Sediment Study of Budhi Gandaki

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Budhi Gandaki Hydroelectric Project (341 MW) Detailed Feasibility Study Report

Figure 3.-26 : Location of the lake in regard to the Budhi Gandaki River

3.9.4 Conclusion
Prior to designing of any hydropower projects, consideration should be given to the
possibility of occurrence of any GLOF event at the upstream of the project within the
project life. In this regard, the study about potential GLOF was done. As per ICIMOD 2011,
Birendra Tal, one of the major glacial lakes of Budhi Gandaki basin, has been ranked as
15th critical glacial lakes of Nepal and as a low priority lake. However, in the latest
Inventory of Glacial Lakes by ICIMOD (2018), Birendra Tal has been removed as the
potential dangerous glacial lake as there is no damming, erosional land feature,
compact debris at downstream, in contact with retreating glacier and in case of glacier
topple, there is only the possibility of overflow of splash water. So, no significant damage
from GLOF is expected.

Sediment studies
There is not any gauging station for the sediment concentration measurement within the
Budhi Gandaki River. However, the daily sediment concentration on the gauging station
447 at Betrawati in Trishuli River is available for the year 1977 and 1979. This is the published
data by DHM. The catchment characteristic of the Trishuli River is very similar to the Budhi
Gandaki River. This data can be used for the preliminary stage of the study. Besides that,
there is sediment concentration measurement at the Budhi Gandaki River for the Budhi
Gandaki Storage Hydropower Project (1200MW), which is located on the Budhi Gandaki
River, approximately 2 km from its confluence with Trishuli River at Benighat in the Year
2014 August.

Different methods are used to estimate the sediment flow. The methods that will be
adopted in this study are:

 Regional analysis

 Estimate by measurement on the river

This approach has been used in previous study also. Apart from this study field
measurement and analysis of sediment sample is ongoing on site.

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3.10.1 Regional Analysis

As in the other subject, the regional analysis is not applicable in the field of sediment
study. However, the yield will be estimated in the region based on the past studies and
measurement carried out by different agencies and the department on the rivers of
Nepal. The yield ranges from 229 t/km2/year to more than 7000 t/km2/year in the normal
conditions. For the reference, the sediment yield estimate in the different rivers
of Nepal are tabulated below(
Table 3-13 : Sediment yield of different projects in Himalaya

River/Project Total Sediment Yield

1. Kaligandaki-A 4000
2.Budhi Gandaki River(West) 2260
3.Rahu Ghat 1330
4. Likhu River 1327
5. Kabeli River 2700
6. Tamur River 1693
7. Karnali 1213
8. Dudh Koshi (Storage) 1483
9. Karnali Chisapani Study 3968
10. Arun III 880

Another reference is the study by ICIMOD as tabulated below (

record/21985/files/ c_attachment_131_1068.pdf):
Table 3-14 : Sediment data from different river of Nepal

Rivers and Area Annual Specific Data period Sources

location (km2) sediment sediment
transport yield
(suspended (t/km2
only, /year)
Sapta 54,100 133.56 2417 1948–77 Feasibility Report of
Koshi Koshi High Dam
Project (GOI 1981)
Tamor Mulghat 5640 39.9 7074 June 1978– Feasibility Report of
January 1981 Mulghat Hydro-
electric Project
Engineering Service

Arun, A 29 310 6.72 229 Computed based on 10 Feasibility Report of

dam site samples measured Arun-3 (JICA 1987)
March–July 1986 and the
run-3, developed sediment
and discharge

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Sapa 31,100 106.9 3437 Computed for 1964–80 Feasibility Report of

Gandaki based on DHM sediment Sapta Gandaki Hydro-
data of 1975–78 and 16 electric Project (JICA
sample measurements 1983)
taken between 5 March
and 20 October 1981

Karnali 43,000 91.98 2139 May 1963– October 1964 Feasibility Report of
Chisapani Karnali Chisapani
Hydroelectric Project
(Nippon Koei 1966)

Karnali 43,000 105 2442 Feasibility Report of Karnali Hydro-electric Project

Chisapani (Electrowatt- Norconsult 1976)

