Kwahu South
Kwahu South
Kwahu South
No meaningful developmental activity can be undertaken without taking into account the
characteristics of the population for whom the activity is targeted. The size of the population
and its spatial distribution, growth and change over time, in addition to its socio-economic
characteristics are all important in development planning.
A population census is the most important source of data on the size, composition, growth
and distribution of a country’s population at the national and sub-national levels. Data from
the 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC) will serve as reference for equitable
distribution of national resources and government services, including the allocation of
government funds among various regions, districts and other sub-national populations to
education, health and other social services.
The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is delighted to provide data users, especially the
Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies, with district-level analytical reports based
on the 2010 PHC data to facilitate their planning and decision-making.
The District Analytical Report for the Kwahu South District is one of the 216 district census
reports aimed at making data available to planners and decision makers at the district level. In
addition to presenting the district profile, the report discusses the social and economic
dimensions of demographic variables and their implications for policy formulation, planning
and interventions. The conclusions and recommendations drawn from the district report are
expected to serve as a basis for improving the quality of life of Ghanaians through evidence-
based decision-making, monitoring and evaluation of developmental goals and intervention
For ease of accessibility to the census data, the district report and other census reports
produced by the GSS will be disseminated widely in both print and electronic formats. The
report will also be posted on the GSS website:
The GSS wishes to express its profound gratitude to the Government of Ghana for providing
the required resources for the conduct of the 2010 PHC. While appreciating the contribution
of our Development Partners (DPs) towards the successful implementation of the Census, we
wish to specifically acknowledge the Department for Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Development (DFATD) formerly the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) for providing resources for
the preparation of all the 216 district reports. Our gratitude also goes to the Metropolitan,
Municipal and District Assemblies, the Ministry of Local Government, Consultant Guides,
Consultant Editors, Project Steering Committee members and their respective institutions for
their invaluable support during the report writing exercise. Finally, we wish to thank all the
report writers, including the GSS staff who contributed to the preparation of the reports, for
their dedication and diligence in ensuring the timely and successful completion of the district
census reports.
CHAPTER SEVEN: AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES ................................................... 45
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 45
7.2 Households in Agriculture ........................................................................................ 45
CHAPTER EIGHT: HOUSING CONDITIONS ............................................................... 48
8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 48
8.2 Housing stock and Households ................................................................................. 48
8.3 Type of dwelling, holding and tenancy arrangement ................................................ 49
8.4 Construction Materials .............................................................................................. 51
8.5 Room Occupancy ...................................................................................................... 52
8.6 Access to Utilities and Household facilities .............................................................. 53
8.7 Main Source of Water for drinking and for other domestic use................................ 54
8.8 Bathing and Toilet Facilities ..................................................................................... 56
8.9 Method of Waste Disposal ........................................................................................ 58
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 60
9.2 Summary of key findings .......................................................................................... 60
9.3 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 64
9.4 Policy Implications .................................................................................................... 65
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 67
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................ 68
LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ................................................................................................ 71
Table 8.10: Main source of water for drinking and other domestic purposes ......................... 55
Table 8.11: Main source of water for other domestic purposes ............................................... 56
Table 8.13: Type of toilet facility and bathing facility used by household by type of locality58
Table 8.14: Method of solid and liquid waste disposal by type of locality ............................ 59
Table A1: Household composition by type of locality ......................................................... 68
Table A2: Population by sex, number of households and houses in the 20 largest
communities ......................................................................................................... 69
Table A3: Population by age group in the 20 largest communities ....................................... 70
Figure 7.2: Households in agriculture by type of locality and sex of head ............................ 46
The district census report is the first of its kind since the first post-independence census was
conducted in 1960. The report provides basic information about the district. It gives a brief
background of the district, describing its physical features, political and administrative
structure, socio-cultural structure and economy. Using data from the 2010 Population and
Housing Census (2010 PHC), the report discusses the population characteristics of the district,
fertility, mortality, migration, marital status, literacy and education, economic activity status,
occupation, employment; Information Communication Technology (ICT), disability,
agricultural activities and housing conditions of the district. The key findings of the analysis are
as follows (references are to the relevant sections of the report):
economically not active. A greater proportion of those who have never married (63.1%) are
economically not active with 4.3 percent unemployed.
The proportion of Ghanaians by birth in the district is 95.7 percent. Those who have
naturalised constitute 0.6 percent and the non-Ghanaian population in the district is 2.0
The housing stock of Kwahu South District is 14,087 representing 3.3 percent of the total
number of houses in the Eastern Region. The average number of persons per house is 4.8.
Type, tenancy arrangement and ownership of dwelling units
Over half (52.6%) of all dwelling units in the district are compound houses; 37.2 percent are
separate houses and 5.2 percent are semi-detached houses. Less than half (45.0%) of the
dwelling units in the district are owned by members of the household; 31.1 percent are owned
by private individuals; 16.3 percent are owned by a relative who is not a member of the
Material for construction of outer wall, floor and roof
The main construction material for outer walls of dwelling units in the district is cement
blocks/concrete accounting for 61.4 percent with mud bricks/earth cement/ constituting 32.4
percent of outer walls of dwelling units in the district. Cement (70.1%) and mud/earth
(26.1%) are the two main materials used in the construction of floors of dwelling units in the
district. Metal sheets are the main roofing material (86.6 %) for dwelling units in the district.
Room occupancy
One room constitutes the highest percentage (87.7%) of sleeping rooms occupied by
households in housing units in the district. About 8.6 percent of households with 10 or more
members occupy single rooms.
Waste disposal
The most widely method of solid waste disposal is by public dump in the open space
accounting for 47.5 percent. About two in twenty households (13.0%) dump their solid waste
indiscriminately. House to house waste collection accounts for 2.2 percent. For liquid waste
disposal, throwing waste onto the compound (48.3%) and onto the street (28.6%) are the two
most common methods used by households in the district.
1.1 Background
The Kwahu South District is one of the twenty-six (26) districts in the Eastern Region of
Ghana. It was established in 1988 under L.I 1988, Act 1742. Mpraeso is the district capital.
1.1.1 Location and Size
The district shares common boundaries with Kwahu East to the North, Asante-Akim South to
the West, the Kwahu West Municipality and East Akim District to the South and Fanteakwa
District to the East. Specifically, it lies between latitudes 6°35” N and 6° 45”N and longitude
0° 55” W and 0° 20”W.
1.1.2 Population
The total population of the district is 69,757 made up of 33,094 males and 36,663 females. It
occupies a total land area of 795.76 square kilometers and has a population density of 88
persons per square kilometer.
1.2.3 Vegetation
The district lies within the semi-deciduous forest zone. The vegetation is dense with most
trees shedding their leaves in the dry season. Trees of economic value like Milicia
excelsa(Odum), Sterculia rhinopetala(Wawa), Entandrophragma cylindricum(Sapele), etc
are found in the forest. The forest is made up of three layers namely the upper, middle and
lower layers. A greater part of the natural vegetation has been altered due to man’s activities
on the land.
The forests however, are still in their natural state in the reserve areas. Some of the forests
include the Southern scarp forest (146.38km2), Oworobong South forest (35.54km2) reserves
among others. .
Together, the reserves cover a total of 181.92km2 according to recent records obtained from
the Forestry Department of Kwahu South District.
1.2.4 Soils
A classification of soils in the district reveals that they belong to the Forest Ochrosols, and
consist of fine sandy loams, congreational loams, non-gravel sandy clay loams and iron pans.
These soils possess good chemical properties of clay and appreciable amount of humus,
making them generally fertile for the production of both cash and food crops such as cocoa,
coffee, plantain, yams, etc. From the above description of relief, drainage, climate, vegetation
and soils, it would be realized that the district has great potentials for agriculture, tourism and
stone quarrying.
Figure 1.1: Map of Kwahu South District
1.5 Economy of the District
The economy of the Kwahu South District Assembly is predominantly agrarian, offering over
44.7% employment to the working population. Other sectors of the economy are service and
industry which are mainly small scale. Majority of farmers in the Kwahu South District
practice subsistence farming. The rocky and hilly topography of the land does not allow
much agricultural mechanization to be practiced. In low lying areas along the Afram River
however, some agric mechanization has started. Crops such as plantain, cassava, cocoyam,
yam, etc are grown in areas such as Bepong, Ntomem, Asakraka and Kwahu Praso.
Vegetables like onions, garden eggs, tomatoes and pepper are grown in communities such as
Nketepa, Amarte and Kwahu Amanfrom. With respect to grains, the commonest ones grown
by farmers include maize and beans. Fruits like banana, oranges and pineapple are grown at
Bepong, Ntomem and their environs.
Commercial Activity
Apart from farming, the main economic activity of the people in the district is pottery as most
women are engaged in pottery making particularly grinding bowls: shallow dishes with
strong, inverted rims and ridges on the interior used to grind vegetables with a small wooden
pestle. Petty trading is also very common as most of the populace engage in small scale
buying and selling.
1.5.2 Mining
The District is endowed with some mineral resources of economic importance and quantities.
Notable among them are gold, bauxite, manganese, granite stone and clay. The bulk of these
mineral resources remain untapped and could be found in the following locations; Besease,
Odumase, Obemeng, Asikam for gold, mount Odweanoma for both bauxite and manganese
and Nkyenekyene, Amate, New Oworobong for granite stone.
Some topics that were not considered core by the UN recommendations but which were
found to be of great interest and importance to Ghana and were, therefore, included in the
2010 PHC are religion, ethnicity, employment sector and place of work, agricultural activity,
as well as housing topics, such as, type of dwelling, materials for outer wall, floor and roof,
tenure/holding arrangement, number of sleeping rooms, cooking fuel, cooking space and
Information Communication Technology (ICT).
Census mapping
A timely and well implemented census mapping is pivotal to the success of any population
and housing census. Mapping delineates the country into enumeration areas to facilitate
smooth enumeration of the population. The updating of the 2000 Census Enumeration Area
(EA) maps started in the last quarter of 2007 with the acquisition of topographic sheets of all
indices from the Survey and Mapping Division of the Lands Commission. In addition, digital
sheets were also procured for the Geographical Information System Unit.
The Cartography Unit of the Census Secretariat collaborated with the Survey and Mapping
Division of the Lands Commission and the Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic
Information Services (CERSGIS) of the Department of Geography and Resource
Development, University of Ghana, to determine the viability of migrating from analog to
digital mapping for the 2010 PHC, as recommended in the 2000 PHC Administrative Report.
Field cartographic work started in March 2008 and was completed in February 2010.
Greater Accra Region. Experience from the pre-tests was used to improve the final census
A trial census which is a dress rehearsal of all the activities and procedures that are planned
for the main census was carried out in October/November 2009. These included recruitment
and training, distribution of census materials, administration of the questionnaire and other
census forms, enumeration of the various categories of the population (household,
institutional and floating population), and data processing. The trial census was held in six
selected districts across the country namely; Saboba (Northern Region), Chereponi (Northern
Region), Sene (Brong Ahafo Region), Bia (Western Region), Awutu Senya (Central
Region), and Osu Klottey Sub-Metro (Greater Accra Region). A number of factors were
considered in selecting the trial census districts. These included: administrative boundary
issues, ecological zone, and accessibility, enumeration of floating population/outdoor-
sleepers, fast growing areas, institutional population, and enumeration areas with scattered
The trial census provided GSS with an opportunity to assess its plans and procedures as well
as the state of preparedness for the conduct of the 2010 PHC. The common errors found
during editing of the completed questionnaires resulted in modifications to the census
questionnaire, enumerator manuals and other documents. The results of the trial census
assisted GSS to arrive at technically sound decisions on the ideal number of persons per
questionnaire, number of persons in the household roster, migration questions, placement of
the mortality question, serial numbering of houses/housing structures and method of
collection of information on community facilities. Lessons learnt from the trial census also
guided the planning of the recruitment process, the procedures for training of census field
staff and the publicity and education interventions.
individuals and also to cross out names of those who were absent from the institutions on
Census Night. Out-door sleepers (floating population) were also enumerated on the Census
Enumeration of the household population started on Monday, 27th September, 2010.
Enumerators visited houses, compounds and structures in their enumeration areas and started
enumerating all households including visitors who spent the Census Night in the households.
Enumeration was carried out in the order in which houses/structures were listed and where
the members of the household were absent, the enumerator left a call-back-card indicating
when he/she would come back to enumerate the household. The enumeration process took off
smoothly with enumerators poised on completing their assignments on schedule since many
of them were teachers and had to return to school. However, many enumerators ran short of
questionnaires after a few days’ work.
Enumeration resumed in all districts when the questionnaire shortage was resolved and by
17th October, 2010, enumeration was completed in most districts. Enumerators who had
finished their work were mobilized to assist in the enumeration of localities that were yet to
be enumerated in some regional capitals and other fast growing areas. Flooded areas and
other inaccessible localities were also enumerated after the end of the official enumeration
period. Because some enumeration areas in fast growing cities and towns, such as, Accra
Metropolitan Area, Kumasi, Kasoa and Techiman were not properly demarcated and some
were characterized by large EAs, some enumerators were unable to complete their assigned
tasks within the stipulated time.
