Overview of ww1 Student Questions
Overview of ww1 Student Questions
Overview of ww1 Student Questions
Who were the main groups? The main groups were the triple entente: france britain russia against the
triple alliance: germany austria/hungary and italy.Later in the war italy changed sides.
How did it get started? It started because there was already beef between countries then archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria got shot by a bosnian that was funded by Serbia and they didn't let that slide so
Austria invaded serbia.
What fronts were there initially? Why did they expand to include other countries? THe war was first
fought on the western front between Germany and france. Later on it was also fought on the eastern
front between Russia and germany. They expanded to other countries because other countries were
colonies with each other.
Why did Trench warfare start? It was used so you wouldn't get killed by machine guns so you had
somewhere to hide. Also the trenches would go to the ocean where soldiers could get supplies safely.
What made Italy change sides and join the Entente? France said that italy could have some of
hungary/austria land so italy switched sides.
What finally made the US join the Entente? Did it make a difference? Germany asked Mexico if they
could invade America but the British intercepted it and showed America so America got involved.
What were some reasons for it ending? List several reasons. There was a naval blockade by the British so
the Germans couldn't get food/other supplies. Some French troops wanted to stop fighting. Russian
soldiers were out of food, clothes and ammunition. Everyone was running out of supplies and exhausted.
With the Americans in the war it helped a lot and Germany ended up losing. Trench warfare does
nothing and lots of people die for nothing. Russian people were overthrowing the zhar because they had
no food. Germany makes a last push and drains all their resources then America and the other countries
defeat germany.
What was the aftermath? List several outcomes/consequences. There were over 9.5 million military men
dead and 7 million civilians dead. It caused the downfall of 4 monarchies which were germany austria
turkey hungary and russia. Many countries in Europe were in debt, especially germany. The armenian
genocide in the ottoman empire and 1 million people died. Everyone hated each other after the war. The
Spanish flu killed 25 million people because of all the soldiers going all around the world. Women were
able to vote and do things they couldn't before. The league of nations was founded after the war. The
Geneva convention “the rules of war” were developed. Flight and new ways of communication were
invented and helped society as a whole.
Helpful videos links:
https://youtu.be/fi1OyVB2laY World War One (ALL PARTS) Use only 0-10:30sec. The middle of the video
is long and just discusses battle after battle. Jump to 38 minutes and go to end.