Imaging in Osteoarthritis 2021 Yjoca

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Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934


Imaging in Osteoarthritis
F.W. Roemer y z *, A. Guermazi y x, S. Demehri k, W. Wirth ¶ # yy, R. Kijowski zz
y Quantitative Imaging Center, Department of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine, FGH Building, 3rd Floor, 820 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA,
02118, USA
z Department of Radiology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Universita €tsklinikum Erlangen, Maximiliansplatz 3, Erlangen,
91054, Germany
x Department of Radiology, VA Boston Healthcare System, 1400 VFW Pkwy, Suite 1B105, West Roxbury, MA, 02132, USA
k Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 600 N. Wolf Street, Park 311,
Baltimore, MD, 21287, USA
¶ Institute of Anatomy, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, Nüremberg, Germany
# Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Arthritis and Rehabilitation, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Strubergasse 21, 5020, Salzburg, Austria
yy Chondrometrics, GmbH, Freilassing, Germany
zz Department of Radiology, New York University Grossmann School of Medicine, 550 1st Avenue, 3nd Floor, New York, NY, 10016, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most frequent form of arthritis with major implications on both individual and
Received 31 January 2021 public health care levels. The field of joint imaging, and particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
Received in revised form has evolved rapidly due to the application of technical advances to the field of clinical research. This
22 April 2021
narrative review will provide an introduction to the different aspects of OA imaging aimed at an audience
Accepted 28 April 2021
of scientists, clinicians, students, industry employees, and others who are interested in OA but who do
not necessarily focus on OA. The current role of radiography and recent advances in measuring joint
space width will be discussed. The status of cartilage morphology assessment and evaluation of cartilage
biochemical composition will be presented. Advances in quantitative three-dimensional morphologic
Ultrasound cartilage assessment and semi-quantitative whole-organ assessment of OA will be reviewed. Although
MRI MRI has evolved as the most important imaging method used in OA research, other modalities such as
PET ultrasound, computed tomography, and metabolic imaging play a complementary role and will also be
CT discussed.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Osteoarthritis Research Society International.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Introduction monitor its progression. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is

seldom indicated in the assessment or management of knee or hip
Osteoarthritis (OA) is understood as the clinical and pathologic OA. Because of its high sensitivity, MRI is useful for research studies
outcome of a range of disorders that result in structural damage, to identify early OA, to enroll participants with specific joint con-
functional decline, and eventually failure of synovial joints1. OA ditions (e.g., severe cartilage lesions), and to and document struc-
occurs when the dynamic equilibrium between the breakdown and tural changes over time4. In clinical care, MRI can be useful if there
repair of joint tissues is disturbed and unbalanced, which will result is suspicion of conditions such as displaced meniscus fragment or
in pain, physical disability, and psychologic distress2. intra-articular body causing knee locking, subchondral insuffi-
While imaging is not needed to establish a clinical diagnosis of ciency fracture, tumor, or infection that would be treated differ-
OA, OA structural changes have traditionally been assessed with ently or more urgently than OA5.
radiographs3. Today, radiography is still the modality of choice in Application of advanced imaging methods has led to a rapid
the clinical setting to confirm a structural diagnosis of OA and to increase in our understanding of OA, and large longitudinal
observational studies such as the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI, and the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study
(MOST, have added to our knowledge
* Address correspondence and reprint requests to: F.W. Roemer, Department of
Radiology, Boston University Medical Center, FGH Building, 3rd floor, 820 Harrison regarding the natural course of the disease. The field of imaging,
Ave, Boston, MA, 02118, USA. Tel.: 1-617-414-4954; Fax: 1-617-638-6616. and particularly MRI, has evolved markedly over recent years based
E-mail address: (F.W. Roemer).
1063-4584/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Osteoarthritis Research Society International. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
914 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Image examples of the different Kellgren-Lawrence grades. A. Posterior-anterior (p.a.) radiograph of the knee joint shows a normal medial and
lateral joint space and no osteophytes. B. In Kellgren-Lawrence 1, equivocal osteophytes (large arrows) that do not fulfill criteria of a definite
osteophyte are present. In addition there is a small notch osteophyte ((small arrow) not considered in the KellgreneLawrence grading scale. The
medial and lateral joint space is normal. C. Kellgren-Lawrence 2 is characterized by definite osteophytes (arrows) without joint space narrowing. D
Kellgren-Lawrence 3 knees exhibit definite joint space narrowing (arrowheads) and osteophytes (arrows). A knee with joint space narrowing but
no osteophytes would still fulfill criteria for Kellgren-Lawrence 3. E. Kellgren-Lawrence 4 is defined by complete obliteration of the medial or
lateral or both joint spaces (black arrows). In addition there are large medial and lateral osteophytes (white arrows).

on technical advances and application of new and improved im- review is aimed at individuals seeking to acquire basic and clinical
aging technology to the clinical research arena6. Quantitative and knowledge about OA. This includes scientists, graduate students,
semi-quantitative morphological MRI has revealed important educators, and any clinicians involved in OA management including
knowledge on the progression of the disease and its risk factors, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Primary Care, and Allied Health. The
while compositional MRI has provided a deeper understanding of review will focus on the knee joint since the vast majority of
early and potentially reversible OA pathology7. research in OA and cartilage imaging has focused on this particular
This narrative review of the “Fundamentals of OA”-series of joint. Hip, ankle, shoulder or hand OA is prevalent but has gained
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage is an update of the Osteoarthritis less attention in the imaging community. This is primarily due to
Research Society International (OARSI) online educational tool the challenges in visualizing the thin cartilage on the curved
“Primer of OA - Imaging” published a decade ago and will cover the articular surfaces of these joints, particularly on MRI, which re-
different aspects of OA imaging. The content will focus on the pil- quires thin slices and high spatial resolution that is difficult to
lars and foundations of OA imaging and on recent advances. The obtain in clinically feasible scan times. .
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 915

