Legionella-V8-E - US
Legionella-V8-E - US
Legionella-V8-E - US
1. INTENDED USE: For sale in the U.S. for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic
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SERION ELISA classic Legionella pneumophila 1-7 IgG/IgM
Tests evaluated : Dade Behring BEP ® III / BEP ® 2000, DSX, manually
Legionella belongs to the species of legionellaceae, genus Legionella. It is a gram negative,
aerobic, pleomorphic, non-spore forming bacillus which is motile by means of a single or
multiple polar or subpolar flagella. Currently, the genus includes 39 Legionella species.
Immunologic diversity within species is reflected in the creation of serogroups. The most
important human pathogen is the species Legionella pneumophila which comprises 14
serologic groups.
Legionella are ubiquitous bacteria which reside in surface and drinking water and multiply
in amoebae and other protozoa. Warm water systems with a temperature of 25-45°C are
ideal for multiplication. After transmission to humans in aerosols, the bacteria are
phagocytized by alveolar macrophages. So called evasion mechanisms enable bacteria not
only to survive but also to multiply within a phagocytic cell.
To compensate for the above mentioned drawbacks of direct detection methods, serologic
test systems are widely used. Since multiple serogroups of L. pneumophila are human
pathogens, pool antigens are favored. In the SERION ELISA classic IgG/IgM, a mixture of
serogroups 1-7 is bound to the solid phase.
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Microtest plates are coated with antigens. This constitutes the solid phase. Sample is
added to the plates and any antibodies specific for the antigen present will bind to the solid
phase. After removal of unbound material, anti-human IgG, IgA or IgM conjugated to an
enzyme (alkaline phosphatase) is allowed to react with the immune complex. After
removal of excess conjugate by washing, an appropriate substrate (para-
nitrophenylphosphate) is added, with which the conjugated enzyme reacts producing a
colored derivative of the substrate. The color intensity is proportional to the level of
specific antibody bound and can be quantified photometrically.
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Dilution buffer 2 x 50 ml
Phosphate buffer with protein and Tween 20;
preservative: < 0.1 % sodium azide
0.01 g/l Bromphenol blue sodium salt
Stopping solution 15 ml
1.2 N sodium hydroxide
Substrate (ready-to-use) 13 ml
Para-nitrophenylphosphate, solvent free buffer
preservative: < 0.1 % sodium azide
(Substrate in unopened bottle may have a slightly yellow color. This does not reduce the
quality of the product!)
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microtiter strips after opening at 2-8°C in closed aluminum bag with 4 weeks
(antigen) desiccant
Strips which are not used must be stored in the press-seal bag
of aluminum compound foil under dry and airtight
control sera / after opening at 2-8°C until expiry date;
standard sera 24 months from
date of production
substrate ready-to-use solution at 2-8°C, protected from light! until expiry date
24 months from
Avoid contamination (sterile tips!) Discard when solution date of production
turns yellow (extinction against distilled water > 0.25).
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Only use SERION ELISA classic reagents for test procedure, since all reagents are matched.
In particular standard and control sera are defined exclusively for the test kit to be used. Do
not use them in other lots. Dilution buffer, washing solution and substrate solution can be
used for all SERION ELISA classic kits irrespective of the lot and the test.
There are three different conjugate concentrations for each immunoglobulin class: LOW,
In rare cases the use of special conjugate is necessary to guarantee consistent quality for our
products. Special conjugates are produced in a separate lot and do not wear the “+” sign.
Therefore, special conjugates are not exchangeable with other conjugates.
Unopened, all components of the SERION ELISA classic kits may be used up to the dates
given on the labels, if stored at +2°C to +8°C. Complete stability and storage data are
described under 6. “Storage and Stability”..
Each reagent has been calibrated and optimized for the test. Dilution or alteration of these
reagents may result in a loss of sensitivity.
Avoid exposure of reagents to strong light during storage and incubation. Reagents must
be tightly closed to avoid evaporation and contamination with microorganisms since
incorrect test results could occur due to interference from proteolytic enzymes.
To open the press-seal bag please cut off the top of the marked side, only. Do not use the
strips if the aluminum bag is damaged or if the press-seal bag with remaining strips and
desiccant was not properly closed.
Use aseptic techniques for removing aliquots from the reagent tubes to avoid
contamination. To avoid false positive results ensure not to contact or sprinkle the top-walls
of wells while pipetting conjugate. Be careful not to mix the caps of the bottles and/or vials.
