• Microscopy is a technique used for making very tiny things visible to the
naked eyes and the instrument used to make things visible to the unaided
or naked eye is known as Microscope.
• The naked or unaided human eye can see the objects, which are more than
0.1 mm in size.
• Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Lipperhey are noted as the first men to
develop the concept of the compound microscope
• Single-lensed simple microscopes can magnify up to 300× and
are capable of revealing bacteria
• Brightfield Microscope
• This microscope is used to view fixed and live specimens, that have been
stained with basic stains which gives a contrast between the image and the
image background.
• It is specially designed with magnifying glasses known as lenses that modify
the specimen to produce an image seen through the eyepiece.
• For a specimen to be the focus and produce an image under the Brightfield
Microscope, the specimen must pass through a uniform beam of the
illuminating light.
• The specimens used are prepared initially by staining to introduce color for
easy contracting characterization.
• The colored specimens will have a refractive index that will differentiate it
from the surrounding, presenting a combination of absorption and refractive
• The functioning of the microscope is based on its ability to produce a high-
resolution image from an adequately provided light source, focused on the
image, producing a high-quality image.
• Light path
• The light path consists of:
• A transillumination light source, commonly a halogen lamp in the microscope
• a condenser lens, which focuses light from the light source onto the sample;
• an objective lens, which collects light from the sample and magnifies
the image;
• Performance
• When light passes through cells, small phase shifts occur, which are
invisible to the human eye.
• In a phase-contrast microscope, these phase shifts are converted into
changes in amplitude (vibration), which can be observed as differences
in image contrast.
• Light waves change phase by 180° when they reflect from the surface of
a medium with higher refractive index than that of the medium in which
they are travelling.
• In the dark-field microscope, light reaches the specimen from the sides only.
• Obstruction (Annular filter) is between light source to condenser lens.
• Light from condenser lens falls on the sample, sample scatters this light.
Scattered light then reaches to objective lens, objective lens magnifies this
• There is no need to stain the specimen
• The only light that reaches the lens is that scattered by the specimen,
and thus the specimen appears light on a dark background.
• A dark field microscope is arranged so that the light source is blocked off,
causing light to scatter as it hits the specimen.
• When light hits an object, rays are scattered in all azimuths or directions.
• The design of the dark field microscope is such that it removes the dispersed
light, or zeroth order, so that only the scattered beams hit the sample.
• The introduction of a condenser and/or stop below the stage ensures that
these light rays will hit the specimen at different angles, rather than as a
direct light source above/below the object.
• The result is a “cone of light” where rays are diffracted, reflected and/or
refracted off the object, ultimately, allowing the individual to view a
specimen in dark field.
Principles of Microscope
If the magnifying power of lens is 10X it means that the given lens can enlarge
the object up to 10 times.
Focal length is a measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges
• Resolution: The resolving power is the ability to distinguish two closely
placed points.
• The refractive index of air is 1. ‘θ’ is the half of the angle of the cone of light
that enters the microscope.
• The value of ‘Sin θ’ cannot be more than 1 because angle of entering cone of
light cannot be more than 90° and value of sin 90 is 1.
• d= 0.5 x 450 nm
• 1
• d= 225 nm 0r 0.2 μm
• Hence, the resolution limit of light microscope is 0.2 μm.
• The numerical aperture of a microscope objective is a measure of its ability
to gather light and resolve fine specimen detail at a fixed object distance.
• Application of Microscopy
• Biological sampling
• Microscopes are used in examining the ailments by getting a larger view of the
blood sample in detecting the parasites, bacteria attacking the red blood [E.
coli produce toxins (Shiga toxin)that damage RBC membranes].
• Microscope is used to study microorganisms, cells, crystalline structures, and
molecular structures.
• Blood Microscopy
• Microscopy is used to observe live blood cells especially red blood cells
(RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), plasma [liquid portion containing
coagulants mainly fibrinogen and plasma proteins (albumin and globulin)].
