Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
ln the test
<- Sample test pp15*17
Speaking Test Questions 1-2
. ln each of these questions, you will be given a paragraph of 40-60 words to read aloud.
. You will be given 45 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to read the text aloud.
. You will be scored on your pronunciation, and the intonation and stress of your sentences
o ln this unit, we will focus on pronunciation and stress of individual words and intonation
in lists and questions.
. ln Unit 7. we will focus on pace, stress and intonation with transition words.
B fi tn pairs, read sentences 1-4 aloud and mark the intonation of the words in
bold. Then listen, repeat, and check your answers.
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D f} tn pairs, read sentences 1-3 out loud and mark the intonation of the words
in bold. Then listen, repeat, and check your answers in the Key on page 2.
1. Can I make an announcement?
2. Where can you go for big savings?
3. Does anyone have any questions?
And noW the local news. The Bailey Brothers Carnival opens tonight at the city
fairground. This thrill-packed show will feature clowns, acrobats, and exotic
Prepare quickly
animals from around the world. Tickets go fast, so be sure to get yours soon.
but carefully
You have 45 seconds
You don't want to miss the most exciting show on the planet!
to prepare the
paragraph. lf you 4.
' practice preparing lots
Before I start our meeting, I would just like to thank all of you who contributed
of texts, you will soon
know what to look to John's retirement gift. lf you didn't make it to his party, we used the money
out for and be to buy him a set of pens, a new watch, and a season ticket for his favorite
familiar with how to
prepare. baseball team.
Questions 1-2:
text aloud
Read a
Directions: ln this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen.
You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read
Question 1
All right everyone, we've come to the end of our tour of the downtown
area, and we're about to enter the public gardens, where we'll take a
short break. There's a caf6 here, where you can rest, get something to
drink, and look over the schedule for the rest of the day. Let me know
if you have any questions.