TGP National-Constitution-2000-2021-Official
TGP National-Constitution-2000-2021-Official
TGP National-Constitution-2000-2021-Official
of the
We, the members of the TAU GAMMA PHI, re-affirming our faith in God, and
adhering to the Tenets and Codes of Conduct of the Fraternity, in order to strengthen the
bond of brotherhood in pursuit of its ultimate goals and objectives, cognizant of the vital
contribution of a collective effort to promote the general welfare of our fellowmen, to instill
and develop the greatest sense of understanding and respect for human dignity under the
rule of justice, freedom and democracy, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.
The fraternity shall be known as the TAU GAMMA PHI - The Triskelion Grand
Fraternity. The official seal of the TAU GAMMA PHI shall be a large circle with a smaller
circle inside. Between these two circles are inscribed the words TAU GAMMA PHI on the
upper portion; FORTIS-VOLUNTAS-FRATERNITAS on the lower portion; the number 19 on
the left side and 68 on the right. Within the small circle is inscribed the three-legged
symbol with the Greek letters TAU, GAMMA and PHI between each of the legs. The official
colors of the seal are black and gold.
Section 1. Tau Gamma Phi staunchly advocates brotherhood of men regardless of race,
creed, religion, social, political, and economic status.
Sec. 2. Tau Gamma Phi firmly believes in the power of reason and not in the use of force
as a reason.
Sec. 3. Tau Gamma Phi believes in the promotion of social justice to ensure the well
being and economic security of all people.
Sec. 4. The Tau Gamma Phi abhors violence and human right violations, however ready
to defend, uphold and preserve the sovereign will of its members and of all people.
Sec. 5. The Tau Gamma Phi encourages and fosters scholarship among its members.
The stimulation of intellectual creativeness and the promotion of the social and physical
well being of its members is of paramount concern.
Sec. 6. The Tau Gamma Phi shall seek and help in the realization of a truly democratic
society, adhere and promote the policy of peace, equality, unity and cooperation among all
Sec. 7. The Tau Gamma Phi shall take an active part in the conservation of the country’s
natural resources, renewing those that can be renewed and campaigning against the
exploitation of this God-given wealth.
Sec. 8. The Tau Gamma Phi shall strive to mold its members into morally upright and
self-reliant individuals geared towards civic efficiency.
Section 1. The Fraternity shall have four (4) categories of members:
A. SENIOR TRISKELION – College students enrolled and initiated by Senior
Triskelions in any college, university, and institution recognized by the National
Council and individual Junior Triskelion or Community-Based Chapter who has
undergone welcome rites for upgrading to Senior Triskelion category and ritual
rites to full-fledged membership.
B. FULL-PLEDGED MEMBER – New members who have undergone the
probationary period and has passed the Ritual Rites of the Fraternity.
Sec. 3. Membership to the Fraternity shall cease upon resignation or expulsion for due
cause. Members recommended for expulsion shall have the benefit of a trial or due
process and may appeal to the higher organ of the Fraternity. All local chapters must
provide the higher echelons of the Fraternity with duly-certified expulsion papers not
more than ten (10) days after its effectivity.
Sec. 4. Candidate members to the Tau Gamma Phi shall be qualified on the basis of the
A. He must believe in the Principles of the Fraternity.
B. He must be of good moral character.
C. He must be at least seventeen (17) years of age for Senior and Community-Based
Triskelion candidates and fifteen (15) years of age for Junior Triskelion
D. must be mentally and physically fit, supported by a Medical Certificate under
E. He must be willing to undergo the membership requirements.
F. He must be sponsored by any Triskelion of good standing.
G. He must not be a member of any fraternity or organization whose principles and
purposes are contrary to those of the Tau Gamma Phi.
Section 1. Every Triskelion shall strive to lead a morally upright and virtuous life in
accordance with the Tenets and Codes of Conduct of the Fraternity.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of every Triskelion to uphold this Constitution, to give
unswerving loyalty to the Fraternity, to actively contribute to its development and welfare
and to abide by the rules and regulations issued by its lawful authorities.
Sec. 3. Every Triskelion is responsible for each other. It shall be his duty to assist and
support his fellow Triskelion especially in times of crisis.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all Triskelions to attend all meetings, and to actively
participate in all project and activities of the Fraternity.
Sec. 5.. It shall be the obligation of all Triskelion to pay the dues/fees set by its lawful
Sec. 6.. It shall be the duty of every qualified Triskelion to register and cast his vote in
Fraternity elections, referendum, and plebiscites.
Sec. 7. A Triskelion is obligated to exert his best effort to develop his potentials,
physical or intellectual, in order to strengthen the Fraternity. Triskelions with special skills
and talents shall heed the call of the Fraternity’s leadership to lead or take part in an
activity designed to countenance any critical or emergency situation.
Sec. 8. It is the duty of every Triskelion to recruit new members
Section 1. The right to equal treatment and opportunities shall not be abridged
regardless of religious belief, socio-economic and political status.
Sec. 2. Every Triskelion shall have the right to express his opinions on matters
concerning the Fraternity provided that it is put forth in a constructive manner.
Sec. 3. The right to be protected against exploitation, improper influences, and other
conditions prejudicial to his physical, intellectual, social, political, economic and moral
development shall be guaranteed.
Sec. 4. Every Triskelion has the right to have access and inspect all books of accounts,
records and similar materials of public character pertaining to the fraternity.
Sec. 5. The right of a Triskelion in good standing to actively participate in all projects
and undertakings of the Fraternity shall always be recognized.
Sec. 6. Qualified full-pledged Triskelions in good standing shall have the right to run for
elective positions in the Fraternity subject to the qualifications of the position.
