Chris Burns
July 12, 2007
1 Background
Pygplot is a python module which provides the user with a friendly, object-oriented inter-
face to the PGPLOT plotting library. It arose out of my first attempt at writing a complete
object-oriented package. PGPLOT is a FORTRAN (and C) library of functions which are
used to produce scientific, journal-quality plots from data1 . It requires the user call several
functions, each performing a separate task in setting up a plot (e.g., PGBEGIN opens the
graphics device, PGENV sets the ranges and draws the axes, PGLINE draws a line, etc).
Because it is written in, and primarily intended for FORTRAN, the library does not imme-
diately lend itself to interactive plotting. Also, due to the limitations of FORTRAN (or C),
there is no simple way to have default function arguments and so no easy way to have a
one-function-does-it-all interface.
Luckily, with the advent of scripting languages like python, perl and tcl, one can wrap
the FORTRAN functions in a more user-friendly guise. Nick Patavalis of the University of
Athens ( did just that and provided a python module which would
allow python to call PGPLOT functions directly. He even provided simplified versions of the
PGPLOT functions, so that the user need not provide the sizes of input arrays, for example.
However, this was still very much like calling PGPLOT functions from C or FORTRAN, only
it was done from within python. Scott Ransom ( took these
raw functions and wrapped them in a more user-friendly one-function-does-it-all interface.
I used these functions for some time, but finally felt that one should really have an object-
oriented interface to the library, but which would still lend itself to interactive plotting.
π-gplot is the result and evolved from hacking Scott Ransom’s package to pieces and putting
them in a class structure. One common aspect to all these packages is that anywhere
PGPLOT expects an array, you need to use a Numeric array. Numeric is the standard way
to work efficiently with arrays in python. There is also a new package called numarray which
will soon take over, but it will work just as well with π-gplot.
For the rest of this guide, it is assumed the reader has a working knowledge of python.
Understanding classes is not necessary, but will probably help in some of the discussion. A
casual browsing of the PGPLOT manual is also recommended.
2 A Simple Example
To give the user an idea of what π-gplot offers, let’s look at a simple example of a plotting
session and how it would be accomplished in FORTRAN and then with π-gplot. Suppose
PGPLOT is freely available for non-commercial use and is copyrighted by the California Institute of
Technology. See their webpage at http://www.astro.caltech.ed/˜tjp/pgplot/
we have an array X and Y and wish to plot one versus the other. In FORTRAN, you would
need to know the size of the arrays and also their minimum and maximum values so that
you know what range to use when plotting. Let’s say that N is the size of X and Y and
that XMIN, XMAX, YMIN and YMAX are the limits of the graph. We want a title, say
“X versus Y” and x and y axis labels: “X” and “Y”. For now, we can just connect the data
with lines. The FORTRAN code would look something like:
CALL PGLAB(’X’, ’Y’, ’X versus Y’)
Notice that all the information about the plot must be provided. There is no default
behaviour, no way to just say “plot X versus Y” and use an x- and y-range that makes
everything fit. For more complicated behaviour, there will be more function calls. Also, if
you want to make any changes, you need to re-compile your program and re-run it. Now
let’s look how this would happen in π-gplot:
import pygplot
plot = pygplot.Plot(title="X versus Y", xlabel="X", ylabel="Y")
While it doesn’t look like we’ve gained in the number of calls to functions, we have gained
a lot of versatility. Notice that nowhere do I need to know the size of the array x and y, nor
do I need to specify a range for x and y: π-gplot handles that automatically. Of course, I
could always force the issue by telling the Plot() constructor what the range is. You could
also go back and change the xrange interactively:
plot.xrange = [0.0, 10.0]
then when you were happy with the preview window, close the display, change the device to
a postscript file, say, and plot it out:
and you now have the file called that you can print.
option Summary Default
aspect The aspect ratio (height/width) of the plot. Device specific
1.0 produces a square plot
color Color with which objects are drawn (lines, Foreground color
symbols, etc).
device PGPLOT device to which the plot is sent ’/XWIN’
font Font with which to print labels, title, etc. 1
fsize Font size with which to print the labels. 1.0
id Whether or not to print the user ID under 0
the plot (1=yes, 0=no)
linestyle Line style of the data lines and arrows. 1
linewidth Width of data lines. 1
noleftlable, norightlabel, Sometimes the first/last tick labels on the PGPLOT default be-
notoplabel, nobottomlabel x/y axes overlap. Set any or all of these to 1 haviour
to suppress the first tick labels.
