DAM Powerpoint 2023
DAM Powerpoint 2023
DAM Powerpoint 2023
By Demelash W. (Ph.D)
April, 2023
Course Contents
1. Introduction
An overview of dam engineering
❑ Arora K. (2002). Irrigation, Water power and Water Resources Eng’g, 4th edition,A.k…
Jain, New Delhi
❑ Novak, P., Moffat, A.I.B., Nalluri, C. and Narayanan, R. (2007). Hydraulic Structures, 4th
edition, Chapman & Hall
❑ Herzog, A.M. (1999). Practical Dam Analysis, Thomas Telford
❑ Creager, W.P., Justin, J.D. and Hinds, J. (1945). Engineering for Dams, volumes I & II.
❑ Jansen, R.B. ( 1988 ). Advanced Dam Engineering
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), 1987. Design of Small Dams, 3rd edition, United
States Department of the Interior, Water Resources Technical Publication.
Santosh Kumar Garg. (2006). Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures. Nineteenth
revised edition. ISBN.No. 81-74090479, New Delhi.
Engineers (USACE), Engineer Manual (1994). Arch Dam Design, Washington, DC.
1. Introduction
Elements of Dam engineering
Defn: A dam may be defined as an obstruction or barrier built across a stream
or a river.
The lake of water which is formed upstream of the dam is called reservoir.
Flood control
Dam structures and reservoirs
1. Reservoir
2. Dam
3. Service Intake
4. Bottom outlet
5. Spill structure/Spillway
6. Diversion structure
7. Service road
Live storage
Classification of Dams
Concrete Embankment
Arch-Gravity Combination
Classification of Dams
According to the function (use):-
iii) Detention dams:- to hold the water temporary to retard flood flows
(Coffer dams, levees/Dykes)
2. Non-rigid Dam
▪ Earth fill dams
▪ Rock fill dams
Classification of Dams
(4) The relocation of existing facilities and utilities that lie within the
reservoir and in the path of the dam such as railroads, power lines,
highways, towns, etc.
(5) The method or scheme of diverting flows around or through the dam
site during construction is an important consideration to the economy of
the dam.
C) Optimal plans
F) Project design
◘ involves the computation of dimensions of the dam.
2) Diversion
3) Foundation Treatment
For concrete dams, the finished foundation shall be covered with rich
mortar immediately before the concrete is discharged.
Treatment of Rock Foundation Defects
For wide joints, weathered or broken rock, or other material which fills
them, can be excavated and the joints filled with concrete.
Used both for tightening to prevent leakage and reduce uplift and
broken foundations to make them stronger.
Consolidation Grouting
Curtain Grouting
Q1. Describe the governing factors that uses for the selection of dam
Q2.Calculate the capacity of the reservoir b/n the elevation 200 to
300m, using Trapezoidal method.
Q3. Calculate the capacity of the reservoir b/n the elevation 250 to
350m, using Simpson Rule with the equation of area of reservoir.
A= (10h)2 - 1.15h. When A is in Km2
2. Concrete Dams
Concrete Dams
❑ solid concrete structures that maintain their stability against
▪ design loads from the geometric shape and
▪ the weight and strength of the structure.
The differences lie in the construction methods, concrete mix design, and
details of the appurtenant structures.
For effective consolidation, RCC must be dry enough to support the weight
throughout the mass during the mixing and vibration process and
Wind load
Wave load
Water load
Uplift load
Loads on H = Head water depth
H’ = Tail Water depth
Gravity Dam FWA = Wave pressure force
FH = Horizontal hydrostatic force
FS = Silt/sediment pressure force
FEQ = Earthquake/Seismic force
FW = Wind pressure force
FH’ = Tail water hydrostatic force
W = Weight of dam
FOD = Internal pore water pressure
FU = Uplift pressure force [base of
FV = Weight of water above dam [u/s]
FV’ = Weight of water dam [d/s]
Schematic diagram of principal Gravity loads
Gravity Dam Loading Diagram
Primary Loads
i. Water Load
Hydrostatic distribution of pressure with horizontal resultant force P1 (Note also a
vertical component exists in the case of an u/s batter, and equivalent tail water may
operate in the d/s face) Z12 Z
P = whKN / m
acting at 1
2 3
Where w unit weight of water =9.81 KN/m3
Pwv =w (area A1) KN/ m Acting through centroid of A1
Pressure of any permanent tail water above the plane considered is:
w Z 22
Pwn1 =
with Pwv1 = w (area A2 )
ii. Self Weight
Determined w.r.t an appropriate unit weight of the material
Pm=c Ap KN/m acts through the centroid of x- sectional area AP.
