69,491 (One Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety
back Offer or One) fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of face value of ₹ 10/- (Rupees Ten
Offer Only) each (“Equity Share(s)”), at a price of ₹ 590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety
Only) per Equity Share for an aggregate amount not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/-
(Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety
only) from Eligible Shareholders, through the Tender Offer on a proportionate basis.
Buy-back Opening
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Buy-back Period The period between date of Board Meeting considering Buy-back of Equity Shares,
i.e., October 29, 2021 and the date on which the payment of consideration to the
Eligible Shareholders whose Equity Shares have been accepted in the Buy-back
will be made, i.e., on or before Thursday, December 30, 2021.
Buy-back Price Price at which Equity Shares will be bought back from the Eligible Shareholders,
i.e., ₹590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety Only) per fully paid-up Equity Share,
payable in cash.
Buy-back The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations,
Regulations 2018, as amended from time to time
Buy-back Size Maximum number of Equity Shares proposed to be bought back i.e., not exceeding
1,69,491 (One Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety One) multiplied by
the Buy-back Price i.e., ₹590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety Only) per Equity Share
aggregating to an amount not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores Ninety
Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety only)
BOI Body of Individuals
CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CIN Corporate Identity Number
Clearing Indian Clearing Corporation Limited
Company AksharChem (India) Limited
Company’s Pravin Ratilal Share and Stock Brokers Limited
Compliance Mr. Meet Joshi, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Officer to Buy-
back Offer
Company’s Demat The depository account opened by the Company with Depository Participant in
Account relation to the Buy-back.
Depositories Collectively, National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository
Services (India) Limited
DP Depository Participant
Draft Letter of The Draft Letter of Offer dated November 10, 2021 filed with SEBI through the
Offer / DLoF Manager containing necessary disclosures in relation to the Buy-back as specified in
the Buy-back Regulations
Designated Stock The designated stock exchange for the Buy-back is BSE Limited.
DIN Director Identification Number
Director Director(s) of the Company
Eligible All persons holding Equity Shares as on the Record Date being Friday, November
Shareholder(s) or 12, 2021 and who are eligible to participate in the Buy-back in terms of this LoF.
Equity Shares Fully paid-up equity shares of face value of ₹10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each of the
Escrow Account The Escrow Account titled “ACIL BUY BACK 2021 ESCROW ACCOUNT”
opened with Escrow Bank.
Escrow Bank HDFC Bank Limited
Escrow The escrow agreement dated November 16, 2021 entered into between the
Agreement Company, Escrow Bank and Manager to the Buy-back
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, as amended from time to time
FII(s) Foreign Institutional Investor(s)
FPI(s) Foreign Portfolio Investor(s)
Financial Year / 1st April to 31st March
Term Description
General Category Category of Eligible Shareholders(s) other than the Small Shareholders
HUF Hindu Undivided Family
IT Act / Income Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended from time to time
Tax Act
ICAI The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
IND AS Indian Accounting Standards
IPO Initial Public Offer
Letter of Offer / This Letter of Offer dated November 24, 2021 filed with SEBI containing
LoF disclosures in relation to the Buy-back as specified in the Buy-back Regulations,
including comments received from SEBI on the DLoF.
LODR The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Regulations/ Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time.
Manager to the Vivro Financial Services Private Limited
Buy-back /
Non-Resident Equity Shareholders other than resident Equity Shareholders including Non-Resident
Shareholders Indians (NRI), Foreign Institutional Investors (FII), Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI),
erstwhile Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCB) and Foreign Nationals
NRE Account Non-resident external account
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited
NSE National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Offer Period / Period of Ten Working Days from the Buy-back Opening Date i.e., Wednesday,
Tendering Period / December 08, 2021 till Buy-back Closing Date i.e., Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Buy-back Offer (both days inclusive)
Promoters and Promoters, Promoter Group and Persons Acting in Concert/PACs including such
Promoter Group persons as have been disclosed under filings made by the Company from time to time
under the Listing Regulations and the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 as amended.
Public Public announcement dated November 01, 2021 in relation to Buy-back which was
Announcement / published on November 02, 2021 in all editions of Financial Express (English
PA national daily), all editions of Jansatta (Hindi national daily), Ahmedabad edition of
Financial Express (Regional language daily - Gujarati), Gandhinagar edition of
Samana Gujarati (Regional language daily - Gujarati)
PAN Permanent Account Number
Ratio of Buy-back The ratio of the Buy-back for the Equity Shares held by Eligible Shareholders as on
or Entitlement Record Date: (i) in case of Small Shareholders (“Reserved Category”), 13 Equity
Ratio Shares for every 563 Equity Shares; and (ii) in case of Eligible Shareholders other than
Small Shareholders, 17 Equity Shares for every 838 Equity Shares.
RBI Reserve Bank of India
Record Date The date for the purpose of determining the Buy-back Entitlement and the names of
the equity shareholders to whom the Letter of Offer and Tender Form will be sent,
and who are eligible to participate in the Buy-back in accordance with the Buy-back
Regulations and in terms of the Letter of Offer. The Record Date for the Buy-back is
Friday, November 12, 2021.
Registrar to the Link Intime India Private Limited
Buy-back /
Reserved Category Category of the Small Shareholders eligible to tender Equity Shares in the Buy-back.
SEBI The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Shareholder A Stock Broker of an Eligible Shareholder, through whom the Eligible Shareholder
Member / Seller may participate in the Buy-back.
Member /
Small Shareholder An Eligible Shareholder who holds shares whose market value, on the basis of
closing price of shares on the recognized stock exchange, in which highest trading
volume in respect of such shares is recorded on the record date, is not more than
Term Description
₹2,00,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs).
Stock Exchanges/ BSE and NSE being the stock exchanges where the Equity Shares of the Company are
Recognised Stock listed.
SEBI SAST The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Regulations Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, as amended.
Tender Form Form of Acceptance–cum–Acknowledgement to be filled in by the Eligible
Tender Offer Method of Buy-back as defined in Regulation 2(i)(q) read with Regulation 9(vii) of
the Buy-back Regulations using stock exchange mechanism
TRS Transaction Registration Slip
U.S. United States / United States of America
Working Day(s) Working day shall have the meaning ascribed under Regulation 2(i)(s) of the Buy -
back Regulations.
3.1. As required, a copy of the Draft Letter of Offer has been submitted to SEBI. It is to be distinctly understood
that submission of the Draft Letter of Offer to SEBI should not in any way be deemed or construed that the
same has been cleared or approved by SEBI. SEBI does not take any responsibility either for the financial
soundness of the Company to meet the Buy-back commitments or for the correctness of the statements made
or opinions expressed in the Draft Letter of Offer. The Manager to the Buy-back, i.e., Vivro Financial
Services Private Limited, has certified that the disclosures made in the Draft Letter of Offer are generally
adequate and are in conformity with the provisions of the Act and Buy-back Regulations. This requirement is
to facilitate Eligible Shareholders to take an informed decision for tendering their Equity Shares in the Buy-
3.2. It should also be clearly understood that while the Company is primarily responsible for the correctness,
adequacy and disclosure of all relevant information in the Draft Letter of Offer, the Manager to the Buy-back
is expected to exercise due diligence to ensure that the Company discharges its duty adequately in this behalf
and towards this purpose, the Manager to the Buy-back, has furnished to SEBI a Due Diligence Certificate
dated November 10, 2021 in accordance with Buy-back Regulations, which reads as follows:
“We have examined various documents and materials relevant to the Buy-back as part of the due diligence
carried out by us in connection with the finalization of the Public Announcement dated November 01, 2021
and the Draft Letter of Offer dated November 10, 2021. On the basis of such examination and the discussions
with the Company, we hereby state that:
• The Public Announcement and the DLoF are in conformity with the documents, materials and papers
relevant to the Buy-back;
• All the legal requirements connected with the said Buy-back including the SEBI (Buy-Back of Securities)
Regulations, 2018, as amended, have been duly complied with;
• The disclosures in the Public Announcement and the DLoF are, to the best of our knowledge, true, fair
and adequate in all material respects for the shareholders of the Company to make a well informed
decision in respect of the captioned Buy-back;
• Funds used for Buy-back shall be as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.”
3.3. The filing of Draft Letter of Offer with SEBI does not, however, absolve the Company from any liabilities
under the provisions of the Act, or from the requirement of obtaining such statutory or other clearances as
may be required for the purpose of the Buy-back.
3.4. The Promoters and Directors declare and confirm that no information or material likely to have a bearing on
the decision of Eligible Shareholders has been suppressed, withheld and/ or incorporated in the manner that
would amount to mis-statement or misrepresentation and in the event of it transpiring at any point of time that
any information or material has been suppressed, withheld and / or amounts to a mis-statement or
misrepresentation, the Promoters and Directors and the Company shall be liable for penalty in terms of the
provisions of the Act and the Buy-back Regulations.
3.5. The Promoters and Directors also declare and confirm that funds borrowed from banks and financial
institutions will not be used for the Buy-back.
a) The Public Announcement that was published on November 02, 2021 and this Letter of Offer in
connection with this Buy-back, has been prepared for the purposes of compliance with the regulations of
the buy-back Regulations. Accordingly, the information disclosed may not be the same as that which
would have been disclosed if this document had been prepared in accordance with the laws and
regulations of any jurisdiction outside of India. The Company and the Manager to the Buy-back are
under no obligation to update the information contained herein at any time after the date of the Letter of
Offer. This Letter of Offer does not in any way constitute an offer in any form, or an invitation in any
form to subscribe / purchase / sell, any securities of the Company in any jurisdiction (other than India) or
as a solicitation or an invitation in any form to subscribe / purchase / sell any securities including the
Equity Shares of the Company.
b) Disclaimer for US Persons: The information contained in this Letter of Offer is exclusively intended
for persons who are not U.S. Persons, as such term is defined in Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act
of 1933, as amended, and who are not physically present in the United States of America. This Letter of
Offer does not in any way constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation to sell, any securities in the United
States of America or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation is not authorized or to any
person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. Potential users of the information
contained in this Letter of Offer are requested to note and observe any such restrictions.
c) Disclaimer for Persons in foreign countries other than the United States of America: This Letter of
Offer does not in any way constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation to sell, any securities in any
jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to
make such offer or solicitation. Potential users of the information contained in this Letter of Offer are
requested to note and observe any such restrictions.
d) No action has been or will be taken by the Company or Manager to the Buy-back to permit the Buy-back
in any jurisdiction where action would be required for that purpose. The Letter of Offer shall be
dispatched to all Equity Shareholders whose names appear in the register of member of the Company, on
the Record Date. However, receipt of the Letter of Offer by any Eligible Shareholder in a jurisdiction in
which it would be illegal to make this Buy-back, or where making this Buy-back would require any
action to be taken (including, but not restricted to, registration of this Letter of Offer under any local
securities laws of any jurisdiction outside of India), shall not be treated by such Eligible Shareholder as
an offer or invitation to offer being made to them and shall be construed by them as being sent for
information purposes only.
e) Persons in possession of the Letter of Offer are required to inform themselves of any relevant
restrictions in their respective jurisdictions. Any Eligible Shareholder who tenders his, her or its Equity
Shares in the Buy-back shall be deemed to have declared, represented, warranted and agreed that he /
she or it is authorized under the provisions of any applicable local laws, rules, regulations and statutes to
participate in the Buy-back.
4.1. The Buy-back through Tender Offer was considered and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company
at their meeting held on October 29, 2021. The extract of the resolution of the Board is as follows:
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Article 64 of the Articles of Association of the Company and
the provisions of Sections 68, 69, 70 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the
Act”) and applicable rules made there under including the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules,
2014 as amended, if and to the extent applicable and in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as amended from time to time (“Buy-back Regulations”),
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015, as amended (“Listing Regulations”) and subject to such other approvals, permissions and sanctions as
may be necessary, and subject to such conditions and modifications, if any, as may be prescribed or imposed
by the appropriate authorities while granting such approvals, permissions and sanctions, which may be agreed
by the Board of Directors of the Company (herein referred to as the “Board” which term shall be deemed to
include any committee which the Board may constitute to exercise its powers, including the powers conferred
by this resolution), consent of the Board be and is hereby accorded for the Buy-back of fully paid up equity
shares of the Company having face value of ₹10/- each (“Equity Share(s)”) up to 1,69,491 Equity Shares
(representing 2.07% of the total number of Equity Shares of the Company) at a price of ₹590/- (Rupees Five
Hundred Ninety only) (“Buy-back Price”) per Equity Share payable in cash for a total consideration not
exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred and
Ninety only), excluding transaction costs viz. fees, brokerage, buy-back tax, other applicable taxes such as
securities transaction tax, goods and service tax, stamp duty, etc. (“Transaction Costs”) (hereinafter referred
to as “Buy-back Size”), which represents 3.60% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves
(including securities premium account) as per the audited financial statements of the Company for the
financial year ended on March 31, 2021, through the “Tender Offer” route as prescribed under the Buy-back
Regulations (the process being referred hereinafter as “Buy-back”), on a proportionate basis, from the equity
shareholders / beneficial owners of the Equity Shares of the Company including promoters, members of
promoter group and persons acting in concert (it being understood that the “Promoter”, “Promoter Group”
and “Persons Acting in Concert” will be such persons as have been disclosed under the shareholding pattern
filed by the Company from time to time under the Listing Regulations and the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, as amended), as on the record
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors hereby fixes Friday, November 12, 2021 as the
Record Date for the purpose of Buy-back of Equity Shares of the Company (“Record Date”).
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT 15% (Fifteen percent) of the total number of Equity Shares which the
Company proposes to Buy-back or such number of Equity Shares entitled as per the shareholding of small
shareholders, as on the Record Date, whichever is higher, shall be reserved for the small shareholders, as
prescribed under Regulation 6 of the Buy-back Regulations.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Buy-back from non-resident shareholders, Overseas Corporate Bodies
(OCBs) Foreign Institutional Investors, Foreign Portfolio Investors and shareholders of foreign nationality, if
any, shall be subject to such approvals, if and to the extent necessary or required from concerned authorities
including approvals from the Reserve Bank of India under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and
rules and regulations framed there under, if any.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company shall earmark adequate sources of funds for the purpose of
the Buy-back and the amount required by the Company for the Buy-back is intended to be met out of the
Company’s balances in free reserves, current surplus and/or cash and cash equivalents and/or internal accruals
and/or liquid resources and/or such other permissible sources of funds (and not from any borrowed funds) of
the Company, as per the Act and the Buy-back Regulations.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company shall implement the Buy-back using the “Mechanism for
acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange” notified by SEBI vide circular
CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read with SEBI circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131
dated December 9, 2016 and SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615 dated August 13, 2021,
as may be amended from time to time and the Company shall approach the BSE Limited for facilitating the
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Buy-back would be subject to the condition of maintaining minimum
public shareholding requirements as specified in Regulation 38 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, as amended ("Listing Regulations").
