Dr.D.Y.Patil Law College Pimpri, Pune.: Memorial On Behalf of The Petitioner
Dr.D.Y.Patil Law College Pimpri, Pune.: Memorial On Behalf of The Petitioner
Dr.D.Y.Patil Law College Pimpri, Pune.: Memorial On Behalf of The Petitioner
In the matter of
1 Vakalat Nama 3
2 List of Sources 4
3 List of Abbreviations 6
3 Statement of Jurisdiction 7
4 Statement of Facts 9
5 Statement of Issues 11
6 Summary of Arguments 12
7 Detailed Arguments 13
8 Prayer 19
1. Constitution of India,1950
2. Indian Evidence Act,1872
3. The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973
4. The Indian Penal Code,1860 Act
1) WWW.Manupatra.com
2) WWW.Ssconline.in
3) WWW.Indiankanoon.org
4) WWW.prsindia.org
5) www.thehindu.com
6) www.casemine.com
1) Oxford Dictionary
2) Google Translate
i.e. THAT IS
The Hon’ble Supreme Court Has The Jurisdiction To Hear The Matter Under
Art. 32
1. The right to move the supreme court by appropriate proceedings for the
enforcement of the rights conferred this part is guaranteed.
2. The supreme court shall have the power to issue directions or order writs,
including writs in the nature of hebeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition,
quo warranto and certiorari , whichever may be appropriate for the
enforcement of any of the rights conferred by this part.
1. After the Independence of India farmers used to sell their products. Due
to the some reason of prevailing system of Zamindars farmers were
trapped in debt. But farmers needs to many more things for growing crop.
For buying all those thing they needs money so farmers took loans from
Zamindars. But they charge very high interest. Zamindars buy this produce
in very less amount & farmers did not have bargaining power. Next year
farmers again required money for new crop then they are borrow money
from same Zamindars . That’s why farmers trapped in a cycle of debt.
2. To check this system gov. of India introduced APMC Act in 1960’s. That
time green revolution was in progress &that APMC’s structureMandi’s or
Markets across India. In that time around 7000 APMC’s are present in
3. The process of selling all produce after harvesting crops are brought to
the markets or mandis. When they sell the produce through auctioning
or price discovery and that produce taken by the Middlemen or Arhatiyas.
The Middlemen is the people between farmer and retailer.
E.g. Farmers sell their produce to the Middlemen to the vendor & the
gov. give license to the Middleman to provide the APMC. So overall it is
a self thriving ecosystem. But the APMC’s control by state gov. &charged
the tax.
4. But if APMC reject the produce them this produce bought by the gov. at
MSP. MSP is same in allover country. If everything is good so farmers
attempting suicides according to National Crime Bureau Report 2018 in
5. This system was good in only 1960’s and not much done to APMC’s. That’s
why some problems popped up. Middleman started exploiting farmers
&started buying produce at MSP rate & selling out high amount. In a way
we can say Minimum Support Price. Voice arose gov. brought the there
Acts in 2020.
6. Farmers agreement on price Assurance & Farm Services Act 2020, Farmers
produce trade & commerce act 2020, Essential commodities act 2020. This
acts doing a vital role in economy. These act sought to bring much needed
reform in the agricultural marketing system &removing restriction of
private stock holding. Kisan Morcha filed a PIL in the SC of India. This case
is now fixed for the final argument.
Statement of Issues
2.Whether laws will allow inter state trade and encourage hike electronic trading of
agricultural produce?
Ans: The system is to provide for the creation of an ecosystem where the farmers and
traders enjoy the freedom of choice relating to sale and purchase of farmers' produce
which facilitates remunerative prices through competitive alternative trading channels;
to promote efficient, transparent and barrier-free inter-State and intra-State trade and
commerce of farmers' produce outside the physical premises of markets or deemed
markets notified under various State agricultural produce market legislations; to
provide a facilitative framework for electronic trading.
The three controversial Acts which aim to change the way agriculture produce
is marketed, sold & stored across the country were initially issued in the form of
ordinances in June. They were then passed by voice-vote in both the Lok Sabha
& Rajya Sabha during the delayed mansoon session.
1. Farmers have got a new option insofar they will have the freedom to sell
their produce outside the APMC market and there will be no tax on such
trade which will give a higher price to the farmers.
2. Farmers can sell their produce within the state or anywhere else in the
country and there will be no restriction on this type of trade. This will
benefit the farmers that they will be able to sell their produce to merchant
wherever they get a higher price.
3. There will be no need for any kind of license for traders to purchase
agricultural produce of farmers in the trade area outside the APMC mandi,
but also those holding PAN card or any other document notifiedby the
Central government can join this trade. This will facilitate trade in
agricultural products and will benefits the farmers.
4. In case of any dispute arising in such business, the matter will be settled
within 30 days by the sub-Divisional Magistrate.
5. There are also provisions of heavy penalty for violation of rules and
1. The Honorable Court may give order to give government allowing them to trade
freelywithout any license stock limit.
2. The Honerable court may give order to government that msp is include in the farm bill
andit give the legal backup by the parliamentary Act .
3. The Honerable Court may give order to parliament the farm bill and MSPis it rollback
andreplace in new law
Court may pass any other order that it deems fit in the interest of Justice,
Equity and Good Conscience.
And for this, The Respondent as in duty bound, Shall humbly pray.