Karnali 42,890 92.84 2165 403 samples in the wet Feasibility Report of
Chisapani season of 1987 with 10% Karnali Multipurpose
addition for the Project (HPC 1989)
measured dry season (9
months). It is stated that
1987 was a low flow year

Mahakali 12,600 55 4365 June to November 1990. Feasibility Report (EDC

Pancheswor Samples were taken and 1994)
10% added for non-

3.10.2 Estimate based on the Measured Data

Data from DHM (Gauging station 447)

The daily concentrations at the gauging station 447 can be used to estimate the daily
concentration as well as yield of the sediment concentration. The monthly mean
concentration and maximum concentration during the year 1977 and 1979 is shown in
the Table 6.8. The maximum concentration of sediment is 6810 ppm and maximum
monthly. The direct sediment yield has been estimated based on the measured values.
The average sediment yield from the year 1977 and 1979 is 840 tons /km2/year.
concentration is 1377 ppm for these two years of records
Figure 3.-27 : Data from Budhi Gandaki storage Hydropower Project

Sediment concentration was measured at Budhi Gandaki River for the Budhi Gandaki
storage Hydropower Project, which is located on the Budhi Gandaki River,

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approximately 2km from its confluence with Trishuli River at Benighat in the Years 2012 to
Detailed-Design-Phase-3.pdf), almost 600 measurements ( including 54 large samples
taken during the monsoon 2014 with the pump sediment sampling method newly
implemented in Nepal on the Budhi Gandaki project) of suspended sediment
concentration and river discharge were used in the development of the relationships for
the high flow and low flow seasons. Sediment inflow to the Budhi Gandaki reservoir was
estimated to be 7.6±2.2 million m3/year. The volume of sediment due to rare catastrophic
events such as LDOFS or GLOFS was estimated to be about 2 million m3 for an extreme
event. In a conservative approach, the upper limit of estimated sediment inflow equal
to 9.8 million m3/year is therefore considered as the annual sediment inflow to the Budhi
Gandaki reservoir which is about 4900 tons/km2/year.

3.10.3 Sediment sampling

Sediment sampling from the Budhi Gandaki River is underway. Sampling is done using
specified sampler and method by trained locals. Sampling is done on daily basis for
monsoon period from July to September.

Figure 3.-28 : Sediment sampling at specified site.

3.10.4 Lab test and analysis

For each sampling, the gauge height was recorded. The sample in polylab bottle was
then made water tight in the site using the binding plastic and tapes. These samples
were stored in site office and later the bottles with samples were transported back to
Kathmandu for laboratory analysis. The following analysis is done in laboratory

 Sediment Concentration

 Particle Size Distribution and

 Mineralogical Analysis

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Mineral Content Analysis

Erosion of hydro turbine components due to sediment content in water is a huge
problem encountered by hydro power plants situated in the Himalayan region. Fine sand
and silt particles carried by water cause abrasive wear and the rate of abrasion (Erosion
rate coefficient) depends on the hardness of parent material (i.e. metallic components
of turbine), concentration of the particles, their grain size, shape and their hardness,
velocity of the particles and their angle of impact. According to the literatures on
abrasive wear in hydraulic machinery by Truscott, 1972, and Beregoron, 1950, in general,
the absolute wear rate increases with grain size and sharpness. The intensity of erosion is
directly proportional to the size of the particles; particle sizes above 200 to 250 mm are
extremely harmful. It has been found that large size sediment particles (above 250 mm)
even with hardness lesser than 5 on Mohs scale cause wear. Similarly, fine silt even with
size less than 50 μm, containing quartz wears out the underwater parts. Thus, mineral
content analysis helps to determine the proportion, and hardness of abrasive minerals in
the sediment.

Total 32 samples were separated from the regular samples for carrying out mineral
content analysis.

Mineral content in Sediment sample 
Clay lumps, calcite 

and hornblende

Quartz Feldspar Mica Tourmaline,garnet and hornblende Clay lumps, calcite etc

Figure 3.-29 : Diagram showing average percentage of mineral constituents

3.10.5 Conclusion
Thus, about 64 percent of the mineral grains in the sediment contained minerals with
hardness greater than 5 in Mohs hardness scale which are Quartz, Feldspar, Tourmaline
(1.6%, Garnet (0.3%), Hornblende (0.1%), and hard rock fragments (~3%); as shown in
Figure 3.-29. Hence, they can abrade the turbine material. However, in general it was
noted that feldspar grains have ‘sub-angular’ shape which makes them not as abrasive
as quartz grains which are ‘angular’ to ‘very-angular’. Remaining 36 percent of material
comprises mica, carbonate minerals (12.3%), clay lumps, soft rock fragments, etc. which
possess hardness lower than 5 in Mohs scale.