This narrative review will discuss the current role of radiog- challenges regarding positioning and reproducibility of image
raphy in OA imaging and recent advances in the technology of joint acquisition and its inability to evaluate soft tissues, which may be
space width (JSW) measurement. Largely due to the application of sources of pain in OA10e13.
MRI to large clinical studies, it is now accepted consensus to The severity of radiographic OA can be estimated using semi-
perceive OA as a “whole-organ” disorder involving multiple joint quantitative scoring systems. Published atlases provide example
tissues eventually leading to joint failure. Whole joint MRI assess- images that represent specific grades14e16. The Kellgren and Law-
ment has contributed much to this change in perception, and thus rence grading scheme, which dates back as far as 1957, is still the
the role of the different joint structures in a clinical context and accepted standard to diagnose radiographic OA3. The definition of
their relevance for disease progression will be presented in detail. radiographic OA relies on the presence of a “definite” osteophyte on
In addition, the review will discuss methodologies for evaluating the anterior-posterior (a.p.) or posterior-anterior (p.a.) weight-
cartilage biochemical composition and advances in quantitative bearing radiograph (defined as Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2).
morphologic cartilage assessment based on segmentation ap- Differentiation between grades 2 and 3 is based on absence or
proaches, which have made large and significant contributions to presence of joint space narrowing. Illustrative image examples of
our understanding of disease progression in recent years. Although the Kellgren-Lawrence grading instrument are presented in Fig. 1.
MRI has evolved as the most important imaging method used in OA The Kellgren and Lawrence scoring system suffers from limitations
research, other modalities such as ultrasound do play an important based on the invalid assumption that radiographic changes appear
complementary role and will be discussed. The review will in a consecutive fashion over the course of the disease and that it is
conclude with an overview of metabolic imaging and computed comprised of a composite measure of JSW and osteophyte presence.
tomography (CT) and their current and potential role in the clinical In contrast, the OARSI atlas classification scores joint space nar-
and research setting. rowing and osteophytes separately in each compartment of the
knee14,16. Table I presents a comparative overview of Kellgren and
Radiography Lawrence and OARSI atlas image assessment.
For decades the extended knee radiograph (i.e., a bilateral
For a long time OA structural changes have been assessed with weight-bearing a.p. view of both knees in full extension) has been
radiographs. Radiography is used in clinical practice to establish a the standard radiograph employed to image the tibiofemoral
structural diagnosis of OA and to monitor progression of the dis- joint17. While the diagnostic utility of the extended knee radiograph
ease. Radiographs visualize bony features including marginal is established, this technique has limitations concerning repro-
osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts that are ducibility in longitudinal assessment of JSW18. Several research
associated with OA, and provide an indirect estimate of cartilage groups have developed alternative protocols for standardized
thickness and meniscal integrity by assessment of JSW. Radio- positioning of the knee. Common to all of these is a standard of
graphic assessment of OA mainly relies on the evaluation of knee flexion, that provides contact between the tibia and the
osteophytes and joint space narrowing. Osteophytes, i.e., bony posterior aspect of the femoral condyle19. However, the protocols
outgrowths at the joint margins, generally develop at an earlier differ with respect to the degree of flexion required, the angulation
stage than joint space narrowing. The assessment of OA severity of the x-ray beam, and the parameter that is adjusted to meet the
relies mainly on joint space narrowing and concomitant sub- examination's positioning standards. Some positioning protocols
chondral bone pathology8,9. Shortcomings of radiography include use fluoroscopy to confirm satisfactory anatomical positioning of
its moderate sensitivity to change in longitudinal evaluation, the medial tibial plateau prior to acquisition of the radiograph

Kellgren-Lawrence Grading *,y OARSI Atlas Grading z,x

Grading Scale Definition Grading Scale OA structural feature

Grade 0 No feature of OA Medial femoral condyle (0e3) Marginal Osteophytes

Medial tibial plateau (0e3)
Lateral femoral condyle (0e3)
Lateral tibial plateau (0e3)
Grade 1 Doubtful JSN and possible osteophytic lipping Medial compartment (0e3) Joint space narrowing
Grade 2 Definite osteophytes and possible JSN Lateral compartment (0e3)
Grade 3 Moderate multiple osteophytes, definite JSN, and some absent/present Other
sclerosis and possible deformity of bone ends absent/present Medial tibial attrition
Grade 4 Large osteophytes, marked JSN, severe sclerosis, and absent/present Medial tibial sclerosis
definite deformity of bone ends Lateral femoral sclerosis

Abbreviations: OARSI eOsteoarthritis Research Society International; OA e osteoarthritis; JSN e joint space narrowing.
Note: Radiographic OA is defined as Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2, i.e., presence of a definite osteophyte.
Kellgren JH, Lawrence JS. Radiological assessment of osteo-arthrosis. Ann Rheum Dis 1957; 16:494e502.
Altman RD, Gold GE: Atlas of individual radiographic features in osteoarthritis, revised. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2007; 15 (Supplement A):A1-A56.
Note: In contrast to Kellgren-Lawrence grading, which is based on descriptive definitions of each specific grade, OARSI atlas grading is based on image examples. A grade
for a specific compartmental feature is assigned based on a best match with the atlas image.

Table I FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Kellgren and Lawrence and OARSI grading systems for severity assessment of radiographic OA
916 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Direct comparison of MRI and radiography for visualization of knee osteoarthritis. A. Baseline posterior-anterior radiograph shows normal medial
tibiofemoral joint space width (arrows). B. At 3 year follow-up, discrete but definite joint space narrowing is observed (arrows). C. Baseline in-
termediate-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) image of the same knee shows that the medial meniscus is well aligned with the medial joint margins
(white line). No cartilage damage is observed on this image. D. On the corresponding 3 year follow-up intermediate fast spin echo -weighted FSE
image, incident meniscal extrusion of the medial meniscal body is seen, responsible for radiographic joint space narrowing (arrowheads and
white line). No cartilage loss is observed during the follow-up interval.

while others use a non-fluoroscopic positioning standard (semi- mentioning specific imaging modalities27. Traditionally, it is
flexed metatarsophalangeal and fixed flexion views)20e23. required that imaging must provide evidence that the drug can
Standardized measurement of JSW is the prerequisite for improve or even normalize the JSW on X-ray (reverse progression),
assessment of joint space narrowing in clinical trials. Prior to the maintain the JSW on X-ray (halt progression), or slow joint space
development of automated and semi-automated methods, JSW loss by at least a pre-specified amount (slow the rate of progres-
measurement was conducted using manual methods24. Although sion)28. Despite these recommendations regarding the use of X-ray
manual methods offer simplicity of equipment and application and in clinical trials of OA, it is important to acknowledge that JSW as
can be used to measure any linear distance, they are subjective and measured on X-rays does not reflect cartilage damage only29. Fig. 2
labor-intensive. Automated and semi-automated techniques for use illustrates the relevance of the meniscus in the context of JSW
in clinical trials have been developed to provide rapid, objective, measurements. Further, a normal X-ray may not exclude the pres-
and precise measurements of JSW25,26. Different measures of JSW ence of MRI intra-articular OA features30.
have been introduced including minimum JSW, mean JSW or joint
space area, and location-specific JSW. Minimum JSW is defined as MRI
the shortest distance between the tibial and femoral margins of the
joint space within the weight-bearing areas of the medial and Although radiography remains the primary imaging modality
lateral tibio-femoral compartments. for defining inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as the primary
Despite major advances in cross-sectional imaging and partic- structural endpoint in OA clinical trials, known limitations for
ularly MRI, radiographically assessed joint space narrowing is still visualization of OA features significantly limits the utility of radi-
the recommended structural outcome for demonstrating the effi- ography both clinically and in the research setting. Long regarded
cacy of disease-modifying OA drugs in phase-III clinical trials by as a disease of “wear and tear,” the application of MRI has led to a
regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- new paradigm for OA in that OA should be viewed as a whole-organ
tion. These have been amended in a recent draft guidance stating disorder involving multiple joint tissues. Whole-organ MRI
that “… an effect on the candidate structural endpoint will reliably assessment has contributed much to this change in perception. MRI
predict an effect on the clinical outcomes of interest” without has evolved to play a major role in the research setting, with
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 917