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in terms of Regulation 24(iii) of the Buy-back Regulations, Mr. Meet Joshi,
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer, be and is hereby appointed as the Compliance Officer for the
proposed Buy-back and Link Intime India Private Limited, Registrar of the Company, be and is hereby
appointed as the Registrar to the Buy-back offer and the Investor Service Centre.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the approval of the Board be and is hereby accorded for the confirmation of
appointment of Vivro Financial Services Private Limited as Manager to the Buy-back.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board hereby confirms that it has made a full enquiry into the affairs
and prospects of the Company and has formed the following opinion:
a) That immediately following the date of this meeting i.e., October 29, 2021, there will be no grounds on
which the Company can be found unable to pay its debts;
b) That as regards the Company’s prospects for the year immediately following the date of this meeting i.e.,
October 29, 2021, and having regard to the Board’s intentions with respect to the management of the
Company’s business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources, which
will, in the Board’s view, be available to the Company during that year, the Company will be able to meet
its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year
from the date of this meeting.
c) In forming its opinion aforesaid, the Board has taken into account the liabilities as if the Company were
being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 or the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016 (including prospective and contingent liabilities);
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in terms of Section 68(6) of the Act read with Regulation 8(1)(b) of the
Buy-back Regulations, the drafts of the declaration of solvency prepared in the prescribed form and
supporting affidavit, the statement of assets and liabilities in the prescribed form SH-9 as at March 31, 2021,
as placed before the Board, be and are hereby approved and Mrs. Paru M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671721) –
Chairperson & Managing Director or Mr. Munjal M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671693) – Jt. Managing Director &
CEO and Mr. Ashok Dolatsinh Barot (DIN: 08366687)- Director of the Company be and are hereby
authorized to sign the same for and on behalf of the Board, and Mr. Meet Joshi, Company Secretary &
Compliance Officer, be and is hereby authorised to file the same with the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat,
Ahmedabad, (“ROC”) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India or any such other concerned
authorities, as may be necessary in accordance with applicable laws.
i. All the Equity Shares which the Company proposes to buy-back are fully paid up;
ii. The aggregate consideration for the Buy-back is not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores
Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety only) excluding Transaction Costs
and does not exceed 10% of the aggregate of the fully paid up equity share capital and free reserves
(including securities premium account) as per the audited financial statements of the Company for the
financial year ended on March 31, 2021 and the maximum number of Equity Shares proposed to be
bought back under the Buy-back i.e., 1,69,491 (One Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Four Hundred and
Ninety One) Equity Shares does not exceed 25% of the total number of equity shares in the paid up
share capital of the Company;
iii. The Company shall not issue any Equity Shares or other specified securities including by way of bonus
till the date of expiry of the Buy-back period except in discharge of subsisting obligations such as stock
option schemes, sweat equity, as may be permitted under the relevant regulations and applicable law;
iv. The Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year from the expiry of the Buy-back
period, except in discharge of subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option
schemes, sweat equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into Equity Shares;
v. The Company shall not Buy-back any locked-in Equity Shares and non-transferable Equity Shares till
the pendency of the lock-in or till the Equity Shares become transferable;
vi. The Company shall not Buy-back its Equity Shares from any person through negotiated deal whether on
or off the Stock Exchange(s) or through spot transactions or through any private arrangement;
vii. The Company shall not directly or indirectly purchase its own Equity Shares through any subsidiary
company including its own subsidiary companies or through any investment company or group of
investment companies;
viii. The Company has not undertaken a Buy-back of any of its securities during the period of one year
immediately preceding the date of this meeting;
ix. There are no defaults subsisting in the repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference
shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks;
x. The ratio of the aggregate of secured and unsecured debts owned by the Company immediately after the
Buy-back shall not be more than twice the paid up capital and free reserves of the Company based on
both standalone and consolidated financial statements of the Company;
xi. There shall not be pendency of any scheme of amalgamation or compromise or arrangement pursuant to
the provisions of the Act outstanding as on the date of Public Announcement;
xii. The Company will not withdraw the Buy-back after the Draft Letter of Offer is filed with the SEBI;
xiii. The funds borrowed from banks and financial institutions will not be used for the Buy-back;
xiv. The Company has been in compliance with Sections 92, 123, 127 and 129 of the Act.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT nothing contained herein above shall confer any right on the part of any
shareholder to offer, or any obligation on the part of the Company or the Board to Buy-back any Equity
Shares, and / or impair any power of the Company or the Board to terminate any process in relation to such
Buy-back as permissible by law.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mrs. Paru M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671721) – Chairperson & Managing
Director or Mr. Munjal M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671693) – Jt. Managing Director & CEO, Mr. Ashok Barot
(DIN: 08366687) Director of the Company or Mr. Meet Joshi, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of
the Company, be and are hereby jointly and/or severally authorized to finalise and make necessary changes as
may be required and sign and issue the Public Announcement, Draft Letter of Offer, Letter of Offer and Post
Buy-back Announcement and addendum/corrigendum thereto, all relevant forms, documents, applications,
consents, undertakings, declarations, confirmation and such other documents and to do all such acts, deeds
and things as may be necessary, expedient or proper with regard to the implementation of the Buy-back.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mrs. Paru M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671721) – Chairperson & Managing
Director, Mr. Munjal M. Jaykrishna (DIN: 00671693) – Jt. Managing Director & CEO, Mr. Ashok Barot
(DIN: 08366687) Director of the Company, Mr. Amit Soni, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company
and Mr. Meet Joshi, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company, be and are hereby jointly
and/or severally authorized to:
1. Appoint Buy-back broker, advertisement agency, printers, escrow agent(s) and such other
persons/consultants for the Buy-back as may be required or deemed fit;
2. fix up the remuneration including commission, brokerage, fees, charges etc. and terms & conditions for
the appointments referred to in point 1 above;
3. fix entitlement ratio in accordance with the Buy-back Regulations for the eligible shareholders from
whom the buy-back of Equity Shares shall be made;
4. approve / file the final public announcement, draft letter of offer and final letter of offer, filing of
declaration of solvency, certificate of extinguishment of equity shares and extinguishment of equity
shares in dematerialized form and also physical destruction of share certificates and all other documents /
acts required to be filed / done in connection with the Buy-back Offer with SEBI, stock exchange, ROC,
National Securities Depository Limited, Central Depository Services (India) Limited, together referred as
(“Depositories”) and other appropriate authorities;
5. make all the applications to the appropriate authorities for their requisite approvals;
6. open, operate and close all the necessary accounts such as broking account, escrow account, special
account(s) and any other bank account(s) and depository account for the purpose of the Buy-back Offer
and authorize persons to operate the said accounts;
7. arrange for bank guarantees and/or Cash Deposits and/or Marketable Securities as may be necessary for
the Buy-back Offer in accordance with applicable laws;
8. decide source of funds for paying the consideration to the equity shareholders who have tendered their
equity shares in the Buy-back Offer;
9. authorize bankers to act upon the instructions of the Merchant Banker as required under the Buy-back
10. make any alteration(s), modification(s), to the terms and conditions of the Buy-back Offer in accordance
with the statutory requirements and as may deem necessary;
11. delegate all or any of the powers, rights or authorities conferred above to any officer(s) / authorized
representative(s) of the Company to give effect to the aforesaid resolution or to accept any change(s) or
modification(s) as may be felt necessary or as may be suggested by the appropriate authorities or
12. settle any question or difficulty that may arise with regard to the aforesaid purpose and which it may
deem fit in the interest of the Company and
13. do and perform all such acts, matters, deeds and things as it may in its absolute discretion deem necessary
or desirable for the purpose of Buy-back as is in the best interest of the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the common seal of the Company, if required be affixed on such
documents in the presence of any one of the Directors/authorised person and duly countersigned by the
Company Secretary.”
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 7(1) of the Buy-back Regulations, the Company has made a
Public Announcement dated November 01, 2021 in relation to the Buy-back which was published on
November 02, 2021 in the following newspapers, within two Working Days from the date of Board Meeting
held to approve the Buy-back i.e., October 29, 2021:
6.1 The Board of Directors of AksharChem (India) Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Board” which term
shall be deemed to include any committee constituted by Board to exercise its powers), at their meeting held
on October 29, 2021 (the “Board Meeting”), pursuant to the provisions of Article 64 of the Articles of
Association of the Company and Sections 68, 69 and 70 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies
Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and applicable rules made there under including the Companies (Share Capital and
Debentures) Rules, 2014 as amended, and in compliance with the Buy-back Regulations, the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended
(“Listing Regulations”), the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and subject to such other approvals,
permissions and sanctions as may be necessary and subject to such conditions and modifications, if any, as
may be prescribed or imposed by the appropriate authorities while granting such approvals, permissions and
sanctions, which may be agreed by the Board or any person authorised by the Board, approved the Buy-back
of upto 1,69,491 (One Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety One) fully paid up equity shares of
face value of ₹10/- each (“Equity Shares”) (representing 2.07% of total number of Equity Shares of the
Company) at a price of ₹590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety Only) per Equity Share (the “Buy-back Price”)
payable in cash for an aggregate amount not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine
Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety only) excluding costs such as fees, brokerage, buy-back
tax, securities transaction tax, goods and services tax, stamp duty, etc., (the “Transaction Cost”) (the “Buy-
back Size”), which represents 3.60% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves (including
securities premium account) as per the audited financial statements of the Company as on March 31, 2021, on
a proportionate basis through the tender offer route using stock exchange mechanism (“Tender Offer”) as
prescribed under the Buy-back Regulations, from all the equity shareholders / beneficial owners of the Equity
Shares of the Company including promoters, members of promoter group and persons acting in concert of the
Company who hold Equity Shares as on the record date i.e., Friday, November 12, 2021 (“Record Date”)
(“Buy-back Offer”/ “Buy-back”). It is being understood that the “Promoter”, “Promoter Group” and
“Persons Acting in Concert” will be such persons as have been disclosed under the shareholding pattern
filed by the Company from time to time under the Listing Regulations and the SEBI SAST Regulations.
6.2 The Buy-back Offer will be undertaken on a proportionate basis from the equity shareholders/ beneficial
owner of Equity Shares of the Company as on the Record Date (“Eligible Shareholders”) through the tender
offer process prescribed under Regulation 4(iv)(a) read with Regulation 9(x) of the Buy-back Regulations.
Additionally, the Buy-back Offer shall be, subject to applicable laws, implemented by tendering of Equity
Shares by Eligible Shareholders and settlement of the same through the stock exchange mechanism as
specified by SEBI in the circular CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015, circular
CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 09, 2016 and circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615
dated August 13, 2021 (the “SEBI Circulars”) in terms of Regulation 9(vii) of the Buy-back Regulations.
6.3 As on date of Board Meeting approving Buy-back, the Promoters, Promoter Group and Person Acting in
Concert were holding Equity Shares of the Company representing 62.70% of the existing paid up equity share
capital of the Company.
6.4 The aggregate paid-up share capital and free reserves (including securities premium account) of the Company
as on March 31, 2021, based on audited financial statements is ₹27,830.82 lakhs. In accordance with section
68(2)(b) of the Act and proviso to Regulation 5(i)(b) of the Buy-back Regulations, the Board of Directors of a
company can authorize the buy-back of equity shares involving payment of consideration not exceeding 10%
of the total paid up equity share capital and free reserves (including securities premium account) of the
company based on audited financial statements of the company as on March 31, 2021. Accordingly, the
Company has proposed to utilise an aggregate amount not exceeding ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores
Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety only) excluding Transaction Costs for the
Buy-back which is within the aforesaid limit and represents 3.60% of the total paid-up equity share capital and
free reserves (including securities premium account) as per the audited financial statements of the Company
as on March 31, 2021.
6.5 Further, under the Act, the number of Equity Shares that can be bought back during a financial year shall not
exceed 25% of the total number of outstanding Equity Shares of the Company. Accordingly, the number of
Equity Shares that can be bought back during a financial year cannot exceed 20,50,647 Equity Shares, being
25% of the total number of outstanding Equity Shares of the Company, i.e., 82,02,590 Equity Shares. Since
the Company proposes to Buy-back of up to 1,69,491 Equity Shares, the same is within the aforesaid limit.
6.6 In terms of Buy-back Regulations, under the Tender Offer route, Promoters, Promoter Group and Person
Acting in Concert have an option to participate in the Buy-back. In this regard, the details of the Promoters
and Promoter Group who have expressed their intention to participate and details of their maximum
participation in the Buy-back are given in paragraph 9.3 hereinafter.
6.7 Pursuant to the Buy-back and depending upon the response to the Buy-back, the voting rights and percentage
shareholding of the Promoters, Promoter Group and Persons Acting in Concert in the Company may increase
or decrease from their existing voting rights and percentage shareholding. The Promoters, Promoter Group
and Persons Acting in Concert are already having control over the affairs of the Company and therefore such
increase/decrease in their voting rights, if any consequent to Buy-back of Equity Shares, will not result in any
change in control over the affairs of the Company and shall be in compliance with the provisions of the SEBI
SAST Regulations.
6.8 Post Buy-back, the level of holding of public shareholders in the Company shall not fall below the minimum
level of public shareholding required to be maintained in terms of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules,
1957 (“SCRR”) and under the Listing Regulations. Due to any reason, if the public shareholding in the
Company post Buy-back falls below the minimum level of public shareholding prescribed under the SCRR,
the Company undertakes to bring the public shareholding to the minimum prescribed level within the time and
in the manner prescribed under the SCRR and the Listing Regulations.
6.9 The Buy-back of Equity Shares may be subject to taxation in India and / or in the country of residence of the
Eligible Shareholder(s) In due course, Eligible Shareholder(s) will receive a Letter of Offer, which will
contain a more detailed note on taxation. However, in view of the particularized nature of tax consequences,
Eligible Shareholder(s) are requested to consult their tax advisors for the applicable tax implications,
provisions including the treatment that may be given by their respective tax officers in their case and the
appropriate course of action that they should take.
7.1. The Buy-back is being undertaken by the Company in accordance with the provisions of Article 64 of the
Articles of Association of the Company and Sections 68, 69, 70 and all other applicable provisions of the Act
and applicable rules made thereunder and in compliance with the Listing Regulations, Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 and in compliance with the Buy-back Regulations and in terms of resolution passed
by the Board at its meeting held on October 29, 2021.
7.2. The Buy-back is further subject to approvals, permissions and sanctions as may be necessary, from time to
time from statutory, regulatory or governmental authorities as required under applicable laws, including but
not limited to SEBI and the Stock Exchanges.
