Art Science
Art Science
Art Science
scheduled date and time will not be examined in Practical. The Practical Programme will be displayed on the notice board of the College/Department. 3. The Examination Programme is subject to change. If there is any change in the Examination Programme the University is not responsible for the loss or inconvenience caused to the candidates. 4. The external candidates are requested to see their examination seat number as well as place of the examination on the notice board of the University / College at least two days before the date of examination. 5. Cellular Phone, Pager, Scientific Calculator, Digital Diary or any means, which can be used for unfair practice, are not allowed in the Examination Hall. 6. The Centres and Places of the Examinations will be as under: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Centre Name Solapur Sangola Akluj Places Solapur University Campus Sangmeshwar College Sangola College, Sangola Shankarrao Mohite Mahavidhyalaya
2 Semester Pattern
3 Semester Pattern