Fig. 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Direct comparison of non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced imaging for synovitis assessment. A. Axial proton density-weighted fat-suppressed
(FSE) image shows marked hyperintensity within the joint cavity suggesting severe joint effusion (asterisk). In addition, there is bone marrow
lesion at the proximal attachment site of the anterior cruciate ligament (arrow). B. Axial T1-weighted fat-suppressed FSE image after contrast
administration visualizes severe synovial thickening depicted as contrast enhancement (arrows). Asterisk demarcates the true amount of effusion,
which is only discrete and visualized as intra-articular hypointensity. Note that bone marrow lesion is depicted with comparative conspicuity
using T1-weighted contrast-enhanced imaging (arrowhead).

compositional MRI techniques becoming increasingly more that do not fulfill the defined criteria of a full grade change as per a
important due to their ability to assess ‘pre-morphologic’ given scoring system) in a longitudinal study can increase the
biochemical compositional changes of articular and periarticular sensitivity to change of a semi-quantitative outcome measure40.
tissues. There has been an on-going discussion of whether reading blinded
to time points of image acquisition is preferable to reading in an un-
blinded fashion. Reading un-blinded might result in a slight ten-
Semi-quantitative MRI assessment
dency to read more change in comparison to a blinded reading.
However, it has been shown that scoring without knowing the
The knee joint is assumed to represent an organ as it is
chronological sequence substantially decreases sensitivity in the
comprised of multiple tissues whose integrity is essential for the
detection of clinically relevant changes in comparison with scoring
joint to optimally function. The analyses based on semi-quantita-
in chronological order41,42. These studies showed that blinding to
tive (SQ) scoring from MRI have added deeply to the understanding
time point can lead to misclassification of the longitudinal change
of the pathophysiology and natural history of OA as well as the
in a feature and that it may compromise the assessment of the
clinical implications of the structural changes assessed28e36.
relation of that feature and its outcome, which was also translated
The Whole Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS)
to OA assessment43.
was the first published scoring system and has been used exten-
The heterogeneous nature of the clinical and structural mani-
sively for almost two decades in a multitude of OA studies world-
festations of the disease have led to recent suggestions that there
wide31. Since then, three more whole-organ knee scoring systems
may be several phenotypes or subpopulations in OA that are
have been developed: The Knee Osteoarthritis Scoring System
characterized by distinct clinical manifestations of disease, by
(KOSS), the Boston Leeds Osteoarthritis Knee Score (BLOKS), and
certain laboratory parameters, biochemical markers, and/or imag-
the MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score (MOAKS)32e34. All of these
ing findings44. While MRI-based phenotypic characterization of
scoring systems are based on MRI without intravenous or intra-
large cohort data is not yet available, three main structural phe-
articular administration of contrast agents, while other systems
notypes in OA have been proposed, i.e., meniscus/cartilage, sub-
have been developed that are based on contrast-enhanced MRI
chondral bone, and inflammation45,46. These may progress
specifically developed for assessment of synovitis35. Fig. 3 shows an
differently and may represent specific tissue targets for future
example of non-enhanced vs enhanced imaging for synovitis
therapeutic approaches47,48. Atrophic and hypertrophic pheno-
assessment. Literature evidence suggests that semi-quantitative
types have also been defined but are uncommon49. Fig. 4 depicts
assessment of knee OA by expert MRI readers is a valid, reliable, and
image examples of different structural OA phenotypes. Recently, a
responsive tool that helps investigators to understand the natural
semi-quantitative scoring instrument, the rapid osteoarthritis MRI
history of this complex disease and to evaluate potential new drugs
eligibility score (ROAMES), has been presented that enables
in OA clinical trials4,36,37. These approaches have enabled us to
phenotypic characterization based on simplified MRI assessment,
explain associations of structural tissue damage with clinical
which also includes assessment of findings of exclusion such as
manifestations of the disease and with changes in the morphology
subchondral insufficiency fracture, malignant bone marrow infil-
that indicate disease onset and progression38,39. Recording of
tration, and others50. Combined with accelerated image acquisition,
‘within-grade’ changes (i.e., definite visual morphologic changes
918 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Structural knee OA phenotypes as defined by MRI. A. Cartilage/Meniscus phenotype. Coronal intermediate-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) image
shows diffuse full-thickness cartilage loss at the lateral tibia (arrowhead). In addition there is marked meniscal substance loss (i.e., maceration) at
the corresponding lateral meniscal body but also medially (thin arrows) characteristic for the cartilage/meniscus phenotype of knee OA. In
addition, there are osteophytes at the joint margins characteristic of structural OA (thick arrows). B. Inflammatory phenotype. Sagittal inter-
mediate-weighted fat-suppressed FSE image shows diffuse hyperintensity within the joint cavity (asterisk). In addition, there is a small sub-
chondral bone marrow lesion at the medial femur (large arrow) and a discrete horizontal-oblique meniscal tear in the posterior horn of the medial
meniscus (small arrows). Note that structural features of OA rarely are present in isolation. C. Subchondral bone phenotype. The subchondral
bone phenotype is characterized by larger bone marrow lesions as shown in this sagittal intermediate-eighted fat-suppressed FSE image. There
are large bone marrow lesions at the medial femur (arrows) but also tibia (arrowheads). Additional structural OA features are present such as a
minor medial meniscal tear ans small osteophytes. D. Atrophic phenotype. Coronal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed FSE image shows
marked full thickness cartilage loss at the medial femur (arrow). In addition there is meniscal maceration (arrowhead) and superficial cartilage loss
at the medial tibia. No marginal osteophytes are seen at the medial or lateral joint line defining this knee as exhibiting an atrophic phenotype. E.
Hypertrophic phenotype. Hypertrophic phenotype. Coronal DESS image shows large marginal osteophytes medially and laterally (arrows)
characteristic of the hypertrophic phenotype of knee OA. In addition, there are osteophytes at the femoral notch commonly not included in whole
joint scoring systems (arrowheads). Note that there is only minor superficial cartilage damage in the medial and lateral femur and tibia.

