Ex Phys - Content
Ex Phys - Content
Ex Phys - Content
o Tapering
o Peaking
o Overtraining
o Injured athletes
o Recovery
o Maintenance
- Relationship between energy demands and nutritional requirements during physical activity.
o Phases of activity – pre-competition, during exercise, recovery
o Nutritional considerations – balanced diet, glycaemic index, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fluid
o Anabolic steroids
o Stimulants
o Altitude
o Cold
Periodisation is the process of structuring training into phases/blocks. It involves the planning of training variables to
achieve optimal performance (peaking) at the most crucial times.
During each phase certain physical, strategic and psychological aspects are emphasised.
- Maximises training gains and leads to performance improvements.
- Enables logical planning and ongoing monitoring of your training program.
- Ensures correct application of progressive overload in lead up to competitions.
- Helps avoids staleness.
- Increased level of enthusiasm.
- Ensures proper application of progressive overload
- Minimises chances of injuries and prevents overtraining.
- Coach/s are able to plan and monitor ongoing training program.
- Improves psychological, physiological, technical and tactical level of the players.
- Plans for athletes to ‘peak’ at the correct time in the season finals.
- Plans for rest and recovery periods prevent burnout.
The whole training program broken up into blocks of time – OR – a large block of time within a training program.
The shortest training cycle, typically lasting a week with a number of micro-cycles making up a training phase.
- When coaches design the training programs, they manipulate the key variables of intensity and volume
depending on the phase of training.
The main objective of this phase of training is to provide a suitable fitness base before competition starts. (prepare
the athletes for demands of upcoming season)
INTERVAL A work rest ratio (W:R) of 1:1 to improve aerobic 6min @ 80-90% max pace.
capacity. Increase in intensity throughout the phase
(LONG) for optimal overload. 6mins rest
5 sets
FARTLEK Continuous training with changes in intensity. Only 15min continuous around 400m track. Jog
introduced towards final micro-cycles of the general 1st lap (~50%max pace)
prep stage. Need good aerobic base before
Fast jog 2nd lap (~75%max pace)
FLEXIBILITY A combination of static/dynamic stretches, use of foam rollers and resistance bands, can
combine with strength/endurance training by doing Pilates/yoga session.
RESISTANCE 2-3 times per week. Overload reps first if key is 2-3 sets 15-30reps, ~50-60% 1RM
(ENDURANCE) endurance, then increase %1RM. Decrease rest,
increase sets.
INTERVAL May increase in intensity. Slightly longer W:R of 2-4min 90% max speed, work rest ratio ~1:2
1:2/3 to improve anaerobic capacity. Increase
(INTERMEDIATE) in intensity throughout the phase for optimal
RESISTANCE Move from endurance to strength focus. Heavy General guidelines 3-5sets, ~75-100% 1RM,
weights with full recovery. 3min + recovery.
PLYOMETRICS Once resistance power training has begun, 3x10 box jumps
progress to more sport specific power training.
4x20m bounding
Plyometrics (leaping, bounding, jumping)
replicates actual movement requirements. Can Single leg hurdle hops
start with body weight only and using both legs
to increasing/decreasing load by adding weight
(medicine balls, resistance bands) and using **must have sufficient recovery so that the
intensity and speed of performance is not
single leg repetitions.
AGILITY Incorporating change of direction into short interval sessions. Must be at max speed. Can
incorporate game-based skills (i.e. dribbling/passing ball) in these drills towards the end of the
specific preparation phase.
** also called competition phase and divided into pre-competition and competition.
The in-season training phase will be on maintaining fitness, developing and refining strategies, tactics and game
** also called transition
Off-season is the phase of training designed to provide the athlete with both a physiological and psychological rest
from the rigours of competition and training.
- Athletes should remain reasonably active through involvement in a range of recreational and low-intensity
training activities.
- Rehabilitation for athletes injured during in-season, use off-season to prevent injury reoccurring in the next
- Aerobic fitness should be maintained to avoid detraining.
o Involvement in enjoyable activities (different type of sports)
- Continuous - Balance
- Fartlek - Flexibility
- Plyometric - Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Circuit training - Reaction time
- Interval - Body composition
o Long - Speed
o Intermediate - Agility
o Short - Co-ordination
- Flexibility - Muscular power
- Resistance - Muscular strength
- Muscular endurance
A taper is a reduction in training load to eliminate residual fatigue, maximise energy stores and decrease
psychological stress in a bid to optimise performance. During the taper phase, no adaptations will be made.
