Management of Ocular Allergy: Eaaci Position Paper
Management of Ocular Allergy: Eaaci Position Paper
Management of Ocular Allergy: Eaaci Position Paper
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Received: 27 January 2019 Revised: 15 February 2019 Accepted: 20 February 2019
DOI: 10.1111/all.13786
Andrea Leonardi, Ophthalmology Unit, Abstract
Department of Neuroscience, University of The treatment and management of ocular allergy (OA) remain a major concern for
Padua, Padua, Italy.
Email: different specialties, including allergists, ophthalmologists, primary care physicians,
rhinologists, pediatricians, dermatologists, clinical immunologists, and pharmacists.
Funding information
This work was done under the approval of We performed a systematic review of all relevant publications in MEDLINE, Scopus,
EAACI with a TF budget 2015‐18.
and Web Science including systematic reviews and meta‐analysis. Publications were
considered relevant if they addressed treatments, or management strategies of OA.
A further wider systematic literature search was performed if no evidence or good
quality evidence was found. There are effective drugs for the treatment of OA; how‐
ever, there is a lack an optimal treatment for the perennial and severe forms. Topical
antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, or double‐action drugs are the first choice of
treatment. All of them are effective in reducing signs and symptoms of OA. The
safety and optimal dosing regimen of the most effective topical anti‐inflammatory
drugs, corticosteroids, are still a major concern. Topical calcineurin inhibitors may be
used in steroid‐dependent/resistant cases of severe allergic keratoconjunctivitis.
Allergen‐specific immunotherapy may be considered in cases of failure of first‐line
treatments or to modify the natural course of OA disease. Based on the current
wealth of publications and on the collective experience, recommendations on man‐
agement of OA have been proposed.
Allergy. 2019;74:1611–1630. © 2019 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. | 1611
Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
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1612 LEONARDI et al.
management, ocular allergy, allergic conjunctivitis, systematic review, treatment
2 | M E TH O DS
2.2 | Eligibility criteria
We included SR of observational and interventional studies regard‐
ing treatment of OA (SAC, PAC, VKC, AKC, and CBC). The following
F I G U R E 1 Flowchart of the selection strategy of the systematic
treatments were included the following: antihistamines, mast cell
reviews potentially relevant for the purpose of the position paper.
stabilizers, dual‐acting agents (topical mast cell stabilizers and an‐ Of the 432 publications, 28 were selected and included (see Tables
tihistamines), non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (prostaglandin 2-6)
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LEONARDI et al. |
treatment of SAC and PAC (Table 2): One included 23 RCTs, 5 the
3.1 | Overview of the available pharmacological
second 30 RCTs 6 in a head‐to‐head study, and the third 41 RCTs.7
classes of anti‐allergic drugs
All the three reviews concluded that these drugs were effective
There is a wide range of treatment options for OA, some of which are off‐ in reducing ocular symptoms vs placebo.7 Direct comparisons
label. Currently available topical drugs for OA can be classified into differ‐ of different antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers showed in‐
ent pharmacological classes based on their mechanism of action (Table 1): sufficient evidence to recommend one drug over another6 even
antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, dual‐acting agents (topical mast cell though the peer‐reviewed literature suggested that olopatadine
stabilizers and antihistamines), alpha‐adrenergic agonists (vasoconstric‐ may be clinically superior to the other anti‐allergic molecules, 8
tors), non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (prostaglandin inhibitors), and alcaftadine may be superior to olopatadine in reducing ocu‐
corticosteroids, and calcineurin inhibitors. Immunomodulatory treat‐ lar itch. 5 A fourth SR9 comparing olopatadine with other topical
ments for OA include allergen‐specific immunotherapy and biologicals. antihistamines (epinastine, ketotifen, and alcaftadine) showed a
significant benefit from the use of alcaftadine in reducing symp‐
toms scores when compared to the others drugs. Alcaftadine is
3.1.1 | Topical antihistamines, mast cell
only currently approved and available in the United States. Since
stabilizers, and dual‐acting agents
the publication of the last SR, a further clinical trial has been pub‐
Three SR addressed the use of topical antihistamines, topi‐ lished demonstrating efficacy of epinastine in controlling symp‐
cal mast cell stabilizers, or topical dual‐acting agents for the toms of birch pollen allergic patients.10
Topical antihistamines
Kam et al 23 RCT Allergic conjuncti‐ Olopatadine Symptoms scores Olopatadine vs placebo Topical olopatadine High
20165 vitis (n = 3388 0.05%‐0.20% vs (itcing, Itch SMD −1.33 [−1.43; −1.23]/Itch score −2.62 [−3.25; −1.99] is safe and
eyes) placebo; hyperemia) Hyperemia −0.92 [−1.19; −0.65]/−1.92 [−2.67; −1.17] effective, but
ketotifen; Olopatadine vs Epinastine no significant differences alcaftadine
alcaftadine Olopatadine vs Ketotifen no significant differences appears to be
Olopatadine vs Alcaftadine SMD 0.30 [0.28; 0.50] superior
Castillo et al, 30 RCT Seasonal and Topical antihista‐ Symptoms scores Mast cell stabilizers vs placebo (8 RCT), not pooled, nedocromil All topical antihista‐ High
20156 4 perennial allergic mines (itching, sodium or sodium cromoglycate is more effective than placebo mines and mast cell
Meta‐ conjunctivitis Mast cell irritation, in improving ocular symptoms stabilizers reduce
analysis (n = 4344) stabilizers (alone watering eyes Azelastine vs placebo (9 RCT), not pooled, individuals studies symptoms and
and in or photophobia) improved symptoms signs of seasonal
combination) Levocabastine vs placebo (5 RCT), not pooled, individual studies allergic conjuncti‐
with improvement symptoms vitis when
Olopatadine vs ketotifen (4 RCT) MSD −0.32 [−0.59; −0.06] for compared with
itching; MSD −0.06 [−0.35; 0.22] for tearing placebo in the
Nedocromil vs levocabastine (2 RCT), not pooled short term are safe
Azelastine vs levocabastine (2 RCT), not pooled and well tolerated.