MRI may be useful in screening endeavors for OA clinical trials. A exemplary fashion data extraction from a high-resolution 3D MRI
comparative overview of the main semi-quantitative scoring in- acquisition. Image analysis software can then be used to compute a
struments is presented in Table II. variety of morphological parameters, such as the volume, thickness,
size of the subchondral bone and cartilage surface area, the
denuded and cartilage covered subchondral bone area, and
Quantitative morphologic cartilage assessment by MRI
others51. Quantitative measurement of cartilage morphology re-
quires standardized, high-resolution 3D imaging sequences such as
Quantitative measurement of cartilage morphology exploits the
spoiled gradient-echo (SPGR) images or double-echo steady-state
three-dimensional (3D) nature of MRI data to assess morphologic
(DESS) images that delineate the bone-cartilage interface and
tissue parameters as continuous variables51 based on segmentation
cartilage surface with adequate contrast52,53 and provide a high
of the bone-cartilage-interface and cartilage surface. Fig. 5 shows in
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 919

sensitivity to change54. Analysis of total knee cartilage plates and differences in change60. By removing the link between magnitude
compartments has been extended methodologically to reporting and location of change, location-independent analyses such as the
changes in defined subregions as illustrated in Fig. 655. The spatial “ordered values”-approach or thinning/thickening scores circum-
pattern of subregional cartilage change has been reported in vent the challenge of selecting a particular knee compartment or
various samples, including Osteoarthritis Initiative participants subregion as an outcome measure of progression a priori. These
with up to 4-year follow-up56,57. measures have been shown to improve discrimination between
Cartilage morphometry is traditionally used to measure longi- healthy and OA subjects61 and between knees with difference
tudinal change in knees with established radiographic OA that are radiographic OA grades62, to be superior to location-based mea-
likely to show structural progression. The magnitude of progression sures in detecting risk factors of OA progression63, and to be sen-
is strongly linked to the existing cartilage damage, and therefore sitive to treatment interventions64. Location-independent analyses
radiographic scoring systems such as the Kellgren and Lawrence have also been shown to be sensitive to differences in change in
system or compartment-specific joint space narrowing grades are knees without radiographic signs of OA and may therefore allow
commonly used for selecting participants for studies relying on quantitative cartilage morphometry to be used in studies focusing
cartilage morphometry as the outcome measure58. Early OA, in on early OA.
contrast, is not characterized by wide-spread cartilage substance Quantitative measurements of cartilage volume and thickness
loss. Instead, knees without definite radiographic OA are likely to change have been used as outcomes in interventional trials, for
remain stable for longer periods of time before eventually pro- instance, evaluating the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
gressing to advanced disease. In addition, subregional thinning and drugs (NSAIDs), celecoxib, physical exercise, licofelone, chondroitin
thickening (due to cartilage swelling or hypertrophy) may be sulfate, strontium ranelate, triamcinolone acetonide, and vitamin D
observed simultaneously in early OA cohorts59, which impairs the supplementation. More recently, sprifermin (fibroblast growth
analysis of change in cartilage morphology on a cartilage plate or factor 18) showed a dose-dependent positive effect regarding
joint level. articular cartilage preservation and possibly growth when
Because knees may show both thinning and thickening on a compared to placebo65.
subregional level at the same time and because the location Quantitative joint analyses are not limited to articular cartilage,
affected from change in cartilage thickness varies between OA pa- but have also been applied to other joint tissues such as the bone,
tients, location-independent analyses focusing on the magnitude of meniscus, and infrapatellar fat-pad.
change (cartilage thickness gain and loss) independent of their
location have been suggested to provide a greater sensitivity to

Reference Acronym Features assessed (scale of scoring)

Peterfy (2004) WORMS Cartilage: (0e6)

Bone marrow lesions; subchondral cysts; bone attrition; effusion/synovitis; periarticular cysts/bursitis; loose bodies: (0
Osteophytes: (0e7)
Meniscal pathology: (0e4)
Cruciate and collateral ligaments: (0e1)
Kornaat (2005) KOSS Cartilage size and depth (i.e., % that is full thickness loss): (0e3)
Bone marrow lesions; subchondral cysts; osteophytes; effusion; meniscal tear; meniscal extrusion; popliteal cysts: (0
Synovial thickening (0e1)
Hunter (2008) BLOKS Cartilage size and depth: (0e3), plus extent of any cartilage loss at specified point
Bone marrow lesions (each lesion is evaluated on a 0e3 scale for: size by volume; size by % surface area adjacent to
subchondral plate; % of BML that is non-cystic)
Osteophytes; effusion; meniscal extrusion: (0e3)
Synovitis (size of signal changes in Hoffa's fat pad 0-3: five additional sites 0e1)
Meniscal status (evaluated on a presence/absence scale for: intrameniscal signal; tear; maceration; meniscal cyst)
Ligaments; periarticular cysts/bursitis; loose bodies: (0e1)
Hunter (2011) MOAKS Cartilage size and depth: (0e3); includes % of subregion that is full thickness loss
Bone marrow lesions (each subregion is evaluated on a 0e3 scale for: size by volume; % of BML that is non-cystic,
number of BMLs in subregion counted)
Osteophytes, effusion-synovitis; Hoffa-synovitis; meniscal extrusion: (0e3)
Meniscal status (evaluated on a 0e1 scale for: intrameniscal signal; tear; maceration; meniscal cyst; hypertrophy)
Ligaments; periarticular cysts/bursitis; loose bodies: (0e1)
Roemer (2020 ROAMES For cross-sectional phenotypic stratification and eligibility assessment in clinical trials:
Only maximum subregional WORMS/MOAKS grade per compartment is coded for cartilage, bone marrow lesions,
inflammation, osteophytes and meniscus
Diagnoses of exclusion are recorded in addition (0e1): meniscal root tears, osteonecrosis, subchondral insufficiency
fracture, tumors, malignant marrow infiltration and acute traumatic changes

Abbreviations: BML ebone marrow lesion; WORMS - Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score; KOSS - Knee Osteoarthritis Scoring System; BLOKS - Boston Leeds
Osteoarthritis Knee Score; MOAKS - MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score; ROAMES - Rapid OsteoArthritis MRI Eligibility Score.