PHYSICALLY the taper period should be long enough to allow repair to tissue damaged during training and the re-
fuelling of energy stores.
- If an athlete consistently trains rigorously and with high volumes, muscle energy stores (i.e. glycogen) to be
chronically lowered. A reduction in training volume during taper with proper diet reverses this condition.
MENTALLY the aim of a taper is to help the athlete reach their Ideal Performance State (IPS). This may mean the
athlete is highly motivated and confident and not feeling overly stressed.
- Tapering is normally done after a block of hard training or leading into a major competition e.g. Olympic
- A taper allows the performer to be physically and mentally fresh
- Decreases the chances of over-training and / or burnout.
1. Reduce training volume (frequency of sessions, duration of sessions).
2. Increase (or maintain) training intensity.
**tapers are normally between 4-28 days long depending on the type of event being tapered for and the individual.
- Physiological recovery for sprint and power athletes occurs much quicker as the duration of training sessions
and competitions is so much shorter.
- Hardest and highest load sessions earlier in the week, after full recovery post game.
- Short, sharp sessions just prior to game day.
- Team sports also use taper towards end of season, especially during finals.
- Some coaches implement extra overload to gain a physiological advantage in weeks leading up to finals,
then follow this period with a marked taper period.
o Week before Grand final may only see 2x30min high intensity sessions.
o Also, be tactical sessions,
however significant drop in
training volume.
The aim is to ensure peaking for major competition. This occurs when an athlete follows a high training load (to
optimise physical capacities) with a taper.
- Injury free
- Improved recovery rate
- Optimal cardiovascular, muscular and energy systems
- Responds automatically to demands
- Increased self-confidence
- Ignores irrelevant cues
- Mentally relaxed whilst still alert
Maintenance involves sustaining the chronic adaptations obtained throughout the preparation phase of training.
- Minimal to no progressive overload is applied throughout the competition phase of a training program.
- During the season, it is important athletes maintain these fitness levels whilst increasing recovery to ensure
they are physically fresh for games.
Many common injuries can be avoided with a good prevention and rehabilitation program.
Rest the injured player and injured body part. Further activity will aggravate the injury.
Apply a firm compression bandage above and below the injury site to reduce swelling.
Raise the injured area above the level of the heart to reduce swelling and pain.
Easy referral to a sports physician or sports physiotherapist will provide specific diagnosis and an
appropriate rehabilitation program.
Increases bleeding to the injured area.
Increases swelling.
Increases blood flow and can make the injury worse.
Increases bleeding. Avoid for the first 72hrs.
RANGE OF MOTION Improve range of motion until 80-90% of pre-injury, pain free range of movement has
Stretch for 5-10mins, 2-3 times a day.
e.g. ankle alphabet + ankle pumps.
STRENGTH Increase weight or resistance so only sets of 10-12 reps can be completed before fatigue.
3 sets of 10-12 every other day with endurance exercise from stage two completes on
alternate days.
e.g. single leg balance.
SKILL Re-educate muscles to perform specific movements for their specific sport.
The requisite skills must be performed until the athlete can perform at pre-injury
e.g. toe raises.
It is also critical the athlete minimises the amount of de-training that occurs during the injury phase.
- Cross-training is extremely effective rests injured body parts whilst still maintaining some level of
physical activity and cardiovascular fitness
- Alternatively, athletes may participate in specialist activities which allow injured body parts to rest whilst
still maintaining fitness in non-injured areas.
Overtraining occurs when an athlete has been repeatedly stressed by training to the point where the rest periods
between sessions are no longer adequate for recovery to occur. As a result, training no longer leads to performance
- Overtraining frequently occurs in athletes who are training for competition or a specific event and train
beyond the body’s ability to recover in the time available. It is an imbalance between work and rest.
- Overtraining is also common on young sportsmen/women who are training with several teams at once e.g.
school, club, district, state.
The signs of over training can vary from player to player. Some players who do not have overtraining syndrome can
also display similar sign and symptoms which makes diagnosis difficult.
- Have a well-planned training program incorporates regular rest.
- Look for variations in the players behaviour, moods and performance.
- Administer psychological tests such as Profile of Mood States.
- Educate players and coaches of signs and symptoms of overtraining.
- Individualise training programmes and have a variety in the training sessions. Cross training achieves this.
- Reduce training load (volume/intensity) if need be, stop training if the athlete shows signs and symptoms
of overtraining.
- Ensure a balanced diet and keep well hydrated. Include high carbohydrate intake to maintain energy stores.