• Within the plasma it can observe undigested food particles, fungus, crystals,
bacteria, viruses.
• Immunohistochemistry
• It can study, identify, and diagnose a variety of antigens and antibodies
(IgG)/IgM produced that are present in diseased tissue.
• Urine Analysis
• It is used for urine analysis which can detect various types of disorders which
includes kidney disease, urithritis (inflammation of urethra), urinary tract
infection. It will involve examination of appearance, concentration as well as
content (creatine, urea, uric acid and some elements) of the urine sample.
• Crystals can be found in the urine they include triple phosphate crystals,
calcium oxalate and amorphous phosphates. Casts (cylindrical structures
produced in the kidney).
• Nanotechnology
• Biotechnology
• It is used to study cells, genes, biofilm formation
• Forensic
• In forensics, a microscope is used to study general criminal science,
forensic epidemiology (cause of disease or death in case of forensics)
and forensic pathology.
• The secondary electrons are emitted from the specimen play the primary
role of detecting the morphology and topography of the specimen.
• SEM provides magnifications up to ×300,000 and has a high spatial
resolution of less than 2 nm (as measured by gold particles on carbon).
• The source of the electrons are from tungsten filament lamps that are placed
at the top of the column.
• The electrons are emitted after thermal energy is applied to the electron
source and allowed to move in a fast motion to the anode, which has a
positive charge and resulted in the formation of beam of electrons.
• The beam of electrons interacts with the specimen to produce signals that
give information about the surface topography and composition of the
• The samples are mounted and coated with thin layer of heavy metal
elements to allow spatial scattering of electric charges on the surface of
the specimen allowing better image production, with high clarity.
• When the electrons reach the specimen, the surface releases a tiny staw of
electrons known as secondary electrons which are then trapped by a special
detector apparatus.
• When the secondary electrons reach and enter the detector, they strike a
scintillator (a luminescence material that fluoresces when struck by a charged
• This emits flashes of light which gets converted into an electric current by a
photomultiplier, sending a signal to the cathode ray tube.
• This produces an image that looks like a television picture that can be viewed
and photographed.
• The quantity of secondary electrons that enter the detector is highly
defined by the nature of the specimen i.e raised surfaces to receive high
quantities of electrons, entering the detector while depressed surfaces
have fewer electrons reaching the surface and hence fewer electrons
enter the detector.
• Electron Source – This is where electrons are produced under thermal heat at
a voltage of 1-40kV. the electrons condense into a beam that is used for the
creation of an image and analysis.
• There are three types of electron sources that can be used i. e Tungsten
filament, Lanthanum hexaboride and Field emission gun (FEG)
• Lenses – it has several condenser lenses that focus the beam of electrons from
the source through the column forming a narrow beam of electrons that form
a spot called a spot size.
• Scanning Coil – they are used to deflect the beam over the specimen surface.
• Detector – It’s made up of several detectors that are able to differentiate
the secondary electrons.
• The functioning of the detectors highly depends on the voltage speed, the
density of the specimen.
• Power supply
• Vacuum system
SEM image of Tradescantia pollen and stamens
Applications of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
• Used in the analysis of cosmetic components which are very tiny in size.
• Limitations
• The TEM operates on the same basic principles as the light microscope but
uses electrons instead of light.
• The electron beam behaves like a wavefront with wavelength about a million
times shorter than light waves
• TEM can tell us the structure, crystallization, morphology, and stress of the
specimen in a better way as compared to a simple microscope.
• The major difference is, the light microscope uses artificial light or
natural light to create an image of the specimen, whereas an electron
microscope uses electron beams.
• The heated tungsten filament or electron gun will start to release electron
• A condenser lens with a high aperture eliminates all the high angle electrons
and focused all the electron beams into a thin, small beam.
• The high-speed electron beams are now transmitted through the specimen.
• The transmitted electron beams are focused into an image with the help of an
objective lens.