The Buy-back is being undertaken by the Company to enhance shareholders’ value and improve financial
ratios. Additionally, the Buy-back is being undertaken for the following reasons:
i. The Buy-back will help the Company to distribute surplus funds to its shareholders holding Equity Shares
broadly in proportion to their shareholding, thereby, enhancing the overall return to the shareholders;
ii. The Buy-back, which is being implemented through the Tender Offer as prescribed under the Buy-back
Regulations, would involve a reservation of 15% of the Buy-back Size for small shareholders. The
Company believes that this reservation for small shareholders would benefit a large number of public
shareholders, who would get classified as “Small Shareholders” as defined under Regulation 2(i)(n) of the
Buy-back Regulations;
iii. The Buy-back will help in improving financial ratios like earnings per share, return on assets and return
on equity calculated on the basis of financial statements, by reducing the equity base of the Company;
iv. The Buy-back gives an option to the Eligible Shareholders to either choose to participate in the Buy-back
and receive cash in lieu of their Equity Shares which are accepted under the Buy-back or choose not to
participate in the Buy-back and get a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding in the Company
post Buy-back, without additional investment.
9.1. The Company believes that the Buy-back is not likely to cause any material impact on the profitability /
earnings of the Company except to the extent of reduction in the amount available for investment, which the
Company could have otherwise deployed towards generating investment income. Assuming that the response
to the Buy-back is 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders in proportion of their respective
Buy-back Entitlement, the funds deployed by the Company towards the Buy-back would be ₹ 9,99,99,690/-
(Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety only) excluding
Transaction Costs.
9.2. The aggregate shareholding of (i) the Promoters and Promoter Group of the Company, (ii) the directors and
designated partners of the promoter group companies and (iii) Persons Acting in Concert as on the Record
Date i.e., November 12, 2021 is given below:
9.3. In terms of the Buy-back Regulations, under the Tender Offer route, Promoters, Promoter Group and Persons
Acting in Concert have an option to participate in the Buy-back. In this regard, the Promoters, Promoter
Group and Persons Acting in Concert as listed herein below have expressed their intention to tender up to
following number of Equity Shares in the Buy-back:
No. of shares held
Sr. No. of shares
Name of the Promoters and Promoter Group as on the date of
No. proposed to
Board Meeting
be tendered
1. Mrugesh Jaykrishna Family Trust – 2 31,88,819 80,000
2. Munjal M. Jaykrishna Family Trust 16,30,361 41,000
3. Chelsea Marketing LLP 3,23,837 8,000
4. Skyjet Aviation Private Limited 200 5
TOTAL 51,43,217 1,29,005
9.4. Details of the date and price of acquisition of the Equity Shares that the Promoters and Promoter Group intend
to tender are set out below:
9.5. Assuming the response to the Buy-back is 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders in
proportion to their respective Buy-back Entitlement, the percentage of voting rights held by Promoters,
Promoter Group, PACs and public shareholders may change, however, total voting rights held by Promoters,
Promoter Group and PACs post Buy-back of Equity Shares will not exceed the maximum permissible non-
public shareholding. The exact percentage of voting rights of Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs post Buy-
back will be dependent upon the overall response to the Buy-back Process/Acceptances. Further, the
Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs of the Company are already having control over the affairs of the
Company and therefore any increase/decrease in voting rights of the Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs, if
any, consequent to Buy-back of Equity Shares, will not result in any change in control over the Company and
shall be in compliance with the provisions of the SEBI SAST Regulations.
9.6. The Buy-back of Equity Shares shall not affect the existing management structure of the Company.
9.7. Consequent to the Buy-back and depending on the number of Equity Shares bought back from the non-
resident shareholders, financial institutions, banks, mutual funds and other public shareholders, the
shareholding of each such person shall undergo a change and the details of such change is given in paragraph
13.5 hereinafter.
9.8. The debt-equity ratio immediately on completion of Buy-back shall be in compliance with the permissible
limit of 2:1 prescribed under the Act based on both standalone and consolidated financial statements of the
Company, even if the response to the Buy-back is 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders in
proportion to their respective Buy-back Entitlement.
9.9. The Company believes that the Buy-back is not expected to impact growth opportunities for the Company.
9.10. The Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs and their associates shall not deal in the Equity Shares of the
Company on Stock Exchanges or off market, including by way of inter-se transfer(s) of Equity Shares among
the Promoters and Promoter Group, during the period from the date of passing of the board resolution till the
closing of the Buy-back.
9.11. The Company shall not issue any new Equity Shares or other specified securities including by way of bonus
till the date of expiry of the Buy-back Period.
9.12. The Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year from the date of expiry of the Buy-back
Period except in discharge of its subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option schemes,
sweat equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into Equity Shares.
9.13. Salient financial parameters consequent to the Buy-back based on the audited financial statements for the
financial year ended on March 31, 2021 are as under:
(1) For the above purpose, “Net Worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all
reserves excluding revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure not written off. The post Buy-
back number are calculated by reducing the net worth by the proposed Buy-back Amount (assuming full
acceptance) without factoring in any impact in Profit & Loss account.
(2) Return on Net Worth = Profit after Tax / Net Worth at the end of relevant period.
(3) Earnings per Share = Profit after Tax / weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding for the
(4) EPS post Buy-back is computed after reducing 1,69,491 Equity Shares to be bought back under the Buy-
back from weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding for the year.
(5) Book value per Equity Share = Net Worth / Number of Equity Shares outstanding at the end of the year.
(6) PE Multiple = Closing Market price on NSE as on March 31, 2021 i.e., ₹232.85 (being the last trading
day of FY 2021)/ EPS excluding exceptional items as per latest audited financial statements i.e., March
31, 2021.
(7) Total Debt / Equity Ratio = Total Debt (excluding working capital loans) / Net Worth.
10.1. The Equity Shares are proposed to be bought back at a price of ₹590/- per Equity Share. The Buy-back
Price has been arrived at after considering various factors, including but not limited to, the volume weighted
average market price of the Equity Shares of the Company on BSE and NSE where the Equity Shares of the
Company are listed during 3 (three) months and 2 (two) weeks preceding the date of the Board Meeting,
closing market price on the date of Board Meeting and the impact on the net worth of the Company.
a. 17.03% and 18.21% over the volume weighted average market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and
BSE, respectively for 3 (three) months preceding the date of the Board Meeting;
b. 12.58% and 12.77% over the volume weighted average market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and
BSE, respectively for 2 (two) weeks preceding the date of the Board Meeting;
c. 17.11% and 16.77% over the closing market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, respectively
as on the date of intimation to Stock Exchanges of the Board Meeting to consider the proposal of the
Buy-back; and
d. 16.73% and 16.45% over the closing market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, respectively
as on the date of the Board Meeting.
For trends in the market price of the Equity Shares, please refer to paragraph 16 (Stock Market Data) of this
Letter of Offer.
10.3. The closing market price of the Equity Shares as on the date of intimation of the date of the Board Meeting
for considering the Buy-back to the Stock Exchanges, i.e., on October 26, 2021 was ₹503.80 on NSE and
₹505.25 on BSE. The Buy-back Price of ₹590/- amounts to a premium of 17.11% and 16.77% over the
closing market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, respectively as on the date of intimation to
Stock Exchanges of the Board Meeting to consider the proposal of the Buy-back.
10.4. The Buy-back Price is about 173.63% of the book value per Equity Share of the Company, which is
₹339.80 as at March 31, 2021.
10.5. The EPS of the Company pre Buy-back as on March 31, 2021 is ₹15.24 which would increase to ₹15.56
post Buy-back assuming full acceptance of the Buy-back.
10.6. The Return of Net worth of the Company pre-Buy-back as on March 31, 2021 is 4.49% which would
increase to 4.65% post Buy-back assuming full acceptance of the Buy-back.
11.1. Assuming full acceptance, the funds that would be utilized by the Company for the purpose of the Buy-back
would be ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crores Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred
Ninety only) excluding Transaction Costs.
11.2. The Buy-back will be financed out of free reserves, current surplus and / or cash and cash equivalents and /
or internal accruals of the Company and / or other permissible sources of funds but not from any borrowed
12.1. In accordance with Regulation 9(xi) of the Buy-back Regulations, the Company has appointed HDFC Bank
Limited, as the Escrow Bank for the Buy-back. The Company, the Manager to the Buy-back and the
Escrow Bank has entered into an Escrow Agreement dated November 16, 2021, pursuant to which the
Escrow Account in the name and style “ACIL BUY BACK 2021 ESCROW ACCOUNT” bearing account
number 57500000820428 has been opened with the Escrow Bank. The Manager has been empowered to
operate the Escrow Account in accordance with the Buy-back Regulations. Further, in accordance with
Regulation 9(xi) of the Buy-back Regulations, a Bank Guarantee has been issued in favour of the Manager to
the Buy-back by HDFC Bank Limited for an amount of ₹2,50,00,000/- being 25% of the consideration
payable by the Company under the Buy-back and the Company has deposited 1% of Buy-back Size
( i . e. ,₹10,00,000/-) in the Escrow Account by way of security for the fulfillment of its obligations under the
12.2. The Company has adequate and firm financial resources to fulfill its obligations under the Buy-back and the
same has been certified vide a certificate dated October 29, 2021 issued by CA Chirag M. Shah
(Membership No.: 045706), partner of Mahendra N. Shah & Co., Chartered Accountants (FRN: 105775W),
having office at 201, Pinnacle Business Park, Corporate Road, Opp. Royal Orchid Flats, Prahlad Nagar,
Ahmedabad – 380015, Gujarat, India and telephone no: 079-29705151-52.
12.3. Based on the aforementioned certificate, the Manager to the Buy-back confirms that it is satisfied that the
firm arrangements for fulfilling the obligations under the Buy-back are in place and that the Company has
the ability to implement the Buy-back in accordance with the Buy-back Regulations.
Sr. Amount
No. (in ₹ Lakhs)
2,00,00,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 10/- each 2,000.00
82,02,590 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each 820.26
80,33,099 Equity Shares of ₹10/- each 803.31
* Assuming full acceptance of Equity Shares in the Buy-back Offer.
13.2. The Company has not bought-back equity shares or other specified securities in the previous three years.
13.4. The Company shall not issue any Equity Shares including by way of bonus, from the date of public
announcement till the date of expiry of the Buy-back Period.
13.5. The shareholding pattern of the Company (a) pre Buy-back as on Record Date i.e., as on November 12,
2021 and (b) the post Buy-back is as follows:
13.6. Assuming response to the Buy-back is 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders in
proportion to their respective Buy-back Entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoters and
Promoter Group and PACs post Buy-back may undergo a change (not exceeding maximum permissible
non-public shareholding) however exact percentage of such change will depend upon the response to the
Buy-back and acceptances.
13.7. The Promoters and Promoter Group have not purchased or sold any Equity Shares of the Company and
there has been no change in their shareholdings during a period of 12 (Twelve) months preceding the date
of the Public Announcement.
AksharChem (India) Limited (“AIL” or “Company”) was originally incorporated on July 04, 1989 in the
State of Gujarat under the name “Audichem (India) Private Limited”. The name of the Company was
changed to “Audichem (India) Limited” pursuant to fresh certificate of incorporation consequent to change
of name, dated February 25, 1994 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
Further, the name of the Company was changed to “AksharChem (India) Limited” pursuant to fresh
certificate of incorporation consequent to change of name dated March 21, 2003 issued by the Registrar of
Companies, Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The registered office of the Company is located at “Akshar
House”, Chhatral - Kadi Road, Indrad, Mahesana – 382715, Gujarat, India. The Company came out with its
initial public offer in the year 1994.
AIL is an ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 certified company engaged in manufacturing and export of
Dyes, Pigments and Inorganic Chemicals. The main products of the Company, inter alia, include Vinyl
Sulphone, CPC Green, H-Acid, Precipitated Silica etc. The Company has two manufacturing facilities
located at 166 -169, Village Indrad, Kadi Kalol Road, Dist. Mehsana - 382 715, Gujarat, India and Plot No.
D-2/CH/152, Dahej-2 Industrial Estate, G.I.D.C. Dahej, Gujarat, India. The installed capacity of the plant is
650 MTPM for Vinyl Sulphone and 200 MTPM for Pigment Green, 100 MTPM for H Acid and 1000
MTPM for Precipitated Silica. The products of the Company are sold in India and exported across 20+
countries in Europe, Far East, South East Asia, China, USA.
The Equity Shares of the Company are presently listed on BSE with Scrip code – 524598/ Scrip Id:
AKSCHEM and on NSE with symbol - AKSHARCHEM.
As per audited financial statements for the financial years ended March 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, the
Company recorded total income of ₹24,761.10 lakhs, ₹26,119.74 lakhs and ₹ 32,823.27 lakhs respectively,
and Profit after Tax for financial years ended March 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019 of ₹1,250.09 lakhs, ₹1,572.27
lakhs and ₹ 2,258.95 lakhs respectively. As per limited review unaudited financial results for the six months
period ended September 30, 2021, the Company recorded total income of ₹17,896.21 lakhs and Profit after
Tax of ₹799.77 lakhs.
The details of changes in the equity share capital of the Company since its incorporation are as follows:
Cumulative Cumulative
No. of Face Issue Price Nature of
Sr. Date of No. of Paid-up
Equity Value per equity consideratio
No. Allotment Equity Equity Share
Shares (₹) share (₹) n
Shares Capital
July 05,
1 2 100.00 100.00 Cash 2 200
2 8,686 100.00 100.00 Cash 8,688 8,68,800
15, 1990
March 10,
3 4,000 100.00 100.00 Cash 12,688 12,68,800
June 05,
4 2,970 100.00 100.00 Cash 15,658 15,65,800
June 30,
5 1,488 100.00 100.00 Cash 17,146 17,14,600
August 30,
6 280 100.00 100.00 Cash 17,426 17,42,600
7 74 100.00 100.00 Cash 17,500 17,50,000
10, 1990
8 4,000 100.00 100.00 Cash 21,500 21,50,000
15, 1990
October 30,
9 800 100.00 100.00 Cash 22,300 22,30,000
Pursuant to a shareholders’ resolution dated December 6, 1993, each equity share of the Company of the face
value of ₹100 each was split into 10 Equity Shares of the Company of the face value of ₹10 each, and
Cumulative Cumulative
No. of Face Issue Price Nature of
Sr. Date of No. of Paid-up
Equity Value per equity consideratio
No. Allotment Equity Equity Share
Shares (₹) share (₹) n
Shares Capital
accordingly, 22,300 equity shares of the Company of the face value of ₹100 each were split into 2,23,000
Equity Shares of the face value of ₹10 each.
10 4,79,450 10.00 - Bonus 7,02,450 70,24,500
16, 1994
August 03,
11 27,00,400 10.00 14.00 Cash 34,02,850 3,40,28,500
May 25,
12 15,50,000 10.00 18.50 Cash 49,52,850 4,95,28,500
February Other than
13 23,60,050 10.00 10.00 73,12,900 7,31,29,000
13, 2015 Cash*
July 20,
14 8,89,690 10.00 776.00 Cash 82,02,590 8,20,25,900
*Pursuant to an order of the Gujarat High Court dated October 14, 2014 approving the scheme of
arrangement in the nature of demerger and transfer of the CPC Green division from Asahi Songwon Colors
Limited, 23,60,050 Equity Shares were allotted to eligible shareholders of Asahi Songwon Colors Limited.