Recovery returns an athlete to a state of performance readiness (psychologically and physiologically). It allows the
athlete to be able to train sooner and with better quality training compared to if no recovery practises are
- Recovery sessions are incorporated throughout each micro-cycle in a periodised training program.
o After heavy training sessions
o After competition/matches (to enhance immediate, post-game recovery)
- Lack of appropriate recovery may result in athlete being unable to train at the required intensity or complete
the required load at the next training session.
o Higher levels of fatigue may also predispose an athlete to overtraining and injury.
This is done by minimizing the effects of training and performance fatigue in order to enable the player to “bounce
back” and be ready for the next session or match.
Recovery methods promote adaptations to training loads and stress that are natural and safe for the player.
These recovery strategies provide the player with techniques to promote adaptation (see accelerated recovery line)
Achieving an appropriate balance between training and competition stresses and recovery is important in
maximising the performance of athletes.
PSYCHOLOGICALLY to allow the athlete to enter the next contest or activity in an optimal mental state.
- Meditation
- Imagery
- Breathing
- Music
- Progressive muscle relaxation
NUTRITIONAL RECOVERY where the body’s energy stores are refuelled by consuming high carbohydrate foods
and electrolytes replenishing drinks. Protein is also consumed to promote muscle tissue repair.
PHYSICAL RECOVERY aimed at regenerating the physiological capacities of the athlete. This would include;
- Massage
- Active recovery
- Stretching
- Cryotherapy
- Contrast temperature water immersion (hot/cold)
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Compression garments
ACTIVE RECOVERY Involves in engaging in low intensity exercise post competition/training to promote continued
blood flow.
CRYOTHERYAPY Involves immersing the body in water at temperatures lower than 11 oC for an extended period of
time. Submersion time 2-3mins, repeated 3-4 times and separated by ~30sec.
- Hot/cold contrast results in combination of vasodilation and vasoconstriction of local blood vessels. This acts
as a ‘pump’, which facilitates the removal of wastes.
- DOMS is proved to be decreased with the use of hot/cold therapy.
- Helps increase blood flow and assist the removal of waste products.
- It is used intensively in the training of elite athletes and is also thought to;
1. Decrease oedema swelling and pain
2. Lower sensation of DOMS reduces the intensity of muscle soreness and tenderness
HYPERBARIC O2 THERAPY HBO is the administration of pure oxygen (100%) at pressures greater than atmospheric
- Provides significant increase in oxygen availability at the tissue level which reduces oedema (swelling)
- Stimulates repair and regenerative processes of damaged tissue.
COMPRESSION GARMENTS The wearing of tight, specialised exercise clothes, during and after training.
- Increased microcirculation (enhanced blood flow) increases delivery of oxygen and possible decrease in
- Decrease muscle vibration (this can accelerate fatigue)
- Use of compression garments during recovery periods may reduce the symptoms associated with DOMS.
To meet the body’s energy demands, it is important that we adjust our diet accordingly, by manipulating the relative
percentages of macronutrients consumed.
** for athletes in heavy training a protein intake between 1.5-2.0g/kg of body mass on a daily basis is sufficient and
won’t require a supplement.
- Broken down into ‘free fatty acids’, which travel the blood in plasma.
- Represents bodies most plentiful source of potential energy (unlimited).
- Stored as triglycerides in the muscle and adipose tissue.
- ‘Fatty’ fishes (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
- Some seeds (flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts)
- Oils (flaxseed oil, soy oil, olive oil)
- Major energy source during rest (60%) and light to moderate exercise with little input during intense
- Light/moderate exercise, energy needs of the muscle are met by triglycerides within the muscle and free
fatty acids in blood plasma.
- As duration increases, so does the reliance on fat utilisation.
- When duration exceeds 1hr, CHO reserves deplete and without replenishment, stored fat can account for up
to 90% of the total energy required.
o Your body takes a long time to break down fats, therefore tends not to use them when energy
demands are high.
o Trained athletes are better able to breakdown fats and use them at higher intensities leading to
glycogen sparing.
**nutritionists recommend that fats account for approx. 20-30% of a normal diet.
- CHO are eaten and broken down/converted into its simplest form (glucose).
- Glucose is absorbed into bloodstream, with the help of insulin (hormone) it travels into the muscle cells
used to produce energy.
- Extra glucose in the bloodstream is stored in the liver and muscle tissue as glycogen until further energy is
- Grain foods (bread, breakfast cereal), rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa, cous cous, fruit, potato, starchy
vegetables, corn, dried beans, lentils, milk, yoghurt.