Table II FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Overview of different semi-quantitative whole-organ MRI scoring systems for assessment of knee osteoarthritis
920 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

3D morphometry illustrated using a Kellgren and Lawrence grade 4 knee with areas of denuded, full-thickness cartilage loss in the medial
compartment from the OAI. The knee was imaged using 3T coronal SPGR MRI (top row) and sagittal DESS MRI (bottom row). Figures A. and D.
show the knee without segmentation and without the lines marking the femoral region of interest (sagittal orientation only). Figures B. and E.
illustrate the cartilage plates. Figures C. and F. illustrate the segmentation of the cartilage contours (green: subchondral bone area, magenta:
cartilage surface).

MRI pulse sequence protocols Compositional MRI is best suited for evaluating subjects at risk for
OA who do not have evidence of pre-existing joint degeneration
Concerning specific pulse sequence protocols for imaging the on radiographs or conventional MRI. A wide variety of composi-
knee joint to investigate OA, the minimum requirement would tional MRI methods have been used to evaluate patients with OA
consist of proton density- or intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed including T2 mapping, sodium imaging, T2* mapping, gagCEST
sequences in three planes. An additional non-fat suppressed T1- imaging, T1-rho mapping, diffusion-weighted imaging, ultra-short
weighted sequence for superior visualization of bony contours, echo-time imaging, and delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of
loose bodies, and subchondral sclerosis is desirable. If 3D volu- cartilage (dGEMRIC)68,69. These techniques provide information
metric analysis is to be included, an additional high resolution 3D regarding different constituents of cartilage and have different
gradient-echo (GRE) sequence providing high intrinsic cartilage advantages and limitations which are summarized in Table III.
signal is necessary52. Although developed for dedicated cartilage However, the vast majority of studies have used T2 mapping, T1-
imaging, the relatively poorer contrast between cartilage and joint rho mapping, and dGEMRIC to evaluate subjects with OA, and thus
fluid of 3D GRE-based techniques renders them inferior in depict- these compositional MRI techniques will be described in more
ing focal cartilage defects when compared to standard two- detail.
dimensional (2D) fast spin-echo (FSE) techniques as show in T2 relaxation time can provide information regarding the
exemplary fashion in Fig. 766. An overview on protocol suggestions collagen component of cartilage as it is influenced by the organi-
for semi-quantitative assessment of knee OA was published several zation of the collagen fiber network, which is disrupted during the
years ago67. earliest stages of cartilage degeneration70. However, the T2 relax-
ation time of cartilage is influenced by multiple additional factors
including water and macromolecular concentration71,72, cartilage
Compositional MRI loading73, and magic angle effect due to the orientation of cartilage
relative to the main magnetic field74. Thus, changes in cartilage T2
Compositional MRI can detect changes in cartilage composition relaxation time may be difficult to interpret and often challenging
and ultra-structure during the earliest stages of cartilage degen-
eration prior to the onset of morphologic cartilage loss.
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 921

Fig. 6 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Femorotibial subregions of the medial and lateral compartment as commonly applied to 3D quantitative cartilage assessment. A. The central,
weight-bearing part of the femoral cartilage (bottom left) is divided into external (green), central (red), and internal (blue) subregions. The tibia
cartilage is divided into external, central, internal, anterior (turquoise) and posterior subregions (yellow).

to detect due to the multiple competing biological and mechanical a T2 mapping sequence in the imaging protocol of the longitudinal
factors which influence the measurement. OAI study. Higher cartilage T2 relaxation time in patients at risk for
T1-rho relaxation time can provide information regarding the knee OA can predict the incidence and progression of cartilage and
proteoglycan component of cartilage as it is influenced by the ex- bone marrow edema lesions88,89 and the onset of radiographic
change of protons between water molecules and the hydroxyl and OA90. However, cartilage T2 relaxation time measurements are of
amine groups on the glycosaminoglycan side chains of proteogly- limited value for predicting structural and symptomatic progres-
can. T1-rho relaxation time of both native and enzymatically sion in patients with established knee OA91,92. Furthermore, there is
degraded ex-vivo cartilage samples is strongly correlated with limited information on changes in cartilage T2 relaxation time or
proteoglycan content75. However, T1-rho relaxation time is not a other compositional MRI parameters in healthy knees over time,
specific measure of proteoglycan within cartilage and is also which makes it difficult to interpret small longitudinal changes in
influenced by multiple additional factors including other biological cartilage T2 and T1-rho relaxation time in knees with or at risk for
changes that occur during cartilage degeneration76, the orientation OA.
of cartilage relative to the main magnetic field77, and the degree of Both T2 mapping and T1-rho mapping have been used to eval-
cartilage loading78. uate post-traumatic and post-surgical changes in the cartilage of
dGEMRIC measures the T1 relaxation time of cartilage following the knee joint. Elevated cartilage T2 and T1-rho relaxation time
intra-venous administration of gadolinium contrast. dGEMRIC within the posterior lateral tibia plateau in areas of acute cartilage
provides a sensitive and specific measure of the proteoglycan injury is present during the early phase after anterior cruciate lig-
content of cartilage as negatively charged gadolinium contrast ament (ACL) tear93,94 and persists at both one year94,95 and two
distributes within cartilage indirectly proportional to the concen- year96 follow-up despite resolution of adjacent bone marrow le-
tration of negatively charged glycosaminoglycan side chains of sions. Multiple studies with follow-up periods ranging between six
proteoglycan79. However, dGEMRIC has several disadvantages months and two years show elevated cartilage T2 and T1-rho
including the long waiting time between contrast administration relaxation time within the medial compartment of the knee joint
and MRI which is inconvenient for patients and the risk of allergic following ACL injury96,97. Fig. 8 shows an example of elevated
reactions and nephrogenic systemic sclerosis with use of ionic cartilage T2 and T1-rho relaxation time in areas of morphologically
gadolinium contrast80. normal cartilage in a subject with ACL injury. Increased cartilage T2
T2 and T1-rho mapping have been used to evaluate subjects relaxation time is also present in subjects with isolated meniscus
with OA. The T2 and T1-rho relaxation time of knee cartilage in- tears98.
creases with age81,82 and with the severity of cartilage degenera- dGEMRIC has also been used to evaluate subjects with or at risk
tion83,84. T1-rho relaxation time is more sensitive than T2 for OA. Decreased T1 relaxation time of cartilage following gado-
relaxation time for detecting early cartilage degeneration in both linium contrast administration in animal studies correspond to
ex-vivo specimens85 and within the knee joint of human sub- areas of proteoglycan loss on histological analysis99. dGEMRIC has
jects86,87. However, cartilage T2 relaxation time has been more high sensitivity for detecting surgically and histologically
extensively studied in subjects with knee OA due to the inclusion of confirmed early cartilage degeneration within the knee joint in
922 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 7 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Focal defects on MRI. A. Coronal intermediate-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) image shows a focal superficial thickness cartilage defect at the
medial femur (arrow). This finding cannot be depicted by radiography as joint space width will not be affected by such subtle changes. B.
Corresponding coronal fast low angle shot (FLASH) image at the same slice position shows only minor hypointensity in this area (ellipse) but no
definite defect. This example illustrates that not all MRI sequences are suited to visualize cartilage changes in the same manner.