1.6.5 Release and dissemination of results
The provisional results of the census were released in February 2011 and the final results in
May 2012. A National Analytical report, six thematic reports, a Census Atlas, 10 Regional
Reports and a report on Demographic, Social, Economic and Housing were prepared and
disseminated in 2013.
1.6.6 Concepts and Definitions
The 2010 Population and Housing Census of Ghana followed the essential concepts and
definitions of a modern Population and Housing Census as recommended by the United
Nations (UN). It is important that the concepts, definitions and recommendations are adhered
to since they form the basis upon which Ghana could compare her data with that of other
The concepts and definitions in this report cover all sections of the 2010 Population and
Housing Census questionnaires (PHC1A and PHC1B). The sections were: geographical
location of the population, Household and Non-household population, Literacy and
Education, Emigration, Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Disability, Information
Communication Technology (ICT), Fertility, Mortality, Agricultural Activity and Housing
The concepts and definitions are provided to facilitate understanding and use of the data
presented in this report. Users are therefore advised to use the results of the census within the
context of these concepts and definitions.
There were ten (10) administrative regions in Ghana during the 2010 Population and Housing
Census as they were in 1984 and 2000.
In 1988, Ghana changed from the local authority system of administration to the district
assembly system. In that year, the then existing 140 local authorities were demarcated into
110 districts. In 2004, 28 new districts were created; this increased the number of districts in
the country to 138. In 2008, 32 additional districts were created bringing the total number of
districts to 170. The 2010 Population and Housing Census was conducted in these 170
administrative districts (these are made-up of 164 districts/municipals and 6 metropolitan
areas). In 2012, 46 new districts were created to bring the total number of districts to 216.
There was urgent need for data for the 46 newly created districts for planning and decision-
making. To meet this demand, the 2010 Census data was re-programmed into 216 districts
after carrying out additional fieldwork and consultations with stakeholders in the districts
affected by the creation of the new districts.
A locality was defined as a distinct population cluster (also designated as inhabited place,
populated centre, settlement) which has a NAME or LOCALLY RECOGNISED STATUS. It
included fishing hamlets, mining camps, ranches, farms, market towns, villages, towns, cities
and many other types of population clusters, which meet the above criteria. There were two
main types of localities, rural and urban. As in previous censuses, the classification of
localities into ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ was based on population size. Localities with 5,000 or more
persons were classified as urban while localities with less than 5,000 persons were classified
as rural.
The 2010 Census was a “de facto” count and each person present in Ghana, irrespective of
nationality, was enumerated at the place where he/she spent the midnight of 26th September
A household was defined as a person or a group of persons, who lived together in the same
house or compound and shared the same house-keeping arrangements. In general, a
household consisted of a man, his wife, children and some other relatives or a house help who
may be living with them. However, it is important to remember that members of a household
are not necessarily related (by blood or marriage) because non-relatives (e.g. house helps)
may form part of a household.
Head of Household
The household head was defined as a male or female member of the household recognised as
such by the other household members. The head of household is generally the person who has
economic and social responsibility for the household. All relationships are defined with
reference to the head.
Household and Non-household population
Household population comprised of all persons who spent the census night in a household
setting. All persons who did not spend the census night in a household setting (except
otherwise stated) were classified as non-household population. Persons who spent census
night in any of the under listed institutions and locations were classified as non-household
(a) Educational Institutions
(b) Children's and Old People’s Homes
(c) Hospitals and Healing Centres
(d) Hotels
(e) Prisons
(f) Service Barracks
(g) Soldiers on field exercise
(h) Floating Population: The following are examples of persons in this category:
i. All persons who slept in lorry parks, markets, in front of stores and offices, public
bathrooms, petrol filling stations, railway stations, verandas, pavements, and all
such places which are not houses or compounds.
ii. Hunting and fishing camps.
iii. Beggars and vagrants (mentally sick or otherwise).
The age of every person was recorded in completed years disregarding fractions of days and
months. For those persons who did not know their birthdays, the enumerator estimated their
ages using a list of district, regional and national historical events.
Nationality is defined as the country to which a person belongs. A distinction is made
between Ghanaians and other nationals. Ghanaian nationals are grouped into Ghanaian by
birth, Ghanaian with dual nationality and Ghanaian by naturalization. Other nationals are
grouped into ECOWAS nationals, Africans other than ECOWAS nationals, and non-
Ethnicity refers to the ethnic group that a person belonged to. This information is collected
only from Ghanaians by birth and Ghanaians with dual nationality. The classification of
ethnic groups in Ghana is that officially provided by the Bureau of Ghana Languages and
which has been in use since the 1960 census.
The birthplace of a person refers to the locality of usual residence of the mother at the time of
birth. If after delivery a mother stayed outside her locality of usual residence for six months
or more or had the intention of staying in the new place for six or more months, then the
actual town/village of physical birth becomes the birthplace of the child.
Duration of Residence
Duration of residence refers to the number of years a person has lived in a particular place.
This question is only asked of persons not born in the place where enumeration took place.
Breaks in duration of residence lasting less than 12 months are disregarded. The duration of
residence of persons who made multiple movements of one (1) year or more is assumed to be
the number of years lived in the locality (town or village) since the last movement.
Religion refers to the individual’s religious affiliation as reported by the respondent,
irrespective of the religion of the household head or the head’s spouse or the name of the
person. No attempt was made to find out if respondents actually practiced the faith they
Marital Status
Marital status refers to the respondent’s marital status as at Census Night. The question on
marital status was asked only of persons 12 years and older. The selection of the age limit of
12 years was based on the average age at menarche and also on the practice in some parts of
the country where girls as young as 12 years old could be given in marriage.
The question on literacy referred to the respondent's ability to read and write in any language.
A person was considered literate if he/she could read and write a simple statement with
understanding. The question on literacy was asked only of persons 11 years and older.
School Attendance
Data was collected on school attendance for all persons three (3) years and older. School
attendance refers to whether a person has ever attended, was currently attending or has never
attended school. In the census, school meant an educational institution where a person
received at least four hours of formal education.
Although the lower age limit of formal education is six years for primary one, eligibility for
the school attendance question was lowered to three years because pre-school education has
become an important phenomenon in the country.
Level of Education
Level of education refers to the highest level of formal school that a person ever attended or
was attending. This information was obtained for persons 3 years and older.
Activity Status
Activity status refers to economic or non-economic activity of respondents during the 7 days
preceding census night. Information on type of activity was collected on persons 5 years and
older. A person was regarded as economically active if he/she:
a. Worked for pay or profit or family gain for at least 1 hour within the 7 days preceding
Census Night. This included persons who were in paid employment or self-
employment or contributing family workers.
b. Did not work, but had jobs to return to.
c. Were unemployed.
The economically not active were persons who did not work and were not seeking for work.
They were classified by reasons for not being economically active. Economically not active
persons included homemakers, students, retired persons, the disabled and persons who were
unable to work due to their age or ill-health.
This referred to the type of work the person was engaged in at the establishment where he/she
worked. This was asked only of persons 5 years and older who worked 7 days before the
census night, and those who did not work but had a job to return to as well as those
unemployed who had worked before. All persons who worked during the 7 days before the
census night were classified by the kind of work they were engaged in. The emphasis was on
the work the person did during the reference period and not what he/she was trained to do.
For those who did not work but had a job to return to, their occupation was the job they
would go back to after the period of absence. Also, for persons who had worked before and
were seeking for work and available for work, their occupation was on the last work they did
before becoming unemployed. If a person was engaged in more than one occupation, only the
main one was considered.
Industry referred to the type of product produced or service rendered at the respondent’s work
place. Information was collected only on the main product produced or service rendered in
the establishment during the reference period.
Employment Status
Employment status refers to the status of a person in the establishment where he/she currently
works or previously worked. Eight employment status categories were provided: employee,
self-employed without employees, self-employed with employees, casual worker,
contributing family worker, apprentice, domestic employee (house help). Persons who could
not be classified under any of the above categories were classified as “other”.
Employment Sector
This refers to the sector in which a person worked. The employment sectors covered in the
census were public, private formal, private informal, semi-public/parastatal, NGOs and
international organizations.
Persons with disability were defined as those who were unable to or were restricted in the
performance of specific tasks/activities due to loss of function of some part of the body as a
result of impairment or malformation. Information was collected on persons with visual/sight
impairment, hearing impairment, mental retardation, emotional or behavioural disorders and
other physical challenges.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
ICT questions were asked for both individuals and households. Persons having mobile
phones refer to respondents 12 years and older who owned mobile phones (irrespective of the
number of mobile phones owned by each person). Persons using internet facility refers to
those who had access to internet facility at home, internet cafe, on mobile phone or other
mobile device. Internet access is assumed to be not only via computer, but also by mobile
phones, PDA, game machine and digital television.
Households having Personal Computers/Laptops refer to households who own
desktops/laptop computers. The fixed telephone line refers to a telephone line connecting a
customer’s terminal equipment (e.g. telephone set, facsimile machine) to the public switch
telephone network.
Two types of fertility data were collected: lifetime fertility and current fertility. Lifetime
fertility refers to the total number of live births that females 12 years and older had ever had
during their life time. Current fertility refers to the number of live births that females 12-54
years old had in the 12 months preceding the Census Night.
Mortality refers to all deaths that occurred in the household during the 12 months preceding
the Census Night. The report presents information on deaths due to accidents, violence,
homicide and suicide. In addition, data were collected on pregnancy-related deaths of
females 12-54 years.
The census sought information on household members who are engaged in agricultural
activities, including the cultivation of crops or tree planting, rearing of livestock or breeding
of fish for sale or family consumption. Information was also collected on their farms, types of
crops and number and type of livestock.
Housing Conditions and Facilities
The UN recommended definition of a house as “a structurally separate and independent place
of abode such that a person or group of persons can isolate themselves from the hazards of
climate such as storms and the sun’’ was adopted. The definition, therefore, covered any type
of shelter used as living quarters, such as separate houses, semi-detached houses,
flats/apartments, compound houses, huts, tents, kiosks and containers.
Living quarters or dwelling units refer to a specific area or space occupied by a particular
household and therefore need not necessarily be the same as the house of which the dwelling
unit may be a part.
Information collected on housing conditions included the type of dwelling unit, main
construction materials for walls, floor and roof, holding/tenure arrangement, ownership type,
type of lighting, source of water supply and toilet facilities. Data was also collected on
method of disposal of solid and liquid waste.
2.1 Introduction
Information on age composition and sex structure allows for proper planning of programmes
and policy implementation. r in order to deepen our decentralization process it is imperative
for us to have statistics on age composition, the sex structure , the population distribution ,
the age dependency, migration, fertility and mortality etc.
Figure 2.1 gives a graphical presentation of age-sex structure of the district. The figure shows
a youthful structure that is characteristic of a developing country such as Ghana. The pyramid
is broad at the base, indicating majority of the population falls within the very young age
group of 0-4 years. The pyramid narrows gradually from the base to the top indicating a
gradual reduction in the population until it peaks at age 85 and older. Another feature of the
district population pyramid is that there are more females in the older age groups than the
males as you approach the peak.
Figure 2.1: Population pyramid
75-79 Male Female
Two types of fertility measures are used to examine levels of fertility in the district. These are
current fertility measures and cumulative fertility measures. Current fertility measures such as
total fertility rate (TFR) are based on data covering a short period of time such as a year ( in
the case of population censuses) or five years (in surveys), while cumulative measures such
as mean children ever born are based on retrospective fertility data covering women’s
reproductive performance over their lifetime.
Current fertility
Table 2.2 shows reported fertility rate, general fertility rate and crude birth rate by district and
region. The most commonly used measures of current fertility are the total fertility rate
(TFR). It is defined as the number of children a woman would have by the end of her
childbearing years if she were to experience the currently observed age-specific fertility rates.