- E.g. banana is eaten carbs are broken down into glucose glucose enters the bloodstream.
- CHO is a critical fuel source needed to sustain exercise. Production of ATP is dependent on glycogen at
higher intensities.
- Early stages – of exercise, muscle glycogen is the primary fuel source.
- As exercise duration is prolonged, blood glucose makes a greater contribution.
- As glucose uptake by active muscles increases, the liver needs to increase the rate at which it breaks down
stored glycogen.
- Rest small
- Low/moderate intensity moderate
- High intensity large
COOKING AND PROCESSING This usually increases the GI as there is less work required by the body to
FOOD break the CHO down. E.g. juice has a higher GI value than whole fruits.
ADDING ACIDITY This lowers the GI (e.g. adding lemon juice). Fat and protein consumed in the
same meal will decrease the GI of a food or meal demands and nutritional
requirements during physical activity.
- Low % of protein muscles are not - High intensity causes more damage to muscles therefore
requiring repair after intense increased % of protein for muscle repair.
- In season involves competition as well as training so increase in
- Lowest % carbohydrate body CHO and protein is needed for faster recovery.
prefers to use fats as a fuel source in
low intensity. - Decreased % of fat insufficient at high intensity as it takes a
long time to break down.
Fats Free fatty acid Triglyceride Adipose tissue
Carbs Glucose Glycogen Liver and muscle tissue
- Exercise performance can be compromised by a body water deficit (esp. in hot
- Fluid is required to maintain blood volume and regulate body temperature.
- It is necessary to drink fluid during exercise to replace fluid lost through sweat.
- During prolonged exercise (90min+), sports drinks should be considered
contains both CHO for fuel and flavour and electrolytes (sodium) to help the
body ‘hold on to’ fluid more effectively (and stimulate thirst).
Reduced mental function - Lowered blood sugar to brain causing a drop in concentration, focus.
- Impacts movement patterns and skill levels (e.g. team sports such as
rugby, AFL and football.
- Feeling dizzy, flat or fatigued.
Increased body temperature - Fluid is critical for cooling the body when it is hot.
- Dehydration can reduce sweating and cause body temp to rise.
- Can lead to premature exhaustion.
Blood flow and circulation - Blood vol. decreases = heart has to pump smaller vol. of blood therefore
changes heart works harder and increases heart rate.
- Loss of fluid may increase blood viscosity and the load on the heart and
circulatory system.
We lose water from the body via a number of different processes;
- Breathing
- Sweating
- Urinating
- consume approximately 2L of fluids/day.
- A simple way of determining hydration levels is to look at the colour of urine.
o The urine of a hydrated person is almost clear in colour and gets progressively darker as
dehydration increases.
1L total prior to exercise (in the 4-5hrs leading up to performance) broken down into:
- 600mL 3-4hrs before exercise.
- 300-400mL in the 1hr before to prime stomach (attempt in training first as may feel uncomfortable or
bloated doing this).
Avoid drinks containing caffeine like energy drink as they act as a diuretic and will cause you to go to the toilet
thereby increasing fluid loss.
Drink approx. 200mL of water every 15-20min during activity.
Avg. sweat rate in endurance activities = 1-1.5L/hr.
Don’t only drink when you are thirsty! You are usually dehydrated already at this point.
Sports drinks can replace electrolytes lost in sweat and provide additional CHO.
Want to replenish back to pre-exercise weight.
For every 1L of fluid loss, consume 1.5L as you will urinate some of this out.
Consume electrolytes to replace those lost in sweat.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine due to their diuretic effect.
The primary goal is to ensure optimal carbohydrate and fluid stores for the commencement of activity.
This is especially important in activities where performance may be limited by the depletion of carbohydrate stores
(or from a fluid perspective, exercise in humid and hot environments).
Some sports may consume larger amounts of food than others (running vs. cycling – less physical distribution when
cycling, running on a full gut can be uncomfortable).
Pasta, potatoes - Bowl of pasta - Banana
- Bowl of cereal with chopped - Fruit based smoothie
fruit and yoghurt - Raisin toast/toast with
- Crumpets with sliced vegemite
banana - Liquid supplement (up & go)
** For some, a liquid meal can be advantageous as pre-competition nerves can cause gastrointestinal upset.
Meals high in fat and protein should be avoided as they take longer to digest and will not be primary fuel source.
Psychological changes brought on by the use of performance enhancers.