Sec. 7. The right to join or organize legitimate organizations whose purposes are
contributory to the enhancement of the Fraternity shall not be impaired.
Section 1. The National Council:
A. The National Council of the Tau Gamma Phi shall be the final authority in the
management and administration of the affairs of the Fraternity.
B. The National Council shall be composed of:
(1) The National Assembly
(2) The National Executive Council
(3) The Judicial Council
Sec. 2. The National Assembly
A. The National Assembly shall be the highest policy-making body of the Fraternity.
B. The National Assembly shall be composed of all the incumbent duly elected
Regional Secretary-Generals and Provincial Governor-Generals and shall
function as a collegial body.
C. The National Assembly shall have the following powers and functions:
(1) To elect the officers of the National Executive Council.
(2) To analyze, evaluate, deliberate on and render decisions regarding programs,
policies and developmental plans of the National Executive Council.
(3) To enact a national budget to be supported by available funds as certified by
the National Treasurer or to be raised by corresponding revenue proposals
submitted by the National Secretariat.
(4) To act on all proposed amendments or revisions to this Constitution.
(5) To establish the rules of its proceedings and to conduct inquiries in aid of
legislation in accordance with its duly published rules and procedures.
(6) A quorum, which is fifty percent plus one (50%+1) shall first be established,
and that two-thirds (2/3) of the members present who are duly notified, can
override the veto power of the Premier.
(7) The National Assembly may punish its members for disorderly behavior and
to suspend them with the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members.
C. The National Executive Council shall have the following powers and functions:
(1) To devise mechanisms for the smooth implementation of the program
thrusts, policies and priorities of the Fraternity as determined by the
National Assembly.
(2) To prepare an annual program for budget and to submit the same to the
National Assembly for approval.
(3) To bestow final approval of recognition to newly created chapters or councils
and to suspend the recognition of chapters upon the recommendation of the
Regional Councils.
(4) To adopt policies for fund sourcing, capital build-up, loans, acquisitions of
properties, collection of dues and fees for the benefit of the Fraternity.
(5) To issue circulars, memoranda, and policy instructions to ensure the strict
compliance with this Constitution and revisions in national policies and
programs approved by the National Assembly.
(6) In case of national emergency, where the National Assembly cannot be
convened, the National Executive Council may decide for and in behalf of the
best interests of the Fraternity.
(7) To create other committees and offices deemed necessary for the efficient
and effective implementation of programs and policies of the National
c. To report on the state of the Fraternity in annual National
Assembly meetings.
d. To recommend to the National Assembly measures necessary and
expedient which must be acted upon before adjournment of a
National Assembly meeting.
e. To preside over the meetings of the National Executive Council.
f. To exercise the power to veto bills amending this Constitution or
revisions in national policies previously decided upon by the
National Assembly.
g. To enter into contracts, agreements or pacts with other legitimate
organizations and entities which shall be beneficial to the
Fraternity provided that he gets the concurrence of at least two-
thirds (2/3) of total number of present members in the National
C. The Vice-Premier for LUZON; the Vice- Premier for VISAYAS; the Vice-
Premier for MINDANAO; and the Vice-Premier for INTERNATIONAL
(1) The Vice-Premier for Luzon; the Vice-Premier for Visayas; the Vice-Premier
for Mindanao; and the Vice-Premier for International Affairs are duly- elected
national officials. No member shall be elected Vice-Premier unless he has
served as Secretary General of any recognized Regional Council or Governor
General of any recognized Provincial Council.
(2) Powers and Functions of the Vice-Premier for Luzon; the Vice- Premier for
Visayas; the Vice-Premier for Mindanao; and the Vice-Premier for
International Affairs:
a. To assist and support the Premier in the performance of the latter
b. To supervise the operations of all the Regional Councils in their
respective territorial jurisdictions.
c. To screen, recommend, expedite, facilitate and decide on issues
and concerns brought forth by the various Regional and Provincial
Councils within his territorial jurisdiction.
d. To formulate developmental plans in line with the general thrusts
of the area and submit the same to the National Executive Council
for deliberation and approval.
e. To consolidate and submit to the National Assembly and National
Executive Council quarterly accomplishment and status reports of
the different Regional Councils under his jurisdiction.
f. To facilitate and coordinate the establishment of the City,
Municipal, provincial, and Regional Councils within his jurisdiction
and strengthen the same in line with national policies.
(10) To render to the National Executive Council or to the National
Assembly whenever required an account of the financial condition of the
Fraternity and at the close of calendar year to submit a like report for
such calendar year.
(11) To keep correct Books of Account of all the business transactions of
the Fraternity.
(12) To advise the National Council regarding disposition of funds and
other matters relative to financial matters.
D. The Secretary for MEMBERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION shall have the following
functions and responsibilities:
(1) To initiate and continuously gather the list of Triskelions initiated from
1968 to the present with the corresponding updated background
information and encode the same to as secure database.
(2) To formulate the National Standard Procedures for Membership to the
Fraternity in accordance with National Council mandates and ensures the
strict implementation of the same.
(3) To screen and recommend the recognition or suspension of recognition of
chapters and councils upon recommendation and endorsement of the
lower echelons of the Fraternity.
(4) To formulate, monitor and conduct continuing programs on leadership
and service to fellowmen and symposiums on how to improve the quality
of members.
(5) To submit quarterly and annual reports to the National Executive Council
regarding membership strength and capabilities, achievements and
program proposals.
(6) To devise, initiate and implement programs geared towards the social,
economic, educational and moral upliftment of all Triskelions and foster
constructive interaction among all members.
