How To Study Your Bible
How To Study Your Bible
How To Study Your Bible
How To
Study your
n 512 B.C., as Darius the First of Persia led his Scripture. After my presentation, I had a student
armies north of the Black Sea, the Scythians sent approach me and say, “Your talk was insightful, but
him a message consisting of a mouse, a frog, a it’s simply your interpretation.” This was, of course,
bird, and five arrows. Darius summoned his captains. a common response from a culture saturated in
“Our victory is assured,” he announced.”These arrows relativism. In short, the student was aiming to reduce
signify that the Scythians will lay down their arms; my interpretation of Scripture to mere opinion.
the mouse means the land of the Scythians will be But his statement raises a good question. How do
surrendered to us; the frog means that their rivers we differentiate between faithful interpretation
and lakes will also be ours; and the Scythian army and opinion? Better yet, how do we know which
will fly like a bird from our forces.” But an advisor interpretation is correct or flawed? To answer these
to Darius said, “The Scythians mean by these things questions, we must turn to the field of hermeneutics.
that unless you turn into birds and fly away, or into The term “hermeneutics” is derived from the
frogs and hide in the waters, or into mice and burrow Greek noun hermēneia, which means “translation”
for safety in the ground, you will all be slain by the or “interpretation.” When we use the word in the
Scythian archers.” Darius humbly took counsel and singular (e.g., my hermeneutic), it refers to the set
decided his interpretation was wrong. As a result, he of interpretive principles a particular person holds.
won the battle.1 Ultimately, this story teaches us that Historically, the Protestant Church has held to what is
interpretation can significantly alter the outcome called the Grammatical-Historical Hermeneutic. This is
of our life. Therefore, having access to truth is not a method of literal interpretation which means taking
sufficient. We must also have the ability to rightly the text plainly according to both the genre and the
interpret it. grammatical and historical context in which the text
In 2020, I remember speaking to a group of sits. As we know, accurate interpretation, especially
college students regarding marriage and sexuality. biblical interpretation, is no easy task. Scripture
In my lecture, I presented the case for binary gender, is ancient writing from a foreign land in a distant
traditional marriage, and heterosexuality based on time in a foreign language. The ability to accurately
grasp the figures of speech, the idioms, poetry, cultural original author to the original audience is the only
references, local customs, geographics, and the historical meaning that exists. Fee and Stuart explained this
understanding of the authors and recipients of these concept by saying, “A text cannot mean what it could
biblical writings is complex. The ultimate goal of faithfully never have meant for its original readers/hearers. Or, to
apprehending these various aspects of interpretation is put it in a positive way, the true meaning of the biblical
to interpret meaning accurately. But what is meaning? text for us is what God originally intended it to mean
Who determines meaning, and how can we be sure we when it was first spoken or written.”3
have arrived at a truthful interpretation of meaning? When speaking of Scripture, we must also breach the
issue of human intent versus Divine intent. While there
The Search for Meaning are various perspectives available on the participation
During my years at The Master’s Seminary, my and balance between human and Divine intent, I believe
hermeneutics professor Dr. Brad Klassen defined the concept of divine concursus most faithfully captures
meaning as “The content of a communication which reality. The late Dr. Benjamin Warfield of Princeton
a writer (or speaker) consciously willed to convey by Seminary once summarized this process by saying:
the words (sharable symbols) and grammar (sharable
structures) he used.”2 In short, meaning is synonymous “The fundamental principle of this conception is
with authorial intent. Although hermeneutics deals with that the whole of Scripture is the product of divine
the practical methodology of interpretation (which we activities which enter it, however, not by superseding
will discuss shortly), the first order of hermeneutical the activities of the human authors, but confluently
practice is to determine who has the authority to define with them; so that the Scriptures are the joint
the intent and, ultimately, the meaning of a particular product of divine and human activities, both of which
text. In a time where relativism rules, much of modern penetrate them at every point, working harmoniously
culture believes that the reader is the one who determines together to the production of a writing which is not
meaning. However, this is faulty thinking. The term divine here and human there, but at once divine
“author” is derived from the word “authority” because and human in every part, every word and every
it is the author (and them alone) who has the authority particular.” 4
to define meaning. Namely, the meaning of a text is not
determined by the reader’s response to the text but by Ultimately, hermeneutics is a robust discipline that
the author’s intended meaning displayed in the words requires a foundation of literary, grammatical, and
they have written. biblical knowledge to even begin the process of faithful
Therefore, our goal, as interpreters, is to unearth interpretation. But we have not been left without a
meaning. Notice, however, that I am using meaning in toolbox. In fact, Scripture itself reveals how Scripture
the singular. That is to say, there is only one meaning. should be interpreted. However, beyond that, there are
Since there can only be one intent per text, the idea of a further biblically-backed skills that can be learned and
double meaning, historical meaning, or hidden meaning deployed to help the average Christian read, understand,
is inconsistent with logic. Therefore, the intent of the and apply the truth of Scripture to their lives.
