Hinduism Dharmashastra
Yājñavalkya has introduced two more topics viz. (1) abhyupetyāśuśrūṣā and (2)
prakīrṇaka, thereby deviating from the eighteenfold division of vyavahārapadas as
given by Manu. Moreover, the topic krayavikrayānuśaya is divided into two, thus
raising the vyavahārapadas, in all, twenty. Nārada also follows the changes
introduced by Yājñavalkya. He has added the two topics and split one topic into
two like Yājñavalkya. Svāmīpālavivāda has been separately discussed in Manu and
Yājñavalkya, but Nārada deals it as a part of sīmāvivāda. Yājñavalkya has treated
adultery or strīsaṃgrahaṇa as an independent topic, while Nārada discusses it
under the title strīpuṃsayoga. Both Manu and Yājñavalkya have treated
vākpāruṣya and daṇḍapāruṣya as individual title of laws, while Nārada describes
both in one chapter. Nārada includes steya under sāhasa and in the appendix.
These are the main characteristics of vyavahārapadas in Manu, Yājñavalkya and
Nārada, which help to show the contribution and advancement of Yājñavalkya
towards the branches or divisions of law that regulated the rights and liabilities of
parties in a legal proceeding.