(7) To research, analyze, formulate and implement programs towards
establishing and maintaining harmonious relationships with other
fraternities and legitimate organizations.
(8) To monitor the needs of the general membership regarding welfare,
health, unemployment, death or sickness and fraternity-related
incarceration and recommend to the different structures of the Fraternity
solutions to such problems.
(9) To formulate guidelines for recognition and suspension of chapters and
(10) To formulate and to implement programs and policies aimed at
providing free consultation and legal aid to all members in good standing.
(11) To review, to render his decision, and to submit in writing
recommendations on government laws, bills, acts and ordinances which
may have adverse repercussions on the Fraternity.
(12) To represent the National Council and/or any of its members in civil,
criminal and special proceedings.
(13) To investigate or cause to be investigated any national or local official
(elected or appointed) for violations of the Tenets and Codes of Conduct
of the Fraternity; administrative neglect; graft and funds malversation
and recommend appropriate action to the Premier.
(14) To investigate or cause to be investigated any of the Fraternity’s
subsidiary organizations for failure to comply with the terms and
conditions stipulated in the grant of such franchise or privilege and
recommend appropriate action to the National Executive Council.
(15) To protect all members from human rights violations and prosecute
any violation thereof.
(16) To exercise such other powers and performs other duties and
functions, which may be assigned by the Premier.
E. The Secretary for the INTERIOR shall have the following functions and
(1) To formulate and implement a comprehensive security plan to ensure the
confidentiality of Fraternity information and security for all its members.
(2) To devise a national disaster preparedness program and form highly-
trained quick reaction units from among the members all over the
archipelago to augment other civic action groups in areas hard-hit by
calamities and disasters.
(3) To coordinate with government agencies and non-government
organizations on projects and programs aimed at community
development, agro-industrial thrusts, labor intensive income generating
ventures and peace and order.
(4) To act as the National Wielder of the Whip.
F. The Secretary for SPECIAL PROJECTS shall have the following functions and
(1) To act as the head of the socio- economic, cultural and political
development arm of the Fraternity.
(2) To conduct human resources development training, seminars and
workshops in order to strengthen the capabilities of Triskelion
communities along the lines of organizational development and
management, leadership formation, and career development.
(3) To formulate and implement programs and policies aimed at enhancing
self-propelling and self-reliant Triskelion organizations through optimum
utilization of human and financial resources.
(4) To assist the lower structures of the Fraternity in developing project
proposals for community and school-based endeavors on aspects of
health, education, environmental concerns and other social services that
would redound to the positive public image of the Fraternity.
(5) To undertake research and advocacy work to influence public and private
policies, which are in effect beneficial to the furtherance to the
Fraternity’s programs and services.
(6) To coordinate with the other National offices in the promotion of
solidarity work with other fraternities in the conquest of lasting peace.
Section 1. The Premier shall appoint from among the Council of Elders / MDG’s
members of the Judicial Council who shall serve for a term of four (4) years.
Sec. 2. The National Judicial Council shall have the following duties and functions.
A. To hear, litigate and decide on all cases pertaining to Constitutional matters
against any Triskelion, Chapter, or Council.
B. To review all impeachment, recall and suspension proceedings and render the
final decisions for or against any elected official of the Fraternity.
C. To act as the final authority on expulsion of erring members.
D. To automatically constitute itself into the Commission on Election in every
national election.
Section 1. It shall act as the advisory arm of the National Council.
Sec.2. The Council of Elders shall be composed of all former Secretary-Generals of all
recognized Regional Councils who are in good standing with the Fraternity.
Sec.3. The Council of Elders shall elect among themselves such officers, as it may deem
General Provisions
Section l. The territorial subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines except the
barangay shall be adopted by the Fraternity. As such, there shall be Regional, Provincial,
City, and Municipal Council formations.
Sec. 2. The territorial subdivisions of the Fraternity shall enjoy local autonomy.
Sec. 3. The National Assembly shall enact a Local Council Code which shall provide for a
more responsive and accountable local council structure instituted through a system of
decentralization with effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, and consultations, allocate
among the different council units their powers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide
for the qualifications, election, appointment, and removal, term, powers, and functions, and
duties of local officers and other matters relating to the Fraternity and operation of the
local council units.
Sec. 4. The National Premier shall exercise general supervision over local council units.
Regional Councils with respect to component Provincial Councils, Provincial Councils with
respect to component City and Municipal Councils, and City and Municipal Councils with respect
to component local chapters shall ensure that the acts of their component units are within the
scope of their prescribed powers and functions.
Sec. 5. Each local council unit shall have the power to create its own sources of
revenues and levy dues, fees and other charges subject to such guidelines and limitations as
the National Assembly may provide, consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy.
Such dues, fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local council units.
Sec. 6. The term of office of the elected local chapter officers, whether school-based or
community-based, and City and Municipal Councils shall be:
A. School or Community Based Chapters – One (1) year;
B. Municipal, City, Provincial and Regional Councils – Two (2) years.
Provincial Council and Regional Council officers shall serve for two years and no
such elected officer shall serve for more than two successive terms. Voluntary
renunciation of office for any length of time shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of his service for the full term for which he was
Sec. 7. No Regional, Provincial, City, Municipal or local chapter unit may be created,
divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, except in accordance with
the criteria established in the Local Council Code and subject to approval by the National
Executive Council.
Section 1. In conformity with the principle of subsidiarity, functions that may well be
performed by a lower level structure of the Fraternity shall not be vested in a higher-level
structure of the Fraternity. Thus, functions that can be performed efficiently by a school or
community chapter shall not be vested in the City or Municipal Council. Those that can be
rendered well by the City or Municipal Council shall not be vested in the Provincial Council.