The result of the Mineral Content Analysis is attached in ANNEX.

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Particle Size Distribution (PSD) Analysis

Total 32 samples were separated from the regular samples for carrying out PSD analysis.
PSD test by laser diffraction method was carried out using Beckman Coulter Particle Size
Analyzer of capacity range of 0.4 micron to 2,000 microns. Laser diffraction method uses
the scattering pattern of laser beam to determine the particle size of the sediment
samples. The standard procedure provided by the equipment manufacturer was
adopted for conducting the PSD analysis.

Standard approach was used for all laboratory works.

Figure 3.-30 : Particle size distribution curve of sediment sample

The result of PSD analysis is attached in the ANNEX

Sediment Concentration Analysis
Sediment samples were collected at the site & the Sediment Concentration Analysis was
carried out at Lab. Weighing the original water sample, then carrying out the filtration;
followed by drying and again weighing dry sample and hence calculating the PPM were
the procedures followed. Standard filtration method was adopted for sediment
concentration analysis.

River discharge can be used to predict sediment flux or sediment concentration with the
help of Sediment Rating Curve. This is particularly useful when the aim is to determine the
long-term average sediment yield. This approach provides a means to estimate the
long-term sediment yield when it is impossible to have a continuous record of sediment
Development of Sediment Rating Curve
A relationship between observed discharge and measured sediment concentration was
plotted on Log-Log plot (Figure 2). The discharge was calculated from the rating curve
prepared with measured discharges and corresponding gauge heights while as

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sediment concentration was calculated based on laboratory analysis of the sediment

samples. There exists reasonable relationship (R2=0.39) between discharge and sediment
concentration. The observed relationship between Budhi Gandaki discharge and
sediment concentration can be expressed as below:

C = 0.0011 Q2.4445,

Where, C = Sediment concentration in ppm

Q = discharge in m3/s

Sediment Rating Curve
Sediment concentration ppm

y = 0.0011x2.4445
R² = 0.39

100.00 1000.00
Discharge (m3/s)

Figure 3.-31 : Sediment Rating Curve

The result of the concentration analysis is attached in ANNEX

Sediment Yield from measured data:
Based upon the derived relationships from the sediment rating curve, the long term
mean suspended sediment load, for the period between 1985 and 2015, is equal to 4.639
million tons/year (3.338 million cubic meters per year).

3.10.6 Sedimentation modelling in HEC‐RAS

In order to estimate the sedimentation impact in the dam, a numerical model has also
been studied. The present study focuses on potential sediment deposition within Budhi
Gandaki Dam reservoir for the period of 31 years, using the HEC-RAS 5.0.7 model. This
model was developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers at its Hydrologic Engineering
Model description
The 1D HEC-RAS model is used to perform a mobile bed sediment transport analysis in
the whole reservoir for several long-term scenarios. Current sediment capabilities in HEC-
RAS are based on a quasi-unsteady hydraulic model. The quasi-unsteady approach
approximates a flow hydrograph by a series of steady flow profiles associated with
corresponding flow durations. The sediment transport equations are then solved for each

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time step. Generally, sediment transport through rivers, streams and channels occurs
through two modes which depend on parameters such as particle size, water velocity,
and bed slope. The two modes are known as bed load and suspended load.
Input data and parameters of the model

The input data required for the model are geometry data, quasi unsteady flow data and
sediment data.
Geometric data
The term geometric data includes channel geometry data and hydraulic structure. The
Budhi Gandaki River reach from the dam site to 2.1 km upstream of the reservoir was
modelled using 24 surveyed cross sections data. At full supply level of 1325 masl, the
reservoir extends about 2 km upstream from the dam. The Manning roughness
coefficient, n, is equal to 0.04 and 0.05 s/m1/3 for channel and bank respectively. The
value of Manning’s n is for the entire channel is same.