- Protein powders
- Anabolic steroids
- Stimulants
When the difference between winning and losing can be a fraction of a second, athletes look for every advantage
they can over their opponents.
An athlete can seek to gain advantage over opponents by manipulating or supplementing their diet to;
Aspects of performance enhancing can be considered to be ‘within the rules’. However, some athletes turn to illegal
substances to gain a performance edge.
Anabolic steroids are the familiar name for synthetic variants of the male sex hormone testosterone.
- Can be legally prescribed to treat conditions resulting from steroid hormone deficiency, such as delayed
puberty, as well as diseases that result in loss of lean muscle mass, such as cancer and AIDS.
- Some athletes, bodybuilders, and others abuse these drugs in an attempt to enhance performance and/or
improve their physical appearance.
- Are usually either taken orally or injected into the muscles.
- Doses taken by abusers may be 10 to 100 times higher than doses prescribed to treat medical conditions.
** this is of major benefit in sports requiring strength and power as athletes are able to train harder and more
Skin - Acne
- Male pattern baldness
Hormonal WOMEN
- Deepening of the voice
- Breast atrophy (decrease in breast size)
- Hypertrophy of the clitoris
- Excess hair growth on the face, stomach and upper back (Hirsutism)
- Shrunken testes, reduced sperm count
CNS stimulants may be used to reduce tiredness and increase alertness, competitiveness, and aggression. They are
more likely to be used in the competition but may be used during training to increase the intensity of the of the
training session.
May include;
Stimulants are substances that act on the brain, stimulating the body mentally and physically.
Their chemical structure is similar to adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are both produced by the body.
Increased body temp. Makes the athlete feel hotter/more likely to suffer from overheating/sweat
Glycogen sparing / Use of fats Improves aerobic endurance capacity and suppresses the symptoms of fatigue.
- Increased Central Nervous System activity / alertness / awareness (or improved / decreased reaction time –
not increased)
- May reduce an athlete’s perception of fatigue or effort.
- Increased glycogen sparing – increases the ability of free fatty acids for the ATP production, which may spare
muscle glycogen thereby enhancing prolonged endurance performance.
- Increased heart rate / cardiovascular activity.
- Increased muscle shakes / tremors may lead to muscle twitching, elevated heart rate and blood pressure.
For some, protein supplements can be helpful as part of their overall nutrition plan, but for most athletes,
appropriate nutrition provides all the protein they need.
- Weightlifters, bodybuilders and sports involving large muscle mass often consume extra protein or amino
acids in the form of powders.
** excess protein intake alone will not stimulate muscle growth and development – resistance training also
** most supplements are expensive and are often misused – you get better results from a healthy diet.
Exercise in the heat, compared to neutral environments causes many physiological changes in the human. Many
processes work together to;
Attempting to sustain exercise in hot condition can overload the body’s ability to respond resulting in;
This method of heat loss plays a very small role in the regulation of the body’s temperature.
Might be used when an athlete is immersed in cool water or wears an ice vest.
Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.
** Accounts for approx. 12% of heat loss.
This will occur when heat is carried away form body by air or water currents.
Explanation – the layer of warm air which continually surrounds our body is continually displaced by cold air when air
temperature is lower than skin temperature.
- This is also why we wear less clothes when exercising in the heat – to allow our zone of insulation (warm air)
to be exposed to the cooler air surroundings.
If the air flow is slow, then the air next to our skin acts as a zone of insulation and heat loss is minimal.
If airflow is fast (running, use of external fan, breezy day) then heat loss increases as the zone of insulation is
continually replaced.
Convection is most effective when temperature of the air or water surrounding the body is low.
The transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves.
** Accounts for 60% of heat loss from body at rest on a cool day.
It does not require contact between bodies.
This is only an effective heat loss mechanism if the body remains warmer than the environment.
Solar radiation (from the sun) and radiant heat from tracks, roads, and surrounding structures, can be a major
contributor to an athlete’s heat load.
Entering a cool room at half time is an example of accelerating radiant heat loss.
Heat loss when a liquid is vaporised into a gas.
** At rest it accounts for approx. 25% heat loss, in hot conditions can account for up to 80%
When the body exercises, muscle create heat.
Excessive sweating leads to a loss of body fluids and when level fluid drops, body’s core temp increases.
As temp. increases, conduction, convection and radiation decrease their effectiveness to facilitate body heat loss.
When temperature exceeds body temperature, the body gains heat by these three methods. In these conditions,
sweat evaporation from the skin and respiratory tract provide the means for heat dissipation.