Those that can be performed by the Provincial Council shall not be vested in the Regional
Council. Finally, functions that can be performed well by the Regional Council shall not be
given to the National Council. Conflicts and doubts on jurisdiction between the National
Council, Regional Council, and lower level structures of the Fraternity shall be decided
expeditiously by the National Judicial Council en banc or in division depending on the
seriousness of the controversy.
Sec. 2. The sub-division and pattern of the organizational structure of the Regional
Council, Provincial Council, City or Municipal Council, and the School-based and
Community-based chapters are designed to be similar. However, all Chapters and Councils
shall follow the Direct Line of Command. School-based and Community-based Chapters to
Municipal or City Councils, to the Provincial Council to the Regional Council up to the
National Council.
Section 1. All officers, whether elected or appointed, shall at all times be accountable to
the general membership of the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and shall serve them with
utmost honesty, responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency.
Sec. 2. The Premier, the Executive Vice-Premier, the Vice-Premiers and the members of
the National Assembly may be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of
culpable violation of this Constitution and the Tenets and Codes of Conduct, graft and
corruption and other high crimes or betrayal of Fraternal trust.
Sec. 3. The National Executive Secretary and the members of the National Secretariat
may be removed from office by the Premier.
Sec. 4.
(1) The National Assembly shall have the power to initiate all cases of impeachment.
(2) A verified complaint for impeachment of any National Officer may be filed by
any member of the National Assembly or any member of the Fraternity through
the proper bodies.
(3) The members of the National Assembly and the National Judicial Council
shall be on oath during the whole proceedings. No officer shall be convicted
without the concurrence of three-fourths (¾) of the members of the National
(4) The Chairman of the National Judicial Council shall preside over the
proceedings if the Premier is on trial. He shall vote only in case of deadlock.
(5) The National Assembly shall promulgate its rules on impeachment to effectively
carry out the purpose of this article.
Section 1. The Fraternity shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, international
solidarity, foster love of humanity, respect human rights, strengthen, spiritual and ethnical
values, develop moral character and personal discipline, and encourage critical and
creative thinking among its members.
Sec. 2. The Fraternity shall promote social justice including the commitment to create
economic opportunities for its members based on the freedom of initiative and self-
Sec. 37. The Fraternity shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach geared
towards the full development of its members in the fields of education, health, science,
technology, arts, culture, and sports.
Sec. 4. The National Council shall adopt a national security plan to be administered by
the National Secretary for the Interior and implemented by his local counterparts in their
Sec. 5. The Special Projects Committee shall be the social, economic, cultural and
political development arm of the National Council. It shall be developed into a non-
government organization (NGO) and shall henceforth be known as Fraternitas de Voluntas
(Brotherhood of Freewill). It shall promote the viability and growth of Triskelion
Cooperatives as units of social justice and economic development.
Sec. 6. The National Council shall provide the policy environment for full responsibility
of Triskelion capability and the emergence of communication structures suitable to the
needs and aspirations of the Fraternity and the balanced flow of information into, out of,
and across the country.
Sec. 7. The Fraternity shall take into account Regional and Provincial needs and
conditions and shall encourage local planning in the development of policies and programs
for the betterment of its members.
Section 1. Any amendments to, or revision of this Constitution may be proposed by:
The National Assembly, upon a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all its members or A
Constitutional Convention.
Sec. 2. The National Assembly may by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all its members call
a Constitutional Convention.
Sec. 3. Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall
be valid when ratified by a majority of the votes of all delegates in a Constitutional
Section 1. The First National Congress shall be held on October 3, 2000 and shall be
held every two (2) years thereafter, every second week of November.
Sec. 2. All Interim Regional Structures shall continue to exercise its functions until
October 2002 when regular Regional Conventions will be held under the auspices of the
National Council.
Sec. 3. All Interim Provincial Councils shall continue to exercise its powers and
functions until September 2002 when regular Provincial Elections will be held.
Sec. 4. All school-based chapters, whether Seniors or Juniors, and all community-based
chapters shall hold its annual elections every third week of June.
Sec. 5. The City Councils and Municipal Councils shall have their regular elections on
the month of July, and shall be witnessed by the Provincial Executive Council.
Sec. 6. Provincial Councils shall have their regular elections on the month of August.
Sec. 7. Regional Councils shall have their regular elections on the month of September.
Sec. 8. The National Council shall hold their regular elections on the month of
November and shall assume office immediately on the following year..
Sec. 9. National Assembly shall determine the honoraria and other remuneration
allocated for the Premier and that the utilization of this fund shall be subject to the
approval of the National Assembly.
Section 1. All existing INEC resolutions, implementing guidelines, letters of
instrumentation, and other issuance’s consistent with this Constitution shall remain
operative until amended, repealed, or revoked.
Sec. 2. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a majority
of the votes cast in a National Congress held for the purpose and shall supersede all
previous Constitutions.
Approved and adopted by the delegates of the First National Congress held from
October 2-3, 2000 at the La Vista Resort, Brgy. Pansol, Calamba Laguna.