The table shows that 67,900 births occurred in the district in the 12 months preceding the
census. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) for the district is 3.8 children per woman, which is
higher than the regional average of 3.5. The table also presents other fertility measures. The
General Fertility Rate which indicates the number of births per 1000 women of reproductive
age is 114.0 compared with the regional average of 103.9. Similarly, district’s Crude Birth
Rate of 26.8 per 1000 population is higher than that of the regional average of 25.8 per 1000
Table 2.2: Reported total fertility rate, general fertility rate and crude birth
rate by district
Number of Number of Total *General **Crude
women 15- births in last Fertility Fertility Birth
District Population 49 years 12 months Rate Rate Rate
All Districts 2,633,154 643,534 66,840 3.5 103.9 25.4
Birim South 119,767 28,227 3,227 3.9 114.3 26.9
Birim Municipal 144,869 37,286 3,359 3.1 90.1 23.2
West Akim Municipal 108,298 26,983 2,885 3.6 106.9 26.6
Suhum Municipal 90,358 22,423 2,109 3.1 94.1 23.3
Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal 86,000 22,241 1,996 3.1 89.7 23.2
Akwapem North 136,483 33,245 3,439 3.6 103.4 25.2
New Juaben Municipal 183,727 51,991 3,535 2.4 68.0 19.2
Yilo Krobo 87,847 22,199 2,001 2.9 90.1 22.8
Lower Manya 89,246 24,478 2,140 3.0 87.4 24.0
Asuogyaman 98,046 24,863 2,225 3.1 89.5 22.7
Upper Manya 72,092 16,616 1,852 3.7 111.5 25.7
Fanteakwa 108,614 25,543 2,737 3.7 107.2 25.2
East Akim Municipal 167,896 41,601 3,741 3.1 89.9 22.3
Kwaebibirem 113,721 27,940 3,351 4.3 119.9 29.5
Akyem Mansa 97,374 22,080 2,701 4.3 122.3 27.7
Birim North 78,907 18,533 2,152 3.9 116.1 27.3
Atiwa 110,622 25,131 3,163 4.2 125.9 28.6
Kwahu West Municipal 93,584 23,980 2,279 3.3 95.0 24.4
Kwahu South 69,757 16,259 1,854 3.8 114.0 26.6
Kwahu East 77,125 16,910 2,041 4.2 120.7 26.5
Kwahu Afram Plains North 102,423 23,110 2,846 4.2 123.2 27.8
Upper West Akyem 87,051 20,196 2,482 4.2 122.9 28.5
Akwapim South 37,501 9,439 1,031 3.8 109.2 27.5
Ayensuano 77,193 17,192 2,169 4.2 126.2 28.1
Denkyembuor 78,841 19,644 1,950 3.4 99.3 24.7
Kwahu Afram Plains South 115,812 25,424 3,575 4.7 140.6 30.9
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Note: * Number of live births per 1,000 women aged 15-49 years,
** Number of live births per 1,000 population
Cumulative (lifetime) fertility
The mean number of children ever born per woman measures the lifetime or cumulative
fertility performance of female respondents in the reproductive age group. Table 2.3 shows
children ever born and children surviving to the female population 12 years and older by age
of mother. Overall, the table indicates that the district’ average of completed family size for
women aged 12 to 60 years and older is 3.1 children per woman. The average number of
children ever born increases with age with the figure far higher among older women.
Table 2.3: Female population 12 years and older by age, children ever
born, Children surviving and sex of child
2.3.2 Mortality
Data on mortality provide an indication of the health status of the population as well as a
measure of the living conditions of the people. This section provides information on
household deaths within the 12 months preceding the Census Night. Table 2.4 presents the
causes of death by district in the Eastern Region. Out of a total of 879 deaths recoded in the
Kwahu South District, about 10 percent are due to accident or violence or homicide or suicide
which is slightly lower than the regional average of 10.4 percent.
Table 2.4: Household deaths by district
Death due to
Total homicide /suicide All other causes
Region/district deaths Number Percent Number Percent
Eastern 21,519 2,240 10.4 19,279 89.6
Birim south 1,351 153 11.3 1,198 88.7
Birim Municipal 966 118 12.2 848 87.8
West Akim Municipal 866 99 11.4 767 88.6
Suhum Municipal 640 35 5.5 605 94.5
Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal 448 46 10.3 402 89.7
Akwapem North 1,317 106 8.0 1,211 92.0
New Juaben Municipal 1,085 121 11.2 964 88.8
Yilo Krobo 1,198 108 9.0 1,090 91.0
Lower Manya 940 63 6.7 877 93.3
Asuogyaman 853 85 10.0 768 90.0
Upper Manya 607 32 5.3 575 94.7
Fanteakwa 911 73 8.0 838 92.0
East Akim Municipal 1,427 235 16.5 1,192 83.5
Kwaebibirem 727 78 10.7 649 89.3
Akyem Mansa 805 53 6.6 752 93.4
Birim North 595 83 13.9 512 86.1
Atiwa 1,064 94 8.8 970 91.2
Kwahu West Municipal 659 58 8.8 601 91.2
Kwahu South 879 85 9.7 794 90.3
Kwahu East 992 138 13.9 854 86.1
Kwahu Afram Plains North 455 92 20.2 363 79.8
Upper West Akyem 662 62 9.4 600 90.6
Akwapim South 357 61 17.1 296 82.9
Ayensuano 733 49 6.7 684 93.3
Denkyembuor 443 53 12.0 390 88.0
Kwahu Afram Plains South 539 60 11.1 479 88.9
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
The age specific death rate (ASDR) is the number of deaths per year per 1,000 population of
a given age group by sex. Mortality varies considerably by age and sex. Figure 2.2 shows the
expected “U” pattern with the lowest mortality rates occurring in the 10 – 19 year age group.
As expected mortality is high in first years of life, especially among males then falls sharply
and reaches its minimum at age 10-14. Thereafter it rises steadily with advancing age, but
slightly higher among the female population. Whiles mortality picks up momentum among
males by age 35, whereas that of females starts 10 years later, that is from age 45.
Figure 2.2: Reported age specific death rates by sex
2.3.3 Migration
Migration refers to change in usual place of residence. A migrant is therefore defined as a
person whose usual place of residence is different from his/her place of birth or previous
residence. The importance of measuring migration lies in its impact on the population size,
structure and distribution in the district.
Migration is difficult to measure due to its repetitiveness and difficulty in establishing
direction and permanency of the event. Nevertheless census information on birthplace and
duration of residence is used to discuss migration patterns in the district. At the district level,
migration may involve the movement of people between the district and other localities in the
Eastern Region (intra-regional migration) or the movement of people between the district and
other regions in Ghana
Data on place of birth and place of enumeration provides information on migratory
movement of the population. Table 6.6 shows birthplace by duration of residence of migrant
in the district. According to the table majority of migrants in the district are born elsewhere in
the Eastern Region constituting 53.4 percent. This is followed by migrants from Greater
Accra Region constituting 12.0 percent. In terms of duration of residence, migrants from the
Volta Region are in the majority of those who have stayed in the district for up to 20 years or
more accounting for 39.0 percent. This is followed by migrants from the Upper East, 25.5
percent. About 9.4 percent of migrants, born in the Northern Region have stayed in the
district for less than one year
Table 2.5: Birthplace by duration of residence of migrant
3.1 Introduction
The welfare of a nation, the community and the people can be judged by the social
characteristics of the population. Social characteristics include household groups and their
characteristics such as the living arrangements, education, religious affiliation, and marital
characteristics among others. This chapter assesses the social characteristics of the population
in the district. In this chapter, attention will be focused on the household size, household
composition and headship, marital status, nationality, religious affiliation and literacy and
education in the municipality.
headed households (5.1; 3.3) respectively. The distribution further shows that one-member
households constitute the highest proportion of all households in the district (20.6 %), followed
by two member household (14.6%) and four member household (13.5%). Household with nine
members have the lowest proportion (2.7%). The proportion of households headed by males
(22.4%) is relatively higher than those headed by females (18.1%) in one-member households.
Males dominate as heads in all households with the exception of two to four member
households where relatively higher proportions are headed by females. The dominance of the
as heads of households in the district confirm the traditional notion that males are the head of
the house and also the bread winner of a family.
Table 3.2: Household size by sex of household head
Both Sexes Male Head Female Head
Household Size Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total household population 68,182 100.0 32,334 100.0 35,848 100.0
Total households 16,725 100.0 9,707 100.0 7,018 100.0
1 3,448 20.6 2,175 22.4 1,273 18.1
2 2,443 14.6 1,255 12.9 1,188 16.9
3 2,211 13.2 1,139 11.7 1,072 15.3
4 2,251 13.5 1,225 12.6 1,026 14.6
5 1,923 11.5 1,136 11.7 787 11.2
6 1,484 8.9 918 9.5 566 8.1
7 1,025 6.1 631 6.5 394 5.6
8 723 4.3 477 4.9 246 3.5
9 457 2.7 272 2.8 185 2.6
10+ 760 4.5 479 4.9 281 4.0
Average household size 4.1 3.3 5.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 3.3: Household composition by sex
Region/District/Sub- Total Male Female
district/Relationship to head Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 68,182 100.0 32,334 100.0 35,848 100.0
Head 16,725 24.5 9,707 30.0 7,018 19.6
Spouse (wife/husband) 6,429 9.4 492 1.5 5,937 16.6
Child (son/daughter) 25,959 38.1 12,909 39.9 13,050 36.4
Parent/Parent in-law 622 0.9 68 0.2 554 1.6
Son/Daughter in-law 440 0.7 158 0.5 282 0.8
Grandchild 9,028 13.2 4,475 13.8 4,553 12.7
Brother/Sister 2,266 3.3 1,249 3.9 1,017 2.8
Step child 327 0.5 183 0.6 144 0.4
Adopted/Foster child 194 0.3 94 0.3 100 0.3
Other relative 4,661 6.8 2,206 6.8 2,455 6.9
Non-relative 1,531 2.3 793 2.5 738 2.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
3.3 Marital Status
3.3.1 Marital status by age
Table 3.5 shows persons 12 years and older by sex, age-group and marital status. The data
reveals that the age group 12-14 years has the highest percentage of its population never
married (97.1.0%), followed by the age group 15-19 years (90.0%). These young cohorts may
still be in school or training and therefore not ready for marriage. However, the data again
shows that a small proportion of them are married and this raises concern for their education
and general welfare. Generally the proportion married increases with age and peaks at the 45-
49 year age group and then declines with the older ages. On the other hand the proportions of
the divorced and widowed are substantially higher at the older ages (55 years and older) and
more common among females than males. For example more than half (54.6%) of females
aged 65 years and older are widowed compared to about one in ten (11.1%) of their male
Table 3.5: Marital status of population 12 years and older by sex and age-group
Sex/Age- Never union/Living
group Number Total married together Married Separated Divorced Widowed
Both Sexes
Total 47,417 100.0 37.9 4.9 41.8 1.7 7.1 6.7
12 – 14 5,155 100.0 97.1 0.4 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 – 19 7,407 100.0 90.0 3.7 5.8 0.2 0.2 0.1
20 – 24 5,417 100.0 59.7 11.8 26.5 0.8 1.0 0.2
25 – 29 4,687 100.0 32.1 11.8 50.6 2.0 2.9 0.6
30 – 34 3,747 100.0 17.1 7.8 66.3 2.2 5.3 1.2
35 – 39 3,572 100.0 8.8 5.9 73.1 2.5 7.6 2.1
40 – 44 3,093 100.0 5.7 4.4 72.7 2.9 10.7 3.5
45 – 49 2,860 100.0 4.0 2.4 73.7 2.8 12.5 4.6
50 – 54 2,799 100.0 2.9 1.8 67.4 3.5 16.5 8.0
55 – 59 1,932 100.0 2.4 1.3 63.8 2.8 17.4 12.3
60 – 64 1,624 100.0 2.7 1.3 56.2 3.1 18.2 18.4
65+ 5,124 100.0 2.3 0.8 38.0 2.6 17.4 38.8
Total 21,881 100.0 46.3 4.2 42.0 1.4 4.4 1.6
12 – 14 2,673 100.0 97.2 0.4 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 – 19 3,863 100.0 95.9 1.0 3.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
20 – 24 2,400 100.0 77.0 7.7 14.3 0.4 0.6 0.0
25 – 29 2,109 100.0 46.1 11.9 39.2 0.9 1.8 0.1
30 – 34 1,808 100.0 23.8 8.7 61.2 2.0 3.8 0.5
35 – 39 1,622 100.0 13.2 5.5 72.7 2.2 5.7 0.6
40 – 44 1,426 100.0 8.3 5.2 74.4 3.2 7.6 1.2
45 – 49 1,296 100.0 5.8 3.2 79.9 2.6 7.4 1.1
50 – 54 1,229 100.0 4.3 2.0 78.0 2.8 10.7 2.1
55 – 59 835 100.0 3.6 1.4 78.7 1.7 11.4 3.2
60 – 64 750 100.0 4.1 1.9 75.5 3.9 9.2 5.5
65+ 1,870 100.0 3.5 0.9 68.4 3.0 12.8 11.3
Table 3.5: Marital status of population 12 years and older by sex and
age-group (Cont’d)
Sex/Age- Never union/Living
group Number Total married together Married Separated Divorced Widowed
Total 25,536 100.0 30.6 5.6 41.5 2.0 9.4 10.9
12 – 14 2,482 100.0 97.0 0.4 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 – 19 3,544 100.0 83.5 6.8 8.9 0.3 0.4 0.2
20 – 24 3,017 100.0 46.0 15.0 36.3 1.1 1.3 0.3
25 – 29 2,578 100.0 20.6 11.6 59.9 2.9 3.8 1.0
30 – 34 1,939 100.0 10.9 7.0 71.1 2.4 6.8 1.8
35 – 39 1,950 100.0 5.2 6.2 73.4 2.7 9.2 3.3
40 – 44 1,667 100.0 3.5 3.8 71.3 2.6 13.3 5.5
45 – 49 1,564 100.0 2.6 1.7 68.5 3.0 16.7 7.5
50 – 54 1,570 100.0 1.7 1.7 59.0 4.1 21.0 12.5
55 – 59 1,097 100.0 1.5 1.3 52.4 3.6 22.0 19.1
60 – 64 874 100.0 1.5 0.8 39.7 2.5 26.0 29.5
65+ 3,254 100.0 1.7 0.7 20.6 2.3 20.1 54.6
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
For the sexes, majorities of both males (63.2%) and females (62.3%) who are married have
had basic education. A higher proportion of females 69.4 percent than males 37.1 percent
who are widowed compared with 69.4% males and 37.1% females who are divorced have no
education. However, there are more males than females with tertiary education across all the
categories of marital status.
