SHALE GAS IPTC-13338-MS-P - Sensitivity Studies of Hwells-N
SHALE GAS IPTC-13338-MS-P - Sensitivity Studies of Hwells-N
SHALE GAS IPTC-13338-MS-P - Sensitivity Studies of Hwells-N
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 7–9 December 2009.
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Producing natural gas from shale gas reservoirs has gained momentum over the past few years in North America and will
become an increasingly important component of the world’s energy supply. A shale gas reservoir is characterized as an
organic-rich deposition with extremely low matrix permeability and clusters of mineral-filled “natural” fractures. Shale gas
storage capacity is defined by the adsorbed gas on the organic material within the shale matrix and free gas in the limited
pore space of the shale rocks. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing are the primary enabling technologies to obtain
economical production from the shale gas reservoir.
This paper presents a comprehensive reservoir simulation model to study the impact of reservoir and hydraulic fracturing
parameters on production performance of a shale gas reservoir. The simulation model was constructed as a multi porosity
system with matrix sub-grids to account for transient gas flow from the matrix to the fracture. The extended Langmuir
isotherm was used to model the desorption process of multiple components during the production. Primary hydraulic
fractures perpendicular to the horizontal wellbore were modeled explicitly with thin grid cells that preserved the finite
conductivity. The hydraulically-induced fracture network around the horizontal well was characterized by the matrix-fracture
coupling factor (sigma) and permeability of the fractures.
The study was aimed to quantify the influence of the reservoir and hydraulic fracture parameters using experimental design,
including porosity and permeability of the reservoir matrix and fracture, matrix-fracture sigma factor, matrix subdivisions
and, primary hydraulic fracture half-length, height, spacing and conductivity, rock compaction, non-Darcy flow coefficient,
as well as gas content. Sensitivity tests were performed to identify the most influential reservoir and hydraulic fracture
parameters and provided important insights into the impact of uncertainties on shale gas production forecasts, which can be
critical for fracture treatment design and production scheme optimization.
Fundamentals of unconventional gas reservoirs have been reviewed1 and a multidisciplinary workflow was established for
geological characterization of shale gas reservoirs.2 Studies have been performed to detect natural fractures using 3D-seimic
data and estimate natural fracture patterns in gas shales using production data.3,4 To enable production from a shale gas
reservoir, the key is to stimulate the existing natural fractures or rock fabric by hydraulic-fracture treatments that pump large-
volume, high-rate water with different size of proppents.5 The application of microseismic mapping has revealed
complexities of the created fracture networks and improved our understanding of hydraulic-fracture growth in the gas shale
formation. A semi-analytical pseudo 3-D geomechanical model has been developed to characterize the induced fracture
A shale gas reservoir with shale rock and natural fractures can be typically modeled as a dual-porosity system, proposed by
Warren and Root.7 The key aspect of this approach is to separate the flow through the fractures from the flow inside the
matrix. The reservoir model is represented by two overlapping continua – fracture networks acting as main flow channels and
matrix blocks serving as a major storage source. The interaction between the two continua is controlled through a transfer
2 IPTC 13338
function, also called shape or coupling factor that can be evaluated with typical dimensions of the matrix blocks or distances
between fractures.8
Traditional dual porosity models assume that the matrix to fracture flow is in pseudo steady state. However, shale gas
reservoirs often have a matrix porosity system in which the transient behavior in the matrix becomes important. A discretized
matrix model is available to sub-divide each matrix cell into a series of nested sub-cells, allowing the simulator to predict the
transient behavior.9
The geological complexity and connectivity of naturally fractured reservoirs can be characterized using a discrete fracture
network (DFN) model.10 The stochastic approach of the DFN model enables multiple realizations for a quantitative measure
of uncertainty and validation. Effective techniques have been developed to upscale fracture permeability, porosity, and
matrix-fracture sigma factor from the DFN model to the dual-porosity simulation model, taking into account the complex
fracture system geometry and connectivity.