Signed by all Participants Present
28 (SGD.) Flores, Mitchell INEC-Cagayan De Oro
29 (SGD.) Flores, William C. Cagayan de Oro
30 (SGD.) Fortunato, Ernest John MMRC-MLQU
31 (SGD.) Galido, Jonai Laguna Provincial Council
32 (SGD.) Generoso, Jun Mindoro Provincial Council
33 (SGD.) Gerolaga, Carlo C. Triskelion Order of Law
34 (SGD.) Glorioso. Orlando Pagbilao, Bulacan
35 (SGD.) Gonzales, Rey INEC-Batangas Council
36 (SGD.) Gorospe, Manny INEC-Far Eastern University
37 (SGD.) Grecia, Phillip John MMRC-San Sebastian Council
38 (SGD.) Guevarra, Bong CCP - San Mateo
39 (SGD.) Hernandez, Rodel P. San Pedro Laguna Council
40 (SGD.) Hirata, Lino Laguna Provincial Council
41 (SGD.) Karganilla, Don AMACC QC
42 (SGD.) Lacuna, Boy Adamson University
43 (SGD.) Lazatin, Paul AMACC QC
44 (SGD.) Lee, June INEC-GAUF
45 (SGD.) Leong, Brenant San Pedro Laguna Council
46 (SGD.) Limbago, Robert INEC-Adamson University
47 (SGD.) Lindaya, Ana Central Luzon State University
48 (SGD.) Macario, Gary Malolos, Bulacan
49 (SGD.) Maceda, Malou Adamson University
50 (SGD.) Magno, Allan Laguna Council, San Pedro
51 (SGD.) Manimtim, Allan Lumil, San Jose
52 (SGD.) Manlapaz, Christian Far Eastern University
53 (SGD.) Manlapaz, Micheal Emilio Aguinaldo College
54 (SGD.) Martinez, Bobot University of the East Mla.
55 (SGD.) Maulawin, Victor Davao City
56 (SGD.) Mindalano, Caliph A. Jr. Cebu Council
57 (SGD.) Molino, Mike INEC-University of Santo Tomas
58 (SGD.) Morales, Joshua Triskelion Order of Law
59 (SGD.) Navarro, Jojo Univerisity of Manila
60 (SGD.) Ner, Pastor Aurelio San Pedro Laguna Council
61 (SGD.) Nunag, Jeffrey AMACC QC
62 (SGD.) Nuque, Mon Pasig City Council
63 (SGD.)Oasan, Chito Adamson University
64 (SGD.) Obedoza, John Dale LETRAN / MMRC
65 (SGD.) Oropesa, Loy CCP - San Mateo
66 (SGD.) Ortiz, Alvy LPC/ San Pedro
67 (SGD.) Osorio, Gigi Laguna Provincial Council
68 (SGD.) Panganiban, Omar Laguna Provincial Council
69 (SGD.) Pasayan, Brown Laguna Provincial Council
70 (SGD.) Pelejo, Reynold Mauban, Quezon
71 (SGD.) Pike, Dale Pasig
72 (SGD.) Piol, Phillip Windsor Laguna Provincial Council
73 (SGD.) Pulumbarit, Harold Malolos, Bulacan
74 (SGD.) Ravanzo, Boy Lucena City Council
75 (SGD.) Rebong, Manolito INEC-Cavite
76 (SGD.) Redondo, Alquin Binan-Adamson
77 (SGD.) Roborar, Ely San Mateo, Rizal
78 (SGD.) Rondilla, Susan MIT
79 (SGD.) Rosaria, Victor Adamson
80 (SGD.) Roxas, Jimmy SSC - San Mateo
81 (SGD.) Sabado, Bobby INEC-FEU
82 (SGD.) Samano, Roy Northwest USA
83 (SGD.) Sanchez, Jerry C. Nueva Viscaya
84 (SGD.) Santos, Analyn MMRC-PLM
85 (SGD.) Sendaydiego, Reujane Palawan
86 (SGD.) Sibal, Jefferson Makati City
87 (SGD.) Solis, Mon Laguna Council, San Pedro
88 (SGD.) Sudla, Renato Adamson University
89 (SGD.) Talabucon, Victor Lawrence P. Cagayan de Oro
90 (SGD.) Tenorio, Jun Laguna Provincial Council
91 (SGD.) Villa, Anot Quezon / Lucena Council
92 (SGD.) Villalada, Don Taguig City
93 (SGD.) Yangyang, Wilter AMACC QC
94 (SGD.) Yu, Karlus Cagayan de Oro
National Assembly
Special Session
Begun and held in the City of Legazpi, on Saturday,
the fourteenth day of September, Two thousand and Two
SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known and cited as the "Local Council Code of
2. It is also the policy of the Fraternity to ensure the accountability of local councils
through the institution of effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, and
SECTION 3. Operative Principles of Decentralization. The formulation and
implementation of policies and measures on local autonomy shall be guided by the
following operative principles:
1. The Fraternity shall ensure the implementation of a Local Council Code and that
the local councils are allocated their powers functions, duties, duties and
6. Supervision of the local councils shall be vested upon the Vice Premiers who
shall in turn be directly accountable to the Executive Vice-Premier.
SECTION 4. The Fraternity shall adopt the geo-political subdivisions of the Republic of
the Philippines, from the Regional to the Barangay level, in accordance with Article VIII
of the Constitution of the Tau Gamma Phi. However, The Vice Premiers may
recommend its modification upon submission of a signed resolution by the Local
Councils involved.
SECTION 6. In cases where the next jurisdictional organ in the line of command is not
organized, the responsibility shall evolve to the next established higher office.
CHAPTER 3. The Local Councils
2. The Regional Council shall be bestowed with the executive, judicial, and legislative
powers of the Fraternity in the designated area.
3. The Regional Council shall be composed of the Regional Assembly, the Regional
Executive Council, and the Regional Judicial Council.