The details of the Board of Directors of the Company as on date of Public Announcement i.e., November
01, 2021 are as follows:
Date of
Name, Designation,
Qualifications Appointment Other Directorships in Indian
Occupation, DIN & Age of
/Re- Companies
the Director
Mrs. Paru M. Jaykrishna LLB, Bachelor’s 1. Asahi Songwon Colors Limited.
Designation: Chairperson & degree in 2. Akshar Silica Private Limited
Managing Director Philosophy and 3. Asahi Powertech Private Limited
Occupation: Business Sanskrit & April 1, 2021 4. Asahi Tennants Color Private
DIN: 00671721 Masters’ degree Limited
Age: 78 Years in English 5. Asahi Energy Private Limited
Literature 6. Skyjet Aviation Private Limited
1. Asahi Songwon Colors Limited
Mr. Munjal M. Jaykrishna
2. Akshar Silica Private Limited
Designation: Joint
3. Asahi Energy Private Limited
Managing Director & CEO
Major in Finance March 24, 4. Skyjet Aviation Private Limited
Occupation: Business
and Marketing 2019 5. Asahi Powertech Private Limited
DIN: 00671693
6. Echke Limited
Age: 51 Years
7. Vapi Enviro Management System
Private Limited
1. Asahi Songwon Colors Limited.
Mr. Gokul M. Jaykrishna
2. Asahi Tennants Color Private
Designation: Non-Executive
and Non-Independent
Major in Finance October 09, 3. Asahi Energy Private Limited
and Marketing 2015 4. Skyjet Aviation Private Limited
Occupation: Business
5. Asahi Powertech Private Limited
DIN: 00671652
6. Echke Limited
Age: 53 Years
7. Plutoeco Enviro Association
1. Metroglobal Limited
2. Anil Dye-Chem Industries Private
Mr. Gautam M. Jain
3. Takshashila Metro Infraspace
Designation: Independent
Bachelor of Private Limited
Director August 12,
Science 4. Dk Metro Procon Private Limited
Occupation: Business 2019
(Chemistry) 5. Metrochem Capital Trust Limited
DIN: 00160167
6. Maiden Tradefin Private Limited
Age: 69 Years
7. Vibrant Industrial Park Limited
8. Amaze Trading and Investment
Private Limited
Date of
Name, Designation,
Qualifications Appointment Other Directorships in Indian
Occupation, DIN & Age of
/Re- Companies
the Director
Dr. Pradeep Jha 1. Asahi Songwon Colors Limited.
Designation: Independent 2. Asahi Tennants Color Private
Director August 12, Limited
PhD. Science
Occupation: Professor 2019
DIN: 01539732
Age: 75 Years
Mr. Jigar M. Patel 1. Nutan Tobacco Private Limited
Designation: Independent
Director September 28,
LL.M. Honors
Occupation: Tax Consultant 2018
DIN: 05291605
Age: 37 Years
1. Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited
2. Dishman Carbogen Amcis
3. Adani Power (Jharkhand) Limited
4. Adani Transmission Bikaner
Ms. Maitri Mehta
Sikar Private Limited
Designation: Independent FCMA, MBA
5. Raipur Energen Limited
Director (Finance) and September 30,
6. Adani Wind Energy Kutchh One
Occupation: Professional Fellow Member 2019.
DIN: 07549243 of FIII-Life
7. Adani Logistics Services Private
Age: 39 years
8. Mundra Solar Technopark Private
9. Adani Infrastructure Management
Services Limited
Ms. Ashok Barot
Designation: Executive
Director September 30,
M.Sc. -
Occupation: Employment 2019
DIN: 08366687
Age: 52 Years
*Date of appointment to current designation
The details of changes in the Board of Directors during the last 3 years preceding the date of Public
Announcement i.e., November 01, 2021 are as under:
14.6. The Buy-back will not result in any benefit to any Directors, Promoters, Promoter Group, Directors of
Promoter Group Companies of the Company and PACs except to the extent of the change in their
shareholding as per the response received in the Buy-back, as a result of the extinguishment of Equity
Shares which will lead to reduction in the equity share capital of the Company, post Buy-back.
15.1. The salient features of the financial information of the Company as extracted from the audited financial
statements for financial years ended March 31, 2021, March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 and limited
review unaudited financial results for six months period ended September 30, 2021 prepared under Ind AS
is as follows:
(₹ in Lakhs)
For 6 months For the Financial Year ended March 31,
Particulars period ended
2021 2020 2019
September 30, 2021
Total Income 17,896.21 24,761.10 26,119.74 32,823.27
Total Expenses (excluding
16,112.08 22,257.53 23,425.24 28,839.73
Finance Costs and Depreciation)
Finance Cost 42.42 68.52 110.76 91.61
Depreciation & Amortisation 606.98 704.99 672.78 551.24
Exceptional Items - - - -
Profit Before Tax 1,134.73 1,730.06 1,910.96 3,340.69
Tax Expense 334.96 479.97 338.69 1,081.74
Profit After Tax 799.77 1,250.09 1,572.27 2,258.95
Other Comprehensive Income (2.76) 90.90 (69.06) 34.97
Total Comprehensive Income for
797.01 1,340.99 1,503.21 2,293.92
the Period / Year
Equity Share Capital 820.26 820.26 820.26 820.26
Reserves & Surplus* 27,561.89 27,051.97 25,710.98 24,899.95
Net worth 28,832.15 27,872.23 26,531.24 25,720.21
Total debt (excluding working
- - - -
capital loans)
*For the above purpose, “Net Worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all
reserves excluding revaluation reserve and miscellaneous expenditure not written off.
15.2. The financial ratios of the Company as extracted from the audited financial statements financial years ended
March 31, 2021, March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 and from limited review unaudited financial results
for six months period ended September 30, 2021 prepared under Ind AS are set out below:
Note: The formulae used for computation of the above ratios are as follows:
(1) Earnings per Share = Profit After Tax / weightage average number of Equity Shares outstanding during
the year/period.
(2) Book value per Share = Net Worth/ Number of Equity Shares outstanding at the end of the year/period.
(3) Return on Net Worth = Profit After Tax / Net Worth at the end of relevant period.
(4) Debt-Equity Ratio = Total Debt (excluding working capital loans) / Net Worth.
(5) Total Debt / Net Worth = Total Debt (excluding working capital loans) / Net Worth.
(6) For the above purpose, “Net Worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all
reserves excluding revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure not written off.
15.3. The Company and the Promoters and Promoter Group shall comply with the SEBI SAST Regulations, if
applicable. The Company hereby declares that it has complied / will comply with sections 68, 69 and 70 of
the Act and the rules made thereunder to the extent applicable.
16.1. The Equity Shares are currently listed and traded on BSE and NSE.
16.2. The high, low, average market prices and total volume of Equity Shares traded in the last three financial
years (April to March) and the monthly high, low, average market prices and total volume of Equity Shares
traded for the six completed calendar months preceding the date of publication of Public Announcement
and the corresponding volumes on BSE and NSE are as follows:
BSE (Scrip Code: 524598)
No. of Total Volume
No. of
Date of shares Average Traded in the
Period High shares Low Price Date of
High traded Price (₹) period (No. of
Price (₹) traded on (₹) Low Price
Price on that shares)
that date
January 8, April 1,
2020-21 299.00 28,417 146.45 198 226.42 14,30,227
2021 2020
May 29, March 26,
2019-20 365.00 22,119 140.00 1,006 243.30 3,23,113
2019 2020
May 29, February
2018-19 665.80 4,178 305.00 1,035 488.36 3,61,907
2018 18, 2019
October, October October
613.50 96,981 406.25 6,962 509.17 3,78,085
2021 06, 2021 01, 2021
September, September September
469.00 4,180 399.25 1,480 425.43 75,041
2021 8, 2021 21, 2021
August, August 4, August
490.00 10.090 386.10 4,721 435.56 1,56,436
2021 2021 23, 2021
July 13, July 1,
July, 2021 497.05 41,821 342.35 1,526 420.66 4,07,835
2021 2021
June 17, June 4,
June, 2021 385.55 12,275 285.60 4,768 337.47 3,73,678
2021 2021
May 12, May 11,
May, 2021 317.85 76,009 250.00 13,272 285.06 1,90,768
2021 2021
Source: www.bseindia.com
Note: High and Low prices for the period are based on intraday prices and Average Price is based on average of closing price.
16.3. Intimation of the Board Meeting convened to consider the proposal of the Buy-back was given to BSE and
NSE on October 26, 2021. The Board, at its meeting held on October 29, 2021, approved the proposal for
the Buy-back. The closing market prices of the Equity Shares on BSE and NSE during this period, are
summarized below:
Event Date BSE (₹) NSE (₹)
Intimation of the Board Meeting convened to
October 26, 2021 505.25 503.80
consider Buy-back
Event Date BSE (₹) NSE (₹)
One trading day Post – Intimation of Board
October 27, 2021 530.45 530.10
One trading day prior to Board Meeting October 28, 2021 517.90 517.40
One trading day Post - Board Meeting November 01, 2021 487.85 486.95
Source: www.bseindia.com and www.nseindia.com
17.1. The Buy-back has been approved by the Board of Directors in its meeting held on October 29, 2021.
17.2. The Buy-back is subject to approvals, if any, required under the provisions of the Act, the Buy-back
Regulations, SEBI and applicable rules and regulations as specified by RBI under FEMA and / or such
other applicable rules and regulations for the time being in force.
17.3. The Buy-back of Equity Shares from Non-Resident Shareholders will be subject to approvals, if any, of the
appropriate authorities as applicable. Non-Resident Shareholders including Non-Resident Indians (“NRI”)
and erstwhile Overseas Corporate Bodies (“OCB”) must obtain all approvals required to tender the Equity
Shares held by them in this Buy-back (including without limitation the approval from the RBI, if required).
It is the obligation of such Non-Resident Shareholders including NRI and OCB shareholders, to obtain such
approvals and submit such approvals along with the tender form, so as to enable them to validly tender
Equity Shares in the Buy-back and for the Company to purchase such Equity Shares tendered. The
Company will have the right to make payment to the Eligible Shareholders in respect of whom no prior RBI
approval is required and will have the right to reject the Equity Shares tendered by the Eligible Shareholders
who are Non-Resident Shareholders in respect of whom prior RBI approval is required in the event copies
of such approvals are not submitted.
17.4. As on date, there are no other statutory or regulatory approvals required to implement the Buy-back, other
than that indicated above. If any statutory or regulatory approvals become applicable subsequently, the Buy-
back will be subject to such statutory or regulatory approvals. In the event that the receipt of any statutory /
regulatory approvals are delayed, changes to the proposed timetable of the Buy-back, if any, shall be
intimated to Stock Exchanges.
Eligible Shareholders are requested to submit their Tender Form(s) and requisite documents either by
registered post / courier to the Registrar to the Buy-back, super scribing the envelope as “AksharChem
(India) Limited Buy-back 2021”, or hand deliver the same to the Registrar to the Buy-back at the address
abovementioned so that the same are received not later than Tuesday, December 21, 2021 by 5 P.M.
19.1. The Company proposes to buy-back up to 1,69,491 fully paid-up Equity Shares (representing up to 2.07%
of total number of Equity Shares of the Company) from the Equity Shareholders as on the Record Date, on
a proportionate basis, through the Tender Offer route at a price of ₹590/- per Equity Share, payable in cash
for an aggregate maximum amount of up to ₹9,99,99,690/- (Rupees Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakhs Ninety
Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety only). The Buy-back is in accordance with the provisions of Sections
68, 69,70 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act and in accordance with Article 64 of the
Articles of Association of the Company and subject to regulation 4(iv)(a) and other applicable provisions
contained in the Buy-back Regulations and such other approvals, permissions and exemptions as may be
required, from time to time from statutory authorities and / or regulatory authorities, including but not
limited to approvals from SEBI, Stock Exchanges and the RBI, if any. The Buy-back Size represents less
than 10% of the paid-up Equity Share Capital and free reserves of the Company based on audited financial
statements as on March 31, 2021. The maximum number of Equity Shares proposed to be bought back is
1,69,491 Equity Shares of face value ₹10/- each, being 2.07% of total number of Equity Shares of the
19.2. The aggregate shareholding of the Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs as on the date of board meeting
held to consider the Buy-back and as on the date of this Letter of Offer is 51,43,217 Equity Shares which
represents 62.70% of the total number of Equity Shares of the Company. In terms of the Buy-back
Regulations, under the Tender Offer route, the Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs of the Company have
an option to participate in the Buy-back. The Promoters, Promoter Group and PACs of the Company have
conveyed their intention to participate in the Buy-back up to 1,29,005 Equity Shares or such lower number
of Equity Shares in accordance with the provisions of the Buy-back Regulations.
19.3. Assuming response to the Buy-back is 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders in
proportion to their respective Buy-back Entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoters, Promoter
Group and PACs post the Buy-back may change to 62.73% from 62.70%. However, such change will not
take voting rights of the Promoters and Promoter Group in the Company in excess of maximum permissible
non-public shareholding. The exact change in shareholding of Promoters and Promoter Group will depend
upon the response to the Buy-back and acceptances.
19.4. Record Date and Ratio of Buy-back as per the Buy-back Entitlement in each Category:
a) The Company has fixed Friday, November 12, 2021 as the Record Date for the purpose of determining the
Buy-back Entitlement and the names of the Equity Shareholders who are eligible to participate in the Buy-
b) The Equity Shares to be bought back as a part of this Buy-back are divided into two categories:
c) As defined in Regulation 2(1)(n) of the Buy-back Regulations, Small Shareholder is a shareholder, who
holds Equity Shares of the Company, as on the Record Date, whose market value, on the basis of closing
price on the recognized Stock Exchange registering the highest trading volume is not more than
₹2,00,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs Only). For the purpose of classification of a shareholder, as a “small
shareholder”, multiple demat accounts having the same permanent account number (“PAN”), in case of
securities held in the demat form are to be clubbed together.
d) As on the Record Date, the closing price on NSE having the highest trading volume, was ₹485.50.
Accordingly, all Equity Shareholders holding not more than 411 Equity Shares as on the Record Date are
classified as “Small Shareholders” for the purpose of the Buy-back.
e) Based on the above definition, there are 20,503 Small Shareholders in the Company with aggregate
shareholding of 11,01,047 Equity Shares as on the Record Date, which constitutes 13.42% of the
outstanding number of Equity Shares of the Company and 649.62% of the maximum number of Equity
Shares which the Company proposes to buy-back as a part of this Buy-back.
f) In compliance with Regulation 6 of the Buy-back Regulations, the reservation for the Small Shareholders,
will be higher of:
(a) 15% (fifteen percent) of the number of Equity Shares which the Company proposes to Buy-back i.e.,
15% of 1,69,491 Equity Shares which works out to 25,424 Equity Shares; or
(b) The number of Equity Shares entitled as per their shareholding as on Record Date i.e., (11,01,047 /
82,02,590) * 1,69,491, which works out to be 22,751 Equity Shares.