Figure 3.-32 : Cross Section data of the Budhi Gandaki River

Quasi Unsteady Flow Data

In the quasi unsteady flow editor, flow series was provided as the upstream boundary
condition. The long-term daily flow data for the intake site based on gauged station at
Arughat for the year 1985 to 2015 has been used as the flow series. Similarly, for the
downstream boundary condition, a stage series was provided such that the stage
elevation of 1325 masl (full supply level) was attained during dry period (November to
May) and stage elevation of 1315 masl (minimum water level) was attained during
monsoon period (June to October).
Sediment Data

Sediment data consists of the following main input quantities: bed gradation at each
river station and sediment boundary condition. Bed gradation was provided based on
sediment measurement on site. Similarly, a rating curve was provided as sediment

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boundary condition. The rating curve was generated from known values of sediment
inflow against river flow. The daily sediment data was collected at site. The relation
between average daily discharge and concentration of suspended load was
established by regression analysis using measurement records of suspended load at dam
site by sediment rating curve.

In HEC-RAS model, a transport function model needs to be selected by the user.

Sediment transport results are strongly dependent on which transport function is
selected. In the present study, several functions are tested. Based on the sediment
particle size, the most suitable equation for simulating the sediment transport and
deposition was the Ackers-White equation, mainly because of the wide range of the
sediment materials.

For the long-term deposition, a simulation was carried out over thirty-one years (1985-
2015). The results plotted in Figure 3.-33 shows the bed level evolution during 31 years just
behind the dam. The result shows that during wet seasons high amounts of sediments are
deposited behind the dam, whereas for dry seasons there is no deposition. The sediment
deposition at this section is increased each year comparing to the previous one as the
delta approaches the dam.

The result shows that 0.48 MCM sediment is deposited within the first year and additional
0.57 MCM during the next five years. After this, the deposition rate is decreased with just
0.07 MCM in the next five-year period. The results obtained from the HEC-RAS model
indicates a loss in volume after 31 years (the period of river discharge data, 1985-2015)
is 1.41 MCM (1.87 Mton) for the considered value of sediment inflow. Summarized
sediment deposition for the 31-year period is shown below in Table 3-15:
Table 3-15 ; Sediment deposition pattern for last 31 years

Date Total Sediment Total Sediment Sediment

Sediment Deposition per Deposition Deposition per
Deposition five year (Mton) five year
(MCM) (MCM) (Mton)
1st Jan, 1985 0.00 0.00
31st Dec, 1985 0.48 0.48 0.59 0.59
31st Dec, 1990 1.05 0.57 1.36 0.77
31st Dec, 1995 1.13 0.07 1.45 0.09
31st Dec, 2000 1.30 0.17 1.74 0.29
31st Dec, 2005 1.35 0.05 1.80 0.06
31st Dec, 2010 1.38 0.03 1.83 0.03
31st Dec, 2015 1.41 0.03 1.87 0.04

Figure 3.-33 shows the bed level evolution during 31 years just behind the dam. The
sediment deposition with five-year interval at this section is increased each year. Delta is
formed in the first year and the deposition height during the second five-year period
behind the dam is 11.51 meters with a further deposition of just 0.65 meter in the next ten-
year period. The total deposition height during 31 years is 11.56 meters. Summarized
sediment deposition height for the 31-year period is shown below in Table 3-16:

Table 3-16 :Sediment deposition height for last 31 years

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Date Sediment Deposition Total Sediment Deposition

height per five year Height (meter)
1st Jan, 1985 0.00
31st Dec, 1985 0.67 0.67
31st Dec, 1990 13.37 14.04
31st Dec, 1995 0.04 14.08
31st Dec, 2000 0.04 14.13
31st Dec, 2005 -0.06 14.07
31st Dec, 2010 -0.20 13.87
31st Dec, 2015 0.10 13.97



Elevation (m)





Distance from dam (m)

1st Jan, 1985 31st Dec, 1985 31st Dec, 1990 31st Dec, 1995

31st Dec, 2000 31st Dec, 2005 31st Dec, 2010 31st Dec, 2015

Figure 3.-33 : Suspended load deposition during 31 years.

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