(c 23.5 KN/m3=24KN/m3
iii. Seepage & uplift load
❖ equilibrium seepage patterns will develop within and under a dam,
e.g. in pores and discontinuities, with resultant vertical loads
identified as internal and external uplift.
Pu = Ah (Uw ,avg)
( )
T 2 Z 2 +1 Z 1
if no drain functioning. Pu acts at Y1 =
3 Z 2 + Z1
Uplift pressure with drainage gallery and tension cracks
To reduce the uplift pressure , drains are formed trough the body of the dam, this
make the intensity of the uplift pressure to be differ from the full concrete dam.
Drainage gallery
H '
H’ H’
H '
H '
H '+ ( H − H ' )
Dam cross-section
PH = w H 2
@ 3 from the base of the dam.
PH ' = w H '2 @ H ' from the base of the dam.
2 3
Ap b
H PH w Pv
H’ Ap’
3 PH ' Through the centroid of
wH wH '
Trapezoidal, with out
wH w ( H + H ') drainage gallery)
U= *B @
2 5H + 2 H '
[ i.e. Z = ]
3( H + H ' )
W = c Ap@ Through the centroid of
1 x-sectional area Ap
B Pv = wb * H@
' b from the toe of the dam.
(ii) Up stream face inclined
Pv = Pv1+ Pv2
Case 2: Over flow section
Ha =
H1 w (H1 + H a ) H + H 2
PH = 1 + H a ( H 2 − H1 ) *Yw @
_ 2 H 1 + 3H a + H 2
Z = (H 2 − H 1)
H2 1
3 H1 + 2 H a + H 2
PH from the base of the dam
w (H 2 + H a )
Uplift Pressures & Drainage System
To perform the computation of effective stresses and related crack length, uplift
pressures could be considered:
A) United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE 1995) Uplift
Distributions : i) USACE uplift distribution with drainage gallery(no
ii) USACE uplift distribution with foundation drains near
u/s face (no cracking)
iii) USACE uplift distribution with cracking not exceeding
beyond drains
iv.) USACE uplift distribution with cracking
exceeding beyond drains
B) USBR(1987) Uplift Pressure Distributions
i. USBR uplift distribution with drainage gallery below
tail water (no cracking)
ii. USBR uplift distribution with drainage gallery
above tail water (no cracking)
iii. USBR uplift distribution with drainage
gallery below tail water and partial cracking
iV. USBR uplift distribution with drainage gallery above tail
water and partial cracking
Secondary Loads
i. Sediment/Silt load
The submerged unit weight s ' and the active lateral pressure coefficient Ka
is given by
1 − sin s
s '= s − w K =
1 + sin s
s is the angle of shear resistance
s is sediment saturated unit weight
ii. Wave Pressure ( hydrodynamic wave load)
Waves are generated on the reservoir by the blowing winds.
hw = 0.032 UF if F 32km
Stevenson equation
hw = height of the wave
U = wind velocity in km/hr Dam
F = fetch length
Wave configuration and wave pressure on gravity dam
1 5
Pw = 2.4 w hw hw
2 3
Pw = 2 w h 2 w = 19.62h 2 w
Freeboard (FB) Estimation
Freeboard Allowance/Determination
❖ It is the vertical distance between maximum water level (still water) and
dam crest.
✓ Wave action
❖wave characteristics,
❖wave run-up.
❖ Wave run up(Rs), is the vertical height above the still-water level and is
related to the wave height in non-dimensional form.
Ice force per unit width of dam (kN/m) can be determined
from the following table:
25 30 60 95
50 58 90 150
75 75 115 160
The values of these horizontal (αh) and vertical (αv) accelerations are generally
expressed as percentage of the acceleration due to gravity i.e. 0.1g or 0.2g, etc.
Vertical acceleration(αv)
The contact b/n the foundation and the dam
will increase, hence the effective Weight
of the dam will also be increase
The contact b/n the foundation and
W the dam will decrease, which is the
worst case!!
Dam foundation
Down ward vertical movement.
Effective weight of the dam =W − * v
Upward vertical acceleration
Horizontal acceleration(αh)
Hydro-dynamic pressure.
Fe H
Fe = 0.555 h w H 2 acts @ from the base of the dam.