(1) All the outstanding fully paid-up Equity Shares have been used for computing the Buy-back
Entitlement of Small Shareholders.
(2) Based on the above and in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Buy-back Regulations, 25,424
[(Rounded off)] fully paid-up Equity Shares have been reserved for Small Shareholders.
Accordingly, General Category for all other Eligible Shareholders shall consist of 1,44,067
Equity Shares.
g) Based on the above Buy-back Entitlement, the Ratio of Buy-back for both categories is decided as below:
If the Buy-back Entitlement under the Buy-back, after applying the above mentioned ratios to the Equity
Shares held on Record Date, is not a round number (i.e., not in the multiple of 1 Equity Share), then the
fractional entitlement shall be ignored for computation of Buy-back Entitlement to tender Equity Shares in
the Buy-back for both categories of Eligible Shareholders.
On account of ignoring the fractional entitlement, those Small Shareholders who hold 43 or less Equity
Shares as on Record Date will be dispatched a Tender Form with zero entitlement. Such Small Shareholders
are entitled to tender Additional Equity Shares as part of the Buy-back and will be given preference in the
acceptance of one Equity Share, if such Small Shareholders have tendered for Additional Equity Shares.
19.6. Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the Reserved Category for Small
Subject to the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the Equity Shares
tendered in the Buy-back by the Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category in the following order of
(i) Acceptance of 100% Equity Shares from Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category, who have
validly tendered their Equity Shares to the extent of their Buy-back Entitlement or the number of
Equity Shares tendered by them, whichever is less.
(ii) Post the Acceptance as described in paragraph 19.6(i) above, in case there are any Equity Shares left to
be bought back from Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category, the Small Shareholders who were
entitled to tender zero Equity Shares (on account of ignoring the fractional entitlement), and have
tendered Additional Equity Shares as part of the Buy-back, shall be given preference and 1 (one)
Equity Share each from the Additional Equity Shares applied by these Small Shareholders shall be
bought back in the Reserved Category.
(iii) Post the Acceptance as described in paragraph 19.6(i) and 19.6(ii) above, in case there are any Equity
Shares left to be bought back in the Reserved Category, the Additional Equity Shares tendered by the
Small Shareholders over and above their Buy-back Entitlement, shall be accepted in proportion of the
Additional Equity Shares tendered by them and the Acceptances per Small Shareholders shall be made
in accordance with the Buy-back Regulations, i.e., valid acceptances per Small Shareholder shall be
equal to the Additional Equity Shares validly tendered by the Small Shareholder divided by the total
Additional Equity Shares validly tendered and multiplied by the total pending number of Equity Shares
to be accepted in Reserved Category. For the purpose of this calculation, the Additional Equity Shares
taken into account for such Small Shareholders, from whom 1 (one) Equity Share has been accepted in
accordance with paragraph 19.6(ii) above, shall be reduced by 1 (one).
(iv) Adjustment for fractional results in case of proportionate Acceptance, as described in paragraph 19.6
(iii) above:
(a) For any Small Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated on a
proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 (one) and the fractional Acceptance is greater than or
equal to 0.50, then the fraction would be rounded off to the next higher integer.
(b) For any Small Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated on a
proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 (one) and the fractional Acceptance is less than 0.50,
then the fraction shall be ignored.
In case of any practical issues, resulting out of rounding-off of Shares or otherwise, the Board of Directors
will have the authority to decide such final allocation with respect to such rounding-off or any excess of
Equity Shares or any shortage of Equity Shares after allocation of Equity Shares as set out in the process
described in Clause 19 of this Letter of Offer.
Subject to the provisions contained in the Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the Equity Shares
tendered in the Buy-back by all Eligible Shareholders in the General Category in the following order of
(i) Acceptance of 100% Equity Shares from Eligible Shareholders in the General Category who have
validly tendered their Equity Shares, to the extent of their Buy-back Entitlement, or the number of
Equity Shares tendered by them, whichever is less.
(ii) Post the Acceptance as described in paragraph 19.7(i) above, in case there are any Equity Shares left to
be bought back in the General Category, the Additional Equity Shares tendered by the Eligible
Shareholders over and above their Buy-back Entitlement shall be accepted in proportion of the
Additional Equity Shares tendered by them and the acceptances per Shareholder shall be made in
accordance with the Buy-back Regulations, i.e., valid acceptances per Shareholder shall be equal to the
Additional Equity Shares validly tendered by the Eligible Shareholder divided by the total Additional
Equity Shares validly tendered in the General Category and multiplied by the total pending number of
Equity Shares to be accepted in General Category.
(iii) Adjustment for fractional results in case of proportionate acceptance as described in paragraph 19.7(i)
and (ii) above:
(a) For any Eligible Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated
on a proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 (one) and the fractional Acceptance is greater than
or equal to 0.50, then the fraction would be rounded off to the next higher integer.
(b) For any Eligible Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated
on a proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 (one) and the fractional Acceptance is less than
0.50, then the fraction shall be ignored.
In case of any practical issues, resulting out of rounding-off of Shares or otherwise, the Board of Directors
will have the authority to decide such final allocation with respect to such rounding-off or any excess of
Equity Shares or any shortage of Equity Shares after allocation of Equity Shares as set out in the process
described in Clause 19 of this Letter of Offer.
(i) In case there are any Equity Shares left to be bought back in one category (“Partially filled Category”)
after acceptance in accordance with the above described methodology for both the categories, and there
are additional unaccepted validly tendered Equity Shares in the other category, then the Additional
Equity Shares in the other category shall be accepted proportionately, i.e., valid acceptances per
Eligible Shareholder shall be equal to the Additional outstanding Equity Shares validly tendered by an
Eligible Shareholder in the other category divided by the total additional outstanding Equity Shares
validly tendered in the other category and multiplied by the total pending number of Equity Shares to
be bought back in the Partially filled Category.
(ii) If the Partially filled Category is the General Category, and the other category is the Reserved Category
for Small Shareholders, then for the purpose of this calculation, the Additional Equity Shares tendered
by such Small Shareholders, from whom 1 (one) Equity Share has been accepted in accordance with
paragraph 19.6(ii) shall be reduced by 1 (one).
(iii) Adjustment for fraction results in case of proportionate Acceptance, as defined in paragraph 19.8 (i)
and (ii) above:
(a) For any Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated on a
proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is greater than or equal to
0.50, then the fraction would be rounded off to the next higher integer.
(b) For any Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be accepted, calculated on a
proportionate basis is not in the multiple of 1 and the fractional acceptance is less than 0.50, then the
fraction shall be ignored.
In case of any practical issues, resulting out of rounding-off of Shares or otherwise, the Board of Directors
will have the authority to decide such final allocation with respect to such rounding-off or any excess of
Equity Shares or any shortage of Equity Shares after allocation of Equity Shares as set out in the process
described in Clause 19 of this Letter of Offer.
(i) The Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back from each Eligible Shareholder, in accordance with
paragraphs above, shall not exceed the number of Equity Shares tendered by the respective Eligible
(ii) The Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back from each Eligible Shareholder, in accordance with
paragraphs above, shall not exceed the number of Equity Shares held by respective Eligible
Shareholder as on the Record Date; and
(iii) The Equity Shares tendered by any Eligible Shareholder over and above the number of Equity Shares
held by such Eligible Shareholder as on the Record Date shall not be considered for the purpose of
Acceptance in accordance with the paragraphs above.
a) In accordance with Regulation 9(ix) of Buy-back Regulations, in order to ensure that the same Eligible
Shareholders with multiple demat accounts / folios do not receive a higher entitlement under the Small
Shareholder category, the Company will club together the Equity Shares held by such shareholders with
a common PAN for determining the category (Small Shareholder or General Category) and the Buy-
back Entitlement. In case of joint shareholding, the Company will club together the Equity Shares held
in cases where the sequence of the PANs of the joint shareholders is identical. In case of Eligible
Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form as on Record Date, where the sequence of PANs is
identical and where the PANs of all joint shareholders are not available, the Company will check the
sequence of the names of the joint holders and club together the Equity Shares held in such cases where
the sequence of the PANs and name of joint shareholders are identical.
b) The shareholding of institutional investors like mutual funds, pension funds / trusts, insurance
companies etc., with common PAN will not be clubbed together for determining the category and will
be considered separately, where these Equity Shares are held for different schemes and have a different
demat account nomenclature based on information prepared by the Registrar to the Buy-back as per the
shareholder records received from the Depositories. Further, the Equity Shares held under the category
of ‘clearing members’ or ‘corporate body margin account’ or ‘corporate body-broker’ as per the
beneficial position data as on the Record Date with common PAN are not proposed to be clubbed
together for determining their entitlement and will be considered separately, where these Equity Shares
are assumed to be held on behalf of clients.
20.1. The Buy-back is open to all Eligible Shareholders / beneficial owners holding Equity Shares of the
Company as on the Record date, i.e., Friday, November 12, 2021 in physical form ("Physical Shares") and
the beneficial owners who on the Record Date were holding Equity Shares in the dematerialized form
("Demat Shares").
20.2. The Company proposes to Buy-back Equity Shares through a Tender Offer method, on a proportionate
basis. The Letter of Offer and Tender Form, outlining the terms of the Buy-back as well as the detailed
disclosures as specified in the Buy-back Regulations, will be dispatched/emailed to the Eligible
Shareholders. The Letter of Offer shall be sent through electronic means to Eligible Shareholder(s) who
have registered their email ids with the depositories / the Company, and for those Eligible Shareholder(s)
who have not registered their email ids with the depositories / the Company, the Letter of Offer shall be
dispatched in physical form by registered post / speed post / courier. Further, on receipt of request from any
Eligible Shareholder to receive a copy of Letter of Offer in physical form, the same shall be provided. Even
if Eligible Shareholder does not receive the Letter of Offer along with a Tender / Offer Form, the Eligible
Shareholder may participate and tender shares in the Buy-back. In case of non-receipt of Letter of Offer and
the Tender Form, please follow the procedure mentioned in paragraph 20.23.
20.3. The Company will not accept any Equity Shares offered for Buy-back which are under any restraint order
of a court or other competent authority for transfer / sale of such Equity Shares.
20.4. The Company shall comply with Regulation 24(v) of the Buy-back Regulations which states that the
Company shall not buy-back the locked-in Equity Shares and non-transferable Equity Shares till the
pendency of the lock-in or till the Equity Shares become transferable.
20.5. Eligible Shareholders’ participation in Buy-back will be voluntary. Shareholders can choose to participate,
in part or in full, and get cash in lieu of the Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back or they may choose
not to participate and enjoy a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding, post Buy-back, without
additional investment. Shareholders may also tender a part of their Buy-back Entitlement. Shareholders also
have an option of tendering Additional Shares (over and above their Buy-back Entitlement) and participate
in the shortfall created due to non-participation of some other Shareholders, if any. Acceptance of any
Equity Shares tendered in excess of the Buy-back Entitlement by the Shareholder, shall be in terms of
procedure outlined in paragraph 19 (Process and Methodology for the Buy-back) of this Letter of Offer.
20.6. Eligible Shareholders will have to transfer the Equity Shares from the same demat account in which they
were holding the Equity Shares as on the Record Date and in case of multiple demat accounts, Eligible
Shareholders are required to tender the applications separately from each demat account.
20.7. The Company shall accept all the Equity Shares validly tendered for the Buy-back by Eligible Shareholders,
on the basis of their Buy-back Entitlement as on the Record Date and also Additional Equity Shares if any
tendered by Eligible Shareholders will be accepted as per paragraphs 19.6, 19.7, 19.8 and 19.9.
20.8. As elaborated under paragraph 19.4, the Equity Shares proposed to be bought as a part of the Buy-back are
divided into two categories; (a) Reserved category for Small Shareholders and (b) the General category for
other Eligible Shareholders, and the Buy-back Entitlement of an Eligible Shareholder in each category shall
be calculated accordingly.
20.9. After accepting the Equity Shares tendered on the basis of Buy-back Entitlement, Equity Shares left to be
bought as a part of the Buy-back, if any, in one category shall first be accepted, in proportion to the Equity
Shares tendered, over and above their Buy-back Entitlement, by Eligible Shareholders in that category, and
thereafter, from Eligible Shareholders who have tendered over and above their Buy-back Entitlement, in
other category.
20.10. The Buy-back Offer will be implemented using the “Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock
Exchange” devised pursuant to SEBI Circulars and following the procedure prescribed in the Act and the
Buy-back Regulations and as may be determined by the Board (including any person authorized by the
Board to complete the formalities of the Buy-back Offer) and on such terms and conditions as may be
permitted by law from time to time.
20.11. The maximum tender under the Buy-back by any Eligible Shareholder cannot exceed the number of shares
held by the Eligible Shareholder on the Record Date.
20.12. For implementation of the Buy-back, the Company has appointed Pravin Ratilal Share and Stock
Brokers Limited as the registered broker to the Company (the “Company's Broker”) who will facilitate
the process of tendering Equity Shares through Stock Exchange Mechanism for the Buy-back and through
whom the purchase and settlements on account of the Buy-back would be made by the Company. The
contact details of the Company’s Broker are as follows:
20.13. For the purpose of this Buy-back, BSE will be the Designated Stock Exchange. The Company will request
BSE to provide the facility of acquisition window to facilitate placing of sell orders by Eligible
Shareholders who wish to tender their Equity Shares in the Buy-back Offer. The details of the platform will
be as specified by BSE from time to time.
20.14. In case Eligible Shareholder’s broker is not registered with BSE or if the Eligible Shareholders do not have
any stock broker then that Eligible Shareholders can approach any stock broker registered with the BSE
(with whom they do not have an account) and can make a bid by using quick unique client code (“UCC”)
facility, after submitting the details as may be required by the stock broker to be in compliance with the
Buy-back Regulations. In case Eligible Shareholder is not able to bid using quick UCC facility through any
other BSE registered stock broker, then the Eligible Shareholders may approach Company's Broker viz.
Pravin Ratilal Share and Stock Brokers Limited to bid by using quick UCC facility. The Eligible
Shareholders approaching BSE registered stock broker (with whom Eligible Shareholders does not have an
account) may have to submit details as required by the BSE registered stock broker. The requirement of
documents and procedures may vary from broker to broker.
20.15. During the tendering period, the order for selling the Equity Shares will be placed in the Acquisition
Window by Eligible Shareholders through their respective stock brokers (“Seller Member”) during normal
trading hours of the secondary market. In the tendering process, the Company's Broker may also process the
orders received from the Eligible Shareholders. The Seller Member can enter orders for shares held in
demat as well as physical mode.
20.16. Modification / cancellation of orders and multiple bids from a single Eligible Shareholders will be allowed
during the Tendering Period of the Buy-back. Multiple bids made by single Eligible Shareholder for selling
the Equity Shares shall be clubbed and considered as “one” bid for the purposes of Acceptance.
20.17. The cumulative quantity tendered shall be made available on BSE’s website, www.bseindia.com throughout
the trading session and will be updated at specific intervals during the Tendering Period.
