Ada 4
Ada 4
Ada 4
∑n-1k=1P(k)P(n−k) if n≥2
Once the parenthesization is done, the optimal substructure must be devised as
the first step of dynamic programming approach so the final product achieved
is optimal. In matrix chain multiplication, the optimal substructure is found by
dividing the sequence of matrices A[i….j] into two parts A[i,k] and A[k+1,j]. It
must be ensured that the parts are divided in such a way that optimal solution is
Using the formula
def matrix_product(p):
length = len(p) # len(p) = number of matrices + 1
m = [[-1]*length for _ in range(length)]
s = [[-1]*length for _ in range(length)]
matrix_product_helper(p, 1, length - 1, m, s)
return m, s
def matrix_product_helper(p, start, end, m, s):
if m[start][end] >= 0:
return m[start][end]
if start == end:
q = 0
q = float('inf')
for k in range(start, end):
temp = matrix_product_helper(p, start, k, m, s) \
+ matrix_product_helper(p, k + 1, end, m, s) \
+ p[start - 1]*p[k]*p[end]
if q > temp:
q = temp
s[start][end] = k
m[start][end] = q
return q
def print_parenthesization(s, start, end):
if start == end:
print('A[{}]'.format(start), end='')
k = s[start][end]
print('(', end='')
print_parenthesization(s, start, k)
print_parenthesization(s, k + 1, end)
print(')', end='')
n = int(input('Enter number of matrices: '))
p = []
for i in range(n):
temp = int(input('Enter number of rows in matrix {}: '.format(i + 1)))
temp = int(input('Enter number of columns in matrix {}: '.format(n)))
m, s = matrix_product(p)
print('The number of scalar multiplications needed:', m[1][n])
print('Optimal parenthesization: ', end='')
print_parenthesization(s, 1, n)
Enter number of matrices: 3
Enter number of rows in matrix 1: 10
Enter number of rows in matrix 2: 100
Enter number of rows in matrix 3: 5
Enter number of columns in matrix 3: 50
The number of scalar multiplications needed: 7500
Optimal parenthesization: ((A[1]A[2])A[3])
Time Complexity:-
O(N3), Where ‘N’ is the size of the array.
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