symbol Default symbol to use for plotting points. 1
ticks Draw ticks ’in’, ’out’ or ’both’. ’in’
title The title of the plot None
width Width of all other lines in the plot (axes, 1
arrows, etc)
xaxis, yaxis Whether or not to draw the x or y zero-axes. 0
xformat, yformat The format to plot the x and y tick labels. Normal decimal num-
If this is “dms”, the tick values are inter- bers
preted as arc-seconds and are converted into
degrees, minutes and seconds. If “hms”, tick
values are interpreted as seconds and labels
are converted to hours, minutes and seconds.
xgrid, ygrid Draw a grid at major tick marks in the x and No grid is drawn
y directions. Set this to the color of the grid.
x2format, y2format Same as xformat and yformat, but for the Normal decimal num-
secondary axes. bers
xrange, yrange The x and y range to plot (both should be 2 auto range
element lists).
x2range, y2range The x and yrange for the secondary axes. auto range
xlabel, ylabel The x and y labels. None
x2label, y2label The secondary x and y labels. None
xlog, ylog Whether or not to use logarithmic axes for x 0
and/or y axes.
x2log, y2log Whether or not to use logarithmic secondary 0
4 Common Attributes
Many of the PGPLOT objects use attributes that are common. Here, I cover several ones
which will come back again and again.
4.1 Color
Each PGPLOT device has a number of colors that are available. Typically, there are 16 colors
available for plotting lines and labels, but there could be more or fewer (e.g., a B/W printer
has only two colors). The color 0 is the background color and 1 is the foreground color and
is usually the default. In π-gplot, you can also specify colors by their string representations:
’red’, ’green’, ’blue’, etc. Table 2 shows the first 16 colors defined in most color tables and
their string equivalents. Note, however, that the string ’black’ is set to the background value
0 and ’white’ is set to the foreground value 1. This is the way the X-windows viewer is setup.
However, on other devices (PS, for example), it will be the opposite. For this reason, there
is also an ’fg’ and ’bg’ string which may be less confusing.
4.2 linestyle
Most line objects take this option. There are 5 linestyles to choose from:
1. full line,
2. long dashes,
3. dash-dot-dash-dot,
4. dotted,
5. dash-dot-dot-dot.
4.3 linewidth
This option is an integer and specifies the width of a line in multiples of 0.005 inches (0.13
mm). The exact result depends on the device.
4.4 fsize and size
Fsize controls the font size of any labels and size controls the size of symbols. They are
specified with a floating point number in units of the default height (which is 1/40th of the
width or height of the display, whichever is smaller).
4.5 font
This controls the font used to plot labels. It’s value can be an integer between 1 and 4,
corresponding to PGPLOT’s 4 fonts:
1. normal font
2. Roman font
3. Italic font
4. Script font
5 X-Y Plots
Once the Plot instance has been created, you add content by calling its member functions.
The simplest of these are the ones which produce 2-D plots (x vs. y). They require two
arrays: the x and y values to plot. The member function line() connects the data with a
line, symbol() plots the data with symbols and error() lets you draw error bars.
5.4 Error Bars
The error() function is used to plot errorbars. The required arguments are two arrays,
corresponding to the centers of the error bars. One can specify up to four other arrays with
the same length as x and y: dx1, dx2, dy1 and dy2. If only dx1 is specified, the errorbars are
drawn with a width of dx1 in the positive and negative directions (total width of 2×dx1).
If dx1 and dx2 are both specified, horizontal errorbars are drawn with upper limits given
by dx1 and lower limits given by dx2. Similar rules apply to dy1 and dy2. The options
linestyle, width and color can also be specified with obvious effects.
5.5 Histograms
The histogram() function can be used to bin and plot a histogram of data. The only
required argument is a vector of data. The routine will then figure out the bins (by default,
10 bins equally spaced between the largest and smallest value of the input data) and draw
the rectangles representing the histogram. There are three arguments which control the bins:
nbin, low and high. The routine will bin the data into nbin bins between low and high. If
an element of the data lies on a boundary, it is placed in the upper bin. The histogram()
function also takes the usual arguments color, linestyle and linewidth, which control the
outline of histogram. To control the filling of the bars, use fill, fillstyle, and fillcolor.