20.18. All documents sent by the Eligible Shareholders will be at their own risk. Eligible Shareholders are advised
to safeguard adequately their interests in this regard.
20.19. Procedure to be followed by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in the dematerialised form.
(i) Eligible Shareholders who desire to tender their Equity Shares in the dematerialised form under Buy-
back would have to do so through their respective Seller Member by giving details of Equity Shares
they intend to tender under the Buy-back offer.
(ii) The Seller Member would be required to place a bid on behalf of the Eligible Shareholders who wish
to tender Equity Shares in the Buy-back using the Acquisition Window of the Stock Exchange.
(iii) The lien shall be marked in demat account of the Eligible Shareholders for the Equity Shares
tendered in the Buy-back. The details of Equity Shares marked as lien in the demat account of the
Eligible Shareholders shall be provided by Depositories to the Clearing Corporation.
(iv) In case, the demat account of the Eligible Shareholders is held in one depository and clearing
member pool and clearing corporation account is held with other depository, the Equity Shares
tendered under the Buy-back shall be blocked in the shareholders demat account at the source
depository during the tendering period. Inter Depository Tender Offer (“IDT”) instruction shall be
initiated by shareholder at source depository to clearing member pool/ clearing corporation account
at target depository. Source depository shall block the shareholder’s securities (i.e., transfers from
free balance to blocked balance) and sends IDT message to target depository for confirming creation
of lien. Details of shares blocked in the shareholders demat account shall be provided by the target
Depository to the Clearing Corporation.
(v) For Custodian Participant orders for Equity Shares in demat form, early pay-in is mandatory prior to
confirmation of order by custodian. The custodian shall either confirm or reject the orders not later
than closing of trading hours on the last day of the Tendering Period. Thereafter, all unconfirmed
orders shall be deemed to be rejected. For all confirmed Custodian Participant orders, order
modification shall revoke the custodian confirmation and the revised order shall be sent to custodian
again for confirmation.
(vi) Upon placing the order, the Seller Member shall provide a transaction registration slip (‘TRS’)
generated by the exchange bidding system to the Eligible Shareholder on whose behalf the order has
been placed. TRS will contain details of order submitted like Bid ID No., DP ID, Client ID, no. of
Equity Shares tendered, etc.
(vii) It is clarified that in case of dematerialized Equity Shares, non-receipt of the completed tender form
and other documents, but if the lien is marked successfully in the depository system and a valid bid
in the exchange bidding system, the bid for Buyback shall be deemed to have been accepted.
(viii) The Eligible Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the DP Account active and unblocked to
receive credit in case of return of Equity Shares due to rejection or due to prorated Buy-back decided
by the Company.
20.20. Procedure to be followed by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in the physical form
i. All Eligible Shareholders holding the Equity Shares in physical form shall note that in accordance
with the proviso to regulation 40(1) of the Listing Regulations (notified by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment)
Regulations, 2018), read with SEBI’s press release dated December 3, 2018, transfers of securities
shall not be processed unless the securities are held in the dematerialized form with a depository with
effect from April 1, 2019. However, in accordance with the SEBI circular no.
SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/144 dated July 31, 2020, the Eligible Shareholders holding
Equity Shares in the physical form are allowed to tender their Equity Shares in the Buy Back
provided that such tendering shall be as per the provisions of the Buy-back Regulations and terms
provided in the letter of offer.
ii. Eligible Shareholders who are holding Equity Shares in physical form and intend to participate in the
Buy Back will be required to approach their respective Seller Members along with the complete set
of documents for verification procedures to be carried out including the (i) original share
certificate(s) (ii) valid share transfer form(s) (i.e., form SH-4) duly filled and signed by the
transferors (i.e., by all registered Eligible Shareholders in same order and as per the specimen
signatures registered with the Company) and duly witnessed at the appropriate place authorizing the
transfer in favour of the Company (iii) self-attested copy of the Eligible Shareholder’s PAN Card (iv)
the Tender Form duly signed (in case the Equity Shares are in joint names, the Tender Form must be
signed by all Eligible Shareholders in the same order in which they hold the Equity Shares) and (v)
any other relevant documents such as power of attorney, corporate authorization (including board
resolution/ specimen signature), notarized copy of death certificate and succession certificate or
probated will, if the original shareholder has deceased, etc., as applicable. In addition, if the address
of an Eligible Shareholder has undergone a change from the address registered in the Register of
Members of the Company, such Eligible Shareholder would be required to submit a self-attested
copy of address proof consisting of any one of the following documents: valid Aadhar Card, Voter
Identity Card or Passport.
iii. Based on the documents mentioned in paragraph above, the concerned Seller Member shall place the
bid on behalf of the Eligible Shareholder holding Equity Shares in physical form who wishes to
tender Equity Shares in the Buy-back using the Acquisition Window. Upon placing the bid, the
Seller Member shall provide a TRS generated by the Stock Exchange’s bidding system to the
Eligible Shareholder. TRS will contain the details of order submitted like folio no., certificate no.,
distinctive no., no. of Equity Shares tendered etc.
iv. After placing the bid, the Seller Member of the Eligible Shareholder has to deliver the original share
certificate(s) and documents (as mentioned in paragraph 20.20.ii above along with TRS either by
registered post or courier or hand delivery to Registrar to the Buy-back (at the address mentioned at
paragraph 27 below) on or before the closing date. The envelope should be superscribed as
“AksharChem (India) Limited – Buy-back 2021”. One copy of the TRS will be retained by
Registrar to the Buy-back and it will provide acknowledgement of the same to the Seller Member/
Eligible Shareholder.
v. Eligible Shareholder holding Equity Shares in physical form should note that physical Equity Shares
will not be accepted unless the complete set of documents are submitted. Acceptance of the physical
Equity Shares for the Buy-back shall be subject to verification as per the Buy-back Regulations and
any further directions issued in this regard. The Registrar will verify such bids based on the
documents submitted on a daily basis and till such time BSE shall display such bids as ‘unconfirmed
physical bids’. Once the Registrar confirms the bids, it will be treated as ‘confirmed bids’.
vi. All documents as mentioned above, shall be enclosed with the valid Tender Form, otherwise the
Equity Shares tendered will be liable for rejection. The Equity Shares shall be liable for rejection on
the following grounds amongst others: (i) If there is any other company’s equity share certificate(s)
enclosed with the Tender Form instead of the Equity Share certificate(s) of the Company; (ii) If the
transmission of Equity Shares is not completed, and the Equity Shares are not in the name of the
Eligible Shareholders; (iii) If the Eligible Shareholders tender Equity Shares but the Registrar to the
Buy-back does not receive the Equity Share certificate(s); (iv) In case the signature on the Tender
Form and form SH-4 does not match as per the specimen signature recorded with Company/
Registrar to the Buy-back.
vii. In case any Eligible Shareholder has submitted Equity Shares in physical form for dematerialization,
such Eligible Shareholders should ensure that the process of getting the Equity Shares dematerialized
is completed well in time so that they can participate in the Buy-back before the date of closing of
the Buy-back.
viii. An unregistered shareholder holding Equity Shares in physical form may also tender their Equity
Shares in the Buy-back by submitting duly executed transfer deed for transfer of Equity Shares
purchased prior to Record Date in his/her name along with the tender form, copy of his / her PAN
and of the person from whom they have purchased the Equity Shares and other relevant documents
as may be required for transfer of Equity Shares.
ix. Modification/ cancellation of orders will be allowed during the tendering period of the Buy-back.
Multiple bids made by a single Eligible Shareholder shall be clubbed and considered as “one” bid for
the purpose of acceptance.
x. The website of the BSE shall display only confirmed bids and accordingly, the cumulative quantity
tendered shall be made available on the website of the BSE (i.e., www.bseindia.com) throughout the
trading sessions and will be updated at specific intervals during the tendering period.
(a) Upon finalization of the basis of Acceptance as per the Buy-back Regulations, the settlement of trades
shall be carried out in the manner similar to settlement of trades in the secondary market and as
intimated by the Clearing Corporation from time to time.
(b) Details in respect of shareholder’s entitlement for the Buy-back shall be provided to Clearing
Corporation by Company / Registrar to Buy-back. On receipt of the same, the Clearing Corporation
will cancel excess or unaccepted blocked Equity Shares. On settlement date, all blocked Equity Shares
mentioned in the accepted bid will be transferred to the Clearing Corporation.
(c) In the case of IDT, Clearing Corporation will cancel the excess or unaccepted Equity Shares in target
depository. Source depository will not be able to release the lien without a release of IDT message from
target depository. Further, release of IDT message shall be sent by target depository either based on
cancellation request received from Clearing Corporation or automatically generated after matching with
Bid accepted detail as received from the Company or the Registrar to the Buy-back. Post receiving the
IDT message from target depository, source depository will cancel/release excess or unaccepted block
Equity Shares in the demat account of the shareholder. Post completion of tendering period and
receiving the requisite details viz., demat account details and accepted bid quantity, source depository
shall debit the Equity Shares as per the communication/message received from target depository to the
extent of accepted bid Equity Shares from shareholder’s demat account and credit it to Clearing
Corporation settlement account in target depository on settlement date.
(d) The Company will transfer the consideration pertaining to the Buy-back to the Clearing Corporation’s
bank account through the Company’s Broker as per the secondary market mechanism, as per the
prescribed schedule. For demat Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back, the Clearing Corporation
will make direct funds pay-out to the respective Eligible Shareholders. If bank account details of any
Eligible Shareholder holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form are not available or if the fund
transfer instruction is rejected by the Reserve Bank of India or relevant Bank, due to any reasons, then
the amount payable to the Eligible Shareholders will be transferred to the concerned Seller Member for
onward transfer to such Eligible Shareholder holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form.
(e) In case of certain client types viz. NRI, foreign clients etc. (where there are specific RBI and other
regulatory requirements pertaining to funds pay-out) who do not opt to settle through custodians, the
funds pay-out would be given to their respective Selling Member’s settlement accounts for releasing
the same to the respective Eligible Shareholder’s account. For this purpose, the client type details
would be collected from the Depositories, whereas funds payout pertaining to the bids settled through
custodians will be transferred to the settlement bank account of the custodian, each in accordance with
the applicable mechanism prescribed by the Designated Stock Exchange and the Clearing Corporation
from time to time.
(f) For the Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form, the funds pay-out would be
given to their respective Seller Member’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to the respective
Eligible Shareholder’s account. On settlement date, all blocked Equity Shares mentioned in accepted
bid shall be transferred to Clearing Corporation.
(g) The Equity Shares bought back in the dematerialized form would be transferred directly to the escrow
demat account of the Company (“Company Demat Escrow Account”) provided it is indicated by the
Company’s Brokers or it will be transferred by the Company’s Broker to the Company Demat Escrow
Account on receipt of the Equity Shares from the clearing and settlement mechanism of the Designated
Stock Exchange.
(h) Excess Equity Shares or unaccepted Equity Shares, in dematerialised form, if any, tendered by the
Eligible Shareholders would be transferred by the Clearing Corporation directly to the respective
Eligible Shareholder’s DP account. If the securities transfer instruction is rejected in the Depository
system, due to any issue then such securities will be transferred to the Seller Member’s depository pool
account for onward transfer to the respective Eligible Shareholder. The shareholders of the demat
Equity Shares will have to ensure that they keep the DP account active and unblocked to receive credit
in case of return of demat Equity Shares, due to rejection or due to non-acceptance in the Buy-back
(i) Any excess Equity Shares, in physical form, pursuant to proportionate acceptance / rejection will be
returned back to the Eligible Shareholders directly by the Registrar. The Company is authorized to split
the share certificate and issue new consolidated share certificate for the unaccepted Equity Shares, in
case the Equity Shares accepted by the Company are less than the Equity Shares tendered in the Buy-
back by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in the physical form.
(j) The Seller Member would issue contract note for the Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back and
will unblock the excess unaccepted Equity Shares. The Company’s Broker would also issue a contract
note to the Company for the Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back.
(k) Equity Shareholders who intend to participate in the Buy-back should consult their respective Seller
Member for payment to them of any cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage)
that may be levied by the Seller Member for tendering Equity Shares in the Buy-back (secondary
market transaction). Therefore, the Buy-back consideration received by the selling Eligible
Shareholders, in respect of accepted Equity Shares, could be net of such costs, applicable taxes, charges
and expenses (including brokerage). The Manager to the Buy-back Offer and the Company accept no
responsibility to bear or pay any additional cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including
brokerage) levied by the Seller Member, and such costs will be borne solely by the Eligible
(l) The Equity Shares lying to the credit of the Company Demat Escrow Account and the Equity Shares
bought back and accepted in physical form will be extinguished in the manner and following the
procedure prescribed in the Buy-back Regulations.
In case any Eligible Shareholder initiates dematerialization of shares after Record Date/receipt of this Letter
of Offer, such Eligible Shareholders should ensure that the process of getting the Equity Shares dematerialized
is completed well in time so that they can participate in the Buy-back before Buy-back Closing Date.
20.22. For Equity Shares held by Eligible Shareholders, being Non-Resident Shareholders of Equity Shares:
(i) Eligible Shareholders, being Non-Resident Shareholders of Equity Shares (excluding FPIs) shall also
enclose a copy of the permission received by them from RBI, if applicable, to acquire the Equity Shares
held by them.
(ii) FII/FPI Shareholder should enclose a copy of their SEBI registration certificate.
(iii) In case the Equity Shares are held on repatriation basis, the Eligible Shareholders who are Non-Resident
Shareholders shall obtain and enclose a letter from its authorized dealer / bank / Company confirming
that at the time of acquiring the Equity Shares, payment for the same was made by such non-resident
Eligible Shareholder from the appropriate account (e.g., NRE a/c.) as specified by RBI in its approval. In
case the Eligible Shareholders who are Non-Resident Shareholders is not in a position to produce the
said certificate, the Equity Shares would be deemed to have been acquired on non-repatriation basis and
in that case the Non-Resident Eligible Shareholder shall submit a consent letter addressed to the
Company allowing the Company to make the payment on a non-repatriation basis in respect of the valid
Equity Shares accepted under the Buy-back. In the event, such consent letter is not submitted by such
non-resident Eligible Shareholder, the Company shall have the right to reject the Equity Shares tendered
in the Buy-back and acceptance of such Equity Shares shall be at the sole discretion of the Company
subject to such conditions as the Company may deem fit including making payment for the same on a
non-repatriation basis.
(iv) If any of the above stated documents (as applicable) are not enclosed along with the Tender Form, the
Equity Shares tendered under the Buy-back are liable to be rejected.