3. The Regional Assembly shall act as a collegial body, which shall be presided
over by the Regional Vice Secretary-General. He shall cast his vote only in case
of a deadlock.
g. To confirm or defer the appointments of the Regional Directors and Staff
after a thorough background check.
h. Meetings, Quorum, and Manner of Voting
i) The Regional Assembly shall hold bi-annual meetings. The time, date
and place shall determined by its members. Special Regional Meetings
may be called by the Secretary-General or upon petition of at least
one-half (1/2) of its members.
ii) At all bi-annual or special meetings of the Regional Assembly, three-
fourths (3/4) of the total number of members shall constitute a
iii) Governor-Generals of recognized provincial councils or their duly
authorized representatives are qualified to vote and participate in all
deliberations and in decision-making.
1. The Regional Executive Council shall be the executive and implementing arm of
the Regional Council.
2. The Regional Executive Council shall have the following powers and functions:
ii. The Secretary-General shall hold office for a term of two (2)
years and shall be elected by the members of the Regional
Assembly upon consultation with the lower echelons of the
Fraternity under their respective jurisdictions.
5. He shall be elected by the Regional Assembly and shall serve for
a term of two (2) years and will not be eligible to serve for more
than two (2) successive terms in the same position.
6. He shall be the Presiding Officer of the Regional Assembly but
may only cast his vote in case of a deadlock.
E. The Regional Directors
1. The Regional Directors shall have similar duties
and functions with their counterpart in the National
Secretariat as defined in Article VI of the
constitution of Tau Gamma Phi, only that the
formers' duties are limited to his regional
jurisdictional area. The Regional Directors may
create special committees to speed up
implementation of their programs and projects.
2. The Regional Directors must submit quarterly
reports to the Regional Executive Secretary
regarding their accomplishments and
3. The Regional Director for the Interior shall also
serve as concurrent Regional Wielder of the Whip
4. The Regional Directors shall be appointed by the
Secretary- General from the ranks of the Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians
SECTION 9. The Regional Judicial Council
1. The Provincial Assembly shall be the policy making body of the Provincial
2. All incumbent officers of the City and Municipal Councils and all the incumbent
Presidents of Triskelion Alumni Associations in the Province shall compose
the Provincial Assembly.
3. The Provincial Assembly shall act as a collegial body and shall be presided
over by the Vice Governor-General.
4. The Provincial Assembly shall have the same functions as the Regional
Assembly as provided for in Section 7 of this Code but as applied to the
5. The Provincial Assembly shall hold monthly meetings to assess, plan, discuss,
deliberate and render decisions on urgent fraternal concerns. Special
meetings may be called by the Governor-General or upon petition of at least
50% of its members.
6. Three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the Provincial Assembly shall
constitute a quorum.
7. The Provincial Assembly shall hold regular quarterly meetings.
SECTION 12. The Provincial Executive Council
1. The Provincial Executive Council shall be the executive and implementing arm
of the Provincial Council.
2. The Provincial Executive Council shall have the same functions and powers as
the Regional Executive Council as provided for in Section 8 of this Code but
as applied to the provinces.
3. The Officers of the Provincial Secretariat are:
a. The Governor-General
ii. The Governor-General shall hold office for a term of two (2) years
and shall be elected by the members of the Provincial Council.
b. The Vice Governor-General
iii. The Provincial Regents must submit
quarterly reports to the Provincial
Executive Secretary regarding their
accomplishments and performances.
iv. The Provincial Regent for the Interior
shall also serve as concurrent
Provincial Wielder of the Whip
v. The Provincial Regents shall be
appointed by the Governor-General
from the ranks of the Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians.
1. The Provincial Judicial Council shall exercise the same functions as that of the
National Judicial Council but as applied to the Provincial Level.
2. It shall hear and litigate all cases pertaining to constitutional matters.
3. Unresolved cases shall be forwarded to the Regional Judicial Council.
1. There shall be created City and Municipal Councils which shall be composed of
all the local school-based, community-based, Alumni and Junior Triskelion
chapters within the area.
2. The City or Municipal Councils shall be bestowed with the executive, legislative,
and judicial powers of the Fraternity within the city or municipality.
3. The City or Municipal Council shall be composed of the City or Municipal
Assembly, The City or Municipal Executive Council and the City or Municipal
Judicial Council.
4. A City or Municipal Council shall be composed of at least three (3) local chapters.
1. The City or Municipal Assembly shall be the policy-making body of the City or
Municipal Council.
2. The City or Municipal Assembly shall be composed of all the incumbent duly
elected Grand Triskelions of school-based, community-based, Junior Triskelion
Chapters, and Alumni Chapter Presidents.
3. The City or Municipal Assembly shall act as a collegial body and shall be
presided over by the City or Municipal Vice-Chairman.
4. The City or Municipal Assembly shall have the same functions as the Regional
Assembly as provided for in Section 7 of this Code but as applied to cities and
5. The City or Municipal Assembly shall hold monthly meetings to assess, plan,
discuss, deliberate and render decisions on urgent fraternal concerns. Special
meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon petition of at least 50% of its
6. Three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the City or Municipal Assembly
shall constitute a quorum.
the City and Municipal funds are applied to
the payment of expenses and settlement of
v. To appoint the City or Municipal Executive
Secretary, the City or Municipal Deputies,
the City or Municipal Keeper of the Chest,
the City or Municipal Auditor, and the
members of the City or Municipal Judicial
vi. To submit to the Governor-General quarterly
accomplishment reports.
2. The Vice- Chairman:
b) The City or Municipal Deputy for
Budget and Finance
c) The City or Municipal Deputy for
Membership and Organization
d) The City or Municipal Deputy for
Communication and Information
e) The City or Municipal Deputy for
Special Projects
f) The City or Municipal Deputy for
Alumni Affairs
g) The City or Municipal Deputy for the
5. The City or Municipal Deputies:
1. The City or Municipal Judicial Council shall exercise the same functions as that
of the National Judicial Council but as applied to the Provincial Level.
