Using The VLOOK UP Function
Using The VLOOK UP Function
Using The VLOOK UP Function
1 Data Area
The data area is often on a worksheet by itself, protecting it from accidentally being modified or
deleted. It holds all of the possible values for the data. The values are laid out in a table format and
they are listed in numerical or alphabetical order of the code that the lookup function will search for.
In this example, we have created the name Pay_Rates for the range B3:C7 that holds the data. The
resulting formula in the calculation area will be easier to understand.
2 Calculation Area
The calculation area is usually on a worksheet by itself unless you require the data values to be
visible as well as the resulting calculations.
The calculation area uses a formula, such as VLOOKUP, to find the correct data for each situation.
In this example, the VLOOKUP function shown is comparing the value in C5 with the values in the
range Pay_Rates. It then returns the value in the second column of the data table, determined by
the 2 in the formula.
The CHOOSE function is designed to allow you the list of the item you want, that is, 1 being the first
to make a choice from a list of items. It takes the item in the list and so on. Range names are often
format of CHOOSE(lookup-value, list of items) used for the list items to make the function easier to
where the lookup-value indicates the position in read and comprehend.
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise you
The classic lookup function is VLOOKUP the then looks across the table to the column you have
vertical lookup. This function searches vertically specified to find the value to return. This is ideal for
down a sorted data table looking for a match with looking up numeric values within a range, such as
the lookup-value (or the next lowest value). It tax rates, or commission amounts.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file