SOLAS Regulation For Bulk Carrier
SOLAS Regulation For Bulk Carrier
SOLAS Regulation For Bulk Carrier
2. Bulk carriers of 150 m length & upwards of single skin construction constructed before
01 July 1999, of 10 years of age and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes having a
density of 1780 kg/m3 & above unless they have undergone a survey as per
ESP ( Enhanced Survey Program).
3. The option of Double - Skin construction will apply to new Bulk Carriers of 150 m in
length & over ( after 01 July 1999), carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of
1000 kg/m3 & above.
4. The Shipper has to declare the density of cargo along with other information required
by chapter VI – IMSBC Code.
- Water level detectors in ballast tank :
Audible & visual alarm when the liquid in the forward ballast tank reaches a level not
exceeding 10% of tank capacity.
- Water level detectors in dry or void space :
In each & every dry or void space of a bulk carrier, any part of which extends forward of
the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible & visual alarm at a water depth of 0.1 m in
that space.
Others :
The aim of the mandatory IMSBC Code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid
bulk cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain
types of cargo and instructions on the appropriate procedures to be adopted.
The MSC at its 79th session in December 2004 adopted an amendment to regulation 31 in
SOLAS chapter III (Life-saving appliances and arrangements) to make mandatory the carriage
of free-fall lifeboats on bulk carriers.
The resulting Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code)
was approved by the MSC at its 68th session (June 1997) and adopted by the Assembly at its
20th session (November 1997) by resolution A.862(20).
The BLU Code, which provides guidance to masters of bulk carriers, terminal operators and
other parties concerned with the safe handling, loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes, is
also linked to regulation VI/7 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended by resolution