DP Continuum
Matrix System
Fracture System
Dir. Perm.
Fig. 2: Upscaling of properties from the DFN model to dual porosity system (Golder Associates)
Construction of the discrete fracture network (DFN) models can be constrained with microseismic events generated in the
hydraulic-fracture treatment.11 Fracture locations were interpreted by using event amplitude as an intensity measure, and
fracture sizes were estimated by the relationship between the amplitude and the seismic moment. The resulting geocellular
model would provide a quantitative framework to improve the history-matching process.
The performance of Barnett Shale production from vertical and horizontal wells was evaluated with an integrated approach
involving reservoir characterization (G&G, petrophysics, rock mechanics, etc.), completion/stimulation design, and reservoir
simulation.12,13 An integration methodology and workflow was developed for the Barnett Shale gas reservoir characterization
and simulation.13 The workflow incorporates seismic interpretations and attributes, borehole image and log interpretations,
core analysis, hydraulic fracturing treatments, and microseimic data to construct reservoir models and discrete fracture
networks that are then upscaled to dual-porosity reservoir models for numerical simulation.
Sensitivity studies
A base simulation model was constructed to evaluate sensitivities of reservoir and hydraulic fracture parameters for a
horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures in a shale gas reservoir. The model dimensions are 4000 ft in length, 2000 ft
in width, and 300 ft in height. Ten transverse hydraulic fractures with 300 ft spacing are placed along a 3000 ft horizontal
IPTC 13338 3
wellbore. The hydraulic fractures are explicitly represented by grid cells with a width of 0.01 ft. The top of the reservoir is
assumed to be 7000ft.
Matrix subdivision
The model is a dual porosity system with shale matrix and natural fracture. To account for transient flow of free gas from the
matrix to the fracture, the Multi-Porosity option in ECLIPSE14 was applied to divide each matrix cell into a series of nested
sub-cells that are logarithmic away from the fracture face. Matrix sub-grids forms a series of separate one-dimensional flow
systems connected to corresponding fracture cells. The gas in the matrix pore space migrates into fracture channels, driven by
an unsteady-state pressure gradient. Fig. 3 shows the pressure profile vs. time in nested matrix sub-cells divided spherically,
called “Russian doll.” From Fig. 4, it can be seen that the transient flow facilitated by matrix subdivision has a significant
impact on early gas production.
Pressure (psi)
T = 0 YR
T = 1 YR
Matrix T = 2 YRS
T = 5 YRS
T = 10 YRS
T = 20 YRS
0 10 20 30 40 50
d (ft)
Matrix Subdivision = 1
Gas Production Rate
Matrix Subdivision = 4
0 5 10 15 20
Reservoir parameters
The ultra-low permeability of the shale matrix typically ranges from 10 to 100 nano-Darcies (or 0.00001 to 0.0001 md). The
shale matrix rock has porosity of 2-8%. The hydraulic fracturing process “opens” the calcite-filled natural fractures and
“breaks” the matrix rock. As a result, a vast, complex fracture network, known as the ESV (estimated stimulated volume), is
4 IPTC 13338
formed around the wellbore to effectively drain the gas. Dominate flow paths within the ESV can be approximated as
primary hydraulic fractures and hydraulically induced fractures.
A sensitivity study was performed on stimulated fracture network permeability ranging from 0.0001 to 0.001 md, and matrix-
fracture sigma factor ranging from 12 to 1.2E-5, corresponding to matrix block sizes (or distance between fractures) from 1
to 1000 ft. The variation in the porosity of the stimulated fracture network is assumed to be 0.2-0.8%. To account for the
transient behavior of the flow from the matrix to the fracture, each matrix grid block was divided into 1 to 5 sub-cells. Fig. 5
shows the impact of the reservoir parameters on the production performance. The hydraulic fracture parameters such as
spacing (300 ft), conductivity (5 md-ft), height (200 ft), and half-length (300 ft) were fixed in this sensitivity study.