A F I V E - S T E P P R O C E S S F O R F A I T H F U L B I B L I C A L I N T E R P R E TA T I O N
Your Hermeneutical Toolbox process enables everyday Bible readers to apply faithful
Accurate interpretation is not merely a virtue of hermeneutical principles that support their efforts to
honesty; it’s biblical. While we do not have space arrive at the true meaning of a particular biblical text.
to exposit the many passages relating to precision And this is the goal––rightly interpreting Scripture in
when it comes to studying God’s Word, one passage, an effort to arrive at the truth.
in particular, is essential. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul Now, each of these steps can be carried out at varying
exhorts his pastoral apprentice to the faithful study depths. At this time, I will only be offering a brief but
of Scripture. He says, “Be diligent to present yourself still useful summary of each of these five stages. If you
approved to God as a workman who does not need to decide to add depth to the process, these summaries
be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” will act as guides for directing those efforts. Having said
Paul calls Timothy to diligent piety through a faithful that, I have taught this process enough at our school
comprehension of Scripture. That is, workers of the (Reformation Seminary) for long enough to know that
word cannot stand before God without shame if they if you don’t apply these principles, they won’t sink in. For
do not handle the word with precision and care. D.A. that reason, after you finish this PDF, consider employing
Carson once said, “If you are not a student of the these principles during a personal study of a short New
word, you are not called to be a teacher of the word.”5 Testament epistle. At that point, you will see the rich
James 3:1 reminds us of the increased responsibility value of this process and leverage it in personal study or
for those who communicate the word of God to in your opportunities to teach.
others. He writes, “Let not many of you become
teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will Note: A collection of study Bibles, commentaries, and
incur a stricter judgment.” In short, misuse or false a good biblical atlas will prove to be immensely helpful
teaching does not go unnoticed by God. That is to say, in this process.
our interpretive errors have real consequences. For
that reason, how does a person arrive at an accurate Stage #1 Analyzation
interpretation of the Word of Truth? What tools are The primary focus of this stage is to understand the broad
seen in Scripture? What skills are encouraged by the historical and cultural context of a particular biblical book
holy authors? But most practically, what examples prior to studying individual chapters or verses. I carry out
and resources have the faithful Christians of church the following process by adding my notes from each of
history left us to leverage? these steps to a nicely organized Word document. Not
In Seminary, I learned a simple yet powerful only does this allow me to keep a record of my biblical
process for interpretation that I still use today. In book studies, but I can also reference them again during
fact, I use it weekly to prepare sermons, podcasts, a future study of smaller portions of these specific books.
teachings, and manuscripts for books on biblical For example, if you analyze the book of John and end
topics. It’s a five-part acronym called A.O.I.M.A. It up with an 8-10 page Word Document overview with
stands for Analyzation, Observation, Interpretation, collected notes, links, images, and resources, and then
Meaning, and Application. This straightforward two years later you teach a Bible study on John 3, you can
easily reference your analysis to be sure your faithfully 4. Study The Recipients of the Text. If the author is
interpreting the content of your focus chapter or passage. the root and stem, the recipients are the rose. When
we understand who these people are, their need for this
1. Read The Book Multiple Times. It often takes several letter, their ethnic heritage (Greek, Jew, or both), their
readings of a biblical text to begin seeing the thematic strengths and weaknesses, and their social setting, we
thread and the author’s general intentions. The goal of will have a far greater chance of accurately interpreting
broad reading is to understand the context. Context is our biblical text.