Von – Karman formula
EQ Inertial forces
1. Mass of dam (Inertia Forces)
Horizontal Feqh = ±hW
Vertical Feqv = ±vW
αh = (1.5 – 2.0) αv
2. Hydrodynamic Forces: Water reaction
pe = C h w h Zangar,1952
C y y y y
C= m 2 − + 2 −
2 h h h h
Cm = 0.7351 − Pe = 0.726 pe h
M e = 0.299 pe h 2
U/s face approximation
Stability analysis of gravity dam
Gravity dam may fail in the following way
•By over turning rotation about the toe;
•By Crushing;
•By development of tension , causing ultimate failure by crushing;
•By shear failure called sliding
1- Over turning stability
To make the structure of the dam stable from rotational or overturning failure
the following governing criteria should be satisfied
Fo =
M + ve
> 1.5……………(safe against overturning)
M − ve
2-Siding Stability (Fs)
Fss =
V , for horizontal plane
H − tan
Fss = , for foundations inclined at a small angle
1 + tan
In order to be the dam stable against sliding Fss should be less than or
equal to 0.75.
ii) Shear friction factor (FSF) is defined as
S – total resistance to shear and defined by
S = + V tan( + ) kN / m
cos (1 − tan tan )
Recommended shear friction factor (USBR 1987)
cA h + V tan
H 104
Shear and sliding together
f åV + 0.5A t s
FSss =
A : Area of shear plane (m²)
τs : Allowable shear stress in concrete in contact with foundation
Safety factor:
➢ FSss 5,0 (usual loading)
➢ FSss 3,0 (unusual or severe loading)
(ii) Limit Equilibrium Factor, FLE
FLE = = The shear stressed generated under the applied load
f = Available shear strength and expressed by Mohr coulomb
failure criteria
3- Stress analysis (compression or crushing)
If the compressive stress introduced in the dam is greater than its allowable
stress ,the dam may fail.
Normal pool level
V 6e
Pmax = 1+
Reservoir full H Resultant
condition V
Pmin =
V 6e
B/2 B/2 B B
Pmin + compression Pmax e = Eccentricity of the resultant force
from the center of the base
Because of the gravity dam materials can not sustain tensile stresses, it should be
designed for certain amount or no tension should develops anywhere in the body of
the dam.
The maximum permissible tensile stress for high concrete gravity dams, under worst
loadings, may be taken as 500 KN/m2 (5kg/cm2).
NB: A tension crack by itself does not fail the structure, but it leads to failure of the
structure by producing excessive compressive stresses.
Pmin =
V 1 − 6e = 0
Principal stresses at the toe and heel of gravity dam
Stress at different plane
Principal stress
Shear stress
The elementary profile of a gravity dam, subjected only to
✓ the external water pressure on the u/s side will be a right angled
✓ having zero width at top water level and
✓ a base width B at the bottom.
Considering the elementary profile of the gravity dam above of height H and
base width B;
1 1 1
c BH = SBH = BHS
Weight of dam, W =
2 2 2
Water Pressure P =
H 2
Uplift Pressure Pu =
For this section, the resultant will pass through the upper middle third point
of the base when reservoir is empty and through the lower middle third
point when the reservoir is full.
Base Width of Elementary Profile for No Tension
W ( B / 3) − P( H / 3) − Pu (b / 3) = 0
1 1 2 1
BHS ( B / 3) − H ( H / 3) − HB( B / 3) = 0
2 2 2
1 2 1 3 1
B HS − H − HB 2 B 2 S − H 2 − B 2 = 0
6 6 6
B 2( S − ) = H 2 B =
S −
S −1
Base width of elementary profile for No sliding
f (W − Pu ) = P
1 1 1
f ( BHS ) − HB = H 2
2 2 2
f BS − B = H
Bf S − = H B =
f (S − )
Where f coefficient of static friction
Limiting Height of Elementary Profile of Gravity Dam- High
and Low Gravity Dams
allaw = fall = 1 = H ( S − + 1)
From which the height, H , is givenby
f allawable
( S − + 1)
f allawable
( S + 1)
The elementary profile of a gravity dam is only a theoretical
Modified Section
Top Width-the most economical top width is a
function of height of dam.
Without considering earthquake forces, the most economical
top width, has been found by Creager
✓ Top width=14% of the Dam height
o For low to medium dams
✓ top width varies b/n 6m and 10 m. or square root of Dam
FREE BOARD: is generally provided equal to 3/2hw, where hw
is wave height.
Modern practice
◦ Fbmax=3 to 4% of the height of dam (sometimes 5% or more might
prove economical).
Load Combination for Design
Loads with reasonable probability need to be considered
I. Load combination A (construction condition or empty reservoir
condition): Dam completed but no water in the reservoir and no tail
L = 10-15% of h1
H10 = 2L (Considering EQ )
= 3L (No EQ)
H6 = 1.33L
Design Example:
Design a non-overflow gravity dam by the Single-
step method using the following data .
w(water specific unit weight) 10 MPa c’ (concrete ultimate strength) 30 MPa
Line Item Description & dimension l Vertical Lever Moment Remark
1 W0 7.5*46.7*22 7705.5 13.75 105950.6
2 W1 0.5*35*26.25*22 10106.25 26.25 265289.1
Total Partial empty 17811.75 20.84 371239.7
Trial I Estimation of x Z'= 43.75
2B/3=Z' - 25.26 = 22.91 B= 34.37
x = 0.75 Z'' = 9.25
Z''+B/3 = 20.70667 Z''+2B/3 = 32.16333
3 W3 0.5*22.5*0.8*22 185.625 9.75 1809.84
Reservoir Empty 17997.38 [20.73] 373049.5 Ok!