Kf = 0.0001 md
Production (MMSCF)
Sigma = 1.2E-5
Production (MMSCF)
Kf = 0.0005 md
Cumulative Gas
Cumulative Gas
Kf = 0.001 md Sigma = 12
4000 4000
2000 2000
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Year Year
(a) (b)
Stimulated fracture
Matrix Subdivision 36%
network permeability
Matrix-fracture sigma 33%
Production (MMSCF)
Subdivision = 1
Cumulative Gas
Fracture porosity 7%
Matrix sub-division 6%
0% 20% 40%
0 5 10 15 20
Year Influence of Reservoir Parameters
(c) (d)
Fig. 5: Impact of reservoir parameters on cumulative gas production. (a) Impact of stimulated fracture network permeability;
(b) Impact of matrix-fracture sigma; (c) Impact of matrix subdivision; (d) Influence of all reservoir parameters
Fig. 5 demonstrates that the most influential reservoir parameters were the stimulated fracture network permeability and
matrix-fracture sigma factor. From a standpoint of hydraulic-fracture treatments in the shale gas reservoirs, it is
understandable that the stimulation processes can enhance fracture flow capability by activating existing natural fractures and
increase contact areas by cracking shale rocks. It is expected there will be an increase in stimulated fracture network
permeability and matrix-fracture sigma factor within the ESV constrained by microseismic activities. This implies that
reservoir characterization is very important in the evaluation of shale gas production. With integration of the DFN model,
hydraulic-fracture treatment data, and microseismic events, reservoir properties within the ESV can be better characterized
and upscaled for reservoir simulation. Fig. 6 shows that an enhancement in stimulated fracture network permeability can
result in a larger drainage area around the well.
IPTC 13338 5
A sensitivity study of hydraulic fracture parameters has been performed with fixed reservoir properties such as stimulated
fracture network permeability (5E-4 md) and porosity (0.6%), matrix permeability (5E-5 md) and porosity (6%), matrix-
fracture sigma factor (1.33E-4), and matrix subdivision (3). The impact of hydraulic fracture parameters on the cumulative
gas production is illustrated in Fig. 7. The impact of hydraulic fracture half-length, spacing, and conductivity on the drainage
area around the horizontal well is shown Fig. 8.
Xf = 100 ft
Production (MMSCF)
Production (MMSCF)
Spacing = 300 ft
Xf = 500 ft Spacing = 200 ft Height = 300 ft
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Year Year Year
2000 Fracture
0% 20% 40%
0 5 10 15 20
Year Influence of Hydraulic Fracture Parameters
(d) (e)
Fig. 7: Impact of hydraulic fracture parameters on cumulative gas production. (a) Impact of hydraulic fracture half-length; (b)
Impact of hydraulic fracture spacing; (c) Impact of hydraulic fracture height; (d) Impact of hydraulic fracture conductivity;
(e) Influence of all hydraulic fracture parameters.
6 IPTC 13338
Hydraulic Fracture Spacing = 600 ft Hydraulic Fracture Spacing = 200 ft
Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity = 1 md-ft Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity = 50 md-ft
Fracture Pressure (Psia) After 20 Years
Fig. 8: Impact of hydraulic fracture parameters on the drainage area. (a) Impact of hydraulic fracture half-length; (b) Impact
of hydraulic fracture spacing; (d) Impact of hydraulic fracture conductivity
Other parameters
In this section, the impact of rock compaction, non-Darcy flow, and gas content on the shale gas production is investigated.
