Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Policy Brief
From our survey in and around the PNGUNRE campus, we do identify that most of the waste produced
comes from the household, market, school mess, offices and the others such as, farm. Therefore, we
come with some of the suggestion that can help minimize the waste in PNGUNRE campus such as,
communal bins, composting, recycling and landfill.
Communal bins- are containers that designed to collect waste where it will be dispersed by wind or
animals, and where it can easily be removed for transportation and disposed. Therefore, communal bins
should be emplaced at various source that produces waste.
Composting- is a simple way to minimize the waste by decomposing vegetables and other organic waste
to promote microbial activity and also it is a compost or good fertilizer that can used in the farm.
Recycling-encourage people to use proper primary disposal practices and support with waste separation.
In this way some of the separated waste could be reused such as, polythene bags and empty water
sachets can be recycled and the food waste can be composted.
Landfill- all the waste that collected from the source are transported and dumped at the landfill site and
must be back-filled with excavated soil each day in order to cover the refuse and to prevent animals to
digging up the waste and flies from breeding.
However, from the observation at the south paddock landfill, where waste is not covered or back-filled
properly there are just dumped all over the place. With that we come with a better solution to manage
our wastes and sustainable environment development. To create an incineration of waste management
through the incinerator plant through the collection, processing, recycling and generation of waste to
produce energy to supply electricity within the campus, which is cost less than fuel and also it is
sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Not only in UNRE campus but the awareness will carry out to ENBP provincial administration and the
authorities about the waste management and its facilities and the incineration waste management that
will be introduce in PNGUNRE. Will set some terms and conditions such as, collecting tax fee certain
amount or rate of waste for other sectors outside UNRE to disposed their waste. In that way it helps
generate the income to UNRE without any damage to environment and human beings.
To create or implement incineration waste is highly cost project, therefore UNRE is a sustainable
university in PNG, in which student, staffs and administration to work hand-in-hand and also to seek for
outside help or assistance such as, ENBP provincial government, NGOs and other government
departments or other statutory body of PNG government for financial support, consultation, engineers
and other expats. For their knowledge, skills and support to create better place for waste management
through the incineration of waste plant to minimize or reduce the waste production to be more
sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Final Implication/Recommendation
Provide adequate public waste bins and waste collection process, the lack of public waste bins
and adequate waste collection process is the root cause of improper waste management.
Therefore, authorities must provide adequate waste bins and skips.
Integrated Waste Management Strategy is necessary to ensure effective waste management
Waste production must be minimized and avoided where it is possible. In that way the cost of
waste management could be minimized and improve the Sustainable Environmental
Development with environmental conservation.
Current laws and regulations do not address the requirements of the municipal waste sector.
Therefore, the basis for the continual improvement of the overall legislative, including provision
of appropriate instruments and incentives mechanisms for the implementation should be
Monitoring systems for waste management should be created in order to practices well and
maintain the waste management in the survey area.
The authorities should organize awareness programmers’ informational campaigns and public
consultation process in order to involve the local communities in the waste management
In order to develop waste management options towards waste reduction, reuse, composting and
recycling, there should accurate information about waste management practices in the area.
Therefore, more scientific research is required.