4 Fv Water column 0.3*25*10 253.125 9.63 2437.594
5 Fu Uplift: 0.5*B*0.5h*10 -3866.63 20.71 -80077.8
6 Fh Water Pressure 10125 15 151875
7 Fwa Wave action 27.4 45.44 1245.06
Reservoir Full 10152.4 14383.88 [31.18] 448529.4 Ok!
Partial Design
Check for sliding
H 10152.4
= tan = = 0.71 0.75
V 14383.88 Friction alone is sufficient!
6e 17997.38 6 * 5.71
PV' , PV" = 1 = 1 = 1045.1 ,0
B B 34.37 34.37
PV' = 1045.1 PV" = 0
Pi ' = pv' (1 + tan 2 ' ) = 1045.1(1 + 0.0.0332 ) = 1046.3kPa
PV" , Pi ' rock ,all = 4000kPa (safe!)
Partial Design
Check Stresses for Reservoir full condition
6e 14383.88 6 * 4.75
PV' , PV" = 1 = 1 = 757.7,70.88
B B 34.37 34.37
PV' = 757.7 kPa PV" = 70.88kPa
Pi ' = pv' (1 + tan 2 ' ) = 757.7(1 + 1.3272 ) = 2092.0kPa
PV" , Pi ' rock ,all = 4000kPa (safe!)
Multiple step design method
❖ the dam is designed joint by joint (block by block)
❖ begins at the top making each joint confirm to all gravity dam design
❖ The method is almost always used for the final design of dams with a
height that does not reach greatly on Zone V.
Zones for Non-overflow section of Gravity dam
Zone Descriptions
• ZONE I: This is the portion above the maximum water
surface (1-2-3-4) or if there is ice, it is the one above the
bottom of the ice sheet.
• If there is no ice, the height of zone-I is controlled by free
board requirements and the width is determined by
practical consideration or economy for the section as a
• In case of ice sheets the height of zone I is fixed on the
consideration of sliding of the zone due to ice pressure.
• For a limited distance below the bottom of zone I, the
resultants, reservoir full and empty, lie well with in the middle
third (or kern).
• Both u/s and d/s faces, therefore, may remain vertical until, at
some plane 5-6, the resultant, reservoir full, intersects the joint
at the exact extremity of the middle third.
• That portion of the dam b/n the bottom of zone I and the plane
5-6 constitutes zone II.
• Below the bottom of zone II, the u/s face continues to be vertical
while the d/s face must begin to batter.
• The line of the resultant continues to coincide with the d/s extremity
of the middle third when the reservoir is full.
• The resultant, reservoir empty, still being with in the middle third,
the u/s face may remain vertical until at some plane 7-8, where it
intersects at the u/s extremity of the middle third.
• Therefore, zone III is the portion b/n 5-6 and 7-8, determined by
tension criteria, reservoir full.
• In this zone, the u/s face also begins to batter so that the
lines of the resultants for reservoir empty lie along the
corresponding extremities of middle-third.
c 24 kN/m3 0.5
w 10 kN/m3 C 1
Minimum Top width 7.5 m c’ 30 MPa
Earthquake and silt press Ignore F – Fetch length 6.4 km
V 128 km/hr
Zone I and II
Determine the wave height by
hw = 0.763 + 0.032 vf − 0.271 f 1 / 4 ; for f 32km
hw = 0.763 + 0.032 128 * 6.4 − 0.271* 6.41 / 4
= 1.25m
Arch Dams
Concrete Arch Dam
❖ It is a solid wall curved in plan
❖ standing across the entire width of the river, in a single span.
✓ cantilever action.
Valley Shapes for Arch Dam
To determine the site suitability for an arch dam the canyon shape factor (CSF)
equation of may be used:
B + H (sec 1 + sec 2 )
B + H (sec 1 + sec 2 )
❖ Massive arch dam:- The whole span of the dam is covered by a single
curved wall usually vertical or nearly so.
▪ Massive arch dams are further divided into the following types
Constant radius arch dams,
Arch Dam
Multiple-Arch dam
Arch-gravity dam Plan and section
Constant Radius Arch Dam
✓ the simplest geometric profile that combines a vertical u/s face of constant
extrados radius with a uniform radial d/s slope.