The argument fill is simply a boolean: whether or not to fill the bars. The fillstyle
argument controls how the filling is done (1- solid, 2- outline, 3- hatched, 4- cross-hatched).
fillcolor will determine the color used to fill the bars.
5.6 Example
Here is a complete example of a python session which creates some data and plots it out
using symbols, lines and error bars.
This session produces the graph shown in Figure 1, which by default will be plotted on an
5.7 Labels
There are several types of labels in PGPLOT: title, axis labels and labels which can be
placed arbitrarily within the plotting area. We’ve already seen how titles and axis labels are
Figure 1: Graph produced by the example of section 5.6
produced. To add other labels in a plot, use the label() member function. This function
has 3 required arguments: the (x,y) position of the label and the string to plot. Three other
arguments have already been discussed: font, color and size. There are two other arguments
which can be provided: just and angle. This argument just controls the justification of
the label relative to the (x,y) coordinates and ranges from 0.0 (left justified) to 1.0 (right
justified). The argument angle allows the label to be printed at an angle relative to the
x-axis (in degrees).
New in 0.91: you can specify a width for the label (in world coordinates). If the label is
wider than this width, it will be split over multiple lines. In this case the option vjust will
control how the multiple lines are vertically justified. If vjust is 0, the bottom of the entire
label is aligned at (x,y). If vjust is 1, the top is aligned with (x,y). vjust can also be any
fraction in between.
There is also a bbox argument that can be set to make a bounding box around the label.
If bbox is a single color, a simple rectangle is drawn around the label. If bbox is a list of 2
colors, the first is used to draw a bounding rectangle and the second is used to fill in that
rectanble before printing the label.
All labels in PGPLOT can contain special escape characters which allows the user to mix
roman and Greek letters, special characters, and use subscripting and superscripting. This
is all well documented in the PGPLOT manual and will not be reproduced here2 .
• dec: force decimal tick labels
• disp: displacement of tick labels away from the axis in units of character height (default
is 0.3).
• dmajl: length of the major tick to the left of the axis in units of character height.
5.9 Legend
New in version 0.9 is the ability to make a legend automatically. This is accomplished in
a two-step process. First, when you plot points or lines using the line() and point()
functions, specify a label using the label argument. Any data with a label specified will
be included in the legend.
Next, you simply call the legend() member function before calling the plot function.
There are, of course, several options to specify how the legend is plotted. The usual argu-
ments font, fsize, and color have obvious effects.
The legend is drawn relative to one of the four corners of the plot. By specifying
position, you can change this. The default is to put the legend in the upper-right (position
= ’ur’), but you can also choose lower-right (lr), lower-left (ll), or upper-left (ul). You
can specify how far the legend should be offset from the axes by specifying dx and dy (in
world coordinates). You can also impose a maximum height and width for the legend. If
the legend is larger than the maximum width, the lines are split. If the legend is larger than
the specified height, the font is scaled to make it fit. Lastly, you can specify a bounding box
be drawn around the legend. Use the optional argument bbox in the same was as the label
command (see section 5.7).
6 Contour Plots
Contour plots are constructed in much the same way as x-y plots, however more information
may be needed in this case. First, the contour() function requires a 2 dimensional array
(matrix). In order to contour this data, we need to know at what levels to contour and
also how to convert pixel coordinates into the world coordinates of the graph. If no other
information is given to contour(), the contour levels will be computed automatically: ten
contours, equally spaced between the lowest and highest pixel values. Likewise, the default
world coordinates will be equivalent to the pixel coordinates. More often, you will want to
control the contour levels and world coordinate transformations, which is described in the
next two sections.
6.1 Contour Levels
There are several ways to specify the contour levels. The most direct method is to simply
specify the levels as a list or array, using the contours argument. The other ways are more
automatic. First, one can simply specify the low, high and ncontours arguments. In this
case ncontours levels, equally spaced between high and low will be used. Lastly, one can
also specify a user-defined function by way of the cfunc argument, which will generate the
contour levels. The function should take 3 arguments: the value of low, high and ncontours.
It should then return a tuple of contour levels. This function will then be called automatically
by the plot() function.