simply the setting in which a particular book or text
has been woven. Therefore, you should identify the 5. Define The Purpose of the Correspondence. After
religious context, geographic context, political context, reading and reviewing your biblical text, understanding
social-economic context, and even the architectural and the author, the location, and the recipients, it’s time
agricultural context. As my professor would always tell to produce a short Roman Numeral outline of the
us, “It’s your job to construct a mental picture of this book. Start by writing a succinct 2-5 sentence summary
historical world. If you don’t understand the context, defining the purpose for the correspondence, and then
you will never be able to accurately interpret the truth.” list your outline below. If you cannot, with confidence
and clarity, define the purpose of the book you’re
2. Study the Author of the Text. In order to eventually studying; you are not ready to faithfully study the
understand the authorial intent, you must understand individual chapters, passages, or verses.
the author. Essentially, you need to conduct a
biographical analysis. This would include answering Stage #2 Observation
questions like: Who is the author? When and where In shifting from the broad context of a biblical book
was he born? What is most notable about him? What to the specific context of a particular passage (2-10
else has he written? verses), we move from analyzation to observation.
Observation has been called the art of taking notice
3. Study the Location of the Text. Location impacts of the unnoticeable. As it pertains to Scripture, it’s an
writing more than we might think. For example, much exercise in literary awareness. The purpose of this phase
of the Bible is written in an agrarian culture that is not to interpret but to become intimately aware of
comprehended the vast number of farming metaphors, the specific text you’re studying. Remember, observing
parables, and illustrations used in Scripture. For that is different than seeing. In fact, Sherlock Holmes once
reason, you need to know where your letter was written said, “You see, but you do not observe.” Observing is
and where it was received. But more than that, how restricting familiarity and presumption and seeing every
does geography affect the content of the text? What detail without reservation.
local customs, architecture, or land monuments were Consider if I gave you an apple and asked you
nearby? Was it a coastal town, desert, or city? Was it rural to describe it for me. Your answer would likely be,
or metropolitan? These are vital contextual questions. “It’s red, circular, spherical, and it has a stem.” Now
consider if I gave you an apple and asked you to make
100 observations in writing. You would drastically is literature, and you cannot rightly observe literature
change your approach from seeing to observing. without a strong grasp of basic grammar. I will make a
You begin to notice the blemishes, the thickness of quick reference to the value of learning biblical Greek
the skin, the fibrous matter on the inside, and the and Hebrew. This is not a task for every Christian, but
organic shape. Next, you would cut the apple open it certainly and dramatically increases your ability to
and see the growth lines, the seed cavities, and the accurately interpret God’s Word.
seeds. But more than that, you would describe these
seeds and their interiors, the growth model from 2. Mood. During your observation, pay attention not
seedling to seed-bearing fruit, and you would even only to what was said but also to how it was said. Is the
explain the stem’s relationship to the weight of the text corrective, instructive, gentle, encouraging, exhorting,
apple. This is observation, and it’s an essential part rebuking, harsh, explanatory, warning, condemning, etc.?
of faithful interpretation. Now, it’s important to By identifying the mood of your text, you will be able
state that observation is not interpretation. Work to to understand the emotional context in which it was
restrain yourself from interpreting until you have all written and how it was received.
the information to do it well. In relation to Scripture,
observation is carried out in four ways. 3. Genre. The Bible offers eight generally accepted
literary genres. Law, narrative, history, wisdom and
1. Grammar: Words combined together become poetry, prophetic, gospel, epistle, apocalyptic. In each
the vehicle to meaning. Therefore, observing words of these genres, we see a variety of figures of speech that
becomes essential. While understanding the eight are important to identify (simile, metaphor, hyperbole,
parts of speech is helpful, you must also be able to irony, euphemism, personification, etc.). By identifying
identify subjects, objects, indirect objects, coordinating the genre of the biblical book you are interpreting, you
conjunctions, pronouns and their antecedents, will be more equipped to make correct observations
participles, infinitives (to + verb), imperatives, tense about the text.