✓ The radius of extrados(outside) is constant at all elevations.
✓ The radius of d/s face(intrados) gradually decreases as the depth below
the crest.
✓ U/s face of the dam is vertical.
✓ Suitable to relatively symmetrical “U” shaped valley( less reduction in
central angle)
✓ The dam cross section is triangular.
✓ Usually a maximum of 150o is used for the top arch and minimum at
Constant Angle Arch Dam
different arches has the same Central angle 2 from top to bottom
at all elevations.
Central angle=133. 50
in practice 2 = 1000 to 1500 is used.
uses about 70% concrete as compared to constant radius
arch dam.
V-shape valley is suitable .
Variable Radius Arch Dam
Forces acting on Arch Dams
3. Elastic theory
6. Shell theory
Thin Cylinder Theory
re = rc + 0.5t and re = ri + t
w hrc
t= or
all − 0.5 w h
V = (t *1)r
w hri
t= hr
all − w h t = w = kr
Condition for least volume of arch .
V = kr 2 = k
2 sin / 2
Differentiating V with respect to and setting
to zero, = 133.5o which is the most economical
angle for arch with minimum volume.
For = 133.50 r = 0.544B
Thick Cylinder Theory
Improvement in thin cylinder theory was made by
considering the arch as thick cylinder.
The stresses at the extrados and intrados are given by
Taking = 133.440
ri = 0.544B
w hri
all − w h
re = ri + t
Tabular Design Calculations
h B ri P P*ri all –p t re
0 240 130.56 0 0 5000 0 130.56
10 220 119.68 100 11968 4900 2.44 122.12
20 200 108.80 200 21760 4800 4.53 113.33
30 180 97.92 300 29376 4700 6.25 104.17
40 160 87.04 400 34816 4600 7.57 94.61
50 140 76.16 500 38080 4500 8.46 84.62
60 120 65.28 600 39168 4400 8.90 74.18
70 100 54.40 700 38080 4300 8.86 63.26
80 80 43.52 800 34816 4200 8.29 51.81
90 60 32.64 900 29376 4100 7.16 39.80
100 40 21.76 1000 21760 4000 5.44 27.20
✓ Sloping membrane
✓ Buttresses
✓ Haunches or Corbels
✓ Cutoff (Concrete)
Classification of Buttress Dams
Two ways of classification
A. Based on the type of deck (Sloping Membrane)
1. Deck/flat slab or Amberson type
2. Multiple-arch type
3. Multiple-dome type
In this type of buttress dam the u/s sloping deck slab consists of
a reinforced concrete slab supported by a series of buttresses.
Deck slab further Sub divided into:-
❖ The deck slab is cast monolithic with the buttresses and it acts as a
continuous slab.
❖ Reinforcement is provided
30 to 45 9 to 12
Above 45 12 to 15
Upstream slope
❖ Varies from 350 to 450 and is governed by the requirements of
sliding factor,
wH 2 wH 2
PH = ; PV = cot ;
2 2
WC = C Cq 1
Cq = 0.2083H 2 − cot
f =
Cq = Quantity of concrete (m3)
per meter length of dam
wH 2
f= 2
wH 2
cot + C Cq
Preliminary design of Buttress and Check for Overall
❖ For preliminary design of buttress only water pressure on the deck
slab, weight of deck slab and buttress are considered.
❖ Preliminary design of buttress is carried out on the bases of Unit
❖ Each column transfers the load from the top of the column to the
Po = Pw + Wdn
(total water pressure on the deck and component of the weight of
the deck slab normal to the buttress face).
For each unit column, the value of the initial thickness to is
obtained from:
❖ Satisfactory water-tightness
❖ Structural integrity
✓ Upstream slope
❖ The presence of
Continuous footing or
Mat foundation
3. Composite of earth and rock fill dam; these dams are constructed
from earth and rock fill dam.
Earth Dams (earth fill dams)
❖ An embankment may be categorized as an earth fill dam if
compacted soils account for over 50% of the placed volume of
Some of the merits of earth dam are:-
✓ Local materials is used which is readily available & easy to
✓ Can be built on almost all types of foundation
✓ Easier and cheaper to extend up wards
layers of 15 to 45 cm thickness.
B. Hydraulic fill dam
borrow pits to their final position (dam site) placed through the agency
of water.
❖ The courser materials of the slurry stay near the faces of the dam
while finer ones move towards the center and get deposited there.
