Para Finals - 2
Para Finals - 2
Para Finals - 2
Ova looks similar to Paragonimus but smaller - with 2 layers look similar with those of H. nana except the
abopercular thickening – absent thin embryophore present with bipolar bipolar
operculated & dark brown filaments
hexacanth embryo
3 pairs of lancet-like hooklets
Life cycle
Details Located inside the egg – coracidium (first stage gravid proglottids containing egg capsules are voided 2 phases: direct and indirect life cycle
aquatic embryo) with the stool Indirect life cycle: similar with D. caninum life
coracidium – infective stage for the primary cycle
intermediate host (copepods) upon ingestion, eggs will hatch releasing oncosphere
procercid – inside the coracidium which will become cysticercoid (infective stage of Direct life cycle: no intermediate host
- Infective stage for second immediate host definitive host) eggs inside small intestine hatch
(freshwater fishes) release hexacanth embryo/oncosphere
plocercoid (what the procercoid will become) – once flea larval becomes adult, oncosphere will oncosphere will become cysticercoid
infective stage for definitive host (fish-consuming become cysticercoid internal multiplication
Pathology Obstruction of bowel movement - Asymptomatic
Blockage of small intestine o since the parasite is small. Signs and
Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms appear if individual is heavily infected
Completes for Vitamin B12 with the host Enteritis in heavy infections (inflammation of
B12 is important for the formation of blood the lining of theintestine)
cells Lack of appetite
Bothriocephalus anemia/pernicious anemia o Parasite directly competes with the host’s
Abdominal discomfort nutrients
Diarrhea Abdominal pain
Vomiting Anorexia
Weight loss Vomiting
Diagnosis Stool examination (detection of eggs, chain of - Stool exam (eggs, chains of proglottids)
Treatment Praziquantel, Niclosamide, Surgery (worst case) - Praziquantel
Control and thorough cooking of intermediate host - Similar with D. caninum
Prevention prevent access of animals to human excrements Improve hygienic habits
proper human waste disposal Treat infected persons
health education Environmental sanitation
Rodent control