2. It shall hear and litigate all cases pertaining to constitutional matters
3. In cases, which remain unresolved, it shall be forwarded to the Provincial
Judicial Council.
Chapter 4. The Local School-based and Community-Based Chapters
SECTION 18. Local school-based and community-based chapters must have at least
15 active members in order to qualify for recognition to the City or Municipal Council or
in its absence to the next higher jurisdictional office.
SECTION 19. A chapter, which is not eligible for recognition due to lack of members,
shall be directly supervised by the City or Municipal Council until it meets the necessary
requirements thereof.
SECTION 20. The chapters shall exercise the right to formulate their own policies
provided that it shall be within the bounds of this Code.
SECTION 21. The Chapter General Assembly shall be composed of all the resident
members of a chapter. In all Chapter meetings, fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the
total number of active resident members shall constitute a quorum. The Chapter
General Assembly shall elect from among its qualified members a set of officers namely
the Grand Triskelion, the Deputy Grand Triskelion, and seven (7) Master Triskelions,
shall hold office for a one (1) year term.
SECTION 22. The Chapter Grand Council shall act as the policy-making body of the
Chapter. It shall be composed of the Grand Triskelion (GT), the Deputy Grand
Triskelion (DGT), and the seven (7) Master Triskelions (MTs) all of whom shall be
elected by the General Assembly of the Chapter. The Grand Triskelion shall be the
Presiding Officer of the Grand
6. The Grand Triskelion shall appoint each of the seven (7) elected
Master Triskelions to hold a specialized committee and shall be
then called the Master Triskelion for:
i. The Deputy Grand Triskelion shall assist the Grand Triskelion in the
administration of the Chapter and shall represent the latter in all
meetings and official functions whenever he could not attend due to
conflicts in schedule or illness.
ii. The Deputy Grand Triskelion shall assume the position of Grand
Triskelion if the latter resigns, is recalled, or is physically or
mentally incapacitated to perform duties and responsibilities.
iii. However, he shall serve only for the remainder of the un-expired
term.The Deputy Grand Triskelion may be appointed by the Grand
Triskelion to hold a committee or perform other duties, which may
be given to him from time to time.
iv. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls shall be responsible for the
safekeeping of the following documents and to turn-over the same
to the incoming MKS at the expiration of his turn:
1. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall be responsible for the proper
implementation of the recruitment and initiation process.
2. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall submit a complete list of new
applicants to the City or Municipal Council and shall closely
coordinate with the Master Triskelion for Membership and
Organization and with the counterpart City or Municipal Deputy or
to the next higher organ in cases where the City or Municipal
Council has not yet been established.
3. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall act as Sergeant-at-Arms in all
Chapter meetings.
4. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall formulate ground rules for
initiation and rituals rites and shall closely monitor its progress. He
may subject violators to disciplinary action.
5. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall administer disciplinary action
to erring members upon orders of the Grand Council.
SECTION 24. There shall be established in all Chapters a Council of Elders (CE), which
shall be composed, by all of the past Chapter Grand Triskelions who have finished their
term of office and have been elevated to the highest status of the Fraternity-The Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians (MDG). The Council of Elders shall act as an
advisory body and shall function collegially. It shall constitute itself into a Committee on
Elections during chapter elections.
SECTION 25. The highest membership status in the Tau Gamma Phi shall be
membership to the Most Distinguished Order of the Guardians (MDG) as explicitly
provided in Article III Section 2, Paragraph C of the National Constitution of the
SECTION 27. The power to accept Triskelions to the Order is bestowed upon the
Order itself.
6. Former Grand Triskelions may be admitted to the Order if he has finished his full
term of office.
SECTION 29. A Most Distinguished Guardian shall affix the abbreviation MDG after his
name in all fraternal documents and shall be addressed as Lord by the applicants.
SECTION 30. A Most Distinguished Guardian may be removed from the Order for any
of the following causes:
1. Culpable violation of the Tenets, Codes of Conduct, and the National Constitution
of the Fraternity and its By-laws.
2. Commission of acts proven beyond reasonable doubt to be injurious to the name,
honor, prestige and security of the Order
SECTION 31. Expulsion of a Most Distinguished Guardian may be instituted upon the
unanimous decision of his fellows in the Chapter with the concurrence of the Chapter
Grand Council. The higher jurisdictional council shall at all times be properly informed.
SECTION 34. The presidents of alumni associations shall represent alumni concerns in
all Assembly meetings at the various jurisdictional councils within which the
associations are geographically located. They shall be a voting members of the
4. To accommodate, promote and support the formation of local institutions to
provide logistical support to the local councils.
5. To strengthen brotherhood through the interaction with other alumni
organizations within its jurisdictional area.
6. To promote and support the formation of a Triskelion Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and all programs and projects of the National Council through the local
SECTION 37. As a general rule, individual Triskelions, whether resident or alumni, shall
register with his Chapter; a Chapter shall register to the City or Municipal Council; a City
or Municipal Council shall register with the Provincial Council; the Provincial Council
shall register with the Regional Council; and the Regional Council shall register with the
National Council through the Office of the Vice-Premier in the area.
5. Information updates regarding the programs, projects, policies and
developmental thrusts of the Fraternity
SECTION 41. The National Council through the Office of the Vice-Premier shall provide
the necessary Registration Forms to the Councils, Chapters and individual members.
Be it further understood that the direct registration of individual members, chapters, and
councils may be
undertaken only if there is the absence of an immediate higher jurisdictional order.