Table 3.6: Marital status and population 12 years and older by sex and
level of education
Voc/ secondary
All No Secon- Tech/ certificate/
Sex/Marital status Number levels Education Basic1 dary2 Comm diploma3 Tertiary4
Both Sexes
Total 47,417 100.0 21.0 64.2 8.0 2.0 3.6 1.2
Never married 17,948 100.0 7.3 73.0 13.6 1.9 3.2 0.9
union/Living together 2,333 100.0 16.3 66.5 8.7 2.5 4.7 1.3
Married 19,802 100.0 24.1 62.7 4.8 2.2 4.4 1.7
Separated 829 100.0 28.0 62.1 4.7 1.8 2.9 0.5
Divorced 3,351 100.0 35.1 56.7 3.0 1.9 2.7 0.5
Widowed 3,154 100.0 65.7 30.2 1.2 1.1 1.7 0.1
Total 21,881 100.0 14.2 67.5 9.7 2.2 4.3 2.0
Never married 10,141 100.0 8.4 72.0 14.0 1.6 2.8 1.2
union/Living together 913 100.0 14.2 64.6 10.7 3.1 5.0 2.3
Married 9,194 100.0 19.0 63.2 5.9 2.8 6.1 3.0
Separated 317 100.0 19.6 69.1 5.7 2.2 2.5 0.9
Divorced 955 100.0 20.2 68.1 4.6 2.8 3.0 1.3
Widowed 361 100.0 37.1 52.9 3.6 3.0 2.8 0.6
Total 25,536 100.0 26.7 61.4 6.5 1.8 3.1 0.5
Never married 7,807 100.0 5.8 74.3 13.2 2.4 3.6 0.6
union/Living together 1,420 100.0 17.6 67.7 7.3 2.2 4.4 0.7
Married 10,608 100.0 28.6 62.3 3.9 1.7 3.0 0.6
Separated 512 100.0 33.2 57.8 4.1 1.6 3.1 0.2
Divorced 2,396 100.0 41.0 52.1 2.4 1.6 2.6 0.3
Widowed 2,793 100.0 69.4 27.2 0.9 0.9 1.5 0.0
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 3.7: Persons 12 years and older by sex, marital status and economic
activity status
Economically not
All status Employed Unemployed active
Sex/Marital Status Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Both Sexes
Total 47,417 100.0 29,106 61.4 1,592 3.4 16,719 35.3
Never married 17,948 100.0 5,851 32.6 775 4.3 11,322 63.1
union/Living together 2,333 100.0 1,771 75.9 175 7.5 387 16.6
Married 19,802 100.0 16,767 84.7 491 2.5 2,544 12.8
Separated 829 100.0 659 79.5 26 3.1 144 17.4
Divorced 3,351 100.0 2,452 73.2 89 2.7 810 24.2
Widowed 3,154 100.0 1,606 50.9 36 1.1 1,512 47.9
Total 21,881 100.0 13,804 63.1 619 2.8 7,458 34.1
Never married 10,141 100.0 3,710 36.6 397 3.9 6,034 59.5
union/Living together 913 100.0 799 87.5 51 5.6 63 6.9
Married 9,194 100.0 8,099 88.1 135 1.5 960 10.4
Separated 317 100.0 261 82.3 10 3.2 46 14.5
Divorced 955 100.0 726 76.0 22 2.3 207 21.7
Widowed 361 100.0 209 57.9 4 1.1 148 41.0
Total 25,536 100.0 15,302 59.9 973 3.8 9,261 36.3
Never married 7,807 100.0 2,141 27.4 378 4.8 5,288 67.7
union/Living together 1,420 100.0 972 68.5 124 8.7 324 22.8
Married 10,608 100.0 8,668 81.7 356 3.4 1,584 14.9
Separated 512 100.0 398 77.7 16 3.1 98 19.1
Divorced 2,396 100.0 1,726 72.0 67 2.8 603 25.2
Widowed 2,793 100.0 1,397 50.0 32 1.1 1,364 48.8
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
3.4 Nationality
Table 3.8 shows population by nationality and sex in the district. It can be observed that the
population of the district is mainly Ghanaian by birth (95.7%). Ghanaians with dual
nationality constitute 1.7 percent and Ghanaians by naturalization less than one percent
(0.6%). The rest of the population comprising ECOWAS nationals, Africans other than
ECOWAS and non-Africans constitute only 2.0 percent of the population. Approximately 96
percent (95.7) of males in the district are Ghanaians by birth, slightly lower than the female
proportion of 95.9 percent.
Table 3.8: Population by nationality and sex
Both sexes
Nationality Number Percent Male Female
Total 69,757 100.0 100.0 100.0
Ghanaian by birth 66,749 95.7 95.4 95.9
Dual Nationality 1,199 1.7 1.8 1.7
Ghanaian by naturalization 412 0.6 0.6 0.6
ECOWAS 713 1.0 1.2 0.9
Africa other than ECOWAS 438 0.6 0.7 0.6
Other 246 0.4 0.4 0.3
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
3.5 Religious Affiliation
Table 3.9 shows population by religion and sex in the district. The table shows that majority
(80.1%) of the population is Christian, 6.5 percent are adherents of the Islamic faith and 1.2
percent practice traditional religion. A little more than one in ten (12.2%) of the population
have no religion. Among the Christians, the highest proportion is members of
pentecostal/charismatic churches (31.0%), followed by other Christians (21.7%) and
protestants (19.8%). Catholic account for 6.9 percent. There were more female than male
members in all the categories of Christianity with the exception of Catholic where there are
relatively more males 7.0 percent than females 6.8% percent. Males also dominate among
adherents of traditional religion 16.0% compared with 8.9% females.
Table 3.9: Religious Affiliation by sex
Both Sexes
Religion Number Percent Male Female
Total 69,757 100.0 100.0 100.0
No Religion 8,544 12.2 16.0 8.9
Catholic 4,823 6.9 7.0 6.8
Protestant (Anglican Lutheran etc.) 13,798 19.8 18.9 20.6
Pentecostal/Charismatic 21,699 31.1 28.2 33.7
Other Christians 15,115 21.7 20.7 22.5
Islam 4,504 6.5 7.2 5.8
Traditionalist 862 1.2 1.4 1.1
Other (Specify) 412 0.6 0.5 0.6
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Figure 3.1: School attendance by sex
With regard to literacy status by age and sex, the table again shows that the proportion of the
population who are literate in English only is higher at the younger ages of 11-14 years,
among adolescents (15-19 years) and among young adults (20-29 years) compared with the
older age groups. On the other hand, literacy in Ghanaian language only is higher among both
male and female in the older age groups. The proportion that is literate in English and
Ghanaian languages only for both males and females among all ages ranges from 56.5 to 74.3
percent but the figures for males are higher than those for females in all the age categories.
Table 3.9: Population 11 years and older by sex, age and literacy status
English French
None Ghanaian and English and
(not English language Ghanaian and Ghanaian
Age group literate) Literate Total only only language French language
Both sexes
Total 10,026 38,976 100.0 12.5 20.4 66.6 0.1 0.4
11-14 284 6,456 100.0 18.9 14.3 66.4 0.0 0.4
15-19 433 6,974 100.0 14.5 10.7 74.3 0.1 0.4
20-24 644 4,773 100.0 14.4 14.9 69.9 0.1 0.7
25-29 771 3,916 100.0 12.5 21.6 65.2 0.2 0.5
30-34 782 2,965 100.0 11.9 26.4 61.2 0.2 0.4
35-39 822 2,750 100.0 9.6 33.2 56.5 0.2 0.5
40-44 725 2,368 100.0 9.8 30.8 59.0 0.1 0.3
45-49 624 2,236 100.0 8.9 28.5 62.2 0.1 0.4
50-54 595 2,204 100.0 7.6 25.9 66.1 0.2 0.2
55-59 469 1,463 100.0 5.7 23.7 70.2 - 0.4
60-64 612 1,012 100.0 4.2 25.0 70.5 0.1 0.2
65+ 3,265 1,859 100.0 5.6 26.3 67.8 0.1 0.3
Table 3.9: Population 11 years and older by sex, age and literacy status cont’d
English French
None Ghanaian and English and
(not English language Ghanaian and Ghanaian
Age group literate) Literate Total only only language French language
Total 3,161 19,558 100.0 12.0 16.2 71.3 0.1 0.4
11-14 166 3,345 100.0 19.1 14.1 66.4 0.1 0.3
15-19 246 3,617 100.0 13.9 9.0 76.7 0.1 0.3
20-24 275 2,125 100.0 14.1 12.3 72.8 0.1 0.7
25-29 296 1,813 100.0 11.3 17.9 70.0 0.3 0.6
30-34 311 1,497 100.0 11.9 20.4 67.4 0.2 0.1
35-39 324 1,298 100.0 9.2 25.7 64.1 0.3 0.7
40-44 268 1,158 100.0 9.3 23.8 66.4 0.1 0.3
45-49 205 1,091 100.0 9.0 19.9 70.5 0.2 0.5
50-54 181 1,048 100.0 6.9 18.1 74.5 0.2 0.3
55-59 122 713 100.0 5.0 16.8 77.4 - 0.7
60-64 137 613 100.0 4.2 17.5 77.8 0.2 0.3
65+ 630 1,240 100.0 4.7 19.1 75.8 0.1 0.3
Total 6,865 19,418 100.0 13.0 24.6 62.0 0.1 0.4
11-14 118 3,111 100.0 18.7 14.5 66.4 0.0 0.4
15-19 187 3,357 100.0 15.1 12.6 71.7 0.1 0.5
20-24 369 2,648 100.0 14.7 17.0 67.6 0.1 0.7
25-29 475 2,103 100.0 13.6 24.8 61.1 0.0 0.5
30-34 471 1,468 100.0 11.9 32.6 54.8 0.1 0.6
35-39 498 1,452 100.0 9.8 40.0 49.8 0.1 0.3
40-44 457 1,210 100.0 10.3 37.4 52.0 0.1 0.2
45-49 419 1,145 100.0 8.7 36.8 54.2 - 0.3
50-54 414 1,156 100.0 8.3 32.9 58.4 0.3 0.2
55-59 347 750 100.0 6.4 30.1 63.3 - 0.1
60-64 475 399 100.0 4.3 36.6 59.1 - -
65+ 2,635 619 100.0 7.4 40.5 51.7 - 0.3
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
3.6.2 Education
Table 3.10 shows the distribution of the population 3 years and older by level of education,
school attendance and sex for Kwahu South District. , Majority (24,956), representing 90.7
percent have attended school at the basic level (nursery, kindergarten, primary, and JHS) and
6.7 percent are at the Senior High School level. Only 1.1 percent have had tertiary level
education and less than one percent (0.7%) have attended vocational/technical/commercial
school. The proportion of males who have had tertiary education in the past (5.9) percent is
much higher than that of females (2.2 percent)
From the table, 26,786 persons 3 years and older have attended school in the past in the
district. Overall, past school attendance follows a similar pattern as current school attendance.
Majority of the residents in the district have had basic education (Primary, JSS/SHS and
Middle) in the past 82.5% 8.4 percent post middle/SSS/SHS education and only 4.0 percent
have attended tertiary institutions in the past. . For the sexes, a higher proportion of females
26.0 percent than males 16.2 percent have attended primary school) more males 6.0 percent
than females 5.3 percent have attended secondary/senior high school. Again 5.9 percent of
males have had tertiary education than females 2.2 percent. This observation suggests that
more females than males in the district tend to discontinue with education after the basic
Table 3.10: Population 3 years and older by level of education, school attendance and sex
Currently attending Attended in the past
Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male Female
Level of education Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 24,956 100.0 12,906 100.0 12,050 100.0 26,786 100.0 13,023 100.0 13,763 100.0
Nursery 1,440 5.8 694 5.4 746 6.2 - - - - - -
Kindergarten 4,157 16.7 2,109 16.3 2,048 17.0 - - - - - -
Primary 12,416 49.8 6,398 49.6 6,018 49.9 5,687 21.2 2,105 16.2 3,582 26.0
JSS/JHS 4,620 18.5 2,482 19.2 2,138 17.7 7,946 29.7 3,669 28.2 4,277 31.1
Middle - - - - - - 8,454 31.6 4,474 34.4 3,980 28.9
SSS/SHS 1,676 6.7 955 7.4 721 6.0 1,512 5.6 781 6.0 731 5.3
Secondary - - - - - - 598 2.2 397 3.0 201 1.5
Commercial 169 0.7 63 0.5 106 0.9 786 2.9 428 3.3 358 2.6
Post middle/secondary
certificate 192 0.8 41 0.3 151 1.3 742 2.8 405 3.1 337 2.4
Tertiary 286 1.1 164 1.3 122 1.0 1,061 4.0 764 5.9 297 2.2
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
4.1 Introduction
The economic characteristics of any population are important for development planning and
other purposes. They are relevant to governments in the management of their populations and
resources in order to provide their needs and thereby achieve their human development goals.