C. Semi-hydraulic dam
❖ Then the space b/n the levees are filled with water and the material
placed in or up on the levees is washed to wards the center of the
❖ Out of these three types, the rolled-fill earth dams are the most
Rolled Fill dams
Rolled Fill dams are of three types
➢ Homogenous type
➢ Zoned type
➢ Diaphragm type
A. Homogenous type: A purely homogeneous type of dam is
composed of a single kind of earth material except for the
slope protection.
Such a section is used only for low to moderately high dams
and for dykes.
Very common in the design of small dams, the purely
homogenous section has been replaced by a modified
homogeneous section in which small amounts of carefully placed
pervious materials control the action of seepage so as to permit
much steeper slopes.
The core can be made from Earth, concrete or masonry, steel sheeting, etc.
Design parameters
Slopes: -
shell slopes are based on stability analysis.
When the stability is insufficient, improvements are
possible by adopting
◼ Flatter slopes;
◼ Increasing strength through high density;
◼ Treatment for weak foundation;
◼ Drainage of the foundation and embankment.
Causes of failure of Emb. Dams
Failure could be
Improper design
faulty construction
Lack of maintenance, etc.
During construction
Unstable slope
Heavy rainfall that washes the d/s face
Weak foundation
After construction
Failure of u/s face due to sudden drawdown
Failure of d/s when the reservoir is full
Design features of Emb. Dams
➢ Loss of water
➢ Piping failure
Sheet pilling cut offs: - A steel sheet pile cut off consists
of interconnected sheet piles to form a continuous
impervious barrier.
❖ Sheet piling cutoffs are practically limited to use in
foundations of silt, sand and fine gravel.
Grouting:-The stability and impermeability of pervious
overburden foundation can be improved by injection a
substance which will act as a binder & fill the voids.
Upstream blankets: - The path of percolation in pervious
foundations can be increased by the construction of a blanket of
impervious material connecting with the impervious zone of the dam
and extending upstream from the toe.
❖ The length of the blanket will be governed by the desired reduction
in the amount of under seepage and its thickness usually varies from
1.5 to 3.0 m.
❖ It may be provided in homogenous dams constructed of relatively
impervious soil.
❖ The length of the u/s blanket can be obtained from the following
khd − pqb
✓ Chimney drain
✓ Strip drain
✓ Drainage trenches
✓ Relief Wells
Toe drain and drainage blanket: The purpose of toe drains is to collect the seepage
water from the horizontal drainage blanket and foundation to carry it to an outfall
pipe which then discharges the water in to the river or spillway stilling basin.
Drainage trenches: Drainage trenches are used when a thin
impervious top stratum overlies a shallow pervious stratum of the
foundation so that the trench can be built to penetrate the pervious
stratum substantially.
Drainage Trench
❖ The seepage line should be well with in the down stream face and there
should be no opportunity for the free passage of water from the u/s to
the d/s face.
Seepage through earth dams
➢ For any dam of homogenous material, seepage will pass trough
the dam and appear at the downstream face regardless of the
tightness of the material.
➢ Location of the position of the phreatic line is desirable for
determination of the amount of through seepage and for
construction of the flow nets as it represents one flow boundary.
I. Phreatic line for a homogenous earth dam with a
horizontal drainage blanket
The basic property of parabola which is utilized to draw the base
parabola is that the distance of any point P from the focus is equal
to the distance of the same point from the directory.
Graphical Method
✓ With center at A & radius AF draw an arc. The arc cuts the line
AB when produced at E. Draw a vertical line GE through point E
which is the directrix of the base parabola.
✓ The intermediate points are located by utilizing the above
mentioned basic property of the parabola.
✓ Join all intermediate points by a smooth curve. The last point C
on the parabola will be midway b/n F & G as FC = CG
Analytical Method
Let us take the origin (O) at the focus with X- positive u/s &
Y-positive up ward.
From the basic property of parabola: distance PF = distance
x 2 + y 2 = x + yo ………………………………i
Squaring both sides & rearranging
y = 2 xyo + y 2 o ……………………………ii
Where yo is the distance from the focus to the directrix, also called
focal distance (f) Thus FG = Yo. The value of Yo can be obtained
from the known coordinates ( X = b, Y = h) of the starting point A.
Substituting the values in equation (i) we have
yo = b 2 + y 2 − b
For different values of X the corresponding values of Y can be computed
using the parabola equation (II).
Discharge through dam can also be quantified using analytical approach
for this particular situation.
From Darcy’s Law:
v = ki
k = Coefficient of permeability
i = the hydraulic gradient
The seepage discharge per unit length can be given by:
q = vA= kiA
Where A is area of flow per unit length
Considering the discharge through the vertical section PQ
passing through the point P (x.y),
q = k ( y 1)
Substituting for the value of y from above
q=k yo (2 xy ) + y 2
o o
2 xyo + yo
q = Kyo
II. Phreatic line for a homogeneous Dam without any Drainage system
In this case the phreatic line cuts the d/s faces at point J above the
The focus (F) of the base parabola is located at the d/s toe of the
dam & its starting point A is located at a distance of 0.3L from B.