Therefore, increase in temperature = increase sweat rate.
Increase in Heart rate (cardiac Elevated body temperature means blood must be delivered to skin for heat
drift) and cardiac output. and muscles to continue exercising.
Heart rate also increases due to reduced blood volume / stroke volume (due
to fluid loss decreasing plasma volume)
Decreases cardiac output Due to continued decrease in stroke volume, body cannot keep up demand
for blood.
Decreased stroke volume Due to reduction in blood volume through the loss of sweat.
Increase in blood pressure Due to increased blood viscosity / reduced blood volume resulting from the
body sweating.
Decrease blood / plasma volume Due to increase in sweating or increase blood viscosity – blood viscosity is a
measure of resistance of blood to flow. It can be described as the thickness
and stickiness of blood.
Vasodilation of blood vessels in Due to blood being redirected to the skin to dissipate heat through
skin convection.
Increased peripheral blood flow Due to blood being redirected to the skin to dissipate heat through
Increased sweat rate Increase sweat rate enhances heat loss via evaporation – effective cooling
mechanism to dissipate heat.
Increased core and skin Exercising in hot conditions results in a ‘double heat load’ (metabolic heat
temperature production and heat absorbed through the environment) – which results in
competition for blood flow.
Cardiovascular system cannot meet demands of the skin (to decrease thermal load) and the muscle (for continued
energy production).
Blood flow to the skin (i.e. body cooling) and muscle blood flow (i.e. performance capacity) is compromised.
- Increase blood lactate: accelerates fatigue (as blood flow is directed away from the liver – involved in
buffering; and decrease blood plasma)
- Decrease cardiac output: limits supply of oxygenated blood to the entire body which decreases VO2 max
Decrease in stroke
Gradual decrease in
Fluid loss via sweat volume and eventually,
plasma volume
cardiac output
Redistribution of blood due to vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels, and vasoconstriction around internal organs.
Cardiovascular drift is a gradual,
time- dependant
downward ‘drift’ in a number of
cardiovascular responses.
1. Fluid loss exceeds fluid gain, therefore, there is subsequent decrease in blood plasma.
2. This decreases blood volume and stroke volume.
3. To maintain cardiac output (Q), HR increases, but it cannot offset the decrease in blood/plasma volume, so Q
eventually decreases.
4. This reduces blood flow to the periphery for cooling, and the muscles for continued energy reduction
compromising exercise intensity.
5. Eventually, the continually decreasing cardiac output is preference to the muscles/vital organs over the skin
for survival.
6. The compromise in the skin blood flow, decreases the effectiveness of heat dissipation and therefore placing
significant strain on the thermoregulatory system.
7. Core temp. increases = heat related illness.
Rest 60 100 6
Submaximal exercise,
150 140 21
optimal hydration
Submaximal exercise,
165 115 ~19
The amount of water vapor that exists in the air.
Because our sweat evaporates more easily on a dry day, creating a better cooling effect.
Humidity places greater stress on the body as it limits the body’s ability to lose heat via evaporation making it more
difficult to exercise in the heat, placing the athlete at increased risk of overheating.
Measurements are based on subjective descriptions of how hot a subject feels for a given temperature and
A harmful reduction in the amount of water in
the body.
Because a fluid deficit leads to a decrease in plasma volume, stroke volume and cardiac output, the following occurs;
1. Decreased blood flow to skin so as to maintain blood flow to muscles and essential organs.
2. Decreased sweating leading to dry skin.
3. Decreased heat loss by evaporation.
4. Increased body temperature unconsciousness.
Reduces skin and core body temperature which means the athlete is further from upper limiting temperature.
The body’s ability to adapt to repeated daily exposure of exercise in the heat.
When a person is sweating profusely for an extended period of time, drinking too much water can cause problems
because the body is losing salt and water in sweat, but only water is being replaced.
- Imbalance, or lack of salt can interfere with brain, heart and muscle function.
- Taste good
- Provide athlete with rapid supply of energy (high GI)
- Replace lost electrolytes (particularly effective in ultra-endurance activities where massive amounts of sweat
loss and electrolyte loss occurs.
The body’s ability to adapt to repeated daily exposure of exercise in the heat to reduce the impact of heat on
physiological function and exercise performance.
Train in an alternative, similar environment (e.g. if competing in Dubai, Perth is too cold to replicate these
conditions so travel to Broome – cheaper and closer!)