They also help in examining population and development interrelationship so that appropriate
policies can be adopted. Population and development interrelationship has been a major area
of research and policy concern in developing countries including Ghana. Rapid population
increase compounds economic stagnation and associated unemployment problems. The
various international conferences on population and development are indications of the
importance of the subject to the international community. The 1994 International Conference
on Population and Development (ICPD), organized by the United Nations and its agencies
was a landmark event in this regard and its official document titled “Programme of Action”
continues to be a reference for population policies.
It is against this background that the economic characteristics of the population of Kwahu
South District are examined in this chapter. The areas of focus include economic activity,
occupation, and industry, sector of employment and employment status of the employed
Table 4.1: Activity status of population 15 years and older by sex
Total Male Female
Activity status Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 42,262 100.0 19,208 100.0 23,054 100.0
Economically active 30,105 71.2 14,079 73.3 16,026 69.5
Employed 28,523 94.7 13,463 95.6 15,060 94.0
Worked 26,269 92.1 12,543 93.2 13,726 91.1
Did not work but had job to go
back to 2,158 7.6 882 6.6 1,276 8.5
Did voluntary work without pay 96 0.3 38 0.3 58 0.4
Unemployed 1,582 5.3 616 4.4 966 6.0
Worked before, seeking work and
available 548 34.6 193 31.3 355 36.7
Seeking work for the first time
and available 1,034 65.4 423 68.7 611 63.3
Economically not active 12,157 28.8 5,129 26.7 7,028 30.5
Did home duties (household chore) 2,492 20.5 601 11.7 1,891 26.9
Full time education 5,299 43.6 2,942 57.4 2,357 33.5
Pensioner/Retired 440 3.6 346 6.7 94 1.3
Disabled/Sick 1,114 9.2 435 8.5 679 9.7
Too old/young 1,986 16.3 434 8.5 1,552 22.1
Other 826 6.8 371 7.2 455 6.5
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table4.2: Economic activity status of population 15 years and older
by sex and age
Economically not
Sex/Age All status Employed Unemployed active
group Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Both Sexes
Total 42,262 100.0 28,523 67.5 1,582 3.7 12,157 28.8
15-19 7,407 100.0 1,735 23.4 291 3.9 5,381 72.6
20-24 5,417 100.0 3,296 60.8 481 8.9 1,640 30.3
25-29 4,687 100.0 3,749 80.0 279 6.0 659 14.1
30-34 3,747 100.0 3,279 87.5 158 4.2 310 8.3
35-39 3,572 100.0 3,233 90.5 107 3.0 232 6.5
40-44 3,093 100.0 2,779 89.8 72 2.3 242 7.8
45-49 2,860 100.0 2,586 90.4 46 1.6 228 8.0
50-54 2,799 100.0 2,489 88.9 64 2.3 246 8.8
55-59 1,932 100.0 1,667 86.3 27 1.4 238 12.3
60-64 1,624 100.0 1,219 75.1 39 2.4 366 22.5
65+ 5,124 100.0 2,491 48.6 18 0.4 2,615 51.0
Total 19,208 100.0 13,463 70.1 616 3.2 5,129 26.7
15-19 3,863 100.0 933 24.2 94 2.4 2,836 73.4
20-24 2,400 100.0 1,531 63.8 172 7.2 697 29.0
25-29 2,109 100.0 1,791 84.9 118 5.6 200 9.5
30-34 1,808 100.0 1,628 90.0 81 4.5 99 5.5
35-39 1,622 100.0 1,516 93.5 45 2.8 61 3.8
40-44 1,426 100.0 1,331 93.3 25 1.8 70 4.9
45-49 1,296 100.0 1,205 93.0 19 1.5 72 5.6
50-54 1,229 100.0 1,130 91.9 27 2.2 72 5.9
55-59 835 100.0 743 89.0 10 1.2 82 9.8
60-64 750 100.0 573 76.4 20 2.7 157 20.9
65+ 1,870 100.0 1,082 57.9 5 0.3 783 41.9
Total 23,054 100.0 15,060 65.3 966 4.2 7,028 30.5
15-19 3,544 100.0 802 22.6 197 5.6 2,545 71.8
20-24 3,017 100.0 1,765 58.5 309 10.2 943 31.3
25-29 2,578 100.0 1,958 76.0 161 6.2 459 17.8
30-34 1,939 100.0 1,651 85.1 77 4.0 211 10.9
35-39 1,950 100.0 1,717 88.1 62 3.2 171 8.8
40-44 1,667 100.0 1,448 86.9 47 2.8 172 10.3
45-49 1,564 100.0 1,381 88.3 27 1.7 156 10.0
50-54 1,570 100.0 1,359 86.6 37 2.4 174 11.1
55-59 1,097 100.0 924 84.2 17 1.5 156 14.2
60-64 874 100.0 646 73.9 19 2.2 209 23.9
65+ 3,254 100.0 1,409 43.3 13 0.4 1,832 56.3
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
4.3 Occupation
Table 4.3 shows employed population 15 years and older by occupation and sex. It can be
deduced from the table that 46.5 percent of the employed population are skilled agricultural,
forestry and fishery workers, 18.3 percent are service and sales workers and 14.9 percent are
craft and related trade workers . A higher proportion of males (55.0 percent) than females
(38.9 percent) are skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers
Table 4 3: Employed population 15 years and older by occupation and sex
Both sexes Male Female
Occupation Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 28,523 100.0 13,463 100.0 15,060 100.0
Managers 781 2.7 341 2.5 440 2.9
Professionals 1,490 5.2 851 6.3 639 4.2
Technicians and
associate professionals 452 1.6 283 2.1 169 1.1
Clerical support workers 338 1.2 204 1.5 134 0.9
Service and sales
workers 5,233 18.3 993 7.4 4,240 28.2
Skilled agricultural
forestry and fishery
workers 13,268 46.5 7,408 55.0 5,860 38.9
Craft and related trades
workers 4,245 14.9 1,801 13.4 2,444 16.2
Plant and machine
operators and assemblers 1,116 3.9 1,095 8.1 21 0.1
Elementary occupations 1,597 5.6 484 3.6 1,113 7.4
Other occupations 3 0.0 3 0.0 0 0.0
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
4.4 Industry
Table 4.4 shows employed population 15 years and older by industry and sex. Three major
industrial activities are performed in the district. These are in order of importance:
agriculture, forestry and fishing (46.9%) , wholesale and retail; repairs of motor vehicles and
motorcycles (17.1%) and manufacturing (10.4%).
Majority of males (55.9%) work in agriculture forestry and fishing, 7.5 in wholesale and
retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles with 7.4 percent in transport and storage. For
females, a higher proportion is employed in agriculture forestry and fishing (38.8), followed
by wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (25.8%), and
manufacturing (13.9%) respectively.
Table 4.4: Employed population 15 years and older by industry and sex
Both sexes Male Female
Industry Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 28,523 100.0 13,463 100.0 15,060 100.0
Agriculture forestry and fishing 13,374 46.9 7,528 55.9 5,846 38.8
Mining and quarrying 132 0.5 91 0.7 41 0.3
Manufacturing 2,961 10.4 871 6.5 2,090 13.9
Electricity gas stream and air
conditioning supply 17 0.1 15 0.1 2 0.0
Water supply; sewerage waste
management and remediation
activities 78 0.3 47 0.3 31 0.2
Construction 703 2.5 681 5.1 22 0.1
Wholesale and retail; repair of
motor vehicles and motorcycles 4,891 17.1 1,003 7.5 3,888 25.8
Transportation and storage 1,013 3.6 997 7.4 16 0.1
Accommodation and food
service actviities 1,443 5.1 205 1.5 1,238 8.2
Information and communication 64 0.2 48 0.4 16 0.1
Financial and insurance
activities 114 0.4 59 0.4 55 0.4
Real estate activities 6 0.0 6 0.0 0 0.0
Professional scientific and
technical activities 216 0.8 126 0.9 90 0.6
Administrative and support
service activities 112 0.4 88 0.7 24 0.2
Public administration and
defence; compulsory social
security 352 1.2 273 2.0 79 0.5
Education 1,209 4.2 691 5.1 518 3.4
Human health and social work
activities 442 1.5 182 1.4 260 1.7
Arts entertainment and
recreation 99 0.3 98 0.7 1 0.0
Other service activities 1,159 4.1 385 2.9 774 5.1
Activities of households as
employers; undifferentiated
goods - and services -
producing activities of
households for own use 136 0.5 67 0.5 69 0.5
Activities of extraterritorial
organizations and bodies 2 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 4.5: Population 15years and older by employment status and sex
Both sexes Male Female
Employment Status Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 28,523 100.0 13,463 100.0 15,060 100.0
Employee 4,116 14.4 2,668 19.8 1,448 9.6
Self-employed without
employee(s) 19,581 68.6 8,559 63.6 11,022 73.2
Self-employed with employee(s) 1,271 4.5 723 5.4 548 3.6
Casual worker 365 1.3 267 2.0 98 0.7
Contributing family worker 2,396 8.4 940 7.0 1,456 9.7
Apprentice 655 2.3 240 1.8 415 2.8
Domestic employee (Househelp) 106 0.4 49 0.4 57 0.4
Other 33 0.1 17 0.1 16 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
5.1 Introduction
Access to information and communication technology is essential in increasing people’s
knowledge and awareness of what is taking place around them even at the global level. The
world is now linked together with advanced communication technology and access to
information is through the computer, mobile phone and internet has become so critical to
global integration. . Many sectors of the economy such as education are now depend on
Information Communication Technology (ICT). The banking sector and other businesses
also depend heavily on ICT. ICT facilities also enable individuals and groups to use the
social media for all kinds of entertainment. The relevance of ICT to individuals, households,
businesses and various sectors of the national and district economies can therefore not be
This chapter examines mobile phone ownership, use of the Internet, and desktop/laptop
computers in Kwahu South District.
5.4 Household Ownership of Desktop or Laptop computer
Desktop and laptop computers are useful for accessing and processing information, including
the use of the Internet, electronic mail and other services. Table 5.2 represents households
having desktop/laptop computers and sex of household head. In the Kwahu South District,
only 812 households out of the total of 16,725 households own desktop/laptop computers.
This figure comes up to 4.9 percent. Generally, male-headed households have more access to
desktop or laptop computers in the district (74.8%) than female-headed households (25.2%).
Table 5.2: Households having desktop/laptop
computers and sex of household head
Households having
Number of desktop/laptop
households computers
Sex Number Percent Number Percent
Total 16,725 100.0 812 4.9
Male 9,707 58.0 607 74.8
Female 7,018 42.0 205 25.2
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
6.1 Introduction
Persons with disability can be defined as those who are unable to or are restricted in the
performance of specific tasks/activities due to loss of function of some part of the body as a
result of impairment or malformation. Persons with disability are usually marginalized as
they are often regarded as unproductive, incapable of contributing to society and also
stigmatized. In most Ghanaian societies, disabled persons are characterized by lack of access
to health, education, and other social services that would ideally support and protect them.
Economically PWDs are classified among the poorest of the poor. For the first time in the
country, the 2010 Population and Housing Census collected data on persons with disability.
This chapter examines the population with disability, types of disability, and the economic
activity status of PWDs in the municipality.