Casagrande has shown that the exit correction ( a ) depends up
on the slope of the discharge face and he has given the values
a /(a + a) for different values of angle as follows
in degrees
a + a a and ∆a can be
30o 0.36 connected by;
60o 0.32 α = 180o for a
90o 0.26
horizontal filter and
120o 0.18
135o 0.14
α < 90o when no
150o 0.10 drainage is provided.
180o −
180o 0.0 a = (a + a ) o
The value of ( a + a )may be obtained from the figure by measuring
FK from the toe after the base parabola has been drawn or by using
the following polar equation of the parabola.
a + a =
1 − cos
2ab h2
a2 − + =0
cos sin
2b 2b 4h 2
cos cos sin 2
b b2 h2
a= − −
cos cos
sin 2
ii. Approximate analytical solution for the determination of the distance a for the
slope angle 300< α < 600
Casagrande suggested that in this case the hydraulic gradient should
be taken as sin α instead of tanα. That is it should be taken as
(dy/ds) instead of (dy/dx), where s is the distance measured along
the phreatic line.
Thus, the discharge per unit length is given by:
q = kiA = k (dy / ds)( y 1)
q = k (sin )(a sin )
q = ka sin 2
Thus ka sin 2 = k (dy / ds) y
a sin 2 ds = ydy
Integrating b / n the lim its ( s = a and y = a sin ) to ( s = S o and y = h)
Where So = is the total length of the phreatic line
So h
a sin ds =
a a sin
h 2 − a 2 sin 2
a sin ( S o − a) =
a 2 − 2aSo + h 2 / sin 2
a = So − S o − h 2 cosec 2
iii. For a slope angle up to 600
the length of the phreatic line So can be taken approximately equal to the straight
distance FA = h 2 + b 2 , thus the above equation becomes
a = b 2 + h 2 − (b 2 + h 2 ) − h 2 cos ec 2
a = b 2 + h 2 − (b 2 − h 2 (−1 − cosec 2 )
a = b 2 + h 2 − (b 2 − h 2 (cot2 )
After a is determined, the discharge q can be
calculated from above equation
III. Phreatic line for Homogeneous Earth Dam with Rock Toe
The u/s face of the rock toe is usually inclined downstream i.e., α>
900 as shown in figure below. However, sometimes the u/s face of
the rock toe is kept vertical.
Rock Toe
The drawing procedure for phreatic line is the same as
previous cases but the exit correction is somewhat d/t.
Exit Correction of Phreatic line for earth dam with
rock toe
The base parabola cuts the discharge face at point K. The value of
( a + a ) may be obtained by measuring the distance FK or from
30o 0.36
60o 0.32
90o 0.26
120o 0.18
135o 0.14
150o 0.10
180o 0.0
Embankment Design
Thus there are four forces which are normally considered in the analysis
viz, W4, C4, R4 and UB.
Resolving the Vector W in to its tangential and Normal components by
drawing a perpendicular from the tip of the vector W to the normal
FS =
( )
N − U tan + cL
For a homogeneous section is constant
Fs =
( )
tan N − U + cLa
tan (W cos − uL) + cL
FS =
Therefore W sin
Since L = b sec ,
tan (W cos − ub sec ) + cb sec
FS =
W sin
3. Measure the angle which the normal makes with the vertical and
compute N and T.
4. Determine the pore water pressure, u, at the base of the slice or otherwise.
Compute the force UB due to the pore water pressure as:
7. Repeat the procedure for a number of other trail surfaces. The trail surface
which gives the minimum factor of safety is the most critical circle. The
minimum factors of safety should be greater than the specified safe value.
Location of the most CRITICAL circle
To reduce number of trials, suggested a line called Fellenius line
(line AB) for a homogeneous slope (see fig below) on which
the most critical circle lies.
Location of critical circle
▪ Additional trial values are assumed for the factor of safety and Steps 7
through 9 are repeated (Columns 13 through 16 in Figure 1b).
▪ For each trial value assumed for the factor of safety, the assumed
value and the value computed for the factor of safety using Equation
above (2) are plotted as shown in Figure 1c.
▪ Values are assumed and new values are calculated until the assumed
and calculated values for the factor of safety are essentially the same,
i.e., until the assumed and calculated values fall close to the broken
45-degree line shown in Figure 1c.