(past, present, future), main clauses (subject and verb),
prepositional phrases, developing clauses (contrast 4. Block Diagramming. A block diagram is a method
clauses, purpose clauses, result clauses, contingency of observation that allows a reader to visually see the
clauses, causal clauses, concessive clauses, temporal literary structure of a particular text (generally 2-10
clauses, relative clauses, and sequential clauses). I know verses at a time). Essentially, it’s a process that allows you
you’re probably panicking after that sentence. For most to see the grammatical units of your particular passage
people, this can be an overwhelming task. For that in blocks or groups. You begin by placing your passage
reason, we have found a 2-hour video training from in a Word document. Generally speaking, every English
Dr. Tom Pennington that covers biblical grammar and sentence has one main clause (subject + verb). These
block diagramming. You can find it at main clauses remain left-aligned in your document, and
Diagram.1 That said, we must remember that Scripture the dependent clauses or modifying clauses (which are
generally identified as prepositional phrases) are placed
1 This training video was not produced by It
was a free resource we located on the internet from The World
Unleased for your convenience.
beneath them. Ultimately, the main value of block is both an art and a science. For that reason, you see a
diagramming is the ability to see the central points slight variation between two people’s diagrams. That
of a text that, when in paragraph form, are difficult said, there should be general consistency (about 80%+).
to recognize. Below I have offered a short example
diagram of Ephesians 2:1-2. I have underlined the
main clause and placed the portions of the passage
that modify the main clause appropriately beneath.
One point worth making is that block diagramming
1 And
you were dead [main clause]
in the trespasses [modifying dead]
and [coordinating conjunction]
sins [modifying dead]
in which you once walked, [modifying sins]
following the course [modifying dead]
of this world, [modifying course]
following the prince [modifying dead]
of the power [modifying prince]
of the air, [modifying power]
the spirit that is now at work [modifying prince]
in the sons of disobedience—
[modifying work]
A F I V E - S T E P P R O C E S S F O R F A I T H F U L B I B L I C A L I N T E R P R E TA T I O N
Ultimately, block diagramming allows the reader lected during the first two phases, working them through
to have an intimate relationship with the grammar further analysis (a.k.a exegesis). It’s recogniizing the
of a particular biblical text. It allows the interpreter difference between texts that are descriptive and texts
to see literary patterns, structures, clauses, lists, and that are prescriptive. It’s word studies in the original
connections that are lost in text format. After all, languages, theological analysis, reviewing clauses, and
Jesus says in Matthew 5:18 , “For truly, I say to you, drawing conclusions that are both congruent with the
until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a canon of Scripture and the consistent conclusions of
dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” historical orthodox Christianity. Now, as a side note,
In other words, God is meticulous. Every word and this doesn’t mean that church history determines biblical
punctuation matters to Him. Therefore, we must interpretation. But it does mean that, after 2,000 years of
study and observe with precision. Christian history, you are extremely unlikely to arrive at
an interpretation that has been overlooked by the many
Stage #3 Interpretation generations of faithful, Holy Spirit-indwelt believers. In
Psalm 119:34 reminds us of why we work so diligently the end, interpreters must be chained to the text. They are
to interpret accurately. David (the most likely author) faithfully, carefully, and prayerfully attempting to arrive
says, “Give me understanding, that I may keep your at the right interpretation that they may rightly know
law and observe it with my whole heart.” Our aim God, obey God, love God, serve God, and teach others
in seeking truthful understanding of God is that about God.
we may observe God’s law (for those in the New
Covenant––the law of faith and the Moral Law of Stage #4 Meaning
Sinai) and observe God’s ways with our whole heart. In the same way that analyzation and observation are con-
Namely, our process for analyzation and observa- densed into interpretation, interpretation is condensed
tion is to understand (by way of interpretation) the to meaning. While the interpretation can be robust and
author’s intended meaning (via divine and human theological, the meaning is succinct and practical. Fur-
concursus). One theologian said, “Interpretation is, thermore, it’s important to clarify that the process of iden-
in effect, the act of recreating in one’s own mind the tifying meaning is specifically for passages of Scripture
author’s willfully expressed thoughts.”6 Roy Zuck in and not chapters or books. As mentioned earlier, there is
his book Biblical Interpretation describes the dif- one meaning per coherent biblical thought. The academic
ferences between observation and interpretation term for one coherent thought in Scripture is pericope.
when he wrote, “In observing what the Bible says, A pericope is generally the number of verses used in an
you probe; in interpretation, you mull. Observation expository sermon (2-10 is common). Therefore, the
is discovery; interpreting is digesting. Observation task of this stage is simple: In one sentence, take your
means depicting what is there, and interpretation is interpretation of your pericope and identify the author’s
deciding what it means. One is to explore, the other intended meaning for the original audience in the most
is to explain.”7 exact, memorable sentence possible.