Olopatadine vs control (2 RCT), not pooled, evidence from two Olopatadine may
small trials may improve symptoms be more effective
Nedocromil vs azelastine (1 RCT), no difference than ketotifen
Olopatadine vs nedocromil (1 RCT), olopatdine more effective
Levocabastine vs antazoline and tetryzoline, no difference
Ketotifen vs placebo (1 RCT) more effective
Ketotifen vs levocabastine (1 RCT) Ketotifen is superior
Levocabastine and pemirolast vs levocabastine, combination is
more effective
Levocabastine vs mequitazine (1 RCT) equally effective
Bepotastine vs placebo (1 RCT), effective
Bepotastine vs olopatadine (1 RCT), insufficient
Mahvan TD, 2 RCT Allergic conjuncti‐ Alcaftadine Ocular itching Improved ocular itching improvement, no improvement in ocular Alcaftadine is safe Critically
20129 vitis (n = 228) 0.05%‐0.25% vs Ocular redness redness, not pooled and effective low
Rosenwasser 9 CT Allergic conjuncti‐ Olopatadine 0.1% Not pooled No significant side effects; no ocular dryness or irritation with Olopatadine is Critically
et al 20058 vitis (n = 714) and 0.5% vs topical use. clinically superior low
placebo; Reduces redness, itching and swelling. to the other
ketorolac, Comparison with ketorolac 0.5%, nedocromil, ketotifen, anti‐allergic
nedocromil, azelastine and epinastine‐ not pooled molecules
azelastine and
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TA B L E 2 (Continued)
CCT, corticosteroids; NSAID, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug; RCT, randomized clinical trials; SMD, standardized mean difference.
Nedocromil sodium or sodium cromoglycate, olopatadine, ketotifen, azelastine, emedastine, levocabastine (or levocabastine), mequitazine, bepotastine besilate, combination of antazoline and tetryzoline,
combination of levocabastine and pemirolast potassium.
| 1615
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TA B L E 3 Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (topical prostaglandin and oral leukotriene inhibitors)
Author, Y Studies design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion Amstar score
AC, alllergic conjunctivitis; CCT, corticosteroids; LTRA, leukotriene receptor antagonists; NSAID, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug; PAC, perennial allergic conjunctivitis; RCT, randomized clinical
trials; SAC, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis; SMD, standardized mean difference.
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LEONARDI et al. |
TA B L E 4 Systemic antihistamines
Compalati et al, 4 RCT Allergic Rupatadine vs Itchy and Itch eyes SMD: Improvement Low
201320 rhinoconjunc‐ ebastine; placebo watery eyes −0.29, 95% CI ocular
tivitis (n = 473) −0.45 to symptom of
(n = 1135) Rupatadine vs −0.14 rupatadine vs
loratadine; placebo Watery eyes placebo.
(n = 283) reduction
Rupatadine vs SMD: −0.25,
desloratadine; 95% CI −0.45
placebo (n = 379) to −0.06
Overall, topical antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers appear hyperemia, having little to no relief from itch and a short duration
to be safe and well tolerated.6,11 The most frequently reported side of action.7 In a recent randomized controlled trial comparing several
effects from the use of these agents were burning and stinging sen‐ treatment options, the use of naphazoline/antazoline was associ‐
sation, blurred vision and unacceptable aftertaste.5,6 Data on their ated with lower tolerability profile of all treatment. They may cause
long‐term efficacy and safety are still lacking. To minimize possible side effects such as rebound redness, chronic follicular conjunctivi‐
toxic effects of preservative compounds on the ocular surface, single‐ tis, and tachyphylaxis. In older formulations, ocular decongestants
dose preservative‐free eye drops should be used whenever possible. are paired with topical first‐generation antihistamines, such as phe‐
A SR of 20 RCT evaluated the efficacy of topical antihistamines and niramine and antazoline, to relieve both itching and redness.
mast cell stabilizers for the treatment of VKC showing an improvement
of ocular symptoms score with use of all these drugs.12 The pooled Recommendations
data were unable to recommend use of one agent over the other. A • Vasoconstrictors alleviate only hyperemia ⨁◯◯◯ ↑?