Sign convention used for angles α and β
Simplified Bishop Method
The length of the top of the slice is multiplied by the average surface pressure,
psurface, to compute the external water force, P, on the top of the slice
The horizontal and vertical distances, dh and dv, respectively, between the
center of the circle and the points on the top center of each slice are
Additional trial values are assumed for the factor of safety and
steps 14 through 16 are repeated (Columns 22 through 25 in
Figure 3c).
For each trial value assumed for the factor of safety, the assumed
and calculated values of the factor of safety are plotted as shown
in Figure 3d, to provide a guide for selecting additional trial
Values are assumed and new values are calculated until the
assumed and calculated values for the factor of safety are
essentially equal, i.e., until the assumed and calculated values fall
close enough to the broken 45-degree line shown in Figure 3d.
(9) The length of the top of the slice, l top, is determined (Column 15 in Figure
5b). The length can be computed from the relationship, l top = b/cos β.
(10) The water load on the top of the slice, P, is computed by multiplying the
average water pressure, pavg, by the length of the top of the slice, l top
(Column 16 in Figure 5b).
(11) The length of the base of the slice, Δl, is computed from the relationship,
Δl = b / cos α (Column 18 in Figure 5b).
•(12) The pore water pressure is computed by multiplying the piezometric head
at the center of the base of the slice by the unit weight of water: u = γwhp
(Column 19 in Figure 5b). For complex seepage conditions, or where a seepage
analysis has been conducted using numerical methods, it may be more
convenient to determine the pore water pressure directly, rather than evaluating
the piezometric head and converting to pore pressure. In such cases, the pore
water pressures are entered in Column 19.
Slope with seepage or external water loads – effective stress
(13) The cohesion and friction angle are determined for each slice depending
on the soil at the bottom of the slice (Columns 20 and 21 in Figure 5b). The
shear strength parameters, c' and φ', are those for the soil at the bottom of the
slice and do not depend on the soils located in the upper portions of the slice.
(14) The inclination, θ, of the interslice forces is determined. If the
computations are being performed to check an analysis performed using
Spencer’s Method, the interslice force inclination determined from
Spencer’s Method should be used. Otherwise, the interslice force
inclination should be assumed.
(15) A trial value is assumed for the factor of safety, and interslice forces are
calculated, slice-by-slice, to determine the force imbalance or “error of
closure.” The steps for this portion of the computations are the same as those
described for analyses with no water pressures, except the following equation
for interslice forces is used: (Eq. 10)
Slope with seepage or external water loads – effective stress
(16) If the force computed for the last slice, Zi+1, is not
sufficiently close to zero, a new trial value is assumed for the
factor of safety and the process is repeated.
By plotting the force imbalance, Zi+1, for the last slice versus
the factor of safety, the value of the factor of safety that
satisfies equilibrium can usually be found to an acceptable
degree of accuracy in about three trials (Figure 5c).
➢ this type of dam economical only in remote areas where the cost of
concrete would be high or in areas where there is a scarcity of earth
fill materials and the only material for construction of the structure
consists of durable hard rock.
➢ Rock fill dams can prove economical when any of the
following conditions exist.
❖ Large quantities of rocks are available or will be
excavated in connection with the project such as
Earth fill materials are difficult to obtain or require much
processing to be used
Short construction season prevails
Excessively wet climatic condition limit the placement of
large quantities of earth fill materials.
The major components of Rock fill dam may consist of:
✓ Impermeable membrane
✓ Rock fill
✓ U/S cut-off
✓ Rock cushion/rubble masonry
❖ The membrane is usually placed on the u/s face, and in some
instances it is placed in the center of the rock fill.
The material of the membrane could of concrete, asphalt, steel, timber
or impervious soil.
❖ The rock fill usually owns the natural slope at the d/s face
The first major settlement occurs during the construction of the rock
fill. This stage of settlement has a minor bearing on the security of the
impervious membrane, provided the membrane is not placed
concurrently with the rock. The second major stage of settlement
occurs as the reservoir fills and the thrust due to water load is
transmitted to the rock fill.
Zone of Rock fill
Decked rock fill dam consists of three zones called A, B, C
Zone C: The larger d/s zone of the dam consists of best quality,
larger sized compacted rock. This zone provides high stability to the
Zone B: Rock of lesser quality than such as excavated from
spillway, used to minimize total dam cost.
Zone A: well graded small sized rock gravel; this is used to provide
bedding to the u/s membrane and to retard excess water losses when
the membrane cracks.
For central earth core, rockfill dams, the larger and the stronger rock
should be placed in the d/s rock fill zone and grade from fine rock
next to the filter to course rock near the d/s slope.
The u/s rock fill zone may be rock of lesser quality than the d/s zone
and grade from fine at the filter to course at the u/s face
Typical section of decked type rock fill dam with zones