Table 6.1: Population by type of locality, disability type and sex
Both sexes
Disability Type Number Percent Male Female
All Localities
Total 69,757 100.0 100.0 100.0
Without disability 65,691 94.2 95.0 93.4
With disability 4,066 5.8 5.0 6.6
Sight 2,079 51.1 48.6 52.9
Hearing 579 14.2 13.0 15.1
Speech 361 8.9 10.7 7.6
Physical 1,145 28.2 27.8 28.4
Intellectual 421 10.4 11.7 9.4
Emotional 611 15.0 14.6 15.4
Other 197 4.8 4.6 5.0
Total 18,874 100.0 100.0 100.0
Without disability 17,426 92.3 93.5 91.3
With disability 1,448 7.7 6.5 8.7
Sight 679 46.9 40.8 50.7
Hearing 216 14.9 13.0 16.1
Speech 115 7.9 10.9 6.1
Physical 497 34.3 33.3 34.9
Intellectual 150 10.4 12.7 8.9
Emotional 343 23.7 22.6 24.3
Other 60 4.1 4.9 3.7
Total 50,883 100.0 100.0 100.0
Without disability 48,265 94.9 95.5 94.2
With disability 2,618 5.1 4.5 5.8
Sight 1,400 53.5 52.4 54.2
Hearing 363 13.9 13.0 14.5
Speech 246 9.4 10.6 8.5
Physical 648 24.8 25.1 24.5
Intellectual 271 10.4 11.2 9.7
Emotional 268 10.2 10.5 10.0
Other 137 5.2 4.5 5.7
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 6.2: Persons 15 years and older with disability by economic activity
status and sex
Economically not
Sex/Disability All status Employed Unemployed active
type Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Both Sexes
Total 42,262 100.0 28,523 67.5 1,582 3.7 12,157 28.8
No disability 38,621 100.0 26,706 69.1 1,498 3.9 10,417 27.0
With a disability 3,641 100.0 1,817 49.9 84 2.3 1,740 47.8
Sight 1,940 100.0 1,032 53.2 44 2.3 864 44.5
Hearing 527 100.0 222 42.1 6 1.1 299 56.7
Speech 261 100.0 102 39.1 6 2.3 153 58.6
Physical 1,044 100.0 323 30.9 18 1.7 703 67.3
Intellectual 334 100.0 122 36.5 8 2.4 204 61.1
Emotional 548 100.0 272 49.6 32 5.8 244 44.5
Other 166 100.0 81 48.8 4 2.4 81 48.8
Total 19,208 100.0 13,463 70.1 616 3.2 5,129 26.7
No disability 17,769 100.0 12,653 71.2 590 3.3 4,526 25.5
With a disability 1,439 100.0 810 56.3 26 1.8 603 41.9
Sight 731 100.0 458 62.7 13 1.8 260 35.6
Hearing 193 100.0 95 49.2 2 1.0 96 49.7
Speech 136 100.0 59 43.4 2 1.5 75 55.1
Physical 411 100.0 148 36.0 7 1.7 256 62.3
Intellectual 133 100.0 54 40.6 1 0.8 78 58.6
Emotional 206 100.0 112 54.4 7 3.4 87 42.2
Other 61 100.0 33 54.1 1 1.6 27 44.3
Total 23,054 100.0 15,060 65.3 966 4.2 7,028 30.5
No disability 20,852 100.0 14,053 67.4 908 4.4 5,891 28.3
With a disability 2,202 100.0 1,007 45.7 58 2.6 1,137 51.6
Sight 1,209 100.0 574 47.5 31 2.6 604 50.0
Hearing 334 100.0 127 38.0 4 1.2 203 60.8
Speech 125 100.0 43 34.4 4 3.2 78 62.4
Physical 633 100.0 175 27.6 11 1.7 447 70.6
Intellectual 201 100.0 68 33.8 7 3.5 126 62.7
Emotional 342 100.0 160 46.8 25 7.3 157 45.9
Other 105 100.0 48 45.7 3 2.9 54 51.4
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Education is concerned 16.3 percent males have had higher education, significantly higher
than the female proportion of 7.9 percent.
Table 6.3: Population 3 years and older by sex, disability type and
level of education
Number Percent
Pre- and Pre- and
Sex/Disability type Total Never Prim Basic higher Total Never Prim Basic higher
Both Sexes
Total 63,880 12,138 5,597 39,123 7,022 100.0 19.0 8.8 61.2 11.0
No disability 59,895 10,608 5,512 37,205 6,570 100.0 17.7 9.2 62.1 11.0
With a disability 3,985 1,530 85 1,918 452 100.0 38.4 2.1 48.1 11.3
Sight 2,061 755 26 982 298 100.0 36.6 1.3 47.6 14.5
Hearing 577 315 12 209 41 100.0 54.6 2.1 36.2 7.1
Speech 328 152 8 152 16 100.0 46.3 2.4 46.3 4.9
Physical 1,122 547 24 480 71 100.0 48.8 2.1 42.8 6.3
Intellectual 393 207 16 146 24 100.0 52.7 4.1 37.2 6.1
Emotional 586 198 6 307 75 100.0 33.8 1.0 52.4 12.8
Other 191 68 6 103 14 100.0 35.6 3.1 53.9 7.3
Total 30,230 4,301 2,803 19,128 3,998 100.0 14.2 9.3 63.3 13.2
No disability 28,615 3,940 2,752 18,189 3,734 100.0 13.8 9.6 63.6 13.0
With a disability 1,615 361 51 939 264 100.0 22.4 3.2 58.1 16.3
Sight 795 155 18 466 156 100.0 19.5 2.3 58.6 19.6
Hearing 216 75 6 108 27 100.0 34.7 2.8 50.0 12.5
Speech 161 59 5 83 14 100.0 36.6 3.1 51.6 8.7
Physical 450 132 13 257 48 100.0 29.3 2.9 57.1 10.7
Intellectual 176 72 13 72 19 100.0 40.9 7.4 40.9 10.8
Emotional 226 41 3 137 45 100.0 18.1 1.3 60.6 19.9
Other 75 16 2 46 11 100.0 21.3 2.7 61.3 14.7
Total 33,650 7,837 2,794 19,995 3,024 100.0 23.3 8.3 59.4 9.0
No disability 31,280 6,668 2,760 19,016 2,836 100.0 21.3 8.8 60.8 9.1
With a disability 2,370 1,169 34 979 188 100.0 49.3 1.4 41.3 7.9
Sight 1,266 600 8 516 142 100.0 47.4 0.6 40.8 11.2
Hearing 361 240 6 101 14 100.0 66.5 1.7 28.0 3.9
Speech 167 93 3 69 2 100.0 55.7 1.8 41.3 1.2
Physical 672 415 11 223 23 100.0 61.8 1.6 33.2 3.4
Intellectual 217 135 3 74 5 100.0 62.2 1.4 34.1 2.3
Emotional 360 157 3 170 30 100.0 43.6 0.8 47.2 8.3
Other 116 52 4 57 3 100.0 44.8 3.4 49.1 2.6
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
7.1 Introduction
Agriculture is vital to Ghana’s national economy and is expected to play a lead role in the
drive to reducing poverty in the country. It also serves as the backbone of a country's
development policy to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS). Like other
areas in Ghana, majority of residents in Kwahu South District engage in agriculture. This
chapter examines households in agriculture and type of agricultural activities in the district.
Urban Rural
Households Number Percent Percent Percent
Total 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Households engages in
Agriculture 10,616 63.5 47.2 70.0
Crop Farming 10,034 94.5 93.6 94.8
Tree Planting 58 0.5 0.5 0.6
Livestock Rearing 3,989 37.6 28.0 40.2
Fish Farming 9 0.1 0.2 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Figure 7.1 below presents agricultural households by locality in the Kwahu South District. Of
all the 65.5 percent of households into agriculture in the district, 70.0 percent are in the rural
areas while 47.2 percent of such households are in the urban areas.
Figure 7.1: Distribution of Agricultural households by locality
7.3.1 Distribution of Livestock and Keepers
Livestock rearing is the second most important agricultural activity in the district. According
to the 2010 Population and Housing Census there are a total of 98,923 livestock in the district
(Table 7.2). Of this number, chicken constitutes more than half (61.1%) of the total livestock
population, followed by goat (19.3%) and cattle (5.8%). The average number of animal per
keeper is 16 for the district. In the bird category the most popular ones kept are chicken, duck and
guinea fowl. There are 60,430 chickens with an average of 22 birds per keeper, 1,742 ducks with an
average of 11 birds per keeper, 1,564 guinea fowls and ostriches with an average of 19 birds per
keeper. In the category of ruminant, the commonest animals reared are goat, cattle, sheep and pig.
There are 19,055 goats with an average of 9 animals per keeper, 5,716 cattle with an average of 43
cattle per keeper, 4,571 sheep with an average of 9 animals per keeper and 2,357 pigs with an average
of 11 animals per keeper.
8.1 Introduction
Housing is one of the major problems facing Ghanaians and various Governments have
acknowledged the need to increase housing delivery to the population These concerns have
led to the introduction of housing into the 2000 Round of Population and Housing Census.
The 2010 Population and Housing Census is thus, the second time questions on housing have
been asked. A number of housing characteristics and associated conditions such as
overcrowding, supply of basic services such as drinking water and sanitation facilities (toilet
and bathroom) are important areas that are required for monitoring progress in human
This chapter presents the findings on housing and housing conditions in the Kwahu South
District. Specifically the chapter examines the housing stock, type of dwelling, room
occupancy, holding and tenancy, sources of lighting and cooking facilities, bathing and toilet
facilities, waste disposal and source of water for drinking and domestic use.
Table 8.1: Stock of houses and households
Categories country Region District Urban Rural
Total population 24,658,823 2,633,154 69,757 18,874 50,883
Total household population 24,076,327 2,574,549 68,182 18,349 49,833
Number of houses 3,392,745 431,697 14,087 3,451 10,636
Number of households 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 4,770 11,955
Average households per house 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.4 1.1
Population per house* 7.1 6.0 4.8 5.3 4.7
Average household size 4.4 4.1 4.1 3.8 4.2
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 8.2: Type of dwelling by sex of household head and type of locality
Total Total Male Female
Type of dwelling country Region Number Percent headed headed Urban Rural
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Separate house 1,471,391 193,719 6,224 37.2 39.5 34.1 25.4 41.9
Semi-detached house 391,548 42,458 866 5.2 5.0 5.4 4.8 5.3
Flat/Apartment 256,355 16,839 600 3.6 3.8 3.3 4.4 3.3
Compound house
(rooms) 2,942,147 349,682 7,899 47.2 43.6 52.3 62.9 41.0
Huts/Buildings (same
compound) 170,957 17,381 840 5.0 6.3 3.3 1.1 6.6
(different compound) 36,410 3,236 61 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.5
Tent 10,343 950 19 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
Improvised home
(kiosk/container etc) 90,934 3,055 60 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4
Living quarters
attached to office/shop 20,499 1,736 40 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3
Uncompleted building 66,624 2,335 103 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6
Other 9,846 654 13 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
There are variations in holding and tenancy arrangement among the localities in the district.
Approximately 51.0 percent of all tenancy arrangements in the rural areas are owner occupied
(50.5%), 27.4 percent are occupied on rent-free basis (owned by a relative who is not a
member of household) while 21.5 percent are rented properties. The highest proportion of
holding and tenancy arrangement in the urban areas is that occupied on rent-free basis
(40.2%), followed by rented properties (30%) and owner occupied (29.5%).
8.4 Construction Materials
8.4.1 Main materials for construction of the outer walls
The table 8.4 below shows the main construction materials for the outer wall of dwelling unit
in the district. As shown in the table, cement blocks/concrete and mud brick/earth are the two
main construction materials used by households for outer walls of dwelling units in the
district. Of the two construction materials, cement blocks/concrete account for 61.4 per cent
of all types of materials used for wall construction followed by mud brick/earth (32.4%).
Only 3.6 percent of households use landcrete as construction material for the outer walls.
Wood, metal/sheet/slate/asbestos, stone and burnt bricks constitute 2.3 percent of
construction material for dwelling units, while bamboo, palm leaf/thatch (grass), raffia are the
least types of construction material in district.
With regard to locality of residence, approximately 84.0 percent of all construction materials
used for the outer wall of dwelling units in the urban areas of the district is cement/concrete
which is higher than the rural proportion of 53.0 percent. The proportion of outer wall of
dwellings in rural areas constructed with mud brick/earth (39.8%) is three times higher than
those in urban areas 12.9%. Furthermore, the use of landcrete for the construction of the outer
wall of dwelling unit is higher in rural areas (4.3%) compared with the urban areas 1.7%. The
other materials for the outer wall construction which includes wood, stone, bamboo and
others constitute 1.7 percent and 2.8 percent of total material used for the construction of the
outer wall in the urban and rural areas respectively.
Table 8.5: Main construction materials for the floor of dwelling unit
by type of locality
Total Total
Materials for the floor country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Earth/Mud 872,161 118,931 4,367 26.1 14.8 30.6
Cement/Concrete 4,255,611 491,586 11,726 70.1 80.2 66.1
Stone 32,817 6,076 221 1.3 1.5 1.2
Burnt brick 6,537 710 10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Wood 52,856 1,345 19 0.1 0.1 0.1
Vinyl tiles 57,032 2,914 83 0.5 0.9 0.3
tiles 88,500 5,404 144 0.9 1.0 0.8
Terrazzo/Terrazzo tiles 85,973 3,833 133 0.8 1.1 0.7
Other 15,567 1,246 22 0.1 0.2 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
(0.4%). Overall the number of sleeping rooms available to households does not increase with
household size, indicating some overcrowding in sleeping arrangement.
Table 8.7: Household size and number of sleeping rooms occupied in dwelling unit
Number of sleeping rooms
House- Nine
hold One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight rooms
size Total Percent room rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms rooms or more
Total 16,725 100.0 49.9 28.6 12.2 4.9 2.2 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.4
1 3,448 100.0 87.7 8.6 2.1 0.8 0.3 0.2 * 0.1 0.1
2 2,443 100.0 60.6 31.4 5.6 1.4 0.4 0.5 * 0.1 0.1
3 2,211 100.0 53.8 31.4 11.0 2.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.2
4 2,251 100.0 45.5 35.5 12.8 4.0 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.3
5 1,923 100.0 35.9 38.5 15.1 6.3 2.5 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.2
6 1,484 100.0 30.1 38.0 18.5 7.4 3.2 1.6 0.4 0.5 0.3
7 1,025 100.0 23.2 34.9 22.6 10.7 5.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.6
8 723 100.0 19.9 35.5 22.3 10.2 7.6 2.1 0.7 1.0 0.7
9 457 100.0 10.9 31.9 29.5 15.8 4.2 4.8 1.8 0.4 0.7
10+ 760 100.0 8.6 21.2 25.9 17.9 11.7 5.3 3.8 2.5 3.2
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
firewood as cooking fuel dominates in the rural areas accounting for 61.2% percent as against
38.5% in the urban localities. However, the urban households use more charcoal (39.2%) and
gas (16.0%) as against the rural areas which depend less on gas (6.6%) and charcoal (28.6%).
