Ijarcce 2022 111118
Ijarcce 2022 111118
Ijarcce 2022 111118
Abstract: On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance is going to be a good solution for the people who seek help in the
remote locations with mechanical issues of their vehicle. Users of the On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance will be the
registered public and they will be getting connected with the particular mechanic through the trustworthy Assistance
system. Because only the legally licensed and approved mechanics are enlisted in the On Road Vehicle Breakdown
Assistance system. In an existing system there are users who have their own mechanic database which is very minimal.
And also they have no idea if their vehicles are broke down or had any mechanical issue in remote locations or any long
distant locations from their known mechanic shops. In an proposed Here the users of On Road Vehicle Breakdown
Assistance system can search for list of mechanic at any location or the nearby locations which will help them in an
unexpected situations raised by the mechanical issues of their vehicles.
Today most of people use their own vehicle for travel. While travelling most of us are troubling with breakdown of our
vehicle on the road. This is a worst experience that they have to face. When our vehicle suddenly breakdown on the road,
the user have to search for mechanic and have to see a spare-part shops near to their location. At that time we can’t able to
search for a good mechanic and we have to arrange some other transportation. By using this website the user can find
suitable mechanic. The most advantage is the user can find a mechanic based on their user location. This project will show
the name and address or location of all mechanic. We have discussed about the website Helpme. This will show the user
location and direct the nearest service provider to user and the chat platform where the user can ask some relevant questions
to the mechanic. It expects that through some research, the statistics of car breakdowns can be obtained to see if this project
is helpful to those in need.
Everyone can access this website. This website will help to reduce wasting user time for found a proper mechanic. Website
shows the user locating and direct the nearest service provider to user. There is a chat platform to chat with others. When
the user searching mechanic application will show mechanic by his specialty, contact details, image, and rating. After job
completed user can rate and give feedback to the relevant mechanic. User requests included user location, required service
type, vehicle details, and description. Admin can view all registered user and mechanic details.
Introduction chapter is discussing about background of the project and it describe the aim, objectives and artifacts of the
project. That is introduce of the project to others. Literature review describe the related project as a second chapter. There
are discuss how is difference from other similar system and compare with each other. Then Methodology chapter discuss
the Methodology that use, requirement gathering and design of the project. Implementation and testing chapter is
discussing the tools and technology that use to the application and how tests for the final product. Evaluation chapter
discuss about the user feedback for the android application. Finally, as a conclusion there are describe the benefits,
limitation and future works of the project.
© IJARCCE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 94
IJARCCE ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940
CarTALK 2000 is a European Project focusing on new driver assistance systems which are based upon inter vehicle
communication. The main objectives are the development of co operative driver assistance systems on the one hand and
the development of a self organising ad-hoc radio network as a communication basis with the aim of preparing a future
standard. (Reichardt, 2002)
A car breakdown service station locator system Findings- The On-Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance is like a car
breakdown service station locator. But there is a chat platform to discuss the type of breakdown and exchange ideas about
vehicle breakdown. At this point, the Car Breakdown Service Station Locator. System will be developed on Android
platform due to the time constraint and a lot of research need to be done to develop the system. Development of this system
on other platforms such as IOS and windows will be considered in the future if good feedbacks are being received from
the users. The scope of this system will focus on searching the nearest CRSP for the drivers, providing help to people who
do not possess any mechanic’s number in hand. The business deal is between the CRSP and the driver which is out of the
system’s control.
(Monica, 2018)
Emergency Breakdown Assistance Kit
Findings- Emergency breakdown Assistance Kit is an automobile emergency signaling kit, that shown “HELP” in front
transparent panel. Below the HELP sign indicate the specific nature of the disable. In On-road vehicle Breakdown
Assistance didn’t display any special sign in front panel. There are need mechanic for identify the nature of the disable.