Simulate conditions – create a hot training environment by using internal heating, heat chamber, and warm, heavy
Length (duration) 7-14 days (4-6 weeks prior then maintain with 2 sessions per week).
Number of sessions 10 – 12
Conditions 25 – 30*C
Increases sweat rate (enhances heat loss via evaporation)
Early onset of sweating (lowers sweating threshold)
Effective distribution of sweat (i.e. more on limbs and periphery, not trunk).
More dilute sweat (less NaCl lost)
Decreased heart rate
Increase plasma volume
Lower vasodilation thresholds (i.e. increased skin blood flow!)
Air at any level contains the same amounts of gases in the air. Oxygen (20.93%), Nitrogen (79.04%) and Carbon
Dioxide (0.03%).
Barometric Pressure: aka. atmospheric pressure, is the force exerted by the atmosphere at a given point. It is also
known as the “weight of the air”.
At any point on earth, the more air above that point, the grater the barometric pressure will be.
Partial pressure: the pressure that would be exerted by one of the gases in a mixture if it occupied the same volume
on its own.
The conditions at altitude differ to those at sea level.
Hypoxia: refers to conditions with lower than normal (i.e. sea level) oxygen availability.
Hypoxia decreases the pressure gradient in the lungs, which decreases pulmonary diffusion capacity (less O2 diffuses
from the alveoli into the capillaries).
Exercise performance is decreased as this lack of O2 decreases VO2 max and aerobic performance/ anaerobic
As barometric pressure decreases, there is less pressure driving air into the lungs.
To get the same amount of air and oxygen as at sea level, you have to breathe faster and deeper to compensate.
You feel this as shortness of breath and being breathless.
This is a ‘good’ adaptation and can help you adjust to the lower amount of available oxygen.
When your body has less oxygen available, it adapts to this hypoxia.
First your heart beats faster and harder to pump more blood around… you can notice a faster pulse in the first few
days after you arrive at altitude.
Less oxygen also causes changes I the brain which can lead to insomnia and feelings of fatigue.
One of the most common effects of hypoxia is headache. Some people even get nauseated.
Less oxygen molecules per given amount of air means that increased ventilation is required to consume the same
amount of oxygen as at sea level.
respiratory rate @ rest Increase in the number of breaths per Both responses occur as an attempt to
and submaximal levels minute. increase O2 intake.
tidal volume @ rest and Increase in the depth of each breath.
submaximal levels
oxygen diffusion Less oxygen diffuses from the lungs to As altitude increases partial pressure
the blood of oxygen in the air drops, so does the
pressure gradient between oxygen in the
lungs and blood.
VO2 max VO2 max is the amount of oxygen that Body cannot uptake as much O2
can be consumed in 1 minute. compared to sea level, despite increases
in RR and TV. Therefore, less O2 is
‘consumed’ refers to the ability of the consumed.
body to intake, transport, extract and
utilise oxygen for energy production.
The lack of oxygen diffused into the blood stream means that the cardiovascular system needs to increase the
delivery of O2 to the muscle cells.
HR and Cardiac Output Increase beats per minute These changes occur as an attempt to increase
(Q) @ rest and submaximal O2 delivery to the muscles.
Increase in the amount of blood
circulated around the body in 1
** cannot use these as minute.
separate answers as one
leads to another.
blood volume Plasma volume decreases by up This is a deliberate response by the body as
to 25% within the first few hours reducing plasma in effect increases the density
of exposure. of red blood cells.
While no extra red blood cells have been
produced, the amount of haemoglobin per unit
of blood (haematocrit) is now increased
resulting in greater oxygen transport.
maximal cardiac output Amount of blood (therefore O2, Due to decrease in blood volume and decrease
delivered through the body per in max HR (lack of O2 means involuntary heart
minute) is decreased. muscle cannot work as hard at altitude) Cardiac
output is reduced
tissue diffusion Less oxygen is diffused from the O2 passes from the oxygen-rich arterial blood
capillaries into the muscle cell. to the active tissues via a pressure gradient. As
this decreases, less O2 diffuses from the blood
to the tissues.
concentration of lactic More lactic acid accumulated in Less O2 and plasma volume decreases the
acid at any given intensity the muscles, resulting in earlier ability for the body to ‘buffer’ lactic acid.
compared to sea level fatigue.
Lack of O2 availability also places a greater
demand on anaerobic metabolism to produce
energy. The by-product of which is lactic acid.
Performance in repeat sprint exercise is impaired at altitude due to lower oxygen availability to replenish creatine
phosphate stores and remove lactic acid.
