PDS Ba en 1.0
PDS Ba en 1.0
PDS Ba en 1.0
Please read this product disclosure sheet before you decide to take up the Bankers Acceptance (BA)
Bankers Acceptance (BA) facility with Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank). The
final terms and conditions will be stipulated in the Letter of Offer and Facility
Agreement (if any).
[Insert Date]
Bankers Acceptance (BA) is a short term facility extended to a customer to finance their local purchases / local
sales / imports / exports of goods. A BA draft (Bill of Exchange) is drawn by the customer and accepted by the Bank
payable at a future date. The BA utilisation is supported by a BA draft and documents evidencing genuine transfer of
BA is subject to Guidelines on Bankers Acceptance (2004), issued by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as may be
amended from time to time.
Denominated in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), with minimum amount of RM 50,000.00 per drawdown.
Bunching of invoices are allowed, subject to minimum of RM 1,000.00 per invoice.
Margin of financing is up to 100% of invoice value.
Minimum financing tenor is 21 days and maximum financing tenor is 365 days, or as otherwise approved by
the Bank.
BA pricing is based on the Bank’s BA Cost of Funds (COF) plus Acceptance Commission.
BA may only be used to finance trade involving goods. For trade involving services and other intangibles,
enquire about our Invoice Financing facility instead.
Fees and charges are debited upfront during drawdown of the BA.
Ensure that the application form for BA utilisation and supporting documents presented to the Bank are
related to genuine and current trade transactions.
Ensure that the documents submitted for financing have not and will not be financed by any other source of
Ensure that your account has sufficient funds and authorise the Bank to debit your account for any interest
and charges relating to the BA financing including settlement of the BA upon maturity.
Version 1.0
5. What if I fail to fulfil my obligations under the BA facility?
Your account may be force debited if payment is not received from you on the maturity date.
Unpaid amount under the BA facility after the maturity date will be charged at a penalty rate of Base Lending
Rate (BLR) plus 3.5% p.a.
The BA facility and all other trade facilities will be suspended in the event of any non-payment on maturity.
No further utilisation of the BA facility will be allowed.
The Bank may exercise its rights to initiate recovery process / legal action.
It is important that you inform us via our Customer Care team or Client Coverage team immediately of any change in
your contact details to ensure that all correspondences reach you in a timely manner.
If you have difficulties in making payments, you should contact us as early as possible to discuss payment
If you wish to make a query or complaint on the products or services provided by us, you may contact us
Maybank Group Customer Care
Hotline : 1-300 88 6688 (Malaysia)
Hotline : +603-7844 3696 (Overseas)
E-Mail : mgcc@maybank.com.my
If your query or complaint is not satisfactorily resolved by us, you may contact Bank Negara Malaysia LINK or
Should you require additional information on our products, you may visit our corporate website at
The information published here is of a general nature and may not account for your particular needs. We encourage
you to seek independent financial advice prior to taking up the facility described above.
The information in this product disclosure sheet is valid as at September 2019 and is subject to change at Maybank’s
discretion from time to time.
Version 1.0
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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