Reproducibility depends on thorough mixing of the reagents. Shake the flasks containing
control sera before use and also all samples after dilution (e.g. by using a monomixer).
Be sure to pipette carefully and comply with the given incubation times and temperatures.
Significant time differences between pipetting the first and last well of the microtiter plate
when filling samples/control sera, conjugate or substrate may result in different
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„pre incubation“ times, which may influence the precision and reproducibility of the
Optimum results can only be achieved if SERION ELISA classic instructions are followed
The test is not valid, if the lot-specific validation criteria on the quality control certificate are
not fulfilled.
Lipaemic, hemolytic or icteric samples should only be tested with reservations although in
our testing no negative influence has been found. Obviously contaminated samples (serum
or plasma) should not be tested due to the risk of wrong results.
Before running the test, samples must be diluted in dilution buffer (V1 + V2) as follows:
After dilution and before pipetting into the microtiter plate the samples must be mixed
thoroughly to prepare a homogenous solution.
Rheumatoid factors are autoantibodies mainly of the IgM-class, which preferably bind to
IgG-immune-complexes. The presence of non-specific IgM-antibodies (rheumatoid factors)
can lead to false-positive results in the IgM-assay. Furthermore, the possibility exists, that
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weak-binding pathogen-specific IgM-antibodies are displaced by stronger-binding
IgG-antibodies. In this case, IgM-detection can lead to false-negative results. Therefore it is
necessary to pretreat samples with rheumatoid factor-absorbens prior to IgM detection
(SERION Rheumatoid Factor-Absorbent, Order-No. Z200 (20 ml/100 tests)).
Before running the test, rheumatoid factor-absorbent (V1) must be diluted 1+4 in dilution
buffer (V2).
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7.3 Preparation of kit reagents
For each test run and for each test system - independent of the number of microtest
strips to be used - control and standard sera must be included. The cut-off-control
should be set up in duplicate. With the quantitative tests the standard serum should
also be set up in duplicate.
buffer concentrate (V1) final volume (V2)
33.3 ml 1000 ml
1 ml 30 ml
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7.4 Overview - test procedure
sample dilution
1 + 100
INCUBATION 60 min./37°C
moist chamber
INCUBATION 30 min./37°C
moist chamber
INCUBATION 30 min./37°C
moist chamber
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7.5 Test procedure
1. Place the required number of cavities in the frame and prepare a protocol sheet.
2. Add each 100 µl of diluted sample or ready-to-use controls into the appropriate wells
of microtest strips. Spare one well for substrate blank, e.g.:
IgG/IgM quantitative
3. Sample incubation for 60 minutes (+/- 5 min) at 37°C (+/- 1°C) in moist chamber
4. After incubation wash all wells with washing solution (by automated washer or
- aspirate or shake out the incubation solution
- fill each well with 300 µl washing solution
- aspirate or shake out the washing buffer
- repeat the washing procedure 3 times (altogether 4 times!)
- dry by tapping the microtest plate on a paper towel
5. Addition of conjugate
Add 100 µl of IgG/IgM-conjugate (ready-to-use) to the appropriate well (except
substrate blank)
6. Conjugate incubation for 30 minutes (+/- 1 min) * at 37°C (+/- 1°C) in moist chamber.
7. After incubation wash all wells with washing solution (see above)
8. Addition of substrate
Add 100 µl substrate solution (ready-to-use) to each well (including well for substrate
9. Substrate incubation for 30 minutes (+/- 1 min) * at 37°C (+/- 1°C) in moist chamber.
Please note, that under special working-conditions internal laboratory adaptations of the incubation
times could be necessary.
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SERION ELISA classic Legionella pneumophila 1-7 IgG/IgM (quantitative)
Determination of antibody concentrations with the SERION ELISA classic is carried out by
the logistic-log-model (4 PL; 4 parameter) which is ideal for exact curve-fitting. It is based
on the formula:
OD = A +
1 + e B(C - In conc.)
The parameters A, B, C, and D are representative for the exact shape of the curve:
For evaluation of antibody concentrations a lot specific standard curve as well as a lot
specific evaluation table is included with each test kit. Appropriate evaluation software is
available on request.
To compensate for normal test variations and also for test run control a standard serum is
used in each individual test run. For this control serum a ‘’reference value’’ with a validity
range is determined by the quality control of the producer. Within this range a correct
quantification of antibody concentration is ensured. Since the standard serum is not
necessarily a positive control, the value of the standard serum may be borderline or
negative in some ELISA tests.