human subjects100. Lower T1 relaxation times of cartilage following patellofemoral joint including the anterior femoral surface and
gadolinium contrast administration indicating reduced proteogly- Hoffa's fat pad, and the medial and lateral joint line including
can content is also present in subjects with higher Kellgren and osteophytes and the body of the meniscus. Fig. 9 shows an example
Lawrence grades of radiographic knee OA and in subjects with ACL of meniscal extrusion as shown by ultrasound. Furthermore, peri-
injury101,102 and meniscectomy103 who are at high risk for knee OA. articular cystic lesions are well-depicted. Ultrasonography has
DGEMRIC can also be used to monitor changes in cartilage pro- proven to be a useful adjuvant to routine clinical assessment to aid
teoglycan content following cartilage repair procedures104e108. management of disease, rather than a stand-alone diagnostic
Ultrasonography In knee OA, ultrasound adds diagnostic information over con-
ventional radiography primarily by its ability to directly visualize
Ultrasound provides real time, multi-planar imaging at rela- structural changes in cartilage and meniscus, as well as to sensi-
tively low cost. It offers reliable assessment of OA-associated fea- tively detect effusion and synovitis112. A cross sectional, multi-
tures, including inflammatory and structural abnormalities, center European study analyzed 600 patients with painful knee OA
without contrast administration or exposure to radiation109. A and found that ultrasound-detected synovitis correlated with
comprehensive overview of the topic was presented some years advanced radiographic OA and clinical symptoms and signs sug-
ago by Keen et al.110. Ultrasound allows sensitive and specific gestive of an acute inflammatory episode109.
identification of soft tissue and superficial bone changes with the It has been shown that ultrasound is more sensitive than con-
advantage of non-invasive assessment of vascularity111. However, ventional radiography for detecting tibiofemoral osteophytes114.
acquisition of ultrasonography skills takes time and practice and The benefits of ultrasonography over radiography include the
ongoing maintenance of competency112. The main limitation is the ability to image soft tissue structures, and the potential to detect
inability to pass through bone interfaces or into deeper articular small or early structural lesions115. Whether there will be a role for
structures. However, ultrasound is able to visualize the ultrasound in the assessment of pre-radiographic OA remains to be
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 923

MRI Technique Cartilage Constituent Advantages Limitations


T2 Mapping Collagen network, Well validated, widely Not specific to any

water available, baseline cartilage constituent,
measurements provide unable to evaluate
prognostic information, osteochondral junction,
does not require influenced by magic
contrast angle effect
Sodium Imaging Proteoglycan Specific for Requires high field
proteoglycan in strength 3.0T or 7.0T
cartilage, does not scanner and specialized
require contrast coils, low signal results
in long scan time and
low spatial resolution
T2* Mapping Collagen network, Faster acquisition time Not well validated,
water than T2 mapping, able susceptible to magnetic
to evaluate field inhomogeneity,
osteochondral junction, influenced by magic
does not require angle effect
gagCest Imaging Proteoglycan Specific for Not well validated,
proteoglycan in requires high field
cartilage, does not strength 7.0T scanner,
require contrast pulse sequence not
widely available
T1-Rho Mapping Proteoglycan Well validated, more Not specific to any
sensitive to early cartilage constituent,
cartilage degeneration unable to evaluate
than T2 mapping, less osteochondral junction,
influenced by magic pulse sequence not
effect than T2 and T2* widely available, high
mapping, does not specific absorption rate
require contrast
Diffusion-Imaging Proteoglycan, collagen Simultaneously Not well validated,
network provides information requires high field
regarding proteoglycan strength 3.0T or 7.0T
and collagen network, scanner, pulse
does not require sequence not widely
contrast available
UTE Imaging Proteoglycan, water, Able to evaluate Not well validated,
collagen network osteochondral junction, superiority over
can be combined with conventional T2, T2*,
T2, T2*, and T1-rho and T1-rho mapping
mapping unclear
dGEMRIC Proteoglycan Specific for Requires gadolinium
proteoglycan in contrast, long wait
cartilage, well validated prior to MRI, potential
toxicity of gadolinium

Table III FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Characteristics, strengths and drawbacks of compositional MRI techniques to assess knee cartilage

seen. Possible examples of its clinical use include evaluation of joint approach for measuring joint space parameters from weight-
effusion and synovitis, which has been shown to be a pre-cursor of bearing CT (WBCT) has been introduced120 CT arthrography can
cartilage damage, and evaluation of meniscal extrusion under improve tissue contrast through use of intra-articular iodinated
weight-bearing conditions116,117. contrast. CT arthrography is considered the in vivo reference
standard for measuring cartilage thickness121,122 and has high
Computed tomography diagnostic performance for detecting cartilage defects, meniscus
tears, and ACL injuries within the knee joint as exemplified in
CT has been applied to study OA-associated changes including Fig. 10123,124. The imaging technique can also be used to simulta-
bone trabecular remodeling, subchondral cysts, and subchondral neously measure cartilage thickness and subchondral bone min-
bone sclerosis118. In addition to subchondral bone changes, CT is eral density, which allows investigation of the regional
useful for detecting and quantifying associated tissue mineraliza- interactions between cartilage and bone in the onset and pro-
tion such as chondrocalcinosis, which is thought to play a role in gression of OA125. Furthermore, CT arthrography can provide in
disease initiation and progression119 and recently a quantitative vivo assessment of the proteoglycan content of cartilage as anionic
924 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 8 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Early cartilage degeneration after ACL injury. (A) Sagittal fat-suppressed SPGR image in a subject with prior ACL injury shows a small intra-
chondral osteophyte (arrowhead) but otherwise morphologically normal cartilage on the posterior lateral tibial plateau without surface defects. (B)
Corresponding sagittal T2 mapping image and (C) sagittal fat-suppressed T1-rho mapping image show elevated cartilage T2 and T1-rho
relaxation time on the posterior lateral tibial plateau (arrows), indicating changes in cartilage composition and ultra-structure due to early cartilage

