Jurnal USM
Jurnal USM
Jurnal USM
Health equipment is a supporting tool for medical service facilities. Room temperature is also very
important in the placement of medical devices so that there are no errors in reading the equipment
or damage to medical devices can occur. Calibration is an activity to determine the conventional
truth of the value of the indication of measuring instruments and measuring materials by comparing
them to traceable measuring standards to national and international standards for units of measure
and/or international and certified reference materials. The method used in conducting electrical
safety test analysis and calibration on the centrifuge is ECRI, IEC 60601-2.
The results of environmental measurements at temperature and humidity meet the requirements
with a measured room temperature of 23°C and room humidity of 57.1%, the results of the
electrical safety test measurement are declared safe and measured. Protective earth resistance is
0.432mΩ, equipment leakage current is 0.1µA and insulation resistance is 11.1MΩ , the results of
the rotational speed accuracy measurement meet the tolerance limits of each value, for setting
2000RPM, 2500RPM, 3000RPM, 3500RPM, 4000RPM there is a deviation of 14.8 with an
uncertainty value of 7.0 RPM, the results of the time accuracy measurement meet the tolerance limit
with a setting value of 5 minutes (300 seconds) there is a deviation of 1.6 seconds with an
uncertainty value of 2.55 seconds, for a full automatic Centrifuge with type HC-16D with Serial No.
2H01018 declared fit for use because it meets the tolerance limit.
a. Persiapan dokumen
1. Metode kerja
2. Instruksi kerja
3. Lembar kerja
b. Persiapan alat yang akan
Pengukuran Kondisi Lingkungan
1. Siapkan alat yang akan
2. Periksa kelengkapan aksesoris
c. Persiapan alat uji/kalibrasi
1. Siapkan alat ukur keselamatan
2. Siapkan alat ukur tachometer
3. Siapkan alat ukur stopwatch Uji Keselamatan Listrik
4. Siapkan thermohygrometer
d. Pendataan adrimistrasi alat yang
diuji/kalibrasi di lembar kerja yang
minimal terdiri
Dari :
1. Catat identitas penguji
2. Catat nama alat
3. Catat merk alat
4. Catat model alat
Uji Akurasi Kecepatan Putar
5. Catan nomor seri
6. Catat ruangan
7. Catat tanggal pelaksanaan
e. Pengukuran kondisi lingkungan
1. Siapkan dan hidupkan
2. Catat suhu dan kelembaban awal
3. Catat suhu dan kelembaban akhir
Menghitung Nilai Rata-Rata Ketidakpastian Berulang
Ketidakpastian Gabungan