RCT published after this SR showed benefit with improved inflamma‐ • They should be used with caution and for a short period of
tory biomarkers and total symptom score using preservative‐free N‐ 5‐7 days because of side effects and tachyphylaxis (TF expert
acetyl‐aspartyl‐glutamic acid (NAAGA) compared to levocabastine.13 opinion)↑↑
The treatment of AKC with antihistamines and mast cell stabiliz‐
ers has only been reported in a few case reports and case series.14
3.1.3 | Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs
NSAID (topical prostaglandin and oral leukotriene
• All topical drugs are effective in reducing signs and symptoms
⨁⨁⨁⨁↑↑ One SR15 based on 8 RCTs concluded that topical NSAIDS are more
• Topical antihistamines and dual‐acting drugs may have lead to a effective than placebo in reducing ocular itching and redness. Use
quicker onset symptom relief when compared to mast cell stabi‐ of varied outcome parameters did not permit a comparison15,16
lizers ⨁◯◯◯↑? (Table 3). NSAIDs are rarely used due to their local side effects, such
• Dual‐acting agents with combined mast cell stabilizer and antihis‐ as burning/stinging after application.
taminic function provide better symptom control ⨁◯◯◯↑? The oral leukotriene inhibitor montelukast has shown to be use‐
• Mast cell stabilizers such as chromones require multiple daily ful in the treatment of ocular symptoms in SAC and PAC, but less
doses and have a delayed onset of action, hence are less prefera‐ effective than oral antihistamines.17
ble ⨁◯◯◯↑?
• SAC and PAC can be managed using the same drugs ⨁⨁⨁⨁ ↑↑ Recommendations from the TF group
• The duration of treatment is longer in PAC compared to SAC • NSAIDs are effective for their short‐term use but do not target
⨁◯◯◯↑? specific inflammatory mechanisms ⨁◯◯◯↓?
• Topical antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers can be used in VKC • In adult SAC patients, leukotriene inhibitors are less efficacious
⨁⨁◯◯↑ and AKC ⨁◯◯◯↑? than oral antihistamines ⨁◯◯◯↑?
• All these drugs can be used in combination ⨁◯◯◯↑?
3.1.4 | Systemic antihistamines
3.1.2 | Topical alpha‐adrenergic agonists
Oral antihistamines are frequently used in case of allergic comorbidi‐
ties such as rhinitis and are used in almost one‐third of the patients
Topical decongestants are frequently used as first‐line treatment with ocular symptoms.4 Drugs such as loratadine, desloratadine,18
due to their availability over the counter. They merely alleviate and fexofenadine19 are highly effective for the treatment of allergic
TA B L E 5 Corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors
Studies Intervention
Author, Y design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion Amstar score
Topical corticosteroids
O'Gallagher et al, 1 RCT Blepharoconjunctivitis Loteprednol Improvement of symptoms No sufficient data on the No high‐quality High
201784 (n = 137 children) etabonate Elimination clinical signs improvement in symptoms or evidence regarding
Adverse effects signs; no difference on adverse safety and efficacy of
effects topical treatments for
Sheppard et al 40 clinical SAC (n = 856) Loteprednol Incidence of IOP 0.2% suspension there was no Favorable IOP safety Critically low
201624 trials PAC (n = 159) etabonate increase in IOP for SAC or PAC; profile for loteprednol
SAC (4) VKC (n = 37) 0.5% suspension there was no etabonate with both
PAC (1) BKC (n = 355) increase in VKC or SAC (both in short‐term and
VKC (1) comparison with vehicle) long‐term use
BKC (3)
Wu et al, 201523 8 RCT (n = 1445) Loteprednol Ocular symptoms (ocular Compared to placebo: Topical loteprednol High
SAC (4 etabonate vs itching) Sign (bulbar Sign severity SMD −0.85 [−1.35; etabonate is effective
RCT), placebo; topical conjunctival injection or −0.35] (all) in treating allergic
GPC (3 olopatadine; topical papillae) SAC −0.45 [−0.62; −0.28]; only conjunctivitis
RCT) fluorometholone Increased intraocular one trial GPC and VKC
VKC (1 acetate pressure (IOP) Weighted mean difference −0.66
RCT) [−0.97; −0.35] (all)
SAC −0.43 [−0.46; −0.31]; only
one trial GPC and VKC
IOP OR 3.03 [1.04; 8.80]
Compared to topical olopatadine:
Sign severity SMD −3.78 [−10.61;
WMD −0.98 [−2.00; 0.05] (all
Nasal corticosteroids
Weiner et al, 16 RCT Allergic rhinoconjunc‐ Nasal corticosteroids Ocular symptoms (included Nasal steroid vs oral antihista‐ There was no significant Low
199826 tivitis (n = 2267) vs oral antihista‐ 11 studies) mines difference between
mines (terfenadine; SMD −0.043 [−0.157; 0.072] intranasal corticoster‐
astemizole; oids and oral
loratadine; antihistamines on
cetirizine) ocular symptoms
Hong et al, 201127 32 studies SAC and PAC Nasal corticosteroids Total ocular symptom Data not pooled Intranasal corticoster‐ Critically low
RCT (n = 6573) score (TOSS) Improvement of TOSS in 9 out of oids have a positive
10 studies impact on the on the
Total eye symptoms 5 out of 13 TOSS of AR
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TA B L E 5 (Continued)
Studies Intervention
Author, Y design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion Amstar score
Naclerio et al, 3 SR Allergic rhinoconjunc‐ Nasal corticosteroids Total ocular symptom Data not pooled, an improvement Intranasal corticoster‐ Critically low
200828 5 RCT tivitis Triamcinolone score of total eye symptom score was oids are effective and
TAA (n = 375) acetonide (n = 375) seen vs placebo was seen in all well tolerated in the
FP (n = 1645) Propionate clinical trials and meta‐analysis treatment of ocular
MF (n = 1198) Fluticasone (7 RCT symptoms associated
FF (n = 940) data association) with allergic rhinitis.