intra-articular iodinated contrast diffuses into cartilage in inverse DECT can also create bone subtraction images that can identify
proportion to the concentration of negatively charged glycosami- attenuation changes within bone marrow due to post-traumatic
noglycan in the macromolecular matrix126. However, CT arthrog- and degenerative bone marrow edema lesions131. Newly developed
raphy is invasive and is unable to detect all structural features of extremity cone beam CT provides high resolution imaging of the
joint degeneration including joint effusion, synovitis, and bone knee and ankle in the weight-bearing position with low radiation
marrow edema lesions, which has limited its widespread use in doses. WBCT can assess structural features of knee joint degener-
OA research studies. ation132 and measure tibiofemoral JSW with high scan-rescan
Recent technologic advances have provided new CT applications reliability133. Tibiofemoral JSW measurements obtained using
for evaluating subjects with OA. Dual-energy CT (DECT) can WBCT correlate strongly with measurements obtained using fixed
distinguish between structures with similar densities but different flexion radiography134 and are associated with clinical symptoms
elemental compositions based upon attenuation differences on and physical function in subjects with knee OA135. WBCT may have
image datasets acquired at different energy levels127. DECT can a role in assessing relevance of articular structures that show
improve characterization of crystal deposition diseases, which is change under weight-bearing conditions as exemplified in Fig. 11.
thought to play an important role in the onset and progression of In addition to WBCT, four-dimensional CT (4D-CT) has been
knee OA128, through detection of monosodium urate deposits in developed, which is not only able to detect patellofemoral mal-
early gout129 and distinguishing between calcium pyrophosphate tracking136, which is an important risk factor for patellofemoral OA,
and calcium hydroxyapatite deposits in meniscus and bone130. but can also provide an accurate and reliable visual assessment of
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 925

pain138, the Kellgren and Lawrence grade of radiographic OA139,

and the severity of cartilage degeneration on MRI139,140. 18F-FDG
uptake on PET imaging is correlated with the severity of synovitis
in subjects with knee OA141. Furthermore, 18F-NaF uptake but not
F-FDG uptake is seen in bone marrow edema lesions, osteo-
phytes, and subchondral sclerosis in subjects with knee OA on
PET-MRI with the extent of radiopharmaceutical uptake directly
correlating with the severity of bone abnormalities142. However,
more than a third of regions of 18F-NaF uptake on PET show no
correlative abnormality on MRI indicating that bone remodeling
in knee OA may precede morphologic joint degeneration142. 18F-
NaF uptake in bone in subjects with or at risk for knee OA is also
associated with proteoglycan loss and collagen matrix degrada-
tion detected on compositional MRI, which provides evidence of
the interaction between bone and cartilage in joint

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in OA imaging

An abundance of literature has been published in recent years

on AI-based approaches in the context of OA imaging. It will go far
beyond the scope of this narrative review to cover these in
comprehensive fashion, although thorough review articles on the
applications of AI in OA imaging have been published144e146.
However, some recent developments that may be relevant for the
non-expert will be described.
Several deep-learning (DL) approaches have been used to
identify structural joint pathology on MRI associated with knee OA
including cartilage lesions147,148, meniscus tears148,149, and ACL in-
Fig. 9 Osteoarthritis and Cartilage juries149,150. Most of these studies first isolated the structure of
interest prior to disease classification using a convolutional neural
network (CNN) and showed similar diagnostic performance as
FUNDAMENTALS OF OA human readers for detecting joint pathology. One study described
the use of a single neural network that detected meniscus tears and
Sonographic image of the medial tibiofemoral joint space in mod-
ACL injuries on MRI without first isolating the structure of interest.
erate structural osteoarthritis. Image shows marked extrusion of the
However, the DL approach had significantly lower diagnostic per-
body of the medial meniscus (arrows). In addition, a small femoral
formance than human readers despite using large training data-
osteophyte is depicted (arrowhead). Note that there is sound
sets150. This suggests that isolation of individual joint structures or
extinction toward the more central parts of the joint (asterisk), which
use of more sophisticated neural networks may be needed to
does not allow for assessment of the cartilage surface and the
maximize diagnostic performance of DL approaches for detecting
ligaments in these deeper areas of the joint.
joint pathology.
Many studies have described DL methods for fully-automated
segmentation of articular cartilage using a wide variety of ap-
proaches including statistical shape modelling151, 3D active
appearance models152, 2D and 3D CNNs153,154, and sophisticated
patellar tracking137. Fig. 12 shows an example of time-resolved combinations or variants of generative adversarial networks
patellofemoral tracking during knee flexion and extension using (GANs)155. Although progress in OA image segmentation has led to
4D-CT. a point where algorithm errors lie within the intra-reader vari-
ability range, deployment in clinical practice still requires some
Molecular imaging form of supervision, which may include visual inspection of seg-
mentation outputs as well as error maps when a ground truth is
Molecular imaging techniques have been used to evaluate available146.
subjects with OA including single-photon emission computed DL methods have been used to assign Kellgren-Lawrence
tomography (SPECT), which utilizes Tc-99 hydroxymethane grades to assess the severity of OA on knee radiographs. In
diphosphonate (HDP) to assess bone turnover, and positive one study, the neural network had an average multi-class
emission tomography (PET) imaging, which utilizes 18F-fluo- accuracy of 67% for assigning a Kellgren-Lawrence grade with an
rodeoxyglucose (FDG) to assess metabolic activity as exemplified area under the curve of 0.93 for determining the presence or
in Fig. 13 and 18F-SodiumFluoride (NaF) to assess bone turnover. absence of radiographic OA156. In another study, the neural
Both SPECT and PET are typically combined with CT or MRI to network had a sensitivity ranging between 69% and 86% and a
provide improved anatomic localization of radiopharmaceutical specificity ranging between 84% and 99% for assigning
uptake and to correlate findings of metabolic activity and bone individual Kellgren-Lawrence grades157. Other applications of AI
turn-over with morphologic and compositional findings of joint in OA imaging include automated prescription of imaging pro-
degeneration. Quantitative uptake of Tc-99 HDP on SPECT-CT in tocols, image acquisition acceleration, reconstruction, and
subjects with knee OA is associated with the severity of knee prognosis158.
926 F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

Fig. 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

CT arthrography is considered the gold standard for the visualization of cartilage surface defects. A. Coronal reformatted CT image after intra-
articular administration of contrast material shows a subtle but definite focal superficial defect at the medial tibia (arrow). B. The same defect is
confirmed in a sagittal reformat (arrow).