8.6.3 Cooking Space
Table 8.9 shows the distribution of cooking space facility used by households in the district.
The data indicates that 48.6 percent of all households have separate rooms in dwelling units
exclusively designated as cooking space, 17.3 percent cook on the verandah, while 10.6
percent use open space in compound for cooking. Another 8.5 percent use structure without
wall and 8.3 percent share separate rooms for cooking with other households. The use of
verandah as coking space is relatively higher among urban households (19.8%) than rural
households (16.3%). While the use open compound in house is higher among rural (12.0%)
than urban households (12.0%).
Table 8.9: Main source of cooking fuel, and cooking space used by households
Total Total
Source of cooking fuel/cooking space country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Main source of cooking fuel for
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
None no cooking 306,118 29,214 711 4.3 4.3 4.2
Wood 2,197,083 315,386 9,149 54.7 38.5 61.2
Gas 996,518 74,339 1,553 9.3 16.0 6.6
Electricity 29,794 3,438 34 0.2 0.2 0.2
Kerosene 29,868 3,393 91 0.5 0.7 0.5
Charcoal 1,844,290 203,053 5,101 30.5 39.8 26.8
Crop residue 45,292 2,198 71 0.4 0.3 0.5
Saw dust 8,000 548 6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Animal waste 2,332 147 5 0.0 0.1 0.0
Other 7,759 329 4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cooking space used by household
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
No cooking space 386,883 38,872 920 5.5 5.2 5.6
Separate room for exclusive use of
household 1,817,018 230,426 7,819 46.8 46.4 46.9
Separate room shared with other
household(s) 410,765 51,302 1,393 8.3 9.5 7.9
Enclosure without roof 117,614 10,220 243 1.5 1.0 1.6
Structure with roof but without walls 349,832 67,390 1,417 8.5 7.8 8.7
Bedroom/Hall/Living room) 74,525 7,798 174 1.0 1.7 0.8
Verandah 1,173,946 135,910 2,887 17.3 19.8 16.3
Open space in compound 1,115,464 87,662 1,827 10.9 8.3 12.0
Other 21,007 2,465 45 0.3 0.3 0.3
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
8.7 Main Source of Water for drinking and for other domestic use
8.7.1 Main Source of drinking water
Table 8.10 shows the main sources of drinking water for households in the district. All three
pipe-borne water sources together constitute (25.0%), bore-hole/pump/tube well (24.7%), and
river/stream (20.9%). Bottled water (0.2%) and tanker supply/vendor provider (0.1%)
constitute the lowest source of drinking water for households.
There are wide differences in the main sources of drinking water by locality of residence.
River/steam is the main source forming the highest proportion for urban households (15.7%)
while in rural areas it is borehole/pump/tube well (30.9%). The proportion of urban households
that use pipe-borne water inside the dwelling is 13.4 percent compared with 8.1% in rural areas
for drinking purposes. The use of sachet water for drinking is also relatively higher in urban areas
(14.7%) compared with the rural areas (6.6%). The proportion of urban households that use
protected well (15.1%) and rain water (8.8%) for drinking is also higher than rural households
(6,4% and 1.7% respectively). It is interesting to note that there is no tanker or vendor that
supplies water in the rural areas of the district.
Table 8.10: Main source of water for drinking and other domestic purposes
Total Total
Sources of water country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Main source of drinking water for household
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Pipe-borne inside dwelling 790,493 51,123 964 5.8 8.1 4.8
Pipe-borne outside dwelling 1,039,667 91,863 1,612 9.6 13.4 8.1
Public tap/Standpipe 712,375 71,616 1,600 9.6 3.2 12.1
Bore-hole/Pump/Tube well 1,267,688 177,097 4,137 24.7 9.3 30.9
Protected well 321,091 58,167 1,480 8.8 15.1 6.4
Rain water 39,438 7,948 616 3.7 8.8 1.7
Protected spring 19,345 2,570 135 0.8 2.1 0.3
Bottled water 20,261 1,232 35 0.2 0.3 0.2
Satchet water 490,283 53,638 1,493 8.9 14.7 6.6
Tanker supply/Vendor
provided 58,400 1,562 10 0.1 0.2 0.0
Unprotected well 112,567 9,712 664 4.0 6.9 2.8
Unprotected spring 12,222 1,751 140 0.8 2.1 0.4
River/Stream 502,804 94,883 3,494 20.9 15.7 23.0
Dugout/Pond/Lake/Dam/Canal 76,448 8,624 339 2.0 0.3 2.7
Other 3,972 259 6 0.0 0.1 0.0
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table 8.11: Main source of water for other domestic purposes
Total Total
Sources of water country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Main source of water for other domestic use of household
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Pipe-borne inside dwelling 905,566 55,588 1,050 6.3 9.3 5.1
Pipe-borne outside dwelling 1,089,030 83,245 1,417 8.5 11.1 7.4
Public tap/Standpipe 704,293 65,772 1,477 8.8 3.2 11.1
Bore-hole/Pump/Tube well 1,280,465 180,604 4,224 25.3 9.9 31.4
Protected well 465,775 95,179 1,894 11.3 18.1 8.6
Rain water 39,916 7,577 583 3.5 8.4 1.5
Protected spring 18,854 2,760 111 0.7 1.7 0.2
Tanker supply/Vendor
provided 100,048 1,975 16 0.1 0.2 0.1
Unprotected well 152,055 13,230 970 5.8 10.1 4.1
Unprotected spring 15,738 2,196 208 1.2 3.4 0.4
River/Stream 588,590 112,728 4,355 26.0 24.0 26.9
Dugout/Pond/Lake/Dam/Canal 96,422 9,850 395 2.4 0.3 3.2
Other 10,302 1,341 25 0.1 0.2 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Figure 8.1: Type of toilet facilities for dwelling units
Table 8.13: Type of toilet facility and bathing facility used by household
by type of locality
Total Total
Toilet facility/Bathing facility country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Toilet facility used by household
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
No facilities (bush/beach/field) 1,056,382 71,384 2,031 12.1 6.0 14.6
W.C. 839,611 55,161 1,638 9.8 16.7 7.0
Pit latrine 1,040,883 203,246 3,981 23.8 13.2 28.0
KVIP 572,824 100,193 2,613 15.6 23.6 12.4
Bucket/Pan 40,678 3,926 122 0.7 1.0 0.6
Public toilet (WC/KVIP/PitPan/ etc.) 1,893,291 195,950 6,304 37.7 39.2 37.1
Other 23,385 2,185 36 0.2 0.3 0.2
Bathing facility used by household
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Own bathroom for exclusive use 1,535,392 163,394 5,737 34.3 28.1 36.8
Shared separate bathroom in the same
house 1,818,522 209,248 5,814 34.8 49.3 29.0
Private open cubicle 381,979 56,572 1,571 9.4 4.3 11.4
Shared open cubicle 1,000,257 131,234 1,528 9.1 7.4 9.8
Public bath house 140,501 2,817 12 0.1 0.0 0.1
Bathroom in another house 187,337 19,316 535 3.2 1.4 3.9
Open space around house 372,556 45,833 1,421 8.5 9.1 8.2
River/Pond/Lake/Dam 14,234 1,996 70 0.4 0.1 0.6
Other 16,276 1,635 37 0.2 0.3 0.2
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
common method of liquid waste disposal in both urban and rural areas is by throwing onto
the compound, although more than half (55.0%) of rural households use this method
compared with 31.4 percent of urban households. On the other hand, more urban households
(27.6%) than rural households (11.7%) throw their liquid waste into a gutter
Table 8.14: Method of solid and liquid waste disposal by type of locality
Method of waste disposal country Region Number Percent Urban Rural
Solid waste
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Collected 785,889 26,049 376 2.2 3.3 1.8
Burned by household 584,820 102,501 1,674 10.0 7.6 11.0
Public dump (container) 1,299,654 143,820 3,406 20.4 34.3 14.8
Public dump (open space) 2,061,403 252,886 7,943 47.5 42.9 49.3
Dumped indiscriminately 498,868 63,321 2,177 13.0 4.6 16.4
Buried by household 182,615 37,144 1,017 6.1 6.0 6.1
Other 53,805 6,324 132 0.8 1.5 0.5
Liquid waste
Total 5,467,054 632,045 16,725 100.0 100.0 100.0
Through the sewerage system 183,169 8,228 129 0.8 0.4 0.9
Through drainage system into a
gutter 594,404 33,511 671 4.0 6.2 3.1
Through drainage into a pit (soak
away) 167,555 11,428 320 1.9 1.9 1.9
Thrown onto the street/outside 1,538,550 147,245 4,785 28.6 32.1 27.2
Thrown into gutter 1,020,096 106,945 2,718 16.3 27.6 11.7
Thrown onto compound 1,924,986 319,580 8,070 48.3 31.4 55.0
Other 38,294 5,108 32 0.2 0.4 0.1
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
9.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the key findings of the 2010 Population and Housing Census pertaining
to Kwahu South District. Conclusions and policy implications resulting from the findings are
also discussed.
Social characteristics
According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census there are a total of 16,725 households
in the district. The proportion of households headed by males (47.0%) was relatively lower
than that of females (53.0%). A total of 68,182 persons live in the 16,725 households in the
district. The average household size of the district is about four (4) persons per household..
Single person households constitute the highest proportion of all households in the district (20.6
%), followed by two member household (14.6%) and four member households (13.5%).
Household with nine members constitute recorded the lowest proportion (2.7%).
With regard to the composition of the household, about a fifth (24.5%) of all household
members are household heads, almost the same as the regional average (24.0%). Again, a
little more than a third of all household members were children (38.1%). Grandchildren
constituted 13.2 percent of all household members and 9.4 percent were spouses. Though the
proportions of other relatives (6.8%), siblings (3.3%) and parent/parent-in-law (0.9%) of the
heads were relatively low, they are indications of the fact that the extended family living
arrangements still persist in the district. Adopted/fostered children constituted the lowest.
Head with spouse(s) and biological/adopted children (nuclear) constituted the highest
proportion of all households (23.3%) in the district, followed by single parent extended
household consisting of head with children and relative (s) of head (19.8%) and the extended
household (15.5%). Another one in ten (10.4%) of households were single parent nuclear and
households with head and other composition but no spouse (11.9%). Households consisting
of single parent extended with non-relatives constitute the lowest proportion of all households
Out of the total population 12 years and older, 38.0 percent have never married, 41.8 percent
are married, 4.9 percent are in informal/consensual union and 15.5 percent are separated
(1.7%), divorced (7.1%) or widowed (6.7%). Majority (67.7%) of those who have never
married are economically not active. This could be due to the fact that those people may be in
school or training. Majority (84.7%) of those married are employed but 12.8 percent of them
are not economically active. The dominant religion in the district is Christianity (79.5%),
followed Islam (6.5%) and traditional religion (1.2%). About 12.0 percent of the population
have no religion. For the sexes, majorities of both males (63.2%) and females (62.3%) who
are married have basic education. However, a higher proportion of females (69.4%) than
males (37.1%) who are widowed have no basic education. The report shows that majority
(57.6%) of the employed population and 30.8 percent of the unemployed are married,
whereas only 15.2 percent of the economically not active populations are married.
The analysis of the data on literacy and education shows that majority (79.5%) of the
population 11 years and older in the district are literate. Literacy is higher among males
(86.1%) than females (73.9%). About 20.4 percent are literate in both English and Ghanaian
language, and 12.5 percent are literate in Ghanaian language only. A total of 24,956 persons
3 years and older currently attend school in the district. Of those who were attending school,
majority (90.7%) are in basic school (nursery, kindergarten, primary, and JHS) and 6.7
percent are at the Senior High School level. Only 1.1 percent attend school at the tertiary
Economic characteristics
Out of a total population 42,262 15 years and over in the district, 67.5 percent are employed,
3.7 percent are unemployed, and 28.8 percent are economically not active. Majority of the
employed persons are in the 35-39 year age group constituting 90.5 percent.
Persons 65 years and older are only 0.4 percent in employment probably due to old age and
retirement. Over 72.0 percent of persons in the 15-19 year age group are economically not
active as many of them would possibly be in school or learning a trade.
The major industries in the district are agriculture, forestry and fishing (46.9%), wholesale
and retail; repairs of motor vehicles and motorcycles (17.1%) and manufacturing (10.4%).