SECTION 42. All Chapters and Councils are required to submit to the next higher
jurisdictional council the following:
SECTION 44. Mandate to Create Resources and Revenues - The National Council is
mandated to create its own sources of revenue, to acquire assets, to levy dues and fees
consistent with the basic policy of uniformity, equitability based on ability to pay, and
shall not be unjust, excessive, oppressive and contrary to national economic policy of
the fraternity; but geared toward the needs of all Territorial Councils.
SECTION 45. Securing the Revenues and Finances of the Fraternity - All collections
from financial undertakings, asset acquisition, collection of dues, fees, donations and
other impositions shall not be in the name of any person but shall be under the name of
the fraternity or to any institutions, initiatives and organization duty recognized by the
territorial councils and accredited by the National Council.
1. All Territorial Councils shall open a savings account or current account in order to
bring together all financial revenues and resources for quick interchange and
recording purposes for better monitoring and financial transparency.
2. All assets acquired by the Fraternity, shall be covered by a Deed describing the
asset and shall be turned over to the trustee bank for safekeeping.
3. All finances of the local chapter, City and Municipal Councils shall be subjected
by the City or Municipal Auditor to audit every two (2) months; Regional and
Provincial Councils and Institutions shall be audited by the Regional and
Provincial Auditors on a quarterly basis, the National Executive Council shall be
audited by the National Auditor on a Semi-annual basis.
4. MI cash receipts and disbursement shall be accounted properly by all the
Territorial Council Keeper of the Chest. For institutions, signatories to the savings
account or current account shall be the President, and the Treasurer and/or the
officer head for Finance and Budget. For our Territorial councils, the leader of the
Council and the Keeper of the Chest and/or the officer head for Finance and
5. Financial reportorial requirements will be strictly implemented for monitoring and
transparency purposes. The reports will come from the chapter to the higher
councils then the National Council financial report down to the Territorial
1. Common - Revenues that will have fixed rates, maintenance of operations. The
following are:
2. Greater Mission - Revenues with either fixed rates or non-fixed rates but geared
and focused towards council formation, organizational strengthening,
membership benefits and values formation.
d. Memorabilia Interchange fees - All unsold T-Shirts, pins, clocks, key chain,
and other items that are memorabilia in nature can be sold by the
Territorial Councils or sold in the National Council. But such will he
charged fees when purchased by our member including that of mailing
fees. Reproduction of such memorabilia will he charged interchange fees
and will be to the account of the purchaser.
(C) Sharing on all Institutional Revenues generated
(I) Institutions or Org. Initiatives 40%
(2) Chapters 10%
(3) City/Municipal 10%
(4) Provincial Council 10%
(5) Regional Council 10%
(6) VP 2.5%
(6) Office of EVP 2.5%
(7) National Office 15%
SECTION 48. Any member of the Fraternity may be meted disciplinary action,
suspension or expulsion on any of the following grounds:
a) Grave violations of the Tenets, Codes of Conduct, the Constitution and the
Local Council Code;
b) Malversation of Funds;
c) Habitual delinquency in the payment of dues and fees;
d) Gross violations of chapter policies;
e) Gross violations of Council policies.
f) Acts of Immorality.
SECTION 49. All Triskelions shall have the right to due process and the right to defend
himself in a meeting specially convened for the purpose of determining his guilt and
subject to the following:
a. Any member has the right to file a formal complaint against any officer or
member perceived to have committed a violation;
b. Litigation on the Chapter level shall be done in a General Assembly meeting. If
the is committed against a higher council, the offended Council shall have the
right to litigate provided that the chapter is properly informed and the violator
subjected to investigation by the City or Municipal, Provincial or Regional
Council as the case may be.
c. All cases that entail doubt or confusion may be appealed to the Judicial Council
of the area. If no decisive resolution could be made still, the case may be
forwarded to the Judicial Council of the higher jurisdictional organ.
d. Rules and policies on discipline shall not be retroactive.
e. All unsettled complaints on disciplinary action and delinquencies may be
forwarded to the National Judicial Council through the Office of the Vice-
Premier of the territory who shall check on its merits.
f. All decisions regarding discipline must be forwarded to all levels of the
organization. The National Executive Secretary may forward the same to the
National Secretary for Membership and Organization who shall record the
same in the database and move to revoke the erring members Identification
card or restrict him from renewal.
g. The Local Assembly may enact litigation procedures in the absence of
guidelines from the National Council or the National Judicial Council provided
that such procedures shall not impair or curtail the rights of the accused as
provided for in the National Constitution and in this Code.
SECTION 50. Any elected local officer may be recalled for gross violations of the
Constitution, Tenets and Codes of Conduct, and the Local Council Code of the
SECTION 51. Any Triskelion may propose the recall of any elected officer through a
member of the legislative arm of the Chapter or Council subject to at least two-thirds
(2/3) vote of approval of the total number of members.
SECTION 52. All impeachment proceedings shall be done in a meeting specially called
for the purpose of recall by the Chapter or Council.
SECTION 53. Impeachment shall not extend to disqualification to run for office in the
next election. However, suspension and expulsion may be meted to the officer in
question depending on the gravity of the violation.
SECTION 55. Amendments and revisions shall be incorporated as part of the Code
after adoption by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the National Assembly members who are
present and constituting a quorum.
SECTION 56. Separability Clause. If for any reason any provision of this Code shall be
held unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which are not affected shall continue to be
SECTION 57. Effectivity Clause. This Local Council Code shall take effect immediately
upon ratification of the Special National Assembly on the 14th of September in the year
of our Lord 2002.