BUD (n = 280) Mometasone
furoate (2 RS 1
Furoate fluticasone
(2 RCT)
Budesonide (1 RCT)
Yánez et al, 4 RCT Allergic rhinitis Beclomethasone or Eye symptoms Nasal steroid vs nasal antihista‐ There was no difference Critically low
200229 Beclomethasone flunisolide vs mines SMD −0.07 [−0.27; 0.12, between interventions
(n = 166) azelastine (n = 2 P = 0.4] in the relief of ocular
BUD (n = 31) RCT) symptoms
Fluticasone (n = 193) Budesonide or
Flunisolide (n = 38) fluticasone vs
Azelastine (n = 240) levocabastine (n = 2
Levocabastine RCT)
(n = 408)
Topical cyclosporine
Wan et al, 201332 7 RCT Allergic conjunctivitis Topical cyclosporine Composite sign score Compared to placebo: Topical cyclosporine Low
(n = 306 eyes of 153 in concentration (average of at least one of Composite sign score: SMD −1.21 could be an effective
patients) 3 studies from 0.05% to 2% the following signs: 95% CI, [−1.80; −0.62] and safe treatment
recruited steroid‐de‐ hyperemia, swelling, Composite symptom score: SMD method for allergic
pendent allergic papillae and giant papillae −0.84 95% CI[−1.51; −0.16] conjunctivitis
conjunctivitis on the tarsal conjunctiva, Reduction on steroid eye drop (3
hyperemia and edema of RCT) SMD −61.2 [−101.6; −20.7]
the bulbar
conjunctiva, or corneal
involvement) Composite
symptom score (average
of: redness, tearing,
burning, discomfort,
foreign body sensation,
discharge, and photopho‐
bia) Medication use
| 1619
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TA B L E 5 (Continued)
Studies Intervention
Author, Y design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion Amstar score
González‐López et 3 RCT Atopic keratoconjunc‐ Cyclosporine 0.05% Symptoms improvement Not pooled Topical CsA may High
al, 201233 tivitis (n = 58) or cyclosporine 2% (reported by the Symptoms composite score provide clinical and
in maize oil vs participant) itching, significantly improved for all symptomatic relief in
preservative‐free tearing, discomfort, associated, but not for specific AKC and may help to
artificial tears or mucous discharge, symptoms in one study (Clinical reduce topical steroid
placebo photophobia or pain signs improved in the composite use in patients with
Topical steroid use score in one study) steroid‐dependent or
Clinical signs Reduction of topical steroid use steroid‐resistant AKC.
Adverse effects in one study No serious adverse
events were reported
Mantelli et al, 27 RCT Vernal Mast cell stabilizers Itching, tearing, fotofobia, Itching (mitomycin; sodium The currently available Low
200712 10 Keratoconjuncitivis vs placebo (n = 10) hyperemia, tarsal papillae, cromoglicate, cyclosporine 2%, topical drugs are
meta‐anal‐ (n = 1092 patients, Mast cell stabilizers limbal disease, and ketorolac) SMD −1.43 [−1.76; effective in treating
ysis 2184 eyes) mean age vs another (n = 8) corneal involvement −1.10] acute phases of VKC.
13.3 (4.5 y) Mast cell stabilizers Tearing (mitomycin, sodium However, there is a
vs corticosteroids cromoglicate, cyclosporine 2%) lack of evidence to
(n = 2) SMD −0.84 [−1.20; −0.49] support the recom‐
Mast cell stabilizers Photophobia (mitomycin, sodium mendation of one
vs antihistamines cromoglicate, cyclosporine 2%) specific type of
(n = 1) −0.27 [−0.82; 0.39] medication for treating
NSAID vs placebo Total signs (cyclosporine and this disorder
(n = 2) sodium cromoglicate) SMD −0.94
NSAID vs CCT [−1.34; −0.54]
(n = 1) Total symptoms (cyclosporine 2%
Antimitotic drug and sodium cromoglicate) SMD
(n = 1) −0.73 [−1.14; −0.32]
Tarsal papillae (mitomycin,
sodium cromoglicate, cyclo‐
sporine) SMD −0.32
Corneal Involvement (mitomycin,
sodium cromoglicate, cyclo‐
sporine) SMD −1.15 [−1.50;
Limbal disease (mitomycin,
sodium cromoglicate, cyclo‐
sporine) SMD −1.17 [−1.50;
Hyperemia (mitomycin, sodium
cromoglicate, cyclosporine,
mipragoside 0.5) SMD −1.07
[−1.38; −0.76]
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LEONARDI et al. |
Amstar score
Critically low
total symptoms scores,18,19 without evaluating impact on specific
ocular symptoms. Itching and watery eye symptoms significantly im‐
proved after rupatadine treatment compared to placebo. 20
While the drowsiness so commonly noted with the older first‐
generation systemic antihistamines has improved in the newer
CCT, corticosteroids; IOP, intraocular pressure; NSAID, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug; RCT, randomized clinical trials; TOSS, total ocular symptom score.
offered by a healthy tear film.
tacrolimus vs placebo (−5.6 ± 5.1
Improvement of total score with
for tacrolimus ophthalmic
3.1.5 | Corticosteroids
Should not be the first choice of therapy for OA. In clinical practice,
they are the most effective anti‐inflammatory agents in active OA.