In case the Equity Shares are in dematerialised form: An Eligible Shareholder may participate in the Buy-
back by downloading the Tender Form from the website of the Company i.e., www.aksharchemindia.com or
the website of the Registrar i.e. www.linkintime.co.in or by providing their application in writing on plain
paper to the Registrar, signed by Eligible Shareholder or all Eligible Shareholders (in case Equity Shares are
in joint name), stating name and address of Eligible Shareholders, number of Equity Shares held as on the
Record Date, Client ID number, DP Name / ID, beneficiary account number and number of Equity Shares
tendered for the Buy-back. If any Eligible Shareholder who has been sent the Letter of Offer through
electronic means wishes to obtain a physical copy of the Letter of Offer, they may send a request in writing to
the Company or Registrar at the address or email ID mentioned at the cover page of the Letter of Offer stating
name, address, number of Equity Shares held on Record Date, client ID number, DP name / ID, beneficiary
account number. Upon receipt of such request, a physical copy of the Letter of Offer shall be provided to such
Eligible Shareholder.
In case the Equity Shares are in physical form: An Eligible Shareholder may participate in the Buy-back
by downloading the Tender Form from the website of the Company i.e., www.aksharchemindia.com or the
website of the Registrar i.e., www.linkintime.co.in or by providing their application in writing on plain paper
to the Registrar, signed by Eligible Shareholder or all Eligible Shareholders (in case Equity Shares are in joint
name) stating name, address, folio number, number of Equity Shares held, share certificate number, number of
Equity Shares tendered for the Buy-back and the distinctive numbers thereof, bank account details together
with the original share certificate(s), copy of Eligible Shareholders PAN card(s) and executed Form SH-4 in
favour of the Company. The transfer Form (SH-4) can be downloaded from the website of the Company i.e.,
www.aksharchemindia.com or the website of the Registrar i.e., www.linkintime.co.in. Eligible Shareholders
must ensure that the Tender Form, along with the TRS and requisite documents (as mentioned in paragraph
20.20 above), reach the Registrar on or before the Buy-back Closing Date (by 5:00 p.m.). If the signature(s) of
the Eligible Shareholders provided in the plain paper application differs from the specimen signature(s)
recorded with the Registrar /Company or are not in the same order (although attested), the Company/Registrar
shall have a right to reject such applications.
Please note that Eligible Shareholders who intend to participate in the Buy-back will be required to
approach their respective Seller Member (along with the complete set of documents for verification
procedures) and have to ensure that their bid is entered by their respective Seller Member in the
electronic platform to be made available by BSE before the Buy-back Closing Date.
The Company shall accept Equity Shares validly tendered by the Equity Shareholder(s) in the Buy-
back on the basis of their shareholding as on the Record Date and the Buy-back Entitlement. Eligible
Shareholder(s) who intend to participate in the Buy-back using the “plain paper‟ option as mentioned
in this paragraph is advised to confirm their Buy-back Entitlement from the Registrar to the Buy-back,
before participating in the Buy-back.
20.24. Non-receipt of the Letter of Offer by, or accidental omission to dispatch the Letter of Offer to, any Eligible
Shareholder, shall not invalidate the Buy-back in any way.
20.25. The acceptance of the Buy-back Offer by the Company is entirely at the discretion of the Eligible
Shareholders of the Company. The Company does not accept any responsibility for the decision of any
Eligible Shareholder to either participate or not to participate in the Buy-back.
The Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders holding Demat Shares would be liable to be rejected on
the following grounds:
a) The Shareholder is not an Eligible Shareholder of the Company as on the Record Date;
b) in the event of non-receipt of the completed Tender Form and other documents from the Eligible
Shareholders who were holding Physical Shares as on the Record Date and have placed their bid in demat
c) if there is a name mismatch in the demat account of the shareholder and PAN.
d) where there exists any restraint order of a Court/any other competent authority for transfer/disposal/ sale
or where loss of share certificates has been notified to the Company or where the title to the Equity
Shares is under dispute or otherwise not clear or where any other restraint subsists.
The Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders holding Physical Shares would be liable to be rejected
on the following grounds:
(a) The documents mentioned in the Tender Form for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in
physical form are not received by the Registrar on or before the close of business hours on Tuesday,
December 21, 2021; or
(b) If the share certificate is not enclosed with the Tender Form; or
(c) If there is any other company’s share certificate enclosed with the Tender Form instead of the share
certificate of the Company; or
(d) If the transmission of Equity Shares is not completed, and the Equity Shares are not in the name of the
Eligible Shareholders; or
(e) If the Eligible Shareholders bid the Equity Shares but the Registrar does not receive the physical Equity
Share certificate; or
(f) In the event the signature in the Tender Form and Form SH‐4 do not match as per the specimen signature
recorded with the Company or the Registrar; or
(g) The documents mentioned in instruction of the Tender Form for physical Equity Shareholders are not
received by the Registrar before the close of business hours on or before Tuesday, December 21, 2021 by
5:00 p.m.; or
(h) Where there exists any restraint order of a Court/any other competent authority for transfer/disposal/ sale
or where loss of share certificates has been notified to the Company or where the title to the Equity
Shares is under dispute or otherwise not clear or where any other restraint subsists
The Indian tax year runs from 1st April to 31st March. The basis of charge of Indian income-tax depends upon
the residential status of the taxpayer during a tax year. A person who is a tax resident of India is liable to
taxation in India on his worldwide income, subject to certain prescribed tax exemptions provided under the
Income Tax Act, 1961 (“ITA”).
A person who is treated as a non-resident for Indian tax purposes is generally liable to tax in India only on his
/ her Indian sourced income or income received by such person in India. In case of shares of a company, the
source of income from shares would depend on the ‘situs’ of the shares. As per judicial precedents, generally
the “situs” of the shares is where company is “incorporated” and where its shares can be transferred.
Accordingly, since the Company is incorporated in India, the shares of the Company would be “situated” in
India and any gains arising to a non-resident on transfer of such shares should be taxable in India under the
ITA subject to any specific exemption in this regard. Further, the non-resident can avail the beneficial tax
treatment prescribed under the relevant Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (“DTAA”) subject to
satisfaction of the relevant conditions and documentary compliance requirements prescribed under the ITA.
The summary tax implications on buy-back of equity shares listed on the stock exchange in India is set out
below. All references to equity shares in this note refer to equity shares listed on the stock exchange in India
unless stated otherwise.
a. Section 115QA of the Act provides for the levy of additional Income-tax at the rate of twenty per cent
(excluding surcharge and Health and Education cess, as applicable) on any amount of distributed income
by the company on buy-back of shares from a shareholder. Distributed Income is defined under section
115QA to include consideration paid by the company on buy-back of shares as reduced by the amount
which was received by the company on issue of such shares, determined in the manner specified in Rule
b. The tax on the distributed income by the company shall be treated as the final payment of tax in respect
of the said income and no further credit therefor shall be claimed by the company or by any other person
in respect of the amount of tax so paid.
c. No deduction under any other provision of this Act shall be allowed to the company or a shareholder in
respect of the income which has been charged to tax
d. Pursuant to Section 10(34A) of the Income Tax Act, any income arising in the hands of shareholders on
account of buy-back of shares by the as referred to in section 115QA has been exempted from tax.
e. The consequential income will be exempted in the hands of the shareholder irrespective of the
class/residential status of the shareholder and purpose for which shares are held (i.e., as “Investments” or
“Stock in Trade”) under sub-clause (34A) of Section 10. In case of Non-resident Shareholders, the same
may be subject to tax in the country of residence of the shareholder as per the provisions of the tax laws
of that country. The credit of tax may or may not be allowed to such non-resident shareholder to be
claimed in the country of residence in respect of the Buy-back tax paid by the company in view of Sec
115QA (4) and (5) of the ITA. Non- resident shareholders need to consult their tax advisors with regard
to availability of such a tax credit.
The consequential income arising in the hands of shareholder will be exempted by virtue of sub clause
(34A) of Section 10 of the Act. Therefore, no TDS/WHT will be deductible on the said income.
The above note on taxation sets out the provisions of law in a summary manner only and does not
purport to be a complete analysis or listing of all potential tax consequences of the disposal of equity
shares. This note is neither binding on any regulators nor can there be any assurance that they will not
take a position contrary to the comments mentioned herein.
Declaration as required under clause (ix) and clause (x) of Schedule I to the Buy-back Regulations:
The Board of Directors made declaration as on the date of passing the board resolution approving the Buy-
back i.e., October 29, 2021 that:
1. The Board of Directors confirms that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption
of debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks.
2. It has, based on a full enquiry conducted into the affairs and prospects of the Company and taking into
account all the liabilities including prospective and contingent liabilities payable as if the Company were
being wound up under the Act formed an opinion:
a) That immediately following the date of the Board Meeting i.e., October 29, 2021, there will be no
grounds on which the Company can be found unable to pay its debts;
b) That as regards the Company’s prospects for the year immediately following the date of the Board
Meeting i.e., October 29, 2021, and having regard to the Board’s intentions with respect to the
management of the Company’s business during that year and to the amount and character of the
financial resources, which will, in the Board’s view, be available to the Company during that year,
the Company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered
insolvent within a period of one year from the date of the Board Meeting.
c) In forming its opinion aforesaid, the Board has taken into account the liabilities as if the Company
were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 or the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (including prospective and contingent liabilities).
d) That the debt-equity ratio of the Company after the Buy-back will be within the limit of 2:1 as
prescribed under Section 68(2)(d) of the Companies Act ,2013 and Regulation 4(ii) of the Buy-back
The text of the report dated October 29, 2021 received from Mahendra N. Shah & Co., Chartered Accountants
(FRN: 105775W), the Statutory Auditors of the Company and the Statement of computation of permissible
capital payments for the proposed Buy-back of Equity Shares of the Company, addressed to the Board of
Directors of the Company is reproduced below.
The Board of Directors
AksharChem (India) Limited
"Akshar House",
Chhatral - Kadi Road,
Indrad, Mahesana – 382 715,
Gujarat, India.
Sub: Statutory Auditor’s Report in respect of proposed buy-back of equity shares by AksharChem
(India) Limited (“the Company”) in terms of the Schedule II read with clause (xi) of Schedule I to the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 2018 (as amended) (the
“Buy-back Regulations”)
1. This Report is issued in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter dated October 29, 2021.
2. The Board of Directors of the Company has approved a proposal for buy-back of Equity Shares by the
Company at its meeting held on October 29, 2021 in pursuance of the provisions of Sections 68, 69 and
70 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) and the Buy-back Regulations.
3. We have been requested by the Management of the Company to provide a report on the accompanying
Statement of permissible capital payment (“Annexure A”) as at March 31, 2021 (hereinafter referred
together as the “Statement”). This Statement has been prepared by the Management of the Company,
which we have initialed for identification purposes only.
4. The preparation of the Statement in accordance with Section 68(2)(c) of the Act and in compliance with
the Buy-back Regulations, is the responsibility of the Management of the Company, including the
computation of the amount of the permissible capital payment, the preparation and maintenance of all
accounting and other relevant supporting records and documents. This responsibility includes the design,
implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the
Statement and applying an appropriate basis of preparation; and making estimates that are reasonable in
the circumstances.
Auditor’s Responsibility
5. Pursuant to the requirements of the Buy-back Regulations, it is our responsibility to provide reasonable
assurance that:
(i) We have inquired into the state of affairs of the Company in relation to the audited financial
statements as at March 31, 2021;
(ii) The amount of permissible capital payment for the proposed buy-back of equity shares as stated in
Annexure A, has been properly determined considering the audited financial statements as on
March 31, 2021 in accordance with the provisions of Section 68(2) of the Act and Regulations 4
and 5 of the Buy-back Regulations; and
(iii) Whether the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held on October 29, 2021 has
formed the opinion as specified in Clause (x) of Schedule I to the Buy-back Regulations, on a
reasonable grounds that the Company having regard to its state of affairs will not be rendered
insolvent within a period of one year from the date of board meeting held to consider the proposal
of Buy-back of Equity Shares.
6. The audited financial statements for the financial year ended on March 31, 2021 had been audited by us,
on which we had issued an unmodified audit opinion, vide our audit report dated June 11, 2021. Our
audits of these financial statements were conducted in accordance with the Standards on Auditing, as
specified under Section 143 of the Act and other applicable authoritative pronouncements issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
7. We conducted our examination of the Statement in accordance with the Guidance Note on Reports or
Certificates for Special Purposes issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The Guidance
Note requires that we comply with the ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India.
8. We have complied with the relevant applicable requirements of the Standard on Quality Control (SQC)
1, Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and
Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements.
i) We have inquired into the state of affairs of the Company in relation to its audited financial
statements for the financial year ended on March 31, 2021 which has been approved by the Board
of Directors of the Company on June 11, 2021;
ii) The amount of permissible capital payment towards the proposed buy-back of equity shares as
computed in the Statement attached herewith as Annexure A, in our view has been properly
determined in accordance with section 68(2)(c) of the Act and Regulations 4 and 5 of the Buy-back
Regulations. The amount of share capital and its free reserves (including securities premium) have
been extracted from the audited financial statements of the Company as on March 31, 2021; and
iii) the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held on October 29, 2021 has formed its
opinion as specified in Clause (x) of Schedule I to the Buy-back Regulations, on a on a reasonable
grounds that the Company, having regard to its state of affairs, will not be rendered insolvent
within a period of one year from the date of the Board Meeting (i.e., October 29, 2021).
Restriction on Use
10. This report has been issued at the request of the Company solely - (i) for use of the Company in
connection with the proposed buy-back of equity shares of the Company in pursuance to the provisions
of Section 68 and other applicable provisions of the Act and the Buy-back Regulations, (ii) to enable the
Board of Directors of the Company to include it in the Public Announcement, draft letter of offer , letter
of offer and other documents pertaining to buy-back to be sent to the Shareholders of the Company or
filed with (a) the Registrar of Companies, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges,
public shareholders and any other regulatory authority as per applicable law and (b) the Central
Depository Services (India) Limited, National Securities Depository Limited and (iii) for providing to
the Manager, and should not be used by any other person and may not be suitable for any other purpose.
Accordingly, we do not accept or assume any liability or any duty of care for any other purpose or to any
other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come without our prior consent in
CA Chirag M. Shah
Membership Number: 045706
AksharChem (India) Limited
Annexure A
Statement of determination of the permissible capital payment towards Buy-back of Equity Shares
(“the Statement”) in accordance with Section 68 (2) (b) and (c) of the Companies Act, 2013 and
Regulations 4 and 5 of the Buy-back Regulations.
(₹ In Lakhs)
Amount Amount
A Paid up equity share capital and free reserves as at March 31,
2021, based on the audited standalone financial statement of the
Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company
at “Akshar House”, Chhatral - Kadi Road, Indrad, Mahesana – 382715, Gujarat, India between 10 a.m. and
5.00 p.m. on all working days (Monday to Friday) during the offer period:
The Equity Shareholders may contact the Compliance Officer of the Company for any clarifications or to
address their grievances, if any, during office hours i.e., 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days except
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, at the following address:
(i) In case of any grievances relating to the Buy-back (e.g. non-receipt of the Buy-back consideration,
demat credit, etc.), the Eligible Shareholders can approach the Compliance Officer at
cs@aksharchemindia.com or the Manager to the Buy-back at investors@vivro.net and / or Registrar to
the Buy-back at aksharchem.buyback@linkintime.co.in for redressal.