Interpretation is taking the pieces you have col- The author of Biblical Preaching, Haddon Robinson
once said, “I have a conviction that no sermon is ready Namely, you cannot expect to apply the meaning of a
for preaching, not ready for writing out, until we can passage of Scripture in an area outside of the jurisdiction
express its theme in a short, pregnant sentence as clear of it’s meaning. For example, we cannot apply the meaning
as a crystal.”8Again, meaning is the product of interpre- of Ephesians 5:22-33 (which is on marriage represent-
tation but its aim is application. Namely, the meaning is ing Christ and the church) to how we should relate to
the practical, everyday summation of your biblical text. one another in business or parenting. In other words,
It is the consolidated and compressed truth squeezed application, while different than meaning, is controlled
from the text and ready to be consumed. This process by meaning. J.I. Packer once said, “a ministry which is
of boiling down and arriving at a crisp meaning of the wholly concerned with gospel truths can still go wrong
text takes time. In fact, it can even be painful. But it’s by giving those truths an inaccurate application. Scripture
worth it. It’s worth taking everything you have learned is full of truth that will heal souls, just as a pharmacy is
and summing it up in a consumable and dispensable stocked with remedies for bodily disorders; but in both
statement of truth. This process done over and over and cases a misapplication of what, rightly used, will heal, will
over again is the architecture for doctrinal development have a disastrous effect.”10
and ultimately systematic theology (the focus of the Ultimately, application is the climax of hermeneutics.
following chapter). When an interpreter has arrived at It takes academia and turns it into worship and devotion.
a clear understanding of countless passages of Scripture But even more than that, it’s obedience. The Apostle
they are beginning to see the skeleton of God. They are, James reminds us, in James 1:22-25, “But prove yourselves
in a very real sense, able to to understand the web of doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude
biblical theology, the interdependence of Scripture, the themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not
glory of the Gospel, and the majesty of God. a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a
mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away,
Stage #5 Application he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.
Unearthing the meaning of Scripture may be the goal But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of
of interpretation, but it is not the end. The end is ap- liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful
plication. As we know, Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in
word of God is “living” and “active.” For that reason, what he does.”
we must not treat the truth of God’s Word merely as
knowledge to apprehend but wisdom to apply. Es- Conclusion
sentially, we must conform our lives to the meaning Interpreting truth is essential. A misinterpreted Bible is
we have uncovered. Application involves relating the a misunderstood Bible. A misunderstood Bible is a mis-
unchanging meaning of the ancient text to the life of applied Bible. A misapplied Bible leaves people confused
the contemporary reader.9 and broken. Therefore, every Christian should hold to
Interestingly, while there is only one meaning of a sound hermeneutics. It is these principles that permit us
particular text there are multiple applications. Having to form the ground of good theology. With a firm founda-
said that, application is still handcuffed to meaning. tion in place we can begin to build upon it. We can begin
A F I V E - S T E P P R O C E S S F O R F A I T H F U L B I B L I C A L I N T E R P R E TA T I O N
1 Moody Bible Institute, “Today in the Word,” Today in the Word, January 1, 1992.
2 Dr. Brad Klassen, “The Master’s Seminary,” BI505 Hermeneutics Class Notes ( January 6, 2017).
3 Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 4th ed. (Grand
4 Benjamin B. Warfield, “Divine and Human in the Bible,” in Selected Shorter Writings of Benja-
min B. Warfield, Volume 1, ed. John E. Meeter (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1970),
5 D. A. Carson, For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s
6 Dr. Brad Klassen, “The Master’s Seminary,” BI505 Hermeneutics Class Notes ( January 6, 2017).
7 Roy B. Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation (Colorado Springs, Co.: ChariotVictor Pub., 1991), 12.
8 Haddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching (Ada, MI: Baker Academic, 1980), 23.
9 Dr. Brad Klassen, “The Master’s Seminary,” BI505 Hermeneutics Class Notes ( January 6, 2017)