AI-based imaging of OA has several advantages and proven improving interpretability and estimation of uncertainty of DL
potential. However, studies on the use DL methods for evaluating models159.
patients with OA on imaging studies are in their preliminary phase,
and additional validation is needed before these techniques could Conclusions and outlook
be of widespread use in clinical practice and research settings.
Furthermore, availability of datasets involving large cohorts of Conventional radiography remains the initial and most widely
participants, as well as multi-institutional collaborations are used imaging technique for evaluation of a patient with a known or
fundamental to improve generalizability of AI's technological suspected diagnosis of OA. In research and clinical trials, it is still an
promise. Future direction of research will likely be devoted to important tool for stratifying OA patients into different categories
for inclusion criteria and eligibility. However, due to inherent

Fig. 11 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Weight-bearing CT. Novel weight-bearing CT devices allow for imaging in an upright, standing position. A. Standard non-weight bearing coronal
intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed fast spin echo (FSE) image show a regular alignment of the medial meniscus with the joint margin (arrows).
B. Corresponding weight-bearing CT acquired on the same day shows definite extrusion of the medial meniscus beyond the tibial margin
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 927

Fig. 12 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Four-dimensional CT (4D-CT). Novel 4D-CT devices allow for imaging of the patellofemoral joint throughout extension-flexion knee motion to
elucidate the patellar tracking pattern. A. 3D volume rendering CT image of bilateral patellofemoral joint in a 19-year old athlete with history of left
patellar instability demonstrates symmetric lateral subluxation of patella at full extension (A, arrows) which resolves during knee flexion (B,

limitations of plain radiography (i.e., inability to visualize most OA in clinical practice. The role of CT, scintigraphy, and FDG-PET in the
features, poor sensitivity and specificity to change, and difficulties diagnosis and follow-up of OA is still limited but is rapidly
of reproducibility in longitudinal trials), MRI plays a crucial role in advancing. A comparative summary of the strengths and limita-
understanding the natural history of the disease and in guiding tions of currently available imaging methods for the evaluation of
future therapies due to its ability to image the knee as a whole knee OA is shown in Table IV.
organ and to directly and three-dimensionally assess cartilage The use of high-resolution techniques to assess cartilage
morphology and composition. Ultrasound plays an important role morphology combined with available compositional techniques
in the diagnosis and follow-up of treatment of OA-related synovitis will improve the sensitivity of MRI in the detection of early joint

Fig. 13 FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxyeD-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) enables visualization of hypermetabolic joint tissues such as sy-
novial activation in osteoarthritis. A. Standard coronal reformatted CT image shows features of OA such as joint space narrowing in the lateral
compartment (arrows) and intra- and peri-meniscal calcification at the medial joint margin consistent with calcium pyrophosphate deposition
disease (CPPD) (large arrowheads). In addition, there is a definite osteophyte at the lateral femoral joint margin (small arrowhead). B. The cor-
responding fusion image of CT with FDG-PET shows marked peri-meniscal synovitis medially and laterally (short arrows) as well as around the
cruciate ligaments (arrowhead). In addition, there is synovitis at the posterior joint recess medially (long arrow).
Radiography US CT CT arthrography MRI SPECT and PET

Strengths - Low cost - Quickly performed - High anatomical [In addition to advantages of CT]: - All tissues of the joint - Provides metabolic
- Wide availability - Readily available resolution and excellent - Accurate evaluation of focal visualized information on bone
- Minimal radiation exposure - Enables real-time dynamic depiction of bony structures surface cartilage defects - Enables assessment (SPECT) and synovial
- Quick and inexpensive to imaging - 3D imaging with - Evaluation of meniscal tears of the tissue (FDG-PET)
perform - No radiation volumetric reconstruction and other intrinsic joint joint as a whole organ - Sensitive
- Readily available - Suitable for imaging of - Weight-bearing and structures such as ligaments using established

F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934

- Availability of established superficial structures with kinematic CT systems now - Potential to assess cartilage grading schemes
semiquantitative grading high spatial resolution available biochemical composition - Contrast-enhanced
schemes for osteoarthritis - Color Doppler adds imaging
information on vascularity provides additional
especially for
- No radiation
- Excellent anatomical
- 3D and compositional
assessment of
cartilage and other
tissues possible
Shortcomings - Projectional technique - Poor anatomical resolution - Higher cost relative to [In addition to disadvantages - Relatively long - Long imaging time
- 2D imaging only - Limited visualization of radiographs of CT] imaging - Non-specific
- Inability to visualize intraarticular structures in - Radiation exposure - High cost due to the use of time - Low spatial
important OA-related the weight-bearing aspects - Inability to delineate soft contrast and involved - May be resolution
pathologies including of the joint tissue structures in detail logistics contraindicated - Ionizing radiation
cartilage, bone marrow - Subchondral bone not - Invasive e risk of pain, in some patients - Logistical issues
lesions, ligaments, effusion depicted due to sound infection and hemorrhage - Costs regarding handling
and synovitis extinction at the subchondral post-procedure of radioactive tracers
- Technical limitations plate - Bone marrow lesions not - High costs
including positioning of the adequately visualized
joint and reproducibility in
longitudinal studies

Abbreviations: US e ultrasound, CT-computed tomography, MRI - magnetic resonance imaging, SPECT - single photon emission computed tomography; FDG-PET - fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.

Table IV FUNDAMENTALS OF OA Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Strengths and shortcomings of radiography, US, CT, CT arthrography, MRI and metabolic imaging techniques
F.W. Roemer et al. / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 913e934 929

degeneration, which most probably will strengthen the role of 6. Roemer FW, Demehri S, Omoumi P, Link TM, Kijowski R,
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Authors contributions
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(1) All authors were involved in the conception and design of the
the American Rheumatism Association. Arthritis Rheum
study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of
9. Spector TD, Hart DJ, Byrne J, Harris PA, Dacre JE, Doyle DV.
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Definition of osteoarthritis of the knee for epidemiological
critically for important intellectual content.
studies. Ann Rheum Dis 1993;52(11):790e4.
(3) All authors gave their final approval of the manuscript to be
10. Neogi T. Structural correlates of pain in osteoarthritis. Clin
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 Analysis and interpretation of the data: FWR, AG, SD, WW, RK.
12. Felson DT, Nevitt MC, Yang M, Clancy M, Niu J, Torner JC, et al.
 Drafting of the article: FWR, AG, SD, WW, RK.
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 Provision of study materials or patients: FWR, AG, SD, WW, RK.
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