Nutrition for athletes at altitude can be a major problem, and weight loss will be significant at moderate to high
A prolonged stay at altitude may result in a loss of body mass and reduces training capacity (eventually leading to
Altitude acclimatisation describes the improved physiological response to the hypoxia experienced at altitude.
Improved physiological responses at altitude are a result of chronic adaptations (similar to those produced via
anaerobic training).
Duration varies, but the higher the altitude, the longer the period of acclimatisation required.
- Performance at altitude
- Performance at sea level
Altitude stimulates ‘stress’ due to hypoxia experiences, which means the body responds through gaining adaptations
(similar to those produced via aerobic training)
Live low Athlete lives at sea level to have Can train at competition venue or stimulated
access to high concentration of O2 environment, live in normal conditions.
Training at altitude (altitude - Prepares athletes physiologically and psychologically
Train high chamber or hypobaric) to obtain for the stress of hypoxic competition.
adaptations. - Adaptations not as effective as those gained via
option 3 (live high – train low), due to reduction in
Train at higher altitude for at least 2 weeks prior to
Although full acclimatisation to altitude takes 4-6 weeks,
many of the physiological adaptations occur in the first
two weeks and the more severe disturbances should have
Live high Athlete lives at altitude (or sleeps in This method allows athletes to continue to train at high
hypoxic tent) intensities whilst still gaining the adaptations of high
– altitudes.
- Achieve physiological benefits
Train low of decrease in concentration of They should spend a minimum of 12hrs sleeping or resting
O2. in a stimulated altitude tent set at roughly 3000m for 3-4
Trains at sea level to work at higher
- Due to increase in O2 - Enables benefits of altitude exposure whilst ‘doing
concentration. nothing’ e.g. living/sleeping
The adaptations essentially aid in the diffusion, carrying capacity, extraction and utilisation of oxygen.
- Helps deal with hypoxia in altitude environments or enhances performance in aerobic events.
Adaptations include;
aerobic enzymes Increases the rate at which aerobic fuels Can work at a higher intensity for a given
are broken down, thereby enhancing the work rate aerobically.
rate of energy production.
capillaries Greater surface area for O2 transfer. Increases the delivery of O2 to muscle cells
which increase aerobic energy production.
myoglobin Can store and extract more O2 at the Increases the availability of O2 which
muscle level. increases aerobic production.
The benefits for athletes who train at altitude will occur after 2-3 weeks of training at altitude and will last up to 2
months at sea level.
** elite sporting clubs try to maintain these adaptations by intermittent hypoxic training exposure (i.e. 1-2 times per
Generally, cold is less of a problem that heat as you can more easily protect yourself by wearing suitable clothing.
Hypothermia: the condition of having an abnormally (typically dangerously) low body temperature (falls below
Temperature and wind speed determines the COLDNESS of the day. This creates a WIND CHILL factor that reduces
the temperature even further.
Wind Chill: defined as the cooling effects of the wind blowing on a surface.
The balance between heat loss and heat production is controlled by a number of factors;
1. Body size
o Athletes such as children have a higher surface area/mass ratio and may sustain greater heat loss.
2. Body composition
o Subcutaneous fat acts as an insulator.
The degree of heat loss also depends on air movement (convention), humidity, evaporates (sweating), and ambient
- Wind velocity exacerbates heat loss from convention, radiation and evaporation.
Involuntary muscular contraction in response to cold.
Occur in an attempt to increase metabolic heat Issues with fine motor control.
production and reverse the fall in body temperature.
Glycogen depletion ‘lose energy’.
This can cause a 4-5 fold (times) increase in heat
production. Shivering results in decreased muscular
coordination and impairs performance.
Involves the narrowing of the blood vessels to the periphery to limit blood flow to extremities.
This prevents heat loss and maintains core Impacts ability to throw/catch (decrease skin temp.
temperature. causing tingling, numbness, ‘burning’ sensation)
Reduced sensation in hands and feet (decrease in fine
motor skills)
Severe circumstances – frostbite.
Exercise in the cold can affect muscle function. Muscle functions best at temp. of 40*C.
Cooling alters the nervous system and the muscle fibre’s recruitment pattern.
Muscle shortening velocity and power decrease when the temp. is lowered.
Results in earlier fatigue, decrease movement speed, muscle strength and mechanical efficiency.
This is an effect of the conditions as opposed to a direct physiological effect.
Occurs due to shivering and exercise occurring simultaneously.
Decrease O2 supply leads to rapid accumulation.