(ii) If the Company makes any default in complying with the provisions of Section 68 of the Companies
Act, 2013 or any rules made there-under, for the purposes of clause (f) of sub-section (2) of Section 68
of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company or any officer of the Company who is in default shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term, or with a fine or with both in terms of the Companies Act,
2013, as the case may be.
(iii) The address of the concerned office of the Registrar of Companies is as follows:
In case of any queries, Equity Shareholders may also contact the Registrar to the Buy-back, during office
hours i.e., 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, at the
following address:
As per regulation 24(i)(a) of the Buy-back Regulations, the Board of Directors of the Company accept full
responsibility for the information contained in this Letter of Offer. This Letter of Offer is issued under the
authority of the Board and in terms of the resolution passed by the Board on October 29, 2021.
30.1. Tender Form (for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in dematerialised form);
30.2. Tender Form (for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in Physical form);
30.3. Form SH-4 for physical shareholders.
Bid Number:
For Registrar / collection centre use
Inward No. Date Stamp
Dear Sirs,
Subject: Letter of Offer dated November 24, 2021 in relation to Buy-back Offer of up to 1,69,491 fully paid-up Equity Shares of AksharChem (India) Limited
(“Company”) at a price of ₹ 590 per Equity Share (“Buy-back Price”), payable in cash.
1. I / We, having read and understood the Letter of Offer dated November 24, 2021, hereby tender / offer my / our Equity Shares in response to the Buy-back
Offer on the terms and conditions set out below and in the Letter of Offer.
2. I / We authorise the Company to Buy-back the Equity Shares offered by me/us (as mentioned below) and to issue instruction(s) to the Registrar to the Buy-
back to extinguish the Equity Shares.
3. I / We hereby warrant that the Equity Shares comprised in this tender / offer are offered for Buy-back by me / us are free from any claim /demand, lien,
equitable interest, charges and encumbrance.
4. I / We declare that there are no restraints / injunctions or other order(s) of any nature which limits / restricts in any manner my / our right to tender Equity
Shares for Buy-back and that I / we am / are legally entitled to tender the Equity Shares for Buy-back.
5. I / we agree that the Company will pay the Buy-back Price only after due verification of the validity of the documents and that the consideration may be paid
to the first named shareholder.
6. I / We agree that the consideration for the accepted Equity Shares will be paid as per secondary market mechanism.
7. I / We undertake to return to the Company any Buy-back consideration that may be wrongfully received by me / us.
8. I / We undertake to execute any further documents and give any further assurances that may be required or expedient to give effect to my / our tender / offer
and agree to abide by any decision that may be taken by the Company to give effect to the Buy-back in accordance with the Act and the Buy-back
9. Details of Equity Shares held and tendered / offered for Buy-back:
10. Applicable for all Non-resident shareholders - I/ We undertake to pay income taxes in India on any income arising on such Buy-back Offer and taxable in
accordance with the prevailing income tax laws in India. I/ We also undertake to indemnify the Company against any income tax liability on any income
earned on such Buy-back of shares by me/ us.
11. I / We agree that the Clearing Corporation will cancel the excess or unaccepted blocked shares in the demat account of the shareholder.
Note: An Eligible Shareholder may tender Equity Shares over and above his / her Buy-back Entitlement. Number of Equity Shares validly tendered by
Eligible Shareholder over and above his / her Buy-back Entitlement shall be accepted in accordance with paragraph 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, and 19.9 of the Letter
of Offer. Equity Shares tendered by any Eligible Shareholder over and above the number of Equity Shares held by such Eligible Shareholder as on the
Record Date shall not be considered for the purpose of Acceptance.
First/Sole Holder Joint Holder 1 (if any) Joint Holder 2 (if any) Joint Holder 3 (if any)
Full name(s) of the Equity
Address of the Sole/First
Equity Shareholder
1. This Buy-back will open on Wednesday, December 08, 2021 and close on Tuesday, December 21, 2021.
2. This Tender Form has to be read along with the Letter of Offer and is subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Letter of Offer and this
Tender Form.
3. The Equity Shares tendered in the Buy-back Offer shall be rejected if (i) the shareholder is not a shareholder of the Company as on the Record Date (ii)
if there is a name and PAN mismatch in the demat account of the Eligible Shareholder or (iii) in the event of non-receipt of the completed Tender Form
and other documents from the Eligible Shareholders who were holding shares in physical form as on the Record Date and have placed their bid in
dematerialized form.
4. The Eligible Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the DP account active and unblocked to receive credit in case of return of Equity Shares
tendered by them.
5. Eligible Shareholders to whom the Buy-back Offer is made are free to tender Equity Shares to the extent of their Buy-back Entitlement in whole or in
part or in excess of their entitlement.
6. For the procedure to be followed by Eligible Shareholders for tendering their Equity Shares in the Buy-back Offer, please refer to paragraph 20 of the
Letter of Offer.
7. All documents sent by Eligible Shareholders will be at their own risk. Eligible Shareholders are advised to safeguard adequately their interests in this
8. The dematerialized Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders shall be rejected in case of receipt of the completed Tender Form and other
documents but non-receipt of valid bid in the exchange bidding system.
9. By agreeing to participate in the Buy-back the Non-resident Shareholders give the Company the unconditional and irrevocable authority and power to
make, sign, execute, deliver, acknowledge and perform all applications to file regulatory reportings, if required, including FC-TRS form, if necessary
and undertake to provide assistance to the Company for such regulatory reporting, if required by the Company.
10. Non-Resident Shareholders must obtain all approvals required to tender the Equity Shares held by them in this Buy-back Offer (including without
limitation the approval from the RBI, if required).
All capitalised items not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Letter of Offer.
Investor Service Centre
AksharChem (India) Limited Buy-back 2021
Link Intime India Private Limited
C 101, 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400 083, Maharashtra, India.
Tel. No.: +91 22 4918 6200 Fax: +91 22 4918 6195 Email: aksharchem.buyback@linkintime.co.in;
Website: www.linkintime.co.in Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
Bid Number:
For Registrar / collection centre use
Inward No. Date Stamp
The Board of Directors
C/o. Link Intime India Private Limited,
C 101, 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai – 400 083, Maharashtra, India.
Dear Sirs,
Subject: Letter of Offer dated November 24, 2021 in relation to Buy-back Offer of up to 1,69,491 fully paid-up Equity Shares of AksharChem (India) Limited
(“Company”) at a price of ₹ 590/- per Equity Share (“Buy-back Price”), payable in cash.
1. I / We, having read and understood the Letter of Offer dated November 24, 2021, hereby tender / offer my / our Equity Shares in response to the Buy-back
Offer on the terms and conditions set out below and in the Letter of Offer.
2. I / We authorise the Company to Buy-back the Equity Shares offered by me/us (as mentioned below) and to issue instruction(s) to the Registrar to the Buy-
back to extinguish the Equity Shares.
3. I / We hereby warrant that the Equity Shares comprised in this tender / offer are offered for Buy-back by me / us are free from all liens, equitable interest,
charges and encumbrance.
4. I / We declare that there are no restraints / injunctions or other order(s) of any nature which limits / restricts in any manner my / our right to tender Equity
Shares for Buy-back and that I / we am / are legally entitled to tender the Equity Shares for Buy-back.
5. I / we agree that the Company will pay the Buy-back Price only after due verification of the validity of the documents and that the consideration may be paid
to the first named shareholder.
6. I / We agree that the consideration for the accepted Shares will be paid as per secondary market mechanism.
7. I / We undertake to return to the Company any Buy-back consideration that may be wrongfully received by me / us.
8. I / We agree that the Company is not obliged to accept any Equity Shares tendered/offered for Buy-back where loss of share certificates has been notified to
the Company.
9. I / We authorize the Company to split the share certificate and issue new consolidated share certificate for the unaccepted Equity shares in case the Equity
Shares accepted by the Company are less than the Equity Shares tendered in the Buy-back.
10. I / We undertake to execute any further documents and give any further assurances that may be required or expedient to give effect to my / our tender / offer
and agree to abide by any decision that may be taken by the Company to give effect to the Buy-back in accordance with the Act and the Buy-back
11. Details of Equity Shares held and tendered / offered for Buy-back:
In Figures In Words
Number of Equity Shares held as on Record Date i.e., Friday, November 12, 2021
Note: An Eligible Shareholder may tender Equity Shares over and above his / her Buy-back Entitlement. Number of Equity Shares validly tendered by
Eligible Shareholder over and above his / her Buy-back Entitlement shall be accepted in accordance with paragraph 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, and 19.9 of the Letter
of Offer. Equity Shares tendered by any Eligible Shareholder over and above the number of Equity Shares held by such Eligible Shareholder as on the
Record Date shall not be considered for the purpose of Acceptance.
------------------------------------------------------Tear along this line--------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgement Slip: AKSHARCHEM (INDIA) LIMITED BUY-BACK 2021
(To be filled by the Equity Shareholder) (Subject to verification)
Folio No.
Received from Mr./ Ms./Mrs.
Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement, Original TRS along with:
No. of Equity Shares offered for Buy-back (In figures) (in words)
Stamp of Broker/Registrar
In case the number of folios and share certificates enclosed exceed 3 nos., Please attach a separate sheet giving details in the same format as above.
13. Details of the bank account of the sole or first Shareholder to be incorporated (to be mandatorily filled):
Name of the Bank Branch and City Account Number (indicate type of account)
Particulars First/Sole Holder Joint Holder 1 (if any) Joint Holder 2(if any) Joint Holder 3 (if any)
Full name(s) of the shareholder
Address of the Sole/First Equity
Telephone No. of the Sole/First Email ID of Sole/First Equity
Equity Shareholder Shareholder
*Corporate must affix rubber stamp and sign under valid authority. The relevant corporate authorization should be enclosed with the application form submitted.
16. Applicable for all Non-resident shareholders –
i. I/ We undertake to pay income taxes in India on any income arising on such Buy-back and taxable in accordance with the prevailing income tax laws in
India. I/ We also undertake to indemnify the Company against any income tax liability on any income earned on such Buy-back of shares by me/ us.
ii. I / We, being a Non-Resident Shareholder, agree to obtain and submit all necessary approvals, if any and to the extent required from the concerned
authorities including approvals from the RBI under FEMA and the rules and regulations framed there under, for tendering Equity Shares in the Buyback,
and also undertake to comply with the reporting requirements, if applicable, under the FEMA and any other rules, regulations and guidelines, in regard to
remittance of funds outside India.
This Tender Form has to be read along with the Letter of Offer and is subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Letter of Offer and this Tender Form.
1. This Buy-back will open on Wednesday, December 08, 2021 and close on Tuesday, December 21, 2021.
2. Eligible Shareholders who wish to tender their Equity Shares in response to this Buy-back should deliver the following documents so as to reach before the close of
business hours to the Registrar (as mentioned in the Letter of Offer) on or before Tuesday, December 21, 2021 by 05.00 P.M. (i) The relevant Tender Form duly
signed (by all Eligible Shareholders in case shares are in joint names) in the same order in which they hold the Equity Shares; (ii) Original Equity Share certificates;
(iii) Self attested copy of the Permanent Account Number (PAN Card); (iv) Affidavit made on appropriate non judicial stamp paper duly verified before a Notary
confirming their signature, an original unsigned cancelled cheque and banker’s attestation of the Eligible Shareholders signature and address; (v) Transfer deed (Form
SH-4) duly signed (by all Eligible Shareholders in case Equity Shares are held jointly) in the same order in which they hold the Equity Shares.
3. Eligible Shareholders should also provide all relevant documents in addition to the above documents, which include but are not limited to: (i) Duly attested power of
attorney registered with the Registrar, if any person other than the Eligible Shareholder has signed the relevant Tender Form; (ii) Duly attested death certificate /
succession certificate in case any Eligible Shareholder is deceased; and (iii) Necessary corporate authorisations, such as Board Resolutions etc., in case of companies.
4. Eligible Shareholders to whom the Buy-back offer is being made are free to tender Equity Shares to the extent of their entitlement in whole or in part or in excess of
their entitlement.
5. All documents sent by the shareholder broker/ custodian will be at their own risk and the shareholder broker/ custodian is advised to adequately safeguard their interests
in this regard.
6. For the procedure to be followed by Equity Shareholders for tendering in the Buy-back Offer, please refer to paragraph 20 of the Letter of Offer.
7. All documents as mentioned above, shall be enclosed with the valid Tender Form, otherwise the Equity Shares tendered will be liable for rejection. The Equity Shares
shall be liable for rejection on the grounds specified in paragraph 20.26 of the Letter of Offer.
8. By agreeing to participate in the Buy-back the Non-resident Shareholders give the Company the unconditional and irrevocable authority and power to make, sign,
execute, deliver, acknowledge and perform all applications to file regulatory reportings, if required, including FC-TRS form, if necessary and undertake to provide
assistance to the Company for such regulatory reporting, if required by the Company.
9. Non-Resident Shareholders must obtain all approvals required to tender the Equity Shares held by them in this Buy-back (including without limitation the approval
from the RBI).
All capitalised items not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Letter of Offer.
Investor Service Centre
AksharChem (India) Limited Buy-back 2021
Link Intime India Private Limited
C 101, 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400 083, Maharashtra, India.
Tel. No.: +91 22 4918 6200 Fax: +91 22 4918 6195 Email: aksharchem.buyback@linkintime.co.in;
Website: www.linkintime.co.in Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
Form No. SH-4
Securities Transfer Form
[Pursuant to section 56 of the Companies Act, 2013 and sub-rule (1) of rule 11 of the Companies (Share Capital and
Debentures) Rules 2014]
FOR THE CONSIDERATION stated below the “Transferor(s)” named do hereby transfer to the “Transferee(s)” named the
securities specified below subject to the conditions on which the said securities are now held by the Transferor(s) and the
Transferee(s) do hereby agree to accept and hold the said securities subject to the conditions aforesaid.
CIN: L24110GJ1989PLC012441
Name of the company (in full): AKSHARCHEM (INDIA) LIMITED
Name of the Stock Exchange where the company is listed, if any: National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited
Kind/ Class of Nominal value of each unit Amount called up per Amount paid up per
securities of security unit of security unit of security
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Equity Shares ₹ 10.00 ₹ 10.00 ₹ 10.00
Distinctive Number
Transferors’ Particulars
Address & Existing folio
Name in full mother’s/ Occupation Signature
E-mail id No., if any
Spouse name
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Akshar House, Chhatral -
Kadi Road, Indrad Mahesana
AksharChem (India)
N.A. - 382715 Gujarat India. Business N.A.
E-mail ID:
…………………………. 1. …..……………………………………
2. .….……………………………………
3. .….……………………………………
(1) Certificate of shares.
(2) If no certificate is issued, Letter of allotment.
(3) Copy of PAN Card of all the Transferors (For all listed Cos.)
(4) Others, specify……………………………………….
Checked by……………..
Approval Date………………..
at …………………………………………………………… No…………………………..