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8.2 Criteria of validity
If these criteria are not met, the test is not valid and must be repeated.
8.3 Calculation
SERION ELISA classic Legionella pneumophila 1-7 IgG/IgM (quantitative)
For the test evaluation a standard curve and an evaluation table are included in the test kit
so that the obtained OD-values may be assigned to the corresponding antibody activity.
The reference value and the validity range of the standard serum are given on the
evaluation table (quality control certificate).
The blank (A1) must be subtracted from all OD-values prior to the evaluation.
To fix the cut-off ranges please multiply the mean value of the measured standard-OD with
the numerical data of the certificate of quality control (see special case formulas), e.g.:
OD = 0.502 x MW (STD) with upper cut-off
OD = 0.352 x MW (STD) with lower cut-off
If the measured mean absorbance value of the standard serum is 0.64, the range of the cut-
off is in between 0.225-0.321.
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The procedure is necessary to adjust the current level of the test of the user with the lot-
specific standard curve.
First, daily deviations have to be corrected by calculating a factor (correction factor F):
1. The mean of the two OD-values of the standard serum has to be calculated and checked
that it is within the given validity range.
2. Calculation of the factor "F": the given reference value is divided by the mean of the
extinction of the standard serum:
F = reference value extinction standard serum / mean value extinction standard serum.
3. All measured values of samples are multiplied by "F".
4. Antibody activities in IU/ml or U/ml can be determined from the standard curve with
the corrected values.
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8.3.2 Automatic test evaluation with
SERION easy base 4PL-Software/SERION evaluate-Software
After input of the 4 parameters and the reference value of the standard serum, antibody
activities are calculated online. If the optical density of the standard is out of the valid
range, the following message will appear:
”Standards are not in tolerance range” and/or “Distance between standards is greater than
20 %.”
SERION evaluate-Software:
“Standard values out of ranges in following groups: Group 1-24. Standard value differ
more than 20 % in following groups: Group 1-24.”
Parameters and reference value need to be changed only if there is a change of lot
(evaluation table shows parameters and reference values). Correct input of the lot specific
data can be checked on the basis of the IU/ml or U/ml assigned to the standard serum. The
calculated mean value of the units has to correspond to the unit value indicated on the lot
specific certificate. There is an automatic correction of the measured values. In the standard
version the printout displays the following:
sample code
IU/ml or U/ml
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The SERION ELISA classic is only designed for qualified personnel who are familiar with
good laboratory practice.
All kit reagents and human specimen should be handled carefully, using established good
laboratory practice.
- This kit contains human blood components. Although all control- and cut-off-sera
have been tested and found negative for HBs-Ag-, HCV- and HIV-antibodies, they
should be considered potentially infectious.
- Do not pipette by mouth.
- Do not smoke, eat or drink in areas in which specimen or kit reagents are handled.
- Wear disposable gloves, laboratory coat and safety glasses while handling kit reagents
or specimen. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
- Samples and other potentially infectious material should be decontaminated after the
test run.
- Reagents should be stored safely and be unaccessible to unauthorized access e.g.
- Stopping solution: corrosive (C); cause acid burn (R34)
use safety glasses, gloves and laboratory coat while handling!
9.2 Disposal
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1. Wienieck-Krusnell, J., Linder, E., Free-living amoebae protecting Legionella in water:
the tip of an iceberg? Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 1999, 31(4), 383-385.
2. Helbig, J. H., Lück, P. Ch., Röske, K., und Witzleb, W., Nachweis der intrazellulären
Vermehrung von Legionella pneumophila in Protozoen durch Antigenquantifizierung
mittels ELISA. Zbl. Hyg. 1993, 194, 392-397.
3. Blatt, S. P., Parkinson, M. D., Pace, E., Hoffman, P., Dolan, D., Lauderdale, P., Zajac, R.
A., Melcher, G. P., Nosocomial legionnaires´disease: aspiration as a primary mode of
disease acquisition. Am. J. Med. 1993, 95, 16-22.
7. Putzker, M., und Sobe, D., Diagnostik von Infektionen mit Legionella-Spezies. Dtsch.
med. Wschr. 1996, 121, 1608-1615.
8. Cheesbrough, J. S., Makin, T., Taxman, B. C., Beeching, N. J., Mutton, K. J., False-
positive legionella serology in campylobacter infection. The Lancet 1992, 339, 429.
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