As a consequence, our emergency vehicle breakdown service provides superior location results. Our programme quickly
detects nearby locations, which is extremely valuable for users in emergency situations. It also features an offline mode
that provides recommendations when the internet is not available. This technique simplifies the user experience and
outperforms the old system in critical situations. (Sophie, 2001)
On-Vehicle Breakdown-warning report system
Findings- On-Vehicle Breakdown-Warning Report System installs an electronic control panel and when the occurring
breakdown detected and shown the signal on control panel. That may be help to detect the breakdown type before the
major breakdown the vehicle. On-Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (HelpMe) couldn’t detect any special breakdowns
and didn’t show any specific signal about breakdown. An on-vehicle breakdown-warning report system is disclosed. an
occurrence of break-down is detected and judged based on a signal in an electronic control system installed on a control
apparatus for an engine ignition system, a charging system, an engine fuel system, a engine cooling system, a power
transmission system, and an oil lubricating system of an automobile or a diagnosis display system; and a diagnostic data
is sent to an information terminal device of a diagnosis and maintenance agency or a service company having a diagnosis
and maintenance agency as a contents information by using an on-vehicle mobile communication apparatus, and an action
for an emergency measures and a maintenance schedule is asked. (Masahiko, 2000)
Geo Location Tracking System and Method
Findings - Geo Location Tracking System and Method is geo tracking routing from point to point in geographical location.
In “HelpMe” there is a location tracking based on user location. User can search the spare parts shops based on their
location. With recent technological advancement of modern science people are now expecting the information about the
location of any object for tracking purposes. Presently, we want more location-based services for being advanced and to
save time and money also. GPS is a system which is already implemented and everyone can access it without any
restriction. Having the facility of GPS to develop this system we need a GPS device to calculate the location from the
information taken from GPS (Morales, 2016)
This application is used to find nearby area mechanics while we suddenly stranded on the remote locations with mechanical
issues of our vehicle. It is a good solution for the people who seek help in the remote locations. In this, the approved
mechanics are enlisted in this application. Also they are under monitored by this system for not charging any extra service
fee from the users. This can be monitored by the admin through the user feedback based on their service. The registered
users can access this application. This application will help to reduce wasting user time to found a proper mechanic. This
application will allow user to make payment for a vehicle repair in a reasonable price. When the vehicle breakdown occurs
© IJARCCE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 95
IJARCCE ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940
the driver have to see a mechanic or the repair shop. The driver has to ask for help from the people. By using this
application, the user can find mechanic based on user location. The user can get the mechanical help directly and easily.
This is help to save user’s time while the traveling. When the breakdown occur, user can fix their vehicle immediately.
That make comfortable the user. They won’t make tired their journey
The various functions and conditions used in the system are explained in the flowchart
© IJARCCE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 96
IJARCCE ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940
1.Register: User can register with all their details.
2.Login: Registered user can Login with their credentials.
3.Search Mechanics: User can search for local mechanics on the basis of their locations.
4.Send Request: On selection of the mechanics, the user can send the request to the respective mechanic.
Hardware and Software Requirement
Hardware Requirement-
0) Processor – Dual Core
1) Hard Disk – 50 GB
2) Memory – 1GB RAM
Software Requirements:
The following describes the software needed in-order to develop the on road vehicle breakdown assistance
1)Windows 7 or higher
2)WAMP Server
3)Visual studio
5) Django Extension in VS code
languages –
1) python
3) CSS
4) Javascript
We take this opportunity to express our hearty thanks to all those who helped us for this project. We express our deep
sense of gratitude to our Project Guide Ms. Shital S. Patil for his guidance and continuous motivation. We gratefully
acknowledge the help provided by him for improving of this project with great interest. We express our heartiest thanks
for those who encouraged us and give their innovative ideas and suggestions for this project. Lastly, we would like to
thanks to all teachers and all my friends who helped us for this Project.
Thus, our on road Vehicle breakdown assistance give better location result. it's easily identifying the nearby location which
is incredibly useful to the user who uses it in emergency needs. the applying provides navigation to the closest emergency
service as selected by the user. It also provides contact information of those services.
This approach makes the user experience very easy and performs better than the present system in crucial times like this.
Our application shall make all possible efforts to locate and direct the closest service provider to user’s location. It helps
us the user for mechanical breakdown towing, fuel delivery, flare tire change and vehicle collision etc. Service details will
be accessed from the applying, which is stored within the server as a part of the broader roadside assistance service.
When the vehicle breakdown occurs the driver have to see a mechanic or the repair shop. The driver has to ask for help
from the people. If driver using this vehicle break down assistance user can find mechanic basis on user location easily.
Driver can get the mechanical help directly and easily. If there are any need of spare parts while repairing the vehicle user
have to looking for spare parts shop. When the breakdown occurs user can find repair shop or spare-parts shops also. This
is help to save user’s time while the traveling.
© IJARCCE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 97
IJARCCE ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940
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