• The electron beams are projected on to a phosphorescent screen, which creates
an image of the specimen, also called a micrograph.
• All the images are captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, which
is located underneath the screen.
• Parts of A Transmission Electron Microscope
• 1. Electron Gun
• Electron guns consist of four important parts, the filament, a biasing circuit, a
Wehnelt cap, and an extraction anode.
• These electron beams are now moved towards the anode plate and the TEM
• Functions:
• It generates electron beams.
• 2. Vacuum system
• 3. Specimen stage
• It has an airlocks system to insert the specimen inside the vacuum with
minimal loss of vacuum in other areas of the microscope.
• 4. Electron lens
• This disc permits the axial electrons to pass through it and exclude those
electrons that are at a distance from the optic axis.
• By this way it also removes those electrons are scattered to high angles.
Applications of the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
• The beam of electrons passes through the specimen and analyzes the internal
structure of the specimen in the form of images.
• TEMs offer the most powerful magnification, potentially over one million times
or more
• Some cells fluoresce naturally under ultraviolet light because they contain
fluorescent substances such as chlorophyll.
• If the specimen to be viewed does not naturally fluoresce, it can be
stained with fluorescent dyes called fluorochromes.
• Higher energy shorter wavelength lights (UV rays or blue light) generated
from mercury vapor arc lamp pass through the excitation filter.
• The excitation filter allows only the short wavelength of light to pass
through and removes all other non-specific wavelengths of light.
• The filtered light is reflected by the dichroic filter and falls on the
fluorophore-labeled sample. The fluorochrome absorbs shorter wavelength
rays and emits rays of longer wavelength (lower energy) that pass through
the emission filter.
• The emission filter blocks (suppresses) any residual excitation light and
passes the desired longer emission wavelengths to the detector.
• To the observer, the background is dark, as there is no visible light and only the
labeled specimen (cells, microorganisms, etc.) appear bright (fluoresce).
• Light Path In Fluorescence Microscopy/Parts of Florescence Microscopy
• The exciter filter transmits only blue lights to the specimen and blocks out all
other colors.
• The stained portion absorbs blue light and emits green light, which passes
upward penetrates the dichroic mirror and reaches the barrier filter.
• This filter allows the green light to pass to the eye; however, it blocks out
any residual blue lights from the specimen which may not have been
completely deflected by the dichroic mirror.
• Thus the eye perceives the stained portion of the specimen as glowing green
against a jet black background whereas the unstained portion of the specimen
is invisible.
• Parts of Fluorescence Microscope
• Light Source
• Most of the Fluorescence Microscope Uses Mercury light lam as a primary
source of light. This lam emits blue lights.
• Fluorescent dyes or Fluorochromes
• Fluorescent dyes are a type of chemical compound that emits light rays when
they are excited with UV, blue rays.
• Excitation filter
• It is a type of bandpass filter, which passes the wavelengths absorbed by the
• Emission filter
• Dichroic mirror
• It did not bear fruit due to lack of enough light source and a
computerized system to store the large data.
• The work was later adapted by David Egger M. and Mojmir Petran,
forming a multiple-beam confocal microscope in the late 1960s.
• Neutral density filters and a set of scanning mirrors control the intensity of
the laser light by moving them very precisely and quickly.
• One mirror tilts the beam within the X route, the opposite within the Y
route. Together, they tilt the beam in a raster style (rectangular, scan from
top to bottom).
• The fluorochrome stained sample will be excited and then it will emit
fluorescent lights.
• These fluorescent lights will travel back into the objective lens through the
same path that the laser travels.
• The main effects of these scanning mirrors are on this light is to generate a
spot of light which is not scanning, but standing still.
• Then a semi-transparent mirror (dichronic) reflects this fluorescent
light away from the laser and toward the detection system.
• After that, the PMT releases an electrical signal, which is then converted
into an image by using a computer.
• Advantages of Confocal Microscopy