About 74.0 percent of the employed population are skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery
workers, 18.3 percent are service and sales workers and 14.9 percent are craft and related
trade workers . A higher proportion of males 55.0% than females 38.9% are skilled
agricultural forestry and fishery workers. Majority (68.6%) of the workforce in the district are
self-employed without employee(s), followed by employee (14.4%) and self-employed with
employees (5.4%). Less than one percent of the employed population is domestic
workers/house helps (0.6%) or is engaged in the other categories of employment status
(0.1%). The proportion of female self-employed without employees (73.2%) is more than that
of their male counterparts (63.6%).
The private informal sector provided employment for majority (89.9%) of the employed
population, followed by public (Government) sector (7.3%). A higher proportion of females
(92.6%) than males (86.8%) are employed in private in formal sector (The public/government
provides employment for 9.2% males, higher than5.6% female.
Information Communication Technology
Findings in the report show that about 48.0 percent of the population 12 years and older in the
district have mobile phones. Slightly more males (50.1%) than female (49.9 percent) have
mobile phones. On access to internet facilities, only 4.1 percent of the population use the
internet. Only 4.9 percent of households in the in the district own desktop/laptop computers.
Persons with disability
On disability, there are a total of 4,066 persons with disability (PWDs) in the district representing
5.8 percent of the total population. There are more PWDs in urban localities (7.7%) than the
rural population (5.1%) and among the female population (6.6%) than the male population
Visual disability is the most common type of disability among PWDs (51.1%), followed by
physical disability (28.2%) and emotional disabilities (15.0%). Significant proportions of
PWDs also have speech disability (8.9%), and intellectual disabilities (11.7%).
With regard to participation in economic activities in the district, 49.9 percent of persons with
disability are employed, 2.3 percent are unemployed and 47.8 percent are economically not
active. On disability and level of education, 38.4 percent of persons with disability have
never been to school, 48.1 percent have had basic education and 11.3 percent have had SHS
or higher education. Persons with hearing disability are in the majority (54.6 percent) of those
who have never attended school, 53.9 percent of persons with Other Disability are in the
majority of those with basic education while persons with sight disability dominate in th
proportion of PWDs with tertiary education.
Agricultural activities
A total of 10,616 households engage in agricultural activities in the district, representing 63.5
percent of all households about 70 percent of agricultural households are in the rural areas, In
terms of locality, agricultural households account for 47.2% of all households in urban areas
as against a higher percentage of 70.0% in the rural areas. Majority (94.5%) of agricultural
households engage in crop farming and 37.6 percent engage in livestock rearing. Less than
one percent engage in tree farming and fish farming. Majority of farmers in the district (94.5
percent) are into crop farming. There is total livestock population of 98,923 in the district. Of
this number, chicken are in the majority accounting for more than half of the livestock
population (61.1 percent), followed by goat (19.3%) and cattle (5.8%). There are also 6,235
keepers with an average of 16 animals per keeper.
Housing conditions
The total housing stock in the district is 14,087, constituting 3.3 percent of all housing units
in the Eastern Region. The distribution of housing units by locality shows that majority
(75.5%) are located in the rural areas.
Compound houses constitute the most common type of dwelling units in the district,
accounting for more than half (52.6%) of all dwelling units, followed by separate houses
(37.2%) and semi-detached houses (5.2%). Cement blocks/concrete (61.4%) and mud
brick/earth (32.4%) are the two main construction materials used by households for outer
walls of dwelling units in the district. The same materials are used for the floor of dwelling
units with cement accounting for a higher proportion (70.1%) than earth/mud (26.1%). Metal
sheet is the main roofing material used for dwelling units in the district as a whole (86.7%).
On holding and tenancy, 45.0 percent of dwelling units in the district are Owner occupied,
31.1 percent are occupied on “rent-free” basis (owned by a relative who was not a member of
household) and 23.9 percent are rented properties. The proportions of owner occupied
housing units and rented properties headed by males (45.1% and 28.5% respectively ) are
higher than those headed by females (43.8% and 21.2%) respectively, The total number of
households in the district is 16,725 with an average of 1.6 households in every house. There
are 68.182 household members with an average of 4.8 persons per house and an average
household size of 4.1 persons in every household. Both the average households per house 1.4
and population per house 5.3 are relatively higher in urban areas. On the other hand, the
average household size is higher in the rural area 4.2. A higher proportion of households
occupy one sleeping room (49.9%) and very few occupy five or more rooms. In all the
number of sleeping rooms available to households do not increase with household size, a
possible indicating of some level of overcrowding in sleeping arrangements.
The report indicates that the main sources of lighting for households are electricity,
flashlight/torch, and kerosene lamp. More than half (53.0%) of all households in the district
use electricity as their main source of lighting, 28.4 percent use flashlight/torch and 17.1
percent use kerosene lamp. . The three main sources of cooking fuel for households in the
district are wood (54.7%), charcoal (30.7%) and gas (9.3%). Together, firewood and charcoal
account for 85.4 percent of all the sources of cooking fuel in the district with far-reaching
implication for the environment.
Across all households in the district, 48.6 percent use separate rooms in dwelling units
exclusively designated as a cooking space, 17.3 percent cook on the verandah, while 10.6
percent cook in open space in compound. The use of verandah as coking space is a
phenomenon quite significant in urban households constituting 19.8 percent and in the rural
area, open compound in the house as cooking space is widely used representing 12 percent.
There are three main drinking water sources in the district. These were pipe-borne water
(25.0%), bore-hole/pump/tube well (24.7%), and river/stream (20.9%). At then locality level,
River/steam is the main source for urban households (15.7%) while in rural areas it is
borehole/pump/tube well constituting (30.9%). The main sources of water for other domestic
purposes are river/stream (26.0%), bole-hole/pump/tube well (25.3%) and protected wells
Generally, the availability of sanitation facilities in the district is inadequate. Close to 40.0
percent of households use public toilets; more than one in five households (23.8%) use pit
latrine and 15.6 percent use KVIP. Only about one in every ten (9.8%) households have
access to water closet (W.C). Another 12.1 percent of households have no toilet facilities and
therefore resort to using the bush/beach/ field. Majority (65.7%) of dwelling units do not have
bathroom for exclusive use by household members.
On management of solid and liquid waste in the district, dumping of solid waste in open
space is the commonest method of disposal of solid waste by households in the district
accounting for (47.5%), followed by dumping in public containers (20.4%) and burning of
solid waste (10.0%). Solid waste collected from house constitutes only 2.2 percent while
13.0 percent of households dump their solid waste indiscriminately. Regarding the
management of liquid waste, almost half (48.3%) of households in the district throw their liquid
waste onto the compound,
9.3 Conclusion
The demographic characteristics of the district shows that an overwhelming majority of the
population lives in rural areas. The district’s age structure shows a youthful population with
high a proportion of children under 15 years. This youthful nature of the population coupled
with the relatively high fertility level indicates a high potential for population growth.
Another feature of the population structure is the significant proportion of the widowed,
elderly (60 years and older) persons and the economically not active with a resultant high
dependency ratio in the district.
Households in the district are predominantly male-headed and household sizes are relatively
low. In terms of structure, nuclear family households are the most common in the district.
Majority of the literate population in the district are male. School attendance at the basic level is high
but remains low especially at the tertiary level.
Majority of the employed population are skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers
making agriculture the major industry in the district. However, like other districts in Ghana,
the agricultural sector remains subsistent with small holder production units as well as low
levels of technology, production, distribution and limited access to markets for farmers and
Although a substantial proportion of residents have access to the mobile phone, access to the
internet remains a huge challenge and the little that is available is largely skewed in favor of
the male population. Disability is a challenge and sight disability dominates all other forms
of disability in the district. Age has been identified as a major factor associated with disability
risk. Persons with disability are concentrated among the youngest and oldest age groups.
Education and literacy rates among PWDs are comparatively lower than those without
From the room occupancy rates available, one can say there is overcrowding in majority of
dwelling in the district. Majority of dwellings especially in urban areas are owner occupied..
Access of households to amenities and facilities such as electricity, good drinking water,
toilet and bathing spaces is inadequate. Also facilities for disposal of both solid and liquid
household waste in the district are inadequate and pose serious environmental sanitation
Households in the district rely mainly on firewood and charcoal for cooking and the use of
gas is limited to a substantially low proportion of urban households. The reliance on firewood
and charcoal has implications for the environment. There is therefore the need by the district
to devise strategies to promote and encourage households to shift to the use of gas as fuel for
Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)(2013), 2010 Population and Housing Census, Regional
analytical report(Eastern Region)
Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)(2005), 2000 Population and Housing Census, Analysis of
district data and implications for planning
United Nations, (2008). Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing
Censuses. Revision 2.
Table A2: Population by sex, number of households and houses in
the 20 largest communities
number Community name Total Male Female Households Houses
1 Obo 6,811 2,983 3,828 1,821 977
2 Bepong 6,424 3,006 3,418 1,469 1,089
3 Mpraeso 5,639 2,546 3,093 1,480 1,385
4 Besease 4,410 2,068 2,342 845 736
5 Obomeng 3,970 1,865 2,105 977 487
6 Kwahu-praso no.2 3,738 1,831 1,907 959 864
7 Asakraka 3,167 1,587 1,580 899 912
8 Atibie 2,423 1,135 1,288 621 591
9 Twenedurase 2,075 989 1,086 568 352
10 Kwahu-praso no.1 2,016 945 1,071 505 411
11 Atuobikrom 1,986 1,004 982 358 331
12 Osubeng 1,757 823 934 432 344
13 Nketepa 1,711 870 841 402 415
14 Pitiku 1,389 724 665 280 168
15 Yirenkyikrom 1,366 648 718 306 311
16 Aboagyekrom 1,263 611 652 293 296
17 Nkwankwaasem no. 2 1,189 505 684 290 229
18 Mampong-koranteng 1,000 464 536 240 188
19 Kyekyenamon 947 527 420 176 190
20 Fo manso no. 2 891 440 451 237 286
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Table A3: Population by age group in the 20 largest communities
Serial All Age group
number Community name ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75+
1 Obo 6,811 741 727 789 744 653 547 398 334 272 320 322 225 180 106 147 306
2 Bepong 6,424 852 824 930 716 421 352 297 299 246 265 264 201 136 129 210 282
3 Mpraeso 5,639 632 638 741 639 403 298 255 232 246 225 245 195 174 137 180 399
4 Besease 4,410 631 658 599 454 296 268 258 250 176 148 152 117 94 72 89 148
5 Obomeng 3,970 478 433 547 538 332 284 224 176 150 160 153 132 81 64 78 140
6 Kwahu-praso no.2 3,738 570 521 460 355 228 210 171 199 175 173 184 107 112 68 93 112
7 Asakraka 3,167 421 377 340 316 269 230 193 177 160 161 119 67 87 59 57 134
8 Atibie 2,423 250 234 288 219 243 185 135 131 101 109 130 91 76 53 64 114
9 Twenedurase 2,075 243 227 247 217 183 166 127 118 109 89 107 48 45 41 46 62
10 Kwahu-praso no.1 2,016 253 236 242 238 204 121 104 101 93 82 91 57 42 42 48 62
11 Atuobikrom 1,986 331 318 278 216 141 152 123 90 85 59 58 30 46 17 16 26
12 Osubeng 1,757 251 241 223 174 127 110 83 82 83 58 81 58 47 42 38 59
13 Nketepa 1,711 252 213 236 187 126 103 74 95 82 67 67 37 53 29 34 56
14 Pitiku 1,389 199 221 181 181 125 95 73 74 65 64 38 21 11 10 12 19
15 Yirenkyikrom 1,366 229 205 181 118 82 95 82 77 68 71 55 26 29 12 16 20
16 Aboagyekrom 1,263 169 173 168 143 66 78 64 77 58 50 47 40 30 32 28 40
17 Nkwankwaasem no. 2 1,189 182 175 167 135 60 51 32 45 46 56 48 45 40 17 28 62
18 Mampong-koranteng 1,000 166 122 139 99 68 51 46 44 42 37 39 36 28 22 25 36
19 Kyekyenamon 947 171 140 133 86 73 64 54 63 51 28 32 12 10 9 5 16
20 Fo manso no. 2 891 176 112 97 75 55 51 51 43 39 49 45 29 24 14 12 19
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census
Project Secretariat
Dr. Philomena Nyarko, Government Statistician
Mr. Baah Wadieh, Deputy Government Statistician
Mr. David Yenukwa Kombat, Acting Census Coordinator
Mr. Sylvester Gyamfi, DISDAP Project Coordinator
Mrs. Abena A. Osei-Akoto, Data Processing
Mr. Rochester Appiah Kubi Boateng, Data Processing
Mrs. Jacqueline Anum, Data Processing
Mrs. Samilia Mintah, Data Processing
Mr. Yaw Misefa, Data Processing
Mr. Ernest Enyan, Data Processing
Mr. Kobina Abaka Ansah, Regional Statistician
Ms. Hanna Frempong Konadu, Formatting/Typesetting
Ms. Aurelia Hotor, Formatting/Typesetting
David Edem Komlagah
Boamah Kyereme Ampaabeng
Dr. John Boateng
Editor/ Reviewers
Prof. Haruna Issahaku
Mr. Kobina Abaka Ansah
Mr. Richard Sasu