Total objective score
Ulcer improvement
signs and symptoms of SAC, but should be used with caution due to
ointment vs
main regimens used in OA: (a) pulsed therapy of 3‐4 drops per day
Intervention Amstar
Author, Y Studies design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion score
Dhami et al, 160, 134 DBRCT Allergic Weed,tree and grass Difference symptom Symptom score AIT is effective in High
201745 61 SCIT; 71 SLIT rhinoconjunc‐ pollens, molds, cat score [SMD −0.53 (95% CI −0.63 to −0.42); SCIT achieving clinically
tivitis or and dog dander, Difference medication −0.65 (−0.86 to −0.36) vs SLIT −0.48 (95% CI important
allergic rhinitis and house dust score −0.61 to −0.36); Seasonal allergens −0.37 (95% short‐term
6379 patients mites Difference QoL CI −0.45 to −0.28)] improvements in
SCIT Medication score symptom,
13 636 SMD of −0.38 (95% CI −0.49, −0.26) [SCIT medication, and
patients SLIT SMD −0.52 (95% CI −0.75, −0.29); SLIT −0.31 combined
(95% CI −0.44, −0.18)] symptom and
medication scores
Di Bona et 13 RCT Seasonal Grass pollen SLIT vs Difference in symptom Symptom score (SMD, −0.28; 95% CI, −0.37 to Small benefit of Moderate
al47 2015 allergic placebo score −0.19; P < 0.001) grass
rhinoconjunc‐ Phleum p5 or 5 Difference medication Medication score (SMD, −0.24; 95% CI, −0.31 SLIT tablets in the
tivitis grass extracts score to −0.17; P < 0.001) treatment of SARC
(n = 4659) Number adverse OR adverse events 2.91
Nelson et al, 37 RCT 14 SLIT Allergic rhinitis SCIT vs SLIT grass Difference in symptom Symptom score [SCIT vs placebo SMDs (95% CI): Comparable Moderate
2015 48 tablet; 14 SLIT drop; treated with IT pollen score (rhinoconjuncti‐ −0.32 (−0.45 to −0.18); SLIT vs placebo SMDs reduction in
9 SCIT (n = 4016) and IT vs placebo vitis score preferred) (95% CI): −0.32 (−0.41 to −0.23)] allergic conjuncti‐
placebo SLIT tablets vs SLIT Difference medication Medication score [SCIT vs placebo SMDs (95% vitis symptoms
(n = 3743) drops score CI): −0.33 (−0.52 to −0.13); SLIT vs Placebo with SLIT and SCIT
SMDs (95% CI): −0.44 (−0.83 to −0.06)]
No difference between SCIT or SLIT
Devillier et al, 38 DBRCT Seasonal Antihistamines Symptoms score Five grass pollen SLIT tablets [−0.30 (−0.36, Grass pollen SLIT Moderate
2014 49 28 med allergic rhinitis (desloratadine; Combined symptom‐ −0.23)]; −29.6% (−23% to −37%) tablets had a
10 SLIT (n = 21 223) bilastine; medication score Timothy SLIT tablets −19.2% (−6% to −29%) greater mean
loratadine; Relative clinical Nasal corticosteroids [− 0.55 (−0.63, −0.47)] relative clinical
fexofenadine; impact −23.5% (−7% to −54%) impact than
cetirizine); Reported post‐treat‐ azelastine‐fluticasone [SMD −1.00 (−1.10, second‐generation
Nasal CCT; ment or season‐long −0.90)] antihistamines and
montelukast and nasal −17.1% (−15% to −20%) montelukast and
grass pollen SLIT Total symptom scores. H1‐antihistamines [SMD −0.39 (−0.43, −0.35)] similar to the mean
tablet, 100 × (score Placebo −15.0% (−3% to −26%) relative clinical
– score Active)/score Montelukast [−0.23 (−0.30, −0.16)] impact of nasal
Placebo) −6.5% (−3% to −10%) corticosteroids
Lin et al, RCT Conjunctivitis SLIT Symptom score No pooled Moderate strength High
201350 13 SLIT (n = 1074) Grass mix, dust All but two studies showed a greater improve‐ in support of SLIT
mite, parietaria, ment in SLIT for treating allergic
timothy grass, conjunctivitis
olive, tree mix
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TA B L E 6 (Continued)
Intervention Amstar
Author, Y Studies design Participants comparisons Outcomes Main results Author’s conclusion score
Calderon et RCT Allergic SLIT Grass, mites, TOSS TOSS (n = 36 studies) SMD −0.41 [−0.53; −0.28], SLIT is effective in High
al, 201151 42 conjunctivitis weeds vs placebo Individual symptom not significant for perennial allergens (n = 6) reducing total and
seasonal and score and significant for children and adults individual
perennial Medication score Itch SMD −0.31 [−0.42; −0.20] symptom score in
(n = 3399) Conjunctival Watery eyes SMD −0.23 [−0.34; −0.11] subjects with ARC
immediate allergen Red eyes SMD −0.33 [−0.45; −0.22] or conjunctivitis.
sensitivity No significant differences in medication score
Kim et al, RCT Conjunctivitis AIT pollen and dust Percent difference in Without specific values of percent of increase The strength of Moderate
201352 3 SCIT (n = 513) mite pre‐to‐post change for conjunctivitis. evidence is low for
5 SLIT for conjunctivitis SCIT showed an improvement vs placebo in all SCIT and
symptoms (<15% studies and 4 out of 5 studies showed an moderate for SLIT
weak; 15‐40 improvement with SLIT. in conjunctivitis
moderate; >40% symptoms
strong) improvement
Röder et al, RCT Allergic 19 trials with Symptoms scores Did not present specific data; not pooled Insufficient Low
200855 6 SCIT rhinoconjunc‐ seasonal allergen Medication scores evidence that
4 LNIT tivitis (grass pollen) 9 immunotherapy in
7 OIT (n = 1619) trials (house dust any administration
11 SLIT mite) has a positive
effect on
symptoms and/or
DBRCT, double‐blind randomized controlled trail; IT, allergen immunotherapy; LNIT, nasal immunotherapy; OIT, oral immunotherapy; RCT, randomized clinical trials; SCIT, subcutaneous immunotherapy;
SLIT, sublingual immunotherapy; SMD, standardized mean difference.