A non-zero value for tr[2] and/or tr[4] will produce shear and/or rotation of the coordinate
6.4 Example
Here is a python session that creates a two-dimensional array and draws contours of that
Figure 2: Graph produced by the example in section 6.4
7 Images
PGPLOT allows one to plot a two-dimensional array as a grey-scale or color image on the
graphing area. The syntax for this is similar to the contouring function, but instead of
contour levels, you need to specify a color map, or palette, to tell PGPLOT how pixel values
are mapped to a specific color. Use the Plot() instance’s image() function to work with
images. It’s only required argument is the array to be displayed.
You can also specify a non-linear map between pixel value and color by specifying the
transfer argument. There are several options which are also listed with pygplot.list palettes().
You can also run the test program test to get a table of all the different
palettes and transfer functions.
There is also an autocut attribute that you can use to automatically choose the low and
high cuts. Set autocut to the percentage of pixels you wish to be included between low and
high. This is especially useful in astronomical images, where there might be bright point
sources which would normally dominate the color map, keeping you from seeing the lower
brightness structure in the image.
7.3 Example
In this example, we extend the previous example in section 6.4 by adding a color image on
the background.
8 Panels
The native PGPLOT allows for multiple plots on a single device “page”. Essentially, it
subdivides each page into sub-pages and plots full graphs (complete with title and axis
labels) in each sub-page. However, it is often desirable to have multiple plots on the same
page, but with adjacent graphs sharing axes. Figure 4 shows the difference between the two
cases. The left-hand plot was produced using the MPlot() class and the right-hand one was
produced using the Panel() command. Both classes work the same way: you produce a
Panel or MPlot instance and use it’s add() member function to add Plot instances. When
you have filled all the sub-plots, you run the Panel or MPlot instance’s plot() and close()
functions. Figure 4 shows the results of this example.
Figure 3: Graph produced by the example in section 7.3
The Panel and MPlot have two mandatory arguments: nx and ny, the number of sub-
plots in the x and y directions, respectively. There are two optional arguments device and
aspect, which behave in the same was as the Plot class.
As an example, here is the python code which produced the plots show in Figure 4. The
only difference between the first and second of the graphs is the use of Panel instead of
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygplot
import Numeric
from math import *
global sigma
sigma = float(sigma)
return Numeric.exp(-(xx**2 + yy**2)/sigma)
9 Interactive Sessions
One of the major incentives for π-gplotwas to make something that would allow interactive
plotting. The basic philosophy in designing the object oriented interface was to keep all the
objects’ attributes as member variables. In this way, one could change attributes such as
font or linestyle and then replot. In this way, one can iterate on the displayed graph
until satisfied, then produce a hardcopy by changing the device attribute of the top-level
Each object in π-gplothas a member variable called options. This is a dictionary holding
the PGPLOT attributes that affect the object’s appearance. Therefore, one can get a quick
overview of the current state of an object’s attributes by printing out the options:
When the user calls the line, symbol, contour or any of the other member functions
that produce graph elements, an object is created behind the scenes. If you want to be able
to alter these elements later on (say, change the symbol of a data set), then you need to keep
a reference to that object, which is returned by the member functions. For example, say we
want to plot data x and y with symbol 0, but later change our minds:
10 Miscellaneous Functions
There are several helper functions in π-gplot. They are listed here, along with a short
synopsis of their function.
1. columns(filename): Read in a file of tabulated data and return the data as an array:
each row of the array corresponding to a column in the data file. It will recognize
space-, comma-, tab- or semi-colon-delimited columns.
3. list palettes(): Outputs a list of available palettes which can be used with images.
sub-panel you wish to select. Lastly, because the device needs to be open, you need to call
the instance’s plot() function before you can call the select() function and subsequently
any ppgplot functions. Here follows an example of using the PGPLOT functions directly.
Also note that as of version 0.7, the ppgplot module is located below the pygplot module,
so you need to import it using import pygplot.ppgplot.
11.1 Example
In this python session, we setup a 2 × 2 multi-plot. Then we draw in some arrows using
ppgplot.pgarro(). The results are shown in Figure 5.
12 API Documentation
I’ve used docstrings throughout the π-gplot code. This has two advantages: (1) you can use
the help() function in interactive python sessions to get documentation (try help(pygplot.Plot.line)
or help(pygplot)), and (2) I can automatically generate this documentation in HTML and
LATEX format. Along with this manual, you will find a file api.tex, which has all the function
call summaries and brief explanations. Please report any omissions and/or inconsistencies.
You can also find this API in HTML form in the html directory shipped with π-gplot and
also online at burns/pygplot.