Considerable compaction effects are usually seen in propped hydraulic fractures. Effects of rock compaction are tested using
rock compaction tables with pore volume and transmissibility multipliers. The pore volume multipliers are computed from
the rock compressibility (Cr) ranging from 1E-6 to 1E-4 1/psi. The transmissibility multipliers are assumed to be a cubic
power of the pore volume multipliers. The turbulent flow due to high gas flow rates in and around fractures is modeled with
the Non-Darcy flow coefficient varying from 0 to 20. The gas adsorption is measured by gas content that is a volume
constant in the Langmuir isotherm. The gas contents range from 0 to 350 SCF/ton in the model. All reservoir and hydraulic
fracture parameters are fixed to investigate sensitivities of rock compaction, non-Darcy flow, and gas content. The results are
shown in Fig. 9. It is expected that significant rock compaction and non-darcy flow behavior occur in and around hydraulic
fractures, illustrated in Fig. 10.
IPTC 13338 7
Production (MMSCF)
Cr = 1E-5 1/psi Non-Darcy Coeff = 5
Production (MMSCF)
Cumulative Gas
Cr = 1E-6 1/psi Non-Darcy Coeff = 0
Cumulative Gas
4000 4000
2000 2000
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Year Year
(a) (b)
Gas Content
6000 Rock
Gas Content = 0 scf/ton compaction
Gas Content = 100 scf/ton
Production (MMSCF)
Non-Darcy flow 32%
Gas content 15%
0% 20% 40% 60%
0 5 10 15 20
Year Influence of Other Parameters
(c) (d)
Fig. 9: Impact of other parameters on cumulative gas production. (a) Impact of rock compaction; (b) Impact of non-Darcy
flow; (c) Impact of gas content; (d) Influence of other parameters
Transmissibility Reduction after 2 Years Forchheimer Non-Darcy Flow Factor after 2 Years
(a) (b)
Fig. 10: Impact of rock compaction and non-Darcy flow. (a) Significant transmissibility reduction around fractures; (b)
Deviation of the flow behavior from Darcy’s law in fractures.
All parameters
With variation of all parameters within their individual data ranges, linear experiments of Plackett-Burman type have been
designed to screen influential parameters including reservoir, hydraulic fracture, rock compaction, non-darcy flow, as well as
gas content. The results are demonstrated in Fig. 11. The matrix-fracture sigma factor and stimulated fracture network
permeability are identified as the most influential parameters. Primary hydraulic fracture spacing, conductivity, and half-
length are also important. The rock compaction around the propped hydraulic fractures has a significant, negative impact on
the gas production.
8 IPTC 13338
0% 10% 20%
The matrix-fracture sigma factor and stimulated fracture network permeability are the most influential parameters. The
discrete fracture network (DFN) model conditioned with hydraulic-fracture treatment data and microseismic events should be
able to characterize fracture intensity, width, and permeability, and/or fracture conductivity within the ESV. The updated
DFN model can be upscaled to dual-porosity system properties such as the matrix-fracture sigma factor and stimulated
fracture network permeability. The resulting reservoir model can improve the history matching process and provide reliable
forecasts of the shale gas production performance.
Hydraulic fracture conductivity, spacing, half-length are all important factors. The primary hydraulic fractures initiated from
the perforation clusters in multiple stages likely receive most of the proppants and possess high conductivity. The highly
conductive primary fractures have significant impacts on the gas production. The optimal hydraulic fracture spacing is
essential for achieving high recovery factor and minimizing costs. The hydraulic fracture length and stimulated region size
determine the well drainage area, which is a crucial factor to estimate well spacing.
Rock compaction in propped hydraulic fractures, especially in geopressured environment, is an important factor. As the
pressure declines, the fractures start to “close” due to compaction, proppant embedment, proppant crushing, and fine
migration, etc. The rock compaction has a negative impact on the gas production.
The matrix subdivision can describe the transient behavior of gas flow from the matrix pore space to the fracture channels.
The transient behavior dominates during early decline of the gas production.
IPTC 13338 9
The authors wish to thank Schlumberger for permission to publish this paper. Thanks are extended to Walt Sawyer and Li
Fan for reviewing the manuscript and valuable suggestions.
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