| 1623
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1624 LEONARDI et al.
their reduction is mediated via the ocular‐nasal reflex inhibition. The VKC and AKC. Two SR evaluated the use of topical cyclosporine
variability of the effect depends on the affinity of the drug to its gluco‐ (CsA) in VKC and AKC 32,33 (Table 5). The first one showed that
corticoid receptor. Four SR evaluated the use of INCs for the treatment topical CsA is effective in alleviating the signs and symptoms of
of ocular symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis26,27 (Table 5) showing VKC and AKC, reducing the dependency on topical steroid eye
that INCs are well tolerated and effective in reducing the total ocular drops while maintaining similar safety profile as of placebo. The
symptom score (TOSS), even though the outcome measures were not second SR highlighted the relative scarcity of RCTs assessing the
designed to focus specifically on ocular symptoms. It is noted that oral/ efficacy of topical CsA in AKC and suggested that CsA provides
topical antihistamines are not superior to INCs in reducing TOSS.28,29 clinical and symptomatic improvement and may help in reducing
However, despite large patient cohorts, all SR had a low or critically low topical steroid use in patients with steroid‐dependent or non‐ster‐
confidence rating of results according to AMSTAR2. A recent metanal‐ oid‐responsive AKC. 33
ysis of 3 RCTs noted benefit of a topical nasal combination, fluticasone Compounded formulations of CsA are prepared in many coun‐
propionate, and azelastine on TOSS in patients with seasonal ARC.30 tries by hospital and retail pharmacies with differing excipients, pro‐
There are no studies specifically comparing INCs against each cesses, and quality. Drug concentrations range from 0.05% to 2%
other for the treatment of ocular symptoms. Although data are and posology from 1 to 6 instillations daily.
scarce, there is no evidence that INCs used for prolonged periods of Cyclosporine 0.1% cationic emulsion (CE) is commercially
several months increase the risk of cataract formation, intraocular available for the treatment of severe dry eye disease. 34 The same
hypertension, and glaucoma, since they have little or no systemic formulation has obtained in 2018 the marketing authorization
absorption (fluticasone and mometasone). by EMA for the treatment of severe VKC. Severe VKC patients
The use of corticosteroids as dermatologic applications in OA is treated with this formulation achieved significant improvements
reserved for AKC and CBC.1 Lowest appropriate potency cortico‐ in signs, symptoms, and QoL compared with patients who received
steroids, such as hydrocortisone or budesonide on the eyelid skin, vehicle alone. 35
are recommended for the treatment of severe acute eyelid eczema. Tacrolimus 0.03%‐0.1% eye drops or ointments have been
Supra‐tarsal injections of dexamethasone sodium phosphate, proposed for the treatment of severe, refractory cases of AKC and
triamcinolone acetonide, or hydrocortisone sodium succinate have VKC. A commercial eye drop preparation is available only in Asia
been proposed to treat recalcitrant AKC and VKC cases,31 but with the indication of severe AKC and VKC. One review, with a
should only be used by specialists with caution in severe patients critically low quality of evidence score, highlighted the benefits of
unresponsive to other treatments. tacrolimus over placebo in 2 RCTs and 4 case series 36 (Table 5). A
Systemic corticosteroids may be used as short course in selected RCT comparing the effect of tacrolimus 0.1% vs CsA 2% 37 showed
severe hyperacute exacerbations involving either eyelid skin or cor‐ that both drugs were effective in treating VKC without signifi‐
nea especially in VKC and AKC. cant differences between the two. In a second RCT, CsA‐resistant
VKC patients, 38 treated with tacrolimus 0.1%, showed a signifi‐
Recommendations cant improvement in clinical scores over CsA 1%. A recent trial
• Topical corticosteroids eye drops should be used with caution under comparing the effect of 0.1% topical tacrolimus alone or in com‐
ophthalmologist's monitoring and preferably for shorter duration due bination with topical corticosteroids in refractory allergic ocular
to the high risk of local and potential blinding side effects ⨁◯◯◯↑↑ diseases also showed a potential steroid‐sparing effect. 39 In addi‐
• For the treatment of SAC and PAC, topical corticosteroids are tion, tacrolimus skin ointments 0.03% or 0.1% have been shown to
rarely needed ⨁◯◯◯↓↓ be beneficial in the treatment of lid eczema in AKC patients.40-42
• Corticosteroid eye drops can be used preferably as short, pulsed Tolerability of topical calcineurin inhibitors is a concern as burn‐
therapy in acute exacerbations of OA, especially in VKC and AKC ing sensation is frequently reported. Infections with molluscum
or when the cornea is involved under ophthalmologist supervision contagiosum, papilloma virus, and herpes are infrequent but are
(TF expert opinion)↑↑ recognized risks.
• INCs are effective and well tolerated in the treatment of ocular A systemic immunosuppressive treatment may be prescribed in
symptoms associated with ARC ⨁◯◯◯ ↑? most refractory cases of AKC threatening vision. Cyclosporine is the
• INCs should not be used if only ocular signs and symptoms are most frequently used drug.43 Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil
present (TF expert opinion) ↓↓ are alternative options.
