Fullerton SGD Cash Fund - Class A (SGD)
Fullerton SGD Cash Fund - Class A (SGD)
Fullerton SGD Cash Fund - Class A (SGD)
UEN: 200312672W
Disclaimer: This publication is for information only and your specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs are not
considered here. The value of units in the Fund and any accruing income from the units may fall or rise. Any past performance,
prediction or forecast is not indicative of future or likely performance. Any past payout yields and payments are not indicative of future
payout yields and payments. Distributions (if any) may be declared at the absolute discretion of Fullerton Fund Management Company
Ltd (UEN: 200312672W) (“Fullerton”) and are not guaranteed. Distribution may be declared out of income and/or capital of the Fund, in
accordance with the prospectus. Where distributions (if any) are declared in accordance with the prospectus, this may result in an
immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit in the Fund. Applications must be made on the application form accompanying the
prospectus, which can be obtained from Fullerton or its approved distributors. You should read the prospectus and seek advice from a
financial adviser before investing. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider whether the Fund is suitable for you. The Fund
may use or invest in financial derivative instruments. Please refer to the prospectus of the Fund for more information.
This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.