lipids are mostly small molecules. 2. Complex (or compound) lipids : These
Classification of lipids are esters of fatty acids with alcohols containing
additional groups such as phosphate,
Lipids are broadly classified (modified from nitrogenous base, carbohydrate, protein etc.
Bloor) into simple, complex, derived and They are further divided as follows
miscellaneous lipids, which are further subdivided
into different groups (a) Phospholipids : They contain phosphoric
acid and frequently a nitrogenous base.
1. Simple lipids: Esters of fatty acids with This is in addition to alcohol and fatty
alcohols. These are mainly of two types acids.
Chapter 3: LIPIDS 29
Cholesteryl esterase
2. Partition theory proposed by Frazer : This Role of bile salts in lipid absorption
theory states that the digestion of triacylglycerols Besides their participation in digestion, bile
is partial and not complete. The partially
salts are essential for absorption of lipids. Bile
digested triacylglycerols, in association with bile
salts, form emulsions. The lipids are taken up by salts form mixed micelles with lipids. These
micelles are smaller in size than the lipid
the intestinal mucosal cells. As per this theory, emulsion droplets (utilized for digestion,
resynthesis of lipids is not necessary for their entry described above). The micelles have a disk like
into the circulation.
shape with lipids (monoacylglycerol, fatty acids,
3. Bergstrom theory : This is a more recent cholesterol and phospholipids) at the interior and
and comprehensive theory to explain lipid bile salts at the periphery. The hydrophilic
absorption. It has almost replaced the earlier groups of the lipids are oriented to the outside
theories, and is briefly described hereunder (close to the aqueous environment) and the
The primary products obtained from the lipid the
hydrophobic groups to the inside. In this fashion,
bile salt micelles exert a solubilizing effect
digestion are 2-monoacylglycerol, free fatty acids
and free cholesterol. on the lipids.
Pancreatic lipase
Triacylglycerols Almost Free fatty acids
Phospholipids unchanged Phospholipase A Glycerol
Cholesteryl esters Cholesteryl esterase Cholesterol