• Topical skin corticosteroid applications should be used in the
acute phase of eyelid eczema, with a preference for low potency Recommendations
corticosteroids (TF expert opinion) ↑? • CsA eye drops are not recommended for SAC and PAC (TF expert
• CsA eye drops may be used as a steroid‐sparing agent in steroid‐
3.1.6 | Calcineurin inhibitors
dependent cases of VKC or AKC ⨁⨁◯◯ ↑↑
Topical calcineurin inhibitors are the most frequently used treat‐ • Tacrolimus off‐label eye drops/ointment should be reserved for
ments as steroid‐sparing agents in steroid‐dependent cases of use in severe VKC and AKC cases refractory to CsA ⨁◯◯◯↑?
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LEONARDI et al. |
3.1.7 | Allergen‐specific immunotherapy • SLIT is effective in reducing total and individual ocular symptom
score in subjects with allergic conjunctivitis ⨁⨁⨁⨁ ↑?
Since in most patients OA is associated with AR, criteria for al‐
• There are no studies on AIT in VKC and AKC patients. In these
lergen immunotherapy (AIT) should follow the recommendations
forms, AIT requires case‐to‐case assessment by experts (TF ex‐
given by the EAACI guidelines.44 AIT should be consider only
pert opinion)↑?
when IgE‐mediated allergy is evidenced and when all of follow‐
ing criteria are met the following: moderate‐to‐severe symptoms
strongly suggestive of ARC, which interfere with usual daily ac‐ 3.1.8 | Biologicals
tivities or sleep despite regular and appropriate pharmacotherapy
Omalizumab, a systemic anti‐IgE antibody approved for severe
and/or avoidance strategies and evidencing of IgE sensitization
asthma, has been used in refractory VKC and AKC and reported in a
(positive SPT and/or serum‐specific IgE) to one or more clinically
few case reports/series. 56 Control of the disease was partial or com‐
relevant allergens.44,45 In addition, conjunctival allergen provoca‐
plete in most patients, but poor response was noted in some with
tion test may be helpful in detection of the most relevant allergen
very severe presentation.57
before initiating and as a follow‐up tool in assessing response of
Dupilumab is a promising intervention in the management of
AIT. 2 AIT should also be considered in less severe ARC to take ad‐
atopic dermatitis and asthma; however, dupilumab‐associated ocu‐
vantage of the long‐term benefit on AR and potential prevention
lar inflammation leading to cicatricial ectropion has been reported
of asthma.46 Seven of the 8 selected SR with high and moderate
suggesting that this drug may not be ideal for the treatment of AKC
AMSTAR2 scores (Table 6) recommended the use of SLIT and SCIT
with eyelid eczema.58
for moderate improvement of ocular symptoms in the treatment of
ARC.45,47-52 In two recent RCT regarding house dust mite immuno‐
therapy, an improvement was seen in ocular symptoms score. 53,54 3.2 | Nonpharmacological management
Only one SR (Table 6) (28 RCT including 1619 children and adoles‐
Patients and caregivers should receive educative support regarding
cents with ARC) showed low evidence of the efficacy of SLIT and
the anticipated duration and prognosis of the OA, and possible com‐
SCIT on ocular symptoms. 55
plications from suboptimal control.1 The first line of management is
Meta‐analysis showed evidence for AIT, with some heteroge‐
the identification of offending allergens and avoidance measures.
neity, in both adults and children, with both SLIT and SCIT, 52 drop
Particularly during exacerbations in VKC, to minimize the exposure
and tablet formulations, in perennial and seasonal allergies, in pre/
to nonspecific triggering factors, such as sun, wind, and salty water,
co‐seasonal therapy, and with continuous therapy and in various
patients should use measures such as sunglasses, hats with visors,
formulations. Concerns were focused on standardization of allergen
and swimming goggles. Frequent hand, face, lid hygiene, and eye
extracts and formulation of SLIT preparations.
washing should also be suggested. Cold compresses may provide
In cases of isolated allergic conjunctivitis, AIT may be considered.
decongestant effect. Tear substitutes aid in stabilization of the tear
TOSS was evaluated as the primary outcome parameter in 36 studies
51 film providing a better mucosal barrier against allergens, acting as an
(1725 SLIT and 1674 placebo) ; TOSS was significantly reduced when
eyewash and diluting the concentration of mediators in the tear film
compared with placebo, as well as individual ocular symptoms scores
in contact with the ocular surface. Products with herbal extracts
(redness, itchy and watery eyes). No significant reduction in ocular eye
such as chamomile‐containing eye drops should be avoided as they
drops use was observed, whereas the threshold dose for conjunctival
may cross‐react with allergens (for example, Artemisia vulgaris). 59
immediate allergen sensitivity was increased. Two other SRs focusing
Psychological support may be necessary in severe cases of
on ocular symptoms50 concluded that the evidence was of moderate
VKC and AKC. The psychodynamic research on OA is currently
strength in support of SLIT and low for SCIT for treating allergic con‐
poor. For patients with AKC and VKC, a collaborative approach
junctivitis. No publication was found assessing impact of AIT in VKC
between the family doctor, the medical specialist, the psycholo‐
and AKC.
gist, and occupational therapists should be considered.60 There
are reports of impact on QoL in different types of OA. There is
a dearth of reported interventions of mitigation of psychological
• AIT may be considered in cases of failure of first‐line treat‐
impact of the disease. 3
ments or to modify the natural course of ocular allergic disease
• AIT can only be considered only when IgE‐mediated hypersensi‐
3.3 | Management in specific populations
tivity is evidenced ⨁⨁⨁⨁ ↑↑
• Before AIT is recommended, control of symptoms of allergic
3.3.1 | Pregnancy
conjunctivitis and other systemic symptoms to assess suitability
should be taken into account. ⨁⨁◯◯↑? Few reports are available in literature concerning the management
• AIT is effective for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis due to of OA in pregnant or lactating women. Careful evaluation of aller‐
grass pollen (⨁⨁⨁⨁ ↑↑) and house dust mite (⨁⨁⨁◯↑?) gic status and need of drug administration is warranted. Allergen
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1626 LEONARDI et al.
A. How to treat Avoidance of clinically relevant allergens is the first step in the prevention of ocular allergy symptoms
IgE‐mediated diseases Topical antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, or double‐action drugs are the first choice of treatment, and all effective
SAC and PAC in reducing signs and symptoms
Dual‐acting agents with combined mast cell stabilizer and antihistaminic function increase the possibility of
symptom improvement and have a faster relief of symptoms compared to mast cell stabilizers
Avoid topical corticosteroids, as they are rarely needed
Intranasal corticosteroids are effective and well tolerated in the treatment of ocular symptoms associated with ARC,
but should not be used if only ocular signs and symptoms are present
Topical vasoconstrictors alleviate only hyperemia and should be used with caution for a short period of 5‐7 d
because of side effects and tachyphylaxis
Systemic antihistamines should be used in acute forms or when ocular symptoms are associated with other allergic
Leukotriene inhibitors are reported to be less efficacious than oral antihistamines in adult SAC patients
Consider SIT when specific sensitization is the main cause of ocular allergy, as it is effective for the treatment of
ARC to seasonal allergens and perennial allergens
SLIT has been shown to be effective in reducing total and individual ocular symptom score in subjects with
B. How to treat Avoidance of specific and nonspecific triggers is the first step in the prevention of ocular allergy symptoms
persistent/chronic Use cold compresses, good eyelid hygiene, and lubricants
forms (IgE‐ and
non‐IgE‐mediated) VKC Topical antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, or double‐action drugs are the first treatment choice and may be used in
and AKC combination. They should be used frequently during the day and during the whole season
Systemic anti‐allergic drugs should be used when ocular symptoms are associated with other allergic comorbidities
Topical corticosteroids should be used as short, pulsed therapy, in acute exacerbations or when the cornea is
involved, under ophthalmologist's monitoring
Topical calcineurin inhibitors, preferentially cyclosporine A (0.1% on‐label treatment in the EU), may be used as a
steroid‐sparing agent in steroid‐dependent patients followed in specialized centers; tacrolimus 0.1% eye drops
should be reserved for severe VKC and AKC cases refractory to CsA (off‐label treatment in the EU)
A systemic immunosuppressive treatment should be prescribed in most refractory cases of AKC with visual
threat. Cyclosporine is the most frequently used drug. Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil are alternative
C. How to treat Avoidance of irritants and/or sensitizing antigens
non‐IgE‐mediated Eyelid hygiene
diseases CBC
Emollients and skin moisturizing agents
Oral antihistamines can be used to alleviate eyelid itching and inflammation
Topical corticosteroids ointments or dermatological creams should be used in the acute phases of eyelid eczema,
with a preference for low potency corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, desonide, and triamcinolone acetonide
Topical calcineurin inhibitors skin ointments 0.03% or 0.1% have been shown to be useful in the treatment of lid
eczema in AKC patients. Tolerability is a concern as burning sensation is frequently reported and secondary
infections, although infrequent, have been recognized
AKC, atopic keratoconjunctivitis; CBC, contact blepharoconjunctivitis; PAC, perennial allergic conjunctivitis; SAC, seasonal allergic conjuncti‐
vitis; VKC, vernal keratoconjunctivitis.
avoidance and environmental measures are the first step, before second‐generation oral antihistamine treatment (no teratogenic
mast cells stabilizers eye drops can be used. Topical antihistamines effects have been described), and low concentrations of these
or double‐acting drugs can be safely tried. As yet there is no evi‐ drugs are secreted in breast milk. 61,62
dence of severe adverse events with their use, although US‐FDA Immunotherapy may be continued but not initiated in pregnancy.63
has assigned many of them to the C category (use with caution
if benefits outweigh risks). Short courses of topical corticoster‐
3.3.2 | Children
oids if required are cautiously permitted. Vasoconstrictors and
decongestants are generally avoided during pregnancy. The use Topical eye drops used for adults are also approved in children over
of systemic medications should be minimized if possible. Pregnant the age of 3 years, giving the advice to the subject to close the punc‐
(especially in the first trimester) and lactating women can receive tum with a finger to avoid systemic absorption.
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LEONARDI et al. |
F I G U R E 2 Treatment of different forms and different severities of ocular allergies based on recommendations given by the TF.
AH, antihistamines; AKC, atopic keratoconjunctivitis; CS, steroids; DA, dual actions; MCS, mast cell stabilizers; PAC, perennial allergic
conjunctivitis; SAC, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis; T, topical; TCS, topical corticosteroids; VKC, vernal keratoconjunctivitis
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How to cite this article: